surprised you didn't mention for skyrim, you can give an NPC a poison potion through pickpocket and they will drink it even tho they have no idea where it came from.
I've seen people irl do that at parties. Drinking casually from glasses or cups without bothering to check if they belong to them or even what liquid they contain.
REALLY???!!! OMFG I gotta try this out, have not dared to since I am sure as hell the guards would blame me for it, they did when I fired an arrow right up and hit a guard in his head XD DAAAAAAMN what a ruckus... I RAN! XD
@@mappybc6097 See the problem is people think no one could be that dumb in real life sadly there are, that makes you wonder if irl is a sim then are we smart ones the player characters? and the dumb ones npc? or do just have more sophisticated programming than the idiots on this planet?
I don't know, for my personal preference I like 'dumb' AI to an extent. I realize a lot of gamers appreciate highly intelligent enemy AI, but I like balance between realism and not so realistic because I'm not that hardcore. In the original Hitman games for instance, I believe that if you lingered too long in an area or passed too close to security or enemy, they would always be suspicious and likely confront you. It seemed more random who suspected you and who didn't. Whereas in Hitman 3, the NPC's that can see through your disguise are clearly marked with a white dot over their heads.
@@zJoriz Haa I can recognize gait/feet or just seeing ones back of the head to tell who is going by. And I am not a physician or any nearby profession.
@@zJoriz I think that largely depends on how good your camouflage is. I was more referencing the fact that if you're crouching still in Skyrim while an enemy is looking directly at you and the bar is slowly filling, you can just look a little away from them and they suddenly won't see you. You don't even have to turn 180 degrees.
@@ryanmeyer9043 Same here, especially compared to Dishonored 1. I just finished my first Shadow/Clean Hands/Mostly Steel And Flesh run on 2 and it was pretty tough!
In their defense, I remember watching an interview of the Hitman developers and they say they purposely made the AI "dumber" in order to make the game more entertaining.
Yea they also design it in such a way that you can predict the guards reactions so you don't just get frustrated. For example EVERY time you toss a coin a guard will take a look with the same pattern, and everytime a weapon is discovered a guard will collect it and bring it to the security room. It's good design so everything isn't so random and irritating... but I feel like the newer Hitman games could actually benefit from a bit more unpredictable and dynamic AI. Like causing a big disturbance that disorganizes the guards in a bigger fashion or having some guards be more strict while others are more laid back.
I read about dumbing down AI in Hitman and Crysis 3. The AI guards in Hitman were too good, so the testers NEVER managed to succeed. In Crysis 3 the enemies were too intelligent, searched systematically in small groups and found the test players and shot them so fast, they sometimes didn't even notice them. Since the player is only one person, the enemies must be in some way much weaker than the player. Stupidity is one funny way to do so.
My favourite dumb guard behaviour was in AC Blackflag. If two guards were walking or standing together you couldn't whistle to get one to come over as it would alert both. However, you could peak out of the bush in a way that only one can see you long enough that he will investigate when you duck back into the bush. Then he walks over and you literally shiv him in front of the other guard. I've done this to a guard who was literally in conversation with another guard he was patrolling with. The other guard just keeps patrolling like it's cool.
Basically every game with bush stealth mechanics are so stupid. Your full head is sticking out of the bush, but the guards just keep walking past you. It amazes me every time.
That was the thing about Operation Flashpoint, back in the day... it had bushes and stealth, but when the enemies got some clue where you were, your mission was basically down the drain. Still get stressed out thinking about it. (Yes, I was pretty bad at that game, at least the stealth/infiltration parts of it)
The Regular Joes from Alien Isolation are the most formidable sentries that immediately come to mind. They’re not exactly smart but they’re relentless and they take 3 headshots to go down on hard difficulty. Then having to deal with the “industrial” versions later in the game is worse because their weaknesses are gone, they’re immune to EMP, extremely bullet spongey. That bolt gun gets them with a single headshot though.
I'd say some of the strongest AI in a stealth game I've ever seen in a stealth game is The Last Of Us series. The guards are Extremely aware of their surroundings. That's why the game is so hard to do stealth only runs. The enemies always change up their paths and spot you easily.
Infected that are clickers or above are harder to get past. They may be blind, but they have extreme hearing, so you have to walk quietly, by keeping the left stick slightly tilted. Easy to get used to, but when there are other enemies around who CAN see, it gets harder.
Losing an enemy in TLOU is really easy tho and even on hard, the AI still has some stupid moments. I don't think they're the best guard AI but not bad. The smartest AI in any stealth game is definitely Alien Isolation for me
But they still feel stupid because they only react to Joel. Ellie can "sneak" around right in front of them or with Clickers is allowed to make noise and they just won't react. Just shows what an overrated game it actually is. Naughty Dog just didn't bother to make Ellie's AI behave intelligent in stealth situations.
