i think that map is my most favourite tbh. i like zip lines, i like space. perform really well here. least favourite in this split is worlds edge, i dont know, its so dense and small i always have a hard time. losing points map pretty much every time.
around 7:00 : it happens a lot in low ranked lobbies eg : one of my teammates didn't wanted to fight unless he had at least lvl 3 shield (he had lvl 2)
Yeah it's frustrating. I'll be frying a whole team with half a purple shield and 25hp waiting for backup only to see my teamates that are 100 meters away topping off their shields whilst having 100hp.
For me, I just play when my friends are on atm, and since pubs are terrible we play rank to have a more chill time. We just play slow and chill while I play Catalyst (not Seer cheese, I just love Catalyst) and we never go for high-kills, simply getting 3-6 team kp per match and setup for late ring. We won 3 times in a row yesterday, by doing virtually nothing and letting the lobby die. It wouldn't really work past Diamond but for me and my friend, who don't care about our rank, it doesn't matter at all.
you had 330 rp at top5... it would take me 5 hour gaming session to gain that much rp.. especially on broken moon where i die constantaly with 1rp... i need some cracked teammates like you. honestly confidence is the key here.. i need confident teammates
That tip of holding interact down before approaching downed teammates next to doors would have definitely saved me a few Ls when I used to solo to Diamond. 🤦🏻
16:50 16 seasons I've complained about how impossible it is to revive in a doorway with a controller. They put the tap to interact/hold to reload in season 8ish and I thought we were good but it did nothing to solve the issue. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS TIP! I've literally hated this quirk since Apexs inception.
How to abuse platinum ranked apparently: get teammates that are master or predator. I appreciate ottrs match review vids, they're wildly useful and the fact that he is the only apex content creator to talk about massive issues within the game is vital to what the average player even knows about apex. That being said, this is just a match by a pro player, who had god tier luck on random solos whilst in a plat lobby that is still saturated with gold players. This was the worst match I could have ever thought of to do a review for tips because the tip is essentially "be better than the enemy"
glad someone else said it lol. Dude titles it "how to abuse plat" when its literally a player who isnt plat skilled w a solid team who also arent "plat" players rolling a lobbie. God why didnt we all think to have a great team and roll through a lobby below our skill levels lol.
8:53 , perfect description of full stack plat lobby , Im strugling soloQ to Diamon and Im stuck at plat 3 , Im this close to quit this game , solo vs 3 stack is hard af , at least for me
Tip: play Broken moon and skip other maps. Broken moon is casual and rotating is easy, World's Edge and Storm Point are map ment for competitive play. Unless you are super confident on your main pick (I hit dia 4 playing only Ash), play Lobba and don't be shy to run away from a bad fight if your teammates drop. You can save your rp and maybe even get a positive game instead of -50 if you just craft their banners and ress them somewhere safe.
Broken Moon is a map desinged for casuals that fixes arguably the hardest part of BR which is rotating, with all those zip rails. For preds it's frustrating because their lobbies play totally different from our plat / diamond lobbies. They have to kill race in order to climb, but rotations being so fast on BM turn their games into third party fiesta. But for casual playerbase it's way less forgiving than World's Edge for example. It also doesn't help adding the map room scan for recon legends. They just hit the beacon and know exactly where to go kill racing. The problem is most of the squads will have that info. Isolated 3v3 is what you want, but in pred lobby they rarely get that. So it's probably the combination of the map itself, ranking system and map room scan that makes preds hate on Broken Moon.
First minute and im allrdy amazed how you get team mates like this😂. Actually pushing in with you for some easy kp and not running away or camping on place until enemy team full resets and roll over you with some 3rd party action...
Hard disagree about playing passive being a signal of lesser skill. There is a time and a place for ape pushes, and I totally agree that someone who is overall better can *usually* win pushes like that, but for the average plat player, who is not Ottr or another high caliber streamer (a vast minority, in other words), passive play in some situations can definitely prove to be a good strat. Pushing blindly into a defended position can be disastrous for the pushing team, and I think that baiting in ape players who aren't thinking enough about their pushes is perfectly viable. That being said, sitting and waiting isn't *always* good, just like how rushing into every given fight isn't a good idea all the time either. Time and place for everything, and playing to your strengths as a player is much more subjective than the video is making it out to be.
