As someone who facilitates Non Dual gatherings I love your "not knowing" the answers. You have no problem with telling people that you dont know. Wonderful and refreshing.
When I'm walking along, or sitting watching a sunset, for example, there are no thoughts of what my name is, what my nationality is, what I do for work, etc. etc. All there is, is this spaciousness and stillness, the here and now and a timeless experience..... The mind might kick in to look at my watch, or to think about lunch for example, but that is the mind appearing in that stillness that I am, and that what is always here, whether the mind appears in that spacious, timeless stillness or not.... Thank you Richard! Great talk! 😊
Deep indeed...A heroin addiction and street homelessness drove me to face that I am Nothing...Love became my only quest...❤🙏🌌 I love love love this life...What a blast!!💥🌌
Marguerite Porete was a fourteenth century French mystic; she was burned at the stake 1 June 1310. She wrote a book called "The Mirror of Simple Souls."
Deep…Its sooo uncanny, every word he said made me fell like bursting into tears, and bawling my self to nothing...It’s like bathing in great light that strips you bare!!❤️🙏
It feels like this is one of the truest, most important things I could hear in life, but again, it is also the craziest if you analyse the implications.
No work to be done? People are homeless, children are starving and the pollution is still out there. You tell me there is nothing to be done and I say, you are lazy and in denial. I would consider that consciousness s selfish in light of all the very obvious stuff that needs to be salvaged but go ahead and pretend to be enlightened while you pat yourself on the back for being "spiritual" while others suffer. Give me a break. Next time you think that skip the bathroom for a couple of weeks and then get back to me. Reality is in the way of your delusional thinking, There is A LOT to be done, you can help out or you can pretend that the mess is okay, the evil can carry on unchecked and you can sit in the lotus position while some of the rest of us try to help out. I will do the work, you do what you want
@@FloydGoldkatz I will do both. You don't get to command me to do anything. If you are creating a confrontational vibe with me, that's just more negative energy for me to transmute. I will correct erroneous thinking as I see fit and you will do what you will do but what won't happen: You dictating anything to me. You walk the walk
Wow!!🤩 Lovvve the bit about psychotherapists. I was blessed to have gone to one many moons ago who I know now was “awake” and it was an awakening for “me”. 🙏💗
Hello conciousnesses!! Isnt it great here I/we are together, I / you sharing this experience all in our seperate apparant bodies that soon will be dust. Fun isnt it. Much love to me/you all ✌
Lovely stuff Richard. I would like to add that the seeing of 'non-duality' is already the case. It's the idea/feeling/thought that it isn't, or hasn't happened yet, which is the transient/illusory aspect.
What a giggle the familiarity that is seen. “Oh it’s this! It’s been here all the time.” Nothing new is seen. Only the dropping away of what appeared to block the present clarity.
If you’re reading this then it was written for you! You’re awesome and you’re never alone because I care about you. I love you! Here; take this big, fat hug 🤗. 💜
No point is ever made with claims that any-body has or will be "seeing psychotherapists" since there can be the witness of scenarios whereby fees are charged for services rendered, as a monetary imposition upon a visitor/patient, whom had been "seeing a psychotherapist" simply because the act of "seeing a psychotherapist" does not happen the same for every-body. For example, a fee "charged" for what a psychotherapist may deem services rendered, can happen prior to or after a session with a psychotherapist. There are also scenarios in which a student psychotherapist is on an internship program. And so on and so forth as innumerable different situations and scenrios can appear to happen, that can be mentioned by a witness of bodies appearing as enacting roles between a psychotherapist and a patient. And yet, in all of such scenarios, it is clear how duality is an exposure of this and that, as one of those innumerable scenarios are witnessed, as engagements between patients and psychotherapists, that may or may not have been witnessed by any-body. >
The creation of a human life is only about thought and awareness. Richard makes statements about this but doesn't explain. He is also vague in his explanations, never gets to the meat of problem.
