Bad Piggies Rise and Swine Any% Speedrun [WR]

  • Опубліковано 5 вер 2024
  • Here is this run's recap:
    IX (0:03): Not quite A.
    IV (0:17): This was new routing as this level and V were the next most inconsistent levels after IX so I should play them next before the remaining cave levels. This level was a bit slow.
    V (0:41): Really good. I gained a slight lead over my 13;06 which was my comparison during the run since it had the same routing.
    VI (0:58): This level sometimes doesn't work but here it did.
    VIII (1:15): I had been getting horrible wheel exits all day and I missed the jump. 20 seconds of time save available on this level.
    VII (2:07): Good but watching this back I got a crazy idea that I will need to try out. Doesn't seem to work but it was worth a shot.
    III (2:22): This level has always been annoying but I found a fast but inconsistent strategy. It can go more cleanly but here it clipped the rock and had to slowly roll down. Even then it gained time over the 13;06.
    II (2:42): This strategy finally gets used in an any% run. It worked first try.
    I (2:57): Made slight alterations to make the level near A.
    1 (3:14): My split into this level on the any% run (12;53) was 3;37. A
    2 (3:33): A
    3 (3:47): Played safe.
    4 (4:01): Got the early descent.
    5 (4:32): Got a late click on the button and packing on the material maybe didn't work.
    6 (4:42): Ok
    7 (5:03): Did the wiggle but didn't fall down very quickly.
    8 (5:16): With precise timing this version of the cannon sends you directly to the flag. Here I bounced over and it costed me 4 seconds but I beat the 13;06.
    9 (5:33): Horrible. This strategy is good but hitting the pig in the metal box is very inconsistent, although I may have found a remedy. Second most time save in this level with 15 seconds. only +1.5 over the old run.
    10 (6:04): I had the idea of adding the wheel to create more friction for an easier stop. This was a fine level.
    11 (6:14): Could be faster.
    12 (6:24): I was watching ‪@EaziestSpeezy‬'s casual playthrough of this level and their no plunger wheel strategy was really simple and also sent the pig straight to the flag without needing a cart to roll into the open section and the pig to fly around as the old strategy did. I just added the plunger wheel. That initial press isn't trivial (in the run I screwed it up twice).
    13 (6:41): Good but could have pressed more times for a faster launch.
    14 (6:50): Accidentally got the star.
    15 (7:05): The less rolling the better but maybe the slight upwardsness of the exit was slow. Unsure.
    16 (7:17): OK
    17 (7:29): I tried a weird cart to dodge the star box. My splits said it was slower but it doesn't account for the time avoiding the star saving time in the next split. Likely still wasn't worth it.
    18 (7:42): First try was huge.
    19 (7:56): A
    20 (8:09): I like this route compared to the old route as there are less precise inputs (1vs2). In the old one you needed to plunge at the right time to get momentum while not crashing into the hill before cutting the engine to avoid flying over the line. Here it is just hitting the plunge on the platform and then releasing nicely. Wait that is arguably two and you do have to be pretty precise with the first shot. Whatever. I got a gold split.
    21 (8:21): A
    22 (8:34): A
    23 (8:45): A This section of the run is rather relaxing.
    24 (9:01): I had a previous run that had a 10 second better pace than record but it evaporated here. After the run I thought that moving the soda bottle back improved the chances of good stuff happening in the run I got something good but still worse than in the 13;06 although in that run this level was nearly perfect.
    25 (9:34): A gold split. Looked cool but I didn't Krak.
    26 (9:35): Got this one first try and that really put some pressure on me as the level is pretty tricky.
    27 (9:50): This level needs some experimentation. I had a new idea but in a prior run I went for it and didn't like it so I reverted it.
    28 (10:04): Bad. Almost blew it but the cart pushed the blocks forward and the game counted it.
    29 (10:21): A cool new strat but I overshot at first.
    30 (10:40): Gold.
    31 (10:56): Rolled more than I'd have liked.
    32 (11:07): A adding weight helped but not sure if this is the best way.
    33 (11:18): A. Needs improvement?
    34 (11:29): My most impressive strategy of the run. I had thought that the end of the level where you slide down is the slowest section so I wondered if it was possible to avoid it. In the alien% run I lost a wheel and skipped the section. I wondered how I could cling to the roof to clear the first gap but not the second. I thought of using the soda bottle to pull the car up and built a cart in the shape of the final design. I needed to tinker with placing the contents and the concrete box but eventually something worked. Hitting the strategy first try with a gold split was the cherry on top.
    35 (11:47): Played it very safe.
    36 (12:02): I saw that I was almost a minute ahead of 13;06 so I knew I could play safe. 10 seconds to save here.
    Lots of new strategies in this run. Sub 12 is soon.