5 Risky Mechanics Fire Emblem Should Try

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024


  • @Mangs1337
    @Mangs1337  4 місяці тому +44

    What mechanics would you like to see?

    • @Flashboy284
      @Flashboy284 4 місяці тому +9

      I think it would be cool to have playable generics that if trained enough gain a randomly assigned name and portrait from a pre made list, maybe even a personal skill. Would be an interesting way to build attachments to specific units.

    • @fe7general837
      @fe7general837 4 місяці тому +3

      Skill checks, imagine there being effects like a hard to get to area of the map that requires you to have enough speed to reach it, or flanking routes that can be cut off if a character with a high enough strength total moves a bouler into place during defense maps
      Tbh andaron saga's betting and fishing minigames are effectively what Im talking about

    • @Prodawg
      @Prodawg 4 місяці тому

      Stances, fates kinda had it but it was not exactly fleshed out, but a bunch of positions your units could be in that provides buffs to a certain stat.

    • @TheBt123a
      @TheBt123a 4 місяці тому +3

      Skill and stat checks for optional mission pathing throughout the story would be awesome. A rework of the Laguz mechanics would be fun as well. Perhaps the most entertaining tho would be a second campaign playing as the evil faction unlocked after beating the regular campaign. Imagine playing Ashnards rise to greatness in Tellius with the Riders of Daein or something to that effect. Fire emblem never embraced its evil campaigns yet. Perhaps it’s time to really switch up the series. Unlikely but fascinating

    • @fernandmathieusontohartono5972
      @fernandmathieusontohartono5972 4 місяці тому +2

      Base management and custom map editors.
      Like if you can build:
      Forestry for Wood income
      Mines for Stone income
      Farms for Food supply that raises the capacity of the amount of civilians/units your base/country & dispatches can sustain,
      These civilians can then be promoted to base classes in several buildings:
      -Town Centers for Workers/Builders & Breeders
      -Barracks for Soldiers; Fighters, Mercenaries & Archers
      -Churches for Monks & Clerics; Universities for Mages & Priests; Theaters for Shamans & Diva's and each contain upgrades for Weapons in Shops.
      -Courtrooms for Merchants (Convoys), Tacticians (Combat Arts) & Strategists (Skills & Passives).
      -Forums for Dancer's and Thieves.
      -Blacksmith enables Upgrades for weapons in the Armory & unlocks an item that can make any unit Armored.
      -Stable enables upgrades to Dispatches and Caravans/Trade Routes and unlocks one item that can make any unit Cavalry additional and another item that can make units Flying instead
      -Arena contains upgrades to raise the starting level and growth rates of your promoted civilians.
      Promotion Items can be used to promote base classes to advanced classes and/or acquire new weapon skills.
      You can send parties of units across the worldchart via dispatches to complete random missions that yield income and experience.
      Conquered worldchart-tiles become part of your buildable area, until raided by enemies.
      Unconquered worldchart-tiles are in fog of war and can hold events, combat missions or puzzles and challenges.
      Additionally the main menu has access to Design Room for teams and maps. \(^w^)

  • @brutalnobody5240
    @brutalnobody5240 4 місяці тому +145

    an day and night cycle would work best in an fe4 style game where every map is an whole campaign

    • @lsrrr3857
      @lsrrr3857 4 місяці тому +8

      They should also add seasons, and have certain deer riding enemies changing their look whenever there is a change in season

    • @chechilcheeser
      @chechilcheeser 4 місяці тому

      ​sounds like Advance Wars

    • @andregon4366
      @andregon4366 4 місяці тому

      That makes sense.
      Usually field battles didn't take very long.

    • @nonamepasserbya6658
      @nonamepasserbya6658 4 місяці тому

      Instead of day/night cycles, just make day/night/indoor maps work like weather. Fire is weaker in a Blizzard, Ice is weaker during the day

  • @prrrromotiongiven1075
    @prrrromotiongiven1075 4 місяці тому +55

    Supports give unique abilities. Mia and Rhys in Path of Radiance always makes me think of this. Mia basically forces Rhys to take up swordsmanship in the support. Imagine if, as a special reward at the end, Rhys earned E rank Swords. Practically, useless, due to his very low STR, but extremely cool integration between gameplay and support convos. Could be used to balance characters - imagine an Est-like unit whose training is further incentivised by the fact that they give excellent new abilities via their supports, making them literally a support unit. A Jagen's support bonus might be a flat increase to the other unit's stat, emphasising the Jagen passing on their knowledge to the next generation before falling off (if they ever do). The possibilities with these unique support bonuses are endless.

    • @Artemas_16
      @Artemas_16 4 місяці тому +7

      Andaron saga did it very good, giving skills for support progression or even giving special class, like mage sniper.

    • @Aeivious
      @Aeivious 4 місяці тому +4

      Ive always wanted to have a trainee unit who is built by their supports. They come with low bases and bad stats, but throughout their supports they gain stat boosts weapon access and growth rates. So basically a build your own unit.

    • @toumabyakuya
      @toumabyakuya 4 місяці тому

      Super Robot Wars also has this gimmick, the difference being that it grants you access to entirely new combo attacks. That might be cool to see in FE.

  • @paladinslash4721
    @paladinslash4721 4 місяці тому +209

    While I think attacks of opportunity would be a good idea, I don’t think cavs and fliers need another buff.

    • @karsten69
      @karsten69 4 місяці тому +24

      Give archers increased Attacks of Opportunity range against fliers.

    • @Muledragon
      @Muledragon 4 місяці тому +18

      Maybe cavs are especially vulnerable to opportunity attacks from spears? Give a particular effect to Soldier class perhaps?

    • @scottserage9022
      @scottserage9022 4 місяці тому +17

      Yeah, give archers opportunity attacks as flying units enter their range. Significantly would weaken flyers as they wouldn’t be able to dive wherever they want to and it would buff archers. Could configure this so that it is specifically archers/snipers that have this effect so that they become more relevant and distinguished from other bow users.

    • @loserlw337
      @loserlw337 4 місяці тому +4

      100% agree, if this would ever be a thing, maybe the rogue-esque classes should have better avoidance against those attacks, or maybe weaker and lighter horse units like rangers, but it makes no sense for a paladin to have it, for example

    • @Dru_Stephan
      @Dru_Stephan 4 місяці тому +1

      The problem I have with it is that enemies shouldn't be able to hit you when it's not their turn.

  • @DisplayThisOkay
    @DisplayThisOkay 4 місяці тому +56

    Armor Knight should straight be able to stop adjacent units from moving past them. I remember a SRPG called Rondo of Sword that flat out gave Armors a a passive that turned them into mobile choke points.

    • @fangiscool1
      @fangiscool1 4 місяці тому +9

      Also true for knights in tactics ogre

    • @zeroakira584
      @zeroakira584 4 місяці тому +3

      If I remember correctly in some game, armored knights also acts as shield for units stand behind them, which reduces range damages from all sources. They can also push charging enermies back by 1 square if equipped with either lance or spear.

    • @avaliantsoul5408
      @avaliantsoul5408 4 місяці тому +3

      FEH has skills that do essentially that, though split between 1-range and 2-range units. Frankly, while FEH is a decently fun mobile game, I'd rather not see the mainline games take too much from it, but there is some good stuff in there. Especially for armored units.

