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  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024


  • @cindysplace
    @cindysplace 6 років тому +33

    You are the most beautiful human being. I just love you. My heart hurts for your pain and sadness because I am there too. You are an inspiration to us all. Thank you.

    • @fblairmd66
      @fblairmd66  6 років тому +4

      Thank you Cindy. That's so sweet of you to say.

    • @sagisli
      @sagisli 6 років тому +3

      @Cindy: I was about to write the same thing, but you said it so beautifully. I feel the same way.

  • @nicholashandfield-jones1837
    @nicholashandfield-jones1837 6 років тому

    This is a great sentiment, especially for these trying times. Thank you for sharing.

  • @sergeirakmaninov
    @sergeirakmaninov 6 років тому

    Thank you; out of the depths of your despair you have given me the insight to be compassionate. You're fabulous on so many levels.

  • @flonoiisana4647
    @flonoiisana4647 6 років тому

    You got my eyes so teary... I had to wipe them. Thank you for being a beautiful human being. God bless you,

  • @iyapoyapa
    @iyapoyapa 6 років тому +7

    I was thinking about you the other day. My girlfriend and I pray for you and your family pretty much each day, and it is encouraging to see you working through this tragedy. I can't begin to imagine what you are dealing with, but I am at least glad you know that you have the support of MANY of us out here in addition to that of those who love and care about you in the "real world". Peace to you and your family... as always... take time for yourself... grieve in YOUR way, as only YOU can, and just KNOW (as I'm certain I don't even need to tell you), the Most High SEES you... and cares.
    Much love and prayers for you and yours. We love you out here.

  • @debbiek.bradley1503
    @debbiek.bradley1503 6 років тому +3

    I completely understand what your going thru, great empathy for you, you never loose the pain,it lessons over time, but never goes away.

  • @lauranadel9336
    @lauranadel9336 6 років тому +9

    I send you a hug and am so amazed by you. I remember hearing once that, when you meet someone on the street, you don’t know if they just found $20 in their pocket or just heard that their grandmother died. We just don’t know. Assuming the best intention and responding with kindness is ALWAYS the way to go. Thank you so much for sharing yourself with the world . 💕

  • @latoyaperryman780
    @latoyaperryman780 6 років тому +10

    You will always be in my prayers I am a dialysis technician I help people with kidney disease and the things that they go through is sometimes so sad I always say it’s worser things than death sometimes we don’t realize how valuable life is just warm words can brighten a person day no matter what they are going through stay blessed and you and your daughter will always be in my prayers 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

  • @kellyneumann8234
    @kellyneumann8234 6 років тому +3

    So encouraged to see the strength our Lord has given you, dear one! Also thankful that He is the one who dries our tears and holds us in His everlasting arms! What a comforting, loving Saviour! I remember what a brother prayed once that really stuck with me. Lord, please give the family just a glimpse of the incredible JOY the departed loved one is experiencing in heaven with our Lord! Wow! did that change my perspective.

    • @fblairmd66
      @fblairmd66  6 років тому

      Kelly Neumann Thank you Kelly!

  • @chiefkirk
    @chiefkirk 6 років тому +12

    John 13:34 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another,as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. I preach this when God leads me to. It's a commandment, not a suggestion. I'm glad you are ok sis.

  • @gladystoukie
    @gladystoukie 6 років тому +2

    You and your family are in my prayers, Dr. Fiona . Our lives are so full of mystery and sadness because we lose everyone we love !! I think we just have to let go and let God take control. Father Barron(he is on UA-cam). Said we are all in a theodrama and that our lives are not all about us and what we want!! Sometimes that means we cannot hold on and protect our loved ones from illness and death. Just hold on to your faith and continue the good fight as St Paul said and trust that you will see your beloved Courtney when your life is over!!! God bless you and your family👍❤️

  • @NightQuilter
    @NightQuilter 6 років тому +1

    Truer words, never were spoken. I think of you every day. I could listen to you talk forever. Thanks for the update. Xo

  • @pepper57s
    @pepper57s 6 років тому

    Thank you for your update and words of wisdom. I think of you often and remember you in my prayers. You are such a strong and inspirational woman.

