What's The STUPIDEST Thing Someone Told You With CONFIDENCE?

  • Опубліковано 15 вер 2024


  • @iononcantomascrivo
    @iononcantomascrivo 8 місяців тому +13

    I knew a lady who claimed to be a show business extraordinaire: 20 years in the industry, experience behind and in front of the camera, writer, producer, actress, the whole nine yards. She clearly had rehearsed this claim and said it so often, she believed it. I fact checked her resume on the spot and it turned out she was a grifter with zero skills and even less talent. She didn't like being called out and tried to retaliate, by trying to plagiarize my work which crossed the line from being a delusional narcissist to being a criminal. She was already a laughing stock but after what she did to me, I made sure her reputation ended up in the toilet.

  • @annettegustafson1435
    @annettegustafson1435 8 місяців тому +11

    A friend recounted how he watched his girlfriend pour a drink from a 2 liter bottle of soda, take a sip, then pour it down the drain. She then proceeded to pour herself another glass from the same bottle. He asked her what she was doing and she replied that the first glass was flat, and she thought there would be more carbonation further down in the bottle.

    • @HH-ru4bj
      @HH-ru4bj 6 місяців тому +1

      That's...that's awesome. I joke with my niece about making the water flat because she dropped it, and yes she knows I'm joking.

  • @aniE1869
    @aniE1869 8 місяців тому +6

    I had a coworker who insisted that type 1 diabetes was curable, but the type 2 was a progression of the same condition, but at an incredible stage. We worked at a hospital at the time.🤔

  • @GromMolotok
    @GromMolotok 8 місяців тому +7

    20x20=40. Absolute conviction and argumentative. And I was outvoted on 400 by two to one. Of course, not one of us the three of us was eight years old yet, so maybe there should be some slack.

  • @hodgeelmwood8677
    @hodgeelmwood8677 8 місяців тому +4

    That last story: You won't need oxygen because you'll be dead! DO NOT INGEST ESSENTIAL OILS. Only food-grade oils should be ingested, but always, always make sure they ARE food grade.

  • @jackukridge5381
    @jackukridge5381 8 місяців тому +21

    'Its not fair to tax the rich because they earned all that money themselves.'
    She was deadly serious.

    • @HH-ru4bj
      @HH-ru4bj 6 місяців тому +1

      Should have asked her if that means she should be taxed because she didn't earn her money, then follow up with what do taxes do.

  • @elephantheart9988
    @elephantheart9988 8 місяців тому +3

    I don't have a specific example, but I always notice when people gossip about peers while they're not around.
    If someone talks bad about their other friends while they're not around, you can be certain they talk down on you while you're not around too.
    People give themselves away and reveal how they will treat YOU by how they let you see them treating others.

  • @grandshadowseal
    @grandshadowseal 8 місяців тому +10

    I mean the first guys not completely wrong some animals have a penile bone but just not humans 😅

  • @PolinaLee94
    @PolinaLee94 8 місяців тому +6

    My favourite is when a teacher incorrectly corrected my spelling, power tripped and, by making a scene to try to humiliate me, made a fool of herself instead.
    This one time a teacher claimed i misspelled a word. It was a simple word i was confident in, so i refused to agree with her. We argued for a while, debating the reasons for our spelling, so i told her word's origin that made it impossible for her to be right. This sent my teacher into a power trip, she raged "How dare a student say a teacher is wrong! What do you know?". I refused to back down even more fiercly, because now it was not about spelling, it was about an outdated and damaging moral she wanted to use to make herself right just because. As we both grew more and more angry, my teacher demanded we go to an older teacher who "would put me in my place". Well, we stormed into another classroom and my teacher loudly asked the older teacher "The word is spelled this way, right?". She was wearing a very smug "you are about to get wooped" expression on her face. However, the older teacher told her she spelled the word wrong and even repeated the origin story i told before. She was confused to why we stormed in and why my teacher even asked her about something this simple. They were no other students there, but i wish there was a class full of them.
    Googling the word would have taken much less effort and didn't require making a scene, i am glad we went another way.

    • @HH-ru4bj
      @HH-ru4bj 6 місяців тому

      We used to settle such disputes with a dictionary. Whoever could hurl it further was right.

