I am 68, diagnosed schizoid, a secret schizoid where even if you knew what it was you'd likely never guess I am one. I can do the social sprint but have no interest in the social marathon. People for more than a short time are more trouble and work than I want to endure. Too often being schizoid is presented as a caricature of the worst it can be, but not everyone is at that end of the spectrum. I am genuinely friendly and engaging and have empathy as well. Rather than chasing the elusive and fleeting happiness, I have learned to be content. So life is good, people I don't need so much. I love being alone yet never feel lonely. All is well with me.
I have diagnosed Shizoid Personality Disorder, and I can confirm that the name confuses a lot of people, and I have learned not to use it to describe my PD, because people always default to "Oh he's schizophreniac, but on a lesser level" and they think I am delusional, and discredit my opinions, when really, I am quite grounded and very realist, and I do not have delusions at all. Am just really, really isolated to the point where I can't maintain work, having to deal with people stresses me out and I bottle it because I want to avoid interacting with people more than necessary, which leads to regular burnouts, breakdowns and depression. Fortunately, internet offers me an outlet where it doesn't stress me out to express myself, and allows me to develop skills and work as an freelancer. For the longest time, I followed social rules thinking it would lead me to happiness, and ultimately, embracing the fact that I am like this and respecting it is finally allowing me to be happy. I don't see it as a personality disorder, I just see myself as being radically different. It's not that I don't care about other people, it's rather that it costs me so much energy to interact on a meaningful level face to face that I'd just rather not to.
This is how I feel about my best friend. He’s super smart, and I think he’s my favorite person ever, regardless of this condition. However it’s so hard for him to work, find a place to live, and have lasting relationships. That’s where I really see this issue being so hard.
Right on that's cool. I feel that there is a massive lack of communication from doctors to the general public when it comes to the fact that these things are often spectrums. They're like always spectrums, all of the mood disorders all of the mental illnesses that I've come across. There is a wonderful presentation by a Dr Katherine Burdick of Harvard here on UA-cam. It's 27 minutes long and she actually has uncovered three cognitive subtypes of bipolar disorder. It's amazing in my opinion. We've been measuring bipolar disorder as one linear piece of data, nobody else thought to see if there were clusters, and she was right, there are three. Some perform even better than healthy controls whilst the bottom cluster is severely impaired. If anyone is interested I suggest checking it out. Off topic, sorry I'm hypomanic right now.
I think I have something like this, I see many similarities to it when I research it. Not diagnosed though. Also does not prohibit me from working normaly, I just can't and don't want to make friends or have any relationships, and all my reactions and convos are fake. Having family troubles at the moment because they feel I don't care enough about them. Feel like I might have to get myself diagnosed for something so that they can understand that I have a reason for acting how I do. I so easily sound super rude to them and have no control over it and can't even manage to explain to them. I just turned 18 and can't afford to be kicked out as I just started as an apprentice and get paid less than minimum wage for now. I also don't want to fake my emotions towords them, but if I act as myself, someone that only sits by themself and enjoys solitude, I fear relationships between us would get critical. I have accepted how I am and don't long to change it. How can I get diagnosed? Do I just have to find a therapist and tell them about it? I don't really care what kind of diagnosis I get, I just need someone with experience to explain properly to them.
I was having smell hallucinations for a long time, then it was found that I was severely vitamin D deficient. After being prescribed high doses of vitamin D for 6 months and also having lipoic acid (often prescribed for smell hallucinations and loss of smell here in Germany), it completely disappeared. Studies have shown that vitamin D deficiency can also spur the onset of schizophrenia.
SW, … very interesting stuff ! I will note what you have talked about in your comment in regards vitamin D. I believe that nutrition has a large role to play in (so called) mental disturbances. Thank you 👍😀🌈
I am a diagnosed schizoid. I am in no way completely 100 percent detached from other people nor do I not care about other people. I am not my disorder. It's really not that black and white.
and what's really wrong about Schizoid PD, anyway? It seems like you guys are enjoying yourselves, and the diagnoses don't even require dissatisfaction or dysfunctionality in one's life. It's like the most sane personality disorder, if not the most sane personality period out there.
I love her so much. The way she carries herself is beautiful. Her style, her hair, what she wears, how she speaks and how friendly and intelligent she is, and that she seems to have confidence and not an ounce of shame. She's the woman I aspire to be! The chemistry between you two is great. Keep up the good work. :)
The claim that if someone fell in front of a schizoid & needed help, that the schizoid would just walk away is misleading. Most schizoids experience love & empathy as stressful emotions that we don't want to share with others. But I'd help someone if nobody else was able to help.
I love dr ramani, but I agree that wasn’t a very good example. A better example is a schizoid would not bother calling and wishing you on your birthday if you’re their friend/relative and would see it as no big deal. They would not think it a big deal whether you remembered their bday either. Their emotions really don’t depend on such minor details. For most of us, we’d want that display of emotion and affection from someone we are in a relationship with, they don’t have the need for that.
Yeah and she also mentioned having *no* desire for connection or human contact which I think is only true for extreme cases. I'd wager that the vast majority of us still need some level of social interaction but tend to be unable to let people in close. I have friends but they're all at arms length, and definitely no romantic partners. I still enjoy a bit of socialization but at the same time if I dont talk to anyone for a month I'm totally cool with that.
Right, and the claim of Schizotypal depends on the person. Having PPD, I would have been considered „psychotic“. Does that mean, now with Schizotypal, I don’t have it anymore and it’s gone? Hocus Pocus? I don’t think it works that way. That‘s not entirely accurate. Almost all „Schizo“-family related illnesses have a chance of psychosis. „Delusions“, disconnection from reality, catatonia, illusions can transpire. It depends on the person. Maybe they need to be rediagnosed with something else, because their illness has worsened. When I say „illness“, I am speaking on a medical basis. Whether you consider it an illness or a gift is up to you. I am just generally speaking.
recently diagnosed schizotypal, this is fairly accurate. It gets depressing when people assume I don't have empathy or that I don't care about anything. Of course I care. Often too much. Not my fault I have issues.
I've been diagnosed as schizoid, and the description here seems pretty extreme. I was married, have kids, was an EMT. But it is true I didn't care if anyone under my care died except that it was a professional failure, and I think that people who have emotional responses to natural disasters on the other side of the world are weird drama queens, because logically you shouldn't care. There are literally 3 people in the world that would make me sad if they died, and that doesn't include my parents, 6 siblings or two people for whom I served as best man. I did have a lot of depression while trying to interact with people/family, but once I got diagnosed I stopped trying to be around people and the depression went away. My psychologist who diagnosed me was actually excited to have met me because she said most schizoids don't seek treatment. And I have since learned that there is none, so I am just happy with who I am. Schizoids are normal people. They just don't like you and never will, so leave them alone. :)
@@mariareinebach8633 For me it seems to just be preference. Imagine the most boring sporting event you possibly can-- one in which you have zero interest. Now imagine being forced to attend all the games. That's how I feel about interacting with people. I can do it. I've done a lot of public speaking and public facing work. But unless it's my kids, or I am dealing with a technical job-related issue or in a full-fledged sexual/romantic relationship, interacting with people is tediously boring work for me. And it is work that has no pay-off. I derive no pleasure from being around people "casually". I simply do not enjoy it, and developing friendships have always been one-sided with me. My friend will like me a lot and initiate activities, and I won't even think about them when they're not around, so I've hurt a lot of people that way, and it doesn't seem worth it anymore.
Teachers that explain things calmly tend to have students that fall asleep in class. Just saying, calm is really more reasonable when it comes to one on one learning where the direct attention makes up for the lack of energy.
I have been diagnosed with schizophrenia, but i've mainly only had delusions. A few hallucinations here and there, but i mostly was convinced that the cia was controlling my life and shit. It was hell on earth. Now ive been on meds for a few months, and the relief is beyond words.
Finally I’m disagreeing with you. PTSD and substance use disorders can have have hallucinations that no one else sees, feels or hears. And being raised in a toxic environment can really make someone want to get the hell out, thus creating a flight from that reality.
Please could you hold a discussion about leaving your narcissistic siblings behind as you try to salvage a life for yourself in your 50s!! Thank you so much for holding this space for all of us who have been traumatised by sibling jealousies, lack of empathy etc etc etc.
Love medcircle. Maybe a video about having several diagnoses... such as for me, chronic depression, anxiety, social anxiety, PTSD.... also suffer from chronic pain , and fibromyalgia. I'm fighting hard everyday just to stay above water.
Google copper toxicity... I had all of those symptoms in increasing severity for 30+ years. I changed directions and started treating for copper overload, estrogen dominance, candida and pyroluria about 2 years ago. Honest to God I don’t have 80% of the symptoms I use to and I’m still getting progressively better. I’m talking healing - not just treating symptoms. I’ve had 2 psychiatrists left speechless at the results and both are looking into further training at the Walsh Research Institute because of my story. My children are getting help too. Changing the family tree!
I have fibromyalgia and PTSD too! They're closely linked together. PTSD is notoriously hard to cure but studies show hypnotherapy is one of the most effective way of healing it at the root subconscious level! I've started going and I've never had this much energy in my life!! My pain and chronic fatigue has gone away, and I can think about my trauma and tell people the story without any anxiety!!
Hi, I feel like we've been missing content on trichotillomania and dermatillomania as a co-occuring struggle alongside depression and/or anxiety. I'd like to know how they can be treated and coped with. By the way, thank you so much for all this content. A person can learn a lot from these videos, even about things they've never heard of.
I almost certainly have schizoid P.D.; and I must just point out that the lack of empathy claimed in this video is simply not accurate, judging by my personal experience and research that I know of. Not that I feel offended or anything, but it can be a harmful misconception for people with s.p.d. I don't tend to get close to people, but the sudgestion that I would not help a person in need feels absurd to me.
