I dont care enough to watch the video and I dont care if it's brought up; but friendly reminder that athiests tend to be generally good people, despite what most christians think, as we dont need the threat of the bible to keep us in check. We actually want to do good for our fellow man, without having to be told to do so. If you need to be threatened with eternal hell to be decent to your peers, you might want to look more into Jesus's teachings. The Athiests might be following his word more closely than you are.
I love hearing this. This is an excellent point to make. People are going to listen to what you have to say if you’re kind and welcoming, not threatening them to eternal damnation in hell if they don’t agree with your faith.
@@GunnarTobus Exactly. People WANT to flock to good people. And some Christians believe if you're atheist and a good person you must secretly be a Christian or you're doing it for ulterior motives.. but no. Atheist do good things because we can recognize that it's good for society. We Want to see the best in people and we want people to have a chance at a good life. We do it because we genuinely believe in making things better for everyone, not just being altruistic so we can get brownie points with our maker. And it feel so enriching to be good for the sake of being good, or just to make someone smile, rather than being good because we have to. It's the difference in raising a child with positive reinforcement (do good because it's good and makes things better for everyone) rather than negative reinforcement (do good because I said so and you'll get hurt if you don't).
Christians aren’t Christians because of the threat of Hell. They’re Christians because they love Jesus. I’ve known plenty of lovely Christians and horrible atheists. They didn’t need a reason to be jerks. :P
Idk what atheists you’ve been around… everyone I’ve met that’s an atheist is a horrible person. Yes, there are strict rules in the faith. But it’s not just that. It teaches you how to be a good person, how to find true happiness. It’s up to you to apply that to your life. Yes many Christians give the faith a bad name. But honestly, I’d rather believe that I will see my friends and family again in paradise than die and believe in nothing.
@@katlyndobransky2419 The difference is Christianity teaches you to be a good person as punishment. You Have to be a good person to get into paradise. If you're not a good person, you're damned to hell. It's negative reinforcement. Whereas atheists are good people because we want to be. I'm not a good person because someone tells me to be, I try to be a good person because I want to take care of the people around me. I was at my most vile when I was fresh out of Christianity, just turned atheist. Because religion taught me to be a good person for my own gain. So I thought I was allowed to stop being a good person. But I realised, for _myself,_ that I didn't enjoy that. I WANTED to be a good person because I want to care for my community. I want to see people enjoy their lives. I don't want people to suffer needlessly. And none of that is because someone told me I HAD to think that way. It's because I opened my ears to listen to the stories of other people. I didn't need Christianity to apply goodness to my life. I became a more good person when I left the religion and took time to heal from it. Too many people use their religions as a reason to justify shitty behaviour. Too many people use their holy book as a reason to ignore introspection and ignore the harm their mindset is doing to the people around them. So few Christians are actually following the teachings of Jesus. And yes, by all means, atheists CAN be bad people. As can anyone. But we tend more towards listening to people around us, to be more compassionate to our fellow man. Because we don't have the same scapegoat of "well he says I can act this way" to justify us hurting people.
Some people like you prefer NOT to believe in the possibility of the existence of a Creator, many of you just dislike the idea too much. However, if a person loves the Truth, that person is likely to be called by the God of the Bible to ve saved, whereas people who only wish to live their lives without feeling that they are going to be held accountable for their deeds is something Elohim doesn't like.
@@eng_ynjapologetics1953 Dude has the power to manipulate and create anything and everything within all that exists and can’t bother proving atheists wrong by making his presence known. I’d prob believe if he started making my toaster float. If there’s evidence I’ll believe, but there isn’t cohesive evidence. We know Jesus of Nazareth existed in Palestine, no denial of that. I find it arrogant to call it the truth when this supposed truth denies the fact the Earth is billions of years old and humans have existed for far longer than it says.
When I was little I was obsessed with science. The idea of there being a god was not an idea I ever thought of. It was when I began to go to communities with a lot of religious people that my impressionable brain was told I’d burn in hell for all eternity because I had grown up enjoying evil science rather than god. I had converted for a brief period after that, because I was fear mongered during a time in my life where I was liable to believe everything, and promptly base my life around that. We grow to believe whatever surrounds us. We aren’t born believing in anything.
Thanks for commenting this, I’m a man of science as well, and religious individuals continue to psychologically abuse those who don’t believe, I’ve learned to put up with it but it remains a major concern…
Greenjacket, I’m sorry you had to experience that, “Christians” who fear monger others into joining their church or Christianity. I am a Christian, I have always been interested by science as a kid too. I believe that science is a gift from God, any other Christian who say it’s evil is either misguided or not a true Christian. But what type of science it is just depends (but usually never evil, just is against the Christianity or contradictory to it), like Darwinism. Charles Darwin invented/popularized the concept of evolution, he says we came from monkeys (in a nutshell explanation), contradictory to the story of Adam and Eve from the Bible. Science is about as broad as politics, mathematics, etc. They’re all terms that explain to you a general concept of study or topic. So I urge you (not force you) to try and let God into your heart, if you want to get a better idea about the concept of hell, go onto Reddit and peek into r/Christianity. Ask people, search up previous posts/questions about hell, learn through different perspectives. Most importantly of all, I hope this message reaches you well, and I’ll be praying for you. Best of wishes with your journey!
I was the same when I was a child, and I still have a passion for science (in university for my BSc atm), yet I had somewhat of a different experience. I also had lots of creationist sentiments in my upbringing, and initially believed them, but as I got older I became a lot more skeptic. In my mid teens I was practically an agnostic. It wasn't until I started being introduced to other ideas that made me rethink my agnosticism. The most important idea being that science and faith are NOT inherently at odds, and that both athiests and many creationists have the wrong idea of what creationism even means. To believe in God does not mean you must reject science, on the contrary, many of the earliest scientists were devout believers, to the point where they willingly wrote more on God than on their scientific work. My point being, the question of whether or not God exists is a philosophical question, not a scientific one. Science is the study of the natural world, whereas God is separate (although involved in) from it, He is a metaphysical being. Since I knew at the time that science was grounded on a lot of philosophical presuppostions, I couldn't out right deny the philosophical arguments for God. Long story short, I ended up becoming a Catholic due to a well devoped philosophy showing God's existence through logic while also affirming scientific advancements. Please do not be fooled into believe sciecne and faith are at odds!
@@_TheGreenCode_ Keep in mind that not all of us are against science! I often chastise those who reject scientific findings due to their really bad theological/philosophical beliefs. You should not recieve any abuse for you lack of belief, but I cannot support it either! Science and faith (particularly Catholicism hehe) do not have any contradictions, even the man who discovered the Big Bang was a Catholic priest, his name was Georges Lemaître. Even Einstien praised his work.
We come into this world as a blank sheet of paper , then we are soaked into whatever religious beliefs our family and friends practice , regardless of any solid evidence for such beliefs .
@@Mr_CyberCookie it's crap study then cos you go anywhere in the world and pretty much everybody follows the religion of their parents if not the state. there s no god anyway, get used to the idea cos soon you'll be a minority - god isn't winning the swimsuit round mate.
Given the fact that I hadn’t heard of god till I was 5 and upon having it explained to me my immediate thought was “that just sounds silly.” I can say with great confidence regarding the question in the thumbnail, absolutely not.
Was a fully devout Pentacostal Christian who believed everything I must do is for God. Went to Afghanistan and back twice. Opening my eyes to the truth that if there Was a Loving God, he died long ago.
So, we are supposed to take children's ideas of intelligent design as evidence of god? Like children, whose brains are literally undeveloped, never get anything wrong? The fact that religion may be intuitive speaks not for it, but against, since it becomes a comfort zone, a status quo that is easier to accept instead of taking the question of the origin of the universe seriously like scientists did.
we are born superstitious, not religious. superstition is an evolutionary advantage, being scared of things keeps you alive, being rtional and waiting for more evidence gets you dead, so nature favours a fear of the unknown, but religion has to be taught, and the fact there are a bzillions different versions of a zillion religions is pretty good evidence of that. badly taught crapola.
@@KlausSchwab45 you can't debunk atheism, it's not something that can be debunked, you have to prove religion (and no one can do that cos god doesn't allow it).
Glad that you left Christianity and hopefully for good. Remember religions cling on to faith (wishful thinking) when they're disproven in all fields of study such as science, archeology, geology etc..and even to deductive logic 😂
@@man-yp1gb science doesn’t disprove Christ. Some of the first scientists were Christian. And so thirst have faith aswell. Believing that all this just came. Believing that reason come from non-reason.
First we hear that there are an "ever increasing" number of nonbelievers. Then that people are inherently drawn to religion. Then why are so many people ditching their theism or refusing to join a faith at all? If you actually listen to their stories, a common theme emerges: "I learned too much." And the WWWeb is really an amazing tool for learning; learning why religions are probably all man made.
I was born an atheist till 19 after a series of events (especially learning about philosophy) led me to slowly deconstruct my atheism, first into a belief of God, and then into Christianity. And what I see is that people are not going into atheism, but their own spirituality. When pressed, a lot of assumptions "non-religious" people have, stem from some metaphysical order they believe to exist. I don't think people are becoming atheists so much as they're becoming spiritual in their own way. I doubt even 5% of self-proclaimed atheists are truly atheistic. (At most most are agnostic)
@@trato-jm3fxHopefully, you will keep reading and decide if a being worthy of worship is one that demands a blood sacrifice for an inherited sin committed without knowledge of good and evil.
@@susbak3049that is barely a tiny part of what happens. You are correct in saying that there is no overwhelming trend of conversion from atheism to christianity, as data actually shows the opposite. But you are wrong in reducing all conversion to such a simplistic assumption. The video itself presents a clear counter-example in the first two minutes. Some assumptions we make about the world (such as presuming objective morality, inherent purpose, the immaterial nature of the human mind/soul, and so on) lead people directly to adopting beliefs that confirm those assumptions. That's actually how most people change their minds. They get shown that their most fundamental assumptions and beliefs actually lead to some other conclusion than they thought. That is why street epistemology works so well. You ask people what truly matters to them, how their beliefs arise from it, and you open the door to showing them how their core assumptions and values disagree with their conclusions. It's the most effective tool of conversion and deconstruction.
Judging from the title of this video, I assumed it's goal was to demonstrate that there is a growing trend of atheists converting to some form of theism. There is only one case offered of an atheist converting to Catholicism. But this does nothing to show that atheists more broadly are making the same decision. So we're already off to a bad start. 1:44 This is not true. Yes, there are some atheists who believe in objective moral categories. But atheism is not a monolith. Take me as an example. I am a moral anti-realist. I do not accept that there are objective morals and I am still waiting for evidence that objective moral categories exist. 2:30 Richard Dawkins is hardly what I would describe as "the world's leading atheistic thinker". He's probably the most well known atheist to the general public. But it's debatable that his influence expands into areas of deep philosophical thought. There is a lot of misleading quote mining happening in this video. They selectively quote a few atheists and then selectively quote a few scientific papers, coming to the erroneous conclusion that it is the consensus among all atheists that belief in a god is natural. It is never established that the authors of any of these papers they quote are atheists. Quoting the opinions of three atheists along with quote mining a few scientific papers without disclosing the predispositions of their authors, does not justify saying that this is something all (or even most) atheists agree on. Then this video goes on to insert the phrase "atheistic evolution" wherever the word science appears in these papers. 1) There is no such thing as "atheistic" evolution. There is only evolution. This is just an attempt to poison the well. 2) It is never established that the authors of these papers have evolution in mind as the sole driving force that contributes to humans teleological inclinations. 3) This video assumes that the only conclusion to be reached is that humans are naturally inclined to believe in a monotheistic god, but never considers that they could just as likely be inclined to believe in polytheism. Historically speaking, monotheism is a latecomer. For most of mankind's history, polytheism has been the default. If monotheism is as natural as this video claims, then one wonders why it did not appear earlier. 9:09 Even if a god does exists, it does not mean that the bible used by Christians reflect the thoughts or desires of said god. This video does nothing to close this gap and assumes that the viewer should accept this conclusion. It should be clear that the contents of this video are not intended to convert atheists, but rather to reassure theists who already want to be convinced.
i find it silly that he backs up his evidence by saying how children would invent a god. as if children are the highest minds of our age. children may invent a creator because they have not had the opportunity to learn and understand the way humans have researched and discovered their world around them. of course children would invent something like that because thats what we did all those years ago when no one knew what was happening about anything!