  • @seancarter7742
    @seancarter7742 8 місяців тому +4

    “Canada is part of the United States.” That person plays too much Fallout…

    • @junknstuff8501
      @junknstuff8501 4 місяці тому

      They're technically right & wrong. So in the States we use "American" & "US Citizen" interchangeably, just as we do "America" & the "United States". All legal residents of Canada, Mexico & the US are Americans. Only those legally residents in the US are US Citizens. I'm sure it was meant more like a slip of the tongue & they meant America.

  • @Roguecooley
    @Roguecooley 8 місяців тому +12

    I think some of the worst ones I ever hear people say is that humans weren’t meant to eat meat. The worst part is that this person got the idea from a documentary on veganism and that they work at a veterinary clinic. I can’t understand where she forgot about biology but I guess it is what it is.

  • @xlx4248
    @xlx4248 8 місяців тому +12

    A girl in my Global History class tried to tell me India is in Europe! 🇮🇳

    • @HH-ru4bj
      @HH-ru4bj 6 місяців тому +1

      I can sorta see that, like if they didn't know the arbitrary line separating Europe from Asia, sorta like Canada is in the Americas, because it's on the continent of North America, and not because it belongs to the United States.

    • @junknstuff8501
      @junknstuff8501 4 місяці тому

      @@HH-ru4bj very true. People from Mexico, USA & Canada are all "Americans" but only those with US citizenship are United States Citizens.

    • @NewLegacy93
      @NewLegacy93 4 місяці тому

      She was probably thinking of Indiana

    • @xlx4248
      @xlx4248 4 місяці тому

      @@NewLegacy93 No, she wasn’t.

  • @cupcakesrgreat78
    @cupcakesrgreat78 8 місяців тому +4

    My ex and I got into an argument because he said Gary, Indiana was a suburb of Chicago, Illinois, which are both places I previously lived for years. I finally asked him if the U.S. was also a suburb of Canada or if Mexico was a suburb of Texas 😂😂😂

  • @Scugzerker
    @Scugzerker 8 місяців тому +4

    I normally have near perfect self control, but not sure what would happen if I cross paths with someone that stupid.
    Correction: someone who's permanently stupid. Everyone has those moments where your brain has turned off, but some just take it to the next level.

  • @walterstevens5678
    @walterstevens5678 8 місяців тому +3

    I don’t have the ability to be knocked unconscious. I still think about that dummy to this day.

  • @philw245
    @philw245 8 місяців тому +3

    My elder sister once asked if it snowed at sea, I said yes but it didn't settle, and she couldn't understand why not.

  • @tesshorrorshow336
    @tesshorrorshow336 6 місяців тому +2

    I once commented to one of my teachers (can't recall which or what year) the irony that WWI was called 'the war to end all wars'. They just confidently said "well, there...were no wars after that." in a tone that suggested they were surprised I didn't know this information.
    Still trying to figure that one out.

  • @fakshen1973
    @fakshen1973 8 місяців тому +3

    The other day a woman I was talking to told me that cats were descendants of snakes... because they have the same eye. I tried to explain how mammals and reptiles are not... the... I let it go and just nodded. It was a lost cause.

  • @P-Artsypants
    @P-Artsypants 8 місяців тому +5

    A friend of mine thought that the Donner party was actually the 'Dahmer Party.' She thought it was a dinner party hosted by Jeffery Dahmer where the guests ate people. I thought it was a joke at first, but no. She's 34.

  • @jacoballred
    @jacoballred 8 місяців тому +2

    I'm a drug free person. Found out by an open window as a drug addict told on himself. That I was only an enemy to his friends. Because of being drug free. Dodging a Bullet.

  • @moonythespoonie9551
    @moonythespoonie9551 8 місяців тому +2

    Friend of mine was told not to lift something heavy once because, to quote their account of the situation, "hEaVy LiFtInG wIlL rUpTuRe YoUr EgGs" (emphasis not mine)

  • @italex827
    @italex827 8 місяців тому +3

    My cousin is a high school sophomore. At Thanksgiving last year We were talking about the upcoming Universal park epic universe in Orlando. And how it's gonna be the 3rd largest theme park in North America. She asked where's South America? My sister and I shared a look that said bruh, you serious?

