UPDATE: I have been informed by several people that Klonoa Heroes uses Katakana as well as Hiragana, maybe even Kanji. My main point still stands, however. If you can't read the language, the game is not very accessible.
I know that Klonoa Beach Volleyball technically came out before Klonoa Heroes, but I wanted to combine a short review of that with a short review of Dream Traveller of Noctis Sol and my final thoughts. It just seemed the most sense to do it that way. Next video is the finale. See you guys then.
You mean my detailed impressions of what the plot is about? I'm honestly really worn out with this marathon and just kind of want to be done. Maybe I'll come back to the story later down the line.
Hey Exo, there's a patch that changes the brick physics in the All-Stars SMB 1 remake to match the NES version. Turns out Mario going up through the bricks was most likely an error, because in All-Stars, Mario's Y-Velocity is actually changed by the same value as the NES version, but positively instead of negatively, so Mario is pulled up through the brick, rather than bouncing back down. This means that if your at the very height of your jump, and you hit a brick, you suddenly get pulled up after braking it, gaining upward momentum for no reason. Also, in the NES version, you could be running, hit a brick, bounce back down and keep running without losing any speed. In All-Stars, you could be running, hit a brick, be pulled through it, hit the side of the next brick making you lose all your speed, then fall back down (sometimes into an enemy or pit), and have to reach top speed all over again. I personally feel that going up through the bricks brakes the flow of the game. It wasn't enough to ruin the remake for me, but I do prefer the NES brick physics, and for a while because of that I would always play the NES version. But thanks to this patch, I can play the All-Stars version as it was likely intended, and I now believe it to be the definitive version of SMB 1. A Link to the Patch: www.romhacking.net/hacks/167/
This was a great review, but I'm never playing this game until it has a faithful english patch. I only want to experience this game as it was more or less intended, and if I can't read the text boxes, and need to glance over at my phone with a translation or something, I think that'd be a subpar experience. It looks fun, but I think I'll wait on that fan patch if it ever gets finished. That accuracy stat seems incredibly dumb. I can't see any other reason for it to be there other than to drag out the pace of the game, which is one of my least favorite things in video games. I have to say, even though I haven't personally experienced the dungeons, them being long doesn't seem like it would be inherently bad. Is there any reason they become tedious other than the fact that they take a long time to complete? Honestly, as long as it's engaging the entire way through, I don't even pay attention to level length. That's why I love Klonoa 2 so damn much.
It just feels like it takes forever, and I'm not a fan of levels that are long for the sake of being long. The other problem is that it's supposed to be a portable game, and while you can save in dungeons and pick up where you left off, this game begs for more shorter levels.
I'll admit this and the wii game were the ones that got me into the series, I actually made myself a goal to play the entirely of Heroes before the first semester of my freshman year of high school ended, and it's what kept me going in between the mass amount of homework. I agree it has it flaws and the Janga fight....oh god the Janga fight...that was absolute madness, same with the second Joka fight. Those took me longer the final boss. By the time I finally beat both Klonoa was almost level 50 which was extremely over leveled at the time. But I was obliged to buy the game physically and play it without speeding up the gameplay and save states. Though I also didnt know about the strafing until seeing this Video. This made me actually made me want to play Guntz again. Either way this game was great in all other aspects. Oh yeah funny story, like a week after I got the game physically, the english patch was released to the public. Yeah I couldn't fathom if it was a coincidence or not it for the timing of that...I've also been tempted to write a more in depth guide for how each character plays at their best for western players since I've ran through the game several times, but I'm still learning the in's and out's in every character even after about 4 near complete runs
It has an English patch now which is good enough. I heard that it does have a profanity warning and contains an F-Bomb. I do appreciate the translators for keeping the translation as true to the original as possible and not toning it down just to make it more family friendly.
Holy shit you talked about our forums, idk why that makes me so happy. I'm glad you found the newer translation for the video, it's easily the best translation for the game we've had for years... (god bless Aoi-k for their original translation but Engrish is Engrish) Anyway this review was great as always, I really usually don't comment this much and I've probably made an idiot of myself a few times, but this series has been really wonderful to watch. Every time Vik posts a new installment in the thread it makes my day ;D (Still really mystifying seeing my own damn forum posts on a youtube video dkfjdg)
Hey, no problem. Thank you folks for sharing around my videos, painstakingly translating this game into natural-sounding English, and for offering a community for Klonoa fans to hang out and share their love of the series with each other. The least I can do is give you folks a little exposure. Keep on doing what you're doing. You guys are wonderful. :)
Man, that sounds pretty col, but I don't think I could have the patience to read a wiki alongside my game. Would you or anyone else think of doing a fan translation hack? I'd play that.
We've had a few people start an English patch project, but so far no one's seen it through to completion for various reasons. Believe me, I want an English patch as much as anyone ):
Shimoneta: A Boring World Where the Concept of Dirty Jokes Doesn't Exist there is also Ore no Nounai Sentakushi ga, Gakuen Love Comedy wo Zenryoku de Jama Shiteiru (AKA My Mental Choices Are Completely Interfering With My School Romantic Comedy) Yeah I'll just call the anime Shimoneta and NouCome since the title is too long.
