what if the old pulley on my new pump now rubs on the crank? is the pump made poorly or was i supposed to prop it up a bit to take up any slack in mounting holes so it didnt sag into the crank pulley? Do i fix this by loosening four mounting bolts, cracking the seal, the propping it up off the crank pulley and retighten?
I love how much room we have in these trucks!
Thanks for the video. It was very helpful to watch someone do this.
On the new water pump had that plate but the WP i removed had no plate.the plate has to be installed?
what if the old pulley on my new pump now rubs on the crank?
is the pump made poorly or was i supposed to prop it up a bit to take up any slack in mounting holes so it didnt sag into the crank pulley?
Do i fix this by loosening four mounting bolts, cracking the seal, the propping it up off the crank pulley and retighten?
Did you have problems with overheating or did you just want to replace the water pump?
year of the truck?
This one’s a 74
Good video, I have one to change on my 1975 F100, I have an AC compressor in my way. Thank You!