The main character in Prototype 2: Assumes the identity of somebody else in the squad, then leaps 15 stories into the air and lands creating the crater. Squad mate: "Yeah Jeff, he never misses his leg day. I suppose if I did the same I could do that too..."
@@zJoriz not really.. I'm inclined to say splinter cell but havent played it in a very long time.. I do remember playing mission impossible on the n64 and having a tough time with guards but if we revisit it it may not be as I remember as this was even longer in the past..
@@zJoriz Metal Gear would be a pretty good example I think. I always had a hard time dealing with them on hard mode. Extreme makes it even more realistic/difficult.
I gotta say, the writing has become so much better with Gameranx over the years. I remember watching these lists a couple of years back and it felt like there was a lot more filler, now they feel more robust for sure.
The grenade trick!!! Been a while since I thought about that... 'Hello, I'm not going to rob you, I'm going to put a grenade in your pocket and run off laughing!!' splattered ghoul or Dave everywhere!!
Psychotic Prankster is fun in raider camps, since you can easily get the grenades and mines from their own booby-traps, containers, and previous raiders you exploded (swapped grenades with), since they have the funniest reactions just before they go boom.
I explain the guards with arrows sticking out of them in Skyrim away as a case of spontaneous arrows disease. It's a very deadly and contagious ailment that causes arrows to appear in people's bodies randomly and is carried on the wind. Hence the guards saying 'it must have been the wind' and then walking away with arrows sticking out of them.
a friend of mine once walked through security at a music festival without paying because he was carrying a ladder and a tool box so maybe the hitman point isn't that wild after all.
I've heard that you can pull that off in so many locations because the guards don't care that much to make someone else who's likely just doing their job have to stop. Especially so if you look like you already know where you're going or look like you belong.
I always loved that mechanic in fallout. The fact that you can just shove a grenade down someones pants without them noticing. Its even funnier if you put a lot of points into charisma. Meaning you can convince an enemy to leave without a fight and as they are walking away you can just shove a grenade down their pants. It is hilarious.
This is by far one of the best and funniest videos from Gameranx. Even though I already knew most of the games in this list, I still could not stop laughing.
@tQ P Ha ha ha ha ha ha... ha ha... ha... ha... haaaaa.... wait... you were not joking? Look, my advice is this: as a gamer, I know that the habit is to skip the conversations with the npc's, which sometimes means you can miss an important detail... please don't apply the same rule here and watch the whole video. I don't want to spoil it for you, but the name of the game 3 is in there... shhhhhh... don't tell anyone else.
The thing I always do when a guard says that, is cancel the conversation. And that's that. Just walk off and leave the guard to ponder where exactly he knows you from.
The most challenging and frustrating AI have ever dealt with has been in the Division 2 on Legendary. I hate their OP DMG, sniper-chainguns and drones that can find you across the planet. Yet I can't stop going back for more.
One of the suggestions I heard about Prototype isn't that the guards are stupid by not recognizing you using one of your powers right next to them. They do in fact see you and recognize you're doing something superhuman. They just don't want to attract the attention of the superpowered virus monster so they pretend they didn't see it.
I'd love a video with the opposite premise of this. Games with the best guards (best AI or whatever criteria) would give me some fun new games to play I bet
I remember the stealth shoot trick from Crysis from the release version. If you timed it perfectly (maybe frame perfect?), then the AI for the currently loaded sector broke and all the NPCs went into "t-pose". And they didn't "come out of it" even if you shot at them uncloaked. ^^
I love how you can take the heart out of the forsworn and put live grenades in peoples pockets, honestly a lot of Bethesda games are bad but these things make them awesome
First thing in my mind is the guards in the original Thief series. They'd go to the exact corner you're hiding in, stop inches away from you, put their hand to their brow in a "blocking the sun" fashion and leave. Like "Welp, this corner is too dark for me to see into, better wander away."
In all fairness, the AI of Gothic still beats a lot of today's games. NPCs reacted to when you entered their homes in different ways and different levels, reacted to you drawing a weapon and doing other kinds of things. They sat around campfires and talked, smoked shishas, hammered signs, etc. Also the faction system was groundbreaking for 2001. Hell, Gothic is a better RPG than 95% of RPGs since.
The BOTW example should have been for Guards outside of Gerudo Town. You know. The once you can literally change in front of and they will just let you in!
Love that Hitman was at the start for the hilarious introduction. The A.I. in the game cracked me up. Thanks again for the laughs and smiles. Great video.
When I think of dumb guards, I always remember GoldenEye 007 on the N64. I loved how 'blocky" they were and the sounds they made when flipping out it was almost cartoonish. Those were simpler times...
The Combine guards are like the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal from the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: a creature so appallingly stupid that if you can't see it, it can't see you.