  • @hallieebeth2850
    @hallieebeth2850 7 місяців тому +2

    Second story reminds me of an old coworker I had 😅
    My mother in law was on hospice with brain cancer (Glioblastoma) and told me that I should give mil some kind of dog dewormer to cure her cancer….
    Ohhhhkay girl you’re cut off from tik tok.

  • @silviac221
    @silviac221 8 місяців тому +3

    I have two things to say. 1) Being a teacher myself, the stories about ignorant teachers make me wonder if they're really people who got a degree as a teacher. In case somebody doesn't know, to become a teacher one needs to learn about the discipline you'll be teaching and also about how that discipline is taught. You don't teach Math or History in the same way. I know that people who give classes aren't necessarily trained the right way, so perhaps some of these cases, at least, are due to schools hiring anybody who knows a little about a topic to give classes as if they knew what they're doing.
    2) Not what a student said, but what he asked me. I'm a university professor, and students have to write a couple of essays in my course. We begin by explaining what an essay is: its history, characteristics, etc. This student had a clear inferiority complex. He was friends with three or four other people who were all top of the class, but he wasn't. So he was always asking questions to try to prove that he knew more than his teachers and the students. This time, he asked: "Did Aristotle write essays?" with a smug face. I answered: "If you're asking if he was trying to write essays, clearly not because he wrote about 25 centuries ago and essays are much more recent, as we've seen. And if you're asking if we could call his writings essays, I've never really thought of that and I don't think I will." He had no answer. A student two rows closer to the front of the class looked at me and made a gesture that meant "There!" Everybody was tired of this little guy.

  • @nicholascasey6473
    @nicholascasey6473 8 місяців тому +3

    Oil was found on mars. Just not the kind from the decomposition of biomatter. (Or hopefully not). Geothermal activity and chemical imbalances in the atmosphere can cause oil deposits to form. Which is why oil on earth is actually renewable at a rate greater than we are using it by several magnitudes. It is just whether or not we can actually siphon the deposits that causes scarcity.

  • @Placker8102
    @Placker8102 7 місяців тому

    I worked at a call center and i had a lady call about international roaming fee she was getting on her bill. She was an elderly lady that lived in an assisted living facility and never left the United States. I asked my boss, the team lead, what could be causing it. She said the lady was picking up a cell phone tower from Mexico. I told her she lived in Florida. My lead with her full chest told me that she was picking up a cell tower in Mexico and if i didnt tell the lady that's whats happening she would write me up for insubordination. I told her that i wasnt going to tell this lady that because there was a 1000s miles of water between Florida and Mexico. The team laughed and i got wrote up for insubordination. The lady never found out why she was getting international roaming charges.

  • @boardmike82
    @boardmike82 8 місяців тому +3

    I was telling some girls about the time i got hit by a van.
    One asked, did you survive?

  • @ferretqueen2908
    @ferretqueen2908 8 місяців тому +2

    Someone tried to convince me plants had feelings, particularly pain and fear. Even though I tried pointing out the obvious requirement of having a brain and nervous system, this person continued to insist and that there had even been studies that showed plants "shaking in fear". Fml

  • @gundamheavyarms4879
    @gundamheavyarms4879 7 місяців тому +1

    Fun fact: Alaska can be called the easternmost and westernmost state because the Aleutian Islands cross the 180 degree meridian.
    Someone once confidently told me that the last time the United States was invaded was the War of 1812. I informed him that the last time the US had been invaded was when the IJN occupied two islands in the Aleutian chain in Alaska, which was a territory at the time.
    He was convinced that Alaska wasn't part of the US until 1959, when it achieved statehood. No amount of arguing or evidence could convince him otherwise. For context, we've been part of the US since being bought in 1867.

  • @Wendy_O._Koopa
    @Wendy_O._Koopa 7 місяців тому

    Someone, right here on UA-cam once replied to me "I didn't make an ad hominem attack, I just insulted you!"

  • @joshuaeskridge1241
    @joshuaeskridge1241 8 місяців тому +2

    My buddy believes that you get taxed more for biweekly pay compared to weekly pay....

