I still don't understand the hate towards power of the GT86/BRZ. This is not an Autobahn hooner and around twisties it has just enough power. And if you don't think so, you probably cannot drive it properly to keep the momentum. Everybody wants power, only minority can use it on 100 %. And if you judge this car by its straight line performance and compare to a diesel driving nonsense like Laguna Grandtour or a TDI VW, you just don't understand the GT86. Period.
I really dont understand people that say a diesel is faster then a gt86. I have a gt86 and it does 100-200 in 19s, a bmw 320d 2020 with auto does it in 28s, so a diesel to be faster then a gt86 needs to have more then 240 hp.....
Na ja ich hätte kein bock die Ganze zeit Im 5. gang zu fahren Um an der 200. marke zu kratzen verstehe mich nicht falsch ich Fahre Einen 2014er Golf gtd mit 184ps Habe das gefühl das ist da was Zügiger in den sektor geht
the gt86 will one day become like the RX8. Absolutely left in the shadows until some people rediscover it and it will get its validation as a cheap fun and quick car.
@@MS-wd7gp couldn't agree more , even with a supercharger or turbocharger it is not confortabile enough.. a lot of wind and engine noise at high speeds , not a pleasant cruiser
@@hultii you're right. And it was never build to be a good cruiser for long turns. It's nearly perfect on the twisties. I personally own one for fun driving on country roads in the eifel. For longer traveling we use a golf gtd
It's the most beautiful car I've ever seen in my life and I don't understand why people hate it. It's a beautiful, fast car. It's true that it can't go 300 or 400 km/h, but it can be modified.
Exactly bought mine last chirstmas. Drive it mostly long distances for about 4 hours and these 4 hours are amazing. It is fast, handles awesomly and lightweight and it is affordable. Its an awesome entry level sports car which teaches you a lot about driving properly. I hope yours has manual gearbox :)
That's because it IS fun to drive. It simply is an awesome car. But in order to know that, you have to own one and drive it. Just watching videos on UA-cam doesn't do that car justice.
People are just lazy. They want the car to do all the work for them. This and Miata are wrong cars for them. Cars like this make better drivers. Can’t wait to get the new GR86
As mentioned already, it's the upshift indicator light and beeping chime. You can manually select the RPM when you'd like the shift indicator light and sound to happen. Plenty of vids on UA-cam showing how to adjust the setting.
Es un coche ideal para la gente joven. Porque es fuerte, pero no se descontrola la velocidad como con los turbo, que se embalan como pareja en discoteca, 😂 Y tiene un equilibrio muy ventajoso para nosotros. Lo veo el coche de los 30 jajajajaja 🤣
something is off with this car: I've got the same exact model and it runs much faster, especially from 180 to over 220; have you pushed it? where you on 100 octane?
Like how most yt commentators on this video on daily basis use all of their 200+ hp in their cars lol I mean, stfu 99% of you end up going 1-2-3-2-1 in daily traffic maxing 60km/h most of the time.
@@HeyItsMeSeb nah it’s because the 86 and the rest of those shitty cars are almost as slow as your thought process. If you think these cars are “Fast” you must be pretty stupid or don’t know what fast is
It is slow for people who love straight line racing , but people who are proud of owning these cars don't care about straight line performance because it only shows one aspect of your car's performance. These are light weight, well balanced cars that are perfect for curvy and technical tracks at an affordable price and they are also really fun to drive.
@@itsmethodical3779 lol why you being so defensive gt86 hater just go back to you’re favorite car a “cAmRy” yeah camry is faster than koenigsegg right?
Did this car have a maintenance yet? Even for stock seemed pretty slow to be honest. I did 252km/h on the clock going on the A4 towards Köln during the summer. Mine is a 2012 model.
Did the same with my BRZ feels like flying when you get the extra speed kick downhill on the A4 from Rastplatz Frechen ;) but to be fair I shit my pants :D
?? la mia lexus is 200 del 1999... raggiunge ancora i 222 km orari. e li raggiunge molto piu' velocemente... ora ha 432.000 km e sebbene la sua potenza sia solo di 155 cv. e molto piu' pesante .. onora ancora le sue prestazioni.. non capisco come una macchina piu' leggera e piu' potente, fatica ad arrivare ai 220... ma la gt 86 e espressamente studiata per drifting e divertimento in curva...
