You're the first person I have heard that says they do a digital mockup first! I don't even know how I would start with doing something like that - do you have any videos on that process? Do most miniature painters just have a concept in their head and paint from that? Or do they mostly wing-it?
All I've been thinking watching this video is how beautiful you made the colors and it's absolutely stunning. Another great lesson: you might hate it but someone else may find it to be perfect. Sigh. The art is hard.
I was painting the rogue trader character in Blackstone Fortress and waited till the end to paint the inside of his cloak. It was very difficult to reach without hitting other parts and I’m still not happy with how it ended up. When I do it again I’m going to plan my steps better and either paint him in sub assemblies, or paint from inside out and do the inner cloak first. I appreciate the honesty of this video. You tried and tired and it didn’t quite get there, but you still finished it anyway. I’ve have to do that a lot for my own work and for commissions. It’s comforting to know I’m not the only one!
Couldn't have come at a better time! I've got a wizard that I was really happy with until I painted the cloak turquoise and the clothing in blue. I was so ready to put down the brush for a while but now you're inspiring me!
I've recently removed all the paint from a Cadian Kasrkin metal cast model after I've painted it in another colour scheme ten years ago that didn't work out for me. I was exploring at painting another group of regiments, however they were discontinued. So I'm going to repaint it in the current colour scheme of my regiment.
Thanks, very useful! As a side note, Simple green is not easily available in Europe. Personally I use isopropyl alcohol (aka IPA, isopropanol, rubbing alcohol) 99.9%. You don't need to leave it overnight, you can just strip the paint off with a toothbrush after a couple of minutes. It doesn't damage miniatures (I have left a space marine for a week in it) and it is pretty good. It will remove the primer as well so if applied locally you usually need to prime the part again (I often screw up the heads...)
Biggest painting misstake to date...Was following a painting tutorial on how to paint a stone giant, didnt have a certain paint, so used a brand comparisim chart, used the paint I had that was reccomended...aaaand long story short he ended up looking like he was ready for a pyjama party. So I just painted the tunic black for undercoat, started again & second result was much better. Lesson learnt if your gutt feelings nags at you, obey it!
I needed to hear this story. Not because I am stuck in a painting slog, but because sometimes I procrastinate for fear of getting in one. Knowing that it should be simple (green) to get out of it really helps. Thanks!
I was painting a red dragon and started putting some gold dusting on the chest plate area... she ended up with way to much glitter dust LOL, painted over it. I left some of the glitter dusting on the side of the neck and I'm happy with it. Thanks for the heads up on the Dnd womans minis, Ill go have a squizz.
Thankfully I’m a very definite planner before I ever put brush to mini, so I’m rarely unhappy with a a colour-scheme, however sometimes I just don’t feel it until WAAAY too late, it’s all part of the learning process for me. Glad the audio issues are sorted now. Inspirational content as always Lyla. #NotificationSquad
I once painted a reaper swordwoman/paladin, everything looked perfect with my skills limit I had, then I started the face, and wasted it with bad shading, bad eyes, and after multiple layers of new skin base painted over the ruined face, the details of the face started to melt down. In the end, she ended up in a thinner/solution, and started the whole miniature again.
I have a dozen Skeletons from the 2021 Hero Quest set soaking in Simple green right now due to realizing the first coat of the underpainting I used ended up being glossy. Rather than try and fix it, shifting to strip and re-undercoat to save frustration. Thank you for the video! Love your work
Great work, I often get to 'I hate this model' state when there is just enough undercoat left to paint over...but to be honest for me I would prefer a finished model than a perfect one.
I feel your pain. I sometimes paint for friends and they often provide me with colored sketches that honestly don’t work for me. I will generally adhere to the main colors but the accents and highlights are going to be what works for me. This Teal/ Magenta model is a great paint job by the way but I m not in love with the color scheme. I love that you shared this. I have learned so much from your channel and it has made the hobby so much more enjoyable.
I think a tip on this issue is to take a step back and have a break from painting to clear your head and let yourself rest a bit. Better to approach painting with a refreshed and clear head imo. I had a few episodes of ending up with a paint job that I ended stripping because I rushed ahead trying to get it done as soon as possible.