Almost certainly? By definition a personality disorder is a pervasive and inflexible marked deviation in behavior starting in adolescence or early adulthood. A formal assessment would assist you if there is any confusion regarding your mental well being.
Almost certainly? So you’re not diagnosed and haven’t been assessed? Why would you imply that this would have the potential to be offensive to you if you don’t know 100%? This is a professional speaking about conditions and disorders that she has researched heavily, and you’re not diagnosed.. so I hope you get what I’m trying to say here. I know that there are huge misconceptions with a lot of things, but that is the point in educational videos like these- to open up discussions and break down barriers and taboos. I hope that if you’re really worried you may be dealing with something, that you get the help you need and get assessed by a professional.
Spoke with my sons therapist this week. He said research has shown that ODD in kids comes from insecurity growing up in environments where caregivers yell/shout and are often angry.
when i want to find out more about a mental illness, videos with dr. ramani is my to-go source of information! she's a brilliant woman and psychiatrist
A deep Schizotypal person usually will not engage in the world. They're so far off the beating path that they simply can't relate. That's what I read anyway.
@@AlvinSeville1 this is a gross generalisation and untrue, we want to be close but it's extremely hard cause of the symptoms, and tend to prefer to be alone because of how much work it is to function 'normally'.
Your videos are so informative, important, and necessary, for mental health awareness and for breaking stereotypes about mental health... more videos on schizotypal personality disorder please... this subject is not very known, and only few address it. but i think it is equally as important as all other mental health issues and mental disorders... thank you for the amazing content!
Thank you for the video. My fiancé and I are going through this with his sister right now and have been struggling to get her the help she needs but these videos do help us to understand better about what’s going on. Thank you for your information it’s helps a lot. If you could do some more videos on how family’s members can handle the situation when living with the others with mental health issues I’d appreciate it. Because at this point we have taken her to a hospital for her to get the right help she needs. And would like a better understanding of how we should react or help with the problem. Thanks again I enjoy watching the videos!
When I was diagnosed with Schizoid personality disorder, I went.. uh... no, that can't be right. That's because the word schizoid I've always heard use as a derogatory word to describe someone who's completely nuts. Someone who flies off the handle with little provocation. "My ex is a total schizoid" yeah... stuff like that. The therapist saw my reaction and went no no no! And shoved a bunch of papers at me to read. As I learned about it, I was like.. oh. OK. Yeah. That's me. It's funny, because the actual disorder is about exactly the opposite of what I'd heard it used to describe. That's really a shame, because now I can't think of a more embarassing thing to be diagnosed with, because who can I tell? How can I know they won't think the same thing I did? So it's my dirty little secret. I guess a schizoid is supposed to be indifferent, but I do care what people think.. a lot. We're not all the same.
as someone right now who was thinking possibly could have had antisocial personality disorder instead of being shcizophrenia this 100 brought a better understanding for MYSELF. this videos are definetely something id recommend.
I dislike the way you described Schizoid personality disorder. I’m really chocked that you ”professionals” haven’t even properly studied the subject and then goes out to give out information about it. I’ve noticed many people are being misdiagnosed with schizoid, simply because of the lack of proper research and information about it since it’s very uncommon. Now here comes proper information about the disorder: When it comes to people with schizoid personality disorder it’s not necessarily people they want to avoid. What they want to avoid is negative or positive emotional expectations, emotional intimacy and self-disclosure, since it make them abnormally uncomfortable. If you’re able to talk about emotions or sexual stuff for instance, with other people, or be in a sexual relationship, then you probably don’t have schizoid, even if you hate being around other people and want to live your life alone. The reason to WHY you reject intimacy and people is what determine if you have the disorder or not. SO, you don’t have schizoid just because hate other people and prefer living your life alone. For example, I have schizoid, and I can’t handle being around people because it makes me uncomfortable when they look at me because of the knowledge that I’m a human being with emotions/feelings, needs etc. I get very uncomfortable showing that I’m happy or sad in front of other people and I find it hard to accept the fact that I’m a human being with feelings. All of this causes me to get uncomfortable when other people are close to me, to the point where I’m planning to live my entire life alone. (unless i take my life which i’m planning to do) I don’t even want to see my family and I’m not even going to be able to work since I’ll have to be in contact with other people. So basically, to clarify, schizoid isn’t just about disliking being around other people and preferring aloneness. It’s about being so uncomfortable by self-disclosure/emotional intimacy and emotional expectations (not only negative but also positive), to the point where you can’t handle being around people at all.
I have schizotypal PD and we have delusions, hallucinations and intense paranoia also. The difference is more related to the severity, schizophrenia being the most extreme.
I heard that the difference between a Narcissist and a Schizoid is that a Schizoid would not want their creations or achievements to be known and praised out of fear of appropriation by others and the public. The similarities between the two is that they both shows signs of superiority and feel that others are inferior or lesser. However, a schizoid Will oftenly not realise that they feel this way and don’t purposely demean others; but a narcissist will and is aware of their own feelings.
@@wibolium9639 They have told me i am schizoid and i am an HSP, and i have A LOT OF EMPATHY, a lot of deep feelings and also a lot of love and affection to give. Animals love me ! I just have never find someone who want the same deep feelings as me plus most people nowadays are narcissists ! Especially in the past i was seaking for friendships and to make a relationship. I just realised that what i seatch is really difficult to be found in our days. Everyone only cares to have a profit from you. So I WANT love, etcc but with the right person! Personally i think i have way deeper feelings that all the people i know and i have met and this is why its so difficult to find people similar to me.
Thank you! Please also talk about how to help and support people with these challenges (how should family members and friends of these individuals behave or respond) in addition to getting professional support
Topic for discussion: attachment types. Deep dive into each and compare secure and insecure. Please provide lots of examples of how attachment style affects childhood/adulthood, and what are some ways to go from the various insecure attachment styles to secure. I understand there's about 50% of the population with secure attachment. How can we increase the % of secure attachment? What can communities do to help transform insecure to secure and help parents? Thank you!
I have to disagree a bit. I wouldn't just sit there if someone fell over. I'm very compassionate mainly towards animals, children and the elderly (in that order as well). I could live with no relationship attachments. I don't need to make friends, don't require it. It's exhausting trying to keep up with other ppl and their lives and having to go from an array of emotions just to match their own. But I would never sit idly as a living being is hurting.
Definitely. I find it so exhausting to keep relationships with people. I can fake emotions and match people's expectations to get through the day but when there is something I should be excited about, that is when people can feel that there is something wrong about me. I just can't feel excitement and thus show it. People get really disappointed when I'm not excited about sth they said or about a situation and they complain about that. There is nothing I can do about that. So I just avoid people as much as possible and only communicate to keep the friendships. But I would definitely help someone in need I can imagine what people might be going through.
@@Raven_Black_252 Yup. I'm more of a secret schizoid. Engage people with humor, charisma and pleasantry. When it overs, I go back to my cave and rest in peace.
@@Raven_Black_252 that's what I'm saying. My husband is always asking if I'm ok, if I'm happy, if I'm mad..... My face is always the same. And my emotions, if any, are on the inside. I keep friendships because I know it makes ppl uncomfortable to be around someone who isn't interested in anything anyone has to say... I know it's odd. So I try to get along and make ppl feel comfortable around me. And usually I ask about them only so that they can concentrate on speaking about themselves and not worry if think about me. This way they don't ask me the questions. But it's exhausting. I feel like it's a job. Keeping up with other ppls needs and emotions is so unbearable.
@@Shaddyraddy92 I get you. So much time wasted entertaining ppls needs that by the time you get to your safe space you're crawling to it. I can only take so much.
I am a schizoid and it is not this cut-and-dry. I have managed to be married and have improved now that I am over 60 years old. But I will always, always be mistrustful of others, prefer isolation, etc. I just think there’s a lack of professional understanding that it is not always as severe as she has made it sound. Thank you.
It’s true that professionals will often make severe over generalizations! For example, autistic people not being creative. Most autistic people I know, myself included, are extremely creative.
“Nobody sees anybody truly but all through the flaws of their own egos. That is the way we all see ...each other in life. Vanity, fear, desire, competition-- all such distortions within our own egos-- condition our vision of those in relation to us. Add to those distortions to our own egos the corresponding distortions in the egos of others, and you see how cloudy the glass must become through which we look at each other. That's how it is in all living relationships except when there is that rare case of two people who love intensely enough to burn through all those layers of opacity and see each other's naked hearts.” Tennessee Williams.
Interesting to note that a lot of what goes on in our minds, could be noted as seeing something that others don’t see, and hearing something that other people don’t hear
People with schizophrenia hear and see these things as If they are coming from the outside tho. For us it is as real as it can be. It's not in our heads, or at least it feels like it's not in our heads, that's what makes this illness so tricky
I discovered this whilst learning psychiatry in medical school and never related to something like this EVER, I always thought I was just "different". Not weird, but not like the average person either (and I don't mean it in a way as though I am better than anybody). If I had to use a couple of words to describe how its like it would be this: 1. Meh - im always open to making friends, but easily drop them as soon as I feel my personal space is invaded or if they are affecting my lifestyle. I'm indifferent to relationships no matter how long I've had them for. 2. I wouldn't say we are antisocial, i'd say ASOCIAL, meaning we much prefer our own company, we can socialise just like normal people and 99% of people wouldn't be able to pick out anything about us thats different than the next person, but as we build longer friendships some of our traits start to show such as us being "unavailable" when in reality we just want to be left alone. I really don't like the fact it is labelled as a disease and the connotation associated with schizoid is detrimental. If I had to guess why I'm like this I'd point the finger at two things. 1. May be genetics? 2. Upbringing. Neither of my parents had friends, I've been raised and fostered with the mindset that social interactions do not matter. For context, I grew up in urban cities my whole life.