Many many many many thanks for the mention in your video :o Haha I've been slowly doing another Klonoa Heroes play through since helping with that guide :D
This was the first klonoa game I really Actually beat, I was in a game designing class and we had to do a project based on our favorite game, I ended up doing klonos heroes Because it was what I was playing at the time, and I actually got a few people to play it and they loved it once they got familiar with the plot
Those reaction character portraits at the end were timed perfectly I almost forgot about the Web comic. I remember finding all these other Namco webcomic from reading the Bravoman comic. Thanks for reminding me that they're there. I haven't finished Klonoa yet
You know, if Klonoa ever gets a reboot (which is most likely not) I wouldn't mind seeing it as an RPG series. Just imagine the Paper Mario but replace Mario characters with Klonoa's cast, and I think we'll be good.
I've become a member of Untamed Heart Klonoa Collective to support the english patch for this game. also great as always & looking forward to the finale. Also would you consider doing a short ROR video comparing the PS2 versions of the Ratchet & Clank games to the HD collection & potentially comparing the first game to the movie game? Also REALLY hope Bandai Namco makes an internationally released remake of this game.
I will try this game in the future, it's good to see that there is a english patch on the works. Also Sign of Hero is one of my favorite songs of the Klonoa franchise, and it was the first japanese song I ever learned to sing :V - V.D.
Just finished watching and I think this is your best review yet! Lots of info on an obscure game, and more exposure should help especially with the fan translation being proposed. Though I should clarify for you that multiple times in the video, you point out how the text is in Hiragana as a language barrier, although as a Hiragana reader myself (having taken two years to study that particular part), I noticed that there was distinctively more Katakana in the game compared to the Hiragana, with a small bit of kanji every once in a while. This wasn't something I wanted to point out, but since it seems nobody else has and since it was a bit of a major point in the video, I think it's important to clarify that the game has a major Katakana focus with Hiragana only being a small portion of it, meaning that the language barrier is even more complicated as if you only know one of the three, you can't really get anywhere. Still, this was a great review and I enjoyed watching it.
This makes so much sense! I played Namco X Capcom (Which features Klonoa, Gantz, Janga, and Joka) before playing any Klonoa games. When I finally got around to playing the console games I was so confused as to where Gantz and Janga were! Never would have expected there to be a GBA rpg XD
I liked the review! Also, there were cameos of other Namco characters as NPCs you were talking to, specifically Susumu Horii from Mr. Driller (He's the son of Taizo Horii or Dig Dug) and Kai from Druaga's Tower. I'm guessing there are others in the game too. This game looks fun but I think I'll wait until there's an English patch for it. Can't wait for your next review!
After playing this game 3 times now... it made me teorize that Klonoa Heroes takes place in Klonoa's real, non-dreamy world... Because... this game doesn't end like the others! Klonoa isn't suddendly told that all he ever knew his entire life is a lie and gets booted out of the place. He doesn't have to say good-bye to anyone and saddly leave the place or just go unnoticed. He just... comes back to his house from defeating Nahatomb on the moon with his friends, rescue Lolo and save the world from Nightmares and lives a happy life! It really makes me wish for a sequel where the main villain is the "Real" Gadius and Klonoa all grown up saving the day once more. And that's not the only thing I love from this game!
I never really had an issue with the agility stat. The ability to dodge very powerful hits from bosses, plus the extra critical hits, makes missing worth it, to me at least. On the other hand, I really hate how limited the inventory space feels. Limiting items makes sense, and I never had too much of an issue with limited weapons/armor. But my god, every time I picked up one of those special trinket things in a dungeon I groaned out loud because it meant having to sift through and figure out which item to throw out. There are 17 special trinkets, which takes up over half of the slots (the max is 30) Add in the special "!", the various stat upgrades, and the money ones and you quickly get filled up. (Also, Tsudzu Bait is extremely powerful. Any western players, make sure you equip the pink/purple smiley face thing, it makes those annoying mimics so much more tolerable.)
I gotta say, even though I don't give a fuck about Klonoa or other games you have reviewed, I still watch your reviews because you give each game an honest review and take into account every aspect of it, being it for better or worse. In short words, you sir are one of the few good reviewers in the web, keep it going, your work and effort shines through each of your videos. Here's hoping for many more and best of luck for what's to come!
I'm just getting into Klonoa, and have really been enjoying going through this marathon. This game interests me, as I do like this style RPG a bit and the Klonoa cast seems like good fun to travel with, but the language barrier has me wary. I've tried importing RPGs and playing with some online translations and it never worked out.
I honestly love RPGs, you can't just throw yourself in and have to strategize, kind of makes me sad to see that Turn Based RPGs are dying, if not completely dead these days
They're not extinct, they're more niche. Bravely Default is a good example of it not being extinct. In Japan they're are still going strong, honestly I'd love to learn Japanese just for playing their games lol.
I find it kinda funny that you like action RPGs over traditional ones given the direct control of your character. It kinda makes me wonder what your thoughts are on games like Eternal Sonata or Undertale, 2 games which I see as a bit of a mix of traditional RPGs with some action in it. Eternal Sonata's battle system, while technically a button masher, does allow you to move your characters in battle. Somewhat. As for Undertale, it uses random encounters, but you're allowed to choose whether or not to fight your enemies & you directly control your character (at least his/her soul) to dodge enemy attacks. And there are some bosses that uses elements from platformer & shooter games. It does make me wonder how you'd react to something like that.
I never played any of the games, but from what I've seen, I prefer the more younger & cheerful Klonoa from the handheld/spinoff games. I just prefer lighthearted stories over darker & serious ones.
