A lot of these ceremonies and duties have lost their reverence over the years, and now varies greatly between areas. I'm a Catholic Deacon, and there is so much beauty in the traditions.
@@danieljhalab6775 A deacon, or even a Bishop (some wear dalmatics from time to time) would say "Lord, endow me with the garment of salvation, the vestment of joy, and with the dalmatic of justice ever encompass me."
@@dcnnick thank you. Do you mean some them from time to time in the Meaning of wearing a tunical a dalmatic And a chasuble in the context of a pontifical mass
@@danieljhalab6775 I have heard of Bishops wearing both a chasuble and dalmatic at certain times... or just a dalmatic when blessing a new altar or more commonly when washing the feet. I think it was St. Pope John Paul II used to even fold his stole and wear it as a diaconate stole when washing the feet.
Very dignify for his priestly duties as is supposed to be. For God always people should do their best May God bless all of those priests who still keep their priestly identity and preserve their love and seal for their vocation.
The vesting prayers are usually said in the sacristy. However, in some parishes and on special occasions, the celebrant(s) vest in the sanctuary and recite the prayers before the congregation.
Liturgical law only provides for a Bishop to vest in the sanctuary, and at the Chair, for a Stational or a Pontifical Mass or (if not his See) a solemn celebration for which he is invited. The provisions do not extend for a Priest or Deacon. They should vest in the sacristy. And there is something to be said for the dignified practice of a Bishop wearing a simple Dalmatic under his Chasuble for solemn occasions such as the Paschal Triduum, Ordinations, Dedication of a Church, etc.
Priest still does this before Mass of course, pretty much the same, I see it many times as our sacristy is beside the office and of course the bell will always be rang at start of Mass
Dave Dave I like those vestments better, especially since they allow more freedom of arm movement, a lot of these baggy gothic styles look to be a safety hazard as they look easy to trip over.
Are these beautiful vestments still allowed in the ordinary form (Novus Ordo) ? Is there any document that explains the prohibition of these vestments in the ordinary form?
It wasn't and never will. Catholic traditions are not abandoned by the Holy Church, because it's the Church who sustains them. If any priest, bishop or even the Holy Father dare threaten the Traditional Latin Mass or the traditions of our ancestors he acts rashly and should not be followed. I advice you to read the bull Quo Primum Tempore of Saint Pius V and know about SSPX. God Bless.
Actually, even the Novus Ordo priests still say these prayers. The only thing that is different is the fact they don't say it in Latin and there vestments look different. I wish we never had the Novus Ordo catastrophe. Too many liberal and freemasonic "bishops" have infiltrated the church. We must pray that God helps us with this problem in the church today.
***** That's true, I was speaking about the majority of Novus Ordo vestments now compared to the majority Tridentine mass vestements then. Almost like they switched.
This is also done in Anglo-Catholic (Anglican Communion & "Continuing Anglican" Movement) as well as in the "Evangelical Catholic" branches of the Evangelical-Lutheran Church (Church of Finland, Church of Sweden, and "traditionalist" orthodox Lutheran congregations in the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America).
Literally every priest of the Catholic Church can wear old liturgical clothes ...In the Catholic Cathedral of London ... new liturgical vestments are always available, but no one ever wears them, everyone prefers the old
Before ascending the Altar, the Priest says the following prayers, excepting the last, which he should commit to memory. Washing his hands: Largire sensibus nostris omnipotens Pater, ut sicut hic abluuntur inquinamenta manuum, ita a te mundentur interius pollutiones mentis et crescat semper in nobis augmentum sanctarum virtutum. Per Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen. With the Amice: Spiritus sanctus superveniet in me, et virtus Altissimi obumbravit caput meum. With the Albe: Indue me, Domine, vestimento salutis, et indumento lætitiæ circumda me, Deus salutaris meus. Per Christum Dominum nostrum. With the Girdle: Præcinge me, Domine, zona justitiæ et constringe in me dilectionem Dei et proximi. Per Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen. With the Maniple: Da mihi, Domine, sensum et vocem ut possim cantare laudem tuam ad hanc Missam. With the Stole: Stola justitiæ circumda, Domine, cervicem meam, et ab omni corruptione peccati purifica