Why you want a turbo. Normal engines have a much better respomsiveness than witj turbos. And for that car, responsiveness is key. I am glad that car does not have a turbo and Toyota makes it as easy as possible for you guys to put a turbo in that engine, so if you want one, just go to your local tuning store.
@@alengreen589 Yes coming to europe aswell, new engine is 228bhp and more torque down low and midrange so it should transform the car with the extra torque down low in the range.
Then the amazing throttle response would go away.. And I think that's a thing I would enjoy a lot when driving this sports car. Plus, when driving fast on backroads you don't need more power.
Ich denke mal GT86 sind tolle Kurvenjäger Autos, nichts unbedingt für die Autobahn. Finde die Coupés sehr schön, doch neu kaufen würde ich mir hart überlegen. Da fehlt es an Leistung und der GR 86 macht da scheinbar nicht zu viel Raum klar.
@@VAGODROCHER-k2r Beim Neukaufen rede ich auch vom GR 86, der ist neu. GR ist die Sportmarke von Toyota es ist faktisch noch ein GT 86, nur auf Acid mit besserer rundum Vorabstimmung durch Toyotas Gazoo Racing Team. Die nehmen da keine alten Autos, wenn Sie dir einen neu beim Händler verkaufen. Da wird ein neues Auto mit neuem Motor gebaut ;) mit Ersatzteilen aus dem Lager, richtig. Glaube keiner ist so Naiv und denkt, dass nicht vieles hier übernommen wird dennoch Neuwagen mit „0” km kannst du kaufen. Auch wenn kein Neuwagen jemals mit 0 km kommt. Selbst der hat nicht unbedingt genügend Pferde unter dem Deckel um jetzt unbedingt Autobahn-Dauerfahrer schmackhaft zu reden. Trotz dessen das er mehr Hubraum hat. Da sollte man doch eher, schauen und zum neuen Supra greifen, direkt sich mit anderen Autos beschäftigen. Wenn einem Autobahn sehr wichtig ist.
@@failxontourhab bald ein Arbeitsweg von 100km,davon 60 auf der Autobahn,welche Kiste würdest du empfehlen?? Hab natürlich an einen Diesel gedacht, bin ja eigentlich Toyota Fan, fahre auch grad einen Toyota Paseo, aber halt als Benziner, hab mitbekommen das Toyota nicht so gute Diesel baut und sie deswegen was aus dem BMW Lager nehmen mussten😂😂
@@VAGODROCHER-k2r Da spielt halt auch ein wenig Markenaffinität mit, klingt für mich nach diesem typischen das „das fällt vom Band ab bei Hersteller X angebaut bei Hersteller Z” gibt es überall und in irgendeiner Form taucht das immer wieder auf. Auf so einen Bullshit sollte man sich lustig machen, aber sollte man eigentlich nicht darüber nachdenken, zustimmen wahrscheinlich eher nicht :P Ich Mutmasse jetzt mal ein wenig, wobei man das eigentlich wie ich selber sagte nicht sollte. Vielleicht ist das ja auch eine strategische Entscheidung BMW Teile = höhere Kompatibilität mehr KFZ Werkstätten mit Ersatzteilen in bestimmten Regionen die man fokussieren möchte. Nicht jede Entscheidung Teile von anderen Herstellern zu übernehmen, gleicht nicht automatisch in schlechterer Qualität auch nicht in ein Versagen des Herstellers. Das machen die Leute daraus :P Ich persönlich kenne mich nicht zu sehr mit Autos aus, fahre leider dafür auch noch nicht zu lange. Um dir da Feedback zu geben, der Paseo sieht aber witzig aus sowas sieht man recht wenig auf deutschen Straßen. Ich finde meine Karre, auch schon echt witzig, VW Polo 9N3 GTI mit 150 PS. Der schafft auch im 5-Gang seine 216 Km/h. Ordentliche Software drauf und mal fast 50% mehr Leistung, für 3.700€ Kaufpreis. Not bad. Hatte aber auch einen ziemlichen Glücksgriff gemacht, der war einfach nur außen runter Technik top.