ADD/ADHD/hyper active etc...No gluten/dairy/soy/sugar/GMO/food with a label/heated oils...taking vitamins/good oils/minerals..probiotic...LDN..detoxing may help. No gluten/GMO may help more nutrients absorb in the intestines. Nature's plus- Source of life multiple/Zn/Mg/fish oil/evening primrose oil/lecithin/coenzymated B vitamins/HCl and enzymes with meals/orthobiotic probiotic before a meal may help and more. Hair test shows good minerals/heavy metals. Sweating may help detox and then restore the good minerals lost. Himaylan salt has trace minerals that may help. Vaccines may hurt and not help. Taking minerals for those that are low in the hair test may help.
My 64 year old sister was schizoid paranoid and abused my 2 nephews but I had no idea as she lived so far away. I was shocked by the diagnosis and my youngest nephew just had a schizophrenic paranoid attack, his first at 30 years old. My other nephew has 2 sons, 5 and 3, and is out of his fatherly concern that he worries his sons will have the same condition even though he tells me it only 3% chance of that occurring.
मिट्टु गुलाल Where in that comment did you see a judgement? Bella shared her pain and expressed genuine concern for her family. My heart goes out to her.
Gluten/GMO may hurt the gut lining so less nutrients absorb the brain/body need. Coenzymated B vitamins/Nature's plus- Source of life multiple/fish oil/Zn/Mg/evening primrose oil etc may help.
Please do a video on Autism Spectrum Disorder, the differences between men and women, and why women tend to be diagnosed much later in life than men with this disorder.
Susanti Siva Yes Glueten is soooo insidious it disrupts so many bio functions in the body Way too long to expand here but there are new theories that glueten causes inflammation in the 🧠 brain by crossing the blood brain barrier and the macrophages in the immune system attack the brain in some people which causes these horrible symptoms a bit like magic mushrooms can 😬Getting the average person to accept this is also very difficult ie my son has the above disorders but absolutely refuses to follow a glueten free diet 😳
Thank you so much for this explanation! I'm having a presentation today about personality disorder and confused on those three. So glad i stumbled upon this video. I'm going to subscribe your channel right now.
What can be done when one is labeled with a wrong diagnosis? I would like to see a discussion of the real world applications of the science of psychology including its pitfalls and where and when it goes wrong and where that leaves the patient and what the patient can do in that situation.
And here lies the problem with Western psychology; everyone is so married to these labels as though they were horoscopes. "I'm a Libra, you're a Pisces. You can't be a Libra because a true Libra would do XYZ..." Every some odd years, the Bible of Western psychology, the DSM (mostly admired in the USA), publishes a new edition of itself in which it removes some personality disorders, consolidates some, divides some, and creates new ones. Some professionals disagree with how the DSM categories mental disorders. What Western psychology fails to recognise is that we do not exist in boxes with pre-defined labels, but rather an ocean with various currents. While some things may stick around in the current, others may come and go. You'll hardly find a person who cookie-cutter fits into any of these boxes; instead, our various characteristics blend and bleed into each other. Western psychology is great for identifying symptoms, but awful for finding solutions. You become a lifelong patient.
I hope there will be more content like this. Dr. Ramani is a smart lady and I would love to hear her speak on psychotic disorders more. I know narcissism is her sort of specialty or focus now. Love listening to her. Nice to hear a women who has some oomf in her voice and presence. 👌😎
I'd like to know what to say to someone diagnosed as schizophrenic (paranoiac type) when they call you and tell you they don't see the point of continue living under their mental condition, they feel anxious, apathetic, desperate, and want to be healthy. This person is under treatment and surrounded by their family. We are not in the same country, but the calls will continue, and I'm saying what I think is best. What if I should be saying something else? Could you talk about how to deal with situations like this one?
Does a schizophrenic have any psychological leeway on how to successfully deal with their Hallucinations or Delusions? Or can a Schizophrenic develop a successful psychological approach with a view to living in harmony with these symptoms?
I know someone who has schizophrenia and unlike when he had his first psychotic break he now is able to feel the pschosis coming on and to think his way out of it, to some extend at least. He´s also on antipsychotic medication though.
Genuinely think my brother has this. He doesn't care about having friends, or a girlfriend. He's always seemed somehow aloof like he just doesn't see the point in social behaviour. He lives at home and seems to have no interest in moving out. He isn't even on Facebook anymore. I know it's tempting to diagnose everyone around us but I always thought he had something wrong with him somehow.
Now warning before I add the traits and symptoms I will add stuff I think should be in there .Prefer being alone and choose to do activities alone Don't want or enjoy close relationships Feel little if any desire for sexual relationships Feel like you can't experience pleasure Have difficulty expressing emotions and reacting appropriately to situations May seem humorless, indifferent or emotionally cold to others May appear to lack motivation and goals Don't react to praise or critical remarks from others. Doesn’t react to insults or support from other people . alienation, shyness, oversensitivity, seclusiveness, egocentricity, avoidance of intimate relationships, autistic thinking, and withdrawal from and lack of response to the environment. Does not show anger or hostility or aggression even when provoked. Autistic thinking.
This comment is still absolutely to this day still very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very degree
Can a person develop schzoid or schzotypal personality disorder from challenging life experiences? Or is this mainly something one is born with but takes decades to transform to be diagnosed with the disorder?
i wonder the same! for YEARS i was seaking for a bf, love affection and i was super depressed i couldn;t find someone with deep feelings as me. I got hurt so many times! And now i just don't seak about it anymore....after a lot of years of being sad. I just couldn't find someone and i just stop caring gradualy.
This was a very clear description of the Schizoid personality disorder. Can there be a discussion how family members can relate or help them see how they are disassociating.
Why wasn't SchizoidAffective Disorder discussed here b/c many ppl have this - it's a combo of bipolar mixed in w/ schizophrenia. Can't imagine why this was not covered here...does anyone know why? I know I'm late to this vid b/c it was made 2 yrs ago but I would like an answer on this if I can get one. Most appreciated.
Fantastic explanations! I would be highly interested in diving into the world of Dissociative Identity Disorders. More specifically the subcategories like OSDD, Co-consciousness, co-fronting, dynamics of personality vs system of alters. Another unspoken topic is Personality disorders or trauma or mental illness developed from having to grow up with siblings or parents with Cluster B. A third topic would be the role of empathy/morals in Cluster B personality disorders. Possibly discuss The difference between personality disorders and other psychological disorders
Will you all make a video on schizoaffective disorder. I’ve done a ton of research on it because I have been diagnosed with it, but I still do not quite understand it.
I really don't see how STPD is somehow related or co-morbid with BPD. Schizotypal seems to be the loner self validating type while BPD mostly needs external validation and constant attention from others.
Thank you for your informative & highly helpful Videos. I would like to See something about pathological demand avoidance & Oppositional defiant disorder. I would also like to know more about bipolar disorder as a comorbidity with asperger syndrome/highfunctioning autism in adolescents. Please keep up the good work. Thank you again.
No gluten/dairy/soy/sugar/GMO/food with a label/heated oils...taking vitamins/good oils/minerals..probiotic...LDN..detoxing may help. Eat no American food. Eat organic. Gluten is wheat/barley/rye..oats/corn/rice. Rice is low in gluten. Corn now is GMO with Roundup and wheat may also have Roundup on it at harvest. Grain free for pets/people may help them heal.
I am a diagnosed schizophrenic who has a friend who has autism. What is the difference between us in diagnosis. We both seem to get into binding scenarios upon interaction.
Can you do one of schizoaffective vs schizophrenia. I know schizoaffective means having a major mood disorder with full schizophrenia and for some odd reason the prognosis is better, but i would think people with schizophrenia would naturally come with depression in most cases. Unless they are super grandiose
I’m diagnosed with schizophrenia. But I have always known, what I see or feel is smth other can’t see or feel. I do get delusional and paranoid from time to time. And I do make life hell for people close to me at that time. When it passes, I feel bad. But most days I do just fine and people mostly can’t tell I’m schizophrenic.
The core feature of schizoid is bystander syndrome: the feeling that you are a bystander or observer in your own life. Along with this is the belief that everyone else is just role-playing, doing what is expected of them.