One thing to consider before stripping or re-basing is using translucent paints to change your colors! This requires having a basic understanding of CMYK color theory (Dana Howl has a great video on that) a little cyan over top of the magenta could shift it to purple (or yellow to make it more orangey). Contrast paints are great for this, but most hobby paints are opaque so knowing the material properties before you try it is important! Glazes and washes tend to be translucent by their nature. And of course, if shifting the color a bit with a translucent paint doesn't work, they're generally pretty thin so you can still rebase or strip the model as needed!
when I was painting a noise marine, I stripped it over 15 times before I was happy. btw: if you don't get your hands on Simple Green, use methylated spirits with a little bit of brush soap.
tried to paint my first Tyranids. I used the brush that came with the starter kit. it was def not small enough for the details I wanted to do. got mad and "finished" 3 of them.
I have a scale 75 model (funny enough a witch), the face became lumpy & im debating on using Ak paint stripper on just the face or just stripping the whole thing. So I’ve put it back in the box, until I decide.
My Tinker in Gloomhaven turned out terrible. Everything was looking good. I added a wash to the skin, and it toned things down a bit too much. But, when I tried to highlight back up to a more yellow tone it just kept looking worse and worse. The yellow looked so chaulky, covered poorly, and it just kept looking worse and worse. I got it to a point where I didn't hate it, and just quit with it. Yellow is one of those colors that I haven't found a good paint for. I pretty much only paint in yellow through my airbrush using inks. Maybe there's a good yellow paint out there, but I've had bad results multiple times from yellows.
Interesting coincidence that this was the topic of today's video. I've been trying to model a Sanguinary Guard as a corpse on my Swarmlord base fora while, and today just kinda threw up my arms and said, "I just need to get this done". Thank you for the tips and encouragement. 😁
I just painted some novitiates in magenta and teal and I hate it (even though they’re my two favorite colors). I had no idea it was the colors that were the issue. On a separate note, I switched from simple green to la totally awesome because I stripped some minis once and they smelled like SG for months.
I live in Turkey and we don't have Simple Green here. What would you recommend in this case? ._. Should I check the ingredients and find a similar solution according to that? I am really scared of melting my hard earned minis lol.
I must say I really appreciate the properly dressed women figures. As a teacher using D&D in the classroom it is very difficult to find decent models for the young female students. Good job for helping create these new models.
I was painting Genestealer Cults miniatures. While I enjoyed painting the Patriarch, the Primus and Reductus Sabateur....I just could not get excited painting them. They were interesting miniatures, the sort of things I normally love painting,but...I just had to knuckle down an finish them. Then, I painted some Primaris Space Wolves, so simple miniatures, and I just got so into them...I still don't know why I had the trouble with the Bug Worshippers/Tyranid Dinner Bells.
My biggest mistake is painting large projects without a detailed plan, and trying new techniques at the same time. The original idea I hade on my Imperial Knight a few weeks ago ended up changing because I hosed down one of the leg plates with my airbrush and ended up spraying silver all over the ivory armour. Then I ended up painting it all as a scuffed and ruined lost machine - it still ended up looking better than I ever hoped, but my original vision is no longer evidenced. I did end up having way more fun in the end though, which is important to me.
Does anyone know what app she's using for her digital mocks? I've been searching for apps, but most just give you color schemes 😡. I could use Photoshop, but I'd rather be able to just use my tablet and not have to sit at my PC (I'm already there at least 8 hours a day 🤓).
Agreed. Something changed in the Simple Green formula several years ago so that it no longer works as well for me as it used to. LA's Totally Awesome works great. It's just not as nontoxic as Simple Green.
Actually just stripping some Necromunda and Tau models, now. Simple Green is great, if all your paint is applied by brush or airbrush. But I have to use concentrated Dettol if the models were primed using an aerosol rattle can, to get rid of the primer. However, concentrated Dettol and resin do not mix well!
Lyla, I'm old now, who was Sturm's female adventurer when he was killed in the Dragonlance book series? That would make a great figure. Her standing over Sturm. Also, again because I am old, could she be done in a larger scale than 54mm? 120mm?