  • @annainspain5176
    @annainspain5176 6 років тому

    Such truth. In my city there are people, particularly women my age and older, who will just plow you off the sidewalk if you get in their way, with this angry face and sometimes an insult. I'm always the one to step aside, basically because I dislike being plowed into and insulted. Also because I figure, it's a good thing if one of us does. The heart knows its own bitterness as Proverbs says. We often can't choose our circumstances but we can always choose how we react, if we take a second or two. I'm not catholic but I have started wearing a medallion of the Sacred Heart of Jesus to remind myself of what that Heart went through for me. And if He died for me, he died for the angry insulting person whose world I mess up just by walking on the same pavement--whether they knew that or not.
    Thank you for posting this, especially with all you're going through. You are an inspiration to so many. Your face speaks your heart. Make sure you eat, even just soup, okay? 👍

  • @fayhou98
    @fayhou98 6 років тому +4

    Sadly, I agree with you, Fiona. We never felt a greater love than when my wife was diagnosed with breast cancer and went through the radical mastectomy, chemo, reconstruction, and all the rest. But once life got back to normal, well ... we shrank back into the woodwork of society; so, I'm sure that over time people will make their own arbitrary determinations about when you've received enough love and compassion and just move on. It is a glimpse at the best and less-than-the-best about humanity. We're angst-ridden creatures. But just know that to the best of our ability to do so, we do weep with you and pray for as much peace and comfort as you can find in the unimaginable anguish of your loss. God be with you.

    • @fblairmd66
      @fblairmd66  6 років тому

      Thomas Strickland Thank you so much, Thomas. I pray that you and your wife will continue in good health.

  • @katw.9338
    @katw.9338 6 років тому +5

    Thank for the update. Was great to hear. You have this ability to gravitate people toward you. I wish I had your vocabulary to express exactly what I'm trying to say . Even in this sad journey, you are honest, inspirational, witty, and motivational. I love to hear you speak. Btw... I feel the same way about empathy. Years ago I received a call at work that my dad had a heart attack. I know I drove very very fast to get there. So when people fly past me I always (usually) give them the benefit of doubt. Ever since. Anyway, though I don't know you , you've touched my life with your humor and straightforwardness about all kinds of issues. Thank you. ❤

  • @thinkfirst9340
    @thinkfirst9340 6 років тому

    Just had the same conversation with a group, reminiscing about the environment after 9/11. We miss it. It truly was the worst of times and the best of times. And yes, your points of asking for daily kindness when we do not know the other's story are well taken indeed. You just never know. It is not easy when someone is snarky to us to stop and wonder what is going on in that person's life that has them in that snarky frame of mind to begin with. Thanks for the reminder.

  • @stwalstan
    @stwalstan 6 років тому

    Thank you for sharing your incites. Your voice is so important in the ether. I just said a prayer for you! Best blessings to you.

  • @cish6047
    @cish6047 6 років тому +1

    You are so right; I often think that maybe the person I pass by who doesn't say "Hello" back to me when I pass them in the parking lot or wherever, that they may be going through something or just had a really bad day. I've stopped taking things like that personally. I've started even saying a small prayer for them, something like, "Lord, may You be with that person today and lift them up."
    I have been praying for you, Fiona, and I'm glad to know you're taking it "One breath at a time"...that's what you and your family need to do at the moment. Please know you will be prayed for even still. You know, I think that people who have gone through what you've been through, even though it's been four weeks and the 'hoopla' has now passed and the sympathy cards have been read and people have given their hugs to you, you are still without your girl and you are still hurting. You still need those prayers and God will still be hearing from me!! May you be blessed this week and beyond. Love to you, Carolyn

    • @fblairmd66
      @fblairmd66  6 років тому +1

      Cish 60 Thanks for your prayers, Carolyn. I know they are why I’m able to get up in the morning and face another day. If you had asked me 2 months ago what I would do if I lost one of my children, I most certainly would have told you that I would curl up and die. That you would have to bury me with the child. The fact that I’m even able to breath and have a semblance of my sanity in my possession is a testament to the fact that God’s grace is sufficient. And when you are weak, He is the one who makes us strong. Please continue to send up your prayers. Peace and love.

  • @michaelfilimon8510
    @michaelfilimon8510 6 років тому

    You have such a beautiful soul and you are in the midst of healing.

  • @erosmanxxx
    @erosmanxxx 6 років тому

    Hello again my friend. You are one that I truly and sincerely look up to. When we are confronted with a crisis, that is when we find out about ourselves. I am sure that your emotions are still a rollercoaster from hell but you can still, STILL pull it together and talk to us. You have so much integrity and selflessness to do let us know how you are doing. You are simply amazing! If I were in your shoes I am not sure that I could bring myself to talk to others like you do...and so soon. You are right about kindness. We all get so involved in our myopic lives so much that we don't stop and consider others points of view. Selfishness is the norm, it seems these days. We all need to lead by example and I can see that you do this with grace and compassion. I know that I am gushing but that is truly how I feel. No BS. You are a real role model and it is no mistake that you are in the profession that you are in. Caring for the precious, little ones in our world. You were born to do this.
    In closing, I want you to take care of yourself. Forgive yourself and let your pain out in what ever form it manifests. You know this I am sure so this is just a reminder. Your daughter always wanted the best for you so show her that you are going forward in the beautiful and nurturing way that she has always known you to live in. Honor her memory like you have by giving to others like the scholarship in her name. Living a life like that will see you through. It feels right with your soul. Keep going my friend. Peace and

  • @Siggkins
    @Siggkins 6 років тому

    You have so much grace. You are such a good human being. You blow me away.