having good teammates is essential. Playing solo is a gamble on platinum up to diamond 2, you get basically casuals who got so high up by camping untill top 3, with maybe 2 or 3 kills. Playing premade is better hence communication and also team chemistry is alot better, yet if your premade is not at the same skill level, he is basically like a random who actually gives info. "*shrugs*"
Ottr I’m just like u I have hated broken moon since the beginning of season 15 and whenever it was on rotation I would play arenas no joke and now when’s it’s on I play mixtape
You pros need us platinum sweats to stay fine tuned and you know it! without that level of team sweating we'd never make it out of gold never mind plat rank
A lot of the issue with plat is that it’s not just plat players. I’m regularly playing against diamonds and masters that have dropped down. I can hold my own, I play with master friend’s occasionally, but it’s not cool to act like we’re nothing. Platinum players are a good week away from Diamond. Playing with randoms is what most people do and for some reason you get what seem like silver players in the queue. Anyways all this to say don’t hate on any ranks. Thank you for the content ottr. Play smart, capitalize on enemy mistakes, and you’ll win.
if there is anything i want people to understand while solo Q-ing is that not everyone will be on your level. if i find myself to be the highest skilled in my team i adopt sweet's IGL type. you need to reassure you're teammates that the fight is quite winnable even without amazing gun-skills. give them tips about what to expect. where to look and what to watch out for and that usually gets them to cooperate with me. you occasionally get the prick who doesn't want to listen and tells you to shut up. but so far it makes my solo Q experience quite enjoyable. i get so many thank you messages after the majority of my games and that alone feels like it was worth it. if anything i made some have a good game even if it wasn't a win. what's the point of ranking up if you're torturing yourself all the way. long story short. just reassure your teammates that even if we don't win this fight. it's not the end of the world. it's one more step of improving as apposed to just rush in with teammates who don't want to and find yourself 1v3 the entire team cuz your team is having second thoughts.
previous masters/preds should never demote past plat and no previous diamond should demote past gold; it would make the ranked process slightly less aggravating.
Hey, so new-ish to Apex (started S13). Don’t have all the legends and can’t play as often as I’d like. Tips for making best use of time getting better. Primarily working on aim obviously.
awesome video , what piss me off all the time tho "personal shit" is people who keep pressing N all the time while holding mele , it annoy me so much , like i stopped using my knife i cant even stand looking at it or in a video , it gives me ptsd everytime i look at it
I find a lot of streamers say they hate broken moon without ever giving any real reasoning as to why they hate broken moon, and then I realize after watching them play it’s because they never really make it to endgame, and if they do they always die in some very sweaty 3rd 4th and 5th party convergence. ironically, broken moon is the map i’ve won the most games on, and it’s also a map where everyone tends to spread out, moreso than storm point and definitely more than worlds edge - i’m looking at you Frag hot droppers. I’ve really yet to hear an actual reason behind why they don’t like Broken moon aside from “well the map just sucks”. Or is it that you suck at the map? It’s a newer map so maybe you haven’t gotten comfortable around the map yet? I find it a much better map than the other maps because it naturally causes people to spread out for loot, giving everyone a chance to get some kills and rank up without immediately getting 3rd and 4th partied. If you hate Broken Moon, please comment below why you hate it, or if you love it tell me why you love it!
the chokes are god awful and open, making it more difficult to maneuver when someone holds you out, even if they're not as skilled as you. Also people tend to drop hot and die out quickly, making you run across a huge map with little fighting until the end game. Usually. That being said I've actually come to really enjoy the map, one side tends to be busier, the other side tends to be quieter. It's really just learning how to play it differently than the other maps imo.
@@valiaustin16 Different terrain forces you to be more creative in your pushes! It also teaches you to be more strategic in your crosses when you have to push through a choke point without much cover. Just like you said, even a less skilled player has an advantage over you simply due to having to cross in the open. But that lesser skilled player with the advantage can also be you next time! Take advantage of the areas on the map that you find yourself feeling the most vulnerable and use it against higher skilled/ranked opponents :) Happy Hunting
Maybe people dislike it more, because the distances are larger. Better for long/mid range fights -> so its worse for aim assist players(controller is best at close range). I feel like its the best map right now. Also have won way more on it than other maps. At diamond 4 right now. Also the problem of no audio(bad audio) is easier to avoid on this map with your positioning(less close range building fights). Easier to res bad hot dropping teammates too. Just avoid promenade at all cost, most of the time you wont make it out there if you start a fight because of 3rd party -> 4th party... everyone seems to come there if you do. Rotate around it if the zone is at the other side. Literally never go there, even walk through it, unless you have no time to go around because of the zone. Also only use the ziprails if you dont care about letting others know your position and are ready for a fight. The sound of those can be heard from a very far away. On broken moon you can often rotate around a fight if you dont want to engage, when on other maps you are more likely to just have to push through it. Smaller maps, no room to go around.
