I've loved submarines since I was a child, and my dream was to always have a RC one, but they didn't exist. I'm very surprised and happy to discover that they exist now, and they are even capable of great actions, they're complex inside! Omg, wonderful. I'm so happy to have discovered this video
RC Submarines raises the complexity of RC vehicles by a huge factor. I don't think many people realize just how complex they are or what goes into building or using one.
Stevie D I haven't had a sub but I did fly helis and quadcopter for a bit, the amount of props and blades you chew through in urban areas was a pain, plus the larger helis are really quite pricey for good ones. I'd imagine the running cost of a sub would be a bit less, construction likely about the same. Micro helis can be fairly cheap though and IMO the best way to learn since they are also not nearly as dangerous as the larger ones.
Well... I mean it's really cool but not what I'd call complicated. A pump, three servos, a basic gyro and a motor. Doesn't even have independent vanes for roll dampening and the main hull isn't water/pressure resistant. Have you seen a flybarless aerobatic heli? Or even a scale multi-mast RC sailing boat? That shit is what I'd call complicated. If this was more realistic with a full pressure hull and multiple ballast tanks and pumps to adjust trim and video back to goggles or a laptop to about 20 meters or further with a long aerial with a float then I'd say it was reasonably complex.
When I was a kid growing up on the lake, I had always wanted to build a Rc sub with a camera on it so I could look at the fish. There was something fascinating to me about being able to see under the water in which I spent my whole day on fishing. Unfortunately, at that time I don't think there was enough technology do make one unless it had wires attached and I certainly didn't have access to the materials to make one. When I see this, it amazes me. Takes me back to my childhood dream. Someday, I just may still build one now that I have the funds and access to what I need. Very nice sub there! Thank you for the video.
That was my thought the same. With a good camera, I could go into the depths of my local reservoir, which had many big fish. I used to sit and watch fish and knew where the trees blocked the sunlight, so I could see them. I fished A bit but just watching fish was also great. 3 ft pike and shoals of bream and once I saw a big tench. It had viaducts tp cross it which were sunk into the reservoir. They were about 60-100 feet deep at the mid point. Debdale reservoir in gorton. Cheers.
Wow. Amazing video, the camera, the interview, the model, everything. Thank you so much! So funny how this "walk through the basics" ended up being, you could say, a full-fledged submarine engineering class haha :-) Thanks once again, and kudos to Mr. Matt for his amazing job putting that beast together!
Absolutely amazing. This guy not only demonstrates how a real submarine works between the leveling planes working in tandem with how the ballast Tanks flood in order in submerge it but he was also able to seal everything in an airtight enclosure. This submarine is no kids toy this is an advanced piece of technology that took a tremendous amount of knowledge. Hats off to you. I am wondering how much money something like that goes for.
Thanks for the kind words. The water tight cylinder is actually made by OTW who produces the model kit so i can't take credit for that, take a look at OTW designs website for pricing. Thanks
I am very strongly considering joining the U.S. Navy here soon. I had a fascination with subs as a child and now recently I'm wanting to go do it for real before its too late. (30 now). Any advice you could give? From what I've learned attack subs look to be alot more interesting of a job than missle subs.
@@KrustyKlown fpv on water does work, maybe a different frequency works better, I managed to actually go 170meters, the vid was very intermittent because the ripples on the water.
That was beautiful. The main problem is that RF does not work underwater. And hence, we didn't see it going completely inside. At least the receiver end should stay above water.
This random question came into my head thinking about my little cheap rc sub I had as a kid. Wish I still had that thing more than anything to tear it apart see how it actually worked. Had a realization that RC subs still had to function like normal subs. Amazing amount of R.C technology
This is very cool. Was not aware of RC subs. Could use underwater digital acoustic modems if wanted to mount a camera and have control deep down. And desquise as a Shark sometimes for a fun time. very best RC sub I ever saw.
Your comment was great, until the shark comment. You must be one of those people that enjoys scaring people for your own gratification. That's called being narcissistic. I'd bet you wouldn't think it's funny to have one of your own family members in the water and have a (potential) shark come close to them and frighten them. Then again, you probably would. Anyone else would be pissed to find out it's someone like you with a radio controlled shark, who just scared their family, as a joke. Especially, if they were older and had health issues where it could be dangerous to them.