  • @jade5412
    @jade5412 6 років тому

    You are a remarkable woman and role model. Even in the most difficult time you are still teaching and spreading love. All of us internet strangers are rallying behind you.

  • @SurvivalOnPurpose
    @SurvivalOnPurpose 6 років тому

    I can only imagine what you are going through. Your strength and composure in the face of such pain is an inspiration.

  • @Dyejob01
    @Dyejob01 6 років тому +3

    I lost my twin and the pain was/is so overwhelming. But, although I feel guilty saying so, the pain eases. I can take a deep breath now, like I haven't been able to in a very long time. But you are correct, we move forward. The facts are we can't live in that kind of pain. And you are so right, we do not know the struggles of others, and being aware that others may have a heavy heart/soul is such a simple and kind thing for us to do, instead of grimacing at them, we should smile at them. Love, life is all about love!!! I wish you were not going through this, sending you my love and prayers and my understanding!! 💗💗💗

  • @susieflorian5978
    @susieflorian5978 6 років тому +1

    By His stripes we are healed--that's physically and emotionally. May you always feel God's loving arms wrapped around you. I think of you often and pray for you always. Thank you for being an inspiration to us all. xo!!

  • @RichardandPaul
    @RichardandPaul 6 років тому

    Thanks for updating us. You have been in my thoughts. I think it's immensely brave of you to share these intensely personal feelings, and so considerate as I know your sharing will go a long way in helping others go through similar experiences. ❤️

  • @ymrelang
    @ymrelang 6 років тому

    I am so glad you are better. You look radiant. Your eyes are bright again. Thanks God. As per people, you are right, they are dealing with their own issues... but, you and I and many others have hope. God is good.

  • @veeess7274
    @veeess7274 6 років тому

    You're spot on, as usual. Thank you so much.
    By the way (as you know), you don't ever "get over it." Instead you figure out ways to cope.

  • @edgesdolezal6215
    @edgesdolezal6215 6 років тому +1

    Extremely strong you are! Sending you all the love and best wishes moving forward

  • @marilynreed7387
    @marilynreed7387 6 років тому

    Sending you love, hugs and encouragement.... Peace n Love.........

  • @KZ-xj4tt
    @KZ-xj4tt 6 років тому

    This message I first "heard" with thoughtful ears, was from Joyce Meyers. It is indeed a mindful way of living each day. You don't know what someone else may be going through.

  • @boricuamom87
    @boricuamom87 6 років тому +3

    You are such a strong person. I have so much love for you. I feel like I've known you all my life. If you were my doctor I would make an appt. once a month. I wish I could meet you in person. I strive to be as strong as a person as you are. You are totally right about how we dont know what the next person is dealing with. I used to be that person who judges but now I dont. Keep your head up. You're doing amazing and you touch the hearts of many. 😘

    • @fblairmd66
      @fblairmd66  6 років тому +1

      Victoria Law Thanks Victoria.

  • @leticia-rl7yj
    @leticia-rl7yj 6 років тому +3

    Yes, peace and love❤️🙏🏼

  • @404BOOMER
    @404BOOMER 6 років тому +1

    Good to hear from you. You would make a great neighbor. You are right about trying to be more kind to others.

  • @Tsuruta1
    @Tsuruta1 6 років тому

    I've said the same thing.
    We shouldn't wait until a tragedy take place to be nice to one another.

  • @lah8067
    @lah8067 6 років тому

    💗 Love to see your smiling face. Keeping you and your family in my prayers.💗

  • @margaretbentley3937
    @margaretbentley3937 6 років тому

    Continuing to pray for you and your family. Thank you for updating us on how you are doing. God bless you and comfort you dear lady. 🌹

  • @karenrodriguez5993
    @karenrodriguez5993 6 років тому

    I just don’t know how you do it. My heart aches for you. God bless you

  • @markpullano1984
    @markpullano1984 6 років тому

    That was beautiful. I was walking along today and thinking I would just say hello and see how you were doing and to let you know that you and your family are still in my prayers and will always be. Thank you for your grace and honesty.

    • @fblairmd66
      @fblairmd66  6 років тому

      Mark Pullano Thank Mark. Please continue to keep us in your prayers.

  • @rocco...
    @rocco... 6 років тому +1

    The overuse of enamoring our smart phones has left nearly everybody self centered these days. Nobody addresses anyone any more as if they were lepers or pariahs. We miss and need more individuals to express themselves in today's society to get back on track like the good doctor herself. You are doing just great and reaching out to everybody has been a big inspiration to us all. Here you are in need of help and still you are helping us.