    • @DisplayThisOkay
      @DisplayThisOkay 4 місяці тому

      @@fangiscool1 You must be talking about the remake. I never got far enough in that to see any real skills or abilities.

    • @apprenticeb8r8r93
      @apprenticeb8r8r93 4 місяці тому

      Love rondo of swords

  • @SKaede
    @SKaede 4 місяці тому +32

    One recent feature i really love was the stamina system in Unicorn Overlord. It prevent players abuse their 1 man army characters make everyone have a room to shine and also pose a great puzzle for each stage where you have to think of a plan to send which squads to each direction, who pressing foward and who stay and rest.

    • @pedroribeirodesousa9152
      @pedroribeirodesousa9152 4 місяці тому +4

      thraccia does thar

    • @harm991
      @harm991 4 місяці тому +1

      Stamina makes sense and doesn't make the game too complicated.
      (as it already is pretty complicated)

    • @the42ndgecko21
      @the42ndgecko21 4 місяці тому +4

      Honestly, I'd say Unicorn Overlord is the perfect example of how NOT to do it, even worse than Thracia. Once you understand how the game works (took me about 2-3 hours), you realize that the most effective way to beat the game is to create a doomstack and spam stamina recovery items on them and solo the game with them. There's like, two maps in the entire game that actually need more than one combat stack.

    • @SKaede
      @SKaede 4 місяці тому +4

      @@the42ndgecko21 point taken, the system is by no mean perfect. However i don't see why you going out of your way to abuse that one trick to make the game less fun yourself makes it a bad system.

    • @the42ndgecko21
      @the42ndgecko21 4 місяці тому

      @@SKaede The problem is that the system meant to tell you "use lots of teams and avoid sinking all your resources into a single unit" actually incentivizes you to use less teams and sink all your resources into a single unit. If you build three average teams, and have to use each of them once to defeat an enemy team, maybe one attack with a support, followed by a finishing attack, that's three times as much stamina spent as making a single death unit that wins every combat in one go, only spending one stamina.
      You might think, "well, I start with 3 times as much stamina too, so it breaks even", but many of the things that restore stamina in this game are single target, such as the towns and locations that restore 2 on taking them. It's 3x easier to restore stamina on a single deathstack, rather than a well balanced flexible team of three.
      If a system meant to incentivize a certain kind of behavior you want " It prevent players abuse their 1 man army characters" actually achieves the exact opposite, that's not good, and needs serious changes before it works as intended.

  • @HanakkoLove
    @HanakkoLove 4 місяці тому +79

    I'd love to see characters gain or lose stats temporarily if someone they loved dies, depending on their personality.
    Like a headstrong character would gain massive buffs if their loved ones die, but later they have big penalties as they're dealing with grief. Meanwhile, more somber characters would get penalized if someone they love dies, but recover from the sadness faster.

    • @raho500
      @raho500 4 місяці тому +5

      Nah this is not a dating game.

    • @ChillstoneBlakeBlast
      @ChillstoneBlakeBlast 4 місяці тому +15

      You Mean Biorhythm done right?

    • @mobgabriel1767
      @mobgabriel1767 4 місяці тому +10

      ​@@raho500suports:am i a joke to you?

    • @freetoplayking7362
      @freetoplayking7362 4 місяці тому +6

      I mean... Tear ring saga gives you an option to do something like that (you have a unit that refused to kill but cares about one sucky unit, get that unit killed, they're now okay with killing the enemies)
      I would like that to happen like that a bit more than stat changes, but if it would make everyone's lives harder in ironmans, I support it

    • @raho500
      @raho500 4 місяці тому +2

      @@mobgabriel1767 Yeah unfort I'm no Awakening Baby...

  • @CyberDagger003
    @CyberDagger003 4 місяці тому +12

    I have a love-hate relationship with opportunity attacks. I hate them in D&D, where everyone gets them and melees turn into slogs where people stand next to each other and hit each other until one falls dead because under most circumstances the risk of retreating is just not worth it. I love them in Pathfinder, where it's a special skill that only the class most skilled with weapons gets by default and then only the more martially-inclined classes can choose to learn later on. Finding ut that the enemies you're fighting have it is a genuine "oh shot" moment that forces you to adapt your tactics on the spot and approach the fight differently.

  • @matthewdeleon382
    @matthewdeleon382 4 місяці тому +17

    The ability to deploy everyone you have, or a story explanation why you can't.

    • @Arkenald
      @Arkenald 4 місяці тому +7

      The general idea is that some games had was that they're fighting elsewhere in the battle. Though it might be nice if that were the case, that non deploted units would get some sort of catch up EXP. One implantation of this was in Valkyria Chronicles 4, which separated EXP from individual units, and had it attached to a tech tree, so all units of the same class leveled up at a consistent speed.

    • @lawfulgoodnun1646
      @lawfulgoodnun1646 4 місяці тому

      You can already do that in sigurds game and echoes

    • @Doomsword0
      @Doomsword0 4 місяці тому +1

      Yeah honestly, a lot of these games some of the unit limits feel very low unnecessarily

  • @darkberserker94
    @darkberserker94 4 місяці тому +19

    Some random thought that came to my head:
    Of course Mangs wants an "everything is a Devil axe mode" and I love it
    In regards to flanking and since you compared this mechanics to other games, there is a strategy game called Battle for Wesnoth where thieves have a skill "back attack" that basically means that if the thief is attacking from an opposite square of where an ally is already attacking, the thief does double damage.
    In regards of opportunity attacks, being able to move and attack on your turn and attack moving enemies on their turn could be a bit too much, so what if you could only trigger those if you used the "wait" comand? Defender classes like kinght/general could have a passive that they always trigger them even if they do another action like attacking or using items.
    Start thinking about all the mechanics for when the sequel of Andaron saga come out hahaha

    • @Artemas_16
      @Artemas_16 4 місяці тому

      In late D&D and in some games like DoS2 only first enemy will be attacked, second and later will move like always. Personally, I'd make opportunity attack deal small % damage (like follow-up in Engage), but stop enemy from moving further. So it's not reliable to kill, to very useful for protection. And give armor knights some benefits, like "3 times a turn" proc or ability to attack with javelins/hand axe, resulting in one guy closing 5 squares.

    • @furiouscorgi6614
      @furiouscorgi6614 3 місяці тому +1

      ​@Artemas_16, so something along the lines of P5T's Ambush, where if an enemy enters your range, you can get a free hit and end their turn?

  • @lasselen9448
    @lasselen9448 4 місяці тому +12

    I imagine an improvement of the mounted units. As such: all mounted units have two movement modes, and can switch at the end of anymovement (like mounting/dismounting in 3H).
    Cavalry: by default, horses trot and are only marginally faster than foot soldiers, without the canto (move-attack-move) effect. They can swap to Charge mode, where they move much faster, but only in a straight line, deal a lot more damage with higher hit rate (only after moving at least n tiles), and can move again (but still in the same direction, so they must have killed if they fought). If they fail to kill after fighting, they revert to normal movement. Alternatively, make the charge an ability instead of a toggle (requires less planning but much easier to understand and implement).
    Flying: by default, they behave like normal-movement cavalry (described above) with no penalty against archers. Entering Fly mode makes them take a lot more damage from all sources (with maybe a further bonus for archers), ignore terrain, move faster, be untargetable in melee by non-flyers, but also pass-through by everything. They can also move again after fighting, in any direction, but only if they killed; in addition, if they fight a non-flying unit and do not kill, they are forced to land and revert to ground movement. This means flyers are more tactical, with a risk of being overwhelmed on the ground after a failed swoop or struck out of the air by archers, mages or other flyers with careless positioning, on top of being unable to hold locations while airborne (agi tanking with a Pegasus in FE, anyone?).
    Yeah, that got pretty complicated.

