@@SilverCiappo Both anthems are older than ww2 tho, Polish mentions Italy as the song was written for Polish soldiers fighting in Napoleon's Italian Campaign and Italian anthem mentions Poles as another nation opressed by the Austria (and Russia)
@@arczi1309 I have been to Poland in Warsaw, Krakow and Lublin, it is really a beautiful country, I think I will come often to Poland because my girlfriend is Polish
Scipio Africanus Is mentioned: The song is speaking about the fact that the Romans protected Italy from the Carthaginians during the second punic war. Mad respect to you anyways
I've never even been to Italy, and know the entire anthem ! And the anthem of the former Kingdom of Sardinia Piedmont - Cunservet Deus Su Re, which I prefer.
Io saluto a la matre Italia .Madre de mi nación dos veces .Cuna de la Roma , pueblo ancestral , cultura de todos los Latinos .Y la saludo por descender de ellos .La Patria Argentina tiene tantos Italianos y descendientes .Que bella la Italia .Moriría por vos . VIVA ITALIA .
Fun fact: 3:45 "Legnano is everywhere" is a reference to the medieval Battle of Legnano (1176), in which the Italian Free city States fought and won against the Holy Roman Empire, led by Emperor Francis the 1st (Barbarossa) to gain their autonomy and freedom.
Sono Spagnola d'ascedenza italiana (calabrese) ed amo moltissimo questo inno (e anche quello Spagnolo). E questa versione è forse la più emozionante che abbia mai sentita. Ogni volta che lo sento mi emoziono moltissimo e mi manca tantissimo l'Italia. Anch'io sogno un giorno il poter ottenere la doppia cittadinanza italiana assieme alla Spagnola. Italia e Spagna, nazioni sorelle. ❤❤💛💛❤❤🤍🤍💚💚
My ancestrals came from Calabria(Paola) and Veneto/Trieste, both south and North of The boot, so I always feel specially moved with this beautiful beautiful hymn of union and love. Abraços do Brasil! 🇧🇷🇮🇹
@Danielnisbet15 S cotland Thankyou From A corner of immeasurable profound Tokyo 🥟🍡🍙🍚🍢🍜🍥🍘🗼🎏🎑🎎⛩️👘🎴🇯🇵 Soon Cherry Blossom in full bloom in various paries and coutries Japanese Rate of Spring begins 🌸💮🌸💮🌸💮🌸💮🌸💮🌸💮🌸🌸💮🌸💮🌸💮🌸🌸👘👘👘👘👘👘👘
An anthem that reflects much about italy. A proud country, ready to shed it's blood to defend it's people. Much love to our italian brothers from France !! 🇫🇷❤🇮🇹
@italy grazzie mille amici d'italia, totti insiemme, eravamo siamo e saremo perché la nuestra granda familia latina é la più bella e la più gloriosa dell mundo. Nuestri herenza inspira gli uomini, del imperio romano alla republica romana o espagnola, la comuna francesa, le revolucion portuguesa... (Scuse para il mio italiano, sto ancora imparando questo sublimissima lingua)
@@ardugaleen2231 apprezzo tantissimo lo sforzo di esprimerti in italiano, l'affezione dimostrata in questi commenti è davvero emozionante. viva l'Italia e vive la France 🇮🇹 🇫🇷
@@JulianPerez-it9sm so you have a spanish name, italian and french and canadian ancestry. Manz out here litteraly being Mister worldwide! Much love to spain and québec too by the way, vive le Québec libre! Sadly if you want corsica you'll need to do a referendum but I wouldn't hope for too much of a high pro utaly vote my brother... most speak french and the others want corsica to be "free", as free as you can be as a mafia state. But in any case you can take back Nice, if you can deal with the all the fucking mess that's in there I would be glad to give it to you lads
@Nicolò Villa I did get killed, now I'm a spirit. Pretty fun though - get to walk throughout the world and haunt people. Best part is when I haunted the Council of Nicea... that's when they came up with the Holy Ghost.
@@juliuscaesar5397 Italy is great, but it's not the best country in the world, there are not better or worse countries, every country is fantastic and special.
Evviva l'Italia, O gem of Rome! May your glory shine, may your name be uttered until the last day of the human race! Much love from your Mediterranean-Atlantic brothers, the Portuguese people.
Thank you brother! your words mean a lot and people like you are the pride of our nation, but remember to write "Viva" and not "via", as "via l'Italia" means "go away Italy", but I do appreciate a lot the effort to write in your ancestral tongue and to that I say BRAVO!
@@gabrielboi3465 Thankyou From A corner of Tokyo 🇯🇵🎀🗾🏯🎎🎍⛩️🌊🗻㊗️🌸💮🎌 Someday please come to Japan Various delicious foods unique to Japan waits you Especially Japanese covenience store is a disney land of the Various delicious foods and Various things㊗️🌸💮
@@giulioackerman1363 no you can't be 100% not even 80% italians were really divided and dna tests never say 100% you probably have Greek or German dna too depends to were you live
@@giulioackerman1363 impossibile se sei del nord avrai una percentuale francese e tedesca mentre del sud avrai una percentuale spagnola e greca. Ragioni: Occupazione Francese del Nord Italia nel medioevo, Occuoazione di Italia settentrionale e centrale da parte del sacro romano impero se sei dell'alto Adige avrai più percentuale Austriaca che Italiana probabilmente poi ci sono le occupazioni di Napoleone e quella Nazista. Mentre se sei del sud le ragioni sono: Impero bizantino, Regno delle due sicilie (Aragonese).