Ok I followed those steps but now my toothbrush taste funny. :p Love your video I’m kinda new to painting and never did a Digital mock up before what do you recommend. What software and hardware do I need. How do you get the model in. Do you just take a picture of it? Sorry if these are super basic questions!
how he used alcohol for technical decolorization, I put it in a glass and left it overnight then cleaned it with a duster (be careful, sometimes they add acetone first to try on spruce or plastic waste if it doesn't damage it)
Mine was finishing a face and doing the eyes last. At the time, it was my best face. Yeah, the paint was just thin enough for capillary action to take over and dry extremely quickly. So… that was fun haha.
When my kids were little, I was painting a regiment of Civil War dismounted cavalry (24 minis). I put my baby daughter to bed. When I came back, my 4 yr old son had put a thick coat of light blue paint all over the minis. He said he was helping
Hahahahahaha! On one hand you would like to "kill" them, on the other you know they are sooo sweet and "helpful". I once saved many many months money for a reall good quality carpet who had to be placed by specialists because of many stairs and and complicated architecture of the room. It laid maybe three weeks. My little boy was sitting on one of the stairs with a sharp knife and had cut alllll the front ankles of the stairs off. In my opinion he was old enough to know NOTTT to do that. He told me he loved the sound it made when he "scrubbed" it off. I suffered for a very long time!!
Maybe it's just me, but I think the biggest issue is letting others dictate the color scheme. I know that it's part and parcel of having a paying community, but unless it's a commission you need to paint what makes you happy. Which is hard to do when others are dictating your color scheme. On another note, I prefer LA's Totally Awesome over Simple Green. It's cheaper than Simple Green and multi-purpose to boot. (my wife used it to get blood out of her white scrubs during nursing school)
This is so different to how paint, I have never done a digital mock up ar anything, I close my eyes and imagine how I want something to look in my mind until I can see it clearly, sometimes I quick sketch with pencils or oils, this whole process will usually be around 15 to 30 minuits, then I pick some colours as close as possible, I wet palette and wet blend on the models a lot so I don't have a huge selections of paints, my painting speed is pretty fast, I will paint an Imperial knight in a single day or a unit of infantry or several character models. . Almost 35 years of painting, many as a comission painter and using the old visualisation and sketching techniques and thankfully I have never had to strip a model I painted. . The key thing for me is having my own style so I rarely look through pictures of models other people have painted, I grew up ìn the John Blanche era and loved watching him paint, he could paint an entire squad like an Inquisitorial retinue and each one would be a slightly different colour due to him mixing as he went, his style look like 3d oil paintings to me and its still a big influence on what I do. I realised years ago that a lot of what you see online looks great due to amazing photography skills and digital touch ups and filters, it's became even more apparent when I starting seeing pictures taken with a standard phone of models brought from professional painters on ebay or through painting studios compared to the advertising. . Like you said, you have colours you enjoy seeing together and others you don't, personally magenta and teal always makes me think of moldy cheese so I just don't enjoy that combination either. .
Great video, like others have already said, its nice to see female miniatures that aren't in skimpy clothes. I liked your finished product even if you didn't.
Biggest pinting mistake has to be trying to paint a fully assembled Terrorgheist as a beginner, back in the days of Warhammer Fantasy. Almost made me stop painting for good. ^^
My biggest oops is: not painting enough and/or be to invested into a single gaming piece. Slowly, after 15 years, i learn to handle my gaming miniatures not like display pieces.
Giving my Spash Marines a too strong basecoat. They looked like they melted. Not even cleaning it, two times with Isopropyl alcohol could save all the details. I also broke some parts and lost them. Like a pro.
I was just yesterday talking to my wife about how its too hard to find models of women in regular clothes. Sometimes being scantily clad makes sense for either gender, but usually it doesn't for women. Looking forward to the campaign!
My advice - resist the temptation to compromise. 'Okay, this isn't quite how I imagined it, but maybe they'll look better as a group?' Nope, this led to me having 10 miniatures I can't stand to look at.
My biggest painting mistake on a mini is my cross eyed viking bust. He's still cross eyed, because I don't want to fix him. Yet. My biggest painting mistake that turned out good wasn't a mini, but a `71 Cuda model that I painted Sublime Green, sanded out to get rid of dust, painted again, tried to patch a small mistake, messed up the whole thing, threw across my workshop, retrieved two days later, stripped, painted again, clear coated, decalled, clear coated and polished numerous times, which finally won a ribbon at a contest.
