At this point, I think it’s time for the Sunni brothers to prove to us why they believe in what they do and practice what don’t exist in their books. Wallahi they don’t read or research 😢.
Where in your books does it say to call out ya Ali like a animal, where in your books does it say to aggressively beat yourself, where does it say to curse the prophets companions, where does it say to curse the nabi SAW wife, why do you reject the sunnah, why do you give Ali ra god like status? Ask yourself these first you shia
@@rKaraa We call out to the Noble Prophet sallAllahu alayhi wa aalih, Ali, Fatimah, Hassan, Husayn and the rest of the Imams alayhim assalaam. There are numerous proofs for istighaathah from both Sunni and Shi'i books. Regarding beating our chest, the Imams alayhim assalaam have instructed us to show our restlessness and grief and this falls under that hukm. As for cursing certain companions and wives of the Noble Prophet, we have been instructed to dissociate ourselves from them and supplicate to Allah to withdraw His Mercy from them in countless ahadeeth. No one raises Ali ibn Abi Talib to the status of God, in fact we believe RasoolAllah to be superior to him. All in all, your comment seems like it's coming from a place of outright ignorance and ta'assub rather than a genuine and sincere desire to learn. May Allah guide you if you prove yourself to be worthy of it.
@@rKaraa See another brainwashed person who will neither read nor research but ignorantly believe what his slave masters tell him. Could you please refer us to where you found those allegations so we can address them accordingly? I bet you they’re in your sahih books and we only pointing out to you non-readers?
@@rKaraa See another brainwashed person who will neither read nor research but ignorantly and gullibly takes every garbage his slave masters tell him. Could you please refer us to where you found those allegations and we can address them accordingly? I bet you they’re found in your sahih books and we only pointing them out to you the Non-readers.
Wow wow Syed just killed again again in the month if ramadan Now i can lift my head up even higher and say im proud to be shia of ali bin abu talib (as) 🎉 Hamdallah
31:25 ibne taimiyah tried making the 12 khalifa list but ended up plotting mu awiya's name in the top fives without even thinking about imam hassan a.s... what a parody
@@oversteer6771 because I’ve seen many delusional Shi’a use the “no compulsion in religion” verse out of context in order to justify these liberal beliefs and it seems Ammar is among them, especially since I’m pretty sure he follows Sadiq al Shirazi this man and his brother are KNOWN for their appeals to liberal ideologies like 😂”freedom of speech” and there are even videos of Muhammad al Shirazi promoting democracy
Honestly, Sayed Ammar doing a Sayed kamal haydari format of proving Shia beliefs in Sunni books with English translation has now sealed it 👏 The people are beginning to wake up to the message of the prophets family(PBUTA) ! الله اكبر 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
786 Such a useful series! Thank you, Sayed, for educating us! And a big "Thank you!" to those who undertook the mammoth task of translating so many books into English! Shukar Mowla.
Alhumdullah, I love your deliverances, your messages that is backed with clear evidence and your faith resounds in my heart the love of Almighty Allah SWT and HIS chosen Messenger, Prophet Muhammad SAWAA, Imams and our Imam Mahdi atfs of our time. Thank you for your clear message and evidence. Jazakullah khayran
Can you talk about our 12 imams and how they are were jailed and poisoned? Who were those personalities that martyred them and what were the imams teachings, reciting, and information and education they were preaching to the unma at those times that were silenced by the enemies of Islam? ,
Don't worry, nothing to clarify in that...Hazrat Abu Talib a.s recited nikah of Prophet... And he never performed idol worship... He always helped Prophet and never forbade Prophet for tableegh...
When Prophet was in Shebe Abi Talib, A document was written by Abu Jahal that Hazrat Abu Talib, his sons, Prophet and his family would no more live in Mecca so they all went in cave.. One day Hazrat Abu Talib came and said to Abu Jahal that my nephew is informed by his lord that the document is eaten by the mites..if this news is true then we will return and if it is false then I will give my nephew to you... Here it is clear that Abu Talib a.s was firm that Prophet told him true otherwise he would not say this because he loved his nephew alot and he lived in cave for 2-3 years so one can't say that he was fed up of living in cave..