    • @zeroakira584
      @zeroakira584 4 місяці тому +2

      If this get implemented, then some units will also need things to counter the new charging, for example: Armored knight can huddle down in the way of the charging calvary, which not only shield the unit that is targeted by the calvary but also deal the recoil damage back to the attacker to some degree. This can be pushed even further with items such as spike armour, spike shield or a simply a spear.
      In case of pegasus, in their fly mode, archer can be given overwatch ability with reduced damage but increased accuracy, making the choice to fly or land the unit really matter.

    • @lasselen9448
      @lasselen9448 4 місяці тому

      @@zeroakira584 Indeed, this is by no means a small change and it wouldn't feel good if the whole combat ecosystem wasn't adjusted to interact with it! I think the general idea is that all unit types would have an action mechanic that makes them unique (archer overwatch, AK friendly guard...) instead of just having different weapons and stats (ultimately, movement distance, attack range and damage multipliers are just stats). Dancers and thieves sort of already have it, but even those could be expanded (different dances to choose from, backstab mechanic...).

    • @zeroakira584
      @zeroakira584 4 місяці тому +1

      @@lasselen9448 I see some people suggest that Thieves should have a Bride ability where the money from the convoy can be used to persquade some enermy's units to fight for you with the cost depends on the level, skills and class that units have. And the balance to be made is that special characters cannot be bribed (bosses, important NPCs, main cast's character,...)
      For dancer, I think giving them different dance to boost certain stats can be a nice addition. The trade up would be the boost stats dance cannot reactivate units and the boosts only last until enermy's next turn.

  • @_-Bane-_Main
    @_-Bane-_Main 4 місяці тому +7

    Unicorn Overlord has a day/night cycle I wish was far more important. It only significantly affects the bestrals, which is a shame given how late into the game you get them. An easy example of how it could be more impactful is halving support fire range at night unless the unit is on a watchtower, or lowering a thief’s evasion during the day. I’d also buff the undead at night.

  • @sunkeyavad6528
    @sunkeyavad6528 4 місяці тому +10

    I'm thinking a class mechanic for armor knights, where they will jump in front of an adjacent ally that gets attacked and take the hit for them could be interesting.
    See Unicorn Overlord's Hodrick / Hoplites for example. Or the Fates/Awakening pair up protection event, except it's class based and more stable because it happens all the time or the first X attacks or sth like that and they still take normal damage.

    • @saltysaltmaker3848
      @saltysaltmaker3848 4 місяці тому

      Something like that works in UO because of the lack of permadeath/lack of permadeath unless the whole unit dies respectively.
      In FE that would basically just turn armoured units into corpses even more quickly than usual, and then they'd be dead forever.

    • @chromaticchrome3746
      @chromaticchrome3746 3 місяці тому

      Not to mention they still lack movement rate and thus would heavily slow down the units they should be protecting.

  • @blankempty5128
    @blankempty5128 4 місяці тому +3

    Homeboy just described Phoenix Point's Terror from the Void mod that just released this year.
    Resolve = Will Points/Panic mechanics
    Flanking = shooting various body parts with free aim to get around enemy shields or to disable body parts holding weapons
    Attacks of Opportunity = Return Fire trait and Overwatch
    Second Waves = Terror from the Void overhaul mod that better utilizes all 5 of the base game's DLCs
    Day/Night Cycle = Earth's rotation is factored into the game so as time progresses missions can occur during the day with better detection of enemy units or at night where stealth becomes easier for both the player and the enemy. AKA the Geoscape matters
    Seriously, Phoenix Point was made by the dude who created the OG XCOM and the mod makes the game live up to the pre-release hype.

  • @edfmed1080
    @edfmed1080 4 місяці тому +8

    The second wave stuff sounds great to put in a FE Romhack

  • @SaturosJohnMatthews
    @SaturosJohnMatthews 4 місяці тому +4

    I love day/night cycles so much. Ogre Battle on the SNES in 1993 was able to implement quite a good one. In it, light-aligned classes like paladins and clerics thrived better in the day while dark-aligned classes like sorcerers, ninjas, and most monsters were better at night. Some classes had the option to pick between a light or dark aligned class. The game also had werewolves and vampires that were especially affected by the cycle. Vampires in particular would become a useless coffin that couldn't do anything during the day. It would be cool if there was a FE game where the strongest units are vampires, but the day/night cycle would prevent them from constantly juggernauting. Though I suppose they kinda tried something like this in Tellius with laguz and the gauges they had, but overall they executed it poorly.

  • @X2011racer
    @X2011racer 4 місяці тому +1

    Valkyria Chronicles 2 and 3 had a mechanic similar to your idea of resolve called Morale. The Morale meter affects your entire army, and it is crucial that you don't let it fall to zero. You start with a morale stat of 2, and it can max out at 5 (labeled as MAX). With a higher morale stat, your units have a higher chance of activating Positive Potentials, and a lower chance of activating Negative Potentials.
    Morale goes up by healing allies, defeating enemies, and capturing bases, but it goes down when your allies are downed, when a base you have captured gets taken back by the enemy, or a downed unit dies (or hospitalized in VC2) before you could get to them and call a medic. If your Morale falls to 0 and empties completely, your army loses any will to continue fighting and forfeit, resulting in Mission Failure. This feature would not carry over in Valkyria Chronicles 4.

  • @nicodalusong149
    @nicodalusong149 4 місяці тому +3

    That "resolve" mechanic is sort of implemented, albeit slightly differently in the SD Gundam G Generation games via the tension (or more accurately morale) meter. The bar is blue on one side denoting low morale and red on the other end denoting high morale but is usually in the middle which is colored green which denotes normal morale. When a unit successfully lands a hit without getting hit in return or successfully evades an attack, their tension meter rises. When a unit is being attacked, is hit and misses their repraisal attack or is unsuccessful in evading an attack, the tension meter lowers. The only time the tension meter does not fall when receiving an attack is when a unit chooses to defend against it. When the tension meter enters the red zone, the unit enters a high tension mode and stats are increased slightly while attacks gain a x1.5 multiplier. When the tension meter is fully filled, the unit enters super high tension mode where every attack is a guaranteed critical attack however, if the attack misses, the unit loses super high tension mode and returns to normal tension. When the tension meter enters the blue zone nothing really happens until the meter drops to zero. Once the tension meter drops to zero, the character is in fear mode and is completely unable to attack (like the choice isn't even visible when choosing an action). The only way to exit fear mode is to successfully evade attacks until the tension meter is back to the green zone.
    Each unit has a tension meter that is unique to them and represents their psyche. A mentally stable unit will have an even spread of blue, green and red in their tension meter but a hot-blooded unit will have a small blue zone and a larger red zone while a mentally unstable unit will have a very short green zone and very long blue and red zones.
    It's been a while so I don't remember if this is already a thing, but I think armor units should have Area of Control (AoC) tiles. This means the adjacent tiles around them become unpassable for enemies.

