The irony is that it wasn't conservatives who tried to silence Bill Maher at Berkeley, but the liberal crowd in solidarity with some muslims who got offended. When Maher criticized Christianity, they hooted in support & extended him an invitation to the university... but the moment he criticized Islam, he became a social pariah. This is the biggest blind spot of liberals these days. Other than that, I mostly agree with his commencement address.
***** They're not... like I said, they tried to point out once that we have a creditable threat here at home, congress threatened to pull their budget.
Wow, good on Bill for being the bigger man and not even mentioning the criticism he got when it was announced he would be the speaker. Great speech, I still regret not sending in my application to Cal.
Comedians have always been at the cutting edge of the day's issues. They bring attention to serious shit through laughter. The good ones at least. Chappelle is the best modern example in my opinion.
Go Bears! So fitting to have Maher speak given it was the anniversary of the free speech movement. His speech was tailored to the students w his views. Owning the first amendment is one of the first things I learned at Cal in my first protest. Proud of the university.
"Dear admin, don't Maher out commencement." *Looks like some of them* *backed off at the end and they had to make do with what they could hold.* *Those kids will grow up to be a bitterish problem, eh lel.*
+Luis Jauregui I wouldn't necessarily be proud to call yourself a liberal. Speaking as someone who self identifies as being a Libertarian I can safely say that there's Liberals that can be the most judgemental, self righteous pricks imaginable. The irony is they accuse Conservatives of this very thing. If for example you're opposed to gay marriage they can look down their nose at you as if you've crawled out of the sewer...and this is coming from someone who supports gay marriage.
Well, put it this way. If a liberal said they saw nothing wrong with attempting to ban someone an outsider from their country (which has happened in the UK when Donald Trump when a petition was started) because they don't like their views and a conservative became sanctimonious and ranted and raved about how they were behaving like fascists wouldn't there be liberals who would call him a dick? And there's a growing, uneasy liberal bigotry that is steadily beginning to grow where if someone doesn't like somebody's politically views they find themselves ostracized to some degree. I'm not saying there aren't conservatives that aren't guilty of this as well, as there are but quite a lot of liberals conveniently fail to realize this. We have to draw the line somewhere when it comes in so much as unless someone's threatening violence or death against any group of people or individual then that should not be condoned. I get, that I can't force anyone to talk to anyone or be friends if anyone they don't like but that doesn't mean we can't not justify not talking to people merely because we don't like certain opinions. I'm from Scotland and I once saw a guy online say he had to question who he wanted to have as friends any longer because he was a separatist who wanted the country to be independent from the rest of the U.K., and some of his pals disagreed with him. This is the kind of self righteous arrogance I'm talking about.
***** I didn't say you were. Read above what I stated. I said: *I wouldn't necessarily be proud to call yourself a liberal. Speaking as someone who self identifies as being a Libertarian I can safely say that there's Liberals that can be the most judgemental, self righteous pricks imaginable.* Saying liberals who disagree with those who oppose gay marriage *can be* sanctimonious dicks Isn't to say they all can be so don't start to get bent out of shape. Unless I say directly that you are being so then don't be so quick to jump to conclusions.
As he often does, Bill Maher once again echoes George Carlin in one of his lines. When he talked about the importance of being a free thinker and questioning things, I couldn't help but think of when Carlin said: "it's not important to get children to read [...] much more important is to teach children to question what they read. Children should be taught to question everything.".
The problem with Maher's reasoning is that it is actually liberals who try to silence anyone who criticizes Islam and the ones that defend them and stand up for liberal principles are the conservatives. Ayaan Hirsi Ali for instance has been essentially driven out of the Netherlands by the "liberal" political class (they wanted to revoke her citizenship over some technicality and made her feel unwelcome) and is now working for a Neo-conservative think tank in the US. Fox news are about the only media outlet that give her the coverage she deserves and tries to defend her, whereas on the liberal news channels it is a field day for apologists of Islamofascism and other forms of Tyranny.
Well yea, that's the downside of labeling people as liberal or conservative or whatever label it is, it's that you trap your self in a paradigm of thoughts. He actually despises how liberals are ready to criticize everything but back off from criticizing Islam.
This is exactly what Maher has pointed out numerous times and has gotten into trouble for it. His criticism of true liberal values going off track when it comes to Islam has not gone down well..
Fashion Earrings Well yes, Liberals in the West are most concerned about how many gender identities there are and how to ban the word bossy. You guys in India worry more about gang rapes and widow burnings which I think should be slightly further up the list of things for liberals to worry about.
