Boxing Shoulder Pain Or Stiffness: Can’t Bend To 90 Degrees For A Hook Punch

  • Опубліковано 20 бер 2024
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    Do you have difficulty getting your elbow to 90° to throw a hook? Is your coach constantly yelling at you to lift your elbow up higher but for some reason, you’re stuck at a 45° hook? It is very frustrating when your coach keeps yelling at you to lift your elbow while you’re practicing combinations. When in your mind you're thinking, “it’s up, how much higher should it go?” Then you go to the mirror and catch a look at your elbow - and you see that your elbow is pretty far down. Once you get over the disbelief, seeing that your arm isn’t where you thought it was can be a bit alarming. The good news is, first, you're not alone. Many martial artists & boxers deal with this. Second, it’s completely fixable.
    First, let's talk about what could be affecting your hook angle. Then we will discuss strategies to improve that hook angle and ultimately, the power of your hook. The two things that could be affecting your hook angle are your posture and your rotator cuff. If your posture is the issue, you very likely don’t have shoulder pain; you simply get to a specific height, and your arm stops. You don’t notice the limited range since your body is telling you that your arm is where you want. Occasionally, people do have pain but only if they try to force their elbow up higher than it wants.
    First let’s talk about how your posture affect how high your arm will go? With all martial arts, you have to protect your torso from getting hit, so it is common to practice punching from a protective stance. A stance the typically rounds and elevates your shoulders. This allows you to protect your body and face. Over time, many martial artists tend to adopt a more round, forward head posture even when they are not competing.
    Again, this is great for your sport, but not the best for your shoulders.
    Over time, forcing your shoulders forward also pulls your arm bone forward and up in the joint.
    When that joint space above the arm bone is lost then you lose shoulder range of motion; since,That space is what allows the arm to rotate up.
    Let me show you what I mean…if I take that protective stance this is how high my arm will go. Now if I stand up straight you can see the difference.
    Now let’s talk about how an injured rotator cuff affect your elbow?
    If your rotator cuff is injured, either through an impingement (pinching) or a small tear, then you will have pain getting your elbow into the 90-degree position to throw a hook.
    As we were just talking about your posture is vital for your shoulder health.
    If you are constantly staying in a rounded, forward head posture, you will change how your shoulder works.
    Again, that rounded position pulls your arm bone forward and up in the joint