As an agnostic existentialist, morality is made by my and other people’s view on morality. The fact that “you shall not murder” is written within the Bible doesn’t mean that without god and the Bible that murdering is not suddenly a neutral, non-punishable act. All of us would hate if someone that was close to us were killed and that alone makes murdering unjust and immoral. And does that mean it’s moral to get my revenge? No because all people have the same amount of free will that I have and I have no authority over some else’s life.
Morality in and of itself is the fear of recompense. If you didn't feel that you would "get in trouble" then retaliation for your loss would have no penalty and you would do it. You are adhering to Biblical law because it is part of your existence, ie, it's built in. If you don't believe in God's judgement, what's stopping you from a natural reaction when a loved ones life is taken? Because it's wrong? Why is it wrong? Morality is a spiritually based concept that is "programmed" into us from birth. Someone in your past or your upbringing taught you this and you seemed to forget where it came from.... originally.
According to what you just said, 1) everyone knows murder is wrong. 2) There will still be murders. 3) Anyone who defends against a murderer is morally equivalent to the murderer. That's an excellent job of illustrating 20th century, liberal, doublespeak. But I repeat myself.
@@waynelampe1450your half right. Except the fear of recompense is there because having it increased the chance for your ancestors to survive. Not because of a giant spaghetti monster
@@waynelampe1450actually, I don’t do things I consider bad even knowing I will not be punished. It’s called empathy, a trait the vast majority of humans are born with. I can prove empathy exists and it’s functions, it also has plenty of reasoning power as to why people actually do bad stuff as well. I don’t believe you can prove morality is supernatural based.
As a kid, I was Catholic, I would always pray at night and what not. You know why? I was in a catholic school. What a shocker, was that the second I left the school, entering grade 7, I became an atheist. I slowly thought religion was actually doing nothing for me and in fact, I didn’t really believe in it (but I respect other people who do). It’s school and adults that make kids religious Edit: I didn't expect so much debating in the comments ⊙_⊙
For me I ALWAYS felt like being Catholic was forced on me, my parents wanting a perfect picture for there perfect child, they got there stupid perfect picture but not their perfect child. I slowly but surely was drifting away from my religion, when me and my sister thought about it more and we had a little talk we decided that we were Atheists and not to tell our parents.
@@lushwerg1185yeah it is tho. From the basics of psychology you would ask the question why at a super young age you would accept whatever your parents say as fast because they are smarter than you they know a lot of stuff they know all the things at that young oven age it may not be every time but it's most times as you can see most atheists started off as religious because it was force on to them by their parents
@@Huhuhhyhuhuh Faith is not forced. It is worked through. Everyone has free will, your parents might have not let you know the Truth properly. If you understand what I’m saying My Friend.
Just googled that and it's not true. 4% of the US is atheist, and at most 15% if we combine all manner of "Non religious" As for the entire world, about 7% are atheist. Sorry buddy.
Because religious belief is intuitive doesn’t mean it’s real. A lot of people believe things that have no basis in reality. It’s sad how many people are gullible to irrational arguments like this. Of course that’s why religion is so popular.
religious belief is NOT intuitive, SUPERSTITION is intuitive, it's an evolutionary survival trait to give agency to things that have none, religion is just made up in order to bully people and pass the buck "it's not ME burning you alive, my god demands it"
@@Mr_CyberCookiewhat is better for an animal? To assume everything has agency? To assume nothing has agency? To waste time and effort trying to figure out what does and doesn't have agency? Agency is our default perception of ourselves. Because we have agency. And another common cognitive bias is to assume that everything around us works the same way we do. That includes assuming agency. It is a natural instinct across the board to assume everything has agency and purpose, because it's a simple conclusion to reach and it takes a lot of work to disprove in every single context it appears. Wasting energy and time on it only benefits the intellectually enclined. It doesn't benefit wild animals and it doesn't benefit the average uneducated human. In fact, religion has been shown to be an easy way to reinforce useful behavior, such as social cohesion, following safety protocols, having consistent teaching methods, and so on. The atheistic worldview ABSOLUTELY explains this better than christianity ever can. If we assume there is no God, we should expect to see this as we do. Evolution is the best explanation for this.
1:37 God has absolutely no explanatory value. It's no different than an alien conspiracy theory. Of course you have no idea what atheism is. Atheism is simply not believing that "god did it" is an explanation for anything, especially considering that how god did something is never even mentioned. "if atheism were true there would be no objective morality everything would be mere opinion but if there is a God then objective morality" -Gospel The mere fact that people don't agree on morals already shows that morals aren't objective. If morals were objective, then they wouldn't come from a god, as that would make the morals subjective again. Not every culture has a religion, and even those who do, don't necessarily have a god. Monotheistic religions are quite recent. The first religions worshipped nature, from there they started making idols, which became gods, which was later reduced to one god in some religions. Also, believing in something does not make it true. People also believed in a flat earth, some still do, even though it's not even remotely true. 3:53 Read the study. It bascially says that people are more likely to believe their intuition, even when it's wrong. It also concluded that morals come from the community. "Additionally, many of the specific moral intuitions held by members of a society appear to be the consequence, not of personal moral contemplation, but of deference to the views of the community." -Childhood origins of adult resistance to science And here is the conclusion. "These developmental data suggest that resistance to science will arise in children when scientific claims clash with early emerging, intuitive expectations. This resistance will persist through adulthood if the scientific claims are contested within a society, and it will be especially strong if there is a nonscientific alternative that is rooted in common sense and championed by people who are thought of as reliable and trustworthy. This is the current situation in the United States, with regard to the central tenets of neuroscience and evolutionary biology. These concepts clash with intuitive beliefs about the immaterial nature of the soul and the purposeful design of humans and other animals, and (in the United States) these beliefs are particularly likely to be endorsed and transmitted by trusted religious and political authorities. Hence, these fields are among the domains where Americans’ resistance to science is the strongest." -Childhood origins of adult resistance to science I didn't read the other studies, but it's likely they have a similar conclusion. Even when people tend to intuitively believe in a creator, it is in no way evidence for a creator. Just like people intuitively believe in a flat stationary Earth, even though Earth is a globe. 6:56 Once again god has absolutely no explanatory value as we can't even show that god even exists. 7:30 Adding "atheistic evolutionary" shows that you are dishonest. 8:39 "Atheism would never have predicted that humans would be". What bullshit claim is this? Absolutely no one could have predicted the existence of humans. Humans were only known about after they existed. Religion doesn't predict or explain anything, while evolution explains how humans evolved. Of course evolution can't predict what humans are going to evolve into, but it can trace the evolutionary path backwards in time. Religion doesn't do anything other than claiming "god did it".
Mental gymnastics at its finest. What I was hearing was assertion, therefore God. How did you connect any of these assertions to a God? You haven't proved a God exists.
I'm an atheist who became a theist. I assure you that it was IN SPITE OF Christians. If you want to spread the good word.......spread a GOOD word once in a while.
I asked several people if they thought that their specific religion was the right religion, and that this was their personal decision. They all said, YES. I then said, "Don't you think it is odd that your parents also just happen to be of the very same religion !". Their faces turned red with anger, and some walked away.
This is embarrassing. Stats say that church attendance is at an all time low and getting lower. Maybe people would believe in god if his people didn't act like absolute wads at every opportunity.
I’d like to take this time to clear up something. As a Catholic, I believe that you should respect someone else’s beliefs even if you disagree, while it is good to spread the word of God, it is also important to not judge as you are to let God’s will be done. God would not want you to be forcing your beliefs onto other people, doing that doesn’t help to give them faith, it just makes it worse.
So let me ask you this, Adriel... What are your thoughts on homosexuality, what is God's word on that? How about same-sex marriage? What about a women's right to choose regarding abortion? What is God's word about those beliefs?...
I really don’t care if people are homosexual or not, nothing like that bothers me as I have many friends that are homosexual. In my faith, the church does say that homosexuality is sinful, however it also emphasizes that you treat others like that with respect. I also want to bring up the fact that people say gay people don’t believe in God. That isn’t true. A lot of my gay friends are also catholic and extremely religious. While the church says that marriage is between man and woman, the main takeaway from it is that it is for the procreation and education of children Abortion is breaking the first commandment, however what I’m gonna say here is important. If a woman gets raped, and because of that she gets pregnant and she cannot afford to have a baby, I feel she can abort if she chooses too. While I prefer she have the baby, it’s her choice and if she simply cannot take care of one, I respect her choice. However, if you are a hooker, a sex worker, or just have your legs open all the time and keep getting abortions, I feel like your actions are unjustifiable.
@exemodleaker I'm no expert on my religion but most of these are just basic thing everyone who claims to be religious should know. Also keep in mind that if someone is doing something bad and are claiming God is telling them to do that, ignore what they said because they are breaking the 3rd commandment by bringing God's name into sin lol.
I went from a theist to an atheist after being in a church for 15 years. I realized that there would never be enough proof that god exists and there is plenty against what the bible shows with some miracles.
You can't prove God exists but archeologist and scientist have proved so much in the Bible it's not just a book of stories its also actual history just look up all the things in the Bible with truth behind none is supernatural well some is like how they found the site where God rained fiery limestone on earth and they found a place littered with golf ball sized burnt limestone if you any questions I'm willing to answer them
A newborn stuck on a deserted island would die in a few days, let alone never reach 60. Humans are born highly dependent on their parents. Even if the child was nursed for a few months then left on the island, it would probably die. Let’s say it somehow managed to survive until the age of 60. The child would not be able to communicate because it never acquired language skills, which was proven by Genie the feral child case. But, hypothetically, the man-child is taught how to communicate, it may have developed a belief in some sort of deity. It may even worship the ocean or sun. In Cast Away, Tom hanks is isolated from people for 4 years and develops an emotional connection with a beach ball, who knows what the child would if it managed to survive.
That's not what the source says it says "Children left entirely to their own devices" meaning they did not get the idea from their upbringing. Hope this helps 🙏.
@Mr_CyberCookie you mean to tell me you believe that study has no flaws or room for error? Also children are inclined to believe literally anything they see or hear. Using the population with the absolute weakest critical thinking skills to prove that God exists is lame af.
@@hu_ni_1 So you mean to tell me as an atheist (I assume) you do not believe in scientific accuracy of studies? Also using children is actually very reliable because they did not copy or believe in god because they saw someone else do it but because their brain is wired to do it. The children themselves are not proving god exists the people studying the children and seeing a creationist form are.
@@Mr_CyberCookie never trust a christian is my motto, it's more likely that this study is a fake, or it's done by a biased and fixed religious group or it's just made up by the guy doing the video, at BEST it's ONE study that goes counter to many other studies that show people are SUPERSTITIOUS not religious. christians are great liars, god will burn them alive if they get caught telling the truth won't they, how can you trust someone who is being watched 24/7 and believes they will go to hell if they piss god off? you can't. and my advice if you want unbiased peer reviewed studies about ANYTHING do not go to a crap religious video producer, go to the experts.