I know you don't like RPGs, but when it comes to great-sounding soundtracks, the two Golden Sun games have some of the most impressive audio on the GBA. My personal favorite song being "The Storm" from the first Golden Sun. It really gives a sense of foreboding trouble. ...Actually, you might find a little interest in Golden Sun. The games do get a little grindy (moreso the first game than the second game), but there's a lot of puzzle-solving in dungeons. I can't guarentee it'll be enough to hold your interest, but if you ever did try it, be absolutely sure to turn off "Speech" in the options! =P
Actually, my co-Unversed Cast host TheRyanSucksAtVideoGames got me playing Golden Sun a while ago. You might have noticed that one of the Treasure Chest Mimics I showed off was from Golden Sun. I like it more than Final Fantasy precisely because it's got more puzzle elements and great sounding music. I wish there was a little more strategy, though. For the most part you can get away with just spamming the same psynergy spells over and over again.
This game has an English patch now. I don't like playing dialogue heavy games in Japanese. You don't like RPGs? I thought you were playing Paper Mario TTYD. I do hate RPGs with constant grinding. Persona 5 is good because as long as you level up while doing side quests in Mementos you shouldn't have to grind. Persona 3 and 4 doesn't require much grinding either. 1:52 Obviously the answer to that is Replace. The original NES game is broken and doesn't work properly. The PSP version is also the best looking one and may have more content than the GBA version. I heard the English patch has an F-Bomb in it and they even have a profanity warning for it. I do appreciate the translators for keeping the translation as true to the original as possible and not toning the game down. I don't think a localized English version would allow that. Is Lolo a monkey? I didn't know she had a tail. 6:36 Don't you mean 3 1/2 dozen facial portraits? Why is Klonoa pink faced and red faced in one image? One of the enemies look like Pikachu. 14:20 By the way if your SP isn't high enough you won't do any damage to those enemies. I had a hard time finding that out since the game doesn't do a good job explaining it. 15:17 That's why I don't play these games without an English patch. I was able to play through the Starfy series since the dialogue isn't that important even though I needed a guide at one part since I wasn't sure what to do. Being able to read the dialogue could have helped. There may be some parts of the Starfy DS game I couldn't access because I can't read what I need to do. I do hate the fact that it's hard to tell which chests are mimics. It would be nice if simply hitting them could reveal them. The game is more playable now that it has a fan translation.
I suppose that remake was an attempt of reboot, but based on the success of the game, they declined. To be completely honest, I strongly believe they should try again in the Switch and have Nintendo making a Direct on it. I never saw any promotion about the remake, but It's the kind of game that a Nintendo player should enjoy. That, or PS4, but I say Nintendo because they're pretty friends with Namco lately.
LOVE YOU Paper mario is one of my favorite games of all time too and i certainly like it better than mario rpg and bowsers inside story contrary to popular opinions but i dont know about thousand year door and super paper mario so cant judge that much
If you like this style of game, I'd recommend another under rated series, the, "... of Mana." series of games. It also has a Japanese only release in, "Seiken Densetsu 3," which fortunately has roms with fan translations.
I had to pause the video just to laugh at that searchbar gag. It's just something I do out of inexplicable habit, and being 'called out' for it just sorta broke me for a moment.
I feel pretty much the same way about RPGs. I can't stand most turn-based RPGs (Paper Mario being an exception as well), but I love the likes of action RPGs like Kingdom Hearts or Dust an Elysian Tail.
From the opening segment where you commented on RPGs, I think you'd enjoy Xenoblade Chronicles for the Wii/n3DS. The battle system is closer to Kingdom Hearts compared to Final Fantasy (although I've not played much Kingdom Hearts, so this is just based on about an hour of 3DS Kingdom Hearts gameplay). The game has almost no grinding due to it's sidequest system, and has a really good story.
Somebody get this man some Wild ARMS or Breath of FIre! those both try to do neat stuff with their overworlds to... well, I'm not going to say it's anything perfect, but it does give dungeons dynamic puzzle solving to go along with the turn based combat and the more passive elements. Also, Gauntlet. I'm REALLY reminded of Gauntlet seeing a top down game like this.
+STomlog Were you the one who wrote those two Klonoa translation guides? I gotta thank you and the folks at UHKC for making these Japanese-only games more accessible. Your Moonlight Museum one helped out a lot, too.
No, no, I am merely a GameFAQs friend of FinalSoraRiku (as is briefly visible at that timestamp.) Always glad to take completely undeserved credit, though; thank you.
Agility = movement speed? HAHAHAHAHA oh boi you know thats the stander use of that stat. Why do you think assassin classes uses agility in most games? Is there no fan translation of the game? Regardless what a good video.
Don't beat yourself up. I got a translated rom hack of the game and still somehow used a moo wing on accident. Oh yeah, there is a translated rom hack of the game now, by Klonoa Mega Chat Translation Team. It was literally released last month. Get it, it's pretty good
There's more katakana than hiragana there especially for the menu items...Just knowing how to sound out the katakana is usually enough for an english speaker to translate most of the useful things in a game
Klonoa Collective? When I buy and complete Lunatea's Veil, I'll join in a jiffy. Also, why do these developers of spin-off titles (for any franchise) like to ignore canon so much? I am talking about all spin-off games ever made.
I wish I could play Lunatea's Veil, but I don't own a PS2 and I'm not going to buy one just to play one game. Thankfully I can at least play the first game on my Vita and the GBA games on my Wii U.