I don't want to be rude, but your description of Schizoid Personality Disorder needs some work. I even have to say I feel somewhat threatened by the version you've presented. SPD is not characterized by any lack of empathy. Which is to say, thank you, that we feel love and compassion, and kindness, and we CAN put ourselves in the shoes of other human beings we view just as real and worthy of attention as ourselves. I mean, again I'm sorry, but that is a HUGE distinction, thank you very much. And your choice of allegory to illustrate SPD couldn't have been more off, since SPD is also characterized by an inability to say no. I mean, not only would I give a freezing person a blanket, I'd give them the coat off my back - but, then I would fear those kinds of situations, because they leave me freezing. THAT is SPD. Inside of me, there is anything BUT indifference to others. There is very much terror of others. Still, the need to connect with people IS very desperately always driving me. I'm what has been referred to in texts as 'the gregarious schizoid.' I'm a clown, a lone dissenter, the voice of caution and/or reason, the comedian, the sober bummer . . . I'm a social chameleon. BUT, I have brain damage in the right temporo-parietal region of my brain, which means I CANNOT BEGIN to guess what others are thinking or feeling in the way the rest of you evidently can. Motivations. Moods of others. Needs of theirs. I tend to trod over social boundaries, I guess, though it is NEVER my intent to hurt anyone. For example, when I was a child, I was the one on the playground telling the others there's no Santa Claus - and proving it pretty well. That's no way to make friends, is it? Just extend that alllllllllll the way through every moment of my entire life and that's me. Yay. And well, thanks to the reception that gets, right or wrong, I feel a lot of terror of idiots, bullies, exploitative people. I mean, A LOT. Paralyzing terror - IF I stop to think about it. Instant paralysis. I mean, I'm afraid of a 90 year-old little old lady, for no reason at all, because she is a stranger. That's all. But like I say, there are different ways to deal with terror. I would venture to say Robin Williams had a touch of what I'm talking about. The sad clown. The sacrificial moron who gets arrested first. The punk who gets pushed through the door first in the gang fight. The heart and soul of us all that is doomed to 'grow up,' conform, and fail, for the greater good. Blah, blah, blah. I fall into that role SOOOOO easily every time. I mean, I'm more complicated, because I'm also physcially deformed. I look essentially like Quasimodo. I went from Pugsly Addams to Quasimodo. Crooked eye from the head injury, and all. And I grew up with the brain injury. It happened when I was an infant. So I've always been this way. Took like 40 years to figure out, the hard way, too. But no, no lack of empathy. Plenty of self-pity I guess, but I do realize other people have it far worse than me. For me, heh, I'm just like the rest of ya, mostly - and aren't we all just 'mostly' alike? I'd like to add schizoid personality disorder is actually the most unfortunately named disorder. Very misleading. Schism usually means a break away from whatever - a divergence of two things that are supposed to be in synch. Well, in Shizoid Personality Disorder people, it really just means that what's going on inside of us is very different than what we are displaying, what we CAN even express. I think we all feel social anxiety. I'm told so. Well, for a SPD person it is MONSTROUSLY HUGE that's all. Bigger than Godzilla, huge. We actually LIKE other people, but the experience of dealing with them is painful or terrifying, BECAUSE OF OUR INEPTITUDE, and we know that. A defense mechanism is to say we don't WANT to be around anyone - and to a very great extent that works. But never doubt it FEELS so very sad for those people, because yes, we do feel empathy. SPD people feel very drowned in social settings and yet we need them to breathe like the rest of you. We always seem to screw it up, that's all. Any SPD is truly hiding this longing and inability. As a gregarious schizoid, I try again and again to connect, but fall short of getting my needs met and retreat. And you bet, when I say I don't get my needs met I also mean some other people's feathers have been ruffled, too. But I come back and try again, over and over - like John Belushi, or Robin Williams, as I said. Most SPD people will never marry, but some do. So I mean, think on that. They'd mostly all really like to, but it's very, very difficult. My wife deserves a medal in her own right. I'd LOVE to try that DBT stuff you were talking about. Yes, that is specifically what the neuropsych thought would benefit me. Thanks for mentioning that. Yes, it's hard to find and expensive, so making people aware of it is great. Anyhow, sorry, but no, you didn't get SPD right. You said B cluster people are difficult. This is what she was talking about, folks. It's very complicated, and inside of here . . . shit, there's a raging hellstorm in my head, just trying to guess what that purpose of even writing this comment is . . . How on Earth could I ever expect anyone to understand? So no, I don't hold any of this - and I mean, very REAL social rejection. It hurts. I am hurt, and broken ABOUT my relationship with society every day of my life in this world. And that's bad. It does give rise to very angry, dark feelings. Yes I will give a freezing person my blanket. Sometimes it TAKES a crazy person to do something like that, and so if I don't then who will? Nobody. Well, I don't want to live in that sort of world, remember? I mean, I think that sums up SPD as well as anything. We just don't want to live in a world that's not worth living in. So we avoid it. I mean, it's a lot like Social Avoidant Disorder, or whatever, but the real key difference is that yes, SPD people DO have an inner longing, unsatisified, to connect with other people in meaningful ways. We just lack the ability - in our own minds. But I mean, hey, you're doing a wonderful service, and don't feel bad. NOBODY in the world EVER nails SPD the first time. They always get it wrong. It's a very weird thing, I guess. To me it's natural. Just consider not having a right temporo-parietal lobe. You know what that does. Just think like you can't guess what anyone else is thinking. It's actually hard (I would actually say impossible) for a normal human brain to do. Oh! I forgot one thing to add! Here's the really weird part . . . the motives of other people are a complete blind spot for me . . . even though I rationally undrestand we all share much the same motivations! That is to say, I empathize completely. I too get my feelings hurt when someone says something insensitive to me, for example. Or when they hold very differing views, I feel irritation and that sort of thing. I HAVE human motives! I SHOULD understand those of others, but sorry, I can't begin to guess, and so this often, often leads to some negative conversation or experience. Normal people just take a lot of reading of interpersonal cues for granted. When I was little, I thought you were all telepathic and could actually communicate in, like, ESP ways that you simply didn't realize you had. There's also a thing we SPDs have about other people's body odor and stuff. We're pretty damned averse to that. One thing I love about my wife is we just tell each other straight up if our breath is bad, or whatever. I doubt we'd ever have gotten married if she couldn't take direct statements of that nature about my . . . squeamish nature about that. SPDs typically have that in common. Anyhow, I hope this ramble just helps to clarify. As you said, these illnesses and their labels are grouped poorly, and arbitrarily in many cases. I really don't feel SPDs should be grouped with psychopaths and sociopaths, though. And I'm sure you'll get an absolute flood of people with the disorder telling you, yes, they'd give a stranger a blanket. We can't say no to people, and so we're actually in danger of BEING abused. So that's what seems so wrong about your initial description, though I know you didn't mean any harm, only help. No, we don't abuse others. I would certainly call that kind of withholding of help abuse. No, I'm not down with that, and I don't know of any SPDs who would be. But again, everyone gets SPD wrong. Sorry for the rant. Be Well. :)
People who don't know somebody that has it or aren't a mental health professional wouldn't. It's not a diagnosis that gets a lot of attention because it tends not to cause much trouble, especially when compared with the other diagnoses in the family. I suspect that in a significant number of cases people with schizotypal just get written off as being eccentrics, especially if they happen to have a flair for the creative or an impressive intellect.
Hi guys, what do you think about Steven Kessler book "The 5 personality patterns"? There Schizoid ( amongst others) personality is just that, a personality (although a defensive strategy), and not a "disorder".
Watch our FULL series on schizoid personality disorder instantly HERE: bit.ly/2ZTinM3
Bipolar I vs Bipolar II
Psychopathy and bipolar
Dissociative identity disorder
Aspergers please!!
ADHD in adults ,as there is no content on ADHD
I am 68, diagnosed schizoid, a secret schizoid where even if you knew what it was you'd likely never guess I am one. I can do the social sprint but have no interest in the social marathon. People for more than a short time are more trouble and work than I want to endure.
Too often being schizoid is presented as a caricature of the worst it can be, but not everyone is at that end of the spectrum. I am genuinely friendly and engaging and have empathy as well. Rather than chasing the elusive and fleeting happiness, I have learned to be content. So life is good, people I don't need so much. I love being alone yet never feel lonely. All is well with me.
Yes the only problem with being alone is IF you FEEL lonely. That is an IF after all. Otherwise why bother with what any label or anyone else says?
I'm sure you don't even have a wife
@@linnethfunzeani4369 Never said I did.
Hope that you are coping up well with it . Love from India ❤️
Thank you for sharing this valuable insight!
Dr ramani is so brilliant , she explains things so clear. I could listen to her for hours and not get bored.
She has Mental Illness. The Government has medication that's designed ONLY for the Rich. That how she's able 2 work and function properly.
@@neagropunis9180 what
Mike James 🤷🏻♂️😂
Prof Sam Vaknin claims she's not actually a doctor at all. I like her work on Yt regardless. Its a gimmick. True true
I have diagnosed Shizoid Personality Disorder, and I can confirm that the name confuses a lot of people, and I have learned not to use it to describe my PD, because people always default to "Oh he's schizophreniac, but on a lesser level" and they think I am delusional, and discredit my opinions, when really, I am quite grounded and very realist, and I do not have delusions at all. Am just really, really isolated to the point where I can't maintain work, having to deal with people stresses me out and I bottle it because I want to avoid interacting with people more than necessary, which leads to regular burnouts, breakdowns and depression.
Fortunately, internet offers me an outlet where it doesn't stress me out to express myself, and allows me to develop skills and work as an freelancer. For the longest time, I followed social rules thinking it would lead me to happiness, and ultimately, embracing the fact that I am like this and respecting it is finally allowing me to be happy. I don't see it as a personality disorder, I just see myself as being radically different. It's not that I don't care about other people, it's rather that it costs me so much energy to interact on a meaningful level face to face that I'd just rather not to.
I think that trying to avoid kaotic hostile environment is completely normal behaviour.
This is how I feel about my best friend. He’s super smart, and I think he’s my favorite person ever, regardless of this condition. However it’s so hard for him to work, find a place to live, and have lasting relationships. That’s where I really see this issue being so hard.
@@hazeltropix1170 I think the standard cattle run way of life is not all life.
Right on that's cool. I feel that there is a massive lack of communication from doctors to the general public when it comes to the fact that these things are often spectrums. They're like always spectrums, all of the mood disorders all of the mental illnesses that I've come across. There is a wonderful presentation by a Dr Katherine Burdick of Harvard here on UA-cam. It's 27 minutes long and she actually has uncovered three cognitive subtypes of bipolar disorder. It's amazing in my opinion. We've been measuring bipolar disorder as one linear piece of data, nobody else thought to see if there were clusters, and she was right, there are three. Some perform even better than healthy controls whilst the bottom cluster is severely impaired. If anyone is interested I suggest checking it out. Off topic, sorry I'm hypomanic right now.
I think I have something like this, I see many similarities to it when I research it. Not diagnosed though. Also does not prohibit me from working normaly, I just can't and don't want to make friends or have any relationships, and all my reactions and convos are fake. Having family troubles at the moment because they feel I don't care enough about them. Feel like I might have to get myself diagnosed for something so that they can understand that I have a reason for acting how I do. I so easily sound super rude to them and have no control over it and can't even manage to explain to them. I just turned 18 and can't afford to be kicked out as I just started as an apprentice and get paid less than minimum wage for now. I also don't want to fake my emotions towords them, but if I act as myself, someone that only sits by themself and enjoys solitude, I fear relationships between us would get critical.