@@Mr_CyberCookieunder what circumstances was the study made? Was there a control group? Were the children able to go to their homes to their, statistically speaking, religious households? How old were the children when the study began? From what culture,race or religion where they brought up? All of these play a crucial role in the understanding of the data.
When are all the religions - and denominations of religions - going to complete their spiritual truth-quest, stop fighting about it, join hands and sing kumbaya? Never. They've had tens of thousands of years of searching and no gods have been demonstrated to exist. This is because religions aren't about facts, but feelings. Gods are feelings, not beings.
Multiple things claiming to be true does not mean they are all false. There are multiple views on theism just like there are multiple views on atheism. Anyone can start a religion, even you and me. But looking to see which is the most logical is not that hard of a task. Atheism leads to nihilism if people were to be objectively true to themselves and their world view. You can't explain knowledge, morality, objectivity. So people wouldn't be able to explain their worldview simply because they would have to use terms and ideas that are outside of their worldview. On the other end, if people were to be objectively true to themselves for religion, it will all lead to Orthodox Christianity. I recommend u research on it, it's the denomination before all the denominations, the true continuation of the apostles that kept it's traditions and beliefs ever since the beginning. Catholicism added many new ideas that go against the theology and the historical evidence of practices, and Sola Scriptura does not work in any context, as you need an authority for the interpretation of the bible, it's either your own individual interpretation which lead to the many denominations we have today, or going with the historical and theological interpretations. And there is much more to it but I do not want to make the comment to long. So religions will never join hands and stop fighting, because we are fighting for the truth. Two contradictory things cant never go hand in hand no matter how much we try. If u have any more questions let me know
@@teoteodora7676 it's bollocks mate, you can talk as much as you want but until you can get god to DO something all you have is hot air and blushes. keep it to yourself if you want to keep going, trying to annoy people with your voodoo just makes it harder for religion to survive. not even religists want it - that's why church is only one day a week.
@@HarryNicNicholas are there any arguments in the reply you have given? If not then you have done nothing sending this comment. If your argument is "nuh-uh" and u think that is a valid one then I'm sorry to say but u have not proven or disproven anything. It's time to stop feeling attacked by different worldviews other than your own, because there is no point to it. It is more efficient to get mature about it and discuss something so we can both understand each other
The moral argument provides poor grounds for belief in God. Even if its core claim is true (and I don't think it is) that objective morality is only possible if a supernatural authority provides grounding for it, this merely provides prudential (not epistemic) reason to be a theist. (I should also note that Libresco promised on Patheos to respond to questions regarding her reasons for embracing theism, but merely said "check back for updates" - which never materialized.)
Supposing that objective morality is real, and that believing in God leads you to it... why do different Christians disagree on any moral matters? Why are there difference branches of the church? Even IF her many base assumptions weren't entirely flawed, Christianity is very far from being the correct way to find an objective morality.
@@a_randomuser4 satan gets a bad rep, if you read all about him i think he's actually better qualified to run the universe, in fact - if they were real - satan is trying to save us from heaven, which is the real hell. why would satan torment me for eternity, it's christians he hates, not sinners.....
@@HarryNicNicholas, Satan hates all humans, he just targets Christians the most because they are closer to God and will not likely go with him. I rather have none of them rule the universe.
@@HarryNicNicholasHave you read the Bible? Probably not. If so point to one verse quote it and tell me which one Jesus is depicted as evil, because Satan is literally called the great deciver and claimed he's told people to r*people others and to steal what do you mean he gets a bad rep? He's the ipitmiy of evil
most people tend to be superstitious, it has nothing to do with god until they grow up and get indoctrinated, people are afraid of monsters under the bed, not gods. tigers are real, god had to be made up.
When the secret of death was revealed to me, it broke me. Knowing that there won't be a Heaven or even an endless darkness, it deeply disturbed me. But I soon found solace in the fact that I will no longer continue to exist, I'll be erased from existence and I'm okay with that. It's a shame no-one will know the pure bliss I feel, knowing how it truly ends.
11:33 Your right, children seek the comfort of a God when they lack understanding. I won’t deny you your comforts, but hopefully one day you may have a deeper understanding of the Bible and the stories behind it.
Children seek a god, when they’re told they should and that there are punishments for NOT doing that. If you “left” a child alone, they wouldn’t need the fairytales. They would find their own meaning in things.
as they other commenter points out, children are told that they are sinners and will be burnt alive if they disobey, that's the sht morality we atheists fight against, and it's why people get trapped in this disgusting, voodoo belief system. it'll be gone soon though, check pew polls and gallup, bye bye gods.
Ive always had horrible experiences with catholic people, whether it be from some distant family or just random strangers, all of which would do the usual fear mongering, start believing before you regret it, etc. and i personally fear early death heavily, so i looked for some coping mechanisms besides religion, and i found a talk on quantum immortality (tldr, your consciousness will always be alive, and any near death experience is just your consciousness moving to a different, survivable instance) I am very slow, but even though i struggled to understand it, it helped me get over said fear a lot. If anyones in the same boat id say its worth looking into, instead of involving yourself with these kinds of things. (or just get therapy cause i know plenty of catholic people who really just need to talk to someone)
@@_Sloppyham People have 2 ideas for it, some say that's when you run out of worlds where its possible to survive, and some say you're just going to be in a perpetual state of near death. if you want a more positive outlook on it the first one is a much better outcome.
Doing the right thing because it’s right is better than doing the right thing because you think some omnipresent being is going to send you to a place of eternal torment if you don’t.
Gods can’t explain morality better than secular ideas. If there was a god who embodied objective morality, then we should be able to define clearly the boundaries between good and evil, but throughout the world people strongly disagree amongst each-other, even within narrow hands of Christianity or other religions.
I’d say the main reason people think things like this are happening is the same reason so many atheists think religious people are changing, is because we think the other is insane. I’ve been an atheist my entire life that isn’t going to change. Many of the people I know who have changed just had different life experiences that lead to that change of losing or finding reason. It’s just life and the bumps along it.
I became an atheist who came from a very religious family. I don’t go to church anymore unless with family during holidays, mostly out of respect and love for my family. I don’t really participate but I will at least be present if they really want to spend time with me.
While I personally believe in God, this is not something i personally believe. I have my reasons, mostly based of the chronological argument and other factors that I will not get into because there is no way anyone would read it and it would be a waste of time
Me personally I am a former Christian. I am currently an atheist but I want to hear more about what you believe and have an open mind. This is an open invitation to everyone to try to convince me or just help me get a better idea of why you guys believe this way Edit: I don’t hate god or Christians or any religion. I just personally believe that there’s no god. Please ask me any questions to and I will try my best to answer them. Please be civil and respectful for what I believe in even if you don’t agree with me
I have always believed because my mother gave her children a strong foundation in Jesus. I then boarded “the crazy train “ and didn’t get off for 60 years. Would you rather be a believer and be wrong or a nonbeliever and be wrong? The consequences are too horrible to think of, in that without being a follower and believer you have an eternity in actual hell, vs just being dead. I will pray for you as a family member and hope I see you after this life. God bless and keep you.❤
@@cynthiadavis474 Thank you very much for responding to me! This is a very very good argument to all atheists but I feel like I should now state my counter argument to you. I just want to repeat again I have no hate to you or any Christian’s in fact I have lots of friends who are Incredibly religious Christian’s. But in my opinion if I were to be religious for this reason I would rather find the worst hell and be incredibly religious to that religion so I would not end up in that hell. Once again thanks again for taking the time to respond to me and to give me your reason for being religious. I truly appreciate it. I really respect your dedication to your religion and no way do I think that you or any other person who is religious to any religion crazy. I hope this doesn’t offend you or anyone and if you have any questions for me or want to tell me more about Christianity please go ahead. I’m quite interested in Religion and maybe one day I might even convert and I love it when people ask me questions. Thank you ❤️ If there is a Heaven I hope you make it in!
I don’t know, But living every day, Knowing that someone or something you loved that has past just… Doesn’t exist anymore Sounds painful. For Christians, It’s Like “They’re in a better place now.” This isn’t a problem with atheists, But it just sounds like a negative of being one. Also, Let’s talk about the creation of the world: Everything is covered in the Bible. God created the earth, and the things in it and Man rejected it. Why are we here? To follow God. From what I know, Atheists believe that we came into existence by chance. Why are we here? Nobody knows. Why should we exist? Nobody knows. It just sounds like Atheists trying to cover up that God exists, And it honestly doesn’t sound like they are doing a good job either. If I was an atheist, I would have a hard time trying to find my reason to live, Because in the End, Nothing Really matters. I don’t have a problem with atheists, I just fight their beliefs because if Hell really exists, I don’t want them to go there.
I understand. This is such an important issue that I want to say the right thing as The Holy Spirit leads me. First, the Bible doesn’t mention the dinosaurs, global resets and extinguishing all life forms multiple times. The Bible has one overriding reason for being written, that we humans are unable to follow Gods laws, moral laws, not to mention laws that Israel was given as the chosen people of God. Our only hope for redemption was sacrifice,which throughout history until Jesus came was animals, gold,silver, etc. We failed at that. Because of God’s GREAT LOVE for us, He sent His only son, Jesus, To Take On The Sins of the World (us) and die on the cross after being tortured and humiliated. I couldn’t endure that on my own best day even though Jesus had His lowest moment on that cross when that sin was laid on Him and He had to be separated fromHis Father because The Father cannot look on sin (there may be a better way to say this) therefore Jesus cried out My God, My God, why have you forsaken me? If you want to learn more about this act of taking on the sins, separation from The Father and the veil tearing in the Most Holy Place read the texts and all the other affects like earthquakes. I believe personally the impression left on the Shroud of Turin is His shroud. Others have tried to carbon date it, using fabric from another time or era. There is the sign of Jonah on it. The latest test says the cloth HAD TO BE with a very high dose of radiation to sear the cloth. All of this is leading to this. There is a Spirit of Life that had his only son become human to teach first to Israel and then the Gentiles (THANK YOU MY GOD) and sent the Holy Spirit to be with us. It was Jesus who the Israel’s wanted to be a great military leader to overthrow the oppressive things they were taxed on, etc. God sent His SON who taught the heads of the religious sect that He Was the law, the law of forgiveness, and that He and His Father are LOVE. THE CAVEAT to this whole thing is you MUST REPENT TRULY, and ask Him into your heart which will change as you pray and read His Book. Do not be discouraged if you get bogged down in the names and the wars fought and genealogy.
For some reason I overloaded my reply. Jeez. God didn’t want robots,therefore He gave humans free will. A two edged sword if I ever hears of one. The original sin was caused by disobedience to God. I know I’ve gone on and on, but declare your belief publicly the way Jesus spoke. Openly and unashamed. A few last points…I will never be able to write all I wasn’t to say to you. I use my mothers King James Version, and the Life Application
The teaching of Jesus is love, peace, forgiveness and reconciliation. A person does not need a religion to get that clear message, and without having to embrace any supernatural beliefs, and to the extent that a person aspires to be a person of love he or she is "of Jesus".
Of course any one could identify that saying as a metaphor. "Truth" is also metaphorically compared to a "sword", too. It's entirely not reasonable to suggest the Biblical character "Jesus" (whether he be real or made up) is depicted as an advocate for violence, since he would be turning the other cheek, etc. So the question is, does the notion of being a loving, sacrificial person appeal to someone or not. Alternatively, there are other philosophies, communism for example, that is more than happy to invite you to horrendous unending violence.
@@prestonbacchus4204 whatever "jesus said" is made up, you really ought to prefix it with "eusebius said, that josephus said, that matthew said, that mark said, that jesus said" if you want to be accurate.
The story could be completely made up or it could be based on someone's real life. We do not know. It's written in metaphor and can not be taken literally. Whether the message is worth reading is a matter of opinion.