  • @revivalfromruins
    @revivalfromruins 4 місяці тому +3

    Quietus from Triangle Strategy might actually work in FE, especially if the player insert is a Tactician again

  • @fghop8182
    @fghop8182 4 місяці тому +1

    I personally love the fire emblem sacred stones self randomiser where it randomizes Classes, growths, class and personal skills, items from chests and events and enimies. I think that would be fun to see in some other fire emblem games bc I find it super replable and it doesnt get bored, and it also lets you randomize the stats of weapons making it truley random

  • @MtelH
    @MtelH 4 місяці тому +1

    The first three are amazing concepts and can more easily be written into a story. Imagine this -- for every map, the enemy very clearly wants a particular unit on your team captured. If this unit falls to capture, your MC's resolve falls significantly and drives the rest of your team's resolve lower. Because the enemies are so determined to go after this unit, they're willing to expose themselves to attacks of opportunity to get to that unit. The game would have to be written in a way that these characters could be captured and the game could continue. If the story were impacted, as well, that would be the cherry on top.

  • @Maroxad
    @Maroxad 4 місяці тому +1

    In D&D you usually only get one reaction per turn. This is where I think the dual path promotions FE likes could be really interesting.
    Armor knights could be the king of using attacks of opportunity, Great Knights on the other hand, could be the kings of provoking them due to their decent mobility and good defense, so your squishier units can move through freely without getting hit by them.
    Fire Emblem already experiments with optional game modes, such as Fixed Mode and Casual Mode. I would love to see the game take it to the next level like the XCOM games did with all sorts of quirky bonus options.

  • @raderelcaroman1403
    @raderelcaroman1403 4 місяці тому +8

    Someone's been having fun in darkest dungeon!

    • @DarkAuraLord
      @DarkAuraLord 4 місяці тому +1

      such a great game, whenever people ask about my favorite FE game, I tell them it's Darkest Dungeon 🤣

  • @anlize3422
    @anlize3422 4 місяці тому +1

    Overwatch for ranged units to me seems to be awesome, especially because it gives archers and other ranged units a interesting way to interact when rushdowns occur. Attacks of opportunity for armor units seems a good idea too, because having less mobility in favor or more armor should be a different way of playing, instead of just being a self imposed hard mode.

  • @jandrnek6122
    @jandrnek6122 4 місяці тому +4

    It's funny you make this video right after RD, since Castlevania Emblem would work very well as a Tellius spin-off game. The same setting premise, but it's a world where Yune is dominant, and what remains of the world has become a Ravenloft-esque gothic horror plane full of lycantrophes and other creatures of the night (originally the laguz, now largely feral). Humans huddle around in towns built around Ashera's churches and you don't want to go into the woods.

  • @Mudlink
    @Mudlink 4 місяці тому +1

    Honestly while some of these ideas are neat I think the flanking idea is the best thing to add into Fire Emblem. The closest we technically have to it is the backup mechanic in Engage so an upgrade of that would be perfect (also love the Second Waves idea just for the pure chaos I could make).

  • @raulchavez6419
    @raulchavez6419 4 місяці тому +2

    Just a small correction on your second point: three houses does have a flanking mechanic calles "link attack". Its not well explained but whenever one of your units attack an enemy and that enemy is in the attack range of another of your units it applies a bonus to your unit hit and crit chance while debuffing the enemy unit hit a crit chance. This is display in blue number on those stats during battle preview alongside showing the portrait of the supporting unit besides your attacking unit.
    Still think a full implementation of position base mechanics would be interesting, just did not want to let the three houses try at it go unnoticed.

  • @mitchelldunn3072
    @mitchelldunn3072 4 місяці тому +4

    Resolve would be perfect for a sacred stones remake, but otherwise its difficult to imagine in FE.

  • @Vigilanteblade
    @Vigilanteblade 4 місяці тому

    I think that a roguelite dungeon mode could be fun. The main game would not have an avatar at all, but you COULD make one specifically for a multiplayer mode.
    In that mode, you choose your base class, begin at level 1, and you must go through semi-randomized dungeons with a group of friends. You each control a character (but would have the option to play solo and make a small team).
    You would level as a team as opposed to individually, and you would gather treasure as you go.
    It could be small things like getting a killing wdge or a hammer from a chest, to getting a lucky stat booster, etc...
    Random events could happen like getting a friendly green unit you can order around until they die(like in PoR), having really tough enemies spawn that you can choose to defeat for a big reward, or choosing to run away, trapped tiles, secret passages, skill challenges, etc...
    It would be different every time.

  • @zeroakira584
    @zeroakira584 4 місяці тому +1

    While Xcom and FE already did the whole companion mechanics, I think the next FE should give you a 3 members squad mechanics where members are ones 's who have the most bond with each other. They then can be place in separate location to do simple things such as scouting or side quest from the main group, without having to micro manage during the stage. Sure it can break some maps where enermies's flanks are not covered but imagine sending only a small team into the important area while your main force doing distraction and potentially farming Exp and gold.

  • @junglegoutteo1965
    @junglegoutteo1965 4 місяці тому +1

    A mechanic I would like to see is that magic and some objects can have effects on the environment. For example if you use a fire spell in a forrest it will have a chance to set it on fire and damage everyone in the area or if you use a powerful wind spell, it can create a storm.

  • @brandonwilliams6119
    @brandonwilliams6119 4 місяці тому +1

    The Second Wave stuff sounds very fun and hectic and could make for lots of challenging runs on the channel I’d love to see something like that!
    Also man, I’m still sad about Castlevania Emblem and the fact that it still hasn’t happened, because the concept has great potential, also that leak video you did on it takes me way back.

  • @christiandelavega3493
    @christiandelavega3493 4 місяці тому +1

    For flanking it would be similar to Final Fantasy Tactics as you would deal more damage, but assassins could benefit better if they keep a mechanic that they gain a crit chance bonus is attacking in close range

  • @DavisG603
    @DavisG603 4 місяці тому

    I honestly would love to see a randomized skills Second Wave. Characters get random skills every couple levels like how fates works. You can get very wacky builds that way! Thanks for giving me the opportunity to put this together Mangs!

  • @TheCrazyhusky
    @TheCrazyhusky 4 місяці тому +1

    I do like the flanking idea, it's something always wondered why it isn't a thing in the FE series. To stop people having 1-Man armies or two units carry them.
    I've played FF tactics and Disgaea series where flanking is important, Ninjas in Disgaea are VERY hard to hit from the front, You have to hit them in the back or the flank.
    Hitting a foe the back or flank increases Hit rate and damage, if they can counter-attack it only half damage back, I think it should be something in FE to stop 1-Man armies.
    Stop players Ending turn and killing everything, Now foes will target them in back and Making the Player's units only deal 50% of the damage with a lowered hit rate.

  • @tiarabite
    @tiarabite 4 місяці тому +1

    One feature that I'd like to see is for enemies you face to use specialized tactics which would be reflected in a change in AI. Such as them going out of their way to form walls or trying to lure you in with a unit before moving in, or having a scout unit(s) you have to defeat in time or else the rest of their stronger units will mobilize if that unit makes it back, or trying to set up a pincer attack. This could be done to reflect the personality of the enemy commander(like also for example you face someone who really hates mages so the enemies in that map target mages more) and/or what the overall or perceived advantageous tactic would be for the enemy(like it would make no sense for an escape chapter to be one where the enemy only targets you if you are in their range).
    I think it'd also help to shake up the overall gameplay, making each chapter unique and requiring you to use your intuition more with the dialogue or story or just plain trial and error to figure out the enemy's game plan.