Christian Koncz I wouldn't be so cynical!! Liberals in India are just as much concerned with LGBT rights as women's rights and instigating a healthy critical environment against faith based doctrines and all the rest... What we cannot figure out, why this blank wall attitude when it comes to Islam? With all that free speech going on it's zip up time where Islam is concerned and frankly that has left us in this part of the world frustrated ever since 2001 and that's the truth.
Fashion Earrings It is because they don't know history and as they say, if you don't learn the lessons of history, you're doomed to repeat the same mistakes over and over again. India of course has to deal with Pakistani-trained and Saudi-financed terrorism on a daily basis and has actually shown great restraint when dealing with Pakistan. Not many people outside of India know or understand her history and there of course you have a classic case of Islamic conquest and where a Muslim minority managed to rule over a Hindu majority for centuries and force their own way of life down their throats. Before Islam (and the British) came, women had far more freedom even in Hindu society (South Indian women walked around bare-breasted for instance, whereas now even many Hindus are forced to wear veils or cover up in other ways) and there was far less sexual repression, which meant far fewer rapes and far more equality between the sexes.
+STUFFandTHANGS I know, Bill Maher is so pissed off at God that he will hold onto the lie that the 1 million filters in the human body are the result of poreperly arranged star dust....that the 100 billion miles of properly arranged startdust.....this dgenus thinks the eye.....optic never....and visual cortex is....properly arranged star dust...... atheism is where smart people believe very very dumb things..... do you think your spinal cord is properly arranged star dust?
The first time I watched this (in 2014) I thought it was really tame and not that great. I remembered it as a perfectly standard and adequate commencement speech. Just watched it again about a year later and I have to say I think it's great. Seems like the kind of speech that is timeless and if anything will become more relevant. I really think Bill is a patriot in his own unique way.
People hate him becuase of his political attitudes and blocking him from the commencement speaking was nothing but censorship. His speach was fine, it is a great intro for graduating college students.
Bill is great. Bit rough in his approach but he is sooooo truthful and spot on ...99% of time. A true liberal thinker who realizes what the Republican Party and NRA....two fascist organizations. Keep up good work Bill.
Is the most memorable part about his speech only that amendment part for you people? Don't forget ... "because unless we solve that issue, there will be no issues." "In my house, the only thing we did not have tolerance for, was intolerance." "As you go down the path of life, ask what's true, not, who else believes it." Good job, Bill. P.S read Counterfeit Hope the book.
"Come on it's berkley, i think i can speak freely here, i mean, i hope i can, hehe. " "if you are a liberal, fight oppression wherever it may come from"
9:30 ... Compassion and empathy isn't always a good thing ... When you are compassionate and empathetic you infantilise the person you are being compassionate for. You also view anyone who disagrees as an "evil" person.
No you don't infantilize them. It's rather like being a friend to them in the sense of doing your part to help them. And your last sentence does not make any sense.
That's the true disparity between morals in this country I've grown up with the notion that compassion, empathy, benevolence as being the sole traits in defining the worth of a human being. Some people believe those things make a person weak/soft but without those things we're nothing more than wild animals without conscience or feeling, without society and civilization itself.
I think the opposition to Maher thought he was going to make this a propoganda platform. Though fans of his know he will take the event seriously. It's about the students and he gave a speech with much information and advice from his own experience. He of course did include his opinion from time to time but I doubt anyone can really deny the meat of this speech. Well done Bill.
Watching this speech you can see that the protesters had nothing to be concerned about. What did they think he was going to do? Go in to a diatribe where he bad-mouthed Islam?! He wasn't there to give a speech about religion after all and like him or not, his speech was pretty inspiring.
Guys with the signs "Dear Admin, Don't Maher Our Commencement" what purpose do your signs serve during the very commencement speech wirh the very guy you are protesting?
Did you hear the cheering? And a standing 'O'. So glad to hear and see the youth of today embracing someone who can give them 'the rest of the story': Go Bill!
Bill Maher @ Berkeley Winter ❄️ 2014 Commencement Please click on the link below to listen: Bill responds to the petition at UC Berkeley 3:14 Time Counter 1:17 Time Counter My god! I can’t make any comments on what Bill just said. Please click on the link below to listen: The one only Mr. Bill Maher. One in a million!
I'm a big fan of Maher but, with all the pre-speech hype, that was a pretty "milk-toastesque" address, especially the first 10 minutes of it. This was Berkeley? Did they ship students in from Utah to attend this commencement?