The expression on your face in the thumbnail was both hilarious and appropriate! I've been there many a time before. Thankfully, it's not too often that I have to strip and repaint a model midway. Good old Simple Green is something that is a regular and essential part of my kitchen anyway, and the trick you mentioned for spot cleaning with SG is a great idea. I actually rather like the idea of more dressed female characters because "sexy" is not my thing, really. Good video as usual, Miss Lyla!
3 bad characters in one....long coats. And I decided to use shifting colors for the coats. The dress looked beautiful....for an Arabian Princess!!!! Looked sooo rediculous in combination with mean characters, one really should know when to use color shifts.
If you’re looking for badass, non-exploitation female minis can I recommend Bad Squiddo Games (pretty much the whole store) and Oathsworn Miniatures (Sensible Shoes range).
Biggest mistake I've made was over thinking my paint scheme. That froze me for a good solid two weeks. I've only been painting a couple months now but this hobby is my zen garden. And avoiding it for an extended amount of time because I'm not sure about my colors was just dumb. Thank you for the content you make, it really does help seeing that same struggle in someone much more talented and accomplished, than myself.
What has been your biggest miniature painting "oops?"
Not realizing the importance of priming.
Not washing the mold release off a resin model...from Forgeworld...
@@Izzyspaintingworkshop noooo
when i upload my video with an audio track of me talking to my cat :p
picking up a brush 😝
You're the first person I have heard that says they do a digital mockup first! I don't even know how I would start with doing something like that - do you have any videos on that process?
Do most miniature painters just have a concept in their head and paint from that? Or do they mostly wing-it?
All I've been thinking watching this video is how beautiful you made the colors and it's absolutely stunning. Another great lesson: you might hate it but someone else may find it to be perfect. Sigh. The art is hard.
The model was fine, it just want what I had envisioned
I was painting the rogue trader character in Blackstone Fortress and waited till the end to paint the inside of his cloak. It was very difficult to reach without hitting other parts and I’m still not happy with how it ended up. When I do it again I’m going to plan my steps better and either paint him in sub assemblies, or paint from inside out and do the inner cloak first.
I appreciate the honesty of this video. You tried and tired and it didn’t quite get there, but you still finished it anyway. I’ve have to do that a lot for my own work and for commissions. It’s comforting to know I’m not the only one!
That was my goal with this video! I want people to know that every painter has problems.
Couldn't have come at a better time! I've got a wizard that I was really happy with until I painted the cloak turquoise and the clothing in blue. I was so ready to put down the brush for a while but now you're inspiring me!
The Kickstarter look sick. Really love these design 👌
I've recently removed all the paint from a Cadian Kasrkin metal cast model after I've painted it in another colour scheme ten years ago that didn't work out for me. I was exploring at painting another group of regiments, however they were discontinued. So I'm going to repaint it in the current colour scheme of my regiment.
Thanks, very useful! As a side note, Simple green is not easily available in Europe. Personally I use isopropyl alcohol (aka IPA, isopropanol, rubbing alcohol) 99.9%. You don't need to leave it overnight, you can just strip the paint off with a toothbrush after a couple of minutes. It doesn't damage miniatures (I have left a space marine for a week in it) and it is pretty good. It will remove the primer as well so if applied locally you usually need to prime the part again (I often screw up the heads...)
Biggest painting misstake to date...Was following a painting tutorial on how to paint a stone giant, didnt have a certain paint, so used a brand comparisim chart, used the paint I had that was reccomended...aaaand long story short he ended up looking like he was ready for a pyjama party. So I just painted the tunic black for undercoat, started again & second result was much better. Lesson learnt if your gutt feelings nags at you, obey it!
I needed to hear this story. Not because I am stuck in a painting slog, but because sometimes I procrastinate for fear of getting in one.
Knowing that it should be simple (green) to get out of it really helps. Thanks!
Great pun!
