I wish Alex and Sean had the chance to develop their promising relationship instead of having it as a side interest. Why was there absolutely no mention or forwarding after the black badge episode?! And why the hell do the writers even bother to develop him at all if everything becomes irrelevant one episode later such as his jealousy with Owen and Alex? Is it just forgotten? I can't believe what happens in this episode and its killing me!!'
Everyone at Division saved Sean to save his life. Nikita and them didn't kill him, how would they know that there was going to be a mutiny an that he was going to die because of it? The writers had to kill one major character off. His death is sad but it made sense.
Sean was my favorite guy on the show!!!
"I know you want to find your girl but the only way you get to her is if I get to mine."
I wish Alex and Sean had the chance to develop their promising relationship instead of having it as a side interest. Why was there absolutely no mention or forwarding after the black badge episode?! And why the hell do the writers even bother to develop him at all if everything becomes irrelevant one episode later such as his jealousy with Owen and Alex? Is it just forgotten? I can't believe what happens in this episode and its killing me!!'
Why the hell did he died?!?!
Im sad they killed him, at the same time it makes the show more realistic. If none of the main charecters die then it starts to get fake.
I liked him too, this doesn't make sense they went through all the trouble to save him in black badge now they are killed him what gives
Everyone at Division saved Sean to save his life. Nikita and them didn't kill him, how would they know that there was going to be a mutiny an that he was going to die because of it? The writers had to kill one major character off. His death is sad but it made sense.
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