One day we will shine again! The time of Chinese Americans and Russians will end and we will get back to dominate the world the ancients splendours of Rome and Athens will be restored! Viva l’Italia saluti ai fratelli greci
the italy v canada mens volleyball olympic match just ended. canada was at the lead at first, but then we lost. gg, u guys put up a good fight. i loved watching!
La troisième strophe, avec ses paroles simples, est la meilleure !La terza strofa è la migliore per la simplicità delle sue parole ! The third stanza the best for sheer ingenuousness of its words !
Long Live Italy Long Live the Italians Italy is a beautiful country From Rome to Venice to Naples to Florence Italy has amazing food and amazing cuisine and awesome people and Great culture and amazing attractions From the Roman Colosseum to the Leaning Tower of Pisa God Bless the Italian Republic respect and love from the United States 🇺🇸❤🇮🇹 We Americans are proud to call Italy our friend 🇺🇸❤🇮🇹 God Bless Italy respect and love from your friends here in America 🇺🇸❤🇮🇹
Италии братья, Отчизна восстала, Венцом Сципиона Главу увенчала. Приди к нам, Победа! Была неразлучна Ты с Римом могучим Вернись же в свой дом! Припев: Разрубим оковы! Мы к смерти готовы, Мы к смерти готовы, Отчизна зовёт! Разрубим оковы! Мы к смерти готовы, Мы к смерти готовы, Отчизна зовёт! Народ разобщённый Несчастье постигло: Мы жили веками Под вражеским игом. Так пусть же сегодня Единым народом В бою за Свободу Сразимся. Вперёд! Мы будем едины И в горе и в счастье. А судьбы людские В Господней лишь власти! Дадим, братья, клятву, Что краю родному И отчему дому Вернём мы покой! Припев: Разрубим оковы! Мы к смерти готовы, Мы к смерти готовы, Отчизна зовёт! Разрубим оковы! Мы к смерти готовы, Мы к смерти готовы, Отчизна зовёт! Леньяно от Альп до Равнин сицилийских. Пример нам - Феруччи, Враги наши близко, Здесь каждый ребёнок Зовётся - Болилла. Скликает все силы К Вечерне набат… Повержены будут Штандарты австрийцев. Отравлено сердце Дунайской орлицы Италии кровью И кровью поляков, Что вместе с казаком Испила она. Припев: Разрубим оковы! Мы к смерти готовы, Мы к смерти готовы, Отчизна зовёт! Разрубим оковы! Мы к смерти готовы, Мы к смерти готовы, Отчизна зовёт! (поэтический перевод - Николай Ардов (2016)) Перевод Аркадия Кузнецова О братья Италии, Страна пробудилась, В шелом Сципиона Она обрядилась. О где ты, победа? Придёшь ты к нам зримо И вновь послужишь Риму - Поможет нам Бог! В когорты встанем вместе, Бой смертный - дело чести, Италия зовёт, Италия зовёт! Мы были веками Растоптаны, осмеяны, Мы были раздроблены, Но слиться сумеем мы. Одно у нас знамя, Надежда созрела - Нам общее дело - Дражайший залог! Теснее, дружнее! В любви и согласьи Все вместе поднимемся За мир и за счастье. Хотим мы свободы Земле всей родимой - Бог видит: едины мы, Кто б победить нас мог? От Альп до Сицилии - Повсюду Леньяно; Подобны Ферруччи Мы сердцем и раной. Все дети Италии Достойны Балильи; Во храмах зазвонили - Настал вечерни срок! В когорты встанем вместе, Бой смертный - дело чести, Италия зовёт, Италия зовёт! (Не поющаяся ныне строфа) Уже наши копья гнут Меч ржавый империи, Австрийский орёл ослаб - Теряет он перья. Он пил кровь Италии, Как пил кровь поляков С полками казаков, Но сердце прожёг. Перевод -2003