mentem meam. Per Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen. Ad Casulam: Indue me, Domine, lorica fidei et galea salutis ac gladio Spiritus Sancti. Amen. The Priest’s Vesting and Preparation The Priest’s Vesting and Preparation Then, assisted by the Clerk, the Priest says the following. VENI Creator Spiritus mentes tuorum visita imple superna gratia quæ tu creasti pectora. Accende lumen sensibus infunde amorem cordibus: infirma nostri corporis virtute firmans perpeti. Qui diceris Paraclitus donum Dei Altissimi: fons vivus, ignis, charitas, et spiritalis unctio. Hostem repellas longius, pacemque dones protinus ductore sic te prævio vitemus omne noxium. Tu septiformis munere, dextræ Dei tu digitus: tu rite promisso Patris sermone ditans guttura. Per te sciamus da Patrem, noscamus atque Filium, te utriusque Spiritum credamus omne tempore. Sit laus Patri cum Filio Sancto simul Paraclyto: nobisque mittat Filius carisma Sancti Spiritus. Amen. Emitte Spiritum tuum et creabuntur. ℟ Et renovabis faciem terræ. Oratio Deus, cui omne cor patet et omnis voluntas loquitur: et quem nullum latet secretum: purifica per infusionem Sancti Spiritus cogitationes cordis nostri: ut perfecte te diligere et digne laudare mereamur, per Dominum nostrum Jesum Christum. Qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitate ejusdem Spiritus Sancti Deus. Per omnia sæcula sæculorum. Amen. Then the Priest begins this antiphon: Introibo ad altare Dei. Psalmus 42 Judica me, Deus, et discerne causam meam de gente non sancta: ab homine iniquo et doloso erue me. Quia tu es, Deus, fortitudo mea: quare me repulisti, et quare tristis incedo dum affligit me inimicus? Emitte lucem tuam, et veritatem tuam: ipsa me deduxerunt, et adduxerunt in montem sanctum tuum et in tabernacula tua. Et introibo ad altare Dei: ad Deum qui lætificat juventutem meam. Confitebor tibi in cithara, Deus, Deus meus: quare tristis es anima mea, et quare conturbas me? Spera in Deo, quoniam adhuc confitebor illi: salutare vultus mei et Deus meus. Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto. Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper, et in sæcula sæculorum. Amen. Ant. Introibo ad altare Dei * ad Deum qui lætificat juventutem meam. Kyrie eleyson ℟ Christe eleyson, Kyrie eleyson Pater noster. Ave Maria.
Did Peter the fisherman wear such vestments? 🤔 It seems closer to the costumes worn by the Temple Priesthood which God destroyed, along with altars, incense, headgear etc. 🕎
The old temple was destroyed because we have the New Temple, and likewise we all become a part of that Temple. If one goes to meet a king, would he not wear the best clothes he has? So much more so for The King of the Universe. Christian’s have always used vestments, even Martin Luther did. What is your comment getting at?
@@oddpenguin8911 You may want to look your best before God, but that is personal attire, not ritual vestments which God did away with with the old Temple as you call it. So why continue aspects of the old Temple system i.e. priestly vestments and headgear if we are the Temple instead? That's what my comment is getting at, the necessity for ritual attire for N.T. worship. Martin Luther grew up as a Roman Catholic and may still have had a penchant for vestments according to how much he was steeped in those man-made traditions along with other things. It is man who looks on the outward appearance, not God, who looks on the heart and may not be impressed with all such dressing up if He clearly did away with it ritually along with the Temple. I think Yeshua dressed humbly as a carpenters son, (or so they thought), even though He was a King and Great High Priest, but He did not wear the vestments of those titles among people or when ministering or when approaching God in prayer in humility and He is our Perfect Example. He accepts us as we are if our hearts are pure even if we don't wear the best clothes we have.
Why get back to Latin rite and ORDO? How the English language conquer the Latin language rite Ordo of the Holy Mass of the Roman Catholic Church. So as a French priest, you say your Holy mass in French language in France . But in visiting Italy, you don't need to learn Italian , if you are saying mass in Italy, you just say the Holy mass in English because you don't know Italian. I guess all priests now are saying holy mass in English whether he is visiting France, or Italy , or Nigeria. It's because English is the language he can easily carry around. That makes English language conquer the Roman Catholic Latin rite Ordo because that English language is the one he will say at the rite- ordo of the Holy mass wherever country he goes to visit and say his Holy mass. Meanwhile the Nigerian priest is saying it in his native Nigerian language.