The funny thing about the half life 2 AI trick is that it reminded me of something very similar that happens with the zombie dogs in resident evil 2 remake. They ONLY attack you head on. So if you keep doing quick turns away from them while going down a hallway, they will never hit you. Kinda interesting how you start to see the similar programming logic of games that are decades apart. Both are "line of sight" related.
Sometimes i feel as if the prototype guards were genuinely depressed. They looked like they just did not want to do the guard job lol...they were just moving pieces of meat for your boss like protagonist..
You reminded me of the poisoned corpse trick in AC Origins. Poison a corpse and then sit back and watch as the entire population of a city is decimated. They check the corpse, get violently ill, stagger off a ways to finally die which spreads the poison until it's just mounds of murder piles all around you. Thank God the devs made the children immune. lol
I had no idea about the head trick in HL2. The thought of someone holding a jar in front of their face and not being able to see them had me rolling 🤣. Def gonna do that next time I play through it.
@@jwallace6913 I like how the guards adapt to your moves, for example too many headshots and they're gonna be wearing helmets. The way they respond is realistic 👍.
Did you really just mock HL2 combine soldiers? What do you mean they're dumb? They've been the smartest enemy AI in gaming for over a decade they actually employ strategies and battle formations when facing off the player.
My all-time favorite is in Tenchu, for the PS1. In the tutorial, the final "room" has two guards. One is patrolling, the other is an archer off in the corner. Hilariously, the archer is more often than not staring at the bare wall in his corner with his back to the room, like a bad child in time-out. It makes that room more fair, of course, you the player are timed here, but one wonders why the archer isn't just patrolling too, or gazing at the nearby ocean, that at least would make some sense.
As someone who works as a contractor with all kinds of different types of businesses I can confirm that hitman rules do apply to real life. If you have the right outfit and look like you know what you’re doing most people are not going to notice you and just assume you belong. I’ve also worked in large companies where they were all kinds of people I didn’t know and as long as they were wearing the right uniform it look like they knew what they were doing I pay them no mind
I will say the not thinking twice about the bald janitor youve never seen before is actually quite accurate to real life, and they do a pretty good job of say the head sanitation guy knowing that you don't work for him but as long as you look and act like your supposed to be somewhere most people will not bat an eye.
The bit about the combine and the jar made me laugh out loud, because it immediately reminded me of both times I encountered a cow moose in real life. Both times they were out in the yard when I stepped out to smoke, and it spooked the shit out of them. The first time, it went and hid its head behind the shed not 30 feet away. The second time, it didn't even bother running, and just hid its head behind the support beam of the porch. ONLY their heads, while their giant moose bodies remained fully exposed. But because they couldn't see me anymore, I guess they figured they were safe. 🤣
I would like to also add the enemies in Metal Gear Solid 2. Sure when it flows well it flows really well and a little mistake could cost you dearly. But in some sections of a level you'll have a guard that radios in periodically with a sitrep. Even though all they radio in is "Nothing here.". But if you're in a level with a guard that checks in, and that level has a way to dispose of the body such as throwing them into water, after a while HQ will radio in asking for the guard's status before sending in a heavily armed inspection team. That squad will beeline to the missing guard's last location, look around for a couple of seconds, and as long as they don't see the player, they'll radio in "Unable to locate missing soldier. Resuming patrol." and just peace out. You now have free roam of just that section of a level without worry of being spotted. The missing guard doesn't even get replaced until you leave that level then come back in. MGS guards be like: "Ehh, can't find this guard in this strategic area, and nothing else can be seen so all's good."
I remember playing Half Life 2 for the first time and being super scared by the Combine only to realize that they mostly just stand there. Not only if you lift a jar or something, if you crouch behind cover they're just gonna stand in one place and try to shoot you. Part of why the poisonous head crabs are so annoying is probably because the rest of the AI is so easy to deal with and it catches you off guard.
The grenade trick works in Fallout 4 too and, since I have a dismemberment mod that will show crippled limbs on NPCs as actually missing, if you find a severed arm or leg on the ground you can interact with it like the NPC was there, so just stealth and reverse-pickpocket a grenade onto them and, off in the distance, you'll hear someone yell grenade or incoming followed by a rather satisfying explosion, then the interact with the limb changes so you can loot the body no matter where it is. I know it's broken but it's so damn funny I can't remove the mod.
The prototype one is way dumber when you consider that your disguise power is so much stronger than it should be. Guards can literally watch you eat a guy, as long as you break line of sight for a couple of seconds the same guy can just show up and they're like, "yeah. That makes sense."
I can't remember the name but a guy who's job was to test a companies security measures said that just looking like you belonged there made it easy to (most of the time) walk in and out without much issue. So it's not too unrealistic, it's surprisingly easy; "The nail that sticks out, gets hammered down" and if you don't stand out...