I just hit Diamond 4 by abusing Broken Moon in ranked rotation. Skipping World's Edge and playing Broken moon only is my tip to reach diamond as solo player. Now the reason why pros hate Broken Moon is simple: It's the exact opposite of what you have said. Need to understand the highest ranking lobbies play totally different games from those we have in plat/diamond. Because the rank system has removed deminishing return from KPs, they are forced to kill race early and mid game. Predator winning with 6 kp doesn't consider it a good game. They really need to farm those kills. Broken moon is a casual map, zip rails make rotations way more forgiving and the team comp less demanding on having Valk. Rotating is the hardest part of BR, especially if you are soloq with 2 randoms. Zip rails fix that for casual gamers like us. However In pred lobby it becomes third party fiesta because of it. Essentially every fight gets third partied if it doesn't end fast enough. They added the "map room" scan for recon legends, so every pred 3 stack playing Seer or Hound knows exactly where to look for those kills.Getting isolated 3v3 on Broken moon is much harder in their lobbies than ours. So as they are kill racing, they are getting 5th partied, something which won't happen so often on other maps.
Because everyone wants to be a Faide wannabe and wants to play with ziplines all fucking day. This map is great for ranked, people need to start playing ranked as intended and as not as an extended challenge to pubs.
10:15 I literally want to stop playing when I get on to play and it’s double Broken Moon. If Bloodmoon is in rotation next season I’m taking a big break.
I always roll through plat so easy and all the way to d2-1 and then it just seems weird do the lobbies actually change or is it just a mind trick because if it actually changes I’ll just adapt my play style to it
Been playing a lot of ranked this season the lobbies always play so scared/hand holdy that the meta is almost always snipers and charge rifle’s especially when broken moon is on I always find my team getting split up early or caught out and whenever we manage to stay together and take fights it seems like the entire lobby collapses any tips or advice for these weird ass platinum lobbies?
He has professional team mates who are properly flanking and helping each other in those flanks. Makes these tutorials not really valid for the average player. You have to be communicating to pull this off, and most people don't.
@@WXSTANGdont just completely lie, and disservice everything in the video, because he’s better than you and you cannot fathom ever doing this well. 😂😂 I’m not a fan at all, ive only seen three of his vids before. But its very clear that he has never played with these team mates before, and everything he says and does is pretty spot on and helpful for anyone struggling with platinum lobbies
A weird thing happened when I dropped a beacon near the door and I LOS'd it while channeling, this made the doors continuously open and close. Luckily the other squad were fighting each other to care, but just wanted to add that tip-not-so-much-a-tip.
Running triple snipers with a defensive/support comp is actually not a bad strategy. And you ironically just made the point that it’s successful in luring people in.
As a wattson main, when broken moon comes into rotation I just play late game. Kp can be so hit or miss without any get out of jail free cards on this map, and I honestly would rather wait for Storm Point or Worlds Edge
5:40 that wasn't a third "party" 😂 that was a third solo. He was probably trying to get he's team for a fight but the others decided to camp for zones.
I have 1200 games played and 950 are on Broken Moon from last seasons Grind. I feel comfortable on the map but did notice some legends I play aren't as good on the map.I reached my highest success on Broken Moon while my biggest take away from the other maps is I just don't know the rotations or don't have the reps in lol
That means you need more play time in those maps and considering SP and WE are much older than broken moon, seems a bit absurd you dont know the rotations by now, unless you started playing recently.
Since thebmatchmaking for Pubs is so trash recently I thought about going to ranked again. I mostly get lvl 100 teammates that I have to carry and especially that push anything out in the open and never retreat. Often I just think: OK WATCH WHAT WILL HAPPEN NOW: 10s later - dead bc they pushed 2 teams on their own from lowground in the open with white shields. Then they leave after I got their banner and am on my way to leave. So I guess if I puss through tonplat again, I will at least have some good teammates. Curious if I can make it to doamond again.
I'm struggling solo que through platinum I've just dropped out of plat 2 because my serverw keep kicking me out and I get an error so frustrating. I play on ps4ive lost so much rp to these issues.
I love your video's because of how much you are geared towards teaching and not just showing off. I actually never k new the tip about holding the interact key for reviving on a door so that'll be something I use from now on! Keep up the amazing vids man!
i just saw this video recommended in my yt. as a player that hard stuck plat if i can outplay them i wont in plat edi. no offense just feel like when u solo pushing tje loba idk which server is this game but for my game whenever i solo queue a random teamate push the teamamte that run away he always lose 1v1. the fact that you win is because u have better aim and movement compare this lobby. but i also appreciate something from this video
Broken Moon is the worst map in the game. Its not that it looks bad, it’s just poor poi placement. Promanade gets 5th and sometimes even 6th partied, and the ziprails allow for 99.9999% guaranteed 3rd parties. It’s not fun and I actively avoid playing ranked on it.