That above.is not.mine, somebody used my name for his own purpose. But this is mine: The people in Nepal hear the holy mass in their Nepal native language; but a visiting French priest who doesn't know the Ordo of the Holy mass in Nepalese language will recourse to the use of Ordo in English. Why not use the Ordo in Latin rite as the language of the Roman Catholic mass, since in both cases the priest is not using the native Nepalese language in Ordo of the Catholic rite of the mass? Don't you think the Pope can do something of restoring the Ordo of the Catholic rite of the Holy mass to the Latin church language? Does it really make so much difference to restore the Latin language to the Ordo of the Catholic rite since the people already understand what the priest is saying mostly privately in the rite except the " the Lord be with you" and few other ritual phrases; and especially. if there is the local dialect translation of the latin Ordo of the Holy Mass in hand as a guide to follow the Holy mass ?
What I mean is that by the translation of the Latin Ordo on the other page of the guide in hand ; it cannot be hard to understand and follow what the foreign or local priest is saying at the Holy mass, then why not restore the Ordo to the Latin rite? Why should it be in English? Or native language? Well, you can deliver your homily and other announcement in native language or English language, but why the ordo of the Roman Catholic Mass be in the language of Shakespeare or Henry VIII's, not as usual in Virgil's Latin language?
Did the Apostles wear all this nonsense? Lord, forgive those who embrace letters if your laws and not the heart of your laws. Smoke and mirrors mean nothing to you.
Correct. However, Jesus was the Son of God, and we believe that when we celebrate Him, His priests should dress regally as they are in the presence of the Lord of the universe.
Actually Jesus wore a seamless garment. That's made from one massive piece of cloth, and it is extremely expensive, even today if you were to make it from the same materials.
THE ASSUMPTIONS SENT FROM GOD ON EARTH TODAY ARE VERY DIFFERENT FROM TRUE NUES? "And when they left, Jesus began to say to the mobs about John: What did you see in the desert? A reed stirred by the wind? YES WHAT WERE YOU SEEING?
@@pacificrules "Vatican II rules are so ridiculous". This is complete nonsense, these traditional vesting prayers predate the Vatican II by many centuries. They are there to remind the priest that he is preparing for the sacred sacrifice of the mass and that those vestments are no ordinary ones, but specially designed to glorify God during the mass. Actually it is after VII that some parts of vestments were omitted and their prayers with them, so if you don´t like them, you should thank the postconciliar reforms rather than blaming "VII rules".
A lot of these ceremonies and duties have lost their reverence over the years, and now varies greatly between areas. I'm a Catholic Deacon, and there is so much beauty in the traditions.
Does the dalmatic Have Its own prayer if So what Is it
@@danieljhalab6775 A deacon, or even a Bishop (some wear dalmatics from time to time) would say "Lord, endow me with the garment of salvation, the vestment of joy, and with the dalmatic of justice ever encompass me."
@@dcnnick thank you.
Do you mean some them from time to time in the Meaning of wearing a tunical a dalmatic And a chasuble in the context of a pontifical mass
@@danieljhalab6775 I have heard of Bishops wearing both a chasuble and dalmatic at certain times... or just a dalmatic when blessing a new altar or more commonly when washing the feet. I think it was St. Pope John Paul II used to even fold his stole and wear it as a diaconate stole when washing the feet.
Try out a TLM
Very dignify for his priestly duties as is supposed to be. For God always people should do their best May God bless all of those priests who still keep their priestly identity and preserve their love and seal for their vocation.
The vesting prayers are usually said in the sacristy. However, in some parishes and on special occasions, the celebrant(s) vest in the sanctuary and recite the prayers before the congregation.
Liturgical law only provides for a Bishop to vest in the sanctuary, and at the Chair, for a Stational or a Pontifical Mass or (if not his See) a solemn celebration for which he is invited. The provisions do not extend for a Priest or Deacon. They should vest in the sacristy. And there is something to be said for the dignified practice of a Bishop wearing a simple Dalmatic under his Chasuble for solemn occasions such as the Paschal Triduum, Ordinations, Dedication of a Church, etc.
Priest still does this before Mass of course, pretty much the same, I see it many times as our sacristy is beside the office and of course the bell will always be rang at start of Mass
Ad majorem Dei gloriam.
The old vestments are soooo different!
Dave Dave I like those vestments better, especially since they allow more freedom of arm movement, a lot of these baggy gothic styles look to be a safety hazard as they look easy to trip over.