The best part of non duality talks on UA-cam or FB is the dozens of voices getting angry without understanding why, and the dozens of voices trying to give their version of awakening, and the dozens of voices trying to clarify.....and if one is silent and just allows it all to pass....there might be a glimpse....if there is a desire to grasp it then one is caught again in the mind spin..... The comments are always more enjoyable than the speaker. Richard btw I've read, listened to and so on and his Tony Parker style works for a moment or it doesn't.
The Nagual is what you refer to in terms of Carlos Castenada's worldview. What I find interesting is that according to Castenada, the world is not an illusion, rather, it exists and it doesn't exist depending on what the Spirit is directed.
Yes, this is what Adi Sankara, Nagarjuna, Ramana (who was misrepresented by his ashram sarvadikari (chief of staff), attendees, inmates, ashram authors, etc becoz he wouldn't have been duly recognized by the popular Tamil or greater Indian culture who regarded Maya as *merely* illusion), the Zens, the Tao of Lao Tzu, and many others saw the nature of reality to be. See for example the Zen Oxherding Pictures and the Mahaprajnaparamita Sutra: "form is emptiness; emptiness is form."
In your awareness you are monk/non-monk. All. Peace resides within you. The Big Bang and you are one. No need to move. Your place is here, now. We are one. All aware. No there, just here--all around,, within, without.Be well.
you need to find that place in your own need to go anywhere. "be the change you want to see in the world" ... words of infinite wisdom. start with something small, experiment...good luck, u already are a monk at heart 🤗
People love to reply that you can find it in the midst of the marketplace. Huh! I spent my working life in the f*&ng marketplace and I now enjoy my solitude thankyouverymuch
The difference is that you can see non-duality immediately and directly in the same way as any non-duality teacher. Prophets were a bit more exclusive community.
Alan Watts shared similar "insights" on how to enter/experience awareness. The Big Bang has never stopped. We ARE "it." And now we ARE _aware_ of IT. Non-duality. It hurts so good all we can do is laugh and enjoy our bio-trip in this billion-celled "entity" we have been _conditioned by our/a culture_ and human language to label "human body" and "self." But this "body" is not, for that would be "dual," for we would impose boundaries between body and the "rest of the universe." All energy exists in everything and everywhere, this moment--with no boundaries. Awareness is everything, is all. For all time.Be well...
Perhaps the sscension of AI will point path to technoscientific future beyond personal ego. How do we devise a self aware system wo ego when We are bound to this limitation? We need to model, parameterize the ego program to delete it systematically. Difference is to use math and insight to achieve and make it available to our sustems. Ego wilts and disappears under analysis.
molly. He just points to the facts --- That there is Conscious Being and that Conscious Being is not personal (an individual conscious being) and that it is not produced by a different ontological substance called "matter". It's really very logical. It is only due to the conditioning of the materialistic worldview we now believe that facts are beliefs and beliefs are facts. The facts: 1. Conscious Being is a fact --- That it does not exist or that it is produced by "matter" are beliefs. 2. It is a fact that it is Conscious Being that is conscious of mind (thoughts, feelings etc) and matter (cars, bodies etc). Matter or mind is not conscious of Conscious Being --- this is in other words a belief. 3. The facts about "matter": A: Science do not know what "matter" is made of. B: Science do not know if "matter" is a different substance than Conscious Being Itself. C: Modern science consider the essence of "matter" to be non-material.
Surely this form of depersonalisation is not healthy and a form of mental illness? A healthy personality with appropriate boundaries is something we encourage all children to develop. Then here comes someone saying it doesn't really exist.
You had it right from the beginning.You had nothing to say and you took a long time to say nothing.What is unfortunate is the topic was worthy of saying something yet you rambled on and on repeating the same captain obvious points with side stories that went nowhere and made a few minutes seem like hours.There is a reason you have 53 thumbs down, and it isn’t because of the shock of the the paradigm of non duality, it’s you.For a man of your age it would seem you’d know better.Maybe you will soon.I hope so because the topic is well worth say something about.All the best in your listening.