I don't get the platinum player hate, considering you are literally sweatier than them, and probably have way more hours than them too. But otherwise cool video
solo quing is hard... ether you get teammates that rat with sniper, run away or enter a fight without their head and die instantly so you have one down of the rip for free and they know this and becaus they three stack they just ape and dosent care if you crack or down them becaus the other team does not play their life in plat... or they play their life way to seriously and run away from every fight...
Please stop runing new accounts Bronze-to-Master. I want everyone to undestand that it is just ruinig games for casual players like me who just hurd-stuck gold-plat and want to play with people of the same level. It is frustrating to meet lvl 20 accounts that just going 1v3 and outplaying whole your squad. We did not play for 8 hours a day. We play like 4 hours a week and we want Fair Fights.
The only people who like broken moon are hardstuck p4 or people that run from every single fight. They think they’re actually playing the game by just running away on zips 24/7
The biggest problem in plat is boosters and teamers. At a certain point in every season the high plat lobbies are riddled with these rats. The best lobbies are the plat/D4 lobbies. It's all legit players that are not really that great. That's when I have gained the most when I'm doing hood already in plat and it bumps me up to plat/ D4 lobbies. People play so scared you almost don't get third-degree. I Gaines like 1300 rp two days ago on broken moon then got demoted on worlds edge. Crazy thing is I never got a gold teammate in plat solo queue but it was every game in diamond solo queue. I had about 30 kills in diamond before I got demoted. 3 or 4 times I 1v3ed and got thirded and couldn't get away to rat cause worlds edge is small and you just run into another squad too often.
3rd parties mainly, same as KC from what I've read. I don't really "hate" any maps but yeah, I enjoy some PoIs on Storm Point but f*** me is it a running simulator. Worlds Edge and Olympus are probably my favourites personally
I would put worlds edge 3rd but everyone just landing fragment makes the match boring unless either you land there too, or if it’s ranked and people actually land every where else
Can see the effect the movement gym had in your gameplay, hope my mantle jump tips were helpful :)
Care to share the tips? I can’t figure it out lol
Is there a link to this "movement gym"?
@@covrmeporkins38 most popping server on r5 right now
i think that map is my most favourite tbh. i like zip lines, i like space. perform really well here. least favourite in this split is worlds edge, i dont know, its so dense and small i always have a hard time. losing points map pretty much every time.
I feel the same, I think Broken moon is the best map.
Y’all are nuts
Broken Moon & Olympus are my favs. I used to hate Storm Point, but it's growing on me. Worlds Edge I'm really, really tired of playing.
@@owenhuisman3438 true🫶
Y'all play ranked? 😳
around 7:00 : it happens a lot in low ranked lobbies eg : one of my teammates didn't wanted to fight unless he had at least lvl 3 shield (he had lvl 2)
lvl 1 i can understand but having blue shield and being a puss is mega lame
Yeah it's frustrating. I'll be frying a whole team with half a purple shield and 25hp waiting for backup only to see my teamates that are 100 meters away topping off their shields whilst having 100hp.
am i the only one who was surprised when he called a rock a dildo? 18:01
No u werent
What rock?
16:40 wow this tip helped
For me, I just play when my friends are on atm, and since pubs are terrible we play rank to have a more chill time. We just play slow and chill while I play Catalyst (not Seer cheese, I just love Catalyst) and we never go for high-kills, simply getting 3-6 team kp per match and setup for late ring. We won 3 times in a row yesterday, by doing virtually nothing and letting the lobby die. It wouldn't really work past Diamond but for me and my friend, who don't care about our rank, it doesn't matter at all.
Ottr writes off his purchase of an heirloom as a business expense. Now that is big brain energy!
you had 330 rp at top5... it would take me 5 hour gaming session to gain that much rp.. especially on broken moon where i die constantaly with 1rp...
i need some cracked teammates like you. honestly confidence is the key here.. i need confident teammates
Definitely earned the like with the revive tip on doors
Ottr: you can just outplay them cuz they're just, y'know, PLATINUMS
Me: but i'm platinum too?
That tip of holding interact down before approaching downed teammates next to doors would have definitely saved me a few Ls when I used to solo to Diamond. 🤦🏻
Damn ottr savage mode on 9:00 XD
day 46 of asking for a mande reaction video
Have you ever tried him on his live chats? He responds to people quite a bit on their!
Day one of asking you to stop
46th like
Man I wonder what a team with the gaming merchant, Otter and Daz would look like xD
16:50 16 seasons I've complained about how impossible it is to revive in a doorway with a controller. They put the tap to interact/hold to reload in season 8ish and I thought we were good but it did nothing to solve the issue. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS TIP! I've literally hated this quirk since Apexs inception.