🐻この【イタリア国歌】(【lnno di Mameli】(マメーリの賛歌)、又は、Canto degli ltaliani(イタリア人達の唱歌)、又は、【Fratellid'ltalia】(イタリアの同胞・兄弟)等)は、ゴッフレード・マメーリ(1827年~1849年)が、1847年に作詞、ミケーレ・ノヴァーロ(1818年~1885年)が、1847年に作曲、19世紀を代表する、イタリアのロマン派音楽の作曲家で、オペラ王の異名がある、ジュゼッペ・ヴェルディ(1813年~1901年・【ナブッコ】、【リゴレット】、【椿姫】、【アイーダ】等がある)編曲で、1946年に、イタリア共和国が成立した頃から、採用されているようです(法制化は2017年)。 因みに、第二の国歌として、ヴェルディ作曲の歌劇【ナブッコ】(1841年)より、第3幕の合唱【行け、我が想いよ、黄金の翼に乗って】が存在しています。 この【イタリア国歌】(【Canto degli ltaliani】)は、イタリアが統一された1861年の、14年程前の、1847年に作詞作曲された、有名な歌だけあって、イタリアが統一される前の、イタリア(作詞家ゴッフレード・マメーリと、作曲家ミケーレ・ノヴァーロの出身地方ジェノヴァ)の人々の、フレキシブルでフレッシュな、そして、神に導かれて勇敢で、ローマの英雄である、「スキピオ」(カルタゴの英雄ハンニバルをザマの戦いで破った人物)を、この【イタリア国歌】(【Canto degli ltaliani】)に取り入れ、そうした、ローマの神髄を大切にする、淡々と明るく爽やかで穏やかな、志や気概が、イタリアならではの、独特に躍動感のある旋律に乗って、とても瑞々(みずみず)しく、健康的で魅力的に、そして、メロディアスでリズミカルに、伝わり掛けます。 🎠何度聴いても、うっとりさせる気質に包み込む、この【イタリア国歌】(【Canto degli ltaliani】)は、神や、ローマの名の下に、天使のように魅力的な雰囲気を持つ歌として、ローマの誉れ高く、透き通る勇ましい魅力を、現在に発信し続けて、確かに健在である気がします。 🎠戦時下の大変複雑な状況下にある、ウクライナを含有する、現在の時代が要請する、人道的な交流のある、今回の広島サミット(5月19日~5月21日)への、この【イタリア国歌】(【Canto degli ltaliani】)の国である、イタリアのメローニ首相の来日には、核の脅威無き平和を願う、大変重要な意味や使命があり、そして又、世界にかなり強く、歴史的に画期的で記念碑的なメッセージを、文字通りに発信する、平和を望む革新的(核心的)な意味や使命を確かに感じます。 🎠この【イタリア国歌】(【Canto degli ltaliani】)の国、イタリア北部のロマーニャ地方の、予期せぬ大洪水による、水が容易に引かない、対人被害のみならず、葡萄、林檎、桃、梨、プラム等の果樹や、イタリアの主要な食材である、パスタの原料となる小麦への、甚大な被害のニュースに衝撃を受け、胸を痛めます。 心強い気持ちの大切さによる、災害からの復旧復興に、期待を寄せたい気がします。 そして、広島サミットを通した、平和の運気が、広島サミットに出席し、ロマーニャ地方の水害視察に日程を切り上げて戻られた、メローニ首相のイタリアへと届く願いを、この【イタリア国歌】(【Canto degli ltaliani】)を聴き、この歌を想う気持ちと共に感じます。 🎠素敵な動画による、この【イタリア国歌】(【Canto degli Italiani】)には、伝統的なイタリアの歴史に根差した、格調高く風格のある、イタリアの雰囲気が程好く伝わり掛けます。 🌸桜の国の日本から、ハートの桜便りです。 個人的に、神聖なる誓願播粒(願い事の種を蒔く)時刻に。 🌸2023年5月25日(木曜日)pm11:46
Italian anthem: mentions Poland
Polish anthem: mentions Italy
Yes because you fought in Italy against the Nazis
@@SilverCiappo Both anthems are older than ww2 tho, Polish mentions Italy as the song was written for Polish soldiers fighting in Napoleon's Italian Campaign and Italian anthem mentions Poles as another nation opressed by the Austria (and Russia)
@@arczi1309 I have been to Poland in Warsaw, Krakow and Lublin, it is really a beautiful country, I think I will come often to Poland because my girlfriend is Polish
Polski! 😉 (by an Italian friend)
Yeah respect for Poland and always against Austria!
A Roman Dream 🇬🇷❤🇮🇹
@Tamma Records Vieja Escuela Go back to the steppes Turkoid
Una faccia una razza 🇮🇹🇬🇷
Our people paved the way to modern civilization. :)
@JUSTINO REPUBLIC RECORDS & TV ataturk was from thessaloniki, a greek city.
Italy the most beautiful country in the world and a true friend of Hellas
Βασικα ασ ειμαστε δικαιοι πρωτα τα Ελληνικα νησια και μετα η Ιταλια
Ελλάδα and Italy united in one brotherhood.
Ζωή στην Ελλάδα!
Viva l'Italia!
From a true lover of Ελλάδα
🇮🇹🇬🇷 SPQR and Byzantine
Poland is pretty cool too :(
@@polandullPoland is cool but how is this relevant?
Long live our Roman brother,long live Italy, prosperity and peace to the Italian people 🇬🇷💙🇮🇹
Rule elladá
brothers but got atacked in 1940
@@redshooter9512 ?
Una faccia una razza
Love Italy from Poland🇵🇱❤️🇮🇹
“From Italy to Poland”-Poland national anthem
sì bracie 😉
Ma tu sei Gerry Scotti
@@badrelmouanid8328 lo ho pensato anche io
0:14 It Looks Like I am Being Summoned.
Scipio Africanus Is mentioned: The song is speaking about the fact that the Romans protected Italy from the Carthaginians during the second punic war. Mad respect to you anyways
It's Scipio Africanus, not you Aemilianus so gtfo
Viva Italia dalla Grecia fratelli 🇬🇷❤️🇮🇹🏛️
mio fratello greco !