Very slow for 200hp, with my old original 500 Abarth SS with only 160hp I take over 220 on Autobahn with speedometer, 215 with GPS (no downhill, no cars).
That is slow af ... I do not think it has its 200hp, maybe 180? It looks like a BMW 120i maybe, it takes ages to get to 200, i know its not the purpose of that car but a turbo engine with maybe 220 to 250 hp would be adequate
@@Vince-23 mah.... sai il significato di “lento” è molto relativo. È una macchina che non ha assolutamente la pretesa di fare lo 0-100 da supercar. È un mezzo che cerca, ad un prezzo molto contenuto, di far emozionare il suo proprietario. Grazie ad assetto, estetica, leggerezza, la sua onestissima punta di 230 km/h e i suoi onestissimi 7 secondi per lo 0-100, che già bastano ed avanzano per battere l’ 80% delle vetture in circolazione. Emozionare soprattutto grazie alla filosofia che c’è dietro: il dover stare con il sedere a 10 cm dall’asfalto e il dover uscire dalla curva rapidamente, scalando ad una marcia più bassa per cercare la potenza che si trova nei giri più alti, lasciandoti coinvolgere dal sound del motore. Questo là golf gti del tizio del primo commento non può farlo, che gli piaccia o no. Perciò chi fa ragionamenti superficiali deve essere interpellato. Perché semplicemente non ha capito la macchina. È come vedere un video di un camion e dire “eh ma in curva lo batto io con la mia panda a metano”. E grazie al ca... è un camion! Questa macchina è stata progettata per divertire nel misto, e tra una curva e l’altra non hai necessariamente bisogno dello 0-100 in 5 secondi o meno. Va goduta ogni cambiata, guidando nel misto stretto ad una media di 90/100 punto. Obiettivo riuscito alla grande.
@@Vince-23 ma non stiamo mica parlando di un incrociatore autobahn. Questo “pacchetto auto” vuole semplicemente offrire, ad un prezzo contenuto, tutte quelle peculiarità che solo una sportiva sportiva sa darti: handling, peso ridotto, estetica e emozioni, date dal fatto di ritrovarsi a 1 cm dall’asfalto e dal motore che fischia fino a 7000 giri. Per il prezzo che ha svolge il suo lavoro più che egregiamente, poi se volete elaborarla non ci sono problemi, con 6000€ vi installate un kit compressore volumetrico e la macchina schizza con i cavalli. La verità a mio avviso è che molti di noi non hanno compreso la macchina e la decontestualizzano costantemente. Vi lamentereste mai di un autocarro per le sue scarse doti in fatto di agilità? No, perché sapete che ciò per cui è nato il camion non è fare un misto stretto ad una media di 100 km/h, bensi quello di ottenere quanta più capacità di carico possibile. Stessa cosa vale per sta povera macchina, che molti hanno sotterrato “eh ma non accelera”😒... ma vi siete chiesti per cosa è stata creata?
I know it's uncool to say this car is slow, because "real drivers appreciate handling, lets all wank in a circle", etc... but it really is a gutless, crap engine. No torque, no midrange, no top end. On a back road you're either in 2nd thrashing it against the redline, or you're in a dead spot in 3rd. All the time. It's pathetic really. And 200bhp isn't a bad number, it's just Subaru can't make a proper engine Toyota had the 1.8 supercharged just waiting to go as well, which would've made this car an all-time great. And now with the new one? A 2.4 4 cylinder. Because it's still 1999 in the Subaru factory presumably.
I still don't understand the hate towards power of the GT86/BRZ. This is not an Autobahn hooner and around twisties it has just enough power. And if you don't think so, you probably cannot drive it properly to keep the momentum. Everybody wants power, only minority can use it on 100 %. And if you judge this car by its straight line performance and compare to a diesel driving nonsense like Laguna Grandtour or a TDI VW, you just don't understand the GT86. Period.