  • @FilosophicalPharmer
    @FilosophicalPharmer 6 місяців тому

    Had a coworker named Doug who was known for his “Dougism’s”. A reporter from the local newspaper was sent to interview someone who saw a few C-130’s flying over the local lake. Doug was quoted as saying, “I just want to know one thing - where they came from and where they’re going!”😂

  • @italex827
    @italex827 8 місяців тому +2

    One time I was playing Puyo Puyo Tetris with one of my friends. He told me he was colorblind. I said really? We've know each other for years. And you never once brought that up.

  • @notmuch_23
    @notmuch_23 8 місяців тому +1

    "'La Quinta' means 'Behind Denny's'" 🤣🤣🤣

  • @silentopinion
    @silentopinion 8 місяців тому +1

    "Duh gub'ment controls duh clouds."

  • @smithsmith1956
    @smithsmith1956 8 місяців тому +2

    That the earth is flat and we live in a dome. I used to work with a flat earther. He was insufferable.

  • @Littleseohs
    @Littleseohs 7 місяців тому

    My supervisor once told me that bank facing the bills reduces the chance for mistakes by 99%. And most of what they're referring to was that the like $1 bills didn't have a $5 infiltrate their pile.
    By the way it was the sups job to count the safe every night and yes we were off every night leading to checking everything in the safe room 3x. The reason usually was they miscounted a drawer or they missed a stack of bills ($1s were in bundles of 25, $5s in 20, $10s in 10), or my favorite straight up counting wrong (it was often and in my defense of irritation it was usually them holding like 5 bills and having 23 on the table and telling me 30). I tried to help but definitely rough navigating correcting a supervisor on their counting.

  • @DumbAsh00
    @DumbAsh00 5 місяців тому +1

    My stepdad accused my mom of cheating and hiding texts because he download a file explorer and kept finding ".txt" files. No matter how many times i explained file formats he just couldn't get it.

  • @kavinaderrow3269
    @kavinaderrow3269 8 місяців тому +4

    "Popping your jaw causes lockjaw, aka TMJ."
    Uh, no, Mom. Lockjaw is another name for tetanus, and TMJ *is* the lower jaw.

    • @smithsmith1956
      @smithsmith1956 8 місяців тому

      I'd used to get told popping you're knuckles cause arthritis. Turns out, its actually beneficial.

  • @richardlanier2113
    @richardlanier2113 7 місяців тому +1

    American here. I have met multiple fellow Americans who say that we speak American. I try to tell them that no we speak English, but I either get a confused look or I get looked at like I'm the stupid one. Also many of my fellow Americans do not understand that the Spanish language comes from Spain. I've actually heard someone say white people shouldn't speak Spanish. 🤦

  • @ChrisBear1989
    @ChrisBear1989 3 місяці тому

    ..."You don't need a mask because you're blind"(Or close to what was said)
    The stupid.... its off the charts.

  • @jimnoort5391
    @jimnoort5391 8 місяців тому +2

    The guy has never driven a car with rims before? Just what does he think the tires are mounted on?

  • @theresaderse-nosacek5236
    @theresaderse-nosacek5236 7 місяців тому

    The first one, actually several animals do have a penial bone. The walrus has the longest one and can be up to 6 feet long

  • @IShy2
    @IShy2 7 місяців тому

    This isn't in real life but it's funny non the less, watching little kids show for nostalgia sure gets me to say out loud "This show is full of idiots"

  • @myself2noone
    @myself2noone 3 місяці тому

    0:15 in every other species of great ape that's actually true. So it's less dumb than you would think. Still seems like something you probably should have noticed at that point.

  • @myself2noone
    @myself2noone 3 місяці тому

    5:25 The sun dose have enough gold in it to create a planet a little smaller than Earth. Maybe that's what the guy heard.

  • @labyrinthgirl17
    @labyrinthgirl17 5 місяців тому

    A girl in my junior year of high school: "I know where my jeans come from! Wal-Mart!" (We were talking about genes and DNA.)
    A person that called my grandpa's place when I was a teen: "I'm so sorry to hear of your loss, would next week be a better time to call her?" (They wanted to speak to my recently deceased grandma; that was their response after I told them she had passed.)
    My grandpa: "You can lose height, just like you lose weight."
    My late mom: "I can't find my keys, has anyone seen my keys?" (They were always in her hand, and every time, I'd start giggling.)