The PS2 emulator plays most games correctly, and simple games (like NOT Jak or Ratchet) perfectly. I cannot believe it;s almost 2017, and you don't even know about emulation.
I can't get a PS1 emulator to work so I wouldn't know how to get a PS2 emulator to work. Plus I've got a PS2 that belonged to my cousin who used to live with me. with a controller & a memory card.
Your reviews are really interesting, talking about my personal experience I really didn't like Klonoa Heroes, I thought the gameplay was really boring compared to other action RPGs, I remember how much Children of Mana hooked me while Klonoa Heroes has this multiple color attacks that for me just feels odd and bland, especially while using the wind bullet, I dunno I just don't think it shouldn't be used that way and that it was repetitive and boring, since the attack doesn't have change the animation but it's just the same thing, and I shut down the whole thing because of the lack of map system, I didn't have that big of a problem with the language since I used to play Japanese game since I was a child and that I can actually read hiragana and katakana, so despite not being a Japanese speaker I do have knowledge of something of the language, but it still, I think it was repetitive and a mediocre action RPG and I actually don't like the graphic, but I'm sure the story is probably one of the best of the series and this game actually introduced Janga who's my fav since I was 11, if Namco Bandai could remake this in 3D, with voice acting, cutscenes and Kingdom Hearts-like gameplay it could be great, but since they're too busy making animu games it's probably not going to happen, damn, Namco used to make a lot of original games and now they only make anime games with some few exceptions, that's probably why I can't stand Bandai, they're only known for anime stuff and collectibles (and also ignores anime that aren't shonen with the exeption of Sailor Moon of course) Bandai should probably stick to toys, figures and anime stuff instead of forcing Namco to just make anime games.
I was gonna get made at you for not liking RPG's; as they're my favorite genre of games, but you get a pass for at least... First off, even knowing & liking/enjoying Chrono Trigger and Lost Odyssey. (At least I think that's what you meant by showing those two games...) Anyone who likes those two(ESPECIALLY Chrono Trigger) games are all right in my book. Chrono Trigger is easily one of the best RPG's ever made...If not THE best RPG ever.
Just what I needed. A 30 minute EPG review!
hi Haedox!!!
Generic "I didn't know you watched [insert youtuber]" comment reply.
+keyblade wielder24 yo
Just what I needed, another comment joking about the video length.
Oh hey Haedox.
UPDATE: I have been informed by several people that Klonoa Heroes uses Katakana as well as Hiragana, maybe even Kanji.
My main point still stands, however. If you can't read the language, the game is not very accessible.
I know that Klonoa Beach Volleyball technically came out before Klonoa Heroes, but I wanted to combine a short review of that with a short review of Dream Traveller of Noctis Sol and my final thoughts. It just seemed the most sense to do it that way. Next video is the finale. See you guys then.
Hey Exo, Where's that Non Spoiler Free Video on Lunatea's Veil?
You mean my detailed impressions of what the plot is about? I'm honestly really worn out with this marathon and just kind of want to be done. Maybe I'll come back to the story later down the line.
ExoParadigmGamer Okay.
I can't wait.
Hey Exo, there's a patch that changes the brick physics in the All-Stars SMB 1 remake to match the NES version. Turns out Mario going up through the bricks was most likely an error, because in All-Stars, Mario's Y-Velocity is actually changed by the same value as the NES version, but positively instead of negatively, so Mario is pulled up through the brick, rather than bouncing back down. This means that if your at the very height of your jump, and you hit a brick, you suddenly get pulled up after braking it, gaining upward momentum for no reason. Also, in the NES version, you could be running, hit a brick, bounce back down and keep running without losing any speed. In All-Stars, you could be running, hit a brick, be pulled through it, hit the side of the next brick making you lose all your speed, then fall back down (sometimes into an enemy or pit), and have to reach top speed all over again. I personally feel that going up through the bricks brakes the flow of the game. It wasn't enough to ruin the remake for me, but I do prefer the NES brick physics, and for a while because of that I would always play the NES version. But thanks to this patch, I can play the All-Stars version as it was likely intended, and I now believe it to be the definitive version of SMB 1.
A Link to the Patch: www.romhacking.net/hacks/167/
"Mommet's brother, Mammet"
Original character donut steel.
13:32 Suddenly Mr Driller in a Klonoa game
Namco sure likes to make cameos of their other game characters in their products. :P
This was a great review, but I'm never playing this game until it has a faithful english patch. I only want to experience this game as it was more or less intended, and if I can't read the text boxes, and need to glance over at my phone with a translation or something, I think that'd be a subpar experience. It looks fun, but I think I'll wait on that fan patch if it ever gets finished.
That accuracy stat seems incredibly dumb. I can't see any other reason for it to be there other than to drag out the pace of the game, which is one of my least favorite things in video games. I have to say, even though I haven't personally experienced the dungeons, them being long doesn't seem like it would be inherently bad. Is there any reason they become tedious other than the fact that they take a long time to complete? Honestly, as long as it's engaging the entire way through, I don't even pay attention to level length. That's why I love Klonoa 2 so damn much.
It just feels like it takes forever, and I'm not a fan of levels that are long for the sake of being long. The other problem is that it's supposed to be a portable game, and while you can save in dungeons and pick up where you left off, this game begs for more shorter levels.