I am an avid church goer.... It is so easy to see that god sent himself to the world he made himself, to die for himself to save us from himself. Who cant figure that out? Wake up people!
This entire video starts with a generalization of a single instance to an entire group in which the individual bases their argument on an incredibly weak if not blatantly false premise. Morality is not objective and this is evident in the reality of conflict. If morality were objective, there would be no such thing as disagreements because we would all have identical values and belief systems and we wouldn't have philosophers or philosophy as a result. That said, even if morality WERE objective, this would not PROVE the existence of God because it is not a necessity, merely a possible explanation. The conflation of theism with Christianity (not a single other historical or current world religion is even mentioned - specifically the ones with no god, multiple gods, or ones where attributing morality to the creative designs of spiritual beings simply wouldn't make sense) is a pretty clear sign of the intellectual honesty at hand here, regardless of intent.
I used to be an atheist, but now I'm a believer. A lot of people feeling hurt in the comments, they are uncomfortable. Good, this is the first step. 😆 Happened to me a few years before becoming a believer.
Also just out of curiosity, i have some questions for you 1. What made you start believing in god? 2. Whats your spiritual background? 3. How did your family react? 4. How old are you? 5. Do you believe in science, and if so, which kind of science? Thanks would love to get a reply ❤
You why I beloved in God as a kid, and why I still do? Because my parents raised me that why and took me to church. I’m not programmed to know there’s a God or not.
Growing up, I was never exposed to any religion or atheism, but I've always been repulsed by religion. One problem with religion is if a god or many gods exist, then why are they no where to be seen. I do believe if god did exist or any of the gods or goddess from any of the polytheistic religion, they would show themselves.
I love how people paid for this to get promoted on youtube and almost every comment is just people taking a big dump on the misinformation of the click bait title. Your side is losing sadly, I hate to break it to you but people are leaving major religions in droves.
I listened to the recent debate between Kyle Butt and Dr. Michael Shermer. I can't remember which one of them brought this point up, but both agreed that it was true. Anthropologists, Sociologists and Psychologists agree: It seems like humans are born with a natural inclination to believe in a higher power. To attribute intelligent design to creation. At the end of the day, each of us will decide what we believe and we will live with the consequences of our choice. As to the moral argument: if there is no objective truth (it seems to me) then there is no basis for morals at all. Everything comes down to opinion. As Frank Turek puts it " If moral relativism is true, then the difference between Mother Theresa and Hitler is simply personal preference."
we are NOT, we are born with superstition - a fear of the dark and the unknown, we have to be TAUGHT religions, that's why they are confused contradictory and bzillions of them, there is no god to direct.
Definition of Theism: belief in the existence of a god or gods, especially belief in one god as creator of the universe, intervening in it and sustaining a personal relation to his creatures. Just because there appears to be a movement to a belief in God, it may not be the true and only God.
Romans 2:14-15 For when Gentiles, who do not have the law, by nature do what the law requires, they are a law to themselves, even though they do not have the law. They show that the work of the law is written on their hearts, while their conscience also bears witness, and their conflicting thoughts accuse or even excuse them
I was born I went to church but me and my family were Christian’s But we were so busy we did not have time to go when I got older I still have the Bible in my parents room under the bed I did read a little bit by bit and then went online and learn stuff about the Bible and Christianity Then I learned about atheism I Was gonna but I discovered that religion especially Christianity helps people my parents did not forced me or anything They are wise and kind hearted and they taught me the same and that a little bit of religious faith completes and aides me to live a fulfilling and happy life It’s 2023 December And I accept Jesus Christ and god in my heart and soul Merry Christmas to all in world and religion From Hinduism and atheist Whatever helps you to living a happy life
For me it’s just the opposite. The older I get the less I comprehend how any intelligent well adjusted individual (especially women, there is no religion for women) can possibly believe in any form of a deity. Cult>religion>myth.
We’re born susceptible enough to believe whatever we’re told. Kids figure out santa isn’t real around 4-6 once they’re old enough to use critical thought, but becasue god does… well, god does less for the world than santa claus, it’s hard to apply critical thought to nothing.
You have _got_ to be kidding. I've heard a lot of silly arguments from theists, but this might be the silliest. _"If there really is a God who is an intelligent supernatural creator who loves mankind and desires mankind should know the truth, what would we expect to see?"_ We'd expect mankind to know the truth, of course - _all_ of mankind. Instead, what _do_ we see? We see faith-based people worldwide _overwhelmingly_ believing in whatever religion and whatever god or gods they were taught to believe as children, agreeing on nothing. We see Christians who can't even agree with _other Christians_ about much of anything, let alone with the other faith-based people in the world, even when they're all supposedly following the same magic book supposedly provided to them by the same supposedly all-knowing deity _specifically to tell them stuff!_ Of course, other people have their _own_ magic books, because those are the ones that _they_ were taught to believe as a child. And where one religion - like Christianity - has a big advantage, it's because that religion gained the political power to _force_ other people into the same religion. Note that Christians are this diverse even _after_ the Catholic Church spent a thousand years rooting out 'heresy' with fire and sword. Good Christians - Catholic and Protestant alike - burned people alive. They tortured and killed throughout the world to suppress other religions and promote their own. They worked hard - and still work hard - to make the whole world agree with them. And still, to this day, we have the kind of religious landscape we'd expect if all gods are just imaginary. But go ahead. Show me *one piece of good evidence* that your god is real, rather than simply imaginary. Just *one,* please, but specific enough and in enough detail that I can judge it for myself. Evidence is how we distinguish reality from delusion and wishful-thinking. So, do you have *anything* distinguishable from wishful-thinking backing up your religious beliefs? Why is *one* too much to ask? Or do you just have silly arguments like this, _desperately_ trying to defend the stories you were taught to believe as a child?
Free grace is the only true gospel. The real reason for the Denominations is because they all teach a different mixture of faith plus works equals salvation nonsense. Faith that works is just another cleverly repackaged version of faith plus works equals salvation. The vast majority of professing Christians don't actually believe the gospel. I've had miracles in my own life that prove that the God written about in the Bible is the only true God.
We learn morals from our parents, they teach us how to treat others and how we should be ashamed if we treat someone bad. If you are born in a tribe somewhere in aftica and your parents tell you to never trust strangers and destroy them on sight, you not going to have any feelings after doing it, if you grow up in a society where nobody knows the word god, you will grow up and never know about god. By your standarts tribal people will go to hell, but some of them are completely isolated from your believes?
I was born into a religious family, grew up pentecostal but realizedits not as good as it seemed. Im an atheist now, even if some atheists are becoming theists, MANY theists arebecoming atheists.
Said crazy pronouns that have always existed in language makes more sense than some non-existing entity sitting on the clouds and watching children starving and people dying of cancer while chuckling to himself about the number of followers he has like some Instagram influencer. No thanks.
Well said and animated! I believe that the God of the Bible exists, because it makes the most sense. I see no contradiction in believing in an all powerful creator, God, and trying to understand more deeply His creation, science. God existing really does fit the evidence. Unfortunately, the amount of division we see within Christianity is because false teachers have gone into the world spreading false gospels, as Christ, Paul, Peter, James, and John warned of. We all need to study God's Word carefully to fully understand HIS intent and HIS message, and to examine ourselves in light of all scripture to determine whether we have and are obeying God's will. God bless the work that goes on at GBN and Apologetics Press for spreading Truth.
just a quick reminder that the first amendment conflicts with the first commandment "thou shalt worship whoever you want" and that the declaration of human rights gives ME more rights than god. is it annoying to you that the satanic temples has the SAME RIGHTS as god?
I used to be an atheist. I was wrong. The Flying Spaghetti Monster boiled for our sins. R'amen 🍝🙏
based and pasta pilled
Is the Flying Spaghetti Monster...Asian?
Very based
You had me in the first half.
@@erichudson205 What's wrong? I'm a theist now! A pastafarian!
I dont care enough to watch the video and I dont care if it's brought up; but friendly reminder that athiests tend to be generally good people, despite what most christians think, as we dont need the threat of the bible to keep us in check. We actually want to do good for our fellow man, without having to be told to do so. If you need to be threatened with eternal hell to be decent to your peers, you might want to look more into Jesus's teachings. The Athiests might be following his word more closely than you are.
I love hearing this. This is an excellent point to make. People are going to listen to what you have to say if you’re kind and welcoming, not threatening them to eternal damnation in hell if they don’t agree with your faith.
@@GunnarTobus Exactly. People WANT to flock to good people. And some Christians believe if you're atheist and a good person you must secretly be a Christian or you're doing it for ulterior motives.. but no. Atheist do good things because we can recognize that it's good for society. We Want to see the best in people and we want people to have a chance at a good life. We do it because we genuinely believe in making things better for everyone, not just being altruistic so we can get brownie points with our maker. And it feel so enriching to be good for the sake of being good, or just to make someone smile, rather than being good because we have to. It's the difference in raising a child with positive reinforcement (do good because it's good and makes things better for everyone) rather than negative reinforcement (do good because I said so and you'll get hurt if you don't).
Christians aren’t Christians because of the threat of Hell. They’re Christians because they love Jesus. I’ve known plenty of lovely Christians and horrible atheists. They didn’t need a reason to be jerks. :P
Idk what atheists you’ve been around… everyone I’ve met that’s an atheist is a horrible person. Yes, there are strict rules in the faith. But it’s not just that. It teaches you how to be a good person, how to find true happiness. It’s up to you to apply that to your life. Yes many Christians give the faith a bad name. But honestly, I’d rather believe that I will see my friends and family again in paradise than die and believe in nothing.
@@katlyndobransky2419 The difference is Christianity teaches you to be a good person as punishment. You Have to be a good person to get into paradise. If you're not a good person, you're damned to hell. It's negative reinforcement. Whereas atheists are good people because we want to be. I'm not a good person because someone tells me to be, I try to be a good person because I want to take care of the people around me. I was at my most vile when I was fresh out of Christianity, just turned atheist. Because religion taught me to be a good person for my own gain. So I thought I was allowed to stop being a good person. But I realised, for _myself,_ that I didn't enjoy that. I WANTED to be a good person because I want to care for my community. I want to see people enjoy their lives. I don't want people to suffer needlessly. And none of that is because someone told me I HAD to think that way. It's because I opened my ears to listen to the stories of other people. I didn't need Christianity to apply goodness to my life. I became a more good person when I left the religion and took time to heal from it.
Too many people use their religions as a reason to justify shitty behaviour. Too many people use their holy book as a reason to ignore introspection and ignore the harm their mindset is doing to the people around them. So few Christians are actually following the teachings of Jesus.
And yes, by all means, atheists CAN be bad people. As can anyone. But we tend more towards listening to people around us, to be more compassionate to our fellow man. Because we don't have the same scapegoat of "well he says I can act this way" to justify us hurting people.
Ive never watched such a dishonest video, and judging by the comments, this video didnt hit its intended audience lol.
i didn't even watch it it'll be tripe, i just came to be annoying.
@@HarryNicNicholaswe do a bit of trolling
It reached the right audience tho
Some people like you prefer NOT to believe in the possibility of the existence of a Creator, many of you just dislike the idea too much. However, if a person loves the Truth, that person is likely to be called by the God of the Bible to ve saved, whereas people who only wish to live their lives without feeling that they are going to be held accountable for their deeds is something Elohim doesn't like.
@@eng_ynjapologetics1953 Dude has the power to manipulate and create anything and everything within all that exists and can’t bother proving atheists wrong by making his presence known. I’d prob believe if he started making my toaster float. If there’s evidence I’ll believe, but there isn’t cohesive evidence. We know Jesus of Nazareth existed in Palestine, no denial of that. I find it arrogant to call it the truth when this supposed truth denies the fact the Earth is billions of years old and humans have existed for far longer than it says.