Love all the pointers man. I know the amount of effort it takes to make these videos. Keep it up man! Subbed 👍
How to abuse platinum ranked apparently: get teammates that are master or predator.
I appreciate ottrs match review vids, they're wildly useful and the fact that he is the only apex content creator to talk about massive issues within the game is vital to what the average player even knows about apex. That being said, this is just a match by a pro player, who had god tier luck on random solos whilst in a plat lobby that is still saturated with gold players. This was the worst match I could have ever thought of to do a review for tips because the tip is essentially "be better than the enemy"
glad someone else said it lol. Dude titles it "how to abuse plat" when its literally a player who isnt plat skilled w a solid team who also arent "plat" players rolling a lobbie. God why didnt we all think to have a great team and roll through a lobby below our skill levels lol.
funny bc broken moon is actually my fav map in the pool rn hahah
8:53 , perfect description of full stack plat lobby , Im strugling soloQ to Diamon and Im stuck at plat 3 , Im this close to quit this game , solo vs 3 stack is hard af , at least for me
Tip: play Broken moon and skip other maps. Broken moon is casual and rotating is easy, World's Edge and Storm Point are map ment for competitive play. Unless you are super confident on your main pick (I hit dia 4 playing only Ash), play Lobba and don't be shy to run away from a bad fight if your teammates drop. You can save your rp and maybe even get a positive game instead of -50 if you just craft their banners and ress them somewhere safe.
@@marekmaly2337 thanks for the tips man , last night I was thinking that I should try Loba to be able to keep my teamates with me
Broken Moon is a map desinged for casuals that fixes arguably the hardest part of BR which is rotating, with all those zip rails. For preds it's frustrating because their lobbies play totally different from our plat / diamond lobbies. They have to kill race in order to climb, but rotations being so fast on BM turn their games into third party fiesta. But for casual playerbase it's way less forgiving than World's Edge for example. It also doesn't help adding the map room scan for recon legends. They just hit the beacon and know exactly where to go kill racing. The problem is most of the squads will have that info. Isolated 3v3 is what you want, but in pred lobby they rarely get that. So it's probably the combination of the map itself, ranking system and map room scan that makes preds hate on Broken Moon.
First minute and im allrdy amazed how you get team mates like this😂. Actually pushing in with you for some easy kp and not running away or camping on place until enemy team full resets and roll over you with some 3rd party action...
Hard disagree about playing passive being a signal of lesser skill. There is a time and a place for ape pushes, and I totally agree that someone who is overall better can *usually* win pushes like that, but for the average plat player, who is not Ottr or another high caliber streamer (a vast minority, in other words), passive play in some situations can definitely prove to be a good strat.
Pushing blindly into a defended position can be disastrous for the pushing team, and I think that baiting in ape players who aren't thinking enough about their pushes is perfectly viable. That being said, sitting and waiting isn't *always* good, just like how rushing into every given fight isn't a good idea all the time either. Time and place for everything, and playing to your strengths as a player is much more subjective than the video is making it out to be.
i love broken moon. Especially promenade. Never gets boring. Im too tired of worlds edge now.
having good teammates is essential.
Playing solo is a gamble on platinum up to diamond 2, you get basically casuals who got so high up by camping untill top 3, with maybe 2 or 3 kills.
Playing premade is better hence communication and also team chemistry is alot better, yet if your premade is not at the same skill level, he is basically like a random who actually gives info.
You can’t updraft on top of the Mirage Voyage but you there’s like the square things on the side you can get on top of using the updraft.
Half the vid was him saying he doesn’t like the map Lmaoo 😂
Wingman skill looks cool
Ottr I’m just like u I have hated broken moon since the beginning of season 15 and whenever it was on rotation I would play arenas no joke and now when’s it’s on I play mixtape
You pros need us platinum sweats to stay fine tuned and you know it! without that level of team sweating we'd never make it out of gold never mind plat rank
A lot of the issue with plat is that it’s not just plat players. I’m regularly playing against diamonds and masters that have dropped down. I can hold my own, I play with master friend’s occasionally, but it’s not cool to act like we’re nothing. Platinum players are a good week away from Diamond. Playing with randoms is what most people do and for some reason you get what seem like silver players in the queue.
Anyways all this to say don’t hate on any ranks.
Thank you for the content ottr.