I'll admit this and the wii game were the ones that got me into the series, I actually made myself a goal to play the entirely of Heroes before the first semester of my freshman year of high school ended, and it's what kept me going in between the mass amount of homework. I agree it has it flaws and the Janga fight....oh god the Janga fight...that was absolute madness, same with the second Joka fight. Those took me longer the final boss. By the time I finally beat both Klonoa was almost level 50 which was extremely over leveled at the time. But I was obliged to buy the game physically and play it without speeding up the gameplay and save states. Though I also didnt know about the strafing until seeing this Video. This made me actually made me want to play Guntz again. Either way this game was great in all other aspects. Oh yeah funny story, like a week after I got the game physically, the english patch was released to the public. Yeah I couldn't fathom if it was a coincidence or not it for the timing of that...I've also been tempted to write a more in depth guide for how each character plays at their best for western players since I've ran through the game several times, but I'm still learning the in's and out's in every character even after about 4 near complete runs
The patch is out now
It has an English patch now which is good enough. I heard that it does have a profanity warning and contains an F-Bomb. I do appreciate the translators for keeping the translation as true to the original as possible and not toning it down just to make it more family friendly.
Holy shit you talked about our forums, idk why that makes me so happy.
I'm glad you found the newer translation for the video, it's easily the best translation for the game we've had for years... (god bless Aoi-k for their original translation but Engrish is Engrish)
Anyway this review was great as always, I really usually don't comment this much and I've probably made an idiot of myself a few times, but this series has been really wonderful to watch. Every time Vik posts a new installment in the thread it makes my day ;D
(Still really mystifying seeing my own damn forum posts on a youtube video dkfjdg)
Hey, no problem. Thank you folks for sharing around my videos, painstakingly translating this game into natural-sounding English, and for offering a community for Klonoa fans to hang out and share their love of the series with each other. The least I can do is give you folks a little exposure. Keep on doing what you're doing. You guys are wonderful. :)
We will, thank you... ;o;
I look forward to more of your videos!
I just registered for the forums little bit ago.
Man, that sounds pretty col, but I don't think I could have the patience to read a wiki alongside my game.
Would you or anyone else think of doing a fan translation hack? I'd play that.
We've had a few people start an English patch project, but so far no one's seen it through to completion for various reasons. Believe me, I want an English patch as much as anyone ):
Ahh, Japan. You never learn when a title is too long.
Klonoa Heroes: Legendary Star Medal isn't even that long.
+Ranen Chancelor Even Densetsu no Star Medal isn't that long.
Shimoneta: A Boring World Where the Concept of Dirty Jokes Doesn't Exist
there is also
Ore no Nounai Sentakushi ga, Gakuen Love Comedy wo Zenryoku de Jama Shiteiru
(AKA My Mental Choices Are Completely Interfering With My School Romantic Comedy)
Yeah I'll just call the anime Shimoneta and NouCome since the title is too long.
Many many many many thanks for the mention in your video :o Haha I've been slowly doing another Klonoa Heroes play through since helping with that guide :D
This game got fully translated today! YEAH!!!!
Hey just a heads up, a completed fan translation is out and console compatible so enjoy yourselves
"Why are you reading my Search bar?" Totally cracked up at that Easter Egg XDDD
I might play if this ever gets a fan translation.
Also, is Klonoa Collective, pretty much the Sonic Retro of Klonoa?
As far as I'm concerned it might as well be.
at this rate, yes...but with the length of the game, maybe in 1-2 years to be fully translate with no error's...
Thats Legit Okay. I don't care how long it takes.
How can I help?
This was the first klonoa game I really Actually beat, I was in a game designing class and we had to do a project based on our favorite game, I ended up doing klonos heroes Because it was what I was playing at the time, and I actually got a few people to play it and they loved it once they got familiar with the plot
"Why are you looking at my searchbar?" lol
Also, make a super mario 64 ROR! (jk saw it on haedox's channel lol)
Those reaction character portraits at the end were timed perfectly
I almost forgot about the Web comic. I remember finding all these other Namco webcomic from reading the Bravoman comic. Thanks for reminding me that they're there. I haven't finished Klonoa yet
I was depressed thinking about death and you cheered me up. Thanks!
I don't know why but I wanna hug you
Bind you confine you defying your reign
Interestingly enough, it was released before Sonic Heroes.
+John Ljutak
Sega probably played this
I've got a feeling this is where Sega got the idea for the team up mechanic in Sonic Heroes from.
You know, if Klonoa ever gets a reboot (which is most likely not) I wouldn't mind seeing it as an RPG series. Just imagine the Paper Mario but replace Mario characters with Klonoa's cast, and I think we'll be good.
I've become a member of Untamed Heart Klonoa Collective to support the english patch for this game. also great as always & looking forward to the finale. Also would you consider doing a short ROR video comparing the PS2 versions of the Ratchet & Clank games to the HD collection & potentially comparing the first game to the movie game? Also REALLY hope Bandai Namco makes an internationally released remake of this game.
I will try this game in the future, it's good to see that there is a english patch on the works.
Also Sign of Hero is one of my favorite songs of the Klonoa franchise, and it was the first japanese song I ever learned to sing :V
- V.D.