786 Yes, he has covered it in Mombasa, when he did the biography of the Holy Prophet, 7 years of so ago. A beautiful series! Try this link, brother:
The first references to the Mahdi appeared in the late 7th century, when the revolutionary Mukhtar al-Thaqafi declared Muhammad ibn al-Hanafiyya, a son of Caliph Ali ( r. 656-661), to be the Mahdi
As-Salamu Aleykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh. I have an important issue. Thousands of Kurds have become Shia Elhamdulillah in recent years, but they are accused of being Jinns. Sunnis are trying their best to seduce the Kurds with the statements of older scholars, even if their accusations only apply to a group of the Kurds. I would like to hear about an interesting Video wich Shorts down all of this accusation. 🤲🏻
786 Mubahala was covered several times before, particularly in the series of the Holy Prophet's biography, 7 years ago, in Mombasa. If you click this link (Economic sanctions), it will take you to various episodes on the side, that you can choose from.
Ultimately it will be the family of the Prophet who will save Humanity from the Injustices and establish Justice along side The Christ. SUBAHANALLAH . IBNE MAJAH The path of AHLLULBAIT has always been the path of the prophets, one that leeds us to ALLAH.
Akhi I just find it a little stupid and hard to believe this guy, sure he brings Hadith but Shiism never originally had a political system of its own and now this guy says that hijab is not compulsory and shouldn’t be forced when it 100% should
@@Saber23 not taliban regime sorry... Jews and christians lived around the house of prophet whom were not forced to wear hijab... instead they were EDUCATED to do it, like its done in Iran... think before sayin stupid... Shia donot encourage doing politics in islam, it was done in saqeefa by the 3 calphs whereas only 6 people were present at the funeral of the holy prophet at that moment
SubhanAllah MashaAllah, may Allah (swt) bless you dear respected Syed Ammar and grant you a healthy long life InshaAllah. Any decent person with sound mind realizes that the whoever follows Quran and Ahlel Bayt (as) speaks with such certainty and clearness and truth. Whoever follows the criminals (Abu Bakr & Umar) from Saqifa and calls them Shaykhain has satanic beliefs such as God has physical body parts and has a corrupted definition of Tawheed.
Hamdella for being and believing the most beautiful most logic religion ever to exist And of course the truth shall spread around the whole world and the whole world one day will be a follower of imam Ali weather like it or not
And didn't Imam Ali ( Alaihi salam) burned Abdullah ibn Sabah because he (ibn sabah) started believing that Ali is Allah (astaghfirullah) and ibn sabah started cursing Abu Bakr , Umar
Absolutely he is not unless with Allah permission. It doesn't hurt to believe what he said. It is like someone says to me as a poor man, I fond a mine with gold I can show you and you can take from it ( unlimited blessings) and you say, oh ok thanks for letting me know and never believe that person and so never gain the gold. I doesn't hurt to believe in him ( Imam Mahdi existence) and feel the blessings ❤
Hazrath Jafar As-SadiqRA narrates that the ProphetSLM is narrated to have said, How can that Ummah perish, when I (MuhammadSLM) am at its beginning, Mahdi in its middle, and 'Masih (IsaAS) at its end. (Razeen, Haakim, Abu Nayeem, Mishkat, Kanz ul Ummal, Alkanji, Al Arbali, Ibn-e-Asakir- Tareeq Damishq, Al Maghazli - Manaqib Ali, alkinji - Albayan, Jama al Suyuti, Al Juwaini - Faraid ul Sumtain fi fazail al Sabtain, al Alai - Al tahseel-Jalaluddin Suyuti - Tareeq-ul-Khulafa
Imam Mahdi AHS is saviour of umma along with prophet Mohammed SAS and Jesus PBUH as per hadees mentioned 👇 Hazrath Jafar As-SadiqRA narrates that the ProphetSLM is narrated to have said, How can that Ummah perish, when I (MuhammadSLM) am at its beginning, Mahdi in its middle, and 'Masih (IsaAS) at its end. (Razeen, Haakim, Abu Nayeem, Mishkat, Kanz ul Ummal, Alkanji, Al Arbali, Ibn-e-Asakir- Tareeq Damishq, Al Maghazli - Manaqib Ali, alkinji - Albayan, Jama al Suyuti, Al Juwaini - Faraid ul Sumtain fi fazail al Sabtain, al Alai - Al tahseel-Jalaluddin Suyuti - Tareeq-ul-Khulafa
😂. No. Dr. Naksh. This is a bit far too fetched. I am a Sunni. Abd, I have never heard a convincing argument from EITHER side on Mehdi and Return of Isaa A.S.