Meanwhile me in Skyrim killing a bandit who is sitting next to another bandit while still being undetected and the cherry on top has to be the bandit saying “ I’m going to find whoever did this” while standing next to me looking at me
There's a rescue mission in Prototype 2 where you're force disguised as a guard. There's a part in that mission where you can pick up a helicopter missile launcher and one the the guards says something along the lines of, "Have you been working out?" Haha. One of my favorite parts in that game.
One of my first macros was for Crysis. It was a side button on my mouse. It would switch out of my cloak, fire until I released the button and automatically switch back into the cloak. Long time ago. I'm an old gamer from the Pong on black and white TV days. Lots of tricks over the decades. lol
Daily dose of Gameranx
Hello everyone this is your daily dose of gameranx
Just what the doctor ordered before bedtime.
I'm here after daily dose of juicy memes
I don’t want a daily dose of gameranx. I want to OD lol
Gameranx: guards are dumb
guards: "Huh... what was that, must have been the wind."
You make me laugh
@@gameranxTV yuh yuh
LMAO 🤣 🤣 🤣
@@gameranxTV Haha-translate to english~lol
surprised you didn't mention for skyrim, you can give an NPC a poison potion through pickpocket and they will drink it even tho they have no idea where it came from.
@tQ P like he said "prototype 1 and 2"
I've seen people irl do that at parties.
Drinking casually from glasses or cups without bothering to check if they belong to them or even what liquid they contain.
REALLY???!!! OMFG I gotta try this out, have not dared to since I am sure as hell the guards would blame me for it, they did when I fired an arrow right up and hit a guard in his head XD DAAAAAAMN what a ruckus... I RAN! XD
@@mappybc6097 See the problem is people think no one could be that dumb in real life sadly there are, that makes you wonder if irl is a sim then are we smart ones the player characters? and the dumb ones npc? or do just have more sophisticated programming than the idiots on this planet?
I did not know that, Ive got to see it!
Imagine the Guard pov where you're just chilling doing guard stuff and in one quick breeze you're changed out of what you were wearing. 🤣
"Oh, sweet! Someone gave me some Power Armor! Thank you, whoever did this!"
Quick change is magic
I see you’ve drank tequila lmfao one minute you’re doing tequila activities n the next you’re naked
"There are no dumb guards, There are only bad level designers" - Confucius
Hmm I thought Sun Tzu said that 🤣
I don't know, for my personal preference I like 'dumb' AI to an extent. I realize a lot of gamers appreciate highly intelligent enemy AI, but I like balance between realism and not so realistic because I'm not that hardcore. In the original Hitman games for instance, I believe that if you lingered too long in an area or passed too close to security or enemy, they would always be suspicious and likely confront you. It seemed more random who suspected you and who didn't. Whereas in Hitman 3, the NPC's that can see through your disguise are clearly marked with a white dot over their heads.
@tQ P Prototype 1 2
dumb designers ...
glad you gave Gothic some praise before ripping on it, its such a great game
@tQ P its joe
It’s really amazing I agree….The best og open world
I'm trying to hold myself from smashing a dislike button because of Gothic on this list
Another interesting thing about Skyrim's stealth, is that if you look away from an enemy, it's harder for them to see you.
That may work in real life too, though? Seeing how we're conditioned to spot faces...
@@zJoriz Haa I can recognize gait/feet or just seeing ones back of the head to tell who is going by. And I am not a physician or any nearby profession.
@@zJoriz I think that largely depends on how good your camouflage is. I was more referencing the fact that if you're crouching still in Skyrim while an enemy is looking directly at you and the bar is slowly filling, you can just look a little away from them and they suddenly won't see you. You don't even have to turn 180 degrees.
"if i dont see them they cabt see me" 😂😂 big brain
It's like that for many games. For shooters the enemies miss more often, if you simply look away.
I feel like the smartest guards/npcs will be an interesting video.
metal gear definetly gonna have an honourable mention
I was impressed with the AI in Dishonored 2.
Mgs2 gets my vote.
@@ryanmeyer9043 Same here, especially compared to Dishonored 1. I just finished my first Shadow/Clean Hands/Mostly Steel And Flesh run on 2 and it was pretty tough!
F.E.A.R. They learn from their mistakes or other AI's mistakes and never repeat the same mistake or pattern again.
In their defense, I remember watching an interview of the Hitman developers and they say they purposely made the AI "dumber" in order to make the game more entertaining.
Yea they also design it in such a way that you can predict the guards reactions so you don't just get frustrated. For example EVERY time you toss a coin a guard will take a look with the same pattern, and everytime a weapon is discovered a guard will collect it and bring it to the security room.
It's good design so everything isn't so random and irritating... but I feel like the newer Hitman games could actually benefit from a bit more unpredictable and dynamic AI. Like causing a big disturbance that disorganizes the guards in a bigger fashion or having some guards be more strict while others are more laid back.