Go to a TLM
Why does he ring the bell so gracefully
This vesments are for latin mass.
tha’s the way it should be
These vestments were used before the 2nd Vatican council
Are these beautiful vestments still allowed in the ordinary form (Novus Ordo) ? Is there any document that explains the prohibition of these vestments in the ordinary form?
These are all still allowed, but in the ordinary form the maniple is optional. The biretta isn't a vestment, so it's optional in both forms anyways.
@@jesusacuna309 the Ritus Servandus implied that the biretta must be worn (II.2)
Too sad this tradition is gone.
It wasn't and never will. Catholic traditions are not abandoned by the Holy Church, because it's the Church who sustains them. If any priest, bishop or even the Holy Father dare threaten the Traditional Latin Mass or the traditions of our ancestors he acts rashly and should not be followed.
I advice you to read the bull Quo Primum Tempore of Saint Pius V and know about SSPX.
God Bless.
Actually, even the Novus Ordo priests still say these prayers. The only thing that is different is the fact they don't say it in Latin and there vestments look different. I wish we never had the Novus Ordo catastrophe. Too many liberal and freemasonic "bishops" have infiltrated the church. We must pray that God helps us with this problem in the church today.
SSPX is no longer in union with the Catholic Church.
If I'm not mistaken, the vestmants associated with the Novus Ordo were around during the Tridentine Liturgy
***** That's true, I was speaking about the majority of Novus Ordo vestments now compared to the majority Tridentine mass vestements then. Almost like they switched.
This is also done in Anglo-Catholic (Anglican Communion & "Continuing Anglican" Movement) as well as in the "Evangelical Catholic" branches of the Evangelical-Lutheran Church (Church of Finland, Church of Sweden, and "traditionalist" orthodox Lutheran congregations in the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America).
Knights Templar DEUS VULT!!!
There’s only one true church, catholic. And only this matters.
So much confusion, coming from bad imitators.
Great video. Captions with Scripture references would be great!
Great video we could suggest you our clerical clothing video for Orthodox vestments
e-amfia gr
Here's a video by Trisagion films
C'est ça qui nous manque en France.
This may be the rule but I haven’t seen or heard of the vesting prayers since 1956
What part of the Catholic Church wears this old styled vestments?
gwmkiwi Traditionalist groups like the FSSP, ICKSP, and others like the SSPX.
Literally every priest of the Catholic Church can wear old liturgical clothes ...In the Catholic Cathedral of London ... new liturgical vestments are always available, but no one ever wears them, everyone prefers the old
What country is this???
Could you publish that doc with the prayers? Is it missal or ritual?
Fr John Paul from EWTN perform this in 1 of his video recently
isnt this for the tridentine mass
Yes, the traditional latin mass.
Since the 2nd Vatican Council the priest no longer puts on the maniples!
Does the server get paid to help the priest?
No the severs don't get paid in fact they don't get any physical payment for service at the altar
Tradição ♡
it is interesting to know
Prayers in English pls.
The prayers are in latin to preserve the tradition of the catholic faith.
Catholic Civilization...
Feel like I'm watching Freemasonary 😄
Freemasonry is banned in the Catholic Church and there have been wars, Catholics and Christians vs Freemasons
@LukeCoggeshall-gy5oo Search Freemasonry Ceremony Ritual. It's not exactly the same Ritual but it reminds me of them 🤔
Where do you find this in scripture? Is this tradition equal to Christ hanging on the cross?
Joan Eisner it’s right next to the verse that says everything related to the Christian religion is found in scripture.
@@michaellancaster8221 I feel like too few people will appreciate what you just wrote👏
Că și știu citi eu nu știu să citi😮
So basically, a quick, on the spot Mass is pretty much out. lol
I am a railway track
Before ascending the Altar, the Priest says the following prayers, excepting the
last, which he should commit to memory.
Washing his hands:
Largire sensibus nostris omnipotens Pater, ut sicut hic abluuntur inquinamenta manuum, ita a te
mundentur interius pollutiones mentis et crescat semper in nobis augmentum sanctarum virtutum. Per Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen.
With the Amice:
Spiritus sanctus superveniet in me,
et virtus Altissimi obumbravit
caput meum.
With the Albe:
Indue me, Domine, vestimento salutis, et indumento lætitiæ circumda
me, Deus salutaris meus. Per Christum Dominum nostrum.
With the Girdle:
Præcinge me, Domine, zona
justitiæ et constringe in me dilectionem Dei et proximi. Per Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen.