Quran 2:154 The Imams and the shuhadah ARE ALIVE! LIVING! The ahlulbayt peace be upon them are MORE ALIVE than when they were on earth. The Mahdi is ALIVE! Oh shia do not be embarrassed and ashamed to believe and to say that ALI IS ALIVE and LIVING an ETERNAL LIFE. Do not be ashamed of saying this .
This verse you are referencing does not speak about imams specifically. It just says those who are killed in the way of Allah, which means shahids or martyrs. It doesn’t specify that its the imam
@@DESTRIAZ For the LOVE ALLAH. You people always want to take away the AWE of Allah!. The VERSE APPLIES to the Imams and prophets and mumin THAT IS WHY ALLAH SAID IT. Grow up bro. Leave me in my AWE of ALLAH THE ALMIGHTY and the promise of eternal life.. Just go away do your thing believe how you want to believe I converted aged 21 and I am 53 and the AWE oof this verse is the hope of the GRAVE. Begone demon!
@@DESTRIAZbeing killed even is not the only way to be considered as Shahid. There are momenin who are shahid while dead in bed, like our prophet as you pointed their life was all for the sake of Allah. Do you have proof to say 12Imams's life wasnt for the sake of Allah? Anything that can be wrong about their سیرت?
Sorry your asking about لا اکراه فی الدین or لا اکراه فی الحجاب؟ When accepting religion is not compulsory and no one forced to have it unless wants to be guided to the right path, asking question about hijab( one single matter amon all important matters ) is kind of isolation of mind.
@@habibehhashemi2489 lol as usual stupid liberals take that verse out of context 🤣 this is the exact same as Daesh trying to use certain verses in the Quran to justify their attacks on innocents, literally right after the verse it says “truth is clear from falsehood” we can’t force non-Muslims to become Muslims but in public the laws of Allah are to be applied whether someone wants to dress modestly or not, this has been present throughout ALL of Islamic history and Imam Ali forced women to cover as well
@@habibehhashemi2489 lol as usual stupid liberals take that verse out of context 🤣 this is the exact same as Daesh trying to use certain verses in the Quran to justify their attacks on innocents, literally right after the verse it says “truth is clear from falsehood” we can’t force non-Muslims to become Muslims but in public the laws of Allah are to be applied whether someone wants to dress modestly or not, this has been present throughout ALL of Islamic history and Imam Ali forced women to cover as well
@@habibehhashemi2489 lol as usual stupid liberals take that verse out of context 🤣 this is the exact same as Daesh trying to use certain verses in the Quran to justify their attacks on innocents, literally right after the verse it says “truth is clear from falsehood” we can’t force non-Muslims to become Muslims but in public the laws of Allah are to be applied whether someone wants to dress modestly or not, this has been present throughout ALL of Islamic history and Imam Ali forced women to cover as well
@@habibehhashemi2489 lol as usual stupid liberals take that verse out of context 🤣 this is the exact same as Daesh trying to use certain verses in the Quran to justify their attacks on innocents, literally right after the verse it says “truth is clear from falsehood” we can’t force non-Muslims to become Muslims but in public the laws of Allah are to be applied whether someone wants to dress modestly or not, this has been present throughout ALL of Islamic history and Imam Ali forced women to cover as well
This ramadan m very educated by ammar. Elhamdullillah
Very deceived by Ammar. Watch Sunnah Discourse for more
At this point, I think it’s time for the Sunni brothers to prove to us why they believe in what they do and practice what don’t exist in their books. Wallahi they don’t read or research 😢.
Whose books?