I saw (and took pics) of the HMCS Chicoutimi in Halifax dry dock back in 2005, due to that unfortunate "leaving the hatch open" during sea-faring operations. Nice to see this model is a bit more watertight then the real one. Fantastic engineering on the model Matt C - you should be proud!
Mike TeeVee That’s not what happened. Submariners don’t just “leave hatches open”. That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. Not sure who told you that story, but they’re an idiot. The boat was submerged and at PD when the fire happened. No hatch was left open.
@@petervietmeier8066 those trains are AMAZING! we had one near my town for decades, but sadly the man passed away. we are hoping his family gets it going again!
If you were to stick the remote control antenna in the water, would you then be able to control the sub fully submerged? Would you need a different frequency to do that? A frequency amplifier? There’s got to be a way to remote control it underwater right?
this was a great video Dom Very Informative and great to know exactly how the r/c submarine basically works, and very interesting i must say , btw that sub looks very scale as if miniature to the full size version , maybe one day i may just get one of these marvels of the sea, always fascinated me they have and having a r/c sub would be a treat i'd think thanks for another great video here Dom , Just Love Essential R/C - just awesome.
I am going to try to do more videos like this IF I can find friendly cooperative experts on my travels. Not always the case but I'll try. Cheers Dom (Essential RC)
the bow wake on the surface is realistic... porpoises play in submarine bow wakes... they love to jump them. Watching them play as we transited on the surface was one of my favorite things about submarining...
RC SUBMARINES AVAILABLE HERE: bit.ly/rcSubmarine NEW ESSENTIAL RC MERCH: teespring.com/en-GB/stores/essentialrc Don't forget to subscribe for regular 'Essential RC' action using this link > ua-cam.com/users/EssentialRC Or join our Facebook group for News, Reviews and FREE Giveaways facebook.com/groups/EssentialRC. Support us at www.patreon.com/EssentialRC
Great stuff, but didn't address the question that many people probably have: How does the sub receive the control signal underwater? (In the video, the antenna was always above the surface, so it wasn't an issue.) When RC subs go deeper, how do you handle the signal loss through the water?
@@jakerusiecki I suspect not but better to ask on one of the forums or facebook groups for RC subs and see if they can answer the question. 30-40 metres is very deep. Most subs/underwater drones are tethered and the FPV image,telemetry and control signals travel down a wire in the tether. e.g. Fifish
What brought me here was to see if they had remote subs, and If you could fit a camera, then you could dive in a lake and maybe see fish. That would be cool.
That's very cool. If it were to submerge below the surface would it lose the radio link? Does the controller indicate it's position or do you have to keep it in your site (on the surface)?
Water absorbs a lot of the radio signals, so it would lose contact fairly quickly. Especially the common commercial radio transmitters (2.4GHz). You can get better connections with really low frequency emitters, but you also need to fully insulate it to prevent any contact with water.
I was at my girlfriends cabin in ID. Was sitting talking to her dad on the lake shore and a real US NAVY submarine surfaced about 300 feet in front of us. At a lake. Not the sea. Some kind of sub traning school.
That was a good interview. The gentleman did a good job of explaining everything.
Yes, he did. Made watching the video worthwhile.
I've loved submarines since I was a child, and my dream was to always have a RC one, but they didn't exist. I'm very surprised and happy to discover that they exist now, and they are even capable of great actions, they're complex inside! Omg, wonderful. I'm so happy to have discovered this video
RC Submarines raises the complexity of RC vehicles by a huge factor. I don't think many people realize just how complex they are or what goes into building or using one.
John Powers id say same bout helicopters.
Gate keeping by John.
Stevie D I haven't had a sub but I did fly helis and quadcopter for a bit, the amount of props and blades you chew through in urban areas was a pain, plus the larger helis are really quite pricey for good ones. I'd imagine the running cost of a sub would be a bit less, construction likely about the same. Micro helis can be fairly cheap though and IMO the best way to learn since they are also not nearly as dangerous as the larger ones.
You've apparently have never built and flown a helicopter.