Wow. Freedom of speech upheld at Berkeley! No caving to the proponents of censorship against anyone who criticizes Islam. A small victory for those of us who still believe in the freedoms established by our founding fathers to think for ourselves and criticize and dissent. This was eloquently stated recently in a posting by Greg Lukianoff, President, Foundation for Individual Rights in Education: "A common tactic used by the students who are critical of Maher is to label him a racist because he criticizes Islam. But, as Maher and everyone else is quick to point out, Islam is not a race. Islam is a religion -- a set of ideas and beliefs -- and debating ideas and beliefs is the lifeblood of freedom of speech. And there is no special carve-out for religion. To the contrary, modern ideas of freedom of speech were forged in the religious wars of Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries. Those struggles were all about the right to be a religious dissenter, to be free to have your own ideas about religion, and to choose for yourself. That's why at the time of the founding of the United States, the Framers not only made sure that freedom of speech and of the press were protected by the First Amendment, but also the freedom to believe as you choose and the freedom from state-established religion. In a very real sense, the right to blaspheme is at the root of freedom of speech--because someone's religious dissent is by its very nature another person's blasphemy. And make no mistake about it, if we were to ban any speaker who was a blasphemer or heretic in someone's eyes, every single one of us could be silenced." It's just a pity that Brandeis University did not have its head on straight when it caved to the Islam supporting censors and revoked the honorary degree it intended to give to that heroic woman, Ayaan Hirsi Ali. A stain of shame on Brandeis that will last a very long time.
Oh my, almost 4 years and this is even more true and listening to Maher's advice even more important.W Climate change is the #1 issue facing the world. The polarization in this county will is?) crippling. We must make the truth popular!!
I teared up a bit watching this in 2021. The left has lost it's way. Almost none of these graduates, now all approaching 30, actually listened to and applied what he said. That is the same demographic of liberals now trying to cancel anything they don't agree with.
It's interesting to see how seriously he took this. Usually commencement speakers have a lot of self-deprecating jokes about how boring and meaningless commencement speeches are.
In any other western country this speech would be considered sensible and reflective of the mainstream political view, possibly even a little mundane. Yet in America the right wing will paint this as extreme and dangerous. A country with such right wing lunacy should not hold so much power - they're completely out of touch with reality in a time when understanding and compassion is needed more than ever to prevent global disaster. Well done Bill and see you in London ;)
11:00 especially for woman, gays, minorities and free thinkers. Why especially for them? equality right? if a person is oppressed defend that person , do not look their background or identity.
Bill, no one should “own” any amendment. We should all believe in all of the amendments. Except for the 18th amendment, which was repealed by the 21st in order to avoid contradictions.
The constitution is no Holy Scripture. You aren't supposed to "believe" in the amendments, you're supposed to act upon them or try to change them if you find the change purposeful. It's part of your legal system, not your religion.
Glad he made the speech, despite the outcry by religious bigots.It was a great speech.I am a crazy person, but Islam is a religion which oppresses women. Christianity is no better. His speech had nothing to do with racism or religion, but with values essential to life and happiness.
While I disagree with Maher on a personal level, and sometimes political, I can't disagree with him on his core beliefs. Nobody owns anybody, so nobody has the right to silence anyone.
Haha all the students would protest now if he tried to a commencement speech. They can't stand an older man making fun of SOME younger people's behaviors.
It's baffling how divisive this country this. It's like everything comes down to whether you're a liberal or a conservative. Politics in America seems to be more sectarian and like religions than anywhere else in the western world.
It is not the Universities. As Jordan B. Peterson says. Yes, People are not being taught to how to think independently from the group and/or status quo. The problem we have is people fundamentally do not know how to think as individuals and as one person. We are always seeking approval from others, and are also afraid to be an individuals who think completely independently from others, and are also afraid to be an individuals who act completely independently from others at the expense of the truth of what is. We are all caught in the game of follow the follower.