Where in your books does it say to call out ya Ali like a animal, where in your books does it say to aggressively beat yourself, where does it say to curse the prophets companions, where does it say to curse the nabi SAW wife, why do you reject the sunnah, why do you give Ali ra god like status? Ask yourself these first you shia
@@rKaraa We call out to the Noble Prophet sallAllahu alayhi wa aalih, Ali, Fatimah, Hassan, Husayn and the rest of the Imams alayhim assalaam. There are numerous proofs for istighaathah from both Sunni and Shi'i books. Regarding beating our chest, the Imams alayhim assalaam have instructed us to show our restlessness and grief and this falls under that hukm. As for cursing certain companions and wives of the Noble Prophet, we have been instructed to dissociate ourselves from them and supplicate to Allah to withdraw His Mercy from them in countless ahadeeth. No one raises Ali ibn Abi Talib to the status of God, in fact we believe RasoolAllah to be superior to him. All in all, your comment seems like it's coming from a place of outright ignorance and ta'assub rather than a genuine and sincere desire to learn. May Allah guide you if you prove yourself to be worthy of it.
@@rKaraa See another brainwashed person who will neither read nor research but ignorantly believe what his slave masters tell him. Could you please refer us to where you found those allegations so we can address them accordingly? I bet you they’re in your sahih books and we only pointing out to you non-readers?
@@rKaraa See another brainwashed person who will neither read nor research but ignorantly and gullibly takes every garbage his slave masters tell him. Could you please refer us to where you found those allegations and we can address them accordingly? I bet you they’re found in your sahih books and we only pointing them out to you the Non-readers.
We love anyone who loves and support the Ahlul Bayt and we hate everyone who were their enemies. Salawat
اللهم صل على محمد وآل محمد
Shias who lied in the name of Ahlulbayy ate their enemies
@iMan-610 Sunnis who loves and defends their enemies are their enemies
@@iMan-610 childish !... please talk on some basis ..
im sunni and agree with most of your points...
brother im a shia and im not fighting u or anything all i wana say we r all the sunnah there should'nt be shia or sunni we are all one
Jazzak Allah kheır Sayed Ammar. I can lısten and learn from you for hours. ❤❤
Wow wow
Syed just killed again again in the month if ramadan
Now i can lift my head up even higher and say im proud to be shia of ali bin abu talib (as) 🎉
Greetings and mang thanks from Kenya, Africa. Allahuma saali alaa Muhammad, wa aale alaa Muhammad ❤
Very interesting. I didn't know this.
31:25 ibne taimiyah tried making the 12 khalifa list but ended up plotting mu awiya's name in the top fives without even thinking about imam hassan a.s... what a parody
Mashala non disputable evidence❤
Do you believe in forced hijab? Because if you don’t you’re not being true to Islam
@@Saber23 what does that have to do with the video ?
@@oversteer6771 because I’ve seen many delusional Shi’a use the “no compulsion in religion” verse out of context in order to justify these liberal beliefs and it seems Ammar is among them, especially since I’m pretty sure he follows Sadiq al Shirazi this man and his brother are KNOWN for their appeals to liberal ideologies like 😂”freedom of speech” and there are even videos of Muhammad al Shirazi promoting democracy
Honestly, Sayed Ammar doing a Sayed kamal haydari format of proving Shia beliefs in Sunni books with English translation has now sealed it 👏 The people are beginning to wake up to the message of the prophets family(PBUTA) !
الله اكبر 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Masha Allah! All this is clearly described in the Sunni books! I really enjoyed reading this in their hadiths.❤
Yet he claims that compulsory hijab is not a thing, may Allah guide him
@@thetankengine3521 it’s literally in a video he made dummy
Masha Allah Sayed
🤲🏻 اللَّهُمَّ اكْشِفْ هٰذِهِ الْغُمَّةَ عَنْ هٰذِهِ الْأُمَّةِ بِحُضُورِهِ، وَعَجِّلْ لَنا ظُهُورَهُ، إِنَّهُمْ يَرَوْنَهُ بَعِيداً وَنَرَاهُ قَرِيباً 🤲🏻
May Allah bless you for showing the people the truth. They are blind to the truth, they have one eye just like the dalljal.
Actually, both of their eyes are blinded
Such a useful series! Thank you, Sayed, for educating us!
