hey Andrew as you know i use the raspberry pi 2 to do this instead of the teensy....i noticed your part list doesn't include a 0.1uf cap to go between VCC and GND .... is that not recommend on the teensy? for the pi the ps4devwiki says Use short wires, esp. if you are not adding the 0.1µF capacitor between ground and vcc as close as possible to the chip...thought i'd point it out so if you ran into issues with mismatching dumps you had a possible solution...cheers mate cant wait for the next video
Hi Andrew, great video, will help me a lot. Would like to ask you if there are other "bios" templates that you have.. I am not sure if its just the part of my BT/Wireless corrupted or I have something more. I am able to install version 3.55 and controller is not connecting just like you show in the video, but also cannot update to a higher version because of SU-41283-8 error. I am suspecting there is more damaged parts...
Templates for v3.55 are in the description for all consoles and modules. update issue is probably the disk drive. Disconnect the cables to it and try updating to v4.0.
Hi Andrew, thanks for the hint! I tried that yesterday, when you disconnect the disk drive it starts rolling the x, square and circle saying updating for about 4-5 sec, and then it comes with same error.. tried v. 4.0, 4.06 and 4.07 with same result. Only working version is 3.55 but cannot pair controller...
Hello all! I am in a bit of a bind with the Tennsy ++ 2 Wired perfectly with exact wires seen in this video. 3.3v regulator is on point. Everything meters out as it should. Tried 4 different USB wires. 4 different computers. All computers have same issue...they can flash the hex file to the teensy but when you try to ask for info Teensy not found. All computers show the NORway PS3 serial driver is missing. But the USB shows COM port. Same results when using GUI. Can flash hex but then cannot find Teensy for info or dump. Thanks for your help in advance.
OK guys...I have spent two days on this and 40 min after I ask for help I have figured it out! Teensy drivers Teensy 2.0++ needs windows drivers and linux udev rules to be recognized fully as it was meant to, as explained here www.pjrc.com/teensy/usb_serial.html Windows driver: serial_install.exe Found it on the PSDEVWIKI Hope this helps someone in the future. Best
Hello Andrew I bought the teensy and installed the regulator but once I plug it into the usb no blinking light comes up. I would appreciate if you could help me. Thanks
Hi Andrew. Great videao and tutorials. I have a small issue, in that the Dip16 socket I bought, is just that. 16 pin. could you please advise which pins to connect the teensy board up to please?
+Andrew Paul Thanks Andrew. Im now having an issue with the Teensy not being recognised once the voltage regulator and the 3v is bridged. If I remove it, and reconnect the 5v line, the teensy is detected in windows and teensy loader . Any ideas?
If all else fails you can use it without the regulator and it will work - it's not ideal as the NOR is a 3.3v IC but for the short time it's in there you can use it without at a push. I would heavily recommend using the regulator however if at all possible.
+Andrew Paul Yes, I cut the trace and checked there was no continuity. I have removed the regulator and reconnected the 5v line. Now I have a separate issue with the ac1d flash tool not loading :/
Andrew I really need some advice . I've been following your video and you really know your stuff . Especially ps4 . I wanted to ask a question . I have a ps4 board I am working on . I've been breaking my head trying to figure the problem out after swapping out the HDMI port . It didn't work after the HDMI swap and I found out that it was one of the HDMI filters ( one of the four black squares under the Panasonic chip) that was bad . I tried changing just the one but all of them ended up moving so I removed them . The problem is when it came to putting the HDMI filters back , it was so difficult , I couldn't put them back on because of how tiny they are. After 2 scrap boards of trying to transfer those filters , I gave up . Most ended up getting damaged. Do I need these four black filters or can I just run a straight wire ? When I take a closer look at these filters. They just look like wires wrapped around a black non conductive material. What do you think ? Hope to hear from you soon
Hi, these are EMI filters - if needs be you can just run wires from top to bottom across the eight sets of contacts. I'd recommend putting some proper filters back but if you're struggling then it'll get you out of that situation. Cheers.
+Andrew Paul EMI filters wow. I have been looking for the name of these components like crazy . I would love to put some back on but it's just so dang difficult . Is there any alternatives? What happens if I don't use them ? Do they sell these components alone? Thank you for the prompt response . I heard you called them HDMI filters in another video . I didn't know what they were until now.