Bill says, "This is Berkeley, I don't think I have to worry about speaking freely here". Haha ask Milo and any student unlucky enough to not share liberal views about that
On Real Time With Bill Maher As I watching this video begun to see............ 5:09 To 5:58 Time Counter Jordan B. Peterson “Life is seriously not safe” “The way you make people resilient is by exposing them to things that they are afraid of, and that makes them feel uncomfortable”, “Voluntarily, but you use exposure. And so if you are over coddle people. “ “If you protect them from everything that is sharp.” “You make them dull, stupid and narcissistic”. “It is really a bad idea”. Please click on the link to hear the sound bite:
Hi all Our planet is populated by such a vast differentiation of people. That is who we are, very different from one another and yet the same. Where it shows is when people are not educated and principled. Some only want more of the same whilst others want more of the different other groups want only what they mind can cope with and others can cope with new material, information, ideas, issues and rationally ponder on this amalgame of life issues. c'est la vie et elle est belle, si tu la veux telle. such is life and she is beautiful, if you want it such. merci pierre
Poor Bill's repeated use of "graduating college" must have made the English professors wince. Students don't graduate school, they are graduated by the school or college. The proper usage is, "graduating from" or "was/were/are graduated from…"
I get the calls for free speech and I support it but I don’t think it’s more important than stemming the incredible misconceptions about Islam-right now this nation needs compassion for one another and not fear. Maher already has a huge platform wherein to perpetuate his false beliefs...UC could’ve given that 15min to someone from a marginalized part of society. Maher just doesn’t have a good understanding of the BASIC tenets of Islam. He can have opinions and voice them but it doesn’t mean he has done a scholarly, comprehensive, unbiased review of Islam. He takes the actions of people to represent the actual teachings of Islam-i mean, c’mon that’s such an elementary mentality. If your textbook tells you the world is round but you say it’s we blame the textbook?
It is amazing how liberal intolerance has continued to grow since Maher's commencement speech in 2014. So, it really didn't start with Trump. It was already smoldering.
The irony is that it wasn't conservatives who tried to silence Bill Maher at Berkeley, but the liberal crowd in solidarity with some muslims who got offended. When Maher criticized Christianity, they hooted in support & extended him an invitation to the university... but the moment he criticized Islam, he became a social pariah. This is the biggest blind spot of liberals these days.
Other than that, I mostly agree with his commencement address.
and it was Southern Democrats governors in the 60's that did it. Sad he left that word out.
Chizbo do u think there is an active movement to hurt them? It seems if you study anything about Israel and Palestine there is.
Sure.. Very few people in the third world can comprehend this thing.
They are not authentic liberals. Rather, they are self-annointed liberals. They are actually facists disguised as liberals
You are not dealing with a political ideology (Conservatism OR Liberalism) when you deal with extremists.
"Liberals should own the 1st Amendment the way Conservatives own the 2nd" needs to be on a shitload of bumper stickers, t-shirts, and posters.
***** They're not... like I said, they tried to point out once that we have a creditable threat here at home, congress threatened to pull their budget.
is the 1st the one about freedom of speech ?
because if thats it, you liberals should maybe at least stop butchering it .. for a start
How about "Fuck Liberals, and their Fascist, Nationalist Buddies" ?
+henri How about you look up the word Liberalism.
+henri and look up Fascism and Nationalism while you're at it, it's on the entire different side of the spectrum.
Thanks for uploading the high quality, official video of the speech :-)
One of the best speeches ever, and not only in a commencement but in general.. Kudos to Mr. Maher & also the free speech movement in UC Berkeley !
Thank you for not giving in to the anti-Mahr pressure.
Yeah the dreaded liberals
"It is Berkeley, I hope I can speak freely here."
Flash forward a few years...
Wow, good on Bill for being the bigger man and not even mentioning the criticism he got when it was announced he would be the speaker. Great speech, I still regret not sending in my application to Cal.
Nowadays we listen to comedians and laugh on politicians !
It's a total mindfuck isn't it? I dearly miss George Carlin.
Well put.
Thanks to free speech. You can't find comedian in dictatorship countries like North Korea.
Maher is a fucking dumb shit.
Comedians have always been at the cutting edge of the day's issues. They bring attention to serious shit through laughter. The good ones at least. Chappelle is the best modern example in my opinion.
Why isn’t anyone talking about Mr. Einstein sitting next to Bill
Go Bears! So fitting to have Maher speak given it was the anniversary of the free speech movement. His speech was tailored to the students w his views. Owning the first amendment is one of the first things I learned at Cal in my first protest. Proud of the university.
"Dear admin, don't Maher out commencement." *Looks like some of them* *backed off at the end and they had to make do with what they could hold.* *Those kids will grow up to be a bitterish problem, eh lel.*
Bill Maher has achieved legendary status.
Fuck Maher, and Fuck Berkeley.
Jim Anders cry and cry
+Jim Anders...your brain and its thinking is not eligible to even lick the Janitor's toe nail at Berkeley. go back to your mommy's basement
@@jimanders6666 cry more....
TRUTH and FREEDOM OF SPEECH: “Where else could we exist if not at Berkeley’s !”