@Gt 200 As I said - you don’t understand it
I really dont understand people that say a diesel is faster then a gt86. I have a gt86 and it does 100-200 in 19s, a bmw 320d 2020 with auto does it in 28s, so a diesel to be faster then a gt86 needs to have more then 240 hp.....
You got it! Everyone cries for power but you get used to it anyway after some weeks. And then you learn to value the handling and lightness.
Na ja ich hätte kein bock die Ganze zeit Im 5. gang zu fahren Um an der 200. marke zu kratzen verstehe mich nicht falsch ich Fahre Einen 2014er Golf gtd mit 184ps Habe das gefühl das ist da was Zügiger in den sektor geht
@@leonschmidt7063 dann ist dein Eindruck falsch. 😅 Der GTD fährt Serie um die 28-30 sec 100-200, der GT86 21-22.
the gt86 will one day become like the RX8. Absolutely left in the shadows until some people rediscover it and it will get its validation as a cheap fun and quick car.
Well, the GR 86 comes out at the end of the year/beginning of next year. It's supposed to be an improvement of the GT86
Rx8 still in shadows lol!
Nah it might sky rocket the price up like the ae86 because of mf ghost
The RX8 faded away because they all started to get engine failure.
The face lift models will live on forever I feel like. Timeless car
I've just bought one guys !!! It should be delivered by the end of this week, i'm so happy
GZ. Bought mine last Christmas. Trust me you will love it
gg bro that my dream car over here !
I’ve been dreaming about one of these since I was 13 soon I’ll join you boys, enjoy it brother !
Headers , exhaust and a tune, great sound and it will be noticeable faster
But still no car for the German Autobahn.
@@MS-wd7gp couldn't agree more , even with a supercharger or turbocharger it is not confortabile enough.. a lot of wind and engine noise at high speeds , not a pleasant cruiser
@@hultii you're right. And it was never build to be a good cruiser for long turns.
It's nearly perfect on the twisties.
I personally own one for fun driving on country roads in the eifel. For longer traveling we use a golf gtd
@@MS-wd7gp same here, I made mine even worse , with catless headers, new exhaust and lowering springs. But in the twisties it all makes sense :)
Throttle Controller people...get thee a Throttle Controller for this car.
It's the most beautiful car I've ever seen in my life and I don't understand why people hate it. It's a beautiful, fast car. It's true that it can't go 300 or 400 km/h, but it can be modified.
Exactly bought mine last chirstmas. Drive it mostly long distances for about 4 hours and these 4 hours are amazing. It is fast, handles awesomly and lightweight and it is affordable. Its an awesome entry level sports car which teaches you a lot about driving properly. I hope yours has manual gearbox :)
It's really sad that 200+kph is slow for these people.
@SrVennin YT how Much time to reach 200 km/h with your car?
@SrVennin YT your car is fwd.. you just can’t compare
@SrVennin YT if you just care about top speed yes you can
@SrVennin YT 0-200 under 10 seconds in Astra? Great fairytale.
@SrVennin YT You are being ridiculous... If you rate this car by his top speed, then you don't know why it's made for
as long as it's fun to drive, I'll take it
can i tell you something please
Is that naofumi
@@bananajotaro9283 Yes it's definitely it
@@theice3596 yes mate, what is it?
@@herwinladres3659 i don't know
Una delle poche macchine moderne, a prezzi umani, che vale la pena acquistare.
Mi piace un tot, sono curioso di vedere quanto costerà la GR86, ma temo che il prezzo di listino lieviterà rispetto a quanto costava questa.
Looks fun as hell to drive
1:49 and Toyota say by by to Audi TT xD
Great car and beautiful road whit nice weather
"I live my life a quarter mile at a time, In those 49 seconds I'm free"
This looks so much fun to drive ... 🥺
That's because it IS fun to drive. It simply is an awesome car. But in order to know that, you have to own one and drive it. Just watching videos on UA-cam doesn't do that car justice.
"not enough power" lol. Even my 110HP Miata has enough power to travel at a decent pace on the autobahn.