I have accepted how I am and don't long to change it.
How can I get diagnosed? Do I just have to find a therapist and tell them about it? I don't really care what kind of diagnosis I get, I just need someone with experience to explain properly to them.
I was having smell hallucinations for a long time, then it was found that I was severely vitamin D deficient. After being prescribed high doses of vitamin D for 6 months and also having lipoic acid (often prescribed for smell hallucinations and loss of smell here in Germany), it completely disappeared. Studies have shown that vitamin D deficiency can also spur the onset of schizophrenia.
SW, … very interesting stuff ! I will note what you have talked about in your comment in regards vitamin D. I believe that nutrition has a large role to play in (so called) mental disturbances. Thank you 👍😀🌈
It is definitely chemical. They say 'neurobiological'.
Psychiatry = Quack Non-Science. A horrible state of affairs for humans.
I am a diagnosed schizoid. I am in no way completely 100 percent detached from other people nor do I not care about other people. I am not my disorder. It's really not that black and white.
Alexander Jurjens yea I don’t agree with the archetype created here.
and what's really wrong about Schizoid PD, anyway? It seems like you guys are enjoying yourselves, and the diagnoses don't even require dissatisfaction or dysfunctionality in one's life. It's like the most sane personality disorder, if not the most sane personality period out there.
Weird thing my sister has your disoder but she can't even speak, she can't even act like a person. Can't even type. I don't know what she has. .
Do you see yourself as someone who is very self aware? Do you see yourself as analytical? Just curious..for my own research.
Atom Nous it is linked to lower life outcomes like unstable employment and loneliness
I love her so much. The way she carries herself is beautiful. Her style, her hair, what she wears, how she speaks and how friendly and intelligent she is, and that she seems to have confidence and not an ounce of shame. She's the woman I aspire to be!
The chemistry between you two is great. Keep up the good work. :)
@@d.stacy90 me too
@@d.stacy90 🤣🤣🤣
well said
@@BC-lp9vh is apparently threatened by confidence & intelligence ;) pity to be you.
The claim that if someone fell in front of a schizoid & needed help, that the schizoid would just walk away is misleading. Most schizoids experience love & empathy as stressful emotions that we don't want to share with others. But I'd help someone if nobody else was able to help.
But your name is Aloof? 😕
I love dr ramani, but I agree that wasn’t a very good example. A better example is a schizoid would not bother calling and wishing you on your birthday if you’re their friend/relative and would see it as no big deal. They would not think it a big deal whether you remembered their bday either. Their emotions really don’t depend on such minor details. For most of us, we’d want that display of emotion and affection from someone we are in a relationship with, they don’t have the need for that.
I agree totally. Isn't that more psychopathic behavior?
Yeah and she also mentioned having *no* desire for connection or human contact which I think is only true for extreme cases. I'd wager that the vast majority of us still need some level of social interaction but tend to be unable to let people in close. I have friends but they're all at arms length, and definitely no romantic partners. I still enjoy a bit of socialization but at the same time if I dont talk to anyone for a month I'm totally cool with that.
Right, and the claim of Schizotypal depends on the person. Having PPD, I would have been considered „psychotic“. Does that mean, now with Schizotypal, I don’t have it anymore and it’s gone? Hocus Pocus? I don’t think it works that way. That‘s not entirely accurate.
Almost all „Schizo“-family related illnesses have a chance of psychosis. „Delusions“, disconnection from reality, catatonia, illusions can transpire. It depends on the person. Maybe they need to be rediagnosed with something else, because their illness has worsened.
When I say „illness“, I am speaking on a medical basis. Whether you consider it an illness or a gift is up to you. I am just generally speaking.
recently diagnosed schizotypal, this is fairly accurate. It gets depressing when people assume I don't have empathy or that I don't care about anything. Of course I care. Often too much. Not my fault I have issues.
True 👸
I've been diagnosed as schizoid, and the description here seems pretty extreme.
I was married, have kids, was an EMT. But it is true I didn't care if anyone under my care died except that it was a professional failure, and I think that people who have emotional responses to natural disasters on the other side of the world are weird drama queens, because logically you shouldn't care. There are literally 3 people in the world that would make me sad if they died, and that doesn't include my parents, 6 siblings or two people for whom I served as best man.
I did have a lot of depression while trying to interact with people/family, but once I got diagnosed I stopped trying to be around people and the depression went away. My psychologist who diagnosed me was actually excited to have met me because she said most schizoids don't seek treatment. And I have since learned that there is none, so I am just happy with who I am.
Schizoids are normal people. They just don't like you and never will, so leave them alone. :)
Why don't they like people?
@@mariareinebach8633 For me it seems to just be preference. Imagine the most boring sporting event you possibly can-- one in which you have zero interest. Now imagine being forced to attend all the games. That's how I feel about interacting with people. I can do it. I've done a lot of public speaking and public facing work. But unless it's my kids, or I am dealing with a technical job-related issue or in a full-fledged sexual/romantic relationship, interacting with people is tediously boring work for me. And it is work that has no pay-off. I derive no pleasure from being around people "casually". I simply do not enjoy it, and developing friendships have always been one-sided with me. My friend will like me a lot and initiate activities, and I won't even think about them when they're not around, so I've hurt a lot of people that way, and it doesn't seem worth it anymore.
Why it sounds like me 😂
i wish my teachers explained things so calmly and friendly
Teachers that explain things calmly tend to have students that fall asleep in class. Just saying, calm is really more reasonable when it comes to one on one learning where the direct attention makes up for the lack of energy.
4:14 (looks at dog) that’s exactly how stress-free I’m trying to be in life.
I have been diagnosed with schizophrenia, but i've mainly only had delusions. A few hallucinations here and there, but i mostly was convinced that the cia was controlling my life and shit. It was hell on earth. Now ive been on meds for a few months, and the relief is beyond words.
What meds help with something so terrible? Just curious.
@@fvfr6294 antipsychotics. Amisulpride to be exact
Finally I’m disagreeing with you. PTSD and substance use disorders can have have hallucinations that no one else sees, feels or hears. And being raised in a toxic environment can really make someone want to get the hell out, thus creating a flight from that reality.
As someone with diagnosed schizotypal personality disorder, thank you for this!
I would like more to see a video elaborating more depth into Schizotypal Personality Disorder.
Same here
Please could you hold a discussion about leaving your narcissistic siblings behind as you try to salvage a life for yourself in your 50s!! Thank you so much for holding this space for all of us who have been traumatised by sibling jealousies, lack of empathy etc etc etc.
Love medcircle. Maybe a video about having several diagnoses... such as for me, chronic depression, anxiety, social anxiety, PTSD.... also suffer from chronic pain , and fibromyalgia. I'm fighting hard everyday just to stay above water.
Google copper toxicity... I had all of those symptoms in increasing severity for 30+ years. I changed directions and started treating for copper overload, estrogen dominance, candida and pyroluria about 2 years ago. Honest to God I don’t have 80% of the symptoms I use to and I’m still getting progressively better. I’m talking healing - not just treating symptoms. I’ve had 2 psychiatrists left speechless at the results and both are looking into further training at the Walsh Research Institute because of my story. My children are getting help too. Changing the family tree!
Jessica Dufort wow thanks for sharing. Candida can wreck havoc.. and takes a while to get under control.
I did have candida through my mouth, esophagus AND stomach. I was treated for it... so I think I'm all good now. This was a couple years ago
I have fibromyalgia and PTSD too! They're closely linked together. PTSD is notoriously hard to cure but studies show hypnotherapy is one of the most effective way of healing it at the root subconscious level! I've started going and I've never had this much energy in my life!! My pain and chronic fatigue has gone away, and I can think about my trauma and tell people the story without any anxiety!!
@@TheOnlyFairee I also gave chronic fatigue syndrome.... I wish hypnotherapy was covered by insurance.
i thought i was just introverted, turns out im crazy
Me to brochacho
lmaoooo same💀
im sorry for laughing but ur wording is golden
3:05 - a glitch in the Matrix.
I thought I was the only one who saw
Only schizotypals see it :P
Hi, I feel like we've been missing content on trichotillomania and dermatillomania as a co-occuring struggle alongside depression and/or anxiety. I'd like to know how they can be treated and coped with.
By the way, thank you so much for all this content. A person can learn a lot from these videos, even about things they've never heard of.
I hope they will present an interview on these subjects . Make sure to let them know you’re interested ! 👍🌈
I almost certainly have schizoid P.D.; and I must just point out that the lack of empathy claimed in this video is simply not accurate, judging by my personal experience and research that I know of. Not that I feel offended or anything, but it can be a harmful misconception for people with s.p.d. I don't tend to get close to people, but the sudgestion that I would not help a person in need feels absurd to me.
Almost certainly? By definition a personality disorder is a pervasive and inflexible marked deviation in behavior starting in adolescence or early adulthood. A formal assessment would assist you if there is any confusion regarding your mental well being.
Almost certainly? So you’re not diagnosed and haven’t been assessed? Why would you imply that this would have the potential to be offensive to you if you don’t know 100%? This is a professional speaking about conditions and disorders that she has researched heavily, and you’re not diagnosed.. so I hope you get what I’m trying to say here. I know that there are huge misconceptions with a lot of things, but that is the point in educational videos like these- to open up discussions and break down barriers and taboos. I hope that if you’re really worried you may be dealing with something, that you get the help you need and get assessed by a professional.
@@MiuXiu diagnosis is a pure bullshit because you are only one person in the world which understands you totally. You want help? Help yourself.
Do a deeper dive on Schizotypal disorder.
Exactly, she gave us half baked of it.
I agree.
I’d like to hear more about Oppositional Defiant Disorder, and how reliably it gets diagnosed/misdiagnosed.