I'd been waiting to see this, thanks for posting. Awesome. No surprise there. So ok, by the end I was smiling and teary at the same time.
Never went to college but this speech makes me feel even more proud to be a liberal....Free thinkers and fighting against the oppression
+Luis Jauregui I wouldn't necessarily be proud to call yourself a liberal. Speaking as someone who self identifies as being a Libertarian I can safely say that there's Liberals that can be the most judgemental, self righteous pricks imaginable. The irony is they accuse Conservatives of this very thing. If for example you're opposed to gay marriage they can look down their nose at you as if you've crawled out of the sewer...and this is coming from someone who supports gay marriage.
It is but being a sanctimonious dick isn't going to change people's minds.
Well, put it this way. If a liberal said they saw nothing wrong with attempting to ban someone an outsider from their country (which has happened in the UK when Donald Trump when a petition was started) because they don't like their views and a conservative became sanctimonious and ranted and raved about how they were behaving like fascists wouldn't there be liberals who would call him a dick?
And there's a growing, uneasy liberal bigotry that is steadily beginning to grow where if someone doesn't like somebody's politically views they find themselves ostracized to some degree. I'm not saying there aren't conservatives that aren't guilty of this as well, as there are but quite a lot of liberals conveniently fail to realize this.
We have to draw the line somewhere when it comes in so much as unless someone's threatening violence or death against any group of people or individual then that should not be condoned. I get, that I can't force anyone to talk to anyone or be friends if anyone they don't like but that doesn't mean we can't not justify not talking to people merely because we don't like certain opinions. I'm from Scotland and I once saw a guy online say he had to question who he wanted to have as friends any longer because he was a separatist who wanted the country to be independent from the rest of the U.K., and some of his pals disagreed with him. This is the kind of self righteous arrogance I'm talking about.
***** I didn't say you were. Read above what I stated. I said:
*I wouldn't necessarily be proud to call yourself a liberal. Speaking as someone who self identifies as being a Libertarian I can safely say that there's Liberals that can be the most judgemental, self righteous pricks imaginable.*
Saying liberals who disagree with those who oppose gay marriage *can be* sanctimonious dicks Isn't to say they all can be so don't start to get bent out of shape. Unless I say directly that you are being so then don't be so quick to jump to conclusions.
I never said you specifically were so you're wasting your time telling me not to do something I didn't do.
Thanks Berkeley. Lend your iron balls to kiss and hold to the others.
Bill Maher, the epitome of wisdom and reality. My hero.
Glad Berkeley made the right decision!
As he often does, Bill Maher once again echoes George Carlin in one of his lines. When he talked about the importance of being a free thinker and questioning things, I couldn't help but think of when Carlin said: "it's not important to get children to read [...] much more important is to teach children to question what they read. Children should be taught to question everything.".
15 minutes is too short.
Yeah, I would've liked something like an hour or more.
Sao Cungduoc Why? He said what he had to say. If it had been longer it would've just been stringing it out.
It was a good speech. I am glad Berkeley 's invitation to Bill stands.
The problem with Maher's reasoning is that it is actually liberals who try to silence anyone who criticizes Islam and the ones that defend them and stand up for liberal principles are the conservatives. Ayaan Hirsi Ali for instance has been essentially driven out of the Netherlands by the "liberal" political class (they wanted to revoke her citizenship over some technicality and made her feel unwelcome) and is now working for a Neo-conservative think tank in the US. Fox news are about the only media outlet that give her the coverage she deserves and tries to defend her, whereas on the liberal news channels it is a field day for apologists of Islamofascism and other forms of Tyranny.
Well yea, that's the downside of labeling people as liberal or conservative or whatever label it is, it's that you trap your self in a paradigm of thoughts. He actually despises how liberals are ready to criticize everything but back off from criticizing Islam.
This is exactly what Maher has pointed out numerous times and has gotten into trouble for it. His criticism of true liberal values going off track when it comes to Islam has not gone down well..
Fashion Earrings Well yes, Liberals in the West are most concerned about how many gender identities there are and how to ban the word bossy. You guys in India worry more about gang rapes and widow burnings which I think should be slightly further up the list of things for liberals to worry about.
Christian Koncz I wouldn't be so cynical!! Liberals in India are just as much concerned with LGBT rights as women's rights and instigating a healthy critical environment against faith based doctrines and all the rest... What we cannot figure out, why this blank wall attitude when it comes to Islam? With all that free speech going on it's zip up time where Islam is concerned and frankly that has left us in this part of the world frustrated ever since 2001 and that's the truth.