  • @skynet0912
    @skynet0912 4 місяці тому +1

    The one mechanic i would love to see in Fire Emblem, is simply a build in randomizer...
    Just let it be an unlockable feature for after you beat the game once, so the developer can go: "You beat the game experience we wanted you to have, now just go nuts and play how you want!"

  • @MidwestArtMan
    @MidwestArtMan 4 місяці тому

    I think it would be cool to have some maps where you choose where to deploy. For example, you'd have an assault on a castle in the story and get to choose if you want to do a head-on attack or sneak in the back. The first option would have a large battle with a lot of units in defensive positions. The second choice would have a smaller team deployed, like 6-8 units, and have more fighting in narrow corridors. There would also be an overwhelming amount of reinforcements that show up from the castle gates after some turns. I think it would be cool to use the same map (different enemy placement) for both options, since it's the same place, but it would have to be a pretty big map.

  • @Placeholder501
    @Placeholder501 4 місяці тому +1

    Triangle Madness sounds like the Triangle Adept skill.

  • @Artemas_16
    @Artemas_16 4 місяці тому +1

    7:38 Already kinda implemented in Symphony of War, with some classes getting bonuses to damage and stealth/ambushes.

    • @Artemas_16
      @Artemas_16 4 місяці тому

      While talking about Symphony of War, one of the main features is somewhat a resolve. Parameter which shows will to fight, the more units have it, the stronger they fight; the less they have it, the weaker they are, even surrendering without a fight on zero. And MC had a spell which could drop enemy's resolve. And to show cultists devotion (late-game enemies) all them had resolve at max and not decreasing, which is good from narrative standpoint.

  • @doctorgeneric8070
    @doctorgeneric8070 4 місяці тому

    There is a mechanic in Battle Brothers where one unit can swap places with another, pulling a unit out of risk and placing itself in danger. Ah ability like thst on say, an Armor knight could add a little utility that faster units don't have and give them a little extra action economy to help make up for slow movement.

  • @andrewlesniak8018
    @andrewlesniak8018 4 місяці тому

    I think attacks of opportunity is a bad idea, but consider instead- Zones of Control. Moving into a space adjacent to an enemy could reduce your remaining movement. This could be an inherent function of all units, with some units having resistance to this (such as thieves being able to bypass it), or class specific (armors would be a great candidate to shut down enemy movement in this way). This serves the function of reducing pick-cheese by forcing you to clear a path to targets or use ranged attacks, and forces the enemy to do the same to you, increasing your capacity to wall.

  • @ctochtli2964
    @ctochtli2964 3 місяці тому +1

    Yes, I love the flanking mechanic in Ogre Battle 64, that will add more strategy to the game play.

  • @gameknight504
    @gameknight504 4 місяці тому

    I can see the Day/Night cycle being a gimmick for certain chapters where the story tells that the battle lasted for weeks. The only way it would break immersion is if the player decided to just farm the boss for XP.
    The Attacks of Opportunity for Archer and Armorknights is a really neat buff that can just be given to only them so they have more things to do. Plus it gives archer more ways to differentiate from mages of just being 2 range physical damage dealers who can sometimes hit close range. That and I imagine mages cant take advantage of it cuz they need time to cast the spell in the first place

  • @ItsNep
    @ItsNep 4 місяці тому

    I personally love the mechanic found in X-Com 2 that can cause units to get mental disorders based on what happens to them throughout a playthrough. A little similar to your resolve idea. Think something like this in a larger scale FE title would be super cool.

  • @ElAsombrosoPachus
    @ElAsombrosoPachus 2 місяці тому +1

    Interesting. Except for "second wave", you described Battle Brothers.

  • @Paterino
    @Paterino 4 місяці тому +1

    I personally would like to see some more map interactions like a day/night cycle, but I come around to not like the idea of AoO in Fire Emblem.
    Myself who play a lot of DnD, I like the mechanics in a tabletop, but not in turn based strategy, especially where tankyness is build upon stats.
    Some other game called Lost Eidolons had a nice mechanic for that.
    On specific classes it wasnt possible to pass them directly, so you actually had to move around more tiles to get behind an enemy.
    I could see this being a good mechanic for armor knights to stop enemy advances and also makes skills like PASS having more influence.

  • @Smuggers.
    @Smuggers. 4 місяці тому

    I like seeing people's ideas like this.
    The idea of second waves especially came to mind as good, I'd had similar ideas before now.
    The devil axe mode sounds super interesting.

  • @tezereth
    @tezereth 4 місяці тому

    Multiple things I think about points in this video.
    1 : Flanking. Honestly could be neat, and could give especially a big bonus to thief and assassins. In battle for Wesnoth, thief have the backstab ability which double their damage when attacking a unit when another one of your is on the other side of the opponent, which can make for devastating attacks, but otherwise their damage is very low.
    2 : Attacks of opportunity. Not a bad mechanic either, I saw it implemented that way exactly in Mechanicus, which both forced me to play more intelligently, but also allowed me to cheese certain enemies like lich guard which moves towards the one that attacks them and can get caught in your priests opportunity strikes.
    Also, I agree xcom and Banner saga overwatch/reaction fire abilities works especially well. It's a good tool for denying an area and punish aggresive enemies, but can be wasted on tanky or evasive enemies since it's dependent on who moves in range first.
    Finally, another way to prevent someone from just hitting the backline would be to add a ZoC (zone of control) mechanic, also from Wesnoth. Basically, it cuts all your unit movement when you move next to an enemy, which means you cant go past two enemies by walking in between them, however, units with the special skill "skirmisher" can ignore ZoC.
    3 : Second wave. Yes, just yes. But not too random ones, or at least not random in ways that completely screws you if it happens in the wrong time.
    4 : Day night cicle. Probably gonna sound annoying again, but Wesnoth has also an interesting day night cycle. Basically, all units are either Lawful, Chaotic, or neutral depending on their unit type (liminal is too niche). Lawful unit have +25% damage during the day, -25% at night, and 0% at dawn and dusk. Chaotic units are stronger at night and weaker at day, and neutral are unaffected. The common cycle is 2 turns of day, 1 turn of dusk, 2 turn of night, and 1 turn of dawn. Certain traits and ability also revolves around time of day. Nightstalk makes unit invisible at night, illuminate makes adjacent tiles better for lawful units unless it's already day, fearless makes lawful or chaotic units unaffected by their respective negative time of day.
    So in short, that idea is a good one given I've been able to really witness it in action in a great way.

  • @ostravaofboletaria1027
    @ostravaofboletaria1027 4 місяці тому

    Three houses did technically have something very similar to flanking, where an enemy's hit and dodge got worse for each ally within attack range of that enemy (which also caused gambit boosts).

  • @ryanhefner2011
    @ryanhefner2011 4 місяці тому

    I think adding positional bonuses like flanking bonuses and attacks of opportunity make the most sense, are the easiest to understand, and open the door to a wealth of perks/skills and build options. Like a Thief/Assassin being able to sneak by without proc'ing Atk-Opp, or classes like Knights promoting and getting an upgrade the proposed enhanced skill they get. This skill could be something like Sentinel from DnD 5e and would stop enemy units attempted movements and force them into combat with the knight.
    A lot of these changes would require a slower pace of combat to work though, traditionally in Fire Emblem, excluding 6, you get units to the point where they can easily one round enemies units, and that makes positioning and attacks of opportunity superfluous. However, if the norm isn't for Rutger or Seth to solo everything, and they can easily get swarmed, it would lead to a difficult to balance but very rewarding game.
    That theoretical game would appeal more to hardcore fans of strategy games though. The big Mario Company probably wouldn't green light that sad to say.
    As far as other mechanics go, I would say a system for dashing (While lowering base movement a touch), and some system to simulate the turning radius on mounts, canto would be a lot more balanced if you had to continue the same direction or pivot left or right a space or two before you could turn back.