When I was little I was obsessed with science. The idea of there being a god was not an idea I ever thought of. It was when I began to go to communities with a lot of religious people that my impressionable brain was told I’d burn in hell for all eternity because I had grown up enjoying evil science rather than god. I had converted for a brief period after that, because I was fear mongered during a time in my life where I was liable to believe everything, and promptly base my life around that. We grow to believe whatever surrounds us. We aren’t born believing in anything.
Thanks for commenting this, I’m a man of science as well, and religious individuals continue to psychologically abuse those who don’t believe, I’ve learned to put up with it but it remains a major concern…
Greenjacket, I’m sorry you had to experience that, “Christians” who fear monger others into joining their church or Christianity.
I am a Christian, I have always been interested by science as a kid too. I believe that science is a gift from God, any other Christian who say it’s evil is either misguided or not a true Christian.
But what type of science it is just depends (but usually never evil, just is against the Christianity or contradictory to it), like Darwinism. Charles Darwin invented/popularized the concept of evolution, he says we came from monkeys (in a nutshell explanation), contradictory to the story of Adam and Eve from the Bible.
Science is about as broad as politics, mathematics, etc. They’re all terms that explain to you a general concept of study or topic. So I urge you (not force you) to try and let God into your heart, if you want to get a better idea about the concept of hell, go onto Reddit and peek into
r/Christianity. Ask people, search up previous posts/questions about hell, learn through different perspectives. Most importantly of all, I hope this message reaches you well, and I’ll be praying for you. Best of wishes with your journey!
It is Never Too Late To Turn To Christ ✝️
I was the same when I was a child, and I still have a passion for science (in university for my BSc atm), yet I had somewhat of a different experience. I also had lots of creationist sentiments in my upbringing, and initially believed them, but as I got older I became a lot more skeptic. In my mid teens I was practically an agnostic. It wasn't until I started being introduced to other ideas that made me rethink my agnosticism. The most important idea being that science and faith are NOT inherently at odds, and that both athiests and many creationists have the wrong idea of what creationism even means. To believe in God does not mean you must reject science, on the contrary, many of the earliest scientists were devout believers, to the point where they willingly wrote more on God than on their scientific work. My point being, the question of whether or not God exists is a philosophical question, not a scientific one. Science is the study of the natural world, whereas God is separate (although involved in) from it, He is a metaphysical being. Since I knew at the time that science was grounded on a lot of philosophical presuppostions, I couldn't out right deny the philosophical arguments for God. Long story short, I ended up becoming a Catholic due to a well devoped philosophy showing God's existence through logic while also affirming scientific advancements. Please do not be fooled into believe sciecne and faith are at odds!
@@_TheGreenCode_ Keep in mind that not all of us are against science! I often chastise those who reject scientific findings due to their really bad theological/philosophical beliefs. You should not recieve any abuse for you lack of belief, but I cannot support it either! Science and faith (particularly Catholicism hehe) do not have any contradictions, even the man who discovered the Big Bang was a Catholic priest, his name was Georges Lemaître. Even Einstien praised his work.
We come into this world as a blank sheet of paper , then we are soaked into whatever religious beliefs our family and friends practice , regardless of any solid evidence for such beliefs .
This study proves exactly the opposite they are not soaked in any religious believes yet they still develop them.
@@Mr_CyberCookie it's crap study then cos you go anywhere in the world and pretty much everybody follows the religion of their parents if not the state. there s no god anyway, get used to the idea cos soon you'll be a minority - god isn't winning the swimsuit round mate.
@@Mr_CyberCookie Raised in today's world without religious influences , sounds naive .
Give me a source that helps your claim. You said “soaked” like we are being forced into it 😂😂😂
Religion shall not save you.
Given the fact that I hadn’t heard of god till I was 5 and upon having it explained to me my immediate thought was “that just sounds silly.” I can say with great confidence regarding the question in the thumbnail, absolutely not.
Thought the same thing!
😂😂😂 I love the fedora Reddit energy in this comment section
Was a fully devout Pentacostal Christian who believed everything I must do is for God. Went to Afghanistan and back twice. Opening my eyes to the truth that if there Was a Loving God, he died long ago.
I’m an atheist who loves science and yet I still feel saddened by this
Best of luck man im sorry
@passurlamer Deranged.
This comment only reinforces my belief that Desmond Doss is the ultimate gigachad.
@passurlameryeah it’s not good if it’s a mass murderer
I’m happy this video reached the right audience to handle these lies 💀
Religion is everything religion warns you about .
So, we are supposed to take children's ideas of intelligent design as evidence of god? Like children, whose brains are literally undeveloped, never get anything wrong? The fact that religion may be intuitive speaks not for it, but against, since it becomes a comfort zone, a status quo that is easier to accept instead of taking the question of the origin of the universe seriously like scientists did.
@@KlausSchwab45 it doesn't "debunk" atheism in any capacity
we are born superstitious, not religious. superstition is an evolutionary advantage, being scared of things keeps you alive, being rtional and waiting for more evidence gets you dead, so nature favours a fear of the unknown, but religion has to be taught, and the fact there are a bzillions different versions of a zillion religions is pretty good evidence of that. badly taught crapola.
@@KlausSchwab45 you can't debunk atheism, it's not something that can be debunked, you have to prove religion (and no one can do that cos god doesn't allow it).
its about faith and beilving. if god showed himself. almost everyone will become religious and will probably be afraid of going to hell or something
@@Joshayx4 is that not what a loving and just God would do? Give us actual proof?
I was born an atheist
became a “Christian” that learned churches were boring
became an atheist again and I’m happier than ever
Your conviction on the existence of God hung on how entertained you were at church?
Glad that you left Christianity and hopefully for good. Remember religions cling on to faith (wishful thinking) when they're disproven in all fields of study such as science, archeology, geology etc..and even to deductive logic 😂
@@man-yp1gb science doesn’t disprove Christ. Some of the first scientists were Christian. And so thirst have faith aswell. Believing that all this just came. Believing that reason come from non-reason.
@@j.loganhillit was not really going anywhere after all
First we hear that there are an "ever increasing" number of nonbelievers. Then that people are inherently drawn to religion. Then why are so many people ditching their theism or refusing to join a faith at all? If you actually listen to their stories, a common theme emerges: "I learned too much." And the WWWeb is really an amazing tool for learning; learning why religions are probably all man made.
I was born an atheist till 19 after a series of events (especially learning about philosophy) led me to slowly deconstruct my atheism, first into a belief of God, and then into Christianity. And what I see is that people are not going into atheism, but their own spirituality. When pressed, a lot of assumptions "non-religious" people have, stem from some metaphysical order they believe to exist. I don't think people are becoming atheists so much as they're becoming spiritual in their own way.
I doubt even 5% of self-proclaimed atheists are truly atheistic. (At most most are agnostic)
@@trato-jm3fxHopefully, you will keep reading and decide if a being worthy of worship is one that demands a blood sacrifice for an inherited sin committed without knowledge of good and evil.
@trato-jm3fx when atheists say there is no God, more often than not what they mean is "your God is not real"
The WWWeb is an amazing tool for anti-Christian disinformation and atheist utter nonsense, I agree. Read some philosophy of religion.
@@Mapleson Just for clarification does this mean you think people don't have any inherent moral compass?
Spoiler alert: they arent
That's not true people convert to other beliefs
@@LingoLounge952If they do, it’s mostly because atheists are threatened to be punished by eternal torment.
@@susbak3049Source: Trust me bro💀
@@The_Average_Ragebait_Borutard Source: most atheists I know broke free of oppressive christian indoctrination
@@susbak3049that is barely a tiny part of what happens. You are correct in saying that there is no overwhelming trend of conversion from atheism to christianity, as data actually shows the opposite. But you are wrong in reducing all conversion to such a simplistic assumption.
The video itself presents a clear counter-example in the first two minutes. Some assumptions we make about the world (such as presuming objective morality, inherent purpose, the immaterial nature of the human mind/soul, and so on) lead people directly to adopting beliefs that confirm those assumptions. That's actually how most people change their minds. They get shown that their most fundamental assumptions and beliefs actually lead to some other conclusion than they thought. That is why street epistemology works so well. You ask people what truly matters to them, how their beliefs arise from it, and you open the door to showing them how their core assumptions and values disagree with their conclusions. It's the most effective tool of conversion and deconstruction.
Judging from the title of this video, I assumed it's goal was to demonstrate that there is a growing trend of atheists converting to some form of theism. There is only one case offered of an atheist converting to Catholicism. But this does nothing to show that atheists more broadly are making the same decision. So we're already off to a bad start.
1:44 This is not true. Yes, there are some atheists who believe in objective moral categories. But atheism is not a monolith. Take me as an example. I am a moral anti-realist. I do not accept that there are objective morals and I am still waiting for evidence that objective moral categories exist.
2:30 Richard Dawkins is hardly what I would describe as "the world's leading atheistic thinker". He's probably the most well known atheist to the general public. But it's debatable that his influence expands into areas of deep philosophical thought.
There is a lot of misleading quote mining happening in this video. They selectively quote a few atheists and then selectively quote a few scientific papers, coming to the erroneous conclusion that it is the consensus among all atheists that belief in a god is natural. It is never established that the authors of any of these papers they quote are atheists. Quoting the opinions of three atheists along with quote mining a few scientific papers without disclosing the predispositions of their authors, does not justify saying that this is something all (or even most) atheists agree on.
Then this video goes on to insert the phrase "atheistic evolution" wherever the word science appears in these papers. 1) There is no such thing as "atheistic" evolution. There is only evolution. This is just an attempt to poison the well. 2) It is never established that the authors of these papers have evolution in mind as the sole driving force that contributes to humans teleological inclinations. 3) This video assumes that the only conclusion to be reached is that humans are naturally inclined to believe in a monotheistic god, but never considers that they could just as likely be inclined to believe in polytheism. Historically speaking, monotheism is a latecomer. For most of mankind's history, polytheism has been the default. If monotheism is as natural as this video claims, then one wonders why it did not appear earlier.
9:09 Even if a god does exists, it does not mean that the bible used by Christians reflect the thoughts or desires of said god. This video does nothing to close this gap and assumes that the viewer should accept this conclusion. It should be clear that the contents of this video are not intended to convert atheists, but rather to reassure theists who already want to be convinced.
i find it silly that he backs up his evidence by saying how children would invent a god. as if children are the highest minds of our age. children may invent a creator because they have not had the opportunity to learn and understand the way humans have researched and discovered their world around them. of course children would invent something like that because thats what we did all those years ago when no one knew what was happening about anything!
Wonderfully written
As an agnostic existentialist, morality is made by my and other people’s view on morality.
The fact that “you shall not murder” is written within the Bible doesn’t mean that without god and the Bible that murdering is not suddenly a neutral, non-punishable act.
All of us would hate if someone that was close to us were killed and that alone makes murdering unjust and immoral.
And does that mean it’s moral to get my revenge?
No because all people have the same amount of free will that I have and I have no authority over some else’s life.
Morality in and of itself is the fear of recompense. If you didn't feel that you would "get in trouble" then retaliation for your loss would have no penalty and you would do it. You are adhering to Biblical law because it is part of your existence, ie, it's built in. If you don't believe in God's judgement, what's stopping you from a natural reaction when a loved ones life is taken? Because it's wrong? Why is it wrong? Morality is a spiritually based concept that is "programmed" into us from birth. Someone in your past or your upbringing taught you this and you seemed to forget where it came from.... originally.
According to what you just said, 1) everyone knows murder is wrong. 2) There will still be murders. 3) Anyone who defends against a murderer is morally equivalent to the murderer.
That's an excellent job of illustrating 20th century, liberal, doublespeak. But I repeat myself.