Um what is that
How is that different from regular disobedience? 🤔
Spoke with my sons therapist this week. He said research has shown that ODD in kids comes from insecurity growing up in environments where caregivers yell/shout and are often angry.
when i want to find out more about a mental illness, videos with dr. ramani is my to-go source of information! she's a brilliant woman and psychiatrist
Please talk more about Schizotypal Personality Disorder! I think that’s the one personality disorder Medcircle hasn’t talked much about
I read that the character "Kramer" from the television show Seinfeld is a perfect example..
I could swear my art history prof my freshman year in college is schizotypal. NGL.
A deep Schizotypal person usually will not engage in the world. They're so far off the beating path that they simply can't relate. That's what I read anyway.
@@AlvinSeville1 this is a gross generalisation and untrue, we want to be close but it's extremely hard cause of the symptoms, and tend to prefer to be alone because of how much work it is to function 'normally'.
@@itsiraa understood.
Your videos are so informative, important, and necessary, for mental health awareness and for breaking stereotypes about mental health... more videos on schizotypal personality disorder please... this subject is not very known, and only few address it. but i think it is equally as important as all other mental health issues and mental disorders... thank you for the amazing content!
Would love to see a in-depth video strictly on schizoid personality disorder
I would love to one also
Thank you for the video. My fiancé and I are going through this with his sister right now and have been struggling to get her the help she needs but these videos do help us to understand better about what’s going on. Thank you for your information it’s helps a lot. If you could do some more videos on how family’s members can handle the situation when living with the others with mental health issues I’d appreciate it. Because at this point we have taken her to a hospital for her to get the right help she needs. And would like a better understanding of how we should react or help with the problem. Thanks again I enjoy watching the videos!
When I was diagnosed with Schizoid personality disorder, I went.. uh... no, that can't be right. That's because the word schizoid I've always heard use as a derogatory word to describe someone who's completely nuts. Someone who flies off the handle with little provocation. "My ex is a total schizoid" yeah... stuff like that. The therapist saw my reaction and went no no no! And shoved a bunch of papers at me to read. As I learned about it, I was like.. oh. OK. Yeah. That's me. It's funny, because the actual disorder is about exactly the opposite of what I'd heard it used to describe. That's really a shame, because now I can't think of a more embarassing thing to be diagnosed with, because who can I tell? How can I know they won't think the same thing I did? So it's my dirty little secret. I guess a schizoid is supposed to be indifferent, but I do care what people think.. a lot. We're not all the same.
as someone right now who was thinking possibly could have had antisocial personality disorder instead of being shcizophrenia this 100 brought a better understanding for MYSELF. this videos are definetely something id recommend.
I dislike the way you described Schizoid personality disorder. I’m really chocked that you ”professionals” haven’t even properly studied the subject and then goes out to give out information about it.
I’ve noticed many people are being misdiagnosed with schizoid, simply because of the lack of proper research and information about it since it’s very uncommon.
Now here comes proper information about the disorder:
When it comes to people with schizoid personality disorder it’s not necessarily people they want to avoid. What they want to avoid is negative or positive emotional expectations, emotional intimacy and self-disclosure, since it make them abnormally uncomfortable. If you’re able to talk about emotions or sexual stuff for instance, with other people, or be in a sexual relationship, then you probably don’t have schizoid, even if you hate being around other people and want to live your life alone. The reason to WHY you reject intimacy and people is what determine if you have the disorder or not. SO, you don’t have schizoid just because hate other people and prefer living your life alone.
For example, I have schizoid, and I can’t handle being around people because it makes me uncomfortable when they look at me because of the knowledge that I’m a human being with emotions/feelings, needs etc. I get very uncomfortable showing that I’m happy or sad in front of other people and I find it hard to accept the fact that I’m a human being with feelings. All of this causes me to get uncomfortable when other people are close to me, to the point where I’m planning to live my entire life alone. (unless i take my life which i’m planning to do) I don’t even want to see my family and I’m not even going to be able to work since I’ll have to be in contact with other people.
So basically, to clarify, schizoid isn’t just about disliking being around other people and preferring aloneness. It’s about being so uncomfortable by self-disclosure/emotional intimacy and emotional expectations (not only negative but also positive), to the point where you can’t handle being around people at all.
i relate to what you've said so much more than to the actual video, thank you. i hope you're doing well.
I have schizotypal PD and we have delusions, hallucinations and intense paranoia also. The difference is more related to the severity, schizophrenia being the most extreme.
I'd like to learn about the differences and similarities of schizoid personality, narcissism and psychopathy.
I heard that the difference between a Narcissist and a Schizoid is that a Schizoid would not want their creations or achievements to be known and praised out of fear of appropriation by others and the public.
The similarities between the two is that they both shows signs of superiority and feel that others are inferior or lesser. However, a schizoid Will oftenly not realise that they feel this way and don’t purposely demean others; but a narcissist will and is aware of their own feelings.
Narcissists need attention. Schizoids just don't care lol. Psychopaths are born without certain regions that are different from neurotypicals.
@@wibolium9639 They have told me i am schizoid and i am an HSP, and i have A LOT OF EMPATHY, a lot of deep feelings and also a lot of love and affection to give. Animals love me ! I just have never find someone who want the same deep feelings as me plus most people nowadays are narcissists ! Especially in the past i was seaking for friendships and to make a relationship. I just realised that what i seatch is really difficult to be found in our days. Everyone only cares to have a profit from you. So I WANT love, etcc but with the right person! Personally i think i have way deeper feelings that all the people i know and i have met and this is why its so difficult to find people similar to me.
Thank you! Please also talk about how to help and support people with these challenges (how should family members and friends of these individuals behave or respond) in addition to getting professional support
Topic for discussion: attachment types. Deep dive into each and compare secure and insecure. Please provide lots of examples of how attachment style affects childhood/adulthood, and what are some ways to go from the various insecure attachment styles to secure. I understand there's about 50% of the population with secure attachment. How can we increase the % of secure attachment? What can communities do to help transform insecure to secure and help parents?
Thank you!
I want to see this soooooo much!
I'm paranoid schizophrenic with ocpd and recurrent mild depression, it would be interesting to talk with Dr. Ramani about this topic
I have to disagree a bit. I wouldn't just sit there if someone fell over. I'm very compassionate mainly towards animals, children and the elderly (in that order as well). I could live with no relationship attachments. I don't need to make friends, don't require it. It's exhausting trying to keep up with other ppl and their lives and having to go from an array of emotions just to match their own. But I would never sit idly as a living being is hurting.
Definitely. I find it so exhausting to keep relationships with people. I can fake emotions and match people's expectations to get through the day but when there is something I should be excited about, that is when people can feel that there is something wrong about me. I just can't feel excitement and thus show it. People get really disappointed when I'm not excited about sth they said or about a situation and they complain about that. There is nothing I can do about that. So I just avoid people as much as possible and only communicate to keep the friendships. But I would definitely help someone in need I can imagine what people might be going through.
@@Raven_Black_252 Yup. I'm more of a secret schizoid. Engage people with humor, charisma and pleasantry. When it overs, I go back to my cave and rest in peace.
@@Raven_Black_252 that's what I'm saying. My husband is always asking if I'm ok, if I'm happy, if I'm mad..... My face is always the same. And my emotions, if any, are on the inside. I keep friendships because I know it makes ppl uncomfortable to be around someone who isn't interested in anything anyone has to say... I know it's odd. So I try to get along and make ppl feel comfortable around me. And usually I ask about them only so that they can concentrate on speaking about themselves and not worry if think about me. This way they don't ask me the questions. But it's exhausting. I feel like it's a job. Keeping up with other ppls needs and emotions is so unbearable.
@@Shaddyraddy92 I get you. So much time wasted entertaining ppls needs that by the time you get to your safe space you're crawling to it. I can only take so much.
I am a schizoid and it is not this cut-and-dry. I have managed to be married and have improved now that I am over 60 years old. But I will always, always be mistrustful of others, prefer isolation, etc. I just think there’s a lack of professional understanding that it is not always as severe as she has made it sound. Thank you.
It’s true that professionals will often make severe over generalizations! For example, autistic people not being creative. Most autistic people I know, myself included, are extremely creative.
“Nobody sees anybody truly but all through the flaws of their own egos. That is the way we all see ...each other in life. Vanity, fear, desire, competition-- all such distortions within our own egos-- condition our vision of those in relation to us. Add to those distortions to our own egos the corresponding distortions in the egos of others, and you see how cloudy the glass must become through which we look at each other. That's how it is in all living relationships except when there is that rare case of two people who love intensely enough to burn through all those layers of opacity and see each other's naked hearts.”
Tennessee Williams.
I'm offended because they didn't introduce that poor doggo :(
I know! I couldn't take my eyes off it. So majestic anf wise
Interesting to note that a lot of what goes on in our minds, could be noted as seeing something that others don’t see, and hearing something that other people don’t hear
Honour yourself
...Are you suffered from sczophernia?
People with schizophrenia hear and see these things as If they are coming from the outside tho. For us it is as real as it can be. It's not in our heads, or at least it feels like it's not in our heads, that's what makes this illness so tricky
You guys are so great! You have helped me so much❤️
Great series; my mother was diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic years ago. Cute dog, BTW.
a whole video about schizotypical personality disorder pls!
I love listening to Dr Ramani. She has a lot of good information.
I was diagnosed schizotypal and schizoaffective this year. Just trying to better understand myself
I'm glad that you all cleared that up for me. And I love the dog. I would like to see more of the dog.