  • @JayLee-bv3vw
    @JayLee-bv3vw 6 місяців тому +1

    Rule #1: trust no one. This one rule will save you from a lot of trouble.

  • @xChaosFlower
    @xChaosFlower 8 місяців тому +1

    You cant outsmart stupid. Stupid people WILL out-stupid you. People call me edgy or what other names you can think of for believing that. But argue with a stupid person and find out

    • @philw245
      @philw245 8 місяців тому

      Never argue with a stupid person, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

  • @dracodarkheartgaming2357
    @dracodarkheartgaming2357 8 місяців тому

    It is possible that there is Oil on Mars. But I wouldn't count on it.

  • @Aw3someOpZ
    @Aw3someOpZ 7 місяців тому

    Diabetus is cured by sea water. - guy I hired to paint the inside of my house.

  • @danielpalecek4090
    @danielpalecek4090 7 місяців тому

    4:10 well, there are some hydrocarbons in space, mainly methane and ethane, which are gas at room temperature and pressure, and wouldn't work for most cars. there are already power plants getting energy from burning methane and ethane, but getting it from moon and mars would be way more expensive than using clean energy. we are way closer to fusion energy than to moon oil energy.
    by the time we'll be able to do this we'll probably be getting 70% energy from fusion and all cars will be electric.
    16:24 yes, that is taught in high school biology.

  • @AshKetchum442
    @AshKetchum442 5 місяців тому

    the “black people have six toes” to a black person sounds like the BIL just wanted to see OP’s feet

  • @jacksonbarkerthebluehairedfox
    @jacksonbarkerthebluehairedfox 7 місяців тому

    16:27 Apparently way back when this was a common excuse as to why women weren't allowed to do certain things while men can.
    "Why can't women ride trains? They simply move too fast for their bodies to handle and their ovaries will fall out!"

  • @PaulaCollins-wc1hn
    @PaulaCollins-wc1hn 8 місяців тому

    That 1st one though

  • @codm22712
    @codm22712 8 місяців тому +1

    The stupidest thing was how does money get made when I told them how just seid nop it’s made from grass and bushes she was 27 btw

  • @Jenny-vm3yu
    @Jenny-vm3yu 8 місяців тому

    Story 2. WOW I have no words

  • @Wendy_O._Koopa
    @Wendy_O._Koopa 7 місяців тому

    That Rocket League one sounds rough... who chose white vs green? I'm not colorblind, but I do know that in the Black & White era of movies, they used to use a lot of green because it looked "more white" on film than white did. In a roundabout way, that's why Frankenstein's Monster and vampires have green faces these days, because they were supposed to look extra pale... because they were dead. Anyhow, I _assume_ to a colorblind person, the shirts would look white and whiter, but I could be wrong.

  • @Plata4x
    @Plata4x 25 днів тому

    “I’m voting for Biden” 😂😂😂😂

  • @justinbradford6086
    @justinbradford6086 6 місяців тому

    We can use oil longer than we can use solar the amount of precious metals that takes to make solar we will run out before we do oil

  • @RuskThunder
    @RuskThunder 7 місяців тому

    7:30 I love war history, mostly the technological advancements of just 60 years from the American Civil War to ww2, but that lady, I would go to war with her

  • @gregchandler900
    @gregchandler900 8 місяців тому

    Tom Hanks drinks baby blood

  • @stangace20
    @stangace20 8 місяців тому +1

    Did the guy in story five mean Indiana instead of India? I’m getting very confused how there are conservative Americans in India? Lol.

  • @junknstuff8501
    @junknstuff8501 4 місяці тому

    To be fair...Canada IS part of North America, so is Mexico but definitely not part of the USA. They could of just had a slip of the tongue. Another fun Fact is that technically Canadians & Mexicans are Americans. Those of us from the States are both American & United States Citizens.