@@waynelampe1450your half right. Except the fear of recompense is there because having it increased the chance for your ancestors to survive. Not because of a giant spaghetti monster
@@waynelampe1450actually, I don’t do things I consider bad even knowing I will not be punished. It’s called empathy, a trait the vast majority of humans are born with.
I can prove empathy exists and it’s functions, it also has plenty of reasoning power as to why people actually do bad stuff as well. I don’t believe you can prove morality is supernatural based.
As a kid, I was Catholic, I would always pray at night and what not. You know why? I was in a catholic school. What a shocker, was that the second I left the school, entering grade 7, I became an atheist. I slowly thought religion was actually doing nothing for me and in fact, I didn’t really believe in it (but I respect other people who do). It’s school and adults that make kids religious
Edit: I didn't expect so much debating in the comments ⊙_⊙
For me I ALWAYS felt like being Catholic was forced on me, my parents wanting a perfect picture for there perfect child, they got there stupid perfect picture but not their perfect child. I slowly but surely was drifting away from my religion, when me and my sister thought about it more and we had a little talk we decided that we were Atheists and not to tell our parents.
I’m truly sorry if this offended you in any way, I’m just saying based off what I believe and feel. Again I’m sorry.
@@lushwerg1185yeah it is tho. From the basics of psychology you would ask the question why at a super young age you would accept whatever your parents say as fast because they are smarter than you they know a lot of stuff they know all the things at that young oven age it may not be every time but it's most times as you can see most atheists started off as religious because it was force on to them by their parents
@@lushwerg1185I'm pretty sure this guy knows a lot more then your average Catholic priest
@@Huhuhhyhuhuh Faith is not forced. It is worked through. Everyone has free will, your parents might have not let you know the Truth properly. If you understand what I’m saying My Friend.
Religion started when the first con man met the first fool .
lol frl
any sources for your claims
@@Joshayx4 do you have a photograph of god
@@Joshayx4 Voltaire.
@@Joshayx4 I'm waiting for a photo
Reminder that the number of atheist agnostics and non religious people is growing steadily and makes up about 30 percent of the us population now.
Just googled that and it's not true. 4% of the US is atheist, and at most 15% if we combine all manner of "Non religious"
As for the entire world, about 7% are atheist. Sorry buddy.
I’m guessing non religious is the biggest group
In the words of Aron ra “we are born atheist until someone lies to us”
Because religious belief is intuitive doesn’t mean it’s real. A lot of people believe things that have no basis in reality. It’s sad how many people are gullible to irrational arguments like this. Of course that’s why religion is so popular.
Its not just intuitive it is instilled deeply in everyone there's no logical response for atheism disqualifying this argument
religious belief is NOT intuitive, SUPERSTITION is intuitive, it's an evolutionary survival trait to give agency to things that have none, religion is just made up in order to bully people and pass the buck "it's not ME burning you alive, my god demands it"
@@Mr_CyberCookieactually atheism is absolutely 100% perfectly logical.
@@Mr_CyberCookieWe evolved these behaviors to live in larger group.
@@Mr_CyberCookiewhat is better for an animal? To assume everything has agency? To assume nothing has agency? To waste time and effort trying to figure out what does and doesn't have agency?
Agency is our default perception of ourselves. Because we have agency. And another common cognitive bias is to assume that everything around us works the same way we do. That includes assuming agency. It is a natural instinct across the board to assume everything has agency and purpose, because it's a simple conclusion to reach and it takes a lot of work to disprove in every single context it appears. Wasting energy and time on it only benefits the intellectually enclined. It doesn't benefit wild animals and it doesn't benefit the average uneducated human. In fact, religion has been shown to be an easy way to reinforce useful behavior, such as social cohesion, following safety protocols, having consistent teaching methods, and so on.
The atheistic worldview ABSOLUTELY explains this better than christianity ever can. If we assume there is no God, we should expect to see this as we do. Evolution is the best explanation for this.
1:37 God has absolutely no explanatory value. It's no different than an alien conspiracy theory.
Of course you have no idea what atheism is. Atheism is simply not believing that "god did it" is an explanation for anything, especially considering that how god did something is never even mentioned.
"if atheism were true there would be no objective morality everything would be mere opinion but if there is a God then objective morality" -Gospel
The mere fact that people don't agree on morals already shows that morals aren't objective. If morals were objective, then they wouldn't come from a god, as that would make the morals subjective again.
Not every culture has a religion, and even those who do, don't necessarily have a god. Monotheistic religions are quite recent. The first religions worshipped nature, from there they started making idols, which became gods, which was later reduced to one god in some religions. Also, believing in something does not make it true. People also believed in a flat earth, some still do, even though it's not even remotely true.
3:53 Read the study. It bascially says that people are more likely to believe their intuition, even when it's wrong.
It also concluded that morals come from the community.
"Additionally, many of the specific moral intuitions held by members of a society appear to be the consequence, not of personal moral contemplation, but of deference to the views of the community." -Childhood origins of adult resistance to science
And here is the conclusion.
"These developmental data suggest that resistance to science will arise in children when scientific claims clash with early emerging, intuitive expectations. This resistance will persist through adulthood if the scientific claims are contested within a society, and it will be especially strong if there is a nonscientific alternative that is rooted in common sense and championed by people who are thought of as reliable and trustworthy. This is the current situation in the United States, with regard to the central tenets of neuroscience and evolutionary biology. These concepts clash with intuitive beliefs about the immaterial nature of the soul and the purposeful design of humans and other animals, and (in the United States) these beliefs are particularly likely to be endorsed and transmitted by trusted religious and political authorities. Hence, these
fields are among the domains where Americans’ resistance to science is the strongest." -Childhood origins of adult resistance to science
I didn't read the other studies, but it's likely they have a similar conclusion. Even when people tend to intuitively believe in a creator, it is in no way evidence for a creator. Just like people intuitively believe in a flat stationary Earth, even though Earth is a globe.
6:56 Once again god has absolutely no explanatory value as we can't even show that god even exists.
7:30 Adding "atheistic evolutionary" shows that you are dishonest.
8:39 "Atheism would never have predicted that humans would be". What bullshit claim is this? Absolutely no one could have predicted the existence of humans. Humans were only known about after they existed. Religion doesn't predict or explain anything, while evolution explains how humans evolved. Of course evolution can't predict what humans are going to evolve into, but it can trace the evolutionary path backwards in time.
Religion doesn't do anything other than claiming "god did it".
Mental gymnastics at its finest. What I was hearing was assertion, therefore God. How did you connect any of these assertions to a God? You haven't proved a God exists.
I'm an atheist who became a theist. I assure you that it was IN SPITE OF Christians. If you want to spread the good word.......spread a GOOD word once in a while.
I asked several people if they thought that their specific religion was the right religion, and that this was their personal decision. They all said, YES. I then said, "Don't you think it is odd that your parents also just happen to be of the very same religion !". Their faces turned red with anger, and some walked away.
Yeah that didn’t happen.
This is embarrassing. Stats say that church attendance is at an all time low and getting lower. Maybe people would believe in god if his people didn't act like absolute wads at every opportunity.
I’d like to take this time to clear up something. As a Catholic, I believe that you should respect someone else’s beliefs even if you disagree, while it is good to spread the word of God, it is also important to not judge as you are to let God’s will be done. God would not want you to be forcing your beliefs onto other people, doing that doesn’t help to give them faith, it just makes it worse.
So let me ask you this, Adriel... What are your thoughts on homosexuality, what is God's word on that? How about same-sex marriage? What about a women's right to choose regarding abortion? What is God's word about those beliefs?...
I really don’t care if people are homosexual or not, nothing like that bothers me as I have many friends that are homosexual. In my faith, the church does say that homosexuality is sinful, however it also emphasizes that you treat others like that with respect. I also want to bring up the fact that people say gay people don’t believe in God. That isn’t true. A lot of my gay friends are also catholic and extremely religious.
While the church says that marriage is between man and woman, the main takeaway from it is that it is for the procreation and education of children
Abortion is breaking the first commandment, however what I’m gonna say here is important. If a woman gets raped, and because of that she gets pregnant and she cannot afford to have a baby, I feel she can abort if she chooses too. While I prefer she have the baby, it’s her choice and if she simply cannot take care of one, I respect her choice. However, if you are a hooker, a sex worker, or just have your legs open all the time and keep getting abortions, I feel like your actions are unjustifiable.
@exemodleaker I'm no expert on my religion but most of these are just basic thing everyone who claims to be religious should know. Also keep in mind that if someone is doing something bad and are claiming God is telling them to do that, ignore what they said because they are breaking the 3rd commandment by bringing God's name into sin lol.
I went from a theist to an atheist after being in a church for 15 years. I realized that there would never be enough proof that god exists and there is plenty against what the bible shows with some miracles.
well in order to preserve my free will there can be NO proof of god, no evidence even.
You can't prove God exists but archeologist and scientist have proved so much in the Bible it's not just a book of stories its also actual history just look up all the things in the Bible with truth behind none is supernatural well some is like how they found the site where God rained fiery limestone on earth and they found a place littered with golf ball sized burnt limestone if you any questions I'm willing to answer them
This is the funniest joke I've ever seen
Stick a newborn on a deserted island for its whole life. Interview him when he reaches like 60 yrs old and ask if he believes in a god. He will not…
A newborn stuck on a deserted island would die in a few days, let alone never reach 60. Humans are born highly dependent on their parents. Even if the child was nursed for a few months then left on the island, it would probably die. Let’s say it somehow managed to survive until the age of 60. The child would not be able to communicate because it never acquired language skills, which was proven by Genie the feral child case. But, hypothetically, the man-child is taught how to communicate, it may have developed a belief in some sort of deity. It may even worship the ocean or sun. In Cast Away, Tom hanks is isolated from people for 4 years and develops an emotional connection with a beach ball, who knows what the child would if it managed to survive.
@@XxReedMC Exactly. Atheists think they’re clever, but this scenario is literally impossible lol.
We are not intuitively inclined to believe in a creator, that idea is instilled in us during our upbringing
That's not what the source says it says "Children left entirely to their own devices" meaning they did not get the idea from their upbringing.
Hope this helps 🙏.
@Mr_CyberCookie you mean to tell me you believe that study has no flaws or room for error? Also children are inclined to believe literally anything they see or hear. Using the population with the absolute weakest critical thinking skills to prove that God exists is lame af.
@@hu_ni_1 So you mean to tell me as an atheist (I assume) you do not believe in scientific accuracy of studies?
Also using children is actually very reliable because they did not copy or believe in god because they saw someone else do it but because their brain is wired to do it.
The children themselves are not proving god exists the people studying the children and seeing a creationist form are.
@@Mr_CyberCookie never trust a christian is my motto, it's more likely that this study is a fake, or it's done by a biased and fixed religious group or it's just made up by the guy doing the video, at BEST it's ONE study that goes counter to many other studies that show people are SUPERSTITIOUS not religious. christians are great liars, god will burn them alive if they get caught telling the truth won't they, how can you trust someone who is being watched 24/7 and believes they will go to hell if they piss god off?
you can't.
and my advice if you want unbiased peer reviewed studies about ANYTHING do not go to a crap religious video producer, go to the experts.
@@Mr_CyberCookieunder what circumstances was the study made? Was there a control group? Were the children able to go to their homes to their, statistically speaking, religious households? How old were the children when the study began? From what culture,race or religion where they brought up? All of these play a crucial role in the understanding of the data.
There is no such thing as objective morality, it’s totally subjective.
Thank you.
When are all the religions - and denominations of religions - going to complete their spiritual truth-quest, stop fighting about it, join hands and sing kumbaya? Never. They've had tens of thousands of years of searching and no gods have been demonstrated to exist. This is because religions aren't about facts, but feelings. Gods are feelings, not beings.