+Andrew Paul you are so awesome . You were right I put it 8 copper wires and it worked flawlessly. This is the reason why I knew you were the person that would help with this situation . Thank you so much . You taught me so much about the ps4 system . It really impressive . Keep up the great work !!
good video i got a question you think the this one works too SOP16 SOIC16 to DIP16 Socket Programmer Adapter double PCB Board sop16-1.27-1 sx please let me know if you can
I can't see anywhere where it states the supported size for the socket so it's very hard to say without asking the seller. You need a SOIC16 to DIP16 (300mil) Socket for SAA / SAB revision boards. Like this one: www.ebay.com/itm/SOP16-SOIC16-to-DIP16-Test-Socket-Adapter-Pitch1-27mm-IC-Body-Width-7-5mm-300mil-/152140698621?hash=item236c4ad3fd:g:rvAAAOSw3YNXa4Qv
Andrew Hi , I bought the programmer teensy ++ 2.0 , place the bridge in 3 v like this in your video. I can not get my computer bios reconnoitre the PS4 . I get error looking for the programmer. Some help ? Thank you.
What is the error you receive? When do you receive it? Part 2 will be online in the next couple of days (just needs editing up) with the setup procedures for the Teensy which should resolve any issues you might be facing.
Hi, Andrew Paul! I have a CUH 1115A motherboard with a corrupted firmware after a interruption of energy. I'm trying to update but no success. can it be a problem with the NOR?
ABDELMOULA HARIRI container sizes have changed for 4.0 but the procedure and offsets etc are the same. If you dump the C20001 and tell me the size i might have a dump you can use.
Hi Andrew. idk but im probably having this exact same issue. my ps4 7 months old since feb but only played for 3months after i played 1 game in overwatch my console started to lag im tryung to force to switch profiles bad idea ik now. anyway it completely froze i restarted no syncing. formatted it still no syncing. im curious can i do the replacing bluetooth chip thing to fix this or have to do this frameware rework thing? i have zero experience in any of this neither the equipment. so my last question if i have to do the rework thing can u possibly do the hardware thing for me n il purchase it? i live in the bahamas not so many pc or game tech here.
Would switching the bt chip fix this issue?im ready to order the part. Had this before the update around may.I installed the update hoping it would fix.
Not really to what I've seen - I usually dump the fw. to begin with as it's less strenuous on the motherboard to remove the NOR than it is to rework the BT module. If all looks good then I go to the BT module. Be aware that if your console is a CUH-12xx series machine you'll have different BT modules than those in the CUH-1xxx series machines and you'll also need a different NOR adapter to that shown in the firmware rebuild tutorial Part 1. Cheers, Andy.
I do have the 12 series pheww s possible that u can post the alternitive bt module and nor kit please when free. A link to purchase them or their modle names. Thanks
Hi Andrew, Something unrelated to this video but I was wondering if you could help me. The fan on my PS4 doesn't spin but only for half a second when I turn it on, I have replaced it with a new one and it still doesn't want to spin. Instead it overheats every 15 mins or 2 mins when I try to test it on a game. Do you know of a solution I could try?
Hi mate, Probably an issue with the PWM circuitry if the console otherwise appears to start OK. Don't be tempted to keep running it if the fan won't spin - it'll kill the APU. Get i checked by a quality independent repair specialist. Cheers.
nice video. if i was to send you mt ps4 would you be able to get it working for me ? for some reason there is no power supply or hardrive in it and i dont know what to do can i please send it to you to help me get it fixed ?
Hi Paul I'm sorry but this has nothing to do with this video but I'm just hoping for you to reply, my ps4 is dead and won't turn on at all, I've tried everything, I've ordered a new psu because I think a fuse has blown in the power supply, do you think I am right? Cheers lewis
Hi Lewis, It's possible you're right but there are literally hundreds of reasons as to why your console may not power on so without seeing it first hand it's difficult to say but good luck with it and hopefully a new PSU will resolve your issue. Cheers.
Andrew, got some 1215 boards that the issue is the PS update did flash the wrong version of the bt module, the physical module is rev 1.1 but the flash has the 1.2 fw, trying to replace that data in the Nor file will make the ps4 not to boot, still eject but rarely beeps to power up and when it does power up (1 every 50 or so times) it will turn off seconds later. Ideas on this case? Also, I am able to read/write the NoR directly on the board soldering on the pads around it, is there anything against this procedure? Is it safer to remove the chip from the mobo? Thanks again!
hi , unable to recognize my teensy in 3.3v, serial_install.exe not possible to install it because w10 tells me it's not neccessaire, so what to do please?