  • @StivKobra
    @StivKobra 4 місяці тому +2

    As a Kaga shil, I have to suggest pulling a Berwick Saga: replace squares with hexagons. Better flanking, more strategic gameplay, more interesting map layouts. It's kinda like the evolution of the Civilization games. It started with squares, then it went to hexagons. It sounds like a natural evolution that could spice up the Fire Emblem formula without needing to add much of anything else.
    Another mechanic I would like to be added are the generic playable soldiers. Remember Glade's squad from Thracia? Yeah, more of that. When it comes to a sense of scale, Fire Emblem games really don't have it. Especially with the rosters becoming smaller and smaller, with so few deployable units. This is the Langrisser formula, which is briliant. Each unit could hire from a group of generic units, limited by their class. For example, We have the main character who is a knight. He could have a certain "hire limit", which would allow him to hire like 6 basic horsemen, or 4 paladins, or 2 great royal knights, or mix and match up to the limit. Characters could level up their Charisma skill, which would allow them more hire limit every like 2 levels or so, as well as giving passive buffs to the units they hired if they are fighting within close to their "commander". Healer unit can hire support healers, to complement the need for more healing because of the increased number of units. You know, things like that. This would help with the scale of the game so much. You could have actual grand scale battles which look like an actual war. But you can also have smaller scale skirmishes inside a castle, or a freaking tavern, with the hiring of units disabled, because it's a small scale battle, a scuffle, a brawl.
    I love FE4, and the game was supposed to portray this grand war, fighting across the whole country. But the sense of story to gameplay integration keeps breaking when you remember that it's basically like "Sigurd and these two rando cavaliers, with Arden several postal codes behind". It's not much of a war if it's against 5-6 people. My headcanon is that Sigurd, Alec, Noish etc. are actually squad leaders, and that their HP bar is actually the health/organization of their squad. When the HP bar reaches zero, the squad AND the commander are wiped.
    Funnily enough, this is what I thought the 3H battalions would be. I was pretty disappointed it was something else.

  • @benedict6962
    @benedict6962 4 місяці тому +1

    I think Resolve is a good idea with a HEAVY amount of reworking. A resolve staff would be nice, but a dancer would be awful since it becomes a tug of war for aoe effects where both sides turtle.
    Flanking needs to be paired with a reason thieves would leave themselves exposed in the first place. They aren't as tanky and don't have the canto of cavalry, so being able to pass through enemies is more dangerous than it is helpful.
    I would actually make Cavalry and Fliers take MORE damage from attacks of opportunity, but possibly only before Canto.
    The other two ideas seem like more general modifier mechanics that have too large a scope to discuss.
    My idea would be a toned down version of emblem rings and pair up. Instead of equipping ghosts of other games, you equip party members who aren't fielded in the battle. Now you have incentive to spread levels more evenly, and have a bit more freedom to build bond levels without sacrificing tactical usefulness. There can even be some interaction with Resolve, with the equipped party member controlling what kind of bonuses and penalties Resolve can apply.

  • @Doomsword0
    @Doomsword0 4 місяці тому

    The day night cycle would also help the maps feel more epic since it gives the impression its a long fight, your army really sieging the castle kinda thing

  • @the42ndgecko21
    @the42ndgecko21 4 місяці тому

    I feel like archers having an opportunity attack they can prepare instead of attacking on their turn is the perfect compromise between 1-2 range bows and being too vulnerable to fliers they're supposed to counter.

  • @MaximumNerd-bg9ho
    @MaximumNerd-bg9ho 4 місяці тому +1

    Generic player units are something I would like to see in a future Fire Emblem game.

  • @luigiye6243
    @luigiye6243 4 місяці тому

    resolve can be tied to the strory, like emotions can be translated temporaly buff / debuff on stats like the dancer rings in FE7, for exemple an unit that is afraid will lose acuracy and strenght, if is resolved increases the strenght and crit., giving it many more variables
    isn't flanking just a less restrictive version of traingle attack?
    second waves' skill randomizer choice must have 2 variants:
    - 1. partial randomizer, for exemple a sword skill wont end up in a magic user, a flier skill wont end up in a armor unit
    - 2. true randomizer, it doesnt have the restriction of the partial randomizer, making it trully chaotic
    about the story problem in day night cycle, it can be partially resolved by doing one of the following things:
    - 1. giving a maximum numbers of days for the battle so it can move realistically between 2 chapters
    - 2. giving only some chapters this feature
    - 3. an extreme choice, making an entire arc (10 chapters or so) on clock, more days you use during early chapters, and less time you have during in following chpaters, like DND actions have consequences, if you keep tainting, it'll be impossible to complete the objective (it's a pipedream, because it will be really hellish to code it)

  • @johnsteelman3254
    @johnsteelman3254 4 місяці тому +2

    New Mechanic: Critical Hits Leave Lasting Wounds for 2 Turns. The wound inflicted reduces a single stat by 2 and each weapon type affects a different stat as follows:
    Swords - 2 HP lost per turn (Tis but a scratch!)
    Axes - 2 defense lost for 2 turns (let me axe you about that armor)
    Lances - 2 speed lost for 2 turns (it’s called a lance. Hellooooooo)
    Fire/Thunder/Wind Magic - 2 Magic lost for 2 turns (concentration broken)
    Dark Magic - 2 Res lost for 2 turns (life aura has been infected)
    Arrows - 1 Movement lost for 2 turns (I took an arrow to the knee and my adventuring days are over)
    Dagger - 2 Movement lost for 2 turns (once I get this dagger out of my buttock you’re in big trouble!)
    Healing Staves - remove all lasting wounds upon healing hp (I’m helpful)
    You can’t stack wounds of the same weapon type (ie swords on swords) but you can stack different weapon types (swords, lances, axes).
    With this you can have some powerful bosses with really bad luck that can be taken down with a variety of critical attacks.
    Is this too much or does it give each unit a greater purpose?

  • @tutorialboss4090
    @tutorialboss4090 4 місяці тому

    Resolve would be hilariously frustrating, but enjoyable to watch Mangs stream an ironman where his risky maneuvers backfire even harder. Complete demoralization and destruction of his armies 😂

  • @ramones1314
    @ramones1314 4 місяці тому

    yeah anything that rewards positioning more is always welcome in my books. one of my favourite things in 3 houses was being able to secure a kill cuz i was able to put Hilda next to a man or something like that

  • @gabrielclamens3151
    @gabrielclamens3151 4 місяці тому +1

    Might have been said in comments, but in case...nothing ground breaking, but maybe a parry ? Vandal hearts, Suikoden tactics and even Berwick saga did it ! That could be interesting to se i'd say

  • @wilkinson7661
    @wilkinson7661 4 місяці тому +3

    My thoughts:
    Resolve just sounds like the morale mechanic from warriors but with extra stuff
    Flanking does sound kinda cool, and I think Engage's pincer attack skill seems like a good working point for this mechanic.
    Attacks of opportunity sounds boring
    Second waves doesnt sound fun to me
    Day/night cycles are actually a visual thing in skirmishes and castle battles in fates.
    Overall: I don’t really have much of an opinion.