  • @josephrodriguez3938
    @josephrodriguez3938 6 років тому

    Well said! God is preparing you to comfort others with the comfort He has shown you during your time of grief (2 Corinthians 1:3-7). We had a child born with myriad physical maladies and over time God has used His comfort to allow us to minister to other parents with sick children. You may trust that God will carry you through this as painful as it is. I cannot fathom your pain and grief but I see He is using it already to help others and as you help others your pain will be healed over time. May God truly bless you!

    • @fblairmd66
      @fblairmd66  6 років тому

      Joseph Rodriguez Thank you Joseph!

  • @amjPeace
    @amjPeace 6 років тому

    I am so glad to see your video and to know you are persevering with the grace of God, you are often in my thoughts even though we've never met. I agree, we never know what battles a person is waging, what pain they may be in, what trials they have faced, what wonderful things they have accomplished, what tragedies they have survived. I also know that sometimes we encounter thoughtless morons. To that I say, " That's okay. We all take turns being the thoughtless moron, myself included" LOLPlease know that your message of peace and kindness will spread from yourself, to us, to others that we meet along the way. Thank you, and God bless you!

    • @fblairmd66
      @fblairmd66  6 років тому

      amjPeace Thank you! God bless you also!

  • @janiewerner
    @janiewerner 6 років тому +1

    You are a precious person.....

  • @sheilaarnold3218
    @sheilaarnold3218 6 років тому +1

    Peace, Love and continued prayers for you and your family. Cast your cares & sorrows to the ONE that can comfort and carry you! Be strong in the Lord. and as you always say Peace and Love!

  • @jennieanderson971
    @jennieanderson971 6 років тому

    Still praying very much for you my Dear ♥️🌹 Yes we are all needing to help and care for each other ALL the Time!✨✝️🙏 Many Huge Hugs to you Dearest Friend ♥️

  • @Obi1atl
    @Obi1atl 6 років тому

    There is no rule book or study guide or how to book to deal with loss... Your attitude and positivity is amazing. Deal with this day by day or breath by breath... This gets better slowly in time. Keep shining and inspiring others. Your daughter is smiling down on you :)

  • @natasha83196
    @natasha83196 6 років тому

    I really appreciate your heart and mind. I shared your video with my own college-age daughter and we had a conversation about what we love about each other and what we would miss. It was a special time. Every day is precious and you sharing what you are going through is also precious. Thank you.

    • @fblairmd66
      @fblairmd66  6 років тому

      Natasha Campbell Thank you for sharing that with me. I’m glad you and your daughter had that special time together.

  • @JesseJames-rg7vg
    @JesseJames-rg7vg 6 років тому

    Its not the only thing that makes me like watching your videos,but i love the empathy you have for others.I try to look for new videos from you because you really are very uplifting.I always took it personally if i see someone on the street or anywhere and I smile or say hi upon walking past and Id get a nasty look back if any reply at all.But you are right,when something extremely traumatizing happens to a person it can induce depression,to say the least.We really never do know what someone else is going through and you are basically saying to just try and understand that

    • @fblairmd66
      @fblairmd66  6 років тому

      Jesse James Thank you so much, Jesse. I haven’t quite found my voice or my inspiration to make any new videos, but I’m hoping that I will soon. Peace and love to you.

  • @nancyhicks1262
    @nancyhicks1262 6 років тому

    I asked God through prayer to comfort you. God Bless sweet lady !! Some people may say in time, but I would say you probably will never get over losing her I think you will take a day at a time and look forward to the day you will be with her again. Until then live, love and remember.

  • @coolestmomevr
    @coolestmomevr 6 років тому +1

    I have thought of you often in recent weeks and wondered how you were holding up. I have to share with you something that resonated with me after the loss of my beautiful, angel mother whose loss rocked me (and still does) to my core. She was a surgical nurse and had a heart of pure gold. All throughout my life she would tell me that whenever we saw someone speeding that they might be on their way to the hospital because of an emergency. That was all she knew to think and said that instead of complaining about it, we should just say a prayer for them and everyone in their path. It never crossed my mind, until after she passed, that her words rang true for every situation that annoys us. Simply put, we just don’t know the whys and what for(s) of anything that anyone is going through and should just make a habit of being kind and offering a warm smile. Sometimes, that’s really all another person needs to find the strength to keep going. I pray for your continued healing and I pray that you be surrounded by the warmth that you mention in your video. Peace and Love.

    • @fblairmd66
      @fblairmd66  6 років тому

      Diana Prickett Thank you Sis. May God continue to bless you and comfort you.