People are just lazy. They want the car to do all the work for them. This and Miata are wrong cars for them. Cars like this make better drivers. Can’t wait to get the new GR86
@@yo-nq9wr r u a kid
@@sasajungic89 better take a picanto its faster from this duck😂😂
@@sasajungic89 Dude couldn't even keep up with the Q5 that flew by lmao.
Except a 110HP Miata/MX5 won't even reach 120mph. Takes almost 10 seconds to reach 60mph 😬
what is the beeping sound at 1:13 ? and again at 1:48. I had the same sound the other day, but could not figure out what it was for.
From what I see it looks like it beeps when the shifting passes the redline for a second, not sure tho
Yeah its a shift now indicator
As mentioned already, it's the upshift indicator light and beeping chime. You can manually select the RPM when you'd like the shift indicator light and sound to happen. Plenty of vids on UA-cam showing how to adjust the setting.
Es un coche ideal para la gente joven. Porque es fuerte, pero no se descontrola la velocidad como con los turbo, que se embalan como pareja en discoteca, 😂 Y tiene un equilibrio muy ventajoso para nosotros. Lo veo el coche de los 30 jajajajaja 🤣
I got crazy hood wiggle when i went on the autobahn. Some tape did fix the problem though
something is off with this car: I've got the same exact model and it runs much faster, especially from 180 to over 220; have you pushed it? where you on 100 octane?
i have eclipse coupe ,but this is on my target , looks like a good car to drive 200hp its more then enough for me soo yeaa
207 kmh???? HOLY SHITTTT
Got mine for my 30th and yes its a lil weirdo but I like it
Does it have peddle shifter
is the engine all stock?
Bella macchina motore aspirato veramente tosta
Peccato che non vada un tubo, fa più rumore che strada....
What kind of phone base is that?is it stable for video shots?
Like how most yt commentators on this video on daily basis use all of their 200+ hp in their cars lol I mean, stfu 99% of you end up going 1-2-3-2-1 in daily traffic maxing 60km/h most of the time.
Why did you skip at 4:00
That Megane wanted to race !
We all know how that would go..
one damn pebble and ur beside Jesus.
They say brz/gt86/frs are slow...are you sure ab that
I’ve seen Camrys beat them
@@itsmethodical3779 bc the camry gets a 20 second head start 😎😎😎
@@HeyItsMeSeb nah it’s because the 86 and the rest of those shitty cars are almost as slow as your thought process. If you think these cars are “Fast” you must be pretty stupid or don’t know what fast is
It is slow for people who love straight line racing , but people who are proud of owning these cars don't care about straight line performance because it only shows one aspect of your car's performance. These are light weight, well balanced cars that are perfect for curvy and technical tracks at an affordable price and they are also really fun to drive.
@@itsmethodical3779 lol why you being so defensive gt86 hater just go back to you’re favorite car a “cAmRy” yeah camry is faster than koenigsegg right?
Vengo por vicesat chavules!
Did this car have a maintenance yet? Even for stock seemed pretty slow to be honest. I did 252km/h on the clock going on the A4 towards Köln during the summer. Mine is a 2012 model.
Exactly, i also hit 240+ with mine
Did the same with my BRZ feels like flying when you get the extra speed kick downhill on the A4 from Rastplatz Frechen ;) but to be fair I shit my pants :D
If you are driving this car straight you are driving it wrong.
Got 230 but it could have gone faster if there were less cars
I think it is beause he encountered so many people who just couldnt drive and get in another lane when there is a car faster than yourself...
good morning my friend 🙋
I'm just a huge fan of boxer engine
Bis 200 geht er einigermaßen flott, aber dann ist die Luft raus scheinbar...
If this compare to my mustang nahh I will still buy the 86
we didnt even see the 6th gear...
Is this really autobahn? Looks like USA the way people are cutting you off.
I have honda city it goes 200kph on116bhp engine but cant drift it as its fwd
Smells like Honda fan boy
?? la mia lexus is 200 del 1999... raggiunge ancora i 222 km orari. e li raggiunge molto piu' velocemente... ora ha 432.000 km e sebbene la sua potenza sia solo di 155 cv. e molto piu' pesante .. onora ancora le sue prestazioni.. non capisco come una macchina piu' leggera e piu' potente, fatica ad arrivare ai 220... ma la gt 86 e espressamente studiata per drifting e divertimento in curva...