I was painting a red dragon and started putting some gold dusting on the chest plate area... she ended up with way to much glitter dust LOL, painted over it. I left some of the glitter dusting on the side of the neck and I'm happy with it. Thanks for the heads up on the Dnd womans minis, Ill go have a squizz.
what and how do you do digital mock ups? Never heard of this before and i been painting for almost 30 years... im old but this sounds interesting :)
Thankfully I’m a very definite planner before I ever put brush to mini, so I’m rarely unhappy with a a colour-scheme, however sometimes I just don’t feel it until WAAAY too late, it’s all part of the learning process for me.
Glad the audio issues are sorted now. Inspirational content as always Lyla. #NotificationSquad
Thanks for for commenting on the reupload, it means a lot!
I once painted a reaper swordwoman/paladin, everything looked perfect with my skills limit I had, then I started the face, and wasted it with bad shading, bad eyes, and after multiple layers of new skin base painted over the ruined face, the details of the face started to melt down.
In the end, she ended up in a thinner/solution, and started the whole miniature again.
I have a dozen Skeletons from the 2021 Hero Quest set soaking in Simple green right now due to realizing the first coat of the underpainting I used ended up being glossy. Rather than try and fix it, shifting to strip and re-undercoat to save frustration.
Thank you for the video! Love your work
Next time just put a last coat of matte varnish on the finished mini. No more gloss.
@@archersfriend5900 Painting over the gloss is a PITA. So less about the finish and more about not wanting my process to suck
I've always been too scared to start and this makes me more confident to make mistakes. Thank you!
I have been painting miniatures for years. The biggest thing I have ever done to improve my painting was to give myself permission to make mistakes.
That sounds like a video...
@@LylaMev yesssss make an encouraging video 😂 find people who have never painted minis before and invite them to a round table paint
I really like how you incorporate the iPad into your workflow to test out ideas. I’m totally stealing it 😀
Go for it!
Great work, I often get to 'I hate this model' state when there is just enough undercoat left to paint over...but to be honest for me I would prefer a finished model than a perfect one.
It's really cool to see a kickstarter coming out of your video about getting more women mini options!
I'm so excited!
At 4:55 into this video you use a device that you are coloring with. What is it that you are drawing on and how hard is it to learn?
Thank you,
I feel your pain. I sometimes paint for friends and they often provide me with colored sketches that honestly don’t work for me. I will generally adhere to the main colors but the accents and highlights are going to be what works for me. This Teal/ Magenta model is a great paint job by the way but I m not in love with the color scheme. I love that you shared this. I have learned so much from your channel and it has made the hobby so much more enjoyable.
I think a tip on this issue is to take a step back and have a break from painting to clear your head and let yourself rest a bit. Better to approach painting with a refreshed and clear head imo. I had a few episodes of ending up with a paint job that I ended stripping because I rushed ahead trying to get it done as soon as possible.
I feel like that is me with every model I paint lol thanks for the tips, very helpful!!
One thing to consider before stripping or re-basing is using translucent paints to change your colors! This requires having a basic understanding of CMYK color theory (Dana Howl has a great video on that) a little cyan over top of the magenta could shift it to purple (or yellow to make it more orangey). Contrast paints are great for this, but most hobby paints are opaque so knowing the material properties before you try it is important! Glazes and washes tend to be translucent by their nature. And of course, if shifting the color a bit with a translucent paint doesn't work, they're generally pretty thin so you can still rebase or strip the model as needed!
when I was painting a noise marine, I stripped it over 15 times before I was happy.
btw: if you don't get your hands on Simple Green, use methylated spirits with a little bit of brush soap.
15 beats my record! I think my record is 3
8 for me, an Uruk-Hai model from Lord of the Rings, a friend asked to see it and it got dropped into the flames of my fire pit 🤣
tried to paint my first Tyranids. I used the brush that came with the starter kit. it was def not small enough for the details I wanted to do. got mad and "finished" 3 of them.
I have a scale 75 model (funny enough a witch), the face became lumpy & im debating on using Ak paint stripper on just the face or just stripping the whole thing. So I’ve put it back in the box, until I decide.
You're right, the teal/magenta has a sickly, lurid quality. It makes me feel a little queasy to look at the miniature.
Two things here: what’s simple green equivalent in uk? And trying to paint models I was never confident in painting in the first place
whats the name of that tiny brush that you used in the video to strip tiny parts of the model?