And a big "Thank you!" to those who undertook the mammoth task of translating so many books into English! Shukar Mowla.
You call this man “mawla” yet he lies about how the Western world is “free”
اللهم صل على محمد وال محمد وعجل فرجهم الشريف حفظكم الله يا سيد
Alhumdullah, I love your deliverances, your messages that is backed with clear evidence and your faith resounds in my heart the love of Almighty Allah SWT and HIS chosen Messenger, Prophet Muhammad SAWAA, Imams and our Imam Mahdi atfs of our time. Thank you for your clear message and evidence. Jazakullah khayran
Salam Alaikum , are there any more episodes?
I am looking forward to them , also Jazak allah khair for making them .
May allah bless brother ammar!!!❤❤❤❤❤
Can you talk about our 12 imams and how they are were jailed and poisoned? Who were those personalities that martyred them and what were the imams teachings, reciting, and information and education they were preaching to the unma at those times that were silenced by the enemies of Islam? ,
It has already been covered, sister. Search Imam al Mahdi, by SAN, many years ago...
First like maula
Jazakallah khair shiekh. Can you please do a video about abu talib, they say he is a kaffirbut get angry when we say some sahaba are kaffir.
Crazy how abu Talib (as) did more for the religion than the famous sahaba who did very little 😮
Don't worry, nothing to clarify in that...Hazrat Abu Talib a.s recited nikah of Prophet...
And he never performed idol worship...
He always helped Prophet and never forbade Prophet for tableegh...
When Prophet was in Shebe Abi Talib,
A document was written by Abu Jahal that Hazrat Abu Talib, his sons, Prophet and his family would no more live in Mecca so they all went in cave..
One day Hazrat Abu Talib came and said to Abu Jahal that my nephew is informed by his lord that the document is eaten by the mites..if this news is true then we will return and if it is false then I will give my nephew to you...
Here it is clear that Abu Talib a.s was firm that Prophet told him true otherwise he would not say this because he loved his nephew alot and he lived in cave for 2-3 years so one can't say that he was fed up of living in cave..
He did already. He has a imam ali series from years ago. One of the lectures is about abu talib
Yes, he has covered it in Mombasa, when he did the biography of the Holy Prophet, 7 years of so ago. A beautiful series! Try this link, brother:
The first references to the Mahdi appeared in the late 7th century, when the revolutionary Mukhtar al-Thaqafi declared Muhammad ibn al-Hanafiyya, a son of Caliph Ali ( r. 656-661), to be the Mahdi
Allah Akbar . Hamdella for the truth Allahs noor will never be put out .
We proud the follower of Imam Al Mahdi (ajtfs),,, Allah Humma Sally Alaa Mohammadin Wa Ahliy Mohammad Wa Adjil Farajaahum,,, 💞💕💞
May Allah bless you, you should do conditions of Wilayah and The ignorance next.
Sayed 👑
As-Salamu Aleykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh. I have an important issue. Thousands of Kurds have become Shia Elhamdulillah in recent years, but they are accused of being Jinns. Sunnis are trying their best to seduce the Kurds with the statements of older scholars, even if their accusations only apply to a group of the Kurds. I would like to hear about an interesting Video wich Shorts down all of this accusation. 🤲🏻
😂😂 tf
Is the series complete, or will there be more lectures these last few days?
Alas, complete, brother...😪😥😢
Please can you make a video about
Mubahala/Ayat Wilaya/ Jafari fiqh
Mubahala was covered several times before, particularly in the series of the Holy Prophet's biography, 7 years ago, in Mombasa.
If you click this link (Economic sanctions), it will take you to various episodes on the side, that you can choose from.
I need you in the day of judgement wallahi🫶🏼
Ultimately it will be the family of the Prophet who will save Humanity from the Injustices and establish Justice along side The Christ. SUBAHANALLAH . IBNE MAJAH
The path of AHLLULBAIT has always been the path of the prophets, one that leeds us to ALLAH.