Richard, was somewhat irritated with some of you previous talks, what with your accent and natural, as I experienced it, rapid delivery in speaking. Was finding it difficult to grasp many things being said. You now are more clearly understood. Partly because of the usage of that quality microphone on your person, and my additional addition of slowing the playback speed to 75%. Also helped that the audience could be understood as well. Kudos, enjoyed tremendously this talk. Knew, when and if the particulars were worked thru, your presentation would be awesome, which they were. Thanks Richard.
I am well aware of Sat Cit Ananda and I can put my consciousness there. I do not deny the reality of that. However, denying this plane of existence while you are living here is denying how much suffering people and entities are going through. It is also real and if you care to deny that let me take your head and smash it into the table and then we can talk about how unreal this world is. Stop with the BS and save the planet.
Without listening, because I won't do it, the title is WRONG. It's demonstrably false to say there is no personal awareness. Personal awareness is like when I know I'm going to the bathroom but an individual in Indonesia has no awareness of me or that action nor am I aware of their thoughts , words and deeds but they exist. Each person has a unique awareness that focuses on what is going on in their personal everyday life. It's just ridiculous to say otherwise , get a fricking dictionary. Whatever richard, we all have our own version but it's a good idea to have defined language that we all use, words have meaning. Hey richard, you are a clueless wonder, you totally misunderstand. TRUTH: We all have awareness that is indeed personal and that's how we all have our own opinions, erroneous assumptions and separate bodies to go with it. That doesn't mean we aren't connected and that Nirguna Brahman isn't real, it just means that Saguna AND Nirguna Brahman are real. If you have no personal awareness who is it exactly that is creating the video and to whom is it directed? Why bother with it in the first place? You had better learn to deal with Saguna Brahman in a helpful and respectful way, you have people out there who may need your help. This sort of misguided thinking is exactly why Kabbalah is useful, it's active and helpful to the community, it doesn't deny it's existence as unreal and it helps the self and others. This sort of nonsense denies what is right in front of your eyes. Go ahead and create whatever reality you want but when it runs up against things like someone else personal awareness stabbing you, then you will realize they did indeed have their own version as well. Richard is sleeping. The error by richard is immature spiritually and incomplete, keep trying.
Of course you can show what harmony is and does with physical representations. It's the visualization of ideals that is the duality problem because it's a matter of superimposed resonance imaging integrating an interference positioning picture to produce this image of general harmony that cannot be communicated in words that are inherently in tune with the image. That's why Science, and thinking/meditation based on a totality of pluses, minuses and "fantasticly" interesting is required. You have to live a lifetime to know anything important. Most wording/spelling is misleading out of context.., in my worthless opinion.
At minute 30 and 34 he/you/I/we make(s) a massive break through. Bio-reality collapses, in a bit of irony for (he?) demonstrates that human language CANNOT "describe" the ineffable. Language ties his tongue, his very thoughts. Words fail us as "portals" to awareness. Words/language merely serve to bombard each other as bio-humans with man-made categories for navigating our shared bio-universe and nothing more. At 34 we/you/I/all enter the moment, or rather enter awareness that we and the moment and all are one. True, I am that, and that is here, everywhere. Let's break for tea...Be well.
I think this is a wonderful description of a disasssociation complex. First, the world had a bunch of spiritual philosophies that expressed hatred of thinking. Advocating that thinking is the sole cause of all our problems. Then the most known philosophy, which is actually an ancient religion, Advaita, which could be considered the father of nonduality, advocates the self doesn't exist. So some folks preached, 'get rid of all thinking and you'll achieve enlightenment', Then someone went further and preached, 'get rid of the self and you'll achieve enlightenment'. So they started off saying to disassociate your self with thinking, then went even further to disassociate yourself with yourself. Religions have one thing in common...they're irrational with zero evidence their claims are true. NonDuality, and it's various renditions, is just another irrational unprovable belief system, but it seems some folks who aren't happy with themelves or their life, are attracted to them.