I like the car in general and would consider getting one of those in the future, BUT only if it gets a Turbo...
It’ll never have a Turbo, this is not why that car exist and what ut represent bro
Why you want a turbo. Normal engines have a much better respomsiveness than witj turbos. And for that car, responsiveness is key. I am glad that car does not have a turbo and Toyota makes it as easy as possible for you guys to put a turbo in that engine, so if you want one, just go to your local tuning store.
People in whole europe travel to germany just because of the highways.
Oh I see…
I'm scared of car lovers
Mit meinem Gt86 bin ich 236Km/h laut Tacho gefahren und es wäre noch mehr gegangen,wenn mir nicht
einer rübergezogen wäre.😅
can u do pushing in night
hopefully the next one come with a Turbo and more Torque ?
2.4L flat 4 NA
@@adampatterson4857 to Europe also ??
@@alengreen589 Yes coming to europe aswell, new engine is 228bhp and more torque down low and midrange so it should transform the car with the extra torque down low in the range.
@@adampatterson4857 the torque improvements are insane
Just add a supercharger yourself. Skip gr86
and get one already turbo or supercharged
Bro only 220kmh for 2.0L?
Even my 2.4L camry can smoke this at top speed😂
I’m pretty sure that a turbo would be a good idea 🤔📈
Ja.. Is not that's slow but seems like need 40...50 ps more
Till you have to fill up
Then the amazing throttle response would go away.. And I think that's a thing I would enjoy a lot when driving this sports car. Plus, when driving fast on backroads you don't need more power.
Yeah more power needed or engine HONDA 😈
Every comment under every 86 / BRZ ever 🤣
is it top speed ? 210?autobahn?what you want to show us?i saw you keep decrease your speed when you reach 210kmh LOL
Wie kann man sowas Filmen ? Noch etwas langsamer, dann rollt es rückwärts den Berg wieder herunter 🤣
1:39 - 2:18
Anda como un Civic b16 stock
To reach 220kmh not easy
Ich denke mal GT86 sind tolle Kurvenjäger Autos, nichts unbedingt für die Autobahn. Finde die Coupés sehr schön, doch neu kaufen würde ich mir hart überlegen. Da fehlt es an Leistung und der GR 86 macht da scheinbar nicht zu viel Raum klar.
Neu kaufen??? Die 2 Generation ist schon lange raus mein Freundchen, wir leben nicht mehr in 2011
@@VAGODROCHER-k2r Beim Neukaufen rede ich auch vom GR 86, der ist neu. GR ist die Sportmarke von Toyota es ist faktisch noch ein GT 86, nur auf Acid mit besserer rundum Vorabstimmung durch Toyotas Gazoo Racing Team. Die nehmen da keine alten Autos, wenn Sie dir einen neu beim Händler verkaufen. Da wird ein neues Auto mit neuem Motor gebaut ;) mit Ersatzteilen aus dem Lager, richtig. Glaube keiner ist so Naiv und denkt, dass nicht vieles hier übernommen wird dennoch Neuwagen mit „0” km kannst du kaufen. Auch wenn kein Neuwagen jemals mit 0 km kommt.
Selbst der hat nicht unbedingt genügend Pferde unter dem Deckel um jetzt unbedingt Autobahn-Dauerfahrer schmackhaft zu reden. Trotz dessen das er mehr Hubraum hat.
Da sollte man doch eher, schauen und zum neuen Supra greifen, direkt sich mit anderen Autos beschäftigen. Wenn einem Autobahn sehr wichtig ist.
@@failxontourhab bald ein Arbeitsweg von 100km,davon 60 auf der Autobahn,welche Kiste würdest du empfehlen?? Hab natürlich an einen Diesel gedacht, bin ja eigentlich Toyota Fan, fahre auch grad einen Toyota Paseo, aber halt als Benziner, hab mitbekommen das Toyota nicht so gute Diesel baut und sie deswegen was aus dem BMW Lager nehmen mussten😂😂
@@VAGODROCHER-k2r Da spielt halt auch ein wenig Markenaffinität mit, klingt für mich nach diesem typischen das „das fällt vom Band ab bei Hersteller X angebaut bei Hersteller Z” gibt es überall und in irgendeiner Form taucht das immer wieder auf.