It's just a brush trimmed down real short
My Tinker in Gloomhaven turned out terrible. Everything was looking good. I added a wash to the skin, and it toned things down a bit too much. But, when I tried to highlight back up to a more yellow tone it just kept looking worse and worse. The yellow looked so chaulky, covered poorly, and it just kept looking worse and worse. I got it to a point where I didn't hate it, and just quit with it.
Yellow is one of those colors that I haven't found a good paint for. I pretty much only paint in yellow through my airbrush using inks. Maybe there's a good yellow paint out there, but I've had bad results multiple times from yellows.
Glad I got to learn about stripping. I can finally start fixing my hydra😁😁😁
Happened to me just now with a mini for my niece. tks for the advices and for share! you rock Lyla!
Interesting coincidence that this was the topic of today's video. I've been trying to model a Sanguinary Guard as a corpse on my Swarmlord base fora while, and today just kinda threw up my arms and said, "I just need to get this done".
Thank you for the tips and encouragement. 😁
for me, i spray painted them for an undercoat, but unfortunately i held the spray can too close, so it covers some of the details
Yeah. What exactly is Simple Green and are there any other recommendations if that's not available where you live?
You did not get the answer I am also looking for. You have found a solution?
Which app do you use for the mockup?
Needed this video. Maybe I will finish one of the 8 or so horrible models I have in a drawer. Thank you!
You can do it!
This is an off-topic question, but what kind of handle do you use? I like the hand rest
its from game envy!
What software are you using to color your picture on tablet?
I just painted some novitiates in magenta and teal and I hate it (even though they’re my two favorite colors). I had no idea it was the colors that were the issue. On a separate note, I switched from simple green to la totally awesome because I stripped some minis once and they smelled like SG for months.
That is not an issue I've had!
I live in Turkey and we don't have Simple Green here. What would you recommend in this case? ._. Should I check the ingredients and find a similar solution according to that? I am really scared of melting my hard earned minis lol.
I must say I really appreciate the properly dressed women figures. As a teacher using D&D in the classroom it is very difficult to find decent models for the young female students. Good job for helping create these new models.
i think your teal and magenta are actually really great :)
Thank you! Il the model is fine; it's just not the vision I had in my head
I noticed you mentioned and showed using a digital mock up. How do you this? Is it a specific app or program? Do you need the apple pen for it?
I was painting Genestealer Cults miniatures. While I enjoyed painting the Patriarch, the Primus and Reductus Sabateur....I just could not get excited painting them. They were interesting miniatures, the sort of things I normally love painting,but...I just had to knuckle down an finish them. Then, I painted some Primaris Space Wolves, so simple miniatures, and I just got so into them...I still don't know why I had the trouble with the Bug Worshippers/Tyranid Dinner Bells.
My biggest mistake is painting large projects without a detailed plan, and trying new techniques at the same time. The original idea I hade on my Imperial Knight a few weeks ago ended up changing because I hosed down one of the leg plates with my airbrush and ended up spraying silver all over the ivory armour. Then I ended up painting it all as a scuffed and ruined lost machine - it still ended up looking better than I ever hoped, but my original vision is no longer evidenced. I did end up having way more fun in the end though, which is important to me.
Does anyone know what app she's using for her digital mocks? I've been searching for apps, but most just give you color schemes 😡. I could use Photoshop, but I'd rather be able to just use my tablet and not have to sit at my PC (I'm already there at least 8 hours a day 🤓).
@@LylaMev thank you!!!
Thanks for that video. (and the cat thing is so funy btw ;-) )
Thank you so much, this is the video I’ve been dying to see ❤️
That floating witch mini near the end looks super cool! Which model is that?
The gutter wych from 3 of ghosts miniatures!
Simple Green is like an 8.5 or 9. La's Totally Awesome is usually a 10.
Agreed. Something changed in the Simple Green formula several years ago so that it no longer works as well for me as it used to. LA's Totally Awesome works great. It's just not as nontoxic as Simple Green.
Great video, Thanks! What tablet software do you use for photo modeling? I see you do this in a few videos and I am wondering.
Pro create!
@@LylaMev Than you!! Love your channel btw! Its soo helpful!