Fashion Earrings It is because they don't know history and as they say, if you don't learn the lessons of history, you're doomed to repeat the same mistakes over and over again. India of course has to deal with Pakistani-trained and Saudi-financed terrorism on a daily basis and has actually shown great restraint when dealing with Pakistan. Not many people outside of India know or understand her history and there of course you have a classic case of Islamic conquest and where a Muslim minority managed to rule over a Hindu majority for centuries and force their own way of life down their throats. Before Islam (and the British) came, women had far more freedom even in Hindu society (South Indian women walked around bare-breasted for instance, whereas now even many Hindus are forced to wear veils or cover up in other ways) and there was far less sexual repression, which meant far fewer rapes and far more equality between the sexes.
Very sage advice Bill. I hope they were listening.
This was a great talk, and I am glad/proud, that they decided to let him give it.
Bill Maher using his platform well. Keep doing what you are doing Bill!
"It's Berkeley, I can speak freely here.
At least I hope I can".
As a fellow Jewish-American, I embrace my Hebrew brother Bill Maher as he teaches truth.
hes an athiest
+STUFFandTHANGS I know, Bill Maher is so pissed off at God that he will hold onto the lie that the 1 million filters in the human body are the result of poreperly arranged star dust....that the 100 billion miles of properly arranged startdust.....this dgenus thinks the eye.....optic never....and visual cortex is....properly arranged star dust......
atheism is where smart people believe very very dumb things.....
do you think your spinal cord is properly arranged star dust?
The first time I watched this (in 2014) I thought it was really tame and not that great. I remembered it as a perfectly standard and adequate commencement speech.
Just watched it again about a year later and I have to say I think it's great. Seems like the kind of speech that is timeless and if anything will become more relevant. I really think Bill is a patriot in his own unique way.
People hate him becuase of his political attitudes and blocking him from the commencement speaking was nothing but censorship. His speach was fine, it is a great intro for graduating college students.
Bill is great. Bit rough in his approach but he is sooooo truthful and spot on ...99% of time. A true liberal thinker who realizes what the Republican Party and NRA....two fascist organizations.
Keep up good work Bill.
Is the most memorable part about his speech only that amendment part for you people? Don't forget ...
"because unless we solve that issue, there will be no issues."
"In my house, the only thing we did not have tolerance for, was intolerance."
"As you go down the path of life, ask what's true, not, who else believes it."
Good job, Bill.
P.S read Counterfeit Hope the book.
"Its Berkely. I hope I can speak freely here"
Ben Shapiro "um, I couldnt"
Talking about the world being bleak in 2014 seems darkly humorous now in 2021.
Bill Maher is my hero-this is an excellent and inspiring speech. :)
"Come on it's berkley, i think i can speak freely here, i mean, i hope i can, hehe. "
"if you are a liberal, fight oppression wherever it may come from"
Berkeley is the bastion of anti free speech. Your comments are a fucking joke.
9:30 ... Compassion and empathy isn't always a good thing ... When you are compassionate and empathetic you infantilise the person you are being compassionate for. You also view anyone who disagrees as an "evil" person.
No you don't infantilize them. It's rather like being a friend to them in the sense of doing your part to help them. And your last sentence does not make any sense.
That's the true disparity between morals in this country I've grown up with the notion that compassion, empathy, benevolence as being the sole traits in defining the worth of a human being. Some people believe those things make a person weak/soft but without those things we're nothing more than wild animals without conscience or feeling, without society and civilization itself.
I agree. Too much emphasis on compassion can degenerate into enabling.
I think the opposition to Maher thought he was going to make this a propoganda platform. Though fans of his know he will take the event seriously. It's about the students and he gave a speech with much information and advice from his own experience. He of course did include his opinion from time to time but I doubt anyone can really deny the meat of this speech. Well done Bill.
Watching this speech you can see that the protesters had nothing to be concerned about. What did they think he was going to do? Go in to a diatribe where he bad-mouthed Islam?! He wasn't there to give a speech about religion after all and like him or not, his speech was pretty inspiring.
Oh 2014 Bill - You have no idea how bad things get 😂
Why did some people say (with their colorful signs) "Don't Maher Our Commencement"??
Deservedly opined. Critically appropriate and a message that needs to be acted upon!
You kicked ass Bill Maher!!!! You are an intelligent man!!!
necklix it got mispronounced in the introduçtion before the video starts
So true to his words, and those words are true to themselves.
What a beautiful speech.
“The places you’ll go” isn’t a book for kids. It’s a guide for these guys.