@@dresdi discord.gg/Ub5Vb9N
@@michelesantolini4342 discord.gg/Ub5Vb9N
@@mikhail5263 discord.gg/Ub5Vb9N
Amazing antherm, love from your brothers from Spain. EVVIVA L’ITALIA 🇪🇸 🇮🇹
Oh my god ... I am Italian and I had never heard the complete version of our hymn ... Soon I cry for how much it moves!
@People interesting, I don't live in Naples, I'm much further north, but anyway Naples is a beautiful city
I've never even been to Italy, and know the entire anthem ! And the anthem of the former Kingdom of Sardinia Piedmont - Cunservet Deus Su Re, which I prefer.
@@baronedipiemonte3990 Thank you, where are you from?
allora,ciao se sei italiano
@@romanempireloregamer3880 Buonsalve
Io saluto a la matre Italia .Madre de mi nación dos veces .Cuna de la Roma , pueblo ancestral , cultura de todos los Latinos .Y la saludo por descender de ellos .La Patria Argentina tiene tantos Italianos y descendientes .Que bella la Italia .Moriría por vos .
Saluti da Milano fratello
Anche io sono italiano ma amo l'argentina che per me é il mio secondo paese . La nazione fralella
@@loriszaffino5793Viva la Patria antigua .
I cant be more proud of my great grandfather was Italian
he come to Uruguay in 1913 and now I cant stop of sing this all the day
We are Neighbours, (i am from Brazil)
Love from Milan Italian brother! Viva la Patria per sempre! 🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹
"Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski"
"Il sangue d'Italia, il sangue Polacco"
🇮🇹❤️🇵🇱 (im learning polish rn... so difficult but I'll do it)
As a guy who is learning both Italian and Polish in Duolingo, I see this as an absolute win!
Where time stamp?
Nvm it's 5:16
God bless Italy, may she power threw this virus and be restored to her former glory. amen
The virus is the least of Italy's problems.
Amen Brother
I dont think the corona virus will bring back rome but they can dream i guess
Fun fact:
3:45 "Legnano is everywhere"
is a reference to the medieval Battle of Legnano (1176), in which the Italian Free city States fought and won against the Holy Roman Empire, led by Emperor Francis the 1st (Barbarossa) to gain their autonomy and freedom.
giustizia a laus pompeia viva lodi
@@gniuwei.rece.74.76 guarda lo dici ad un comasco haha
Più nemici di noi per i milanesi non ce ne erano!
@@gabrielboi3465 esatto ahah tutto questo per la libertà
*frederick barbarossa
Sono Spagnola d'ascedenza italiana (calabrese) ed amo moltissimo questo inno (e anche quello Spagnolo). E questa versione è forse la più emozionante che abbia mai sentita.
Ogni volta che lo sento mi emoziono moltissimo e mi manca tantissimo l'Italia.
Anch'io sogno un giorno il poter ottenere la doppia cittadinanza italiana assieme alla Spagnola.
Italia e Spagna, nazioni sorelle. ❤❤💛💛❤❤🤍🤍💚💚
My ancestrals came from Calabria(Paola) and Veneto/Trieste, both south and North of The boot, so I always feel specially moved with this beautiful beautiful hymn of union and love. Abraços do Brasil! 🇧🇷🇮🇹
If your ancestors are anyway from italy(any region) you can get citizenship
The love to Italy of Japan is deeper than the sea and higher than the mountain
S cotland
A corner of immeasurable profound Tokyo
Cherry Blossom in full bloom in various paries and coutries
Japanese Rate of Spring begins
Viva Italia! from 🇵🇱
@ADem Aissou do you remember 1612? So STFU
@ADem Aissou so even worse
jeszcze polska nie zginela 🇮🇹🤝🏻🇵🇱
If from European ancestors, Portugal is our father, Italy is our mother.
Per il eterno amore di Brasil i Italia! 🇧🇷♥️🇮🇹
fk italy
You mean grandpa
@@Manu-jk2lk no.
@@milanesi6725 the ancient roman empire gave portugal its name and the roman empire was italy so yes
Italy is your grandfather
viva l'Italia ! 🇮🇹🤝🇫🇷
Let’s go Italy, I know you can win the euro! Forza Azzurri here from Portugal! 🇵🇹🇮🇹
thanks Portuguese brother♥️
We won!
Fatto!!! Grazie amici del Portogallo!!
E abbiamo vinto. Grazie fratelli portoghesi 🇮🇹❤️🇵🇹
We won UEFA EURO 2020, but we failed to qualify for a Wold Cup.. Again.
An anthem that reflects much about italy. A proud country, ready to shed it's blood to defend it's people. Much love to our italian brothers from France !! 🇫🇷❤🇮🇹
@italy grazzie mille amici d'italia, totti insiemme, eravamo siamo e saremo perché la nuestra granda familia latina é la più bella e la più gloriosa dell mundo. Nuestri herenza inspira gli uomini, del imperio romano alla republica romana o espagnola, la comuna francesa, le revolucion portuguesa...