  • @renewagoner1383
    @renewagoner1383 6 років тому

    Thank you very much I'm so glad to see you back up and getting back into society. I was a caregiver for 3 years and I truly understand about being compassionate and caring willingness to stay strong. And I truly would like for you to no the hardest thing that I have personally experienced is learning to let go. I lost my mother when I was 11 years old and I thought that pain would never go away. It was very hard and the only thing that helped me heal was time father time. I wish you all the best I will keep you in my prayers. And just know we're all here for you take care of yourself. Thanks for giving us an update. God bless

    • @fblairmd66
      @fblairmd66  6 років тому +1

      Rene Wagoner Hey Rene! Thanks for your comments. I haven’t said this in any of my videos, but I also lost my mother when I was a young child. My mom died of ovarian cancer when I was almost 10 years old, so I know the pain that you experienced. I was hoping that I would be somehow exempt from any further jarring emotional pain like that. I guess I was wrong to think that. I’m taking it one day at a time. God bless you.

  • @ladya1953
    @ladya1953 6 років тому

    God holds you close. Can you feel His arms? Love.

  • @JoE-fj6tq
    @JoE-fj6tq 6 років тому

    Through tragedy can come inspiration and what you're learning through this tragedy is giving you the ability to inspire others to take a moment and think about something bigger than themselves. I'm happy to see you smiling again, you're such a beautiful soul! I hope your smile gets easier and easier as time goes on :) we love you!

  • @727Phoenix
    @727Phoenix 6 років тому +1

    Whenever someone cuts me off in traffic, my response is to notice that that person cut me off in traffic, and continue as before. If someone's rude to me, I just continue as always. I'm not provoked because getting upset won't fix anything, so why bother spending limited energy for nothing?? Anger and compassion both exist in the same place- our minds. Refraining from anger leaves more room for compassion and love for each other.

  • @JesseJames-rg7vg
    @JesseJames-rg7vg 6 років тому

    First,i don`t know who or why they would thumbs-down this video,i thumbs up`d. I cannot tell you in words how sorry i am that you are dealing with such pain and the loss of your daughter. You are so very pretty,and very smart.You mentioned you are in the medical field,I wish everyone in the medical field had the compassion that you do.I watched a few of your other videos,and I promise I will never axe you a question lol.You were right on your point but you had me laughing very hard watching that video.I enjoy watching your videos,you are kind,compassionate,and humorous at the same time.If everyone was like you the world would be a better place. I admire your emotional strength though im sure its hard but you will be in my prayers.One thing that disturbs me more than anything is what you`re dealing with your loss Im so sorry.You have amazing strength to try and inspire others. Had to subscribe to your channel love your videos.

    • @fblairmd66
      @fblairmd66  6 років тому +1

      Jesse James Thank you Jesse!

  • @katw.9338
    @katw.9338 6 років тому

    Came upon your vid and decided to listen to it again. Still such a thought provoking and inspiring vid. I hope you're doing well.

  • @jamesventress8268
    @jamesventress8268 6 років тому +1

    Thank you, a little kindness goes a long way. May your pain, not your sweet memories, grow less and less.

  • @0380hot1
    @0380hot1 6 років тому

    God bless you.

  • @tag7592
    @tag7592 6 років тому +1

    Dr. Fiona, from here on out, it's going to be one day at a time as you adjust and adapt to life without the physical presence of your daughter. It's not an end for you, but a beginning. Listen to God as He guides you in a new direction. Courtney's loss was not in vain. As far as the human race is concerned, good always prevails over evil; and, each and every one of us is responsible for making it happen✝️

  • @BasicBliss
    @BasicBliss 6 років тому

    Sending ❤️❤️❤️ your way! You are lovely and I pray for your comfort

  • @Michellebellaa
    @Michellebellaa 6 років тому

    Amen to everything you said. It goes back to that old saying " if you could walk a mile in my shoes" or vice versa. It's just so true. Thank you for wording it so beautifully. I sent a friend your way who suffered the exact loss you have and saw that she did reach out to you. This is a link to her latest vlog :
    I found her channel just as I did your channel ( several months before either of you had suffered your loss) . May you both be carried when it's just too much. Much love your way and prayers!

    • @fblairmd66
      @fblairmd66  6 років тому

      Michelle Warthen Thanks Michelle.

  • @NetAndyCz
    @NetAndyCz 6 років тому +1

    Some physical injuries leave scars. I would say that some emotional injuries never heal completely either. We just learn to live with it. Make it part of ourselves. Or go crazy but I prefer the first option, it is more constructive.
    As for others breaking rules on roads, I doubt most people break the rules for a good reason and I think that sometimes it is important to really evaluate whether it makes sense to drive dangerously (not the same as breaking the law), however my point is that if we see someone rushing on the road, it is important to let them be, any other reaction leads to completely unnecessary conflict that will help no one and will make the roads more dangerous for everyone around. And sometimes there might be reason for the rush. I just do not care why others drive the way they drive, I drive so I am safe and actively avoid collisions and conflict. In the hopes others will do the same for me should I make mistake.
    Anyway stay strong, you are an amazing person and the world needs people like you.