Play smart, capitalize on enemy mistakes, and you’ll win.
if there is anything i want people to understand while solo Q-ing is that not everyone will be on your level. if i find myself to be the highest skilled in my team i adopt sweet's IGL type. you need to reassure you're teammates that the fight is quite winnable even without amazing gun-skills. give them tips about what to expect. where to look and what to watch out for and that usually gets them to cooperate with me. you occasionally get the prick who doesn't want to listen and tells you to shut up. but so far it makes my solo Q experience quite enjoyable. i get so many thank you messages after the majority of my games and that alone feels like it was worth it. if anything i made some have a good game even if it wasn't a win. what's the point of ranking up if you're torturing yourself all the way. long story short. just reassure your teammates that even if we don't win this fight. it's not the end of the world. it's one more step of improving as apposed to just rush in with teammates who don't want to and find yourself 1v3 the entire team cuz your team is having second thoughts.
previous masters/preds should never demote past plat and no previous diamond should demote past gold; it would make the ranked process slightly less aggravating.
You can superglide from the mirage ship to the building directly.
Hey, so new-ish to Apex (started S13). Don’t have all the legends and can’t play as often as I’d like. Tips for making best use of time getting better. Primarily working on aim obviously.
12:57 the real questions we need answers too
538 was my new high rp from one game yesterday right after work. 8 kills (I think) and first place. With promo bonus
awesome video , what piss me off all the time tho "personal shit" is people who keep pressing N all the time while holding mele , it annoy me so much , like i stopped using my knife i cant even stand looking at it or in a video , it gives me ptsd everytime i look at it
I find a lot of streamers say they hate broken moon without ever giving any real reasoning as to why they hate broken moon, and then I realize after watching them play it’s because they never really make it to endgame, and if they do they always die in some very sweaty 3rd 4th and 5th party convergence. ironically, broken moon is the map i’ve won the most games on, and it’s also a map where everyone tends to spread out, moreso than storm point and definitely more than worlds edge - i’m looking at you Frag hot droppers. I’ve really yet to hear an actual reason behind why they don’t like Broken moon aside from “well the map just sucks”. Or is it that you suck at the map? It’s a newer map so maybe you haven’t gotten comfortable around the map yet? I find it a much better map than the other maps because it naturally causes people to spread out for loot, giving everyone a chance to get some kills and rank up without immediately getting 3rd and 4th partied.
If you hate Broken Moon, please comment below why you hate it, or if you love it tell me why you love it!
the chokes are god awful and open, making it more difficult to maneuver when someone holds you out, even if they're not as skilled as you. Also people tend to drop hot and die out quickly, making you run across a huge map with little fighting until the end game. Usually. That being said I've actually come to really enjoy the map, one side tends to be busier, the other side tends to be quieter. It's really just learning how to play it differently than the other maps imo.
@@valiaustin16 Different terrain forces you to be more creative in your pushes! It also teaches you to be more strategic in your crosses when you have to push through a choke point without much cover. Just like you said, even a less skilled player has an advantage over you simply due to having to cross in the open. But that lesser skilled player with the advantage can also be you next time! Take advantage of the areas on the map that you find yourself feeling the most vulnerable and use it against higher skilled/ranked opponents :) Happy Hunting
Maybe people dislike it more, because the distances are larger. Better for long/mid range fights -> so its worse for aim assist players(controller is best at close range). I feel like its the best map right now. Also have won way more on it than other maps. At diamond 4 right now. Also the problem of no audio(bad audio) is easier to avoid on this map with your positioning(less close range building fights). Easier to res bad hot dropping teammates too.
Just avoid promenade at all cost, most of the time you wont make it out there if you start a fight because of 3rd party -> 4th party... everyone seems to come there if you do. Rotate around it if the zone is at the other side. Literally never go there, even walk through it, unless you have no time to go around because of the zone.
Also only use the ziprails if you dont care about letting others know your position and are ready for a fight. The sound of those can be heard from a very far away.
On broken moon you can often rotate around a fight if you dont want to engage, when on other maps you are more likely to just have to push through it. Smaller maps, no room to go around.
I just hit Diamond 4 by abusing Broken Moon in ranked rotation. Skipping World's Edge and playing Broken moon only is my tip to reach diamond as solo player. Now the reason why pros hate Broken Moon is simple: It's the exact opposite of what you have said. Need to understand the highest ranking lobbies play totally different games from those we have in plat/diamond. Because the rank system has removed deminishing return from KPs, they are forced to kill race early and mid game. Predator winning with 6 kp doesn't consider it a good game. They really need to farm those kills. Broken moon is a casual map, zip rails make rotations way more forgiving and the team comp less demanding on having Valk. Rotating is the hardest part of BR, especially if you are soloq with 2 randoms. Zip rails fix that for casual gamers like us. However In pred lobby it becomes third party fiesta because of it. Essentially every fight gets third partied if it doesn't end fast enough. They added the "map room" scan for recon legends, so every pred 3 stack playing Seer or Hound knows exactly where to look for those kills.Getting isolated 3v3 on Broken moon is much harder in their lobbies than ours. So as they are kill racing, they are getting 5th partied, something which won't happen so often on other maps.