Hi Andrew ... thank u for very detailed tutorial. I have problem with dumps and im in dark. I hope u can spread some light :) to my problem. PS4 on 4.73 (1116). Dont have original hdd so im trying to update to 5.05. Always stuck at same progress. Around 44% and give me code su-30631-3, which i belive is nor corruption. So i went ahead with ur tutorial of dumping to eliminate firmware corruption. I have teensy and i no socket adapter. I solder to nor with very short wires to teensy. Everything ok when i hit info, read correctly and even dump went through with no problems. I made around 2 dumps. But problem is here. I cant get 2 equal dumps. No matter what i do. All are diffrent. So i guess its not dumping right. But if i load at ps4 nor extractor it load all info ... but the only thing i noticed is diffrent sha1. If i load another dump sha1 is keep changing. I tried on another teensy and diffrent comp and still couldnt get 2 identical dumps. :( When i extract from dump 2 and extract from dump 2 and compare c0020001.bin they are identical. Do u have any ideas ? PS: I tried diffrent hdd,usb and same thing. I try to update to latest fw using internet and same thing. I try diffrent nor from diffrent console and both were identical (1.62 FW)
Is the NOR being lifted from the board before dumping? If not, do so and try again. Can you dump a NOR from a known-working console consistently on your setup? The fact you're getting differing dumps each time suggests to me that the NOR itself may well be faulty - if you can dump other NORs consistently then this may well be the problem. Sadly if it is, the chances of repairing it successfully are very slim to none.
Hey. Yes nor is being lifted and soldered to adapter. I try with direct wires on nor to no diffrence. I dumped nor from working console with this setup and everything was ok. So setup is good ... So i think its nor who is faulty. Im gonna try to buy new mxic chip and try once again with new nor. i will leave orig nor untouched. But i dont have any hopes about this one :(
C20001 container sizes have changed for v4.00 but the procedure and offsets etc are the same. If you dump the C20001 and tell me the size i might have an EU dump for SAA/SAB boards which you can use.
That's good if so! Yes it most probably will be - as long as it's a 3.3v regulator then it should work nicely and will avoid the need for the additional part from RS.
Look up Steve @ TronicsFix on UA-cam for US-based service. Tell him I sent you - he's a good guy and should be able to sort your console out easily enough. Cheers.
Is it possible to dump the firmware off any console and replace with older firmware to jailbreak? I'm currently researching this to see some potential.
Hey Andrew, i would like to send you my PS4. You could also use it in a video. Is that possible? How can i contact you for payment etc. I tried everything :(
+Andrew Paul I am located in Germany. Freezes for a few months now. But rather spontaneous. since last week complete shut downs sometimes. Since Thursday BlOD. Opened it up, looked if everything was ok. Everything looks nice. Changed the Thermal Paste. Then restarted, and it worked for a few hours without problems. Then after a few hours, started again, another BlOD, couldnt turn into safe mode. Few hours later it would turn into safe mode, and also start again. Now sometimes it is working and sometimes not. When it freezes it looks like the image has artefacts. One time it started getting artefacts, i pulled out hdmi. put it back in and it worked again for a few games. Next day i put out the bios battery and put a new one in, it worked afterwards. even could turn it off and on and it would work for a few hours. So i have no idea. But whenever i leave it for a few hours it would start into the games at least, but then feeeze. After that freeze, somehow i get blods again.
+Andrew Paul could there be some broken condensators? it feels as something would work whenever i let it time. or is ist the heat on the hdmi chip? or vram? no idea.
Hola, quizas me puedas ayudar, tengo una ps4 que comenzo a dejar sin conectividad a los mandos,, hasta que ahora muestra un codigo de error NW-35959-1 en la parte superior izquierda cuando inicia, pero ya no sincronizan ni con el cable usb, le realice un reset al comando, pero no lo toma por usb tampoco, tampoco me deja ingresar a modo seguro, nunca hace el segundo pitido a los 7 u 9 segundos, y se termina apagando, justo vi tu video que quizas por ahi me puedas ayudar, muchas gracias.
Hi, If I understand correctly your PS4 doesn't enter safe mode and you cannot sync controllers at all? Do you have any other controllers to test at all to ensure it's not just this one controller?