Just finished watching and I think this is your best review yet! Lots of info on an obscure game, and more exposure should help especially with the fan translation being proposed. Though I should clarify for you that multiple times in the video, you point out how the text is in Hiragana as a language barrier, although as a Hiragana reader myself (having taken two years to study that particular part), I noticed that there was distinctively more Katakana in the game compared to the Hiragana, with a small bit of kanji every once in a while. This wasn't something I wanted to point out, but since it seems nobody else has and since it was a bit of a major point in the video, I think it's important to clarify that the game has a major Katakana focus with Hiragana only being a small portion of it, meaning that the language barrier is even more complicated as if you only know one of the three, you can't really get anywhere. Still, this was a great review and I enjoyed watching it.
Nice review. this was the game I really wanted to know the most about.
And now this game is fully translated.
26:50 Get your Splatoon out of my Klonoa!
This game has been fully translated now
Seeing an EPG vid in my sub box is always nice
Thank god this game has a fantranslation now.
This makes so much sense! I played Namco X Capcom (Which features Klonoa, Gantz, Janga, and Joka) before playing any Klonoa games. When I finally got around to playing the console games I was so confused as to where Gantz and Janga were! Never would have expected there to be a GBA rpg XD
I liked the review! Also, there were cameos of other Namco characters as NPCs you were talking to, specifically Susumu Horii from Mr. Driller (He's the son of Taizo Horii or Dig Dug) and Kai from Druaga's Tower. I'm guessing there are others in the game too. This game looks fun but I think I'll wait until there's an English patch for it. Can't wait for your next review!
13:32 Hold up! That's Susumu from the Mr. Driller series! Didn't think they'd sneak a cameo like that in.
klonoa heroes! saving the day! where klonoa heroes
When there is a fan or official translation I am going to play this ASAP.
We need a translation or a full remake of this game. It really looks like something I'd like to play!
After playing this game 3 times now...
it made me teorize that Klonoa Heroes takes place in Klonoa's real, non-dreamy world...
Because... this game doesn't end like the others!
Klonoa isn't suddendly told that all he ever knew his entire life is a lie and gets booted out of the place.
He doesn't have to say good-bye to anyone and saddly leave the place or just go unnoticed.
He just... comes back to his house from defeating Nahatomb on the moon with his friends, rescue Lolo and
save the world from Nightmares and lives a happy life!
It really makes me wish for a sequel where the main villain is the "Real" Gadius and Klonoa all grown up saving the day once more.
And that's not the only thing I love from this game!
I never really had an issue with the agility stat. The ability to dodge very powerful hits from bosses, plus the extra critical hits, makes missing worth it, to me at least. On the other hand, I really hate how limited the inventory space feels. Limiting items makes sense, and I never had too much of an issue with limited weapons/armor. But my god, every time I picked up one of those special trinket things in a dungeon I groaned out loud because it meant having to sift through and figure out which item to throw out. There are 17 special trinkets, which takes up over half of the slots (the max is 30) Add in the special "!", the various stat upgrades, and the money ones and you quickly get filled up. (Also, Tsudzu Bait is extremely powerful. Any western players, make sure you equip the pink/purple smiley face thing, it makes those annoying mimics so much more tolerable.)
I gotta say, even though I don't give a fuck about Klonoa or other games you have reviewed, I still watch your reviews because you give each game an honest review and take into account every aspect of it, being it for better or worse.
In short words, you sir are one of the few good reviewers in the web, keep it going, your work and effort shines through each of your videos.
Here's hoping for many more and best of luck for what's to come!
Thanks, mister!
You're welcome, ladiesman. :P
Full English patch is out now excited to try this
What goes up must come down, but my feet don't touch the ground...
See the world spin upside down, A mighty crash without a sound!
+TeckGeck You guys know that Sonic Heroes came out two years after this game, right?
I know XD
Awesome review by the way :)
I thought Sonic Heroes came out in 2003 in Japan?
have you seen the ratchet and clank movie yet
Why would he watch an "eh" movie?
+Austin Gen because he is a fan of the franchise who wants to see it
I'll see it when it comes out on DVD.
I'm just getting into Klonoa, and have really been enjoying going through this marathon. This game interests me, as I do like this style RPG a bit and the Klonoa cast seems like good fun to travel with, but the language barrier has me wary. I've tried importing RPGs and playing with some online translations and it never worked out.
ohh shiet its Mr. Driller!
I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed that!
“Why are you reading my search bar?” Nice.
I honestly love RPGs, you can't just throw yourself in and have to strategize, kind of makes me sad to see that Turn Based RPGs are dying, if not completely dead these days
They're not extinct, they're more niche. Bravely Default is a good example of it not being extinct. In Japan they're are still going strong, honestly I'd love to learn Japanese just for playing their games lol.
Hello where can I download the ROM of this game ;'( I can't find it and I'm a big Klonoa fan 🥺😢
That post credits scene was amazing 😂
(looks at search bar in the footage) You're clever, Exo.
He's back
I find it kinda funny that you like action RPGs over traditional ones given the direct control of your character. It kinda makes me wonder what your thoughts are on games like Eternal Sonata or Undertale, 2 games which I see as a bit of a mix of traditional RPGs with some action in it. Eternal Sonata's battle system, while technically a button masher, does allow you to move your characters in battle. Somewhat. As for Undertale, it uses random encounters, but you're allowed to choose whether or not to fight your enemies & you directly control your character (at least his/her soul) to dodge enemy attacks. And there are some bosses that uses elements from platformer & shooter games. It does make me wonder how you'd react to something like that.
I never played any of the games, but from what I've seen, I prefer the more younger & cheerful Klonoa from the handheld/spinoff games. I just prefer lighthearted stories over darker & serious ones.