With the Maniple:
Da mihi, Domine, sensum et vocem
ut possim cantare laudem tuam
ad hanc Missam.
With the Stole:
Stola justitiæ circumda, Domine,
cervicem meam, et ab omni corruptione peccati purifica mentem meam.
Per Christum Dominum nostrum.
Ad Casulam:
Indue me, Domine, lorica fidei et
galea salutis ac gladio Spiritus
Sancti. Amen.
The Priest’s Vesting and Preparation
The Priest’s Vesting and Preparation
Then, assisted by the Clerk, the Priest says the following.
VENI Creator Spiritus
mentes tuorum visita
imple superna gratia
quæ tu creasti pectora.
Accende lumen sensibus
infunde amorem cordibus:
infirma nostri corporis
virtute firmans perpeti.
Qui diceris Paraclitus
donum Dei Altissimi:
fons vivus, ignis, charitas,
et spiritalis unctio.
Hostem repellas longius,
pacemque dones protinus
ductore sic te prævio
vitemus omne noxium.
Tu septiformis munere,
dextræ Dei tu digitus:
tu rite promisso Patris
sermone ditans guttura.
Per te sciamus da Patrem,
noscamus atque Filium,
te utriusque Spiritum
credamus omne tempore.
Sit laus Patri cum Filio
Sancto simul Paraclyto:
nobisque mittat Filius
carisma Sancti Spiritus. Amen.
Emitte Spiritum tuum et creabuntur.
℟ Et renovabis faciem terræ.
Deus, cui omne cor patet et omnis voluntas loquitur: et quem
nullum latet secretum: purifica per infusionem Sancti Spiritus
cogitationes cordis nostri: ut perfecte
te diligere et digne laudare mereamur,
per Dominum nostrum Jesum Christum. Qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitate ejusdem Spiritus Sancti Deus.
Per omnia sæcula sæculorum. Amen.
Then the Priest begins this antiphon:
Introibo ad altare Dei.
Psalmus 42
Judica me, Deus, et discerne causam
meam de gente non sancta: ab
homine iniquo et doloso erue me.
Quia tu es, Deus, fortitudo mea: quare
me repulisti, et quare tristis incedo
dum affligit me inimicus?
Emitte lucem tuam, et veritatem tuam:
ipsa me deduxerunt, et adduxerunt in
montem sanctum tuum et in tabernacula tua.
Et introibo ad altare Dei: ad Deum qui
lætificat juventutem meam.
Confitebor tibi in cithara, Deus, Deus
meus: quare tristis es anima mea, et
quare conturbas me?
Spera in Deo, quoniam adhuc confitebor illi: salutare vultus mei et Deus
Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto.
Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper, et in sæcula sæculorum. Amen.
Ant. Introibo ad altare Dei * ad Deum
qui lætificat juventutem meam.
Kyrie eleyson
℟ Christe eleyson,
Kyrie eleyson
Pater noster. Ave Maria.
Did Peter the fisherman wear such vestments? 🤔 It seems closer to the costumes worn by the Temple Priesthood which God destroyed, along with altars, incense, headgear etc. 🕎
The old temple was destroyed because we have the New Temple, and likewise we all become a part of that Temple. If one goes to meet a king, would he not wear the best clothes he has? So much more so for The King of the Universe. Christian’s have always used vestments, even Martin Luther did. What is your comment getting at?
@@oddpenguin8911 You may want to look your best before God, but that is personal attire, not ritual vestments which God did away with with the old Temple as you call it. So why continue aspects of the old Temple system i.e. priestly vestments and headgear if we are the Temple instead? That's what my comment is getting at, the necessity for ritual attire for N.T. worship.
Martin Luther grew up as a Roman Catholic and may still have had a penchant for vestments according to how much he was steeped in those man-made traditions along with other things.
It is man who looks on the outward appearance, not God, who looks on the heart and may not be impressed with all such dressing up if He clearly did away with it ritually along with the Temple.
I think Yeshua dressed humbly as a carpenters son, (or so they thought), even though He was a King and Great High Priest, but He did not wear the vestments of those titles among people or when ministering or when approaching God in prayer in humility and He is our Perfect Example.
He accepts us as we are if our hearts are pure even if we don't wear the best clothes we have.
@@scented-leafpelargonium3366 Tradition is one of the three deposits of faith. Along with magisterium and scripture.