Gracias por tu pronta respuesta, pude probar con otro mando pero pasa lo mismo, primeramente te dejaba jugar unos minutos con el mando y después se terminaba desconectando, le realice una limpieza general ya que estaba con mucha tierra, anduvo una hora bien y luego ya no tomo mas el mando, ni por cable usb, intente entrara a modo seguro pero no me deja, no hace el segundo pitido.
Has the controller sync issue only started since disassembling and reassembling the console? If so check the connection of the antenna cable beneath the power supply unit and ensure the other end of the cable is properly and securely attached to the metal bracket.
Me llego por esa falla, que a los 5 minutos se quedaba sin la comunicación del mando, al verla como estaba y notando también que levantaba mucha temperatura en la parte del APU ponido mi mano sobre el plastico, decidí realizar una limpieza, la probé una hora y funciono bien, al otro día ya no tomaba los controles. Gracias nuevamente. Ojala me puedas ayudar.
Hi Andrew Paul need your help for a couple of thinks. I need to start repairing console with not working pad so i need all the stuff for programming. I don't remember where but i readed in one comment of your videos that it's possible to use a CH341A usb programmer that i already own and also i have a programmer like this: www.amazon.com/WINGONEER-high-speed-Programmer-EZP2010-supports/dp/B01DZC36GY. Those are ok or i need teensy anyway or may can i use a raspberry pi3? Please answer as soon as you can and also indicate to me all the equipment and socket i need for all ps4 revision for use with my programmer or with teeny. Thanks Last question i would like to ask if you have a video guide for ps4 that turn on and shut down after a second.
Hi, You can use a standard programmer if you wish, as long as it supports the MXIC NOR chips in question. A full list of components, including socket details etc can be found on this video and the 1200 addendum video.
Ok i will try with my programmer if works, do you now also if raspberry can be use instead teensy ? Please can you also tell me if this socket is good for 1200. it.aliexpress.com/item/QFN8-to-DIP8-Programmer-Adapter-WSON8-DFN8-MLF8-to-DIP8-socket-for-25xxx-6x8mm-Pitch-1/32813537238.html?spm=a2g0y.search0104.3.22.1ab1269f9LmtiD&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_5_10065_10068_318_319_317_10696_450_10084_10083_10618_452_535_534_10304_10307_533_10820_532_10821_5023915_10302_204_10843_10059_10884_323_10887_100031_320_321_322_5727715_10103_448_449_5727815,searchweb201603_45,ppcSwitch_0&algo_expid=df362057-6191-49e7-b816-f60b922c94fa-3&algo_pvid=df362057-6191-49e7-b816-f60b922c94fa&transAbTest=ae803_5
hey Andrew as you know i use the raspberry pi 2 to do this instead of the teensy....i noticed your part list doesn't include a 0.1uf cap to go between VCC and GND .... is that not recommend on the teensy? for the pi the ps4devwiki says Use short wires, esp. if you are not adding the 0.1µF capacitor between ground and vcc as close as possible to the chip...thought i'd point it out so if you ran into issues with mismatching dumps you had a possible solution...cheers mate cant wait for the next video
I use a PI 3 - No cap .. No issue
arduino can do this?
Hi Andrew,
great video, will help me a lot. Would like to ask you if there are other "bios" templates that you have.. I am not sure if its just the part of my BT/Wireless corrupted or I have something more. I am able to install version 3.55 and controller is not connecting just like you show in the video, but also cannot update to a higher version because of SU-41283-8 error. I am suspecting there is more damaged parts...
Templates for v3.55 are in the description for all consoles and modules.
update issue is probably the disk drive. Disconnect the cables to it and try updating to v4.0.
Hi Andrew, thanks for the hint! I tried that yesterday, when you disconnect the disk drive it starts rolling the x, square and circle saying updating for about 4-5 sec, and then it comes with same error.. tried v. 4.0, 4.06 and 4.07 with same result. Only working version is 3.55 but cannot pair controller...
Its a CUH-1106A by the way..
Hey Andrew, can you label the pins for both the CU-11XX and CU-12XX Nor flash chips so that those who are watching can build their sockets?
OOps I forgot!!! the pinouts are in video 3!!! LOLOL!!!!!!
Hello all!
I am in a bit of a bind with the Tennsy ++ 2
Wired perfectly with exact wires seen in this video.
3.3v regulator is on point.
Everything meters out as it should.
