It's about an old traveller who seeks a quiet place to die...apparently he lost something very dear to him. He stops at an inn for a glass of wine and then he goes on the edge of this cliff. As he stands there and looks down the hill, he's remembering stuff he's been through and things he loved... his home, his mother, his friends. It's actually a very sad song ...but it doesn't tell us what happens to the guy. Cheers! And thank you for your support! :)
Nu s-a devalorizat pentru unii, inca o cant cu prietenii prin parc (19-20 de ani).Geniala interpretare. Multumim!
It's about an old traveller who seeks a quiet place to die...apparently he lost something very dear to him. He stops at an inn for a glass of wine and then he goes on the edge of this cliff. As he stands there and looks down the hill, he's remembering stuff he's been through and things he loved... his home, his mother, his friends. It's actually a very sad song ...but it doesn't tell us what happens to the guy.
Cheers! And thank you for your support! :)
Fantastica versiunea asta
vaai.. ma unje pe suflet !
OMFG!!! mi s-a ridicat parul pesti tat....amintiri de pe cocleuri cu o chitara, o bere si iubita in brate in apus de soare....
După 10 ani, același sentiment 👏
Rapaaaaaaaaaaa...bravo baieti! la tot mai multe! ;) GENIALL!!!!!
superb.... nu am cuvinte ....
Bine baietii! Va asteptam in Targoviste !
Sa te intorci inapoi nu ai unde.... Inainte sa mergi ti-a ramas.. 😔🙏
Felicitări !
am onoarea sa dau si primul LIKE!!!
Foarte tare!!
A fost super fainla concert in Casa Luca Radauti.Sa mai venitii
@ kenjin 6666 - sa vina la Cluj,sa cante,dar sa se intoarca repede la Iasi.Doar nu or sa lase pustii cluburile de aici
wonderful! :)
like from germany :> no idea what it is about.. just sounds nice
Still hearing it time by time.
Even through different channels.
Keep it up. Greetings from germany.
crazy shit...lovin it
nu stiu unde ati fost pana acum, dar ma b ucur al dracu de mult ca v-am descoperit. traiasca FB si prietenii culti pe care ii am !
ati fost la Suceava si n-ati cantat asta..:((
dupa 9 ani, cu aceeasi placere.
de unde pot downloada Volumul 1 ? superb si colindul abia lansat. tot inainte cu mult spor !
miercuri seara neaparat trebuie cantata in griff :)
asa e, e foarte trista..
si va asteptam in predeal/brasov
nu ziceti nimic de Diana Pora?
@kenjin6666 Servus! pe unde se poate canta in Cluj ? :) incercam de ceva vreme sa ajungem acolo
bv baietii, misto rau de tot,dar incercati pls sa cantati si viata de vagabond ?:d
In targoviste va astrept de mult timp... nu dati si p'aci un tarcol?
V-ati mai gandit la un al 2-lea album intre timp?
Sigur ca da!!!! :) in curand!
@IuliVoshod multumim frumos! :)
house of the rising sun varianta romaneasca
Mai buna!
Muzica :)
Prin Oradea cand ajungeti?
Salutare! Am pus link-ul la descrierea piesei.
incercati in Gambrinus va pot face legatura cu un tip care organizeaza asa ceva
va asteptam in cluj xD
Si totusi de unde pot sa descarc albumul?