Guys with the signs "Dear Admin, Don't Maher Our Commencement" what purpose do your signs serve during the very commencement speech wirh the very guy you are protesting?
great speech
Where is the controversy ?
Did you hear the cheering? And a standing 'O'. So glad to hear and see the youth of today embracing someone who can give them 'the rest of the story': Go Bill!
Conservatives are oppressed on the Berkeley campus. Wake up, dumb ass !!!!
Bill Maher @ Berkeley Winter ❄️ 2014
Please click on the link below to listen:
Bill responds to the petition at UC Berkeley
3:14 Time Counter
1:17 Time Counter
My god! I can’t make any comments on what Bill just said.
Please click on the link below to listen:
The one only Mr. Bill Maher. One in a million!
Ms. Bleak. I'm notorious for it. As a young child, I was referred to as, Jolly Polly. I carry my joy with me. I share, Bill.
Great Speech! A little bit more controlled than I thought it would be...but still great!
I'm a big fan of Maher but, with all the pre-speech hype, that was a pretty "milk-toastesque" address, especially the first 10 minutes of it. This was Berkeley? Did they ship students in from Utah to attend this commencement?
What does milk-toastesque mean?
Weak, lacking any substance (as in dunking toast in milk, just becomes soggy, no crunch)
Figured. Just hadn't heard it like that before. Suppose I disagree in this case, but I see where you're coming from.
That's milquetoast-esque.
Wow. Freedom of speech upheld at Berkeley! No caving to the proponents of censorship against anyone who criticizes Islam. A small victory for those of us who still believe in the freedoms established by our founding fathers to think for ourselves and criticize and dissent. This was eloquently stated recently in a posting by Greg Lukianoff, President, Foundation for Individual Rights in Education:
"A common tactic used by the students who are critical of Maher is to label him a racist because he criticizes Islam. But, as Maher and everyone else is quick to point out, Islam is not a race. Islam is a religion -- a set of ideas and beliefs -- and debating ideas and beliefs is the lifeblood of freedom of speech.
And there is no special carve-out for religion. To the contrary, modern ideas of freedom of speech were forged in the religious wars of Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries. Those struggles were all about the right to be a religious dissenter, to be free to have your own ideas about religion, and to choose for yourself. That's why at the time of the founding of the United States, the Framers not only made sure that freedom of speech and of the press were protected by the First Amendment, but also the freedom to believe as you choose and the freedom from state-established religion. In a very real sense, the right to blaspheme is at the root of freedom of speech--because someone's religious dissent is by its very nature another person's blasphemy.
And make no mistake about it, if we were to ban any speaker who was a blasphemer or heretic in someone's eyes, every single one of us could be silenced."
It's just a pity that Brandeis University did not have its head on straight when it caved to the Islam supporting censors and revoked the honorary degree it intended to give to that heroic woman, Ayaan Hirsi Ali. A stain of shame on Brandeis that will last a very long time.
very sweet guys
Oh my, almost 4 years and this is even more true and listening to Maher's advice even more important.W Climate change is the #1 issue facing the world. The polarization in this county will is?) crippling. We must make the truth popular!!
I teared up a bit watching this in 2021. The left has lost it's way. Almost none of these graduates, now all approaching 30, actually listened to and applied what he said. That is the same demographic of liberals now trying to cancel anything they don't agree with.
wow good speech
Bam! Nailed it! Viva Bill!
Didn't he say it would be about their day?
It's interesting to see how seriously he took this. Usually commencement speakers have a lot of self-deprecating jokes about how boring and meaningless commencement speeches are.
In any other western country this speech would be considered sensible and reflective of the mainstream political view, possibly even a little mundane. Yet in America the right wing will paint this as extreme and dangerous. A country with such right wing lunacy should not hold so much power - they're completely out of touch with reality in a time when understanding and compassion is needed more than ever to prevent global disaster. Well done Bill and see you in London ;)
Awesome speech
11:00 especially for woman, gays, minorities and free thinkers. Why especially for them? equality right? if a person is oppressed defend that person , do not look their background or identity.
Bless your wicked heart, Bill.
Love this man...glad the students and staff welcomed him like they should have.
Why is this commencement segregated?
OMG I hope I get to see him during my two years there!
+Aviram Vijh just go to one of his shows....he tours the country you know...
Bill, no one should “own” any amendment. We should all believe in all of the amendments. Except for the 18th amendment, which was repealed by the 21st in order to avoid contradictions.