Tried 4 different USB wires.
4 different computers.
All computers have same issue...they can flash the hex file to the teensy but when you try to ask for info Teensy not found.
All computers show the NORway PS3 serial driver is missing. But the USB shows COM port.
Same results when using GUI. Can flash hex but then cannot find Teensy for info or dump.
Thanks for your help in advance.
OK guys...I have spent two days on this and 40 min after I ask for help I have figured it out!
Teensy drivers
Teensy 2.0++ needs windows drivers and linux udev rules to be recognized fully as it was meant to, as explained here www.pjrc.com/teensy/usb_serial.html
Windows driver: serial_install.exe
Found it on the PSDEVWIKI
Hope this helps someone in the future.
Thank you very much I was having the same problem
Hello Andrew
I bought the teensy and installed the regulator but once I plug it into the usb no blinking light comes up. I would appreciate if you could help me. Thanks
Hi Andrew. Great videao and tutorials. I have a small issue, in that the Dip16 socket I bought, is just that. 16 pin. could you please advise which pins to connect the teensy board up to please?
Schematics are @25:17 onwards. Cheers.
+Andrew Paul Thanks Andrew. Im now having an issue with the Teensy not being recognised once the voltage regulator and the 3v is bridged. If I remove it, and reconnect the 5v line, the teensy is detected in windows and teensy loader . Any ideas?
Did you cut the trace to the 5v pad before soldering it in place? If so it suggests there may be an issue with your Voltage Regulator.
If all else fails you can use it without the regulator and it will work - it's not ideal as the NOR is a 3.3v IC but for the short time it's in there you can use it without at a push. I would heavily recommend using the regulator however if at all possible.
+Andrew Paul Yes, I cut the trace and checked there was no continuity. I have removed the regulator and reconnected the 5v line. Now I have a separate issue with the ac1d flash tool not loading :/
Can you use tenssy 2.0 Or should we use tenssy 2++
So where can i get the NOR dump for 6.50 ? I am trying hard but i do not find it.
Plz help me out.
Andrew I really need some advice . I've been following your video and you really know your stuff . Especially ps4 . I wanted to ask a question . I have a ps4 board I am working on . I've been breaking my head trying to figure the problem out after swapping out the HDMI port . It didn't work after the HDMI swap and I found out that it was one of the HDMI filters ( one of the four black squares under the Panasonic chip) that was bad . I tried changing just the one but all of them ended up moving so I removed them . The problem is when it came to putting the HDMI filters back , it was so difficult , I couldn't put them back on because of how tiny they are. After 2 scrap boards of trying to transfer those filters , I gave up . Most ended up getting damaged. Do I need these four black filters or can I just run a straight wire ? When I take a closer look at these filters. They just look like wires wrapped around a black non conductive material. What do you think ? Hope to hear from you soon
Hi, these are EMI filters - if needs be you can just run wires from top to bottom across the eight sets of contacts. I'd recommend putting some proper filters back but if you're struggling then it'll get you out of that situation. Cheers.
+Andrew Paul EMI filters wow. I have been looking for the name of these components like crazy . I would love to put some back on but it's just so dang difficult . Is there any alternatives? What happens if I don't use them ? Do they sell these components alone?
Thank you for the prompt response . I heard you called them HDMI filters in another video . I didn't know what they were until now.
+Andrew Paul you are so awesome . You were right I put it 8 copper wires and it worked flawlessly. This is the reason why I knew you were the person that would help with this situation . Thank you so much . You taught me so much about the ps4 system . It really impressive . Keep up the great work !!
Cheers :-)
hi Andrew, mother card sac 001 with Blod, performed reball apu did not work, can it be the nor corrupt that causes ul blod? thanks a lot
good video i got a question you think the this one works too SOP16 SOIC16 to DIP16 Socket Programmer Adapter double PCB Board sop16-1.27-1 sx please let me know if you can
Have you a link?
I can't see anywhere where it states the supported size for the socket so it's very hard to say without asking the seller.
You need a SOIC16 to DIP16 (300mil) Socket for SAA / SAB revision boards.
