Now it's educating the people on what our founding father's wrote to protect ourselves from a TYRANT government!! This administration needs be removed immediately!!! They are ENEMIES OF THE STATE'S!! THEY ARE TYRANTS DESTROYING OUR COUNTRY!! This is a direct quote from the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence: That whenever ANY Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, (It's the RIGHT of the PEOPLE to ALTER or to ABOLISH it and to institute NEW government ) The definition of treason is what the Bush's, Clinton's, Obama and the Biden administration have done This is the direct quote from the constitution on treason " Treason " ( "Any person who levies war against the United States or adheres to it's enemies by giving them aid and comfort has committed TREASON within the meaning of the constitution The term aid and comfort refers to any act that manifests a betrayal of ALLEGIANCE to the United States such as furnishing enemie's with ARMS, TROOPS TRANSPORTATION, SHELTER, or classified information if a subversive act has any leniency to weaken the power of the United States to attack or resist it's enemies, aid and comfort has been given. Article lll, Section 3, of the constitution" )!! "WE THE PEOPLE" "FOR THE PEOPLE" "BY THE PEOPLE" Punishable by death! (When TYRANNY becomes law REBELLION becomes duty!!!) Thomas Jefferson WAKE UP AMERICA!!!!
Now it's educating the people on what our founding father's wrote to protect ourselves from a TYRANT government!! This administration needs be removed immediately!!! They are ENEMIES OF THE STATE'S!! THEY ARE TYRANTS DESTROYING OUR COUNTRY!! This is a direct quote from the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence: That whenever ANY Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, (It's the RIGHT of the PEOPLE to ALTER or to ABOLISH it and to institute NEW government ) The definition of treason is what the Bush's, Clinton's, Obama and the Biden administration have done This is the direct quote from the constitution on treason " Treason " ( "Any person who levies war against the United States or adheres to it's enemies by giving them aid and comfort has committed TREASON within the meaning of the constitution The term aid and comfort refers to any act that manifests a betrayal of ALLEGIANCE to the United States such as furnishing enemie's with ARMS, TROOPS TRANSPORTATION, SHELTER, or classified information if a subversive act has any leniency to weaken the power of the United States to attack or resist it's enemies, aid and comfort has been given. Article lll, Section 3, of the constitution" )!! "WE THE PEOPLE" "FOR THE PEOPLE" "BY THE PEOPLE" Punishable by death! (When TYRANNY becomes law REBELLION becomes duty!!!) Thomas Jefferson WAKE UP AMERICA!!!!
Now it's educating the people on what our founding father's wrote to protect ourselves from a TYRANT government!! This administration needs be removed immediately!!! They are ENEMIES OF THE STATE'S!! THEY ARE TYRANTS DESTROYING OUR COUNTRY!! This is a direct quote from the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence: That whenever ANY Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, (It's the RIGHT of the PEOPLE to ALTER or to ABOLISH it and to institute NEW government ) The definition of treason is what the Bush's, Clinton's, Obama and the Biden administration have done This is the direct quote from the constitution on treason " Treason " ( "Any person who levies war against the United States or adheres to it's enemies by giving them aid and comfort has committed TREASON within the meaning of the constitution The term aid and comfort refers to any act that manifests a betrayal of ALLEGIANCE to the United States such as furnishing enemie's with ARMS, TROOPS TRANSPORTATION, SHELTER, or classified information if a subversive act has any leniency to weaken the power of the United States to attack or resist it's enemies, aid and comfort has been given. Article lll, Section 3, of the constitution" )!! "WE THE PEOPLE" "FOR THE PEOPLE" "BY THE PEOPLE" Punishable by death! (When TYRANNY becomes law REBELLION becomes duty!!!) Thomas Jefferson WAKE UP AMERICA!!!!
Now it's educating the people on what our founding father's wrote to protect ourselves from a TYRANT government!! This administration needs be removed immediately!!! They are ENEMIES OF THE STATE'S!! THEY ARE TYRANTS DESTROYING OUR COUNTRY!! This is a direct quote from the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence: That whenever ANY Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, (It's the RIGHT of the PEOPLE to ALTER or to ABOLISH it and to institute NEW government ) The definition of treason is what the Bush's, Clinton's, Obama and the Biden administration have done This is the direct quote from the constitution on treason " Treason " ( "Any person who levies war against the United States or adheres to it's enemies by giving them aid and comfort has committed TREASON within the meaning of the constitution The term aid and comfort refers to any act that manifests a betrayal of ALLEGIANCE to the United States such as furnishing enemie's with ARMS, TROOPS TRANSPORTATION, SHELTER, or classified information if a subversive act has any leniency to weaken the power of the United States to attack or resist it's enemies, aid and comfort has been given. Article lll, Section 3, of the constitution" )!! "WE THE PEOPLE" "FOR THE PEOPLE" "BY THE PEOPLE" Punishable by death! (When TYRANNY becomes law REBELLION becomes duty!!!) Thomas Jefferson WAKE UP AMERICA!!!!