Akhi I just find it a little stupid and hard to believe this guy, sure he brings Hadith but Shiism never originally had a political system of its own and now this guy says that hijab is not compulsory and shouldn’t be forced when it 100% should
@@Saber23 not taliban regime sorry... Jews and christians lived around the house of prophet whom were not forced to wear hijab... instead they were EDUCATED to do it, like its done in Iran... think before sayin stupid... Shia donot encourage doing politics in islam, it was done in saqeefa by the 3 calphs whereas only 6 people were present at the funeral of the holy prophet at that moment
@@Saber23it is compulsory, but shouldn’t be forced upon.
@@hussainsultanzada6123 lol how does that make any sense? That’s like saying stealing is a crime but shouldn’t be punished
@@Saber23 لَآ إِكْرَاهَ فِى ٱلدِّينِ ۖ
Salam, can you talk about latmia and prove why we can do it and why we do it
The MAHDI Has Appeared ❤❤❤❤
Where's the rest? 26-30?
SubhanAllah MashaAllah, may Allah (swt) bless you dear respected Syed Ammar and grant you a healthy long life InshaAllah. Any decent person with sound mind realizes that the whoever follows Quran and Ahlel Bayt (as) speaks with such certainty and clearness and truth.
Whoever follows the criminals (Abu Bakr & Umar) from Saqifa and calls them Shaykhain has satanic beliefs such as God has physical body parts and has a corrupted definition of Tawheed.
Ya Mahdi!
Important topic the islamic refomer. We need a block buster movie and or tv scifi series 😂
Sayyidana ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ for the love of Abul Hassani 😊😊 accept my Love for you🎉🎉🎉
I love prophet muhammed (sawas) and his ahlalbayt (as)!!!❤❤❤❤❤
Salallahu alahi wa salam WA SALAM WA SALAM. WA SALAM . yaaaaa hammmaaaar. QUL!!!!! WA SALAAAAM
No idea. But we need someone to lead this ummah
Already video response on Abu Talib made by Sayed almost 6 years ago
Hamdella for being and believing the most beautiful most logic religion ever to exist And of course the truth shall spread around the whole world and the whole world one day will be a follower of imam Ali weather like it or not
Fact: Abdullah Ibn Sabah was the root cause for the start of the Shia beliefs.
And didn't Imam Ali ( Alaihi salam) burned Abdullah ibn Sabah because he (ibn sabah) started believing that Ali is Allah (astaghfirullah) and ibn sabah started cursing Abu Bakr , Umar
Lol he mentioned “the arrivals” Abdullah Hashem now claims to be the 2nd Mahdi,… 😅
Where is he reading today
Why are all your Ramadan Videos about the differences between Sunni and Shia?
Because that's the reality
Absolutely he is not unless with Allah permission. It doesn't hurt to believe what he said. It is like someone says to me as a poor man, I fond a mine with gold I can show you and you can take from it ( unlimited blessings) and you say, oh ok thanks for letting me know and never believe that person and so never gain the gold. I doesn't hurt to believe in him ( Imam Mahdi existence) and feel the blessings ❤
Hazrath Jafar As-SadiqRA narrates that the ProphetSLM is narrated to have said,
How can that Ummah perish, when I (MuhammadSLM) am at its beginning, Mahdi in its middle, and 'Masih (IsaAS) at its end.
(Razeen, Haakim, Abu Nayeem, Mishkat, Kanz ul Ummal, Alkanji, Al Arbali, Ibn-e-Asakir- Tareeq Damishq, Al Maghazli - Manaqib Ali, alkinji - Albayan, Jama al Suyuti, Al Juwaini - Faraid ul Sumtain fi fazail al Sabtain, al Alai - Al tahseel-Jalaluddin Suyuti - Tareeq-ul-Khulafa
As per hadees imam Mahdi is saviour of umma along prophet SAS and Jesus PBUH..
Imam Mahdi AHS is saviour of umma along with prophet Mohammed SAS and Jesus PBUH as per hadees mentioned 👇
Hazrath Jafar As-SadiqRA narrates that the ProphetSLM is narrated to have said,
How can that Ummah perish, when I (MuhammadSLM) am at its beginning, Mahdi in its middle, and 'Masih (IsaAS) at its end.