@NEY-uu3lx Where did you get that from? 🤔
@@scented-leafpelargonium3366 teachings of apostles handed down by tradition and scripture
Funny to hear latin with an american accent
Can’t see every priests doing all that would not think they would have time ,,as some cover about 4 churches a day on a Sunday
Why get back to Latin rite and
How the English language conquer the Latin language rite Ordo of the Holy Mass of the Roman Catholic Church.
So as a French priest, you say your Holy mass in French language in France .
But in visiting Italy, you don't need to learn Italian , if you are saying mass in Italy, you just say the Holy mass in English because you don't know Italian.
I guess all priests now are saying holy mass in English whether he is visiting France, or Italy , or Nigeria.
It's because English is the language he can easily carry around. That makes English language conquer the Roman Catholic Latin rite Ordo because that English language is the one he will say at the rite- ordo of the Holy mass wherever country he goes to visit and say his Holy mass.
Meanwhile the Nigerian priest is saying it in his native Nigerian language.
That above.is not.mine, somebody used my name for his own purpose.
But this is mine:
The people in Nepal hear the holy mass in their Nepal native language; but a visiting French priest who doesn't know the Ordo of the Holy mass in Nepalese language will recourse to the use of Ordo in English.
Why not use the Ordo in Latin rite as the language of the Roman Catholic mass, since in both cases the priest is not using the native Nepalese language in Ordo of the Catholic rite of the mass?
Don't you think the Pope can do something of restoring the Ordo of the Catholic rite of the Holy mass to the Latin church language?
Does it really make so much difference to restore the Latin language to the Ordo of the Catholic rite since the people already understand what the priest is saying mostly privately in the rite except the " the Lord be with you" and few other ritual phrases; and especially. if there is the local dialect translation of the latin Ordo of the Holy Mass in hand as a guide to follow the Holy mass ?
What I mean is that by the translation of the Latin Ordo on the other page of the guide in hand ; it cannot be hard to understand and follow what the foreign or local priest is saying at the Holy mass, then why not restore the Ordo to the Latin rite?
Why should it be in English? Or native language?
Well, you can deliver your homily and other announcement in native language or English language, but why the ordo of the Roman Catholic Mass be in the language of Shakespeare or Henry VIII's, not as usual in Virgil's Latin language?
Don't you think the politics of languages is even encroaching into the Roman Catholic Ordo of the Latin Holy mass?
But why?
Oh my, haven't seen this since the mid-60s!!! No judgement, it's unjust way PRE-VATICAN II !!
Did the Apostles wear all this nonsense? Lord, forgive those who embrace letters if your laws and not the heart of your laws.
Smoke and mirrors mean nothing to you.
Ya siéntese señora
Taint very Christian of ya. Bells and whistles mean nothing to God.
Lord, forgive conservative catholics. True hypocrites of hatred.
Shut up, these are elements of liturgy and worship that have been in place since the times of the apostles.
Did Jesus do this?? Jesus wore rags
Correct. However, Jesus was the Son of God, and we believe that when we celebrate Him, His priests should dress regally as they are in the presence of the Lord of the universe.
The Roman soldiers gambled for rags?
Actually Jesus wore a seamless garment. That's made from one massive piece of cloth, and it is extremely expensive, even today if you were to make it from the same materials.
Jesus wore a seamless robe. That was quite expensive (Seamless Garments were also a part of the vestments of Jewish Priests).
might want to do a study on Old Testament priests...
@Lil Andrei Concha add on that remember the statues of the cherubim in the temple
You wish
Middle Ages Church
"And when they left, Jesus began to say to the mobs about John: What did you see in the desert? A reed stirred by the wind?
(Book of Matthew 11: 7,8 from the Catholic Bible)
Its so stupid.
pacificrules like you
Just like your face. Moron
@Lil Andrei Concha Thats not true at all.
@Julian Gomez I think just put on the clothes and thats it. Vatican II rules are ridiculous.
@@pacificrules "Vatican II rules are so ridiculous". This is complete nonsense, these traditional vesting prayers predate the Vatican II by many centuries. They are there to remind the priest that he is preparing for the sacred sacrifice of the mass and that those vestments are no ordinary ones, but specially designed to glorify God during the mass. Actually it is after VII that some parts of vestments were omitted and their prayers with them, so if you don´t like them, you should thank the postconciliar reforms rather than blaming "VII rules".
Catholic Priests,do not make very good babysitters,,