Now it's educating the people on what our founding father's wrote to protect ourselves from a TYRANT government!! This administration needs be removed immediately!!! They are ENEMIES OF THE STATE'S!! THEY ARE TYRANTS DESTROYING OUR COUNTRY!! This is a direct quote from the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence: That whenever ANY Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, (It's the RIGHT of the PEOPLE to ALTER or to ABOLISH it and to institute NEW government ) The definition of treason is what the Bush's, Clinton's, Obama and the Biden administration have done This is the direct quote from the constitution on treason " Treason " ( "Any person who levies war against the United States or adheres to it's enemies by giving them aid and comfort has committed TREASON within the meaning of the constitution The term aid and comfort refers to any act that manifests a betrayal of ALLEGIANCE to the United States such as furnishing enemie's with ARMS, TROOPS TRANSPORTATION, SHELTER, or classified information if a subversive act has any leniency to weaken the power of the United States to attack or resist it's enemies, aid and comfort has been given. Article lll, Section 3, of the constitution" )!! "WE THE PEOPLE" "FOR THE PEOPLE" "BY THE PEOPLE" Punishable by death! (When TYRANNY becomes law REBELLION becomes duty!!!) Thomas Jefferson WAKE UP AMERICA!!!!
Now it's educating the people on what our founding father's wrote to protect ourselves from a TYRANT government!! This administration needs be removed immediately!!! They are ENEMIES OF THE STATE'S!! THEY ARE TYRANTS DESTROYING OUR COUNTRY!! This is a direct quote from the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence: That whenever ANY Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, (It's the RIGHT of the PEOPLE to ALTER or to ABOLISH it and to institute NEW government ) The definition of treason is what the Bush's, Clinton's, Obama and the Biden administration have done This is the direct quote from the constitution on treason " Treason " ( "Any person who levies war against the United States or adheres to it's enemies by giving them aid and comfort has committed TREASON within the meaning of the constitution The term aid and comfort refers to any act that manifests a betrayal of ALLEGIANCE to the United States such as furnishing enemie's with ARMS, TROOPS TRANSPORTATION, SHELTER, or classified information if a subversive act has any leniency to weaken the power of the United States to attack or resist it's enemies, aid and comfort has been given. Article lll, Section 3, of the constitution" )!! "WE THE PEOPLE" "FOR THE PEOPLE" "BY THE PEOPLE" Punishable by death! (When TYRANNY becomes law REBELLION becomes duty!!!) Thomas Jefferson WAKE UP AMERICA!!!!
Now it's educating the people on what our founding father's wrote to protect ourselves from a TYRANT government!! This administration needs be removed immediately!!! They are ENEMIES OF THE STATE'S!! THEY ARE TYRANTS DESTROYING OUR COUNTRY!! This is a direct quote from the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence: That whenever ANY Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, (It's the RIGHT of the PEOPLE to ALTER or to ABOLISH it and to institute NEW government ) The definition of treason is what the Bush's, Clinton's, Obama and the Biden administration have done This is the direct quote from the constitution on treason " Treason " ( "Any person who levies war against the United States or adheres to it's enemies by giving them aid and comfort has committed TREASON within the meaning of the constitution The term aid and comfort refers to any act that manifests a betrayal of ALLEGIANCE to the United States such as furnishing enemie's with ARMS, TROOPS TRANSPORTATION, SHELTER, or classified information if a subversive act has any leniency to weaken the power of the United States to attack or resist it's enemies, aid and comfort has been given. Article lll, Section 3, of the constitution" )!! "WE THE PEOPLE" "FOR THE PEOPLE" "BY THE PEOPLE" Punishable by death! (When TYRANNY becomes law REBELLION becomes duty!!!) Thomas Jefferson WAKE UP AMERICA!!!!
Not one word of concern from the Democrats over the plight of Americans still being held by the Taliban in Afghanistan who are undoubtedly being tortured, raped, abused, and murdered, but crocodile tears for the terrorist detainees at Gitmo. Democrats certainly have a sick, twisted sense of priorities.