(Scuse para il mio italiano, sto ancora imparando questo sublimissima lingua)
@@ardugaleen2231 apprezzo tantissimo lo sforzo di esprimerti in italiano, l'affezione dimostrata in questi commenti è davvero emozionante. viva l'Italia e vive la France 🇮🇹 🇫🇷
@@giuseppeesposito7094 grazzie mille amico e viva l'Italia!!
As a half Italian and part French Canadian much love to you too, also can we have Corsica.
@@JulianPerez-it9sm so you have a spanish name, italian and french and canadian ancestry. Manz out here litteraly being Mister worldwide! Much love to spain and québec too by the way, vive le Québec libre! Sadly if you want corsica you'll need to do a referendum but I wouldn't hope for too much of a high pro utaly vote my brother... most speak french and the others want corsica to be "free", as free as you can be as a mafia state. But in any case you can take back Nice, if you can deal with the all the fucking mess that's in there I would be glad to give it to you lads
Best country in the world. Would love to become its kin... I mean visit there
@Nicolò Villa Someone else did. I did invent Little Caesar's pizza though
@Nicolò Villa I did get killed, now I'm a spirit. Pretty fun though - get to walk throughout the world and haunt people. Best part is when I haunted the Council of Nicea... that's when they came up with the Holy Ghost.
@Julius Caesar, Yes you are correct.
@@juliuscaesar5397 Italy is great, but it's not the best country in the world, there are not better or worse countries, every country is fantastic and special.
@@adge5182 I would say that Denmark is better than Somalia.
Probably one of the best anthems ever
Thanks from Milan. Where are you from?
@giacomo morasso no soviet Union Better
@@bluredstoneiii5594 tankie???
Evviva l'Italia, O gem of Rome! May your glory shine, may your name be uttered until the last day of the human race!
Much love from your Mediterranean-Atlantic brothers, the Portuguese people.
Love from Milan european brother
Love Italy from Germany! 🇮🇹🇩🇪
England needs to be stopped!
And it has been stopped
Great country , Grande paese🇮🇹💪
Are you bulgarian?
Viva Italia e Magna Grecia/Due Sicilie
Saluti da Νεάπολις
γεια σου μακεδόνα
@@burundi5427 g
@@burundi5427 Partenopi 💕
@@Aristotelis_Hellas 💙💙
It's a bit annoying when they didn't end all the chorus with "Si!"
io sono abbituato a sentire "Si!" alla fine
Viva l'Italia 🇮🇹❤️
Viva L'Italia e Polonia. 🇵🇱❤️🇮🇹.
@@sametmaviyldz6670 you guys are basically the super catholic roman empire in the north
When I hear this anthem it makes me so proud of my Italian heritage my heart will always be Italian....Via I'Italia!!!!🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹♥️♥️♥️♥️
Thank you brother! your words mean a lot and people like you are the pride of our nation, but remember to write "Viva" and not "via", as "via l'Italia" means "go away Italy", but I do appreciate a lot the effort to write in your ancestral tongue and to that I say BRAVO!
@@pinguofthehill7635 i think its a typo
The first time I've heard the Italian anthem in a 7+ minute version. I never knew a version this long existed.
Amazing :) One of the best anthems to exist. 🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹
Japan‘s love and respect for Italy is deeper than any sea and higher than any mountain
we love you too!!!!!
Im from Germany so I dont know what to say.
A corner of Tokyo
please come to Japan
Various delicious foods unique to Japan waits you
Japanese covenience store is a disney land of the Various delicious foods and Various things㊗️🌸💮
Many men, many minds
@@shin-i-chikozima i would LOVE to visit japan one day!
It has a very nice and inspiring tune but needs to be sung as a chorus for the full power of the hymn to be experienced
You're right. I'm Italian and I prefer Inno A Roma as national anthem.
@@masterjunky863 Io penso che il nostro inno sia perfetto.
Anche l'Inno drl Piave e l'Inno a Rona sono bellissimi eh.
When your DNA results show 3% Italian
Mine shows like over 20%
@@giulioackerman1363 no you can't be 100% not even 80% italians were really divided and dna tests never say 100% you probably have Greek or German dna too depends to were you live
@@stateofconstatinopole8316 Saying they are a complete scam was a shorter and more accurate explanation but ok
@@giulioackerman1363 impossibile se sei del nord avrai una percentuale francese e tedesca mentre del sud avrai una percentuale spagnola e greca. Ragioni: Occupazione Francese del Nord Italia nel medioevo, Occuoazione di Italia settentrionale e centrale da parte del sacro romano impero se sei dell'alto Adige avrai più percentuale Austriaca che Italiana probabilmente poi ci sono le occupazioni di Napoleone e quella Nazista. Mentre se sei del sud le ragioni sono: Impero bizantino, Regno delle due sicilie (Aragonese).
me 100% lodigiano puro
The Italian eras that changed the world: the Roman Empire, the Renaissance, the scientific revolution.