Actually just stripping some Necromunda and Tau models, now. Simple Green is great, if all your paint is applied by brush or airbrush. But I have to use concentrated Dettol if the models were primed using an aerosol rattle can, to get rid of the primer. However, concentrated Dettol and resin do not mix well!
Lyla, I'm old now, who was Sturm's female adventurer when he was killed in the Dragonlance book series? That would make a great figure. Her standing over Sturm. Also, again because I am old, could she be done in a larger scale than 54mm? 120mm?
Does Simple Green effect model glue at all?
It can! I'm always very cautious; just in case
@@LylaMev thanks, I'll be ready if something does happen to come apart slightly then.
Love your vids, very entertaining 😉👍
Thank you!
Lyla what software do you use to do your digital mock-up?
Ok I followed those steps but now my toothbrush taste funny. :p
Love your video I’m kinda new to painting and never did a Digital mock up before what do you recommend. What software and hardware do I need. How do you get the model in. Do you just take a picture of it? Sorry if these are super basic questions!
There is a video on the channel about it:
I did a video on this! It's "improve without painting" or something like that
Simple green is liquid magic for stripping acrylic paint!
What is "simple green"? I live in Germany and (like many times before) I cannot find it on the market here.
how he used alcohol for technical decolorization, I put it in a glass and left it overnight then cleaned it with a duster (be careful, sometimes they add acetone first to try on spruce or plastic waste if it doesn't damage it)
Mine was finishing a face and doing the eyes last. At the time, it was my best face. Yeah, the paint was just thin enough for capillary action to take over and dry extremely quickly. So… that was fun haha.
Appreciated the clip of the hungry cat getting his grub on :)
Still looks good 👍
When my kids were little, I was painting a regiment of Civil War dismounted cavalry (24 minis). I put my baby daughter to bed. When I came back, my 4 yr old son had put a thick coat of light blue paint all over the minis. He said he was helping
Hahahahahaha! On one hand you would like to "kill" them, on the other you know they are sooo sweet and "helpful". I once saved many many months money for a reall good quality carpet who had to be placed by specialists because of many stairs and and complicated architecture of the room. It laid maybe three weeks. My little boy was sitting on one of the stairs with a sharp knife and had cut alllll the front ankles of the stairs off. In my opinion he was old enough to know NOTTT to do that. He told me he loved the sound it made when he "scrubbed" it off. I suffered for a very long time!!
thinking turpentine would be the same as methylated spirits for cleaning paint off!
Maybe it's just me, but I think the biggest issue is letting others dictate the color scheme. I know that it's part and parcel of having a paying community, but unless it's a commission you need to paint what makes you happy. Which is hard to do when others are dictating your color scheme.
On another note, I prefer LA's Totally Awesome over Simple Green. It's cheaper than Simple Green and multi-purpose to boot. (my wife used it to get blood out of her white scrubs during nursing school)
I've heard great things about that brand!
Highly informativ. But the mainreason i love her, are the cats :)
The cats are the best
This is so different to how paint, I have never done a digital mock up ar anything, I close my eyes and imagine how I want something to look in my mind until I can see it clearly, sometimes I quick sketch with pencils or oils, this whole process will usually be around 15 to 30 minuits, then I pick some colours as close as possible,
I wet palette and wet blend on the models a lot so I don't have a huge selections of paints, my painting speed is pretty fast, I will paint an Imperial knight in a single day or a unit of infantry or several character models. .
Almost 35 years of painting, many as a comission painter and using the old visualisation and sketching techniques and thankfully I have never had to strip a model I painted. .
The key thing for me is having my own style so I rarely look through pictures of models other people have painted, I grew up ìn the John Blanche era and loved watching him paint, he could paint an entire squad like an Inquisitorial retinue and each one would be a slightly different colour due to him mixing as he went, his style look like 3d oil paintings to me and its still a big influence on what I do.
I realised years ago that a lot of what you see online looks great due to amazing photography skills and digital touch ups and filters, it's became even more apparent when I starting seeing pictures taken with a standard phone of models brought from professional painters on ebay or through painting studios compared to the advertising. .
Like you said, you have colours you enjoy seeing together and others you don't, personally magenta and teal always makes me think of moldy cheese so I just don't enjoy that combination either. .
