Walking with Claret. 15th Moment: Glorified

  • Опубліковано 5 вер 2024
  • In 1897, the remains of Anthony Mary Claret were moved to Vic, where they are now venerated. On February 25, 1934, the Church added him to the list of the Blessed. This humble missionary achieved worldwide veneration. The bells of the Vatican Basilica celebrated his glory. On May 7, 1950, Pope Pius XI declared him a Saint. On that significant day, it was said that Saint Anthony Mary Claret embodied contrasts: from humble beginnings to worldly glory, a small body with a giant spirit, modest in appearance but commanding respect, strong-willed yet gentle due to austerity and penance, and devoted to the Mother of God, whose light illuminated his life.
    The world often tempts us to pursue greatness at any cost, sometimes leading us to disregard the dignity of others in the process. However, when we pay close attention, we come to realize that true greatness often emerges from the most modest of origins. It is in these humble beginnings that we can find a more genuine and compassionate path to achieving our aspirations.
    Let us pray,
    God of all Holiness, having taken St. Anthony Mary Claret to be in your presence, grant us the strength and insight to treat all individuals with respect and dignity, recognizing the spark of greatness that can be nurtured in each soul. Let us not be swayed by the allure of worldly success at the expense of others, but instead, inspire us to uplift those around us, helping them to reach their full potential.
    We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
    St. Anthony Mary Claret, Pray for us.
    Claretian Vocations