  • @schwarzflammenkaiser2347
    @schwarzflammenkaiser2347 4 місяці тому

    Not necessarily a mechanic but what about multi-layered maps? For example there is a tower where each floor is it´s own map, with multiple objectives that require you to either split your army for speed or stay as one clump that has to fight more reinforcements. Or on normal field battles be able to enter houses/castles with the option to barricade them to neutralize possible reinforcement points.
    Another idea is when a character dies one of it´s highest supports get´s their personal skill, a way of saying that the survivor inherited the will of the fallen. In general a mechanic that would make the loss of a unit more part of the gameplay would be appreciated, kind of like Valkyria Chronicles with it´s mementos.

  • @aidanmillow566
    @aidanmillow566 4 місяці тому +1

    Opportunity attacks would be terrible for fire emblem I think, ranged units would be hugely nerfed because they already have to be really close to attack. The day night idea sounds really cool and honestly I don't think it would be immersion breaking (for me at least) for the day night cycle to happen in battles taking place on a single day.

  • @likky1
    @likky1 4 місяці тому

    i honestly would prefer a mechanic where character deaths actually have a impact on your army, maybe someone with a high support with someone who suddenly change how they behave or maybe even change classes (as morbid as it is) because their best friend just died and want to carry on their legacy as that class

  • @gamermanzeake
    @gamermanzeake 4 місяці тому

    The "second wave" you've mentioned is the only thing I personally would want of this list. Replayability options are always welcome. What's funny though, is that if a game is good, it doesn't really need this kind of padding. Ask yourself how many times you've played Three Houses (which has the absolute most replayability of all titles in the franchise) compared to FE6. Thracia and Genealogy are my favorite entries. I have played them countless times and never once thought: "These games need something more..." It speaks a lot about modern games and especially modern FE. The fatigue mechanic is only an issue in Thracia if you're particularly bad. Stamina drinks are easy to come by and so is the gold required to get them. Honestly, you could even cheese the arena and have an infinite number of them. Hilariously, Thracia also had a Day/Night cycle on a map. And there were plenty of maps fought in either. Sounds like you need more Jugdral in your life?

  • @unknownspeaker4815
    @unknownspeaker4815 4 місяці тому +3

    I think having events actually impact units in combat would be a nice change. Like Faye from Shadows of Valencia, she gets a hit penalty when in range of Alm, but imagine that but if Alm had a higher support with another female unit, Faye would get a huge crit boost because "He's talking to other girls!" or if he dies (I know he's a main character, but imagine it wasn't Alm and just a random unit) Faye would get a huge penalty for avoidance and strength/defence because she's in grief and "life isn't worth it" and you'd get a base dialogue (like the tellius games) where this Faye character would be working through her grief, and depending on the supports, she could get over it quicker or slower (no supports means it lasts for ages, a lot of supports she gets over the penalties in a map or two). That could allow for more chances for characters to show their personality rather than them just telling us:
    The Jagen sees the MC alone? Loses accuracy because they are focused on their ward, who might be in danger. Next to them, the Jagen gets the provoke skill because they're meant to defend the MC.
    A cowardly character is left alone with enemies in sight? They get extra movement to run away and a buff to avoid. When around allies they get the shade skill (that actually works lol).

    @NIDOKING 4 місяці тому

    I'd like to see a game with Berwick Saga type of turns. Ditch the Player and Enemy Phases and make the player choose which unit to move first or last depending on how the battle is going.
    PS: I love Darkest Dungeon, so I'd love Resolve.

  • @Sephiroth08150
    @Sephiroth08150 4 місяці тому

    Have a chance to have an injury when you're hit.
    An arm injury will drop your accuracy, a leg injury will lower your speed...
    Meaning, you can't just put your Kevin on the front line without still some sort of risk.

  • @Andriu-eh9sg
    @Andriu-eh9sg 4 місяці тому +1

    1) Resolve: Interesting, interesting, posibly a better mechanic for hard modes and beyond, remember, players are just espectators, not characters. (Unless the future games can permit to create your own tactitian/unit.)
    2) Flanking and Ganging Up: Final Fantasy Tactics series already did it and implemented it really good. Could work, specially if you "accidentally" eliminated the heavy hitters of your team and don't have any special weapons.
    3) Chance Strikes: Things will get really spicy if this would come to FE. Love it.
    4) Waves and Extra Rules: If fangames can do it, main games also can.
    5) Day/Night Cycles: Nope, bad idea, altough having staffs and tomes that make eclipses and weather effects could work, specially if its for magic related enemies and allies. (Burning skulls and rain, Sunny days and evil spirits, swamp creatures and thunderstorms, Aurora Borealis and Healing and so on.)

    • @DisplayThisOkay
      @DisplayThisOkay 4 місяці тому +1

      FFT only did flanking right in the first game. Which just copied in from Tactic Ogre. Triangle strategy's version of flanking is way better which Mangs already mentioned in the video. Edit: Now that I remember the even the first FFT flanking was bad. Nvm. Tactics Ogre was still better with it.

    • @Andriu-eh9sg
      @Andriu-eh9sg 4 місяці тому

      @@DisplayThisOkay Never heard of that game before, guess I'll give it a try. (Tactic Ogre)
      Also I was talking about the FFTA one, which was kinda unbalanced yet more fun.

  • @ramen1010
    @ramen1010 4 місяці тому

    There’s a few mechanics I’ve thought of over the years.
    The first one is a bleeding mechanic, where there is a percentage chance after an attack that your character will start bleeding. Your unit will start off only taking a little bit of damage, but it will start to snowball if it
    isn’t taken care of (1st turn 2dmg, 2nd turn 4dmg, etc.). I also just think poison should be handled this way.
    The second one is naval battles, with you actually controlling the ships like normal units. I would also have it to where you select what units you have on each ship to control how that ship would work. Lastly I would give the ability to board and raid ships to both you and the enemy. This would increase the importance of both how many and what kinds of units you place on what ship.

  • @j0hncarp
    @j0hncarp 4 місяці тому +1

    resolve can be alternatively called "morale"

  • @giacomomasi8718
    @giacomomasi8718 3 місяці тому

    All sounds cool and would make the game really interesting... for the possible additional mechanics i would love to add scouting/spy/infiltrating and a passive extra in the camp feature
    The camp feature is really basic but the camp is usually just to see the relationship bit but you could have cooks, equipment fixers, field medics for injury and other stuff so even if a character won't get used in the battlefield it still would be useful and rewards if you keep everyone alive
    The scouting/spy/infiltrating would be complex to add but could be cool having a unit that manages to go forward and fir each info you get some temp buff and can kill/substitute minor unit if you manage to infiltrate.... the hero able to do that would have quite the gripping story too, always the one that stab in the back

  • @Arkenald
    @Arkenald 4 місяці тому

    Honestly day night cycles would work just fine. Warcraft 3 never had any issue with the day night cycle effecting narrative time, in a few missions it would just lock the cycle to to either day or night.