Well... I mean it's really cool but not what I'd call complicated. A pump, three servos, a basic gyro and a motor. Doesn't even have independent vanes for roll dampening and the main hull isn't water/pressure resistant. Have you seen a flybarless aerobatic heli? Or even a scale multi-mast RC sailing boat? That shit is what I'd call complicated. If this was more realistic with a full pressure hull and multiple ballast tanks and pumps to adjust trim and video back to goggles or a laptop to about 20 meters or further with a long aerial with a float then I'd say it was reasonably complex.
one of very few interviews on youtube that i found interesting in terms of information, knowledge and captivating... thanks to all involved
When I was a kid growing up on the lake, I had always wanted to build a Rc sub with a camera on it so I could look at the fish. There was something fascinating to me about being able to see under the water in which I spent my whole day on fishing. Unfortunately, at that time I don't think there was enough technology do make one unless it had wires attached and I certainly didn't have access to the materials to make one. When I see this, it amazes me. Takes me back to my childhood dream. Someday, I just may still build one now that I have the funds and access to what I need. Very nice sub there! Thank you for the video.
That was my thought the same. With a good camera, I could go into the depths of my local reservoir, which had many big fish. I used to sit and watch fish and knew where the trees blocked the sunlight, so I could see them. I fished A bit but just watching fish was also great. 3 ft pike and shoals of bream and once I saw a big tench. It had viaducts tp cross it which were sunk into the reservoir. They were about 60-100 feet deep at the mid point.
Debdale reservoir in gorton.
@@NeilDear Very cool. I bet we would have been great friends. :)
Thank you for a very informative video. The sub’s owner did a good job of explaining how his model works.
That gentleman did an excellent job of explaining it.
The work is so sick! I don’t even think I can make such thing. I’ve always wanted a rc sumpbmarine ever since I planned on making one
Wow. Amazing video, the camera, the interview, the model, everything. Thank you so much! So funny how this "walk through the basics" ended up being, you could say, a full-fledged submarine engineering class haha :-) Thanks once again, and kudos to Mr. Matt for his amazing job putting that beast together!
Yeah, that model is sick, I wish I could own one
Absolutely amazing. This guy not only demonstrates how a real submarine works between the leveling planes working in tandem with how the ballast
Tanks flood in order in submerge it but he was also able to seal everything in an airtight enclosure. This submarine is no kids toy this is an advanced piece of technology that took a tremendous amount of knowledge. Hats off to you.
I am wondering how much money something like that goes for.
Thanks for the kind words. The water tight cylinder is actually made by OTW who produces the model kit so i can't take credit for that, take a look at OTW designs website for pricing. Thanks
Great model and a really nice guy taking time to explain how it all works. really enjoyed it.
Thanks to you both
I do want to add how impressive of a machine this is!
Best and most organized sub model I have seen! Well done!!
That is one of the best trimmed subs I've seen. Beautiful job!
Very good video for rc submarines
As a RET. US Navy Submariner I truly enjoyed this to the point I started having flashbacks, LOL!! But very nice Boat.
I am very strongly considering joining the U.S. Navy here soon. I had a fascination with subs as a child and now recently I'm wanting to go do it for real before its too late. (30 now).
Any advice you could give? From what I've learned attack subs look to be alot more interesting of a job than missle subs.
@@toki89666 Go for it, just be ready to accept a life change.
Fascinating, thank you, I didn't know I liked RC subs til now.
That's the best sub piloting I've seen along with the internal setup. Nice find👍
Gorgeous Sub and great interview/explanation!
Great video, even better modeling and craftsmanship.
VERY well conducted interview. That is a fantastic model.
Really well explained, and it is a work of art more than a toy. I imagine it is a little easier to run in a pool though less scale.
What a cracking bit of kit you have presented there mate.
needs an FPV periscope camera
If you can get the radio to penetrate water sure why not
@@Voxmagna Already has to control the RC submarine, we're not talking meters of depth here....
ive done fpv on lakes, the video goes bad easily, the water reflects rf too easily. so expect 20meters b4 vid sux.
@@MrUnder30seconds darn!! .. that would be so cool if it worked well.
@@KrustyKlown fpv on water does work, maybe a different frequency works better,
I managed to actually go 170meters, the vid was very intermittent because the ripples on the water.
I need to do one of these with videos under water. Very nice! Thank you!
Pray For Submarine 402 Indonesia 🙇
Amazing...that explanation was really very clear
Glad you think so!
You must be the Captain of this boat... dive, dive, dive. great job yaAll
Excellent video and very informative, Dom. Run silent, run deep !
That was beautiful. The main problem is that RF does not work underwater. And hence, we didn't see it going completely inside. At least the receiver end should stay above water.
Lower frequency radio does work underwater, the sub use 40mhz FM frequency and the sub does fully submerge.