Love to see it! 💯💯
Waitting for your video en diamond, personally im stock on D3 jajaja keep the good vibes bro ❤
Any good tips for solo 40-60 fps guy with kinda bad ping? Im gold 3 going for gold 2
I think that broken moon is a mix of olympus and kings canyon and idk why ppl dont like the map bc its kinda good
Everyone goes promenade/terraformer and 3rd parties are almost instant
Because everyone wants to be a Faide wannabe and wants to play with ziplines all fucking day. This map is great for ranked, people need to start playing ranked as intended and as not as an extended challenge to pubs.
Broken moon is the best map. The only reason pros dont like it is cos its harder to third party
MOM! More hot pockets! i have to look the new ottr video so i can git gud in apex!
Good tip @17:10 always happened to me lol
This guy looks like he's alergic to human contact 😂
tysm for the great content
Me, a gold iv player: hmmm yes, classic plat player
i was at the live when you got it i took a screenshot!!
You should title these videos with the Solo to Master: I Learned How To Abuse Platinum Ranked.
CANT LEAVE ROOKIE BEEN PLAYING ON 200ms for years Lmaooo. Hope we get servers in African someday
I literally want to stop playing when I get on to play and it’s double Broken Moon. If Bloodmoon is in rotation next season I’m taking a big break.
I always roll through plat so easy and all the way to d2-1 and then it just seems weird do the lobbies actually change or is it just a mind trick because if it actually changes I’ll just adapt my play style to it
Great content, deserves more hype tbh
Been playing a lot of ranked this season the lobbies always play so scared/hand holdy that the meta is almost always snipers and charge rifle’s especially when broken moon is on I always find my team getting split up early or caught out and whenever we manage to stay together and take fights it seems like the entire lobby collapses any tips or advice for these weird ass platinum lobbies?
How do my fellow Plat players feel about this one? Lol.
Hard to sit through all the negativity
He has professional team mates who are properly flanking and helping each other in those flanks. Makes these tutorials not really valid for the average player. You have to be communicating to pull this off, and most people don't.
@@WXSTANG the people in this vid werent professional lmao. its a SOLO to masters
@@WXSTANGdont just completely lie, and disservice everything in the video, because he’s better than you and you cannot fathom ever doing this well. 😂😂
I’m not a fan at all, ive only seen three of his vids before. But its very clear that he has never played with these team mates before, and everything he says and does is pretty spot on and helpful for anyone struggling with platinum lobbies
From what I gather, platinum players are the scourge of the Earth and should be dispatched appropriately.
@@WXSTANG weirdo this a solo grind to masters. just log off
A weird thing happened when I dropped a beacon near the door and I LOS'd it while channeling, this made the doors continuously open and close. Luckily the other squad were fighting each other to care, but just wanted to add that tip-not-so-much-a-tip.
Cheers for the door tip 👍
Running triple snipers with a defensive/support comp is actually not a bad strategy. And you ironically just made the point that it’s successful in luring people in.
As a wattson main, when broken moon comes into rotation I just play late game. Kp can be so hit or miss without any get out of jail free cards on this map, and I honestly would rather wait for Storm Point or Worlds Edge
5:40 that wasn't a third "party" 😂 that was a third solo. He was probably trying to get he's team for a fight but the others decided to camp for zones.
Hail Hydra
you can't use the air to push you onto the mirage voyage
I have 1200 games played and 950 are on Broken Moon from last seasons Grind. I feel comfortable on the map but did notice some legends I play aren't as good on the map.I reached my highest success on Broken Moon while my biggest take away from the other maps is I just don't know the rotations or don't have the reps in lol
Which legends did u struggle with
Thats why I don't like changing maps every day, it makes maining one legend less viable unless they are truly meta
That means you need more play time in those maps and considering SP and WE are much older than broken moon, seems a bit absurd you dont know the rotations by now, unless you started playing recently.
@@silentgodess1234 I started Grinding in Season 15. I don't enjoy pubs I just went straight to ranked lol.
@@draemdaed On broken moon my main Bangalore. I seem to have success with Ash or Octane.
They're very serious about what they do... But they're in platinum 😂
I dont understand what your problem with broken moon?
I think its a good map it just needs more cover and angles to hide
Since thebmatchmaking for Pubs is so trash recently I thought about going to ranked again. I mostly get lvl 100 teammates that I have to carry and especially that push anything out in the open and never retreat.
Often I just think: OK WATCH WHAT WILL HAPPEN NOW: 10s later - dead bc they pushed 2 teams on their own from lowground in the open with white shields.