Now it's educating the people on what our founding father's wrote to protect ourselves from a TYRANT government!! This administration needs be removed immediately!!! They are ENEMIES OF THE STATE'S!! THEY ARE TYRANTS DESTROYING OUR COUNTRY!! This is a direct quote from the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence: That whenever ANY Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, (It's the RIGHT of the PEOPLE to ALTER or to ABOLISH it and to institute NEW government ) The definition of treason is what the Bush's, Clinton's, Obama and the Biden administration have done This is the direct quote from the constitution on treason " Treason " ( "Any person who levies war against the United States or adheres to it's enemies by giving them aid and comfort has committed TREASON within the meaning of the constitution The term aid and comfort refers to any act that manifests a betrayal of ALLEGIANCE to the United States such as furnishing enemie's with ARMS, TROOPS TRANSPORTATION, SHELTER, or classified information if a subversive act has any leniency to weaken the power of the United States to attack or resist it's enemies, aid and comfort has been given. Article lll, Section 3, of the constitution" )!! "WE THE PEOPLE" "FOR THE PEOPLE" "BY THE PEOPLE" Punishable by death! (When TYRANNY becomes law REBELLION becomes duty!!!) Thomas Jefferson WAKE UP AMERICA!!!!
Now it's educating the people on what our founding father's wrote to protect ourselves from a TYRANT government!! This administration needs be removed immediately!!! They are ENEMIES OF THE STATE'S!! THEY ARE TYRANTS DESTROYING OUR COUNTRY!! This is a direct quote from the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence: That whenever ANY Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, (It's the RIGHT of the PEOPLE to ALTER or to ABOLISH it and to institute NEW government ) The definition of treason is what the Bush's, Clinton's, Obama and the Biden administration have done This is the direct quote from the constitution on treason " Treason " ( "Any person who levies war against the United States or adheres to it's enemies by giving them aid and comfort has committed TREASON within the meaning of the constitution The term aid and comfort refers to any act that manifests a betrayal of ALLEGIANCE to the United States such as furnishing enemie's with ARMS, TROOPS TRANSPORTATION, SHELTER, or classified information if a subversive act has any leniency to weaken the power of the United States to attack or resist it's enemies, aid and comfort has been given. Article lll, Section 3, of the constitution" )!! "WE THE PEOPLE" "FOR THE PEOPLE" "BY THE PEOPLE" Punishable by death! (When TYRANNY becomes law REBELLION becomes duty!!!) Thomas Jefferson WAKE UP AMERICA!!!!
One thing she didn't say is that Guantanamo has been recently updated and expanded upon. It's up-to-date and bigger than it was in order to accommodate the incoming short-stay prisoners as well as room for those serving longer sentences and life. A modern-day Hotel California with a few tweaks and upgrades. That's all it is Diane...That's all it is.
Now it's educating the people on what our founding father's wrote to protect ourselves from a TYRANT government!! This administration needs be removed immediately!!! They are ENEMIES OF THE STATE'S!! THEY ARE TYRANTS DESTROYING OUR COUNTRY!! This is a direct quote from the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence: That whenever ANY Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, (It's the RIGHT of the PEOPLE to ALTER or to ABOLISH it and to institute NEW government ) The definition of treason is what the Bush's, Clinton's, Obama and the Biden administration have done This is the direct quote from the constitution on treason " Treason " ( "Any person who levies war against the United States or adheres to it's enemies by giving them aid and comfort has committed TREASON within the meaning of the constitution The term aid and comfort refers to any act that manifests a betrayal of ALLEGIANCE to the United States such as furnishing enemie's with ARMS, TROOPS TRANSPORTATION, SHELTER, or classified information if a subversive act has any leniency to weaken the power of the United States to attack or resist it's enemies, aid and comfort has been given. Article lll, Section 3, of the constitution" )!! "WE THE PEOPLE" "FOR THE PEOPLE" "BY THE PEOPLE" Punishable by death! (When TYRANNY becomes law REBELLION becomes duty!!!) Thomas Jefferson WAKE UP AMERICA!!!!
If the Democrats want to close Guantanamo Bay down they should have to go spend a month with the inmates themselves before setting them loose so that they can really get to know them.
Now it's educating the people on what our founding father's wrote to protect ourselves from a TYRANT government!! This administration needs be removed immediately!!! They are ENEMIES OF THE STATE'S!! THEY ARE TYRANTS DESTROYING OUR COUNTRY!! This is a direct quote from the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence: That whenever ANY Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, (It's the RIGHT of the PEOPLE to ALTER or to ABOLISH it and to institute NEW government ) The definition of treason is what the Bush's, Clinton's, Obama and the Biden administration have done This is the direct quote from the constitution on treason " Treason " ( "Any person who levies war against the United States or adheres to it's enemies by giving them aid and comfort has committed TREASON within the meaning of the constitution The term aid and comfort refers to any act that manifests a betrayal of ALLEGIANCE to the United States such as furnishing enemie's with ARMS, TROOPS TRANSPORTATION, SHELTER, or classified information if a subversive act has any leniency to weaken the power of the United States to attack or resist it's enemies, aid and comfort has been given. Article lll, Section 3, of the constitution" )!! "WE THE PEOPLE" "FOR THE PEOPLE" "BY THE PEOPLE" Punishable by death! (When TYRANNY becomes law REBELLION becomes duty!!!) Thomas Jefferson WAKE UP AMERICA!!!!