Multiple things claiming to be true does not mean they are all false. There are multiple views on theism just like there are multiple views on atheism. Anyone can start a religion, even you and me. But looking to see which is the most logical is not that hard of a task. Atheism leads to nihilism if people were to be objectively true to themselves and their world view. You can't explain knowledge, morality, objectivity. So people wouldn't be able to explain their worldview simply because they would have to use terms and ideas that are outside of their worldview.
On the other end, if people were to be objectively true to themselves for religion, it will all lead to Orthodox Christianity. I recommend u research on it, it's the denomination before all the denominations, the true continuation of the apostles that kept it's traditions and beliefs ever since the beginning. Catholicism added many new ideas that go against the theology and the historical evidence of practices, and Sola Scriptura does not work in any context, as you need an authority for the interpretation of the bible, it's either your own individual interpretation which lead to the many denominations we have today, or going with the historical and theological interpretations. And there is much more to it but I do not want to make the comment to long. So religions will never join hands and stop fighting, because we are fighting for the truth. Two contradictory things cant never go hand in hand no matter how much we try. If u have any more questions let me know
@@teoteodora7676 it's bollocks mate, you can talk as much as you want but until you can get god to DO something all you have is hot air and blushes. keep it to yourself if you want to keep going, trying to annoy people with your voodoo just makes it harder for religion to survive. not even religists want it - that's why church is only one day a week.
@@HarryNicNicholas are there any arguments in the reply you have given? If not then you have done nothing sending this comment. If your argument is "nuh-uh" and u think that is a valid one then I'm sorry to say but u have not proven or disproven anything. It's time to stop feeling attacked by different worldviews other than your own, because there is no point to it. It is more efficient to get mature about it and discuss something so we can both understand each other
The moral argument provides poor grounds for belief in God. Even if its core claim is true (and I don't think it is) that objective morality is only possible if a supernatural authority provides grounding for it, this merely provides prudential (not epistemic) reason to be a theist. (I should also note that Libresco promised on Patheos to respond to questions regarding her reasons for embracing theism, but merely said "check back for updates" - which never materialized.)
Supposing that objective morality is real, and that believing in God leads you to it... why do different Christians disagree on any moral matters? Why are there difference branches of the church?
Even IF her many base assumptions weren't entirely flawed, Christianity is very far from being the correct way to find an objective morality.
God is the opposite of moral though, I consider him as evil as Satan.
@@a_randomuser4 satan gets a bad rep, if you read all about him i think he's actually better qualified to run the universe, in fact - if they were real - satan is trying to save us from heaven, which is the real hell.
why would satan torment me for eternity, it's christians he hates, not sinners.....
@@HarryNicNicholas, Satan hates all humans, he just targets Christians the most because they are closer to God and will not likely go with him. I rather have none of them rule the universe.
@@HarryNicNicholasHave you read the Bible? Probably not. If so point to one verse quote it and tell me which one Jesus is depicted as evil, because Satan is literally called the great deciver and claimed he's told people to r*people others and to steal what do you mean he gets a bad rep? He's the ipitmiy of evil
If most people's belief in God is intuitive then is most people not being Christian also intuitive?
most people tend to be superstitious, it has nothing to do with god until they grow up and get indoctrinated, people are afraid of monsters under the bed, not gods. tigers are real, god had to be made up.
When the secret of death was revealed to me, it broke me. Knowing that there won't be a Heaven or even an endless darkness, it deeply disturbed me. But I soon found solace in the fact that I will no longer continue to exist, I'll be erased from existence and I'm okay with that.
It's a shame no-one will know the pure bliss I feel, knowing how it truly ends.
Just out of curiosity, how exactly did it go? Did you have some sort of near death experience or something?
The truth doesn't need an ad campaign. 😂
Congratulations! With religion slowly shrinking into irrelevancy, it’s important for you to bring attention to your few, small, sad victories.
Why tricycles are becoming bicycles: once I saw one tricycle that became a bicycle. The end.
let's get hammered.
I used to be Christian. No more. I like faith but I kinda view God like Santa now.
atheist here, we arent.
All theists are former atheists. No is born with a belief. Beliefs are taught and learned.
11:33 Your right, children seek the comfort of a God when they lack understanding. I won’t deny you your comforts, but hopefully one day you may have a deeper understanding of the Bible and the stories behind it.
Children seek a god, when they’re told they should and that there are punishments for NOT doing that. If you “left” a child alone, they wouldn’t need the fairytales. They would find their own meaning in things.
yep, religion is for the needy, desperate and people easily duped.
as they other commenter points out, children are told that they are sinners and will be burnt alive if they disobey, that's the sht morality we atheists fight against, and it's why people get trapped in this disgusting, voodoo belief system.
it'll be gone soon though, check pew polls and gallup, bye bye gods.
The Jordan, Euphrates, Bow and EL-bow are all rivers 🙌 ALLELUIA 🙌 A-men' 🌿
Ive always had horrible experiences with catholic people, whether it be from some distant family or just random strangers, all of which would do the usual fear mongering, start believing before you regret it, etc. and i personally fear early death heavily, so i looked for some coping mechanisms besides religion, and i found a talk on quantum immortality (tldr, your consciousness will always be alive, and any near death experience is just your consciousness moving to a different, survivable instance) I am very slow, but even though i struggled to understand it, it helped me get over said fear a lot. If anyones in the same boat id say its worth looking into, instead of involving yourself with these kinds of things. (or just get therapy cause i know plenty of catholic people who really just need to talk to someone)
You think Catholics are bad? Never go to the Middle East then lol
What about old age “near death”
@@_Sloppyham People have 2 ideas for it, some say that's when you run out of worlds where its possible to survive, and some say you're just going to be in a perpetual state of near death. if you want a more positive outlook on it the first one is a much better outcome.
@@Feebs_Art thank you for the explanation, cheers!
Doing the right thing because it’s right is better than doing the right thing because you think some omnipresent being is going to send you to a place of eternal torment if you don’t.
They aren’t. Religious institutions are rightfully bleeding
What a joke. No-one is BORN believing in God, you’re TAUGHT to believe in God.
Hi there would you like to sign my petition so that believers will stop trying to convert atheists
As a atheist myself, no, i was born knowing the big bang theory.
I love that theory tbh. It’s honestly incredible how everything came from nothing
@@adumate6543 watched a documentary about it, really interesting how the universe just spawned there.
@@JoesphBJ1046 I’ll have to watch it. It’s fascinating how it transcends all laws of physics
man, i literally don't care. if god exists, they exist.
personally i follow sillyism, which makes me a silly billy
i love sillyism
Gods can’t explain morality better than secular ideas. If there was a god who embodied objective morality, then we should be able to define clearly the boundaries between good and evil, but throughout the world people strongly disagree amongst each-other, even within narrow hands of Christianity or other religions.
I’d say the main reason people think things like this are happening is the same reason so many atheists think religious people are changing, is because we think the other is insane. I’ve been an atheist my entire life that isn’t going to change. Many of the people I know who have changed just had different life experiences that lead to that change of losing or finding reason.
It’s just life and the bumps along it.
I became an atheist who came from a very religious family. I don’t go to church anymore unless with family during holidays, mostly out of respect and love for my family. I don’t really participate but I will at least be present if they really want to spend time with me.
While I personally believe in God, this is not something i personally believe.
I have my reasons, mostly based of the chronological argument and other factors that I will not get into because there is no way anyone would read it and it would be a waste of time
Love how this had to be sponsered 😂😂😂
Me personally I am a former Christian. I am currently an atheist but I want to hear more about what you believe and have an open mind.
This is an open invitation to everyone to try to convince me or just help me get a better idea of why you guys believe this way
Edit: I don’t hate god or Christians or any religion. I just personally believe that there’s no god. Please ask me any questions to and I will try my best to answer them.
Please be civil and respectful for what I believe in even if you don’t agree with me
I have always believed because my mother gave her children a strong foundation in Jesus. I then boarded “the crazy train “ and didn’t get off for 60 years. Would you rather be a believer and be wrong or a nonbeliever and be wrong? The consequences are too horrible to think of, in that without being a follower and believer you have an eternity in actual hell, vs just being dead. I will pray for you as a family member and hope I see you after this life. God bless and keep you.❤
@@cynthiadavis474 Thank you very much for responding to me! This is a very very good argument to all atheists but I feel like I should now state my counter argument to you. I just want to repeat again I have no hate to you or any Christian’s in fact I have lots of friends who are Incredibly religious Christian’s.
But in my opinion if I were to be religious for this reason I would rather find the worst hell and be incredibly religious to that religion so I would not end up in that hell.
Once again thanks again for taking the time to respond to me and to give me your reason for being religious. I truly appreciate it. I really respect your dedication to your religion and no way do I think that you or any other person who is religious to any religion crazy.
I hope this doesn’t offend you or anyone and if you have any questions for me or want to tell me more about Christianity please go ahead. I’m quite interested in Religion and maybe one day I might even convert and I love it when people ask me questions.
Thank you ❤️ If there is a Heaven I hope you make it in!
I don’t know, But living every day, Knowing that someone or something you loved that has past just… Doesn’t exist anymore Sounds painful. For Christians, It’s Like “They’re in a better place now.” This isn’t a problem with atheists, But it just sounds like a negative of being one.
Also, Let’s talk about the creation of the world:
Everything is covered in the Bible. God created the earth, and the things in it and Man rejected it. Why are we here? To follow God.
From what I know, Atheists believe that we came into existence by chance. Why are we here? Nobody knows. Why should we exist? Nobody knows. It just sounds like Atheists trying to cover up that God exists, And it honestly doesn’t sound like they are doing a good job either.
If I was an atheist, I would have a hard time trying to find my reason to live, Because in the End, Nothing Really matters.
I don’t have a problem with atheists, I just fight their beliefs because if Hell really exists, I don’t want them to go there.
I understand. This is such an important issue that I want to say the right thing as The Holy Spirit leads me. First, the Bible doesn’t mention the dinosaurs, global resets and extinguishing all life forms multiple times. The Bible has one overriding reason for being written, that we humans are unable to follow Gods laws, moral laws, not to mention laws that Israel was given as the chosen people of God. Our only hope for redemption was sacrifice,which throughout history until Jesus came was animals, gold,silver, etc. We failed at that. Because of God’s GREAT LOVE for us, He sent His only son, Jesus, To Take On The Sins of the World (us) and die on the cross after being tortured and humiliated. I couldn’t endure that on my own best day even though Jesus had His lowest moment on that cross when that sin was laid on Him and He had to be separated fromHis Father because The Father cannot look on sin (there may be a better way to say this) therefore Jesus cried out My God, My God, why have you forsaken me? If you want to learn more about this act of taking on the sins, separation from The Father and the veil tearing in the Most Holy Place read the texts and all the other affects like earthquakes. I believe personally the impression left on the Shroud of Turin is His shroud. Others have tried to carbon date it, using fabric from another time or era. There is the sign of Jonah on it. The latest test says the cloth HAD TO BE with a very high dose of radiation to sear the cloth. All of this is leading to this. There is a Spirit of Life that had his only son become human to teach first to Israel
and then the Gentiles (THANK YOU MY GOD) and sent the Holy Spirit to be with us. It was Jesus who the Israel’s wanted to be a great military leader to overthrow the oppressive things they were taxed on, etc. God sent His SON who taught the heads of the religious sect that He Was the law, the law of forgiveness, and that He and His Father are LOVE. THE CAVEAT to this whole thing is you MUST REPENT TRULY, and ask Him into your heart which will change as you pray and read His Book. Do not be discouraged if you get bogged down in the names and the wars fought and
For some reason I overloaded my reply. Jeez. God didn’t want robots,therefore He gave humans free will. A two edged sword if I ever hears of one. The original sin was caused by disobedience to God. I know I’ve gone on and on, but declare your belief publicly the way Jesus spoke. Openly and unashamed. A few last points…I will never be able to write all I wasn’t to say to you. I use my mothers King James Version, and the Life Application
The teaching of Jesus is love, peace, forgiveness and reconciliation. A person does not need a religion to get that clear message, and without having to embrace any supernatural beliefs, and to the extent that a person aspires to be a person of love he or she is "of Jesus".