Would someone - Richard or anyone else - please DEFINE 'emptiness' and 'fullness'? Surely, if no one asks, what do you mean by these terms we're not going to get anywhere..... This is a very sincere request, and I'd deeply appreciate an answer.
Rowena Thursby-- During a viapassiona retreat I experienced it for 2 hours until I had to go back to the hall.-- you enter the Void and its your natural state and total bliss-hard to define .You are nothing and yet fully complete and in perfect peace-no body, mind desires etc to distract you.
Amazing comments, considering the guy speaking has zero charisma, has nothing to say, or pass on, citing Alan Watts, at the beginning, he has no one % of Alan Watts charm, and intention power to bring clarification !
He is saying the same thing as everybody else, so its unnessecary. However at the same time it is needed to be said in a multiplicity of ways... Paradox.
Leo Ahlgren Dear Leo, Without practice all is a bla.. bla... Bla... Bla... I am 27 on the process and I affirm that without practice, no matter how many times you may hear that you are Consciousness you will continue live as a body-mind entity
Talking has absolutely nothing to do with non-duality. How could anyone know that this yahoo is anything but a charlatan. Nonsense and waste of time. I don’t know how he pulls off this con but he is a grifter, without a doubt.
As someone who facilitates Non Dual gatherings I love your "not knowing" the answers. You have no problem with telling people that you dont know. Wonderful and refreshing.
When I'm walking along, or sitting watching a sunset, for example, there are no thoughts of what my name is, what my nationality is, what I do for work, etc. etc.
All there is, is this spaciousness and stillness, the here and now and a timeless experience.....
The mind might kick in to look at my watch, or to think about lunch for example, but that is the mind appearing in that stillness that I am, and that what is always here, whether the mind appears in that spacious, timeless stillness or not....
Thank you Richard! Great talk! 😊
Beautifully articulated 🥰❤️
Deep indeed...A heroin addiction and street homelessness drove me to face that I am Nothing...Love became my only quest...❤🙏🌌 I love love love this life...What a blast!!💥🌌
Marguerite Porete was a fourteenth century French mystic; she was burned at the stake 1 June 1310. She wrote a book called "The Mirror of Simple Souls."
I will look it up 🙏🏼
oh you so clever
Thank you!
I am searching for info on her. Thank you for the spelling, etc.
Deep…Its sooo uncanny, every word he said made me fell like bursting into tears, and bawling my self to nothing...It’s like bathing in great light that strips you bare!!❤️🙏
Funny, but sadly, I, too, shared the/your/our moment. Awareness, what a concept! Here's to tears...Be well.
When a soap bubble breaks... what is the loss?
The same space is there... minus the gloss !
The Self exists with or without form...
Wow,nice one
1: the soap bubble
2. yes !
3. you wish !
That was a really really good one
but the message is that there is no self, there is nothing apparently being everything.
Oh my God.the talk is all about non-duality finally gained recognition.blessed.blessed.amem.amen.👍👍🙏🙏
It feels like this is one of the truest, most important things I could hear in life, but again, it is also the craziest if you analyse the implications.
All is exactly as it should be, there is no work to be done. I studied hard for a few years to finally get it. Then it happened. 🙏
No work to be done? People are homeless, children are starving and the pollution is still out there. You tell me there is nothing to be done and I say, you are lazy and in denial. I would consider that consciousness s selfish in light of all the very obvious stuff that needs to be salvaged but go ahead and pretend to be enlightened while you pat yourself on the back for being "spiritual" while others suffer. Give me a break. Next time you think that skip the bathroom for a couple of weeks and then get back to me. Reality is in the way of your delusional thinking, There is A LOT to be done, you can help out or you can pretend that the mess is okay, the evil can carry on unchecked and you can sit in the lotus position while some of the rest of us try to help out. I will do the work, you do what you want
@@sivasakti8224Walk the walk, don't comment the comment.