And the Church
@@masterjunky863 those guys went really everywhere
"scientific revolution" bro thinks he's on the team 💀
@@MsPaintMr Galileo Galilei as a matter of fact never existed
@@wowowowhdu782 That's Renaissance
Love from srilanka
I love my country, but i also love all people from all country, may peace last forever
Viva il 'Canto degli Italiani', nostro bellissimo Inno Nazionale!! 🇮🇹 🇮🇹
Great performance! Congratulations!! 🇮🇹
Il sangue d'Italia, il sangue Polacco
Bevè col cosacco ma il cuor le bruciò
Siam pronti alla morte L'ITALIA CHIAMO!
Evviva la mia bellissima Italia! ♥
Respect and Love from Kurdistan!
We love you italy people 💞🌹
"Siam pronti alla morte" for Long live Italia Long live Greece - Roman brothers
Greece not is roman country..like France Spain Andorra Moldavia Romania Vatican city San Marino Portugal and part of belgium and switzerland
@Nicolò Villa greeks call also themselves romans romioi so we are siblings and as siblings we eat in the same table with golden spoons
Siam pronti alla morte. Per L'Italia e amore. 🇵🇱❤️🇮🇹
@@ΠαντεληςΠαντελιδης-χ7φ In English it's spelled Rhoman or Rhomanian I think
CHAMPIONS OF EUROPE 2021 ITALIAAAA 🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹
This is one of the most beautiful anthem I have ever heard.
Viva l'Italia!!! ❤️❤️🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹
Saluti dalla Croazia 🇭🇷🇮🇹
Il regno con re Aimone duca di Spoleto?
Viva il nostro bello e grande Paese!!!viva Italia!!!!🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹❤️❤️❤️
I mean, it's not the best version there is but... I appreciate as an Italian anyway :)
Si dai alla fine è una bella versione
@@alejandrooliva3157 si questo si
What is the best version then?
@@charlesstuart3703 probably this: ua-cam.com/video/vU_-IvNbfQ0/v-deo.html
A me personalmente non piace come inno. Mi pice più l'inno di Garibaldi, che tra l'altro trovo più appropriato
The beautiful country of Italia 🇮🇹 ❤️ 🇷🇺
Una faccia una razza!
Viva Olga di Grecia nuova Regina d'Italia
@@lawrencebico1861 Sì, il mio amico mediterraneo
One day we will shine again! The time of Chinese Americans and Russians will end and we will get back to dominate the world the ancients splendours of Rome and Athens will be restored!
Viva l’Italia saluti ai fratelli greci
@@cozzaronero YES BROTHER!!!!!!!!
Fratelli Mediterranei 🇮🇹❤️🇬🇷
O la vittoria, O tutti accoppati!
@Nicolò Villa That was a sentence from the game Battlefield One
@Nicolò Villa It is. I just said that line because of its links to both the Kingdom and Republic of Italy.
@Nicolò Villa Okay, okay. I'll be more careful then. Please don't be angry about this. I'm sorry.
@@christianblessingbalbio5007 dude it was just perfect this other dude is arguing with everyone, loved Bf1 campaign
Ngl kinda cringe
Make Italy Great Again !
I freaking love this anthem
Much love to our Roman brothers 🇬🇷❤️🇮🇹
Based greek
Hi Italians!! Ethiopians say hello!! They say “come over any time you want”! “No problem for us!!”
@Domenico 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I wouldn't try it: they did have problems in 1936 though
viva l’Italia 🇮🇹
saluti dal Brasile 🇧🇷
What a beautiful song and performance!
0:59 i like the tune of this part a lot
It's the oath to the Nation part
Go Italy! 🇮🇹
the italy v canada mens volleyball olympic match just ended. canada was at the lead at first, but then we lost. gg, u guys put up a good fight. i loved watching!
commovente... non ci sono parole per descrivere questa sensazione... VIVA L'ITALIA🟩⬜🟥
Viva L'Italia - viva italiani. Tanti saluti dal Montenegro.
Pensa un po' una montenegrina era nostra regina-imperatrice
Viva Italia from Greece.👏👍🥰
Viva il re, Viva il re, Viva il re, wait no-
@@tizianotosi7755 Effettivamente un re sulla forca è più bello da vedere, sai l'alta uniforme, la corona e tutto il resto...
@@tom_foolery1 ma ci accontentiamo anche di un re sul ceppo eh, non siamo mica schizzinosi
@giacomo morasso decisamente
@@dabelli3818 Io sono un nostalgico e apprezzo di più la ghigliottina (i nostri cuginetti francesi hanno buon gusto! )
@Christian Dubini Draghi? Che c'entra?
I'm not even Italian but I love this anthem.
La troisième strophe, avec ses paroles simples, est la meilleure !La terza strofa è la migliore per la simplicità delle sue parole ! The third stanza the best for sheer ingenuousness of its words !
Pozdrowienia Chrześcijańskich braci Włochów! Z ziemi Włoskiej do Polski! 🇮🇹✝️🇵🇱
Niech żyją Włochy!
Viva la Polonia 🇮🇹❤️🇵🇱
Lunga vita alla Polonia🇵🇱❤️🇮🇹
Amo a Itália. Que hino belíssimo!❤️🇮🇹🇧🇷
Cool Anthem . From Romania .