Auf so einen Bullshit sollte man sich lustig machen, aber sollte man eigentlich nicht darüber nachdenken, zustimmen wahrscheinlich eher nicht :P
Ich Mutmasse jetzt mal ein wenig, wobei man das eigentlich wie ich selber sagte nicht sollte. Vielleicht ist das ja auch eine strategische Entscheidung BMW Teile = höhere Kompatibilität mehr KFZ Werkstätten mit Ersatzteilen in bestimmten Regionen die man fokussieren möchte.
Nicht jede Entscheidung Teile von anderen Herstellern zu übernehmen, gleicht nicht automatisch in schlechterer Qualität auch nicht in ein Versagen des Herstellers. Das machen die Leute daraus :P
Ich persönlich kenne mich nicht zu sehr mit Autos aus, fahre leider dafür auch noch nicht zu lange. Um dir da Feedback zu geben, der Paseo sieht aber witzig aus sowas sieht man recht wenig auf deutschen Straßen.
Ich finde meine Karre, auch schon echt witzig, VW Polo 9N3 GTI mit 150 PS. Der schafft auch im 5-Gang seine 216 Km/h. Ordentliche Software drauf und mal fast 50% mehr Leistung, für 3.700€ Kaufpreis. Not bad. Hatte aber auch einen ziemlichen Glücksgriff gemacht, der war einfach nur außen runter Technik top.
@@VAGODROCHER-k2r Für 100km Arbeitsweg würde ich Zuhause bleiben und Hartz IV beantragen lol
had one 4 yrs, great car
now driving Cayman 981, even greater car :-)
does it have an autoblip option?
@@latlak ur mum does
Very slow for 200hp, with my old original 500 Abarth SS with only 160hp I take over 220 on Autobahn with speedometer, 215 with GPS (no downhill, no cars).
The Abarth has a lot of turbo lag though which is quite annoying. Also the gearbox isn't great. I know, I have one.
God this is just sad. Cant even drive fast on a freaking Autobahn, because m**%s hog the 3rd lane going 120kmh!
Der zieht ja nicht einmal die Wurst vom Brot
Full sends 86... Audi Q5 flys past it like nothing. lmao
Ew gt86 hater who the hell hates jdm cars
@@HeyItsMeSeb I love JDM. The 86 is just abysmally slow, even if it is made to handle
@@driftracerr34 no jdm lover hates any jdm car
@@HeyItsMeSeb I don’t hate the 86. I just don’t like how underpowered it is
@@driftracerr34 ok
If only
Je trouve que sa se traîne
That is slow af ... I do not think it has its 200hp, maybe 180? It looks like a BMW 120i maybe, it takes ages to get to 200, i know its not the purpose of that car but a turbo engine with maybe 220 to 250 hp would be adequate
keep talking shit about the 86 keep them prices low for us
In high revs sound like wartburg 🤣
omg so slow, my bugatti chiron is faster.
Weird flex but ok
Lmao xD
Too much traffic on Auto bahn
1:3& bruh that car
Very little punching power.
My old gti v dsg stock will destroy it.... with the same BHP
Gaaaaaayti :D:D go home
@@michelangelotacconi è lenta bella ma lenta si deve dire
@@Vince-23 mah.... sai il significato di “lento” è molto relativo. È una macchina che non ha assolutamente la pretesa di fare lo 0-100 da supercar. È un mezzo che cerca, ad un prezzo molto contenuto, di far emozionare il suo proprietario. Grazie ad assetto, estetica, leggerezza, la sua onestissima punta di 230 km/h e i suoi onestissimi 7 secondi per lo 0-100, che già bastano ed avanzano per battere l’ 80% delle vetture in circolazione. Emozionare soprattutto grazie alla filosofia che c’è dietro: il dover stare con il sedere a 10 cm dall’asfalto e il dover uscire dalla curva rapidamente, scalando ad una marcia più bassa per cercare la potenza che si trova nei giri più alti, lasciandoti coinvolgere dal sound del motore. Questo là golf gti del tizio del primo commento non può farlo, che gli piaccia o no. Perciò chi fa ragionamenti superficiali deve essere interpellato. Perché semplicemente non ha capito la macchina. È come vedere un video di un camion e dire “eh ma in curva lo batto io con la mia panda a metano”. E grazie al ca... è un camion! Questa macchina è stata progettata per divertire nel misto, e tra una curva e l’altra non hai necessariamente bisogno dello 0-100 in 5 secondi o meno. Va goduta ogni cambiata, guidando nel misto stretto ad una media di 90/100 punto. Obiettivo riuscito alla grande.