@@FloydGoldkatz I will do both. You don't get to command me to do anything. If you are creating a confrontational vibe with me, that's just more negative energy for me to transmute. I will correct erroneous thinking as I see fit and you will do what you will do but what won't happen: You dictating anything to me. You walk the walk
Wow!!🤩 Lovvve the bit about psychotherapists. I was blessed to have gone to one many moons ago who I know now was “awake” and it was an awakening for “me”. 🙏💗
Hello conciousnesses!! Isnt it great here I/we are together, I / you sharing this experience all in our seperate apparant bodies that soon will be dust. Fun isnt it. Much love to me/you all ✌
😅 open the window in the wind. Dusty isn't (wasn't) it?🌬🐽🍂...
Lovely stuff Richard. I would like to add that the seeing of 'non-duality' is already the case. It's the idea/feeling/thought that it isn't, or hasn't happened yet, which is the transient/illusory aspect.
What a giggle the familiarity that is seen. “Oh it’s this! It’s been here all the time.” Nothing new is seen. Only the dropping away of what appeared to block the present clarity.
If you’re reading this then it was written for you! You’re awesome and you’re never alone because I care about you. I love you! Here; take this big, fat hug 🤗. 💜
Thank you, and may you continue to abide in love and kindness. ❤️🙏🏻
Richard speaks beautifully, with intelligence and humor. ❤
thank you, this is true freedom, nothing to do, no where to go.
I once went to see a psychotherapist who wasn't there. Didn't stop the bugger charging me for it.
No point is ever made with claims that any-body has or will be "seeing psychotherapists" since there can be the witness of scenarios whereby fees are charged for services rendered, as a monetary imposition upon a visitor/patient, whom had been "seeing a psychotherapist" simply because the act of "seeing a psychotherapist" does not happen the same for every-body. For example, a fee "charged" for what a psychotherapist may deem services rendered, can happen prior to or after a session with a psychotherapist. There are also scenarios in which a student psychotherapist is on an internship program. And so on and so forth as innumerable different situations and scenrios can appear to happen, that can be mentioned by a witness of bodies appearing as enacting roles between a psychotherapist and a patient. And yet, in all of such scenarios, it is clear how duality is an exposure of this and that, as one of those innumerable scenarios are witnessed, as engagements between patients and psychotherapists, that may or may not have been witnessed by any-body. >
Ha ha, love it
Great! Love it.
The creation of a human life is only about thought and awareness. Richard makes statements about this but doesn't explain. He is also vague in his explanations, never gets to the meat of problem.
The best part of non duality talks on UA-cam or FB is the dozens of voices getting angry without understanding why, and the dozens of voices trying to give their version of awakening, and the dozens of voices trying to clarify.....and if one is silent and just allows it all to pass....there might be a glimpse....if there is a desire to grasp it then one is caught again in the mind spin.....
The comments are always more enjoyable than the speaker. Richard btw I've read, listened to and so on and his Tony Parker style works for a moment or it doesn't.
I love this stuff so much ❤ thank you
nowhere to go
Nothing to do, haha,
this is freedom, we are Already free,
There is only freedom through eternity
The Nagual is what you refer to in terms of Carlos Castenada's worldview. What I find interesting is that according to Castenada, the world is not an illusion, rather, it exists and it doesn't exist depending on what the Spirit is directed.
Spangley Rainbows maybe this is explained by the "collapse of the wave function"?
Yes, this is what Adi Sankara, Nagarjuna, Ramana (who was misrepresented by his ashram sarvadikari (chief of staff), attendees, inmates, ashram authors, etc becoz he wouldn't have been duly recognized by the popular Tamil or greater Indian culture who regarded Maya as *merely* illusion), the Zens, the Tao of Lao Tzu, and many others saw the nature of reality to be. See for example the Zen Oxherding Pictures and the Mahaprajnaparamita Sutra: "form is emptiness; emptiness is form."
Im seriously considering going to live somewhere really peaceful out in the country and becoming a monk
Oh cool. I wish I could do that.
In your awareness you are monk/non-monk. All. Peace resides within you. The Big Bang and you are one. No need to move. Your place is here, now. We are one. All aware. No there, just here--all around,, within, without.Be well.