Questo canto mi ha fatto venire la pelle d'oca, viva italia 🇮🇩🤝🇮🇹
Long Live Italy
Long Live the Italians
Italy is a beautiful country
From Rome to Venice to Naples to Florence
Italy has amazing food and amazing cuisine and awesome people and Great culture and amazing attractions
From the Roman Colosseum to the Leaning Tower of Pisa
God Bless the Italian Republic respect and love from the United States 🇺🇸❤🇮🇹
We Americans are proud to call Italy our friend 🇺🇸❤🇮🇹
God Bless Italy respect and love from your friends here in America 🇺🇸❤🇮🇹
Love to Italy from Scotland 🏴🏴🤝🇮🇹🇮🇹🍕(Is it offence to put a pizza?)
Why should it be? Greetings from Italy, long live Europe!
Hello Cairns
@@masterjunky863 ma come cazzo fai ad essere ovunque?
To put a pizza ?
Hermoso, primos-hermanos!/Bello, cugini-fratelli! 😀😉
One of the best national anthems.
oone of the worst
@@sursumkorda best anthem🇮🇹🇮🇹
@@deusvult9379 worst anthem ever
@@sursumkorda cope harder tard
Very Cool, Very Nice.
As a Hungarian, I'll always love Italy 🇭🇺❤️🇮🇹
Italy is such a beautiful country, great food, beautiful people. Sorry for putting pineapple in the pizza 😅.Viva l'Italia from Thailand🇹🇭.
Do not worry, as long as you're not in the vicinity of Italians you should be able to survive after such an insult (pineapple)
Fun fact: Poland mentions Italy in there anthem: “From Italian land to Polish.” And Italy mentions Poland in there anthem at 5:18: “The Polish blood.”
Ľinno polacco e stato scritto a Reggio Emilia da Wybicki
@@hellcat6131 was Reggio Italian?
@@allison122477 Reggio e una città
@@hellcat6131 ah ok
E soprattutto viva l'Italia!!! 🇮🇹 🇮🇹 🇮🇹
National anthem of f1 along with german anthem 2000-2004
Io Parlo L'italiano! Sono de Norvegia 🏴🇳🇴💓🇮🇹
Io sono milanese e adoro il metal norvegese
@@masterjunky863 Milano deve essere un posto bellissimo e meraviglioso! 😍⛪🇮🇹
Ti amo Italia from your friend Albania 🇦🇱❤️🇮🇹
Whenever I hear the Italian anthem I shout "ROMA INVICTA"
Poland and Italy brothers forever
Glory to the motherland and its friends.
Италии братья,
Отчизна восстала,
Венцом Сципиона
Главу увенчала.
Приди к нам, Победа!
Была неразлучна
Ты с Римом могучим
Вернись же в свой дом!
Разрубим оковы!
Мы к смерти готовы,
Мы к смерти готовы,
Отчизна зовёт!
Разрубим оковы!
Мы к смерти готовы,
Мы к смерти готовы,
Отчизна зовёт!
Народ разобщённый
Несчастье постигло:
Мы жили веками
Под вражеским игом.
Так пусть же сегодня
Единым народом
В бою за Свободу
Сразимся. Вперёд!
Мы будем едины
И в горе и в счастье.
А судьбы людские
В Господней лишь власти!
Дадим, братья, клятву,
Что краю родному
И отчему дому
Вернём мы покой!
Разрубим оковы!
Мы к смерти готовы,
Мы к смерти готовы,
Отчизна зовёт!
Разрубим оковы!
Мы к смерти готовы,
Мы к смерти готовы,
Отчизна зовёт!
Леньяно от Альп до
Равнин сицилийских.
Пример нам - Феруччи,
Враги наши близко,
Здесь каждый ребёнок
Зовётся - Болилла.
Скликает все силы
К Вечерне набат…
Повержены будут
Штандарты австрийцев.
Отравлено сердце
Дунайской орлицы
Италии кровью
И кровью поляков,
Что вместе с казаком
Испила она.
Разрубим оковы!
Мы к смерти готовы,
Мы к смерти готовы,
Отчизна зовёт!
Разрубим оковы!
Мы к смерти готовы,
Мы к смерти готовы,
Отчизна зовёт!
(поэтический перевод - Николай Ардов (2016))
Перевод Аркадия Кузнецова
О братья Италии,
Страна пробудилась,
В шелом Сципиона
Она обрядилась.
О где ты, победа?
Придёшь ты к нам зримо
И вновь послужишь Риму -
Поможет нам Бог!
В когорты встанем вместе,
Бой смертный - дело чести,
Италия зовёт,
Италия зовёт!
Мы были веками
Растоптаны, осмеяны,
Мы были раздроблены,
Но слиться сумеем мы.
Одно у нас знамя,
Надежда созрела -
Нам общее дело -
Дражайший залог!
Теснее, дружнее!
В любви и согласьи
Все вместе поднимемся
За мир и за счастье.
Хотим мы свободы
Земле всей родимой -
Бог видит: едины мы,
Кто б победить нас мог?
От Альп до Сицилии -
Повсюду Леньяно;
Подобны Ферруччи
Мы сердцем и раной.
Все дети Италии
Достойны Балильи;
Во храмах зазвонили -
Настал вечерни срок!