@@TheMistyBlueLounge this could be also a good difficulty setting, where it could be harder to predict their actions on higher difficulty levels.
I read about dumbing down AI in Hitman and Crysis 3. The AI guards in Hitman were too good, so the testers NEVER managed to succeed. In Crysis 3 the enemies were too intelligent, searched systematically in small groups and found the test players and shot them so fast, they sometimes didn't even notice them.
Since the player is only one person, the enemies must be in some way much weaker than the player. Stupidity is one funny way to do so.
Make a video about smartest guards in video games
I have a feeling that the AIs from the first F.E.A.R. will be in it.
Last of us 2 will take a place in the list for sure
My favourite dumb guard behaviour was in AC Blackflag. If two guards were walking or standing together you couldn't whistle to get one to come over as it would alert both. However, you could peak out of the bush in a way that only one can see you long enough that he will investigate when you duck back into the bush. Then he walks over and you literally shiv him in front of the other guard. I've done this to a guard who was literally in conversation with another guard he was patrolling with. The other guard just keeps patrolling like it's cool.
Basically every game with bush stealth mechanics are so stupid. Your full head is sticking out of the bush, but the guards just keep walking past you. It amazes me every time.
Assassin's creed, hitman (WOA trilogy), etc...
@tQ P minecraft
@tQ P Robolox : Attack on Titans
That was the thing about Operation Flashpoint, back in the day... it had bushes and stealth, but when the enemies got some clue where you were, your mission was basically down the drain. Still get stressed out thinking about it.
(Yes, I was pretty bad at that game, at least the stealth/infiltration parts of it)
Skyrim guards just act dumb. They clearly know exactly where I am, judging by how they slide out of the way of arrows last second
@tQ P the elder scrolls
The Regular Joes from Alien Isolation are the most formidable sentries that immediately come to mind. They’re not exactly smart but they’re relentless and they take 3 headshots to go down on hard difficulty. Then having to deal with the “industrial” versions later in the game is worse because their weaknesses are gone, they’re immune to EMP, extremely bullet spongey. That bolt gun gets them with a single headshot though.
@IrvinAssassin shut up bot
tssss indeed man
I'd say some of the strongest AI in a stealth game I've ever seen in a stealth game is The Last Of Us series. The guards are Extremely aware of their surroundings. That's why the game is so hard to do stealth only runs. The enemies always change up their paths and spot you easily.
Infected that are clickers or above are harder to get past. They may be blind, but they have extreme hearing, so you have to walk quietly, by keeping the left stick slightly tilted. Easy to get used to, but when there are other enemies around who CAN see, it gets harder.
Losing an enemy in TLOU is really easy tho and even on hard, the AI still has some stupid moments. I don't think they're the best guard AI but not bad. The smartest AI in any stealth game is definitely Alien Isolation for me
@@SheanWalsh46 I'd still say The last of us Ai is better
I think Metal Gear Solid 5 has the best stealth mechanic of all time, except for the box thin ofcourse.
But they still feel stupid because they only react to Joel. Ellie can "sneak" around right in front of them or with Clickers is allowed to make noise and they just won't react. Just shows what an overrated game it actually is. Naughty Dog just didn't bother to make Ellie's AI behave intelligent in stealth situations.
The main character in Prototype 2: Assumes the identity of somebody else in the squad, then leaps 15 stories into the air and lands creating the crater.
Squad mate: "Yeah Jeff, he never misses his leg day. I suppose if I did the same I could do that too..."
I feel like games with good guards would be more interesting as it's more rare. Very enjoyable video as always
Do you have examples of such games? I can't think of one off the top of my head tbh
@@zJoriz not really.. I'm inclined to say splinter cell but havent played it in a very long time.. I do remember playing mission impossible on the n64 and having a tough time with guards but if we revisit it it may not be as I remember as this was even longer in the past..
@@zJoriz Metal Gear would be a pretty good example I think. I always had a hard time dealing with them on hard mode. Extreme makes it even more realistic/difficult.
@@zJoriz The AI in FEAR is pretty smart too.
I gotta say, the writing has become so much better with Gameranx over the years. I remember watching these lists a couple of years back and it felt like there was a lot more filler, now they feel more robust for sure.
The grenade trick!!! Been a while since I thought about that... 'Hello, I'm not going to rob you, I'm going to put a grenade in your pocket and run off laughing!!' splattered ghoul or Dave everywhere!!
Psychotic Prankster is fun in raider camps, since you can easily get the grenades and mines from their own booby-traps, containers, and previous raiders you exploded (swapped grenades with), since they have the funniest reactions just before they go boom.
@@LazerRay1 : Shame it doesn't have a, "I pulled the pin on your grenade" reaction.