The constitution is no Holy Scripture. You aren't supposed to "believe" in the amendments, you're supposed to act upon them or try to change them if you find the change purposeful. It's part of your legal system, not your religion.
Brilliant, climate change should be the main focus. I love this man!
Glad he made the speech, despite the outcry by religious bigots.It was a great speech.I am a crazy person, but Islam is a religion which oppresses women. Christianity is no better. His speech had nothing to do with racism or religion, but with values essential to life and happiness.
Well done.
While I disagree with Maher on a personal level, and sometimes political, I can't disagree with him on his core beliefs. Nobody owns anybody, so nobody has the right to silence anyone.
Haha all the students would protest now if he tried to a commencement speech. They can't stand an older man making fun of SOME younger people's behaviors.
too late already protests at this one
Such a great speech
He is really a wise man
It's baffling how divisive this country this. It's like everything comes down to whether you're a liberal or a conservative. Politics in America seems to be more sectarian and like religions than anywhere else in the western world.
It is not the Universities. As Jordan B. Peterson says.
Yes, People are not being taught to how to think independently from the group and/or status quo.
The problem we have is people fundamentally do not know how to think as individuals and as one person.
We are always seeking approval from others, and are also afraid to be an individuals who think completely independently from others, and are also afraid to be an individuals who act completely independently from others at the expense of the truth of what is.
We are all caught in the game of follow the follower.
"But in every election in your life, there will be one choice that is better then the others, vote for that one"
And Trump got elected.
Well done, Bill
Bill says, "This is Berkeley, I don't think I have to worry about speaking freely here". Haha ask Milo and any student unlucky enough to not share liberal views about that
bill maher is a champion , may u live longer bill maher
helluva a lot better than my commencement speech!
See a response to this speech that aired on Bill Maher's show (+RealTime):
On Real Time With Bill Maher
As I watching this video begun to see............
5:09 To 5:58 Time Counter
Jordan B. Peterson
“Life is seriously not safe” “The way you make people resilient is by exposing them to things that they are afraid of, and that makes them feel uncomfortable”, “Voluntarily, but you use exposure. And so if you are over coddle people. “
“If you protect them from everything that is sharp.”
“You make them dull, stupid and narcissistic”. “It is really a bad idea”.
Please click on the link to hear the sound bite:
You know you could have spoke at my college... What does Berkeley have that Full Sail University doesn't?.. Besides hygiene..
Um, can someone please tell me who is preventing people for going to school? WTF is Bill talking about? That shit went out in the 60's
This guy and his badassery..haha too good
Hi all
Our planet is populated by such a vast differentiation of people. That is who we are, very different from one another and yet the same.
Where it shows is when people are not educated and principled.
Some only want more of the same
whilst others want more of the different
other groups want only what they mind can cope with and
others can cope with new material, information, ideas, issues and
rationally ponder on this amalgame of life issues.
c'est la vie et elle est belle, si tu la veux telle.
such is life and she is beautiful, if you want it such.
merci pierre
bill maher for president
He'd crumble.
at one time UC Berkeley was the center of the "Free Speech" movement.
Very nice, better than our speaker lol. Those guys in the stands should have been kicked out. It wasn't a rally, it was a graduation.
I love this guy! So funny and inspirational "unlike the republicans"
Bill, I "like" your part of the truth
“The thing about smart people, they seem to be crazy to dumb people” ~S. Hawking.
Poor Bill's repeated use of "graduating college" must have made the English professors wince. Students don't graduate school, they are graduated by the school or college. The proper usage is, "graduating from" or "was/were/are graduated from…"
No one cares
Well done for marking a celebration of education and learning with a completely illegitimate example of it. must be one of "those guys."
(rolling eyes)
Yeah. This is about the least important thing that anyone could say
Good speech.
I get the calls for free speech and I support it but I don’t think it’s more important than stemming the incredible misconceptions about Islam-right now this nation needs compassion for one another and not fear. Maher already has a huge platform wherein to perpetuate his false beliefs...UC could’ve given that 15min to someone from a marginalized part of society. Maher just doesn’t have a good understanding of the BASIC tenets of Islam. He can have opinions and voice them but it doesn’t mean he has done a scholarly, comprehensive, unbiased review of Islam. He takes the actions of people to represent the actual teachings of Islam-i mean, c’mon that’s such an elementary mentality. If your textbook tells you the world is round but you say it’s we blame the textbook?
It is amazing how liberal intolerance has continued to grow since Maher's commencement speech in 2014. So, it really didn't start with Trump. It was already smoldering.
Perspective in the eye of censorship is a misnomer.