В когорты встанем вместе,
Бой смертный - дело чести,
Италия зовёт,
Италия зовёт!
(Не поющаяся ныне строфа)
Уже наши копья гнут
Меч ржавый империи,
Австрийский орёл ослаб -
Теряет он перья.
Он пил кровь Италии,
Как пил кровь поляков
С полками казаков,
Но сердце прожёг.
Перевод -2003
Lindo hino.
Ancora non capisco perché tutti si limitino ad usare la versione da un minuto questo è il nostro inno
Credo perché sia troppo cruento ed offensivo verso alcune Nazioni come l'Austria.
@@burundi5427 non credo sia una scusante.
Credo semplicemente che 7 minuti sono un po' troppi da cantare ogni volta
@@Oxy_J_YT Uruguay: hold my 5 minutes anthem
@@burundi5427 hahahahaha
Infatti secondo me, non cantare le strofe "Uniamoci e amiamoci..." e "Dall'Alpi a Sicilia..." è davvero un peccato
Наилучшая оранжировкa,которую я когда-либо слышал!Bravo!Михаил из Подмосковья.❤😂😂❤
🐻この【イタリア国歌】(【lnno di Mameli】(マメーリの賛歌)、又は、Canto degli ltaliani(イタリア人達の唱歌)、又は、【Fratellid'ltalia】(イタリアの同胞・兄弟)等)は、ゴッフレード・マメーリ(1827年~1849年)が、1847年に作詞、ミケーレ・ノヴァーロ(1818年~1885年)が、1847年に作曲、19世紀を代表する、イタリアのロマン派音楽の作曲家で、オペラ王の異名がある、ジュゼッペ・ヴェルディ(1813年~1901年・【ナブッコ】、【リゴレット】、【椿姫】、【アイーダ】等がある)編曲で、1946年に、イタリア共和国が成立した頃から、採用されているようです(法制化は2017年)。 因みに、第二の国歌として、ヴェルディ作曲の歌劇【ナブッコ】(1841年)より、第3幕の合唱【行け、我が想いよ、黄金の翼に乗って】が存在しています。 この【イタリア国歌】(【Canto degli ltaliani】)は、イタリアが統一された1861年の、14年程前の、1847年に作詞作曲された、有名な歌だけあって、イタリアが統一される前の、イタリア(作詞家ゴッフレード・マメーリと、作曲家ミケーレ・ノヴァーロの出身地方ジェノヴァ)の人々の、フレキシブルでフレッシュな、そして、神に導かれて勇敢で、ローマの英雄である、「スキピオ」(カルタゴの英雄ハンニバルをザマの戦いで破った人物)を、この【イタリア国歌】(【Canto degli ltaliani】)に取り入れ、そうした、ローマの神髄を大切にする、淡々と明るく爽やかで穏やかな、志や気概が、イタリアならではの、独特に躍動感のある旋律に乗って、とても瑞々(みずみず)しく、健康的で魅力的に、そして、メロディアスでリズミカルに、伝わり掛けます。
🎠何度聴いても、うっとりさせる気質に包み込む、この【イタリア国歌】(【Canto degli ltaliani】)は、神や、ローマの名の下に、天使のように魅力的な雰囲気を持つ歌として、ローマの誉れ高く、透き通る勇ましい魅力を、現在に発信し続けて、確かに健在である気がします。
🎠戦時下の大変複雑な状況下にある、ウクライナを含有する、現在の時代が要請する、人道的な交流のある、今回の広島サミット(5月19日~5月21日)への、この【イタリア国歌】(【Canto degli ltaliani】)の国である、イタリアのメローニ首相の来日には、核の脅威無き平和を願う、大変重要な意味や使命があり、そして又、世界にかなり強く、歴史的に画期的で記念碑的なメッセージを、文字通りに発信する、平和を望む革新的(核心的)な意味や使命を確かに感じます。
🎠この【イタリア国歌】(【Canto degli ltaliani】)の国、イタリア北部のロマーニャ地方の、予期せぬ大洪水による、水が容易に引かない、対人被害のみならず、葡萄、林檎、桃、梨、プラム等の果樹や、イタリアの主要な食材である、パスタの原料となる小麦への、甚大な被害のニュースに衝撃を受け、胸を痛めます。 心強い気持ちの大切さによる、災害からの復旧復興に、期待を寄せたい気がします。 そして、広島サミットを通した、平和の運気が、広島サミットに出席し、ロマーニャ地方の水害視察に日程を切り上げて戻られた、メローニ首相のイタリアへと届く願いを、この【イタリア国歌】(【Canto degli ltaliani】)を聴き、この歌を想う気持ちと共に感じます。
🎠素敵な動画による、この【イタリア国歌】(【Canto degli Italiani】)には、伝統的なイタリアの歴史に根差した、格調高く風格のある、イタリアの雰囲気が程好く伝わり掛けます。
🌸桜の国の日本から、ハートの桜便りです。 個人的に、神聖なる誓願播粒(願い事の種を蒔く)時刻に。
Monto bello. Scioccante
Perchè non siam popolo, perchè siam divisi. Nell'inno c'è la storia d'Italia che ancor oggi caratterizza il nostro popolo.
When you diss on Austria before it was cool