This random question came into my head thinking about my little cheap rc sub I had as a kid. Wish I still had that thing more than anything to tear it apart see how it actually worked. Had a realization that RC subs still had to function like normal subs. Amazing amount of R.C technology
thanks i have been thinking about making my own rc sub for a while and this is very helpful
Very interesting video with great camera work. Thanks for making and uploading it.
Glad you enjoyed it!
This is very cool. Was not aware of RC subs. Could use underwater digital acoustic modems if wanted to mount a camera and have control deep down. And desquise as a Shark sometimes for a fun time. very best RC sub I ever saw.
Your comment was great, until the shark comment. You must be one of those people that enjoys scaring people for your own gratification. That's called being narcissistic. I'd bet you wouldn't think it's funny to have one of your own family members in the water and have a (potential) shark come close to them and frighten them. Then again, you probably would. Anyone else would be pissed to find out it's someone like you with a radio controlled shark, who just scared their family, as a joke. Especially, if they were older and had health issues where it could be dangerous to them.
For Movies Not to frighten folks. Well Jaws scared hech out of me but looed fake up close
@@CJOlin However you seem to be someone looking to be pissed off or angered or offended. You seem like a keyboard warrior.
What a beautiful submarine. Great job!
I loved the video. the only thing that was missing was a periscope turning around while it was underwater!!!
Thanks for sharing. I learnt a lot there.
Is ridiculously good ......AMAZING
Damn nice and superbly engineered.
I saw (and took pics) of the HMCS Chicoutimi in Halifax dry dock back in 2005, due to that unfortunate "leaving the hatch open" during sea-faring operations. Nice to see this model is a bit more watertight then the real one. Fantastic engineering on the model Matt C - you should be proud!
Mike TeeVee That’s not what happened. Submariners don’t just “leave hatches open”. That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. Not sure who told you that story, but they’re an idiot. The boat was submerged and at PD when the fire happened. No hatch was left open.
super quality that sub looks great
I am worked in a German Submarin for 4 Jears. My Job was Torpedo Officer. We drived in the East- and Northsee.
Salut Peter ! respect to you from the USA!
@@krispybacon9285 I live in Austria-Tirol. I drive Livesteamloks with 7 1/4 Zoll. See the Homepage: www:minidampftirol.at.
Bye Bye Peter
@@petervietmeier8066 those trains are AMAZING! we had one near my town for decades, but sadly the man passed away. we are hoping his family gets it going again!
@@krispybacon9285 Have you Skype? I have it. The contact is same as my email-adress.
I've learned something today, thank you very much! Stellar images and good info. Cheers from Holland.
very cool. building rc sub is like creating an inside out ship in a bottle.
Love the gold/brass color of the metal hardware inside :P Looks so nice against the dark grey :P
Not just a colour, it will be brass, rather than brass painted steel. Brass doesnt rust....
If you were to stick the remote control antenna in the water, would you then be able to control the sub fully submerged? Would you need a different frequency to do that? A frequency amplifier? There’s got to be a way to remote control it underwater right?
Thats one amazing piece of kit
This is so cool... thank you sir... just what i wanted to see today.
Awesome and thanks for the explanation 👍🇳🇿
Very cool bit of RC machinery!
Just add a CO2 torpedo!
Excellent video mate. Matt built a properly beautiful submarine. Thank you for putting this video out.
Hellooo matt your sub, i was in the navy hms upholder was our ship just watched your video 😉😉😉 kind regards sir
That was the cools thing I ever seen I wish I could have one some day 😊
Really interesting enjoyed video thamks
Excellent work
Thank you! Cheers!
That thing looks more capable than the Belgian navy.
ⵉⵜⵔⵓⵏⴰⵓⵜ that is the Belgian Navy
We don't have submarines
They get by. Who needs subs when you make the best beers in the world?
this was a great video Dom Very Informative and great to know exactly how the r/c submarine basically works, and very interesting i must say , btw that sub looks very scale as if miniature to the full size version , maybe one day i may just get one of these marvels of the sea, always fascinated me they have and having a r/c sub would be a treat i'd think thanks for another great video here Dom , Just Love Essential R/C - just awesome.