I used to have a SIMILAR opinion to urs @ the beginning of the video.
Kingdom Hearts was my 1st step to changing that. (no
I don't count Pokemon)
I know you don't like RPGs, but when it comes to great-sounding soundtracks, the two Golden Sun games have some of the most impressive audio on the GBA. My personal favorite song being "The Storm" from the first Golden Sun. It really gives a sense of foreboding trouble.
...Actually, you might find a little interest in Golden Sun. The games do get a little grindy (moreso the first game than the second game), but there's a lot of puzzle-solving in dungeons. I can't guarentee it'll be enough to hold your interest, but if you ever did try it, be absolutely sure to turn off "Speech" in the options! =P
Actually, my co-Unversed Cast host TheRyanSucksAtVideoGames got me playing Golden Sun a while ago. You might have noticed that one of the Treasure Chest Mimics I showed off was from Golden Sun. I like it more than Final Fantasy precisely because it's got more puzzle elements and great sounding music. I wish there was a little more strategy, though. For the most part you can get away with just spamming the same psynergy spells over and over again.
they so need to make the next big klonoa game like this with the help of platinum, they would make is amazing.
are gba's region locked? cause I want to get these games!!
Nitro Indigo alright! ThanksXD
interesting game can't wait for an english patch also I totally agree with you about rpgs action ones are just way more engaging
This soundtrack is literally one of the most killer I ever heard.
I don't think the instruments are bad at all, better than DKC
good job on the review
Great review! Wishy Klonoa would make a comeback on the Switch, but not another remake.
I guess this is the part where we have a good laugh.
This game has an English patch now. I don't like playing dialogue heavy games in Japanese. You don't like RPGs? I thought you were playing Paper Mario TTYD. I do hate RPGs with constant grinding. Persona 5 is good because as long as you level up while doing side quests in Mementos you shouldn't have to grind. Persona 3 and 4 doesn't require much grinding either.
1:52 Obviously the answer to that is Replace. The original NES game is broken and doesn't work properly. The PSP version is also the best looking one and may have more content than the GBA version.
I heard the English patch has an F-Bomb in it and they even have a profanity warning for it. I do appreciate the translators for keeping the translation as true to the original as possible and not toning the game down. I don't think a localized English version would allow that.
Is Lolo a monkey? I didn't know she had a tail. 6:36 Don't you mean 3 1/2 dozen facial portraits? Why is Klonoa pink faced and red faced in one image? One of the enemies look like Pikachu.
14:20 By the way if your SP isn't high enough you won't do any damage to those enemies. I had a hard time finding that out since the game doesn't do a good job explaining it.
15:17 That's why I don't play these games without an English patch. I was able to play through the Starfy series since the dialogue isn't that important even though I needed a guide at one part since I wasn't sure what to do. Being able to read the dialogue could have helped. There may be some parts of the Starfy DS game I couldn't access because I can't read what I need to do.
I do hate the fact that it's hard to tell which chests are mimics. It would be nice if simply hitting them could reveal them.
The game is more playable now that it has a fan translation.
Why didn't Bandai Namco remake this game instead of Door to Phantimile?
I suppose that remake was an attempt of reboot, but based on the success of the game, they declined.
To be completely honest, I strongly believe they should try again in the Switch and have Nintendo making a Direct on it. I never saw any promotion about the remake, but It's the kind of game that a Nintendo player should enjoy. That, or PS4, but I say Nintendo because they're pretty friends with Namco lately.
Well, hopefully the Klonoa movie will rekindle interest in the series...
That nice Bolt reference
Thx bb
Paper mario is one of my favorite games of all time too and i certainly like it better than mario rpg and bowsers inside story contrary to popular opinions but i dont know about thousand year door and super paper mario so cant judge that much
Klonoa Heroes!
Klonoa Heroes!
Bind you! Confine you! Defying your reign!
If you like this style of game, I'd recommend another under rated series, the, "... of Mana." series of games. It also has a Japanese only release in, "Seiken Densetsu 3," which fortunately has roms with fan translations.
The name of the franchise is World of Mana.
I was wondering what the official name was. Thank you!
2018, can you do revisit this game knowing there's an english patch out?
I had to pause the video just to laugh at that searchbar gag. It's just something I do out of inexplicable habit, and being 'called out' for it just sorta broke me for a moment.
I feel pretty much the same way about RPGs. I can't stand most turn-based RPGs (Paper Mario being an exception as well), but I love the likes of action RPGs like Kingdom Hearts or Dust an Elysian Tail.
From the opening segment where you commented on RPGs, I think you'd enjoy Xenoblade Chronicles for the Wii/n3DS. The battle system is closer to Kingdom Hearts compared to Final Fantasy (although I've not played much Kingdom Hearts, so this is just based on about an hour of 3DS Kingdom Hearts gameplay). The game has almost no grinding due to it's sidequest system, and has a really good story.
13:33 Mr. Driller?! Dig Dug's son! and I just saw the priest from Tower of Daruga.
they so need to do another klonoa game like this. Platinum would help d a great job.
Is the English patch out yet?
Somebody get this man some Wild ARMS or Breath of FIre! those both try to do neat stuff with their overworlds to... well, I'm not going to say it's anything perfect, but it does give dungeons dynamic puzzle solving to go along with the turn based combat and the more passive elements.