Like this one: www.ebay.com/itm/SOP16-SOIC16-to-DIP16-Test-Socket-Adapter-Pitch1-27mm-IC-Body-Width-7-5mm-300mil-/152140698621?hash=item236c4ad3fd:g:rvAAAOSw3YNXa4Qv
Thank you so much I'm going to order that one
Thank you question that one works with the slim model? if not can you help me to find one like that one if you can please
+Andrew Paul
can you provide me the pinout pointing in a picture of the P.I.C? i haven't got this adapter and i want to solder it directly on the IC
i have solved it thanks anyway
Andrew Hi , I bought the programmer teensy ++ 2.0 , place the bridge in 3 v like this in your video. I can not get my computer bios reconnoitre the PS4 . I get error looking for the programmer. Some help ? Thank you.
What is the error you receive? When do you receive it? Part 2 will be online in the next couple of days (just needs editing up) with the setup procedures for the Teensy which should resolve any issues you might be facing.
Hi, Andrew Paul! I have a CUH 1115A motherboard with a corrupted firmware after a interruption of energy. I'm trying to update but no success. can it be a problem with the NOR?
Do you get any error codes etc?
Andrew Paul Hi, Yes. I get the error SU-30645-8
hello, my console install version 4.00 flach NOR works des verzion?
ABDELMOULA HARIRI container sizes have changed for 4.0 but the procedure and offsets etc are the same. If you dump the C20001 and tell me the size i might have a dump you can use.
at the moment I still do not buy it, I wanted to inform, however, and it works for 4.0 and model what would be european ... thanks
Hi Andrew. idk but im probably having this exact same issue. my ps4 7 months old since feb but only played for 3months after i played 1 game in overwatch my console started to lag im tryung to force to switch profiles bad idea ik now. anyway it completely froze i restarted no syncing. formatted it still no syncing. im curious can i do the replacing bluetooth chip thing to fix this or have to do this frameware rework thing? i have zero experience in any of this neither the equipment. so my last question if i have to do the rework thing can u possibly do the hardware thing for me n il purchase it? i live in the bahamas not so many pc or game tech here.
Would switching the bt chip fix this issue?im ready to order the part. Had this before the update around may.I installed the update hoping it would fix.
Is there a way to find the problem between the bt chip or the nor before buying the materials for ether solution? Reply would be appriecated. Thanks
Not really to what I've seen - I usually dump the fw. to begin with as it's less strenuous on the motherboard to remove the NOR than it is to rework the BT module. If all looks good then I go to the BT module.
Be aware that if your console is a CUH-12xx series machine you'll have different BT modules than those in the CUH-1xxx series machines and you'll also need a different NOR adapter to that shown in the firmware rebuild tutorial Part 1.
I do have the 12 series pheww s possible that u can post the alternitive bt module and nor kit please when free. A link to purchase them or their modle names. Thanks
Hi Andrew, Something unrelated to this video but I was wondering if you could help me. The fan on my PS4 doesn't spin but only for half a second when I turn it on, I have replaced it with a new one and it still doesn't want to spin. Instead it overheats every 15 mins or 2 mins when I try to test it on a game. Do you know of a solution I could try?
Hi mate, Probably an issue with the PWM circuitry if the console otherwise appears to start OK. Don't be tempted to keep running it if the fan won't spin - it'll kill the APU. Get i checked by a quality independent repair specialist. Cheers.
nice video. if i was to send you mt ps4 would you be able to get it working for me ? for some reason there is no power supply or hardrive in it and i dont know what to do can i please send it to you to help me get it fixed ?
Hi Paul I'm sorry but this has nothing to do with this video but I'm just hoping for you to reply, my ps4 is dead and won't turn on at all, I've tried everything, I've ordered a new psu because I think a fuse has blown in the power supply, do you think I am right? Cheers lewis
Hi Lewis,
It's possible you're right but there are literally hundreds of reasons as to why your console may not power on so without seeing it first hand it's difficult to say but good luck with it and hopefully a new PSU will resolve your issue. Cheers.
Hey Andrew, does this work for flashing PS3 Nor chips?
Andrew, got some 1215 boards that the issue is the PS update did flash the wrong version of the bt module, the physical module is rev 1.1 but the flash has the 1.2 fw, trying to replace that data in the Nor file will make the ps4 not to boot, still eject but rarely beeps to power up and when it does power up (1 every 50 or so times) it will turn off seconds later.
Ideas on this case?
Also, I am able to read/write the NoR directly on the board soldering on the pads around it, is there anything against this procedure? Is it safer to remove the chip from the mobo?
Thanks again!
It's defo safer to remove the flash from the board - not sure on the 1215 issue though - not done much of anything with these as yet. Cheers.