It's good. Not necessarily. 😄
you need to find that place in your own need to go anywhere. "be the change you want to see in the world" ... words of infinite wisdom. start with something small, experiment...good luck, u already are a monk at heart 🤗
People love to reply that you can find it in the midst of the marketplace. Huh!
I spent my working life in the f*&ng marketplace and I now enjoy my solitude thankyouverymuch
Empty that
gratefulness is arising...
What is the different between non duality teachers and prophets of the past?
The difference is that you can see non-duality immediately and directly in the same way as any non-duality teacher. Prophets were a bit more exclusive community.
Zatoichiable christian and sufi mystics are saying the same thing.
The kingdom is not outside of yourself but is within you as ONE.
wish I'd said it! Awareness, nothing more, nothing less. We are all, we are it.Be well.
i am going to have to watch this multiple times....there is something here.
Read the book " enlightenment for lazy people" , from Paul Smit. You are going to understand it.
Save yourself time , or plan B.
another sands talk.
Allen Watts Blew The Mind 30yrs Ago For This Being A True Rascal Love Him 💞😍
From now on , I ain’t here, I’m just gone.....beautiful!
Go visit 'Inner Being' channel and 'Self realization' video.
Alan Watts shared similar "insights" on how to enter/experience awareness. The Big Bang has never stopped. We ARE "it." And now we ARE _aware_ of IT. Non-duality. It hurts so good all we can do is laugh and enjoy our bio-trip in this billion-celled "entity" we have been _conditioned by our/a culture_ and human language to label "human body" and "self." But this "body" is not, for that would be "dual," for we would impose boundaries between body and the "rest of the universe." All energy exists in everything and everywhere, this moment--with no boundaries. Awareness is everything, is all. For all time.Be well...
Fear not unless you have a good reason to do so.
Magnificent 🎉❤😊
This is good stuff!
i understand that i am on this path.
i just don't understand,
Well let me help you there. Because you love it
That is it.You got it.
Go to 'inner Being' channel.
Perhaps the sscension of AI will point path to technoscientific future beyond personal ego. How do we devise a self aware system wo ego when We are bound to this limitation? We need to model, parameterize the ego program to delete it systematically. Difference is to use math and insight to achieve and make it available to our sustems. Ego wilts and disappears under analysis.
how do we know that what he says is true?
Exactly. Finally someone who can think for themselves
molly. He just points to the facts --- That there is Conscious Being and that Conscious Being is not personal (an individual conscious being) and that it is not produced by a different ontological substance called "matter".
It's really very logical. It is only due to the conditioning of the materialistic worldview we now believe that facts are beliefs and beliefs are facts. The facts:
1. Conscious Being is a fact --- That it does not exist or that it is produced by "matter" are beliefs.
2. It is a fact that it is Conscious Being that is conscious of mind (thoughts, feelings etc) and matter (cars, bodies etc). Matter or mind is not conscious of Conscious Being --- this is in other words a belief.
3. The facts about "matter":
A: Science do not know what "matter" is made of.
B: Science do not know if "matter" is a different substance than Conscious Being Itself.
C: Modern science consider the essence of "matter" to be non-material.
Midwave Productions.
thank you for responding to me without putting me down.
i freely admit,
i do not yet understand this.
molly. We are all in the same boat. We all need many, many, many, many hours of unconditioning :) Best wishes.
molly - only by self enquiry
I learned absolutely nothing here. Now I just have to figure out what absolutely nothing is.
nothing is everything
Everything is nothing.
Concepts are appearances. Concepts come and go.
Yes,no head is the key.
Where did this comment come from? I'm happy to know I am not alone in my headlessness.
Surely this form of depersonalisation is not healthy and a form of mental illness? A healthy personality with appropriate boundaries is something we encourage all children to develop. Then here comes someone saying it doesn't really exist.
DIBBY40 I’d argue that the personality causes all the suffering but hey this is no one talking to no one🤔☺️
The first part of life we need to develop the ego and the second part we destroy the ego. Life is a process.