Also Jesus: "I have not come to bring peace, but a sword."
Aaah, true love! 😍 (If your reply contains the word 'context', dont bother responding.)
Of course any one could identify that saying as a metaphor. "Truth" is also metaphorically compared to a "sword", too. It's entirely not reasonable to suggest the Biblical character "Jesus" (whether he be real or made up) is depicted as an advocate for violence, since he would be turning the other cheek, etc. So the question is, does the notion of being a loving, sacrificial person appeal to someone or not. Alternatively, there are other philosophies, communism for example, that is more than happy to invite you to horrendous unending violence.
@@prestonbacchus4204 whatever "jesus said" is made up, you really ought to prefix it with "eusebius said, that josephus said, that matthew said, that mark said, that jesus said" if you want to be accurate.
The story could be completely made up or it could be based on someone's real life. We do not know. It's written in metaphor and can not be taken literally. Whether the message is worth reading is a matter of opinion.
@@Sir_Rots Seriously? Context is always critical when quoting anyone.
The internet will kill god.
@@michaelart4878umm u good
I am an avid church goer.... It is so easy to see that god sent himself to the world he made himself, to die for himself to save us from himself. Who cant figure that out? Wake up people!
This entire video starts with a generalization of a single instance to an entire group in which the individual bases their argument on an incredibly weak if not blatantly false premise. Morality is not objective and this is evident in the reality of conflict. If morality were objective, there would be no such thing as disagreements because we would all have identical values and belief systems and we wouldn't have philosophers or philosophy as a result. That said, even if morality WERE objective, this would not PROVE the existence of God because it is not a necessity, merely a possible explanation. The conflation of theism with Christianity (not a single other historical or current world religion is even mentioned - specifically the ones with no god, multiple gods, or ones where attributing morality to the creative designs of spiritual beings simply wouldn't make sense) is a pretty clear sign of the intellectual honesty at hand here, regardless of intent.
I used to be an atheist, but now I'm a believer.
A lot of people feeling hurt in the comments, they are uncomfortable. Good, this is the first step. 😆 Happened to me a few years before becoming a believer.
Cool. Unfortunately, being uncomfortable with people mocking my religion is ultimatly the first step to deconverting.
Also just out of curiosity, i have some questions for you
1. What made you start believing in god?
2. Whats your spiritual background?
3. How did your family react?
4. How old are you?
5. Do you believe in science, and if so, which kind of science?
Thanks would love to get a reply ❤
1:40, this is false
You why I beloved in God as a kid, and why I still do? Because my parents raised me that why and took me to church. I’m not programmed to know there’s a God or not.
i think that religions are just successful cults.
or that evolution was too complicated for ancient people to discover.
1:50 Love how you portrayed it as a bad or good situation i realLY feel loved rn. You saying were evil just for not believing in a god?
We're being culturally primed into belevieng in every certain religion that occupies every other continent.
yep, it's called democracy and capitalism, it will make everyone one big happy family, no more middle east crises.
Growing up, I was never exposed to any religion or atheism, but I've always been repulsed by religion. One problem with religion is if a god or many gods exist, then why are they no where to be seen. I do believe if god did exist or any of the gods or goddess from any of the polytheistic religion, they would show themselves.
I blame r/atheism
I love how people paid for this to get promoted on youtube and almost every comment is just people taking a big dump on the misinformation of the click bait title. Your side is losing sadly, I hate to break it to you but people are leaving major religions in droves.
I listened to the recent debate between Kyle Butt and Dr. Michael Shermer. I can't remember which one of them brought this point up, but both agreed that it was true. Anthropologists, Sociologists and Psychologists agree: It seems like humans are born with a natural inclination to believe in a higher power. To attribute intelligent design to creation. At the end of the day, each of us will decide what we believe and we will live with the consequences of our choice. As to the moral argument: if there is no objective truth (it seems to me) then there is no basis for morals at all. Everything comes down to opinion. As Frank Turek puts it " If moral relativism is true, then the difference between Mother Theresa and Hitler is simply personal preference."
we are NOT, we are born with superstition - a fear of the dark and the unknown, we have to be TAUGHT religions, that's why they are confused contradictory and bzillions of them, there is no god to direct.
My mom forced me to go to church even though I never believed in a God and now I’m still atheist 🤷
I don’t think we’re born to believe in anything I mean it’s all just learned.
Does anyone here like the blue jolly ranchers more then the others?
Definition of Theism: belief in the existence of a god or gods, especially belief in one god as creator of the universe, intervening in it and sustaining a personal relation to his creatures.
Just because there appears to be a movement to a belief in God, it may not be the true and only God.
Hm sure, all I know is I was raised being brainwashed into Christianity, and then eventually I realised it was baseless nonsense. But ok ;P
Romans 2:14-15 For when Gentiles, who do not have the law, by nature do what the law requires, they are a law to themselves, even though they do not have the law. They show that the work of the law is written on their hearts, while their conscience also bears witness, and their conflicting thoughts accuse or even excuse them
Is it possible for you to speak in plain English syntaxes rather than Christisnese?
If it’s written on their hearts, why does the Pope think 2% of the clergy are pedophiles?
no one cares mate, even the religists are quitting religion.
The Jordan, Euphrates, Bow and EL-bow are all rivers 🙌 ALLELUIA 🙌 A-men' 🌿
@@michaelart4878 i'm glad we cleared that up.
The comments give me hope for the future of society.
Superstition is dying, don’t kid yourself
I was born
I went to church but me and my family were Christian’s
But we were so busy we did not have time to go when I got older
I still have the Bible in my parents room under the bed
I did read a little bit by bit and then went online and learn stuff about the Bible and Christianity
Then I learned about atheism
I Was gonna but I discovered that religion especially Christianity helps people my parents did not forced me or anything
They are wise and kind hearted and they taught me the same and that a little bit of religious faith completes and aides me to live a fulfilling and happy life
It’s 2023 December
And I accept Jesus Christ and god in my heart and soul
Merry Christmas to all in world and religion
From Hinduism and atheist
Whatever helps you to living a happy life
For me it’s just the opposite. The older I get the less I comprehend how any intelligent well adjusted individual (especially women, there is no religion for women) can possibly believe in any form of a deity. Cult>religion>myth.
The amount of manipulation tactics, half truth and blatant lies in this 13 minutes video is insane.
The content does not correspond to the subject.
We’re born susceptible enough to believe whatever we’re told. Kids figure out santa isn’t real around 4-6 once they’re old enough to use critical thought, but becasue god does… well, god does less for the world than santa claus, it’s hard to apply critical thought to nothing.
Atheism is steadily increasing
You have _got_ to be kidding. I've heard a lot of silly arguments from theists, but this might be the silliest.
_"If there really is a God who is an intelligent supernatural creator who loves mankind and desires mankind should know the truth, what would we expect to see?"_
We'd expect mankind to know the truth, of course - _all_ of mankind. Instead, what _do_ we see? We see faith-based people worldwide _overwhelmingly_ believing in whatever religion and whatever god or gods they were taught to believe as children, agreeing on nothing.
We see Christians who can't even agree with _other Christians_ about much of anything, let alone with the other faith-based people in the world, even when they're all supposedly following the same magic book supposedly provided to them by the same supposedly all-knowing deity _specifically to tell them stuff!_
Of course, other people have their _own_ magic books, because those are the ones that _they_ were taught to believe as a child. And where one religion - like Christianity - has a big advantage, it's because that religion gained the political power to _force_ other people into the same religion.
Note that Christians are this diverse even _after_ the Catholic Church spent a thousand years rooting out 'heresy' with fire and sword. Good Christians - Catholic and Protestant alike - burned people alive. They tortured and killed throughout the world to suppress other religions and promote their own. They worked hard - and still work hard - to make the whole world agree with them.
And still, to this day, we have the kind of religious landscape we'd expect if all gods are just imaginary. But go ahead. Show me *one piece of good evidence* that your god is real, rather than simply imaginary. Just *one,* please, but specific enough and in enough detail that I can judge it for myself.
Evidence is how we distinguish reality from delusion and wishful-thinking. So, do you have *anything* distinguishable from wishful-thinking backing up your religious beliefs? Why is *one* too much to ask?
Or do you just have silly arguments like this, _desperately_ trying to defend the stories you were taught to believe as a child?
Free grace is the only true gospel.
The real reason for the Denominations is because they all teach a different mixture of faith plus works equals salvation nonsense.
Faith that works is just another cleverly repackaged version of faith plus works equals salvation.
The vast majority of professing Christians don't actually believe the gospel.
I've had miracles in my own life that prove that the God written about in the Bible is the only true God.
Are you willing to answer some straightforward questions concerning your comment?
@@TheoSkeptomai Who? Me or the other guy?
@hogansheroes2793 You. I apologize for not addressing the question to you?
@@TheoSkeptomai Sure.
Trends have shown that theism has been on a massive decline over the past decades.
Nice propaganda tho
Didn’t ask
We learn morals from our parents, they teach us how to treat others and how we should be ashamed if we treat someone bad. If you are born in a tribe somewhere in aftica and your parents tell you to never trust strangers and destroy them on sight, you not going to have any feelings after doing it, if you grow up in a society where nobody knows the word god, you will grow up and never know about god. By your standarts tribal people will go to hell, but some of them are completely isolated from your believes?
You folks are not sane.
I was born into a religious family, grew up pentecostal but realizedits not as good as it seemed. Im an atheist now, even if some atheists are becoming theists, MANY theists arebecoming atheists.
The Church is the only thing that still makes sense for me in this world of crazy pronouns
Said crazy pronouns that have always existed in language makes more sense than some non-existing entity sitting on the clouds and watching children starving and people dying of cancer while chuckling to himself about the number of followers he has like some Instagram influencer. No thanks.
@@xxxnapoleon69 *You (all)
For the plural you, that's how I was taught lol
No. We are born perfect, Stupidity is 100% learnt
the answer to this question is the same to the answer if "why dont homeless people live in houses", which is a very easy "they literally dont"
Well said and animated! I believe that the God of the Bible exists, because it makes the most sense. I see no contradiction in believing in an all powerful creator, God, and trying to understand more deeply His creation, science. God existing really does fit the evidence.
Unfortunately, the amount of division we see within Christianity is because false teachers have gone into the world spreading false gospels, as Christ, Paul, Peter, James, and John warned of. We all need to study God's Word carefully to fully understand HIS intent and HIS message, and to examine ourselves in light of all scripture to determine whether we have and are obeying God's will. God bless the work that goes on at GBN and Apologetics Press for spreading Truth.
Are you willing to answer some straightforward questions concerning your comment?
We might even learn that slavery is wrong even if it is permitted by the Bible. Throw off your yoke, and live free of your cruel Lord and Master.
My contradiction is we have no proof
@hallownest5488 this whole comment is talking about an implausible thing
just a quick reminder that the first amendment conflicts with the first commandment "thou shalt worship whoever you want"
and that the declaration of human rights gives ME more rights than god. is it annoying to you that the satanic temples has the SAME RIGHTS as god?
Im a devout Catholic but cmon man, this? This stuff is pretty subpar
To believe in religion you need to acknowledge both the absence of supporting evidence AND the presence of conflicting evidence.
I didn’t know god existed until I was old enough to understand basic language and my parents told me about him .
Yea no they're not, if anything its kinda the opposite way around.