(Razeen, Haakim, Abu Nayeem, Mishkat, Kanz ul Ummal, Alkanji, Al Arbali, Ibn-e-Asakir- Tareeq Damishq, Al Maghazli - Manaqib Ali, alkinji - Albayan, Jama al Suyuti, Al Juwaini - Faraid ul Sumtain fi fazail al Sabtain, al Alai - Al tahseel-Jalaluddin Suyuti - Tareeq-ul-Khulafa
😂. No. Dr. Naksh. This is a bit far too fetched. I am a Sunni. Abd, I have never heard a convincing argument from EITHER side on Mehdi and Return of Isaa A.S.
We are still waiting for a “Shia” original Seerah book *without any Sunni traditions in it*
Same that Christian say to our Quran though. Get ready for change, the deen and sharieh by all prophets is unite then you talk about what,?
Quran 2:154 The Imams and the shuhadah ARE ALIVE! LIVING! The ahlulbayt peace be upon them are MORE ALIVE than when they were on earth. The Mahdi is ALIVE! Oh shia do not be embarrassed and ashamed to believe and to say that ALI IS ALIVE and LIVING an ETERNAL LIFE. Do not be ashamed of saying this .
This verse you are referencing does not speak about imams specifically. It just says those who are killed in the way of Allah, which means shahids or martyrs. It doesn’t specify that its the imam
@@DESTRIAZ For the LOVE ALLAH. You people always want to take away the AWE of Allah!. The VERSE APPLIES to the Imams and prophets and mumin THAT IS WHY ALLAH SAID IT. Grow up bro. Leave me in my AWE of ALLAH THE ALMIGHTY and the promise of eternal life.. Just go away do your thing believe how you want to believe I converted aged 21 and I am 53 and the AWE oof this verse is the hope of the GRAVE. Begone demon!
@@DESTRIAZbeing killed even is not the only way to be considered as Shahid. There are momenin who are shahid while dead in bed, like our prophet as you pointed their life was all for the sake of Allah. Do you have proof to say 12Imams's life wasnt for the sake of Allah? Anything that can be wrong about their سیرت?
1st the guy u showing is not ahle sunnah wala jamah. He is a wahabi
Falls under sunni sect nonetheless
I have one question do you believe in compulsory hijab or not? Because if the answer is no then you’re on misguidance
Sorry your asking about لا اکراه فی الدین or لا اکراه فی الحجاب؟
When accepting religion is not compulsory and no one forced to have it unless wants to be guided to the right path, asking question about hijab( one single matter amon all important matters ) is kind of isolation of mind.
@@habibehhashemi2489 lol as usual stupid liberals take that verse out of context 🤣 this is the exact same as Daesh trying to use certain verses in the Quran to justify their attacks on innocents, literally right after the verse it says “truth is clear from falsehood” we can’t force non-Muslims to become Muslims but in public the laws of Allah are to be applied whether someone wants to dress modestly or not, this has been present throughout ALL of Islamic history and Imam Ali forced women to cover as well
@@habibehhashemi2489 lol as usual stupid liberals take that verse out of context 🤣 this is the exact same as Daesh trying to use certain verses in the Quran to justify their attacks on innocents, literally right after the verse it says “truth is clear from falsehood” we can’t force non-Muslims to become Muslims but in public the laws of Allah are to be applied whether someone wants to dress modestly or not, this has been present throughout ALL of Islamic history and Imam Ali forced women to cover as well
@@habibehhashemi2489 lol as usual stupid liberals take that verse out of context 🤣 this is the exact same as Daesh trying to use certain verses in the Quran to justify their attacks on innocents, literally right after the verse it says “truth is clear from falsehood” we can’t force non-Muslims to become Muslims but in public the laws of Allah are to be applied whether someone wants to dress modestly or not, this has been present throughout ALL of Islamic history and Imam Ali forced women to cover as well
@@habibehhashemi2489 lol as usual stupid liberals take that verse out of context 🤣 this is the exact same as Daesh trying to use certain verses in the Quran to justify their attacks on innocents, literally right after the verse it says “truth is clear from falsehood” we can’t force non-Muslims to become Muslims but in public the laws of Allah are to be applied whether someone wants to dress modestly or not, this has been present throughout ALL of Islamic history and Imam Ali forced women to cover as well
The MAHDI Has Appeared ❤❤