You are not the Thinker, the thinker is just a useful tool we can use, not something to wear at all moments
You had it right from the beginning.You had nothing to say and you took a long time to say nothing.What is unfortunate is the topic was worthy of saying something yet you rambled on and on repeating the same captain obvious points with side stories that went nowhere and made a few minutes seem like hours.There is a reason you have 53 thumbs down, and it isn’t because of the shock of the the paradigm of non duality, it’s you.For a man of your age it would seem you’d know better.Maybe you will soon.I hope so because the topic is well worth say something about.All the best in your listening.
2nd row there seemed to be a picking of feet apparently happening 😄😵💫
Seeing non-duality overthrows All Authority...🤯💥🌌 Hail, yeah!! Power to the People!! 😉🤣🤣🤣🤣✊💃🥳🥳🥳🥳
Richard, was somewhat irritated with some of you previous talks, what with your accent and natural, as I experienced it, rapid delivery in speaking. Was finding it difficult to grasp many things being said. You now are more clearly understood. Partly because of the usage of that quality microphone on your person, and my additional addition of slowing the playback speed to 75%. Also helped that the audience could be understood as well. Kudos, enjoyed tremendously this talk. Knew, when and if the particulars were worked thru, your presentation would be awesome, which they were. Thanks Richard.
how can you see that you are nothing, that I doesn't exist if you using the I to see????...listen tony parsons, Jim Newman
Great Talk Richard 😂
The people of the uk are wonderfully interesting speakers
@useenothing 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
And usually articulate as all get out.
Margarete who?
Marguerite Porete
I can't help me, but the music reminds me always of Friday the 13th.
I am well aware of Sat Cit Ananda and I can put my consciousness there. I do not deny the reality of that. However, denying this plane of existence while you are living here is denying how much suffering people and entities are going through. It is also real and if you care to deny that let me take your head and smash it into the table and then we can talk about how unreal this world is. Stop with the BS and save the planet.
describe emptiness. describe floating in water to someone who has never done it
Without listening, because I won't do it, the title is WRONG. It's demonstrably false to say there is no personal awareness. Personal awareness is like when I know I'm going to the bathroom but an individual in Indonesia has no awareness of me or that action nor am I aware of their thoughts , words and deeds but they exist. Each person has a unique awareness that focuses on what is going on in their personal everyday life. It's just ridiculous to say otherwise , get a fricking dictionary.
Whatever richard, we all have our own version but it's a good idea to have defined language that we all use, words have meaning. Hey richard, you are a clueless wonder, you totally misunderstand. TRUTH: We all have awareness that is indeed personal and that's how we all have our own opinions, erroneous assumptions and separate bodies to go with it. That doesn't mean we aren't connected and that Nirguna Brahman isn't real, it just means that Saguna AND Nirguna Brahman are real. If you have no personal awareness who is it exactly that is creating the video and to whom is it directed? Why bother with it in the first place? You had better learn to deal with Saguna Brahman in a helpful and respectful way, you have people out there who may need your help.
This sort of misguided thinking is exactly why Kabbalah is useful, it's active and helpful to the community, it doesn't deny it's existence as unreal and it helps the self and others. This sort of nonsense denies what is right in front of your eyes. Go ahead and create whatever reality you want but when it runs up against things like someone else personal awareness stabbing you, then you will realize they did indeed have their own version as well. Richard is sleeping. The error by richard is immature spiritually and incomplete, keep trying.
But the person is already that which is seen so how can awareness be personal?
Of course you can show what harmony is and does with physical representations. It's the visualization of ideals that is the duality problem because it's a matter of superimposed resonance imaging integrating an interference positioning picture to produce this image of general harmony that cannot be communicated in words that are inherently in tune with the image. That's why Science, and thinking/meditation based on a totality of pluses, minuses and "fantasticly" interesting is required. You have to live a lifetime to know anything important.
Most wording/spelling is misleading out of context.., in my worthless opinion.