I discovered this whilst learning psychiatry in medical school and never related to something like this EVER, I always thought I was just "different". Not weird, but not like the average person either (and I don't mean it in a way as though I am better than anybody). If I had to use a couple of words to describe how its like it would be this: 1. Meh - im always open to making friends, but easily drop them as soon as I feel my personal space is invaded or if they are affecting my lifestyle. I'm indifferent to relationships no matter how long I've had them for. 2. I wouldn't say we are antisocial, i'd say ASOCIAL, meaning we much prefer our own company, we can socialise just like normal people and 99% of people wouldn't be able to pick out anything about us thats different than the next person, but as we build longer friendships some of our traits start to show such as us being "unavailable" when in reality we just want to be left alone. I really don't like the fact it is labelled as a disease and the connotation associated with schizoid is detrimental.
If I had to guess why I'm like this I'd point the finger at two things. 1. May be genetics? 2. Upbringing. Neither of my parents had friends, I've been raised and fostered with the mindset that social interactions do not matter. For context, I grew up in urban cities my whole life.
ADHD in adults would be a good video
Also ADD without hyperactivity
ADD/ADHD/hyper active etc...No gluten/dairy/soy/sugar/GMO/food with a label/heated oils...taking vitamins/good oils/minerals..probiotic...LDN..detoxing may help. No gluten/GMO may help more nutrients absorb in the intestines. Nature's plus- Source of life multiple/Zn/Mg/fish oil/evening primrose oil/lecithin/coenzymated B vitamins/HCl and enzymes with meals/orthobiotic probiotic before a meal may help and more. Hair test shows good minerals/heavy metals. Sweating may help detox and then restore the good minerals lost. Himaylan salt has trace minerals that may help. Vaccines may hurt and not help. Taking minerals for those that are low in the hair test may help.
@@Shasha8674 ...........whattt?
These are amazing! Totally glued in! I am a psychologist and it’s great to revisit these basic, insightful videos 😊
My 64 year old sister was schizoid paranoid and abused my 2 nephews but I had no idea as she lived so far away. I was shocked by the diagnosis and my youngest nephew just had a schizophrenic paranoid attack, his first at 30 years old. My other nephew has 2 sons, 5 and 3, and is out of his fatherly concern that he worries his sons will have the same condition even though he tells me it only 3% chance of that occurring.
Bella, You Should Love and Respect Your Sister as a Human.
मिट्टु गुलाल Where in that comment did you see a judgement? Bella shared her pain and expressed genuine concern for her family. My heart goes out to her.
Gluten/GMO may hurt the gut lining so less nutrients absorb the brain/body need. Coenzymated B vitamins/Nature's plus- Source of life multiple/fish oil/Zn/Mg/evening primrose oil etc may help.
Please do a video on Autism Spectrum Disorder, the differences between men and women, and why women tend to be diagnosed much later in life than men with this disorder.
You forgot schizoaffective...
Gluten may cause this and the rest.
Susanti Siva
Yes Glueten is soooo insidious it disrupts so many bio functions in the body Way too long to expand here but there are new theories that glueten causes inflammation in the 🧠 brain by crossing the blood brain barrier and the macrophages in the immune system attack the brain in some people which causes these horrible symptoms a bit like magic mushrooms can 😬Getting the average person to accept this is also very difficult ie my son has the above disorders but absolutely refuses to follow a glueten free diet 😳
@@mariangrimsdell1112 My son does very well on Keto when i can keep him away from bread
@@nancywelsh2837 I believe you, it’s not easy , glueten is sneaky, a lot gets in mass produced products, but it is worth the effort in so many ways
Schizotypal replies at the top ^^^^^^^^^
You guys are so awesome. I love learning about mental health.
As long as they are not trying to brainwash you into being who they want you to be and try to get you to do their bidding.
Thank you so much for this explanation! I'm having a presentation today about personality disorder and confused on those three. So glad i stumbled upon this video. I'm going to subscribe your channel right now.
Do a series on asd and its under diagnosis in girls and women please.
I second this
Um what's ASD?
Autism Spectrum Disorder. You might also see it as an abbreviation for Acute Stress Disorder. But more often than not it's autism.
The dog is the smartest person in this video. He's like whatever, I'm going to sleep.
What can be done when one is labeled with a wrong diagnosis? I would like to see a discussion of the real world applications of the science of psychology including its pitfalls and where and when it goes wrong and where that leaves the patient and what the patient can do in that situation.
I can’t believe I’m listening to this woman for free
And here lies the problem with Western psychology; everyone is so married to these labels as though they were horoscopes. "I'm a Libra, you're a Pisces. You can't be a Libra because a true Libra would do XYZ..."
Every some odd years, the Bible of Western psychology, the DSM (mostly admired in the USA), publishes a new edition of itself in which it removes some personality disorders, consolidates some, divides some, and creates new ones. Some professionals disagree with how the DSM categories mental disorders. What Western psychology fails to recognise is that we do not exist in boxes with pre-defined labels, but rather an ocean with various currents. While some things may stick around in the current, others may come and go. You'll hardly find a person who cookie-cutter fits into any of these boxes; instead, our various characteristics blend and bleed into each other. Western psychology is great for identifying symptoms, but awful for finding solutions. You become a lifelong patient.
I would appreciate a discussion about discerning the differences between schizophrenia and behavioural variant frontotemporal dementia.
I hope there will be more content like this. Dr. Ramani is a smart lady and I would love to hear her speak on psychotic disorders more. I know narcissism is her sort of specialty or focus now. Love listening to her. Nice to hear a women who has some oomf in her voice and presence. 👌😎
I'd like to know what to say to someone diagnosed as schizophrenic (paranoiac type) when they call you and tell you they don't see the point of continue living under their mental condition, they feel anxious, apathetic, desperate, and want to be healthy. This person is under treatment and surrounded by their family. We are not in the same country, but the calls will continue, and I'm saying what I think is best. What if I should be saying something else? Could you talk about how to deal with situations like this one?
I LOVE the puppy (all dogs are puppies forever!). Such a great discussion.
Please post a longer schizotypal PD. Thx
Does a schizophrenic have any psychological leeway on how to successfully deal with their Hallucinations or Delusions?
Or can a Schizophrenic develop a successful psychological approach with a view to living in harmony with these symptoms?
I know someone who has schizophrenia and unlike when he had his first psychotic break he now is able to feel the pschosis coming on and to think his way out of it, to some extend at least. He´s also on antipsychotic medication though.
Dr. Ramani is an expert in narcissism. Please talk about the correlation between schizophrenia and narcissism. Thanks
TYVM. It's about time, long overdo.
I honestly think dr. Ramani y super knowledgeable love her i view only this channel with her and Kyle loved their interaction ❤
Hi i love you info. What about schizoeffective. I was told i mite be. What are cures and symptoms. Thankyoy
Genuinely think my brother has this. He doesn't care about having friends, or a girlfriend. He's always seemed somehow aloof like he just doesn't see the point in social behaviour. He lives at home and seems to have no interest in moving out. He isn't even on Facebook anymore. I know it's tempting to diagnose everyone around us but I always thought he had something wrong with him somehow.
Not even on Facebook anymore... C'mon!
Now warning before I add the traits and symptoms I will add stuff I think should be in there .Prefer being alone and choose to do activities alone
Don't want or enjoy close relationships
Feel little if any desire for sexual relationships
Feel like you can't experience pleasure
Have difficulty expressing emotions and reacting appropriately to situations
May seem humorless, indifferent or emotionally cold to others
May appear to lack motivation and goals
Don't react to praise or critical remarks from others. Doesn’t react to insults or support from other people . alienation, shyness, oversensitivity, seclusiveness, egocentricity, avoidance of intimate relationships, autistic thinking, and withdrawal from and lack of response to the environment. Does not show anger or hostility or aggression even when provoked. Autistic thinking.
This comment is still absolutely to this day still very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very degree
Literally just got told to "come back when I get a 2 year degree in psychology", and here I am, in my room, with the correct knowledge. Some people...
Can a person develop schzoid or schzotypal personality disorder from challenging life experiences? Or is this mainly something one is born with but takes decades to transform to be diagnosed with the disorder?
i wonder the same! for YEARS i was seaking for a bf, love affection and i was super depressed i couldn;t find someone with deep feelings as me. I got hurt so many times! And now i just don't seak about it anymore....after a lot of years of being sad. I just couldn't find someone and i just stop caring gradualy.
Plss discuss on the difference between anxiety disorder and depression
This was a very clear description of the Schizoid personality disorder. Can there be a discussion how family members can relate or help them see how they are disassociating.
I would like to know about eating disorders and what mental health disorders they stem from...? Thank you for this channel 🙏🏽
Why wasn't SchizoidAffective Disorder discussed here b/c many ppl have this - it's a combo of bipolar mixed in w/ schizophrenia. Can't imagine why this was not covered here...does anyone know why? I know I'm late to this vid b/c it was made 2 yrs ago but I would like an answer on this if I can get one. Most appreciated.
Fantastic explanations!
I would be highly interested in diving into the world of Dissociative Identity Disorders. More specifically the subcategories like OSDD, Co-consciousness, co-fronting, dynamics of personality vs system of alters.
Another unspoken topic is Personality disorders or trauma or mental illness developed from having to grow up with siblings or parents with Cluster B.
A third topic would be the role of empathy/morals in Cluster B personality disorders.
Possibly discuss The difference between personality disorders and other psychological disorders
Will you all make a video on schizoaffective disorder. I’ve done a ton of research on it because I have been diagnosed with it, but I still do not quite understand it.
So grateful for your work!
Complex PTSD - if you haven't done it yet & how to differentiate it from bipolar & BPD.
I really don't see how STPD is somehow related or co-morbid with BPD. Schizotypal seems to be the loner self validating type while BPD mostly needs external validation and constant attention from others.
Complex PTSD is different than PTSD. Med Circle actually did do a video on the similarities & difference between CPTSD & BPD.
Thank you for your informative & highly helpful Videos. I would like to See something about pathological demand avoidance & Oppositional defiant disorder. I would also like to know more about bipolar disorder as a comorbidity with asperger syndrome/highfunctioning autism in adolescents. Please keep up the good work. Thank you again.