  • @furnaceheadgames9001
    @furnaceheadgames9001 8 місяців тому

    2:25 ona li ko pona

  • @GamingXenZen
    @GamingXenZen 8 місяців тому +1

    Name of game please and platform

  • @xezzee
    @xezzee 7 місяців тому

    Nothing major just minor.
    Not sure which is more stupid.
    Friends often tell me something like it was common knowledge and then proceed to claim I am a moron for not knowing that abstract information which is their niche. This applies to a lot of people. A lot of people assume that the things they know is some how common knowledge. For examples everyone who asks me what music I listen I tell I don't listen music and then are astounded that I can't name single band and their band members as well the name of song.
    Or one of our Friend who is going to argue against Facts. It is as bad as talking to Flat Earther who refuses to accept your facts and opinions and will always believe the Earth is Flat. Most Hilarious was when I asked something like what comes after 12pm and they say 1am and then everyone in the group chat arguing with them for literally for hour that after 12PM comes 1PM! 🤣

  • @hodgeelmwood8677
    @hodgeelmwood8677 8 місяців тому

    Story 11: GOP pol, no doubt.

  • @impishrebel5969
    @impishrebel5969 8 місяців тому +1

    12:07 Well this is one case where the OP is the one confidently incorrect... aaand if you don't believe me you can look it up yourself because this stuff is first page Google nonsense.
    English is NOT indigenious to the island and did not originate in England and anyone who did any reading on it would know that. It was the language spoken by Anglo-Saxon invaders 🙄just because it's been in the area for a while doesn't make it the native language or originate in England any more than it originated in North America. The only difference between England and North America is that England has a few centuries on North America with its invaders - social upheaval - language changing ove rtime.
    Anyway, English is a Germanic language. The only other Germanic language being spoken in Britain is Scots (yes, Scots, not Scottish, there's two different languages, look it up) which entered the island at the same time and has the same language root as English. Unsurprisingly, there's a sister language to English (as in, they are descended from the same root) still spoken in parts of Germany (where, again unsurprisingly, these invaders were from.) It's called Frisian. Yes, five hundred years and many social upheavals makes a difference so you'd be hard pressed to understand Frisian. There's still no denying the languages are related. Then there is the shared root between Old English/Anglisc/Anglo-Frisian and other early German languages. Anglisc was spoken by Anglos, Saxons and Jutes ftr.
    Native languages, and are STILL considered native languages, of Britain (as in the island just to be ultra clear) include Manx, Welsh, Cornish and Gaelic, and a few others (if you want a list, again, look it up). Entirely different language groupings, and there's actually two native language groupings in Ireland and Britain; Brythonic(Welsh, Cornish, old Brittonic, et ctr) and Celtic(Gaelic, Irish) to use terms people will understand more readily though the proper terms are P-Celtic and Q-Celtic respectively.
    Here in Wales there is actually a drive by the Welsh Government to convert all Englishized place names back to original Welsh place names. Welsh is also the native, official language of Wales and all of the road signs have to be stamped with Welsh and English.
    England long ago lost its native tongue, Common Brittonic, which survives only in old place names, languages like Welsh and Cornish and in small populations across the island, though Welsh speakers are by far the most numerous.

  • @kitchnerlesley
    @kitchnerlesley 3 місяці тому

    Cantonese means I can’t speak Chinese right?

  • @StonyBaboon
    @StonyBaboon 8 місяців тому

    the guys that saied ther is 2 kind of grams, the metric and the imperial, is techinical right.... u can meuser in grams (metric) and is one thing if u meauser in ounces (imperial) and then converte to grams it wont give the same amount of grams most of the times cz imperial system just sucks and dosent real have a coerent conversion rate... yhe its stupid, but imperial system is stupid like that cz it isnt precise like the metric...

  • @arizonabug6493
    @arizonabug6493 8 місяців тому

    Hahaha. I got this.
    This dude a couple years back told me with 100% confidence the jab was safe. Turbo cancer 2 months later. Dead.
    R.I.P brother. Nobody deserves to be murdered for stupidity.

  • @Andaverde
    @Andaverde 8 місяців тому

    ....there's more than one hole?

  • @Jeepingduckster12
    @Jeepingduckster12 7 місяців тому

    Some of these are not as far our there as what has become true in the last 5 years

  • @vinceargado9892
    @vinceargado9892 7 місяців тому

    Definitely flat earth.
    Sorry folks, there’s no way the earth is flat.