  • @dianecrumbley90
    @dianecrumbley90 6 років тому

    I was just thinking of you today and how you’re doing. Thank you for the update. We love you!

  • @Scruffy2469
    @Scruffy2469 6 років тому

    I had no idea. Dear Lady, my deepest and Sincerest Condolences. I have both hips and knees replaced as well as other injuries/problems. I would gladly go through every bit of those problems/surgeries, again, if it would ease the pain you are experiencing. Your rollercoaster ride is truly a difficult one with no time frame. Best to you and yours. May you come through with minimal scaring.

  • @moesgarage979
    @moesgarage979 6 років тому

    i wanted to send you my heart felt condolences, Your spirit is amazing i only wish the best for you and you family. i enjoy listening to you and your very fair open minded points of view. may your daughter rest in peace... be well

  • @sergeirakmaninov
    @sergeirakmaninov 5 років тому

    We need you back; share any thoughts, any perceptions, any insights as only you can do. Pleeeez!

  • @uncommonsense9711
    @uncommonsense9711 6 років тому

    I just love you. I'm praying for you and your family. 💜

  • @BlackManRising
    @BlackManRising 6 років тому

    It's good to hear from you, I hope you're doing better. Yep, one breath at a time. Good food for thought as always. Being kind makes us feel vulnerable so we'll do it when we feel it's safe. That's usually during extreme moments of joy or sadness. I'm not much different. I try to be kinder to certain people but it's a struggle!😒😁

  • @irpat54
    @irpat54 6 років тому

    I can relate to you, it will be 3 years this Nov. 23 that we lost our Daughter who was serving in the Marine Corps, and yes it is such a deep pain that only someone who has gone through it can understand and wouldn't wish it on anyone, so our prayers and heart go out to you, the only thing is that as time goes by you start to remember the things that put a smile on your face about her and less about how much you miss her. God Bless

    • @fblairmd66
      @fblairmd66  6 років тому

      Patrick Chesbro Patrick, I’m so sorry for your loss. It’s terrible that we have to be members of this undesirable club. Thank you for raising a daughter who was selfless enough to want to serve our country. Thank you for your words of comfort, and I pray that God continues to comfort both of our families.

  • @markpullano1984
    @markpullano1984 6 років тому

    I also want to say if you and your family are ever in the New York area and want to attend a service at St Ignatius Loyola, the church at which I regularly serve as an Ecumenical Minister, I would be delighted to host you and perhaps have breakfast thereafter with some other members of the congregation. Be well, Mark

    • @fblairmd66
      @fblairmd66  6 років тому

      Mark Pullano Thank you so much for such a sweet invitation.

  • @jeliarra
    @jeliarra 6 років тому

    Just because I have been silent doesn't mean you're not in my thoughts and mentioning to our Father. It is not your job to keep a smile on your face right now, it is our job to cause a smile to spread on your face = ) My baby boy has been gone now for almost 10 years, it simply doesn't hurt anymore Hon. I gave that grief away to the One that can handle it, I know my son is not lost to me. I can talk to my son ANY time as I can Someone else I cherish. I lost my puppy of 15 years two years ago, before that my Grandma, and soon I too will be parting. I choose to believe we will move onto the world of "kindness" you wish for here on earth. My point Sweets, the pain of anger, hurt, sorrow will pass, it will pass and for you sooner rather than later because you have a beautiful attitude. The old saying is so VERY lame, but attitude is truly, everything! HUGS

  • @Ilostmyfob
    @Ilostmyfob 6 років тому

    An amazing woman.

  • @Fonthandler
    @Fonthandler 6 років тому

    Much love to you and your family. 🙏🏽 And you're right, they say you'll get "over it" . But I ask why would I want to? I don't want to forget my father (passed 2 years ago). I talk to him about my day, I always wonder what he would do in random situations. I think I'm fine, I live well to this day, but I don't believen sweeping feelings under the carpet, or suppressing it. That causes explosions and someone is going to take the brunt of it. So I say, take your loved ones with you, include them in your private thoughts.

  • @katcankan7129
    @katcankan7129 6 років тому

    Thank you for taking the time and the emotional effort to give us an update. I watched your upload yesterday but l didn't know what to say, l still don't now a day later. I am pleased that you found words of comfort in comments left for you and yours last time, l hope it is the same this time. You and your family continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. Sending lots of love your way ❤

  • @shanevmax34
    @shanevmax34 6 років тому

    Every time I hear a siren from an emergency vehicle, I say a short prayer for the individuals they are headed to.