I am going to try to do more videos like this IF I can find friendly cooperative experts on my travels. Not always the case but I'll try. Cheers Dom (Essential RC)
wow you are very creative i really like this it's good
What a gr8 video the man was a very nice chap too
I was interested to hear how it receives radio underwater...
this one is awesome better than commercial made
- Matt: the pomp compartment
- Essential RC: the puhmp
kek I feel like they're talking in different languages
Excellent explanation of the subs operation. Underwater footage would have been awesome.
Nice submarine
This ship is beautiful. Can you share the length, width, and height of this RC submarine?
gorgeous model...........very impressive and beautiful workmanship......I fly the airplanes and it looks like they are simpler......
R.I.P kri naggala 402 🇲🇨
Submarine Excellent Job is Look Great 💟💟
You are doing a great job i liked your work
Two thumbs up! That is so cool.
the bow wake on the surface is realistic... porpoises play in submarine bow wakes... they love to jump them. Watching them play as we transited on the surface was one of my favorite things about submarining...
Thanks for showing this! You always have such awesome footage, but I bet you're super jealous of all these amazing toys!!!
Nah, I bet he keeps all the good stuff to himself 🤓
I regret watching this. I already have too many expensive hobbies. 🙃
I know how it is! You might consider wife beating. It cheaper & it's lots of fun! (I hope you know I'm joking)
The Third Pin Same here! 😆
Very interesting thank you for give us so much information. You forgot to ask how the torque is compensated and how the vertical position is achieved.
Hi, The keel of the submarine is full of lead shot pellets which counteracts the torque from the propeller, thanks.
Fantastic lad 👍 place a camera on it and you could imagine you're making an episode of "Voyage to the bottom of the sea" 😎👍
It would haft'a be fun to surface right in the middle of a large flock of waterfowl.
Wow excellent
NEW ESSENTIAL RC MERCH: teespring.com/en-GB/stores/essentialrc
Don't forget to subscribe for regular 'Essential RC' action using this link > ua-cam.com/users/EssentialRC Or join our Facebook group for News, Reviews and FREE Giveaways facebook.com/groups/EssentialRC. Support us at www.patreon.com/EssentialRC
COOL! Stéph.
Thank you! 😃
Great stuff, but didn't address the question that many people probably have: How does the sub receive the control signal underwater? (In the video, the antenna was always above the surface, so it wasn't an issue.) When RC subs go deeper, how do you handle the signal loss through the water?
It penetrates a few feet so good enough.
@@EssentialRC is it possible to have a signal transmitter strong enough so the sub could go deeper and still receive signal ? Perhaps 30-40 meters ?
@@jakerusiecki I suspect not but better to ask on one of the forums or facebook groups for RC subs and see if they can answer the question. 30-40 metres is very deep. Most subs/underwater drones are tethered and the FPV image,telemetry and control signals travel down a wire in the tether. e.g. Fifish
that's freaking awesome :0
Awesome man
One of my favorite hobby too...good information
Thanks for sharing your subsmarime
Nice video cool
No problem 👍
Very interesting, thanks Dom and have a nice Weekend, from Switzerland greetings
@@akmalshaari7795 ffs
Well done ,thanks to share it
I guess if the aerial goes under, it's goodbye sub? If so, there could be a pressure operated switch to pump out the tank. (just guessing).
really well explanation of the rc sub
looks cool, swims well good job
beautiful project
What brought me here was to see if they had remote subs, and If you could fit a camera, then you could dive in a lake and maybe see fish. That would be cool.
it is very impressive for me.
That's very cool. If it were to submerge below the surface would it lose the radio link?
Does the controller indicate it's position or do you have to keep it in your site (on the surface)?
Water absorbs a lot of the radio signals, so it would lose contact fairly quickly. Especially the common commercial radio transmitters (2.4GHz). You can get better connections with really low frequency emitters, but you also need to fully insulate it to prevent any contact with water.
How deep does radio reach? Do you have to use long antenna poking out of water?
Can you add some type of camera to the front. Is there a wireless system that could pass through water and show images.
I was at my girlfriends cabin in ID. Was sitting talking to her dad on the lake shore and a real US NAVY submarine surfaced about 300 feet in front of us. At a lake. Not the sea. Some kind of sub traning school.
you never know when Submarine
Nice model. It's seems like British disel upholder
fun fact. RC brushless motors can run under water just fine.
Huh, you learn something new every day, cheers mate! 👍 🍻
You need epoxy to protect the windings or the motor may go bad after a while.
Cameraman is a great interrogator!
Quite spectacular:) The only thing needed is a forward-facing camera.