Then they leave after I got their banner and am on my way to leave.
So I guess if I puss through tonplat again, I will at least have some good teammates. Curious if I can make it to doamond again.
as a Catalyst main, poor door positioning on their part
I'm struggling solo que through platinum I've just dropped out of plat 2 because my serverw keep kicking me out and I get an error so frustrating. I play on ps4ive lost so much rp to these issues.
nice poker brunson reference
What is that wingman skin?
the revive tip is very helpful, I always got my teammate killed because of this.
I love your video's because of how much you are geared towards teaching and not just showing off. I actually never k new the tip about holding the interact key for reviving on a door so that'll be something I use from now on! Keep up the amazing vids man!
How do we send vids to you
18:02 caption relatable
i just saw this video recommended in my yt. as a player that hard stuck plat if i can outplay them i wont in plat edi. no offense just feel like when u solo pushing tje loba idk which server is this game but for my game whenever i solo queue a random teamate push the teamamte that run away he always lose 1v1. the fact that you win is because u have better aim and movement compare this lobby. but i also appreciate something from this video
was this the game after the res where u were confused
Ugh, maybe I need to just put down the sticks....I have hundreds to thousands of hours into this game and my aim is asss water.
But they’re platinum like platinum is bottom of the ranked board 🤣
Broken Moon is the worst map in the game. Its not that it looks bad, it’s just poor poi placement. Promanade gets 5th and sometimes even 6th partied, and the ziprails allow for 99.9999% guaranteed 3rd parties. It’s not fun and I actively avoid playing ranked on it.
Yeah whenever I’m in plat/Diamond I get gold/silver teammates so can’t rely on them
i think he wasnt solo or was very lucky with teammates. I cant find a match who ppl stay alive the first fight.
I don't get the platinum player hate, considering you are literally sweatier than them, and probably have way more hours than them too. But otherwise cool video
can you rate Wraith skins
solo quing is hard... ether you get teammates that rat with sniper, run away or enter a fight without their head and die instantly so you have one down of the rip for free and they know this and becaus they three stack they just ape and dosent care if you crack or down them becaus the other team does not play their life in plat... or they play their life way to seriously and run away from every fight...
Everyone I encounter HATES Broken Moon. Wish they would just delete it.
What is your sense? 😊 great game btw 👏
Please stop runing new accounts Bronze-to-Master. I want everyone to undestand that it is just ruinig games for casual players like me who just hurd-stuck gold-plat and want to play with people of the same level. It is frustrating to meet lvl 20 accounts that just going 1v3 and outplaying whole your squad. We did not play for 8 hours a day. We play like 4 hours a week and we want Fair Fights.
Get better
12:08 not even a superglide
240 fps and 35 ping is an abuse that all... 0 lags packet loss and all shots regs
Ha I watched your livestream today
was kings canyon so bad? i miss it, is it not coming back ever?
i hit the like for the door revive tip.
sadly, a lot of smurfs playing in singapore, so some of this couldn't be applied
Personally I really like Broken Moon, No map can possibly be as bad as Storm Point
Storm point bad
The only people who like broken moon are hardstuck p4 or people that run from every single fight. They think they’re actually playing the game by just running away on zips 24/7
how to lower ping ?
Try vpn or use Ethernet if you aren’t already
The biggest problem in plat is boosters and teamers. At a certain point in every season the high plat lobbies are riddled with these rats. The best lobbies are the plat/D4 lobbies. It's all legit players that are not really that great. That's when I have gained the most when I'm doing hood already in plat and it bumps me up to plat/ D4 lobbies. People play so scared you almost don't get third-degree. I Gaines like 1300 rp two days ago on broken moon then got demoted on worlds edge. Crazy thing is I never got a gold teammate in plat solo queue but it was every game in diamond solo queue. I had about 30 kills in diamond before I got demoted. 3 or 4 times I 1v3ed and got thirded and couldn't get away to rat cause worlds edge is small and you just run into another squad too often.
I’ll never understand how folks hate broken moon😂😂 it’s literally like the second best map, i absolutely despise storm point
3rd parties mainly, same as KC from what I've read. I don't really "hate" any maps but yeah, I enjoy some PoIs on Storm Point but f*** me is it a running simulator. Worlds Edge and Olympus are probably my favourites personally
@@Millyyy95 for me it’s
1. Olympus
2. Broken Moon
3. Kings Canyon
4. Worlds Edge
5. Storm point
I would put worlds edge 3rd but everyone just landing fragment makes the match boring unless either you land there too, or if it’s ranked and people actually land every where else
Broken moon is the best map out!
Broken Moon is perfectly fine.
Very useful tips. But calling poker a game is kind of a stretch though