  • @3713msg
    @3713msg 6 років тому +4

    Emotional pain is different than physical pain in that one can usually find a way to numb physical pain. Emotional pain cannot be numbed with a pill. It takes lots of time, love, support, and understanding to numb this sort of pain. I want you to know, that I think about you each and every day. You have made a positive impression on us subscribers over time, and now it is time for us subscribers to have your back. I am sending you HUGE internet to you in hopes of some comfort to you. And remember that hug will be there each day, for as long as you need it. As I said, I think about you, every day. We all do! Much love (and hugs) to you and family, Richard Reader, Fort Wayne

    • @poolahpot
      @poolahpot 5 років тому

      Oh contraire! Emotional pains are numbed 24/7 in all parts of the world. Addictions.

  • @cringirl
    @cringirl 6 років тому

    I feel so bad for your loss. It’s really incomprehensible to me. I started following you a few months ago I just think you’re so sharp I lost my two cats they were 17 this year and I know it sucks , it’s not the same child at all but I just want to give you kudos for maintaining a positive attitude everything that has happened to you I cannot even possibly imagine just

    • @cringirl
      @cringirl 6 років тому

      Thank you for being so very real I feel so sad for you, I’m just so very sorry that you lost your beautiful daughter. I just can’t imagine how terrible you feel. Thank you for maintaining your strength, even though I don’t know you you’ve helped me more than you can possibly know

  • @TheRealBambihooves
    @TheRealBambihooves 6 років тому

    I am so very, very sorry. A mother should never have to bury their child. I cannot begin to imagine the choking pain that you must be going through.......the coming awake each morning thinking that it must have all been a nightmare - and then realizing all over again that it was real. Permanent. Unchangeable. I've not had any children, but I think that I would probably lose my mind if I were in your shoes. You don't realize how very strong and brave you appear to be right now. I am praying for you to get through this pain with your sanity intact. 💝💔💝

  • @herbie2001tdi
    @herbie2001tdi 5 років тому

    Oh no, this is so sad :( I am just seeing this now. How awful to lose a child. Please accept my deepest condolences.

  • @michaellieblich581
    @michaellieblich581 6 років тому

    Please consider contacting Allison Jean. God took her son home. You both are inspiring to me. Strong beautiful Christian women that may be able to comfort, and strengthen each other in some way that only God would know.

  • @erosmanxxx
    @erosmanxxx 6 років тому

    Hello again my friend. This is Thomas a faithful follower of your channel. I was thinking about you just now and so I thought that I would check on you and your family. Whenever you feel like it please reach out to your friends in UA-camland. We care about you very much! Peace and Love. Thomas

    • @fblairmd66
      @fblairmd66  6 років тому +1

      Thomas T Thomas, thank you for checking in on my family and me. That’s so thoughtful of you. Our grief has really started to weigh heavily on us. I thought we were handling it well, but the last 6 weeks have been exceptionally difficult. I guess the reality of the whole thing is sinking in. I do a good cry at least 4 times a week. And it’s not the cute cry where a few tears escape from your eyes. It’s the one where you do the convulsive wailing....not pretty at all. I’ve learned to expect that now, and I’m not shocked, or disappointed in my inability to accept and process my plight. It’s become a part of my grocery shopping, or filling up my tank, or picking up the dry cleaning.
      I haven’t quite found my voice yet to make a video. I have so much to say about this grieving process, but I don’t really think people want to hear me drone on about it. I will say that the outpouring of love from my UA-cam family has been extraordinary. For now, I just need everyone to continue to keep us in their prayers. Thanks again for being so kind and thoughtful. Peace and love my friend.

    • @erosmanxxx
      @erosmanxxx 6 років тому

      I understand. Just take care of you and your loved ones. Real love never dies...I believe it can't. It is always moving whether it is to help or teach or inspire. Peace and tons of Love :) Thomas

  • @abideinhim7
    @abideinhim7 6 років тому

    Good morning Fiona, I thought about you this morning. I pray you are well and that you have peace in your heart and are experiencing God's comfort. I will continue to lift you and your family up in prayer.

  • @babygirlholley8859
    @babygirlholley8859 6 років тому

    Hello my sister
    As I listen to your story I heard Kirk Franklin song "Smile even though we're in it for a while smile we look so much better when we smile the devil don't like it when we smile it confuses him no we never get over the death of our love ones and sometime we lose control trying to keep it all in but for us who know or trying to get to know God know he moves all pain misery and strife and that he promised to keep us never to leave us

    • @fblairmd66
      @fblairmd66  6 років тому +1

      babygirl Holley I love that song! You know, Kirk is my man! I have every one of his albums, and I sing a lot of his stuff. Thanks for your words of encouragement.

  • @stephaniedegange2737
    @stephaniedegange2737 6 років тому

    May God bless you during this time of mourning.