  • @fakesmile172
    @fakesmile172 4 місяці тому +1

    I wish FE had more differentiation between classes and weapons. Classees and weapons are especially homogeneous in newer games like Awakening and Three Houses.
    I'd also like to see FE take some inspiration from Berwick Saga. Seriously Mangs, even if you don't play it yourself, watch a LP or something, its mechanics may interest you. The same may be true for Vestaria Saga, but I know very little about that game.

  • @dominicjannazo7144
    @dominicjannazo7144 4 місяці тому

    Fe7 was my first FE game. I was very surprised that changes in weather were not iterated on much in other games.
    Have fog that disperses after a few turns. Have a lake drain every turn (ok fe6 kinda did that)
    It doesn't have to be every map, but it was interesting.

  • @SimplePufferfish
    @SimplePufferfish 4 місяці тому

    I do really like the resolve mechanic, I think it is a bit realistic and it would do nothing but really ADD to the games as a whole. Like you said, giving healers and dancers another avenue of utility as well as giving bosses something else than can do other than big damage or be hp sponges. It doesnt hamper people who are going to reset anyways if a unit dies and just adds an extra layer of difficulty to both casual/restart gamers as well as ironman playthroughs. The Second Waves mechanic would be a cool thing to do once youve beaten the game to give it more replayability. Perhaps WHEN you make another romhack you could include new mechanics such as these?

  • @christiandelavega3493
    @christiandelavega3493 4 місяці тому +1

    The resolve mechanic might be a double edged sword since most FE players never wanted a unit to die. Unless if playing in ironman playthrough this mostly be useless as putting a berserk staff on your ally. Dancers can at least heal after giving another unit another turn

  • @evanseifert8858
    @evanseifert8858 4 місяці тому +8

    Randomly shuffling random growths is a terrible idea. Oh god please no.

    • @Mangs1337
      @Mangs1337  4 місяці тому +6

      It's just as a toggle for those who want.

  • @ChillstoneBlakeBlast
    @ChillstoneBlakeBlast 4 місяці тому +1

    FE could really benefit on Customization options for repeat playthrough apart from Fixed/Random Growth like Engage and FE9. I would love to see a Gamemode that changes All sword enemies to Axes, Axes to Lances and Lances to swords pr the other way Around. Engage could have pulled this off so easily yet they did not do it.

  • @ctochtli2964
    @ctochtli2964 Місяць тому

    I'm making my own strategy turn based game with paper dolls and if a unit cross the view of a enemy unit the crossing unit will get attacked and the hit range depends of multiple variations but in resume depends of the characters speed, accuracy and weight, is a hight risk mechanic in my game, not recommended but plausible to perform, its more like a "emergency" maneuver.

  • @mmmnah7684
    @mmmnah7684 Місяць тому

    2:21, so the dancers are emotional support for resolvers, and the staffs are practically medication to your army

  • @Zahri8Alang
    @Zahri8Alang 4 місяці тому +1

    Phobia mechanics like in Fear and Hunger

  • @bluntlyhonest6803
    @bluntlyhonest6803 4 місяці тому

    I'd be really into the resolve mechanic. i've played Darkest dungeon 1 and 2 to death, and its always an underlying thing to remember, no matter how good it's going, everything can turn around in an instant due to an unlucky hit that causes a unit to break mentally.
    As for the RNG element, i dont think it'd be that big a deal. Its fire emblem after all, RNG is already a HUUUGE part of its identity. And berserk and sleep staves have been around forever so losing control of a character is not something we're not used to.
    They could even cushion it a little so it's maybe just for one or two turn they run away instead of 5 turns of lost control like the staves do.
    A dancer could also have the unique quirk of stopping the resolve break early by dancing for the affliced character.

  • @yummmemonty7450
    @yummmemonty7450 4 місяці тому

    Instead of attacks of opportunity, I would prefer a zone of control mechanic, in which some or most unit types prevent an enemy from both entering and exiting adjacent spaces in the same turn, like in civ6. I would probably give this to slower tankier units like armour knights, the lance line, and maybe even the sword line

  • @alcatraz-nc2814
    @alcatraz-nc2814 4 місяці тому

    Attacks of opportunity can work and would make some sense in a game like FE. Yakuza Like a Dragon has a system like that but the issue with this game is that your character goes in a straight line when performing an attack and you have no control on your character positioning. But in FE I could see it work. As for the Day/Night mecanic I dont think it would be that much of an issue story wise if we treat a turn like let's say 1 hours for instance, and we get a starting hour at the beginning of a mission . It wouldnt be far fetched to expect reinforcement after 5 turn aka 5 hours for instance. Some mission would probably need to be rebalanced around that hours concept so that you dont start a mission far away from the objective, expect to get close, get your objective done and extract in like 6 turns but it can works.

  • @renatocasemiro4695
    @renatocasemiro4695 4 місяці тому

    flanking is a must but only if there are no ambush spawns because that would be brutal and you would definitely lose more units with that new mechanic that way

  • @royalhistorian5109
    @royalhistorian5109 4 місяці тому

    3:48 Berwick Saga already has a system but only for bow/crossbow users...alongside one other that is quite spoiler-heavy so yea.

  • @SuperLemonfish
    @SuperLemonfish 4 місяці тому

    Amazing ideas! Id get into FE again of they started innovating like that.

  • @dave9515
    @dave9515 4 місяці тому

    Attacks of opportunity sounds interesting and overwatch attacks sounds sick. Imagine making a sniper team built around killing teh enemy for moving with critical attacks and well placed positioning. I think Engage was trying to make ranged bow users better with stuff like corrin emblem and Chrom stuff but failed.

  • @iudexcalculat
    @iudexcalculat 4 місяці тому

    There should be a negative crit chance. In addition to the normal crit rate, there should be a chance that you only deal 1/3 of the damage. The stat would be influenced by the weapon and luck. This would make it more interesting.

  • @SG-xn2rb
    @SG-xn2rb 4 місяці тому +1

    5 risky mechanics old players will hate on because it's not rescue 😎

  • @RajamQED
    @RajamQED 4 місяці тому

    we need the glorious return of biorhythm and staves with a chance of missing

  • @drakenpriest
    @drakenpriest 4 місяці тому +1

    Flanking. issnt that basically what Back-Up characters do in Engage?

  • @kanrakucheese
    @kanrakucheese 4 місяці тому

    Resolve sounds like biorythm with extra steps.
    AoO or overwatch would be nice as an innate for archers as an alternative way to make their enemy phase less useless than just giving them 1 range options.

  • @Balex115
    @Balex115 4 місяці тому

    More money management mechanics would be awesome, love having to pay my units like a guild leader.

  • @LunaticFafnir
    @LunaticFafnir 3 місяці тому

    this is my idea neutral units who become alies or enemies dependind of some requirements for example a group of mercenaries who you need pay them or they become red units even making other objetives as visit all tows,kill x number of enemies ,escort one green unit to talk the neutral units or simply talk with their leader before x turn.

  • @projectpitchfork860
    @projectpitchfork860 4 місяці тому +1

    2:49 That hasn't stopped the developers from adding siege tomes.
    Or status staffs/staves.
    Or ambush spawns.

  • @pisos2.0
    @pisos2.0 4 місяці тому +1

    I would love to see a multiplayer mechanic! Have us collect characters like collectible cards and compete with other players 🫵🏻👶🏻

  • @RajamQED
    @RajamQED 4 місяці тому +6

    They need to get rid of the monastery ***t and simply focus on actual gameplay