200mph in toyota
Why is this so lame ....looks good but is not fast for that horsepower lollll
Long gears, pretty slow
is it reliable? anyone? i switched from is250 to a bmw f20 and regretting it hhhahahahaha
@Jan Napel ten I honestly prefer no turbo. especially in a country like Singapore.
1.6tdi >2.0 gt86
200PS??? Sehr schlechte Performance...
My 2017 Hyundai Sonata 2.0T accelerate faster than that 😂 245hp/260lbs of torques and 1640kg
K cool
@@michelangelotacconi è lenta bella ma lenta
That's awesome to hear thank you for sharing.
@@Vince-23 ma non stiamo mica parlando di un incrociatore autobahn. Questo “pacchetto auto” vuole semplicemente offrire, ad un prezzo contenuto, tutte quelle peculiarità che solo una sportiva sportiva sa darti: handling, peso ridotto, estetica e emozioni, date dal fatto di ritrovarsi a 1 cm dall’asfalto e dal motore che fischia fino a 7000 giri. Per il prezzo che ha svolge il suo lavoro più che egregiamente, poi se volete elaborarla non ci sono problemi, con 6000€ vi installate un kit compressore volumetrico e la macchina schizza con i cavalli. La verità a mio avviso è che molti di noi non hanno compreso la macchina e la decontestualizzano costantemente. Vi lamentereste mai di un autocarro per le sue scarse doti in fatto di agilità? No, perché sapete che ciò per cui è nato il camion non è fare un misto stretto ad una media di 100 km/h, bensi quello di ottenere quanta più capacità di carico possibile. Stessa cosa vale per sta povera macchina, che molti hanno sotterrato “eh ma non accelera”😒... ma vi siete chiesti per cosa è stata creata?
2liter N/A 122hp mazda 3 has got more torque 😂
mazda 3 was made for torque lol, this was not
So a Camry is faster. Got it.
On Autobahn yes, on Tracks nah
Break out the 40 year old Merc that was faster and more exciting.
I know it's uncool to say this car is slow, because "real drivers appreciate handling, lets all wank in a circle", etc... but it really is a gutless, crap engine. No torque, no midrange, no top end. On a back road you're either in 2nd thrashing it against the redline, or you're in a dead spot in 3rd. All the time. It's pathetic really.
And 200bhp isn't a bad number, it's just Subaru can't make a proper engine Toyota had the 1.8 supercharged just waiting to go as well, which would've made this car an all-time great. And now with the new one? A 2.4 4 cylinder. Because it's still 1999 in the Subaru factory presumably.
A car like this needs 400hp minimum in 21st century.
lol my truck accelerates faster lol
Slow car.
200/3 hp
0-60 in 20 days 🤣🤣🤣
in about 8 sec
Mine does it in 6.2
Soon only 6.1 secs,
... And still one of the most engaging cars to drive.
200ch= 200km/h What Fake? 😂😂😂
Asian junk car 😂
Whats your car bro 😄😄
@@babapuro61 audi rs 5
@@TheKingOf2025 German junk car. PS: I'm german.
Dangerously slow for the autobahn, the 86 should be illegal in Germany
If you don't drive a Bugatti shouldn't allowed to drive on it? Jesus people..... Bu I hope you will find the Barrier with that 300+ kph
You think it’s a game
Yeah I am fine with my 60PS Ford Ka