  • @donniecfosterjr1348
    @donniecfosterjr1348 6 років тому

    Continuation of the holy Gospel according to St. Mark (7, 31-37) for this 11th Sunday after Pentecost: And again going out of the coasts of Tyre, he came by Sidon to the sea of Galilee, through the midst of the coasts of Decapolis. And they bring to him one deaf and dumb; and they besought him that he would lay his hand upon him. And taking him from the multitude apart, he put his fingers into his ears, and spitting, he touched his tongue: And looking up to heaven, he groaned, and said to him: Ephpheta, which is, Be thou opened. And immediately his ears were opened, and the string of his tongue was loosed, and he spoke right. And he charged them that they should tell no man. But the more he charged them, so much the more a great deal did they publish it. And so much the more did they wonder, saying: He hath done all things well; he hath made both the deaf to hear, and the dumb to speak.

  • @itsallaboutperspective3183
    @itsallaboutperspective3183 6 років тому

    God's ercy & grace are upon you, so keep loving for his Glory.

    • @dj33036
      @dj33036 6 років тому

      I wish you could keep your religion to yourself!

  • @edwarddiggs3366
    @edwarddiggs3366 6 років тому

    so, so sorry for your loss.

  • @capacola262743
    @capacola262743 6 років тому +1

    have you mentioned what was the cause of death? maybe doing so could help others prevent the same thing happening to their child.

  • @JavaNmuSicLover
    @JavaNmuSicLover 6 років тому

    Peace and love (hugs)

  • @jpay22
    @jpay22 6 років тому +2

    I hope your words are as comforting and inspiring to you as they are to others. It can't be easy making lemonade out of this horrible situation but your attitude still feels fresh and positive even though you probably just want to sit and cry.

    • @fblairmd66
      @fblairmd66  6 років тому +4

      J Payne Yes, and please believe that I have spent many hours sitting and crying, but I know that God is the one giving me strength to get through this. God bless you.

  • @cherylcarlson3315
    @cherylcarlson3315 6 років тому +1

    You are right about not knowing. Nurses don't get time off to grieve though. You would be crushed by how fast we are expected to 'get over' miscarriages, difficult situation with children,hurricane, surgery. Maybe that is why now have IB Myositis. Its like the destruction of muscles is my body showing cumulative pain are lucky to be valued.

  • @ceciliapetrowsky2572
    @ceciliapetrowsky2572 5 років тому

    Miss you. Hope you are doing okay.

  • @Tkimba2
    @Tkimba2 5 років тому

    Hi Fiona.
    I still think about you an dyour family, I hope you're talking care of urself. Hugs

  • @Ilostmyfob
    @Ilostmyfob 6 років тому

    I hope you post again soon. I really want to know how you are doing.

  • @seenavarghese2190
    @seenavarghese2190 4 роки тому +1

    God will help you!

  • @sensitivespirit1118
    @sensitivespirit1118 6 років тому

    Fblairmm66 I feel you trust me it's hard as hell to get over something that made you hurt and angry and people need to love either I'm sorry to sound selfish but I need some help with something a friend offered to make a subliminal for me when he was done I noticed that i may not get results because Im already working on one for the same goal so I asked notically wait should use it he starts getting mad and complains that I was being ungrateful . After I figure out I could still use it I told him and apologized he still held a grudge and starts being a sarsastic be-itch and uses religious insults on me he's a Christian and he knows i have mixed beliefs about Jesus so when I said "God wants us to forgive our neighbors " and he said "Oh now you want to love the Lord " I said "I care about Jesus too" and what I said that made me want to throw him off a cliff is when he said " Yep only when it's convenient to you" but he said even more awful things to me and he doesn't accept me for who I am and that I prefer my own gender sexually he is so conversative and uptight he can scare the living light of my heart by his uptight ways do you think I should ignore him forever oh try to make nice with him and what should I say when I do ? Cause every time I make a friend I say something that accidentally makes them annoyed and the hold the grudge until their life is over forever!!!!!! That's a new Friend at a friends and family forgive either of small mistakes . Why are they like that? What can I do? I'm just so mad at him I apologized and comprised but he still acted like a dick please help me Blair ( I don't know your name sorry ) I'm so mad at him he won't accept me at all ! And he bullies me when I make a mistake . This isn't the first time this happened I lose good friends over small verbal accidents that I didn't mean to say somebody in this UA-cam section give me advice I need it please

  • @janiewerner
    @janiewerner 5 років тому

    I think of you often and hope that you are ok.

    • @fblairmd66
      @fblairmd66  5 років тому

      Janie Werner Thanks Janie. Still taking things one day at a time. The past few days have been very rough for some reason. My grief is weird. One moment I can be smiling, and then the very next moment I’m slumped in a heap convulsing and bawling my eyes out. Thanks for your thoughts. You’re so kind. God bless you.

  • @NYKID10014
    @NYKID10014 6 років тому


  • @ladya1953
    @ladya1953 6 років тому

    Just want you to know you are still in my thoughts and prayers. (Don't need to feel you have to respond.) 💜💜💜