I explain the guards with arrows sticking out of them in Skyrim away as a case of spontaneous arrows disease. It's a very deadly and contagious ailment that causes arrows to appear in people's bodies randomly and is carried on the wind. Hence the guards saying 'it must have been the wind' and then walking away with arrows sticking out of them.
"I was standing guard in the Mojave once and a guys pants exploded, I swear."
-Fallout Guard
Someone needs to talk to their tailor.
Liar liar, pants on fire.
a friend of mine once walked through security at a music festival without paying because he was carrying a ladder and a tool box so maybe the hitman point isn't that wild after all.
I've heard that you can pull that off in so many locations because the guards don't care that much to make someone else who's likely just doing their job have to stop. Especially so if you look like you already know where you're going or look like you belong.
I always loved that mechanic in fallout. The fact that you can just shove a grenade down someones pants without them noticing. Its even funnier if you put a lot of points into charisma. Meaning you can convince an enemy to leave without a fight and as they are walking away you can just shove a grenade down their pants. It is hilarious.
Best if you get the chinese stealth armor.
Yes! The Shady Sands Shuffle!
This is by far one of the best and funniest videos from Gameranx. Even though I already knew most of the games in this list, I still could not stop laughing.
@tQ P Ha ha ha ha ha ha... ha ha... ha... ha... haaaaa.... wait... you were not joking? Look, my advice is this: as a gamer, I know that the habit is to skip the conversations with the npc's, which sometimes means you can miss an important detail... please don't apply the same rule here and watch the whole video. I don't want to spoil it for you, but the name of the game 3 is in there... shhhhhh... don't tell anyone else.
Guard: “HEY, I KNOW YOU!”
Me: “Yes you do, but your widow will know me better”
The thing I always do when a guard says that, is cancel the conversation. And that's that. Just walk off and leave the guard to ponder where exactly he knows you from.
@@zJoriz elder scrolls guards: “and I took that personally”
"How dumb are the guards in this game?"
"It's a Bethesda game..."
I still love Prototype, but damn was that section hilarious.
Everybody is gangsta until the Guard has Sneak 100.
The most challenging and frustrating AI have ever dealt with has been in the Division 2 on Legendary. I hate their OP DMG, sniper-chainguns and drones that can find you across the planet. Yet I can't stop going back for more.
because it has the best enemy ai system ever created. and its a fact.
@@mohammadashikurrahman7530 True. It's an addictive. I keep telling myself "fuck the nerd that programmed this shit. Humanity first!".
I like how you guys are acknowledging prototype multiple videos in a row. They are 2 of my favourite games of all time
As a kid I never noticed how dumb the force unleashed guards were
One of the suggestions I heard about Prototype isn't that the guards are stupid by not recognizing you using one of your powers right next to them. They do in fact see you and recognize you're doing something superhuman. They just don't want to attract the attention of the superpowered virus monster so they pretend they didn't see it.
I'd love a video with the opposite premise of this. Games with the best guards (best AI or whatever criteria) would give me some fun new games to play I bet
These videos get me through the day sometimes. Always there when other things aren’t
I remember the stealth shoot trick from Crysis from the release version. If you timed it perfectly (maybe frame perfect?), then the AI for the currently loaded sector broke and all the NPCs went into "t-pose". And they didn't "come out of it" even if you shot at them uncloaked. ^^
One of the funniest videos from gameranx "these guys secretly want to die, there's no other explanation" the frustration in the tone is what got me
I love how you can take the heart out of the forsworn and put live grenades in peoples pockets, honestly a lot of Bethesda games are bad but these things make them awesome
First video for Hitman is the"Things to do in Hitman: Puddle of Hate" that Gavin and Geoff did for Achievement Hunter.
Yeah I recognized it immediately, kinda a shame they didn’t credit it
Guards: getting killed by invisible enemy
Gameranx: OMG so stupid why are they so dumb
First thing in my mind is the guards in the original Thief series. They'd go to the exact corner you're hiding in, stop inches away from you, put their hand to their brow in a "blocking the sun" fashion and leave. Like "Welp, this corner is too dark for me to see into, better wander away."
Not really guards but on Evil Within 2, most enemies will lose sight of you and give up chase if you run and stand in a bush
In Skyrim, someone once stole a guard's sword, improved it, then gave it back.
The guard’s Robin Hood
In all fairness, the AI of Gothic still beats a lot of today's games. NPCs reacted to when you entered their homes in different ways and different levels, reacted to you drawing a weapon and doing other kinds of things. They sat around campfires and talked, smoked shishas, hammered signs, etc. Also the faction system was groundbreaking for 2001. Hell, Gothic is a better RPG than 95% of RPGs since.
"Oh, yes of course. I thought you meant him! You know it seemed a bit daft me having to guard him when he's a guard."