+Andrew Paul would you take my ps4 to repair either the Bluetooth chip or the software in this video
Wave Rider where are you located mate?
+Andrew Paul Edinburgh
Sure thing. See my Controller Sync Repair Service on my eBay page at:
hi ,
unable to recognize my teensy in 3.3v, serial_install.exe not possible to install it because w10 tells me it's not neccessaire, so what to do please?
hi, alo?, please how you alim your teensy ??
I usually just cut 5v trace and then always apply 3.3v from external source.
Hi Andrew ... thank u for very detailed tutorial. I have problem with dumps and im in dark. I hope u can spread some light :) to my problem.
PS4 on 4.73 (1116). Dont have original hdd so im trying to update to 5.05. Always stuck at same progress. Around 44% and give me code su-30631-3, which i belive is nor corruption. So i went ahead with ur tutorial of dumping to eliminate firmware corruption. I have teensy and i no socket adapter. I solder to nor with very short wires to teensy. Everything ok when i hit info, read correctly and even dump went through with no problems. I made around 2 dumps. But problem is here. I cant get 2 equal dumps. No matter what i do. All are diffrent. So i guess its not dumping right. But if i load at ps4 nor extractor it load all info ... but the only thing i noticed is diffrent sha1. If i load another dump sha1 is keep changing. I tried on another teensy and diffrent comp and still couldnt get 2 identical dumps. :( When i extract from dump 2 and extract from dump 2 and compare c0020001.bin they are identical.
Do u have any ideas ?
PS: I tried diffrent hdd,usb and same thing. I try to update to latest fw using internet and same thing.
I try diffrent nor from diffrent console and both were identical (1.62 FW)
Is the NOR being lifted from the board before dumping? If not, do so and try again.
Can you dump a NOR from a known-working console consistently on your setup? The fact you're getting differing dumps each time suggests to me that the NOR itself may well be faulty - if you can dump other NORs consistently then this may well be the problem. Sadly if it is, the chances of repairing it successfully are very slim to none.
Hey. Yes nor is being lifted and soldered to adapter. I try with direct wires on nor to no diffrence.
I dumped nor from working console with this setup and everything was ok. So setup is good ... So i think its nor who is faulty. Im gonna try to buy new mxic chip and try once again with new nor. i will leave orig nor untouched. But i dont have any hopes about this one :(
if the console is version 1215A how can I do this with the NOR???
hi, NOR flash and it works for version 4.00?
C20001 container sizes have changed for v4.00 but the procedure and offsets etc are the same. If you dump the C20001 and tell me the size i might have an EU dump for SAA/SAB boards which you can use.
Andrew, your link to the Teensy++ board is already included the 3.3v chip. is it the same chip on RS online? thanks
That's good if so! Yes it most probably will be - as long as it's a 3.3v regulator then it should work nicely and will avoid the need for the additional part from RS.
have you tried this in 2k series ?
Not as yet - they should all still be in warranty at this point so we're not seeing them in independent repair currently.
ah, i see i got one with the issue and dont know what to do. i cant send it to Sony's warenty service :@
+Youssef Zerouali where are you located?
didn't you upload it before??
Yes but I didn't cover the 3.3v mod required to run the NOR at the correct voltage - that's in there now.
+Andrew Paul ok
my ps4 has the white light of death can you helpe please
damaged hdmi port or HDMI IC on motherboard needs to be replaced most likely
+You KnowMe what should i do any advice who can repair it
Where are you located mate?
+Andrew Paul united states fort scott kansas
Look up Steve @ TronicsFix on UA-cam for US-based service. Tell him I sent you - he's a good guy and should be able to sort your console out easily enough. Cheers.
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hello I would like to know if it is the same procedure with the teensy 4.1
Just for your information, I found every part for €14.15 including shipping at Aliexpress.
Is it possible to dump the firmware off any console and replace with older firmware to jailbreak? I'm currently researching this to see some potential.
You may have answered my question already. If you ruin the firmware you can't go back because it's per box.
Hey Andrew, i would like to send you my PS4. You could also use it in a video. Is that possible? How can i contact you for payment etc. I tried everything :(
Where are you located and what seems to be the issue with it? Many thanks.
+Andrew Paul I am located in Germany.
Freezes for a few months now. But rather spontaneous.
since last week complete shut downs sometimes. Since Thursday BlOD.