At minute 30 and 34 he/you/I/we make(s) a massive break through. Bio-reality collapses, in a bit of irony for (he?) demonstrates that human language CANNOT "describe" the ineffable. Language ties his tongue, his very thoughts. Words fail us as "portals" to awareness. Words/language merely serve to bombard each other as bio-humans with man-made categories for navigating our shared bio-universe and nothing more. At 34 we/you/I/all enter the moment, or rather enter awareness that we and the moment and all are one. True, I am that, and that is here, everywhere. Let's break for tea...Be well.
I think this is a wonderful description of a disasssociation complex.
First, the world had a bunch of spiritual philosophies that expressed hatred of thinking. Advocating that thinking is the sole cause of all our problems.
Then the most known philosophy, which is actually an ancient religion, Advaita, which could be considered the father of nonduality, advocates the self doesn't exist.
So some folks preached, 'get rid of all thinking and you'll achieve enlightenment',
Then someone went further and preached, 'get rid of the self and you'll achieve enlightenment'.
So they started off saying to disassociate your self with thinking, then went even further to disassociate yourself with yourself.
Religions have one thing in common...they're irrational with zero evidence their claims are true.
NonDuality, and it's various renditions, is just another irrational unprovable belief system, but it seems some folks who aren't happy with themelves or their life, are attracted to them.
And some folks just can’t resist trawling through non-duality channels, commenting on them.
@@ganazby And some folks go around thinking they know all about a person from one post, or even a couple.
Xander17 prove it is so without a doubt. Otherwise it is just hearsay.
I sense a history of mariujana.
@@andygriffiths9916 Yes, he is very sincere and authentic.
Dont strive for non duality because it is not a thing
Just practice awareness and observation and that will starve duality.
Would someone - Richard or anyone else - please DEFINE 'emptiness' and 'fullness'? Surely, if no one asks, what do you mean by these terms we're not going to get anywhere..... This is a very sincere request, and I'd deeply appreciate an answer.
Rowena Thursby-- During a viapassiona retreat I experienced it for 2 hours until I had to go back to the hall.-- you enter the Void and its your natural state and total bliss-hard to define .You are nothing and yet fully complete and in perfect peace-no body, mind desires etc to distract you.
Also shortly after this I got a beautiful smell of perfume in the same room any time I entered--It has never returned since.
Also uncontrollable bouts of laughter for a few weeks after for no apparent reason.
Rowena Thursby it is the mystery.......
Go watch 'inner Being' channel. 'The observer and the observed'. 👍
Nondiscursive awareness
Alan Watts
Alot of talk about nothing.... ....... .......
Its just called a psychotic break that's all.
Nonduality is not an excuse for poor communication. Mr Sylvester gives "nothingness" a bad name. Nothingness deserves better.
I find him the best speaker on this style of non-duality.
so ultimately we're all animists ;D
Please, drink some water and calm down.
Amazing comments, considering the guy speaking has zero charisma, has nothing to say, or pass on, citing Alan Watts, at the beginning, he has no one % of Alan Watts charm, and intention power to bring clarification !
@Shri Krama Lei Do charisma and charm matter so much to you?
bla, bla, bla, bla bla......
He is saying the same thing as everybody else, so its unnessecary. However at the same time it is needed to be said in a multiplicity of ways... Paradox.
Leo Ahlgren
Dear Leo,
Without practice all is a bla.. bla... Bla... Bla... I am 27 on the process and I affirm that without practice, no matter how many times you may hear that you are Consciousness you will continue live as a body-mind entity
Yes that i can agree with :)
Talking has absolutely nothing to do with non-duality. How could anyone know that this yahoo is anything but a charlatan. Nonsense and waste of time. I don’t know how he pulls off this con but he is a grifter, without a doubt.
interesting perspective
Whatever you do , don't get grifted by a grifter.
Absolute con man.
BS you can describe non-duality.
v You can try, and you can imagine that you or someone else has succeeded, but that's about it.
or you did suceed.
There is no separation.