-Every Video game Guard
The BOTW example should have been for Guards outside of Gerudo Town. You know. The once you can literally change in front of and they will just let you in!
Pillagers will stop thinking about revenge after you just drink milk in MINECRAFT.
Man, I would LOVE to see a remake/reboot of Prototype! That game was really cool!
Love that Hitman was at the start for the hilarious introduction. The A.I. in the game cracked me up. Thanks again for the laughs and smiles. Great video.
Those Gothic guards had ONE job: keep people brandishing weapons _out_ of the fort...
When I think of dumb guards, I always remember GoldenEye 007 on the N64. I loved how 'blocky" they were and the sounds they made when flipping out it was almost cartoonish. Those were simpler times...
Let's be honest, Skyrim wouldn't be as memorable if the AI were really smart.
So true. Part of the fun is messing with the guards for me lol
This is my new favorite Gameranx video. This video was hilarious and showed me some cool tricks for the games mentioned here! Thanks Falcon!
Y’all said no days off, enjoy the rest of the day 💙
The Combine guards are like the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal from the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: a creature so appallingly stupid that if you can't see it, it can't see you.
I had not laughed so much in all day. Thanks for this!.
Glad you liked it
The funny thing about the half life 2 AI trick is that it reminded me of something very similar that happens with the zombie dogs in resident evil 2 remake. They ONLY attack you head on. So if you keep doing quick turns away from them while going down a hallway, they will never hit you. Kinda interesting how you start to see the similar programming logic of games that are decades apart. Both are "line of sight" related.
Imagine if gordon wore a face covering mask, he would be invisible lol
Gothic being mentioned on such a huge channel in 2021 is insane ^^
Exactly my WOW reaction when it came to no. 2. Didn't see that coming from a mile high.
Sometimes i feel as if the prototype guards were genuinely depressed. They looked like they just did not want to do the guard job lol...they were just moving pieces of meat for your boss like protagonist..
You reminded me of the poisoned corpse trick in AC Origins. Poison a corpse and then sit back and watch as the entire population of a city is decimated. They check the corpse, get violently ill, stagger off a ways to finally die which spreads the poison until it's just mounds of murder piles all around you. Thank God the devs made the children immune. lol
I’m here for my grain of salt 🧂
Nevermind…it’s Falcon… 🦅
Wrong video
I had no idea about the head trick in HL2. The thought of someone holding a jar in front of their face and not being able to see them had me rolling 🤣. Def gonna do that next time I play through it.
Never mess with mgs2 guards, they can wreck you if you want them to🤣🤣🤣
mgs5 has amazing ai
@@jwallace6913 phantom pain? I haven't touched Ground zero
@@ac3b1rd6 ye phantom pain, what's your take on the ai?
@@jwallace6913 I like how the guards adapt to your moves, for example too many headshots and they're gonna be wearing helmets. The way they respond is realistic 👍.
@@ac3b1rd6 : Good thing one can't pull the exploding pants trick. Things could get comical.
Phone: *Bing! (Notification for new video of Gameranx through email)
Me: “huh must of been the wind”
Did you really just mock HL2 combine soldiers? What do you mean they're dumb? They've been the smartest enemy AI in gaming for over a decade they actually employ strategies and battle formations when facing off the player.
Can't tell if you are being sarcastic or dare I say... dumb?
My all-time favorite is in Tenchu, for the PS1. In the tutorial, the final "room" has two guards. One is patrolling, the other is an archer off in the corner. Hilariously, the archer is more often than not staring at the bare wall in his corner with his back to the room, like a bad child in time-out. It makes that room more fair, of course, you the player are timed here, but one wonders why the archer isn't just patrolling too, or gazing at the nearby ocean, that at least would make some sense.
Allo Gameranx
Very good!
As someone who works as a contractor with all kinds of different types of businesses I can confirm that hitman rules do apply to real life. If you have the right outfit and look like you know what you’re doing most people are not going to notice you and just assume you belong. I’ve also worked in large companies where they were all kinds of people I didn’t know and as long as they were wearing the right uniform it look like they knew what they were doing I pay them no mind
I will say the not thinking twice about the bald janitor youve never seen before is actually quite accurate to real life, and they do a pretty good job of say the head sanitation guy knowing that you don't work for him but as long as you look and act like your supposed to be somewhere most people will not bat an eye.
Sligs in Oddworld games. Even if they spot you, once you get to a higher or lower floor, "I swear, he's invisible"
Thief has the same trick with LoS. "I guess there's no way I can get to this guy non-threateningly holding his club in front of him."
There is never a bad day to subscribe to Gameranx
The bit about the combine and the jar made me laugh out loud, because it immediately reminded me of both times I encountered a cow moose in real life.