Opened it up, looked if everything was ok. Everything looks nice. Changed the Thermal Paste. Then restarted, and it worked for a few hours without problems.
Then after a few hours, started again, another BlOD, couldnt turn into safe mode.
Few hours later it would turn into safe mode, and also start again. Now sometimes it is working and sometimes not. When it freezes it looks like the image has artefacts. One time it started getting artefacts, i pulled out hdmi. put it back in and it worked again for a few games.
Next day i put out the bios battery and put a new one in, it worked afterwards. even could turn it off and on and it would work for a few hours.
So i have no idea. But whenever i leave it for a few hours it would start into the games at least, but then feeeze. After that freeze, somehow i get blods again.
+Andrew Paul could there be some broken condensators? it feels as something would work whenever i let it time. or is ist the heat on the hdmi chip? or vram? no idea.
Hola, quizas me puedas ayudar, tengo una ps4 que comenzo a dejar sin conectividad a los mandos,, hasta que ahora muestra un codigo de error NW-35959-1 en la parte superior izquierda cuando inicia, pero ya no sincronizan ni con el cable usb, le realice un reset al comando, pero no lo toma por usb tampoco, tampoco me deja ingresar a modo seguro, nunca hace el segundo pitido a los 7 u 9 segundos, y se termina apagando, justo vi tu video que quizas por ahi me puedas ayudar, muchas gracias.
If I understand correctly your PS4 doesn't enter safe mode and you cannot sync controllers at all? Do you have any other controllers to test at all to ensure it's not just this one controller?
Gracias por tu pronta respuesta, pude probar con otro mando pero pasa lo mismo, primeramente te dejaba jugar unos minutos con el mando y después se terminaba desconectando, le realice una limpieza general ya que estaba con mucha tierra, anduvo una hora bien y luego ya no tomo mas el mando, ni por cable usb, intente entrara a modo seguro pero no me deja, no hace el segundo pitido.
Has the controller sync issue only started since disassembling and reassembling the console? If so check the connection of the antenna cable beneath the power supply unit and ensure the other end of the cable is properly and securely attached to the metal bracket.
Me llego por esa falla, que a los 5 minutos se quedaba sin la comunicación del mando, al verla como estaba y notando también que levantaba mucha temperatura en la parte del APU ponido mi mano sobre el plastico, decidí realizar una limpieza, la probé una hora y funciono bien, al otro día ya no tomaba los controles. Gracias nuevamente. Ojala me puedas ayudar.
El código de error que muestra cuando inicia es NW-35959-1 en la parte superior izquierda, ya con la pantalla de bienvenida.
Thanks bro .
Hi Andrew Paul need your help for a couple of thinks. I need to start repairing console with not working pad so i need all the stuff for programming. I don't remember where but i readed in one comment of your videos that it's possible to use a CH341A usb programmer that i already own and also i have a programmer like this: www.amazon.com/WINGONEER-high-speed-Programmer-EZP2010-supports/dp/B01DZC36GY.
Those are ok or i need teensy anyway or may can i use a raspberry pi3? Please answer as soon as you can and also indicate to me all the equipment and socket i need for all ps4 revision for use with my programmer or with teeny. Thanks
Last question i would like to ask if you have a video guide for ps4 that turn on and shut down after a second.
Hi, You can use a standard programmer if you wish, as long as it supports the MXIC NOR chips in question.
A full list of components, including socket details etc can be found on this video and the 1200 addendum video.
Ok i will try with my programmer if works, do you now also if raspberry can be use instead teensy ? Please can you also tell me if this socket is good for 1200. it.aliexpress.com/item/QFN8-to-DIP8-Programmer-Adapter-WSON8-DFN8-MLF8-to-DIP8-socket-for-25xxx-6x8mm-Pitch-1/32813537238.html?spm=a2g0y.search0104.3.22.1ab1269f9LmtiD&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_5_10065_10068_318_319_317_10696_450_10084_10083_10618_452_535_534_10304_10307_533_10820_532_10821_5023915_10302_204_10843_10059_10884_323_10887_100031_320_321_322_5727715_10103_448_449_5727815,searchweb201603_45,ppcSwitch_0&algo_expid=df362057-6191-49e7-b816-f60b922c94fa-3&algo_pvid=df362057-6191-49e7-b816-f60b922c94fa&transAbTest=ae803_5
Good Idea, but need firmware to restore