ASD AUTISM and PTSD, how to deal with it in therapy?
Mariona López Corominas yes!
No gluten/dairy/soy/sugar/GMO/food with a label/heated oils...taking vitamins/good oils/minerals..probiotic...LDN..detoxing may help. Eat no American food. Eat organic. Gluten is wheat/barley/rye..oats/corn/rice. Rice is low in gluten. Corn now is GMO with Roundup and wheat may also have Roundup on it at harvest. Grain free for pets/people may help them heal.
@@Shasha8674 oh ffs shut up, i don't need advice for asd.
I am a diagnosed schizophrenic who has a friend who has autism. What is the difference between us in diagnosis. We both seem to get into binding scenarios upon interaction.
Thank you very much for sharing your videos, they help me a lot to understand the illness.
Can you do one of schizoaffective vs schizophrenia. I know schizoaffective means having a major mood disorder with full schizophrenia and for some odd reason the prognosis is better, but i would think people with schizophrenia would naturally come with depression in most cases. Unless they are super grandiose
She was really explaining well. The most undisturbed there was the beautiful dog there who never minds what so ever happen around .
I work in the mental health field and many of my clients have schizoaffective disorder. Can you please discuss this ?
Thank you ....
I’m diagnosed with schizophrenia. But I have always known, what I see or feel is smth other can’t see or feel. I do get delusional and paranoid from time to time. And I do make life hell for people close to me at that time. When it passes, I feel bad. But most days I do just fine and people mostly can’t tell I’m schizophrenic.
Her intelligence is beautiful
The core feature of schizoid is bystander syndrome: the feeling that you are a bystander or observer in your own life. Along with this is the belief that everyone else is just role-playing, doing what is expected of them.
Defiance disorder I'm trying to understand this, my granddaughter was diagnosed with this.
Your content is very good. I would like to see the different types of depression. Thank you!
Really good job !!!
Keep it up !
I thought I had Schizoid, but the inclusion of odd beliefs & paranoia made my psychologist opt for a Schizotypal Diagnosis.
I don't want to be rude, but your description of Schizoid Personality Disorder needs some work. I even have to say I feel somewhat threatened by the version you've presented.
SPD is not characterized by any lack of empathy. Which is to say, thank you, that we feel love and compassion, and kindness, and we CAN put ourselves in the shoes of other human beings we view just as real and worthy of attention as ourselves. I mean, again I'm sorry, but that is a HUGE distinction, thank you very much.
And your choice of allegory to illustrate SPD couldn't have been more off, since SPD is also characterized by an inability to say no.
I mean, not only would I give a freezing person a blanket, I'd give them the coat off my back - but, then I would fear those kinds of situations, because they leave me freezing. THAT is SPD.
Inside of me, there is anything BUT indifference to others. There is very much terror of others.
Still, the need to connect with people IS very desperately always driving me. I'm what has been referred to in texts as 'the gregarious schizoid.' I'm a clown, a lone dissenter, the voice of caution and/or reason, the comedian, the sober bummer . . . I'm a social chameleon.
BUT, I have brain damage in the right temporo-parietal region of my brain, which means I CANNOT BEGIN to guess what others are thinking or feeling in the way the rest of you evidently can. Motivations. Moods of others. Needs of theirs. I tend to trod over social boundaries, I guess, though it is NEVER my intent to hurt anyone. For example, when I was a child, I was the one on the playground telling the others there's no Santa Claus - and proving it pretty well. That's no way to make friends, is it? Just extend that alllllllllll the way through every moment of my entire life and that's me. Yay.
And well, thanks to the reception that gets, right or wrong, I feel a lot of terror of idiots, bullies, exploitative people. I mean, A LOT. Paralyzing terror - IF I stop to think about it. Instant paralysis. I mean, I'm afraid of a 90 year-old little old lady, for no reason at all, because she is a stranger. That's all.
But like I say, there are different ways to deal with terror. I would venture to say Robin Williams had a touch of what I'm talking about. The sad clown. The sacrificial moron who gets arrested first. The punk who gets pushed through the door first in the gang fight. The heart and soul of us all that is doomed to 'grow up,' conform, and fail, for the greater good. Blah, blah, blah. I fall into that role SOOOOO easily every time.
I mean, I'm more complicated, because I'm also physcially deformed. I look essentially like Quasimodo. I went from Pugsly Addams to Quasimodo. Crooked eye from the head injury, and all. And I grew up with the brain injury. It happened when I was an infant. So I've always been this way. Took like 40 years to figure out, the hard way, too.
But no, no lack of empathy. Plenty of self-pity I guess, but I do realize other people have it far worse than me. For me, heh, I'm just like the rest of ya, mostly - and aren't we all just 'mostly' alike?
I'd like to add schizoid personality disorder is actually the most unfortunately named disorder. Very misleading. Schism usually means a break away from whatever - a divergence of two things that are supposed to be in synch. Well, in Shizoid Personality Disorder people, it really just means that what's going on inside of us is very different than what we are displaying, what we CAN even express. I think we all feel social anxiety. I'm told so. Well, for a SPD person it is MONSTROUSLY HUGE that's all. Bigger than Godzilla, huge. We actually LIKE other people, but the experience of dealing with them is painful or terrifying, BECAUSE OF OUR INEPTITUDE, and we know that. A defense mechanism is to say we don't WANT to be around anyone - and to a very great extent that works. But never doubt it FEELS so very sad for those people, because yes, we do feel empathy.
SPD people feel very drowned in social settings and yet we need them to breathe like the rest of you. We always seem to screw it up, that's all. Any SPD is truly hiding this longing and inability.
As a gregarious schizoid, I try again and again to connect, but fall short of getting my needs met and retreat. And you bet, when I say I don't get my needs met I also mean some other people's feathers have been ruffled, too. But I come back and try again, over and over - like John Belushi, or Robin Williams, as I said. Most SPD people will never marry, but some do. So I mean, think on that. They'd mostly all really like to, but it's very, very difficult. My wife deserves a medal in her own right.
I'd LOVE to try that DBT stuff you were talking about. Yes, that is specifically what the neuropsych thought would benefit me. Thanks for mentioning that. Yes, it's hard to find and expensive, so making people aware of it is great.
Anyhow, sorry, but no, you didn't get SPD right. You said B cluster people are difficult. This is what she was talking about, folks. It's very complicated, and inside of here . . . shit, there's a raging hellstorm in my head, just trying to guess what that purpose of even writing this comment is . . .
How on Earth could I ever expect anyone to understand? So no, I don't hold any of this - and I mean, very REAL social rejection. It hurts. I am hurt, and broken ABOUT my relationship with society every day of my life in this world. And that's bad. It does give rise to very angry, dark feelings.
Yes I will give a freezing person my blanket. Sometimes it TAKES a crazy person to do something like that, and so if I don't then who will? Nobody. Well, I don't want to live in that sort of world, remember? I mean, I think that sums up SPD as well as anything. We just don't want to live in a world that's not worth living in. So we avoid it. I mean, it's a lot like Social Avoidant Disorder, or whatever, but the real key difference is that yes, SPD people DO have an inner longing, unsatisified, to connect with other people in meaningful ways. We just lack the ability - in our own minds.
But I mean, hey, you're doing a wonderful service, and don't feel bad. NOBODY in the world EVER nails SPD the first time. They always get it wrong. It's a very weird thing, I guess.
To me it's natural. Just consider not having a right temporo-parietal lobe. You know what that does. Just think like you can't guess what anyone else is thinking. It's actually hard (I would actually say impossible) for a normal human brain to do.
Oh! I forgot one thing to add! Here's the really weird part . . . the motives of other people are a complete blind spot for me . . . even though I rationally undrestand we all share much the same motivations! That is to say, I empathize completely. I too get my feelings hurt when someone says something insensitive to me, for example. Or when they hold very differing views, I feel irritation and that sort of thing. I HAVE human motives! I SHOULD understand those of others, but sorry, I can't begin to guess, and so this often, often leads to some negative conversation or experience. Normal people just take a lot of reading of interpersonal cues for granted. When I was little, I thought you were all telepathic and could actually communicate in, like, ESP ways that you simply didn't realize you had.
There's also a thing we SPDs have about other people's body odor and stuff. We're pretty damned averse to that. One thing I love about my wife is we just tell each other straight up if our breath is bad, or whatever. I doubt we'd ever have gotten married if she couldn't take direct statements of that nature about my . . . squeamish nature about that. SPDs typically have that in common.
Anyhow, I hope this ramble just helps to clarify. As you said, these illnesses and their labels are grouped poorly, and arbitrarily in many cases. I really don't feel SPDs should be grouped with psychopaths and sociopaths, though. And I'm sure you'll get an absolute flood of people with the disorder telling you, yes, they'd give a stranger a blanket.
We can't say no to people, and so we're actually in danger of BEING abused. So that's what seems so wrong about your initial description, though I know you didn't mean any harm, only help. No, we don't abuse others. I would certainly call that kind of withholding of help abuse. No, I'm not down with that, and I don't know of any SPDs who would be.
But again, everyone gets SPD wrong. Sorry for the rant. Be Well. :)
Oh I never even heard of schizotypal, good video thank you for sharing
People who don't know somebody that has it or aren't a mental health professional wouldn't. It's not a diagnosis that gets a lot of attention because it tends not to cause much trouble, especially when compared with the other diagnoses in the family.
I suspect that in a significant number of cases people with schizotypal just get written off as being eccentrics, especially if they happen to have a flair for the creative or an impressive intellect.
Hi guys, what do you think about Steven Kessler book "The 5 personality patterns"? There Schizoid ( amongst others) personality is just that, a personality (although a defensive strategy), and not a "disorder".
it feels like a disorder to me, im diagnosed with it