Both times they were out in the yard when I stepped out to smoke, and it spooked the shit out of them. The first time, it went and hid its head behind the shed not 30 feet away. The second time, it didn't even bother running, and just hid its head behind the support beam of the porch. ONLY their heads, while their giant moose bodies remained fully exposed. But because they couldn't see me anymore, I guess they figured they were safe. 🤣
Apparently Agent 47 has been genetically engineered to have a supernaturaly familiar face... So yeah.
8:52-9:02 I'm just dying at this point. Why is this so damn hilarious to me? I can't stop wheezing here! 🤣🤣💀💀
I would like to also add the enemies in Metal Gear Solid 2. Sure when it flows well it flows really well and a little mistake could cost you dearly. But in some sections of a level you'll have a guard that radios in periodically with a sitrep. Even though all they radio in is "Nothing here.". But if you're in a level with a guard that checks in, and that level has a way to dispose of the body such as throwing them into water, after a while HQ will radio in asking for the guard's status before sending in a heavily armed inspection team. That squad will beeline to the missing guard's last location, look around for a couple of seconds, and as long as they don't see the player, they'll radio in "Unable to locate missing soldier. Resuming patrol." and just peace out. You now have free roam of just that section of a level without worry of being spotted. The missing guard doesn't even get replaced until you leave that level then come back in.
MGS guards be like: "Ehh, can't find this guard in this strategic area, and nothing else can be seen so all's good."
I remember playing Half Life 2 for the first time and being super scared by the Combine only to realize that they mostly just stand there.
Not only if you lift a jar or something, if you crouch behind cover they're just gonna stand in one place and try to shoot you.
Part of why the poisonous head crabs are so annoying is probably because the rest of the AI is so easy to deal with and it catches you off guard.
Skyrim guard: *Gets shot stealthfully*
Also guards: Must've been the wind
Skyrim guard with arrow in head: Must have been the wind...
Me: What part of his brain did I hit?
0:15: 10. Hitman
1:40: 9. Assassin's Creed Unity
3:13: 8. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
4:27: 7. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
5:46: 6. Fallout 3
7:05: 5. Crysis
8:21: 4. The Force Unleashed
9:19: 3. Prototype & Prototype 2
10:46: 2. Gothic
Falcon you are hilarious. You really did your homework on this one and it shows. Great video
he has writers, he doesn't write anything, just narrates.
As Arrack said "Walk into somewhere with confidence, no one will question you."
The grenade trick works in Fallout 4 too and, since I have a dismemberment mod that will show crippled limbs on NPCs as actually missing, if you find a severed arm or leg on the ground you can interact with it like the NPC was there, so just stealth and reverse-pickpocket a grenade onto them and, off in the distance, you'll hear someone yell grenade or incoming followed by a rather satisfying explosion, then the interact with the limb changes so you can loot the body no matter where it is.
I know it's broken but it's so damn funny I can't remove the mod.
Skyrim guards always think about the arrow to their knees so they don't have time to think about flying arrows to their head.
The guards only pretend to not notice you once they know the protagonist is coming through "Maybe if I don't attack him/her, s/he'll let me live" lol
The prototype one is way dumber when you consider that your disguise power is so much stronger than it should be. Guards can literally watch you eat a guy, as long as you break line of sight for a couple of seconds the same guy can just show up and they're like, "yeah. That makes sense."
The way Jake kept describing was so funny, I couldn't help but laughing the entire video XD
I think you mean Falcon lol.
Number 1: "the Game Guard UA-cam channel itself" 😂
Equally hilarious when your helper is invisible. This happens in many games.
Last Of Us 1 was extreme in that 😂
I can't remember the name but a guy who's job was to test a companies security measures said that just looking like you belonged there made it easy to (most of the time) walk in and out without much issue. So it's not too unrealistic, it's surprisingly easy; "The nail that sticks out, gets hammered down" and if you don't stand out...
Meanwhile me in Skyrim killing a bandit who is sitting next to another bandit while still being undetected and the cherry on top has to be the bandit saying “ I’m going to find whoever did this” while standing next to me looking at me
Is it just me or this channel is freaking addicting ? 😳
There's a rescue mission in Prototype 2 where you're force disguised as a guard. There's a part in that mission where you can pick up a helicopter missile launcher and one the the guards says something along the lines of, "Have you been working out?" Haha. One of my favorite parts in that game.
I'm dying. Fallout guards,
"They aren't just dumb, they're catatonic."
One of my first macros was for Crysis. It was a side button on my mouse. It would switch out of my cloak, fire until I released the button and automatically switch back into the cloak. Long time ago. I'm an old gamer from the Pong on black and white TV days. Lots of tricks over the decades. lol
“Whose footsteps are these?.” -Genome Soldier.
5:35 oh my Lord the guy kicking the bomb was hilarious 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Gameranx has become a daily part of my life... Keep the good work up