Great video, like others have already said, its nice to see female miniatures that aren't in skimpy clothes. I liked your finished product even if you didn't.
I just had a vision for me video and I didn't get there 😓
That Simple Green looks more like PineSol
Love the cats.
Cats are the best
Biggest pinting mistake has to be trying to paint a fully assembled Terrorgheist as a beginner, back in the days of Warhammer Fantasy. Almost made me stop painting for good. ^^
My biggest oops is: not painting enough and/or be to invested into a single gaming piece.
Slowly, after 15 years, i learn to handle my gaming miniatures not like display pieces.
Giving my Spash Marines a too strong basecoat. They looked like they melted. Not even cleaning it, two times with Isopropyl alcohol could save all the details. I also broke some parts and lost them. Like a pro.
I was just yesterday talking to my wife about how its too hard to find models of women in regular clothes. Sometimes being scantily clad makes sense for either gender, but usually it doesn't for women. Looking forward to the campaign!
My advice - resist the temptation to compromise. 'Okay, this isn't quite how I imagined it, but maybe they'll look better as a group?' Nope, this led to me having 10 miniatures I can't stand to look at.
My biggest painting mistake on a mini is my cross eyed viking bust. He's still cross eyed, because I don't want to fix him. Yet.
My biggest painting mistake that turned out good wasn't a mini, but a `71 Cuda model that I painted Sublime Green, sanded out to get rid of dust, painted again, tried to patch a small mistake, messed up the whole thing, threw across my workshop, retrieved two days later, stripped, painted again, clear coated, decalled, clear coated and polished numerous times, which finally won a ribbon at a contest.
If you put a sealant over top, it acts as a bit of a "save as" button that allows you to scrub away freshly applied paint.
Oven cleaner works amazing for stripping. Most under-rated cleaner of all time.
The expression on your face in the thumbnail was both hilarious and appropriate! I've been there many a time before. Thankfully, it's not too often that I have to strip and repaint a model midway. Good old Simple Green is something that is a regular and essential part of my kitchen anyway, and the trick you mentioned for spot cleaning with SG is a great idea. I actually rather like the idea of more dressed female characters because "sexy" is not my thing, really. Good video as usual, Miss Lyla!
Biggest mistake: using washes on paint that was not fully dried. Second biggest mistake using Citadel's Nightshade on my last troll...the horror!
Oh noooo. I forgot that was something you even need to do.... It seems so obvious but oh definitely made that mistake as well. 😅😅
Kitties! 😄
To be fair, your C game is 5x better than my A game.. 😂
weird reupload but, good video.
Speaking of fixing an oops, she fixed an oops that's why thr re upload lol
Love your channel,love your paints,love your face, but i h8 your cat
3 bad characters in one....long coats. And I decided to use shifting colors for the coats. The dress looked beautiful....for an Arabian Princess!!!! Looked sooo rediculous in combination with mean characters, one really should know when to use color shifts.
Supergluing my fingers to a miniature in a horrific basing incident.
I have not done that one!
Magenta and Teal? Vince Venturella has entered the chat
Oh no!!!
Hi! I love you videos. Can you activate the subtitles?. Please, this help me understand better the videos 😉 thanx
It's probably not generating yet, since the video is so new. They should show up soon!
I think the video is too new for the auto generated subtitles
@@LylaMev oh soorry
If you’re looking for badass, non-exploitation female minis can I recommend Bad Squiddo Games (pretty much the whole store) and Oathsworn Miniatures (Sensible Shoes range).
Thank you!
Biggest mistake I've made was over thinking my paint scheme. That froze me for a good solid two weeks. I've only been painting a couple months now but this hobby is my zen garden. And avoiding it for an extended amount of time because I'm not sure about my colors was just dumb. Thank you for the content you make, it really does help seeing that same struggle in someone much more talented and accomplished, than myself.
Your cat is possessed by Garfield :P
There is always my favorite... give it to a small child with a hammer and watch the show.
If you strip soak a resin cast mini overnight, don't forget about it for 3 days!
what happens if you do!?
@@LylaMev it goes spongey and develops really deep cracks 😭
This couldn't be better timed. Literally trying a bunch of different methods of saving a bunch of old metal minis and their awful 90s paint job.
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99% isopropyl works way better than simple green.