Also, Gauntlet. I'm REALLY reminded of Gauntlet seeing a top down game like this.
ClexYoshi golden sun as well
Even just the garbled english letters in the patch helps a lot
How do I help the patch become a reality?
this game looks so fun, it REALLY needs an english patch.
7:25 Second pronounciation.
7:29 Diglo.
21:41 That's also a problem with MegaMan Battle Network.
Nice ending. XD
+STomlog Were you the one who wrote those two Klonoa translation guides? I gotta thank you and the folks at UHKC for making these Japanese-only games more accessible. Your Moonlight Museum one helped out a lot, too.
No, no, I am merely a GameFAQs friend of FinalSoraRiku (as is briefly visible at that timestamp.) Always glad to take completely undeserved credit, though; thank you.
+STomlog Oh okay. Could you pass that on to him, then? Thanks. 😅
I have this game on gba, when i get stuck in a dungeon i save before i fight the room and when i die i reload the gba.
That's some hot FF:DoS music
Maybe Namco got the translation wrong maybe this is the correct one since I learned japanese. Klonoa Heroes 3 the Star Medal.
Ur welcome :-D
Where did you get the 3 from?
Agility = movement speed? HAHAHAHAHA oh boi you know thats the stander use of that stat. Why do you think assassin classes uses agility in most games? Is there no fan translation of the game? Regardless what a good video.
KLONOA ADVENTURE 3, review it now Exoparadgimgamer
Maybe skip on Klonoa 2006 though, that game was pretty bad.
@@GuyWithThePie Klonoa Boom was even worse!
If we got a 3ds remake of this game dubbed in English I would kill for that this game looks cool as sh*t and I want klonoa to come back
0:58 i couldn't agree more :P
This games series story is all over the place
Don't beat yourself up. I got a translated rom hack of the game and still somehow used a moo wing on accident.
Oh yeah, there is a translated rom hack of the game now, by Klonoa Mega Chat Translation Team. It was literally released last month. Get it, it's pretty good
There's more katakana than hiragana there especially for the menu items...Just knowing how to sound out the katakana is usually enough for an english speaker to translate most of the useful things in a game
13:32 MR.DRILLER?!
Klonoa Collective? When I buy and complete Lunatea's Veil, I'll join in a jiffy.
Also, why do these developers of spin-off titles (for any franchise) like to ignore canon so much? I am talking about all spin-off games ever made.
I wish I could play Lunatea's Veil, but I don't own a PS2 and I'm not going to buy one just to play one game. Thankfully I can at least play the first game on my Vita and the GBA games on my Wii U.
The PS2 emulator plays most games correctly, and simple games (like NOT Jak or Ratchet) perfectly.
I cannot believe it;s almost 2017, and you don't even know about emulation.
I've never really been all that into emulation.
Get on with the times. Literally. Years keep rolling by, and out-of-print consoles aren't getting any more plentiful (or cheap).
I can't get a PS1 emulator to work so I wouldn't know how to get a PS2 emulator to work. Plus I've got a PS2 that belonged to my cousin who used to live with me. with a controller & a memory card.
Agility being linked to accuracy is pretty standard.
Hey, it's like the first time that I am early here.
Don't you like Pokemon series, Mario and Lugi series? (if you don't it's cool)
Also ROR pokemon red and blue vs pokemon fire red vs leaf green please (Pokemon 20th anniversary)
The gameplay reminds me of Children of Mana.
Your reviews are really interesting, talking about my personal experience I really didn't like Klonoa Heroes, I thought the gameplay was really boring compared to other action RPGs, I remember how much Children of Mana hooked me while Klonoa Heroes has this multiple color attacks that for me just feels odd and bland, especially while using the wind bullet, I dunno I just don't think it shouldn't be used that way and that it was repetitive and boring, since the attack doesn't have change the animation but it's just the same thing, and I shut down the whole thing because of the lack of map system, I didn't have that big of a problem with the language since I used to play Japanese game since I was a child and that I can actually read hiragana and katakana, so despite not being a Japanese speaker I do have knowledge of something of the language, but it still, I think it was repetitive and a mediocre action RPG and I actually don't like the graphic, but I'm sure the story is probably one of the best of the series and this game actually introduced Janga who's my fav since I was 11, if Namco Bandai could remake this in 3D, with voice acting, cutscenes and Kingdom Hearts-like gameplay it could be great, but since they're too busy making animu games it's probably not going to happen, damn, Namco used to make a lot of original games and now they only make anime games with some few exceptions, that's probably why I can't stand Bandai, they're only known for anime stuff and collectibles (and also ignores anime that aren't shonen with the exeption of Sailor Moon of course) Bandai should probably stick to toys, figures and anime stuff instead of forcing Namco to just make anime games.
I was gonna get made at you for not liking RPG's; as they're my favorite genre of games, but you get a pass for at least... First off, even knowing & liking/enjoying Chrono Trigger and Lost Odyssey. (At least I think that's what you meant by showing those two games...) Anyone who likes those two(ESPECIALLY Chrono Trigger) games are all right in my book. Chrono Trigger is easily one of the best RPG's ever made...If not THE best RPG ever.
You were gonna get mad at someone for not liking what you like? Wow
So, if I can't hold my breath for a FF ROR...can I hope for Pokémon RORs?
"The direct control of your character allows for more skill and STRATEGY" WAT?
We need more Klonoa shitposts like this.
I happen to be learning Japanese. If you need help, I could translate.