If people are in there. They are there for a reason. How care what's there . These people are in there for doing something they should of not been doing. They have to pay the price for what they did. Keep it open we the taxes payers pay for it
This criminal should have to join them! They have small apartments there with tv to let her bull shit you I know my company I work for installed a transformer there and the prisoners are housed better than the workers!!
Now it's educating the people on what our founding father's wrote to protect ourselves from a TYRANT government!! This administration needs be removed immediately!!! They are ENEMIES OF THE STATE'S!! THEY ARE TYRANTS DESTROYING OUR COUNTRY!! This is a direct quote from the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence: That whenever ANY Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, (It's the RIGHT of the PEOPLE to ALTER or to ABOLISH it and to institute NEW government ) The definition of treason is what the Bush's, Clinton's, Obama and the Biden administration have done This is the direct quote from the constitution on treason " Treason " ( "Any person who levies war against the United States or adheres to it's enemies by giving them aid and comfort has committed TREASON within the meaning of the constitution The term aid and comfort refers to any act that manifests a betrayal of ALLEGIANCE to the United States such as furnishing enemie's with ARMS, TROOPS TRANSPORTATION, SHELTER, or classified information if a subversive act has any leniency to weaken the power of the United States to attack or resist it's enemies, aid and comfort has been given. Article lll, Section 3, of the constitution" )!! "WE THE PEOPLE" "FOR THE PEOPLE" "BY THE PEOPLE" Punishable by death! (When TYRANNY becomes law REBELLION becomes duty!!!) Thomas Jefferson WAKE UP AMERICA!!!!
We beat the enemy too hard. To continue our war on terror we have to restore Afghanistan and the terrorist there. This is so the Taliban leadership can return to Afghanistan
Listen dear Americans..upi must open your eyes and ears to the fact that there is a life outside of your country. You dramatise everythin in your have never experienced any other life style..because you think you have perfected your lifestyle. You will go through devasting we all have.its time you woke up and learned a few..grow up!!!!
Boom mama! Well done.
Fait money pay the bill. Are you fake?
Now it's educating the people on what our founding father's wrote to protect ourselves from a TYRANT government!! This administration needs be removed immediately!!! They are ENEMIES OF THE STATE'S!! THEY ARE TYRANTS DESTROYING OUR COUNTRY!!
This is a direct quote from the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence:
That whenever ANY Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends,
(It's the RIGHT of the PEOPLE to ALTER or to ABOLISH it and to institute NEW government )
The definition of treason is what the Bush's, Clinton's, Obama and the Biden administration have done
This is the direct quote from the constitution on treason
" Treason "
( "Any person who levies war against the United States or adheres to it's enemies by giving them aid and comfort has committed TREASON within the meaning of the constitution The term aid and comfort refers to any act that manifests a betrayal of ALLEGIANCE to the United States such as furnishing enemie's with ARMS, TROOPS TRANSPORTATION,
SHELTER, or classified information if a subversive act has any leniency to weaken the power of the United States to attack or resist it's enemies, aid and comfort has been given.
Article lll, Section 3, of the constitution" )!!
Punishable by death!
(When TYRANNY becomes law REBELLION becomes duty!!!)
Thomas Jefferson
I'm all for saving the money and spending it on one bullet for each of them. They'd treat us no better.
Domestic terrorists.
Time for Diane Feinstein to report to her suite at Guantanamo Bay. She'll love it!
Do they have a nursing home there. Because that's where diane, piglosi and Brandon need to be.
@@notsoniceconservative6522 they have a state-of-the-art geriatric facility....
I really mean it they're going to love it.
@@JesUSking17 well they will fit right in. Lol. What they don't like you to see...u
Keep open that’s where all the evil democrats will need to go
That's why she wants it closed! What they don't like you to see...6
Now it's educating the people on what our founding father's wrote to protect ourselves from a TYRANT government!! This administration needs be removed immediately!!! They are ENEMIES OF THE STATE'S!! THEY ARE TYRANTS DESTROYING OUR COUNTRY!!
This is a direct quote from the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence:
That whenever ANY Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends,
(It's the RIGHT of the PEOPLE to ALTER or to ABOLISH it and to institute NEW government )
The definition of treason is what the Bush's, Clinton's, Obama and the Biden administration have done
This is the direct quote from the constitution on treason
" Treason "
( "Any person who levies war against the United States or adheres to it's enemies by giving them aid and comfort has committed TREASON within the meaning of the constitution The term aid and comfort refers to any act that manifests a betrayal of ALLEGIANCE to the United States such as furnishing enemie's with ARMS, TROOPS TRANSPORTATION,
SHELTER, or classified information if a subversive act has any leniency to weaken the power of the United States to attack or resist it's enemies, aid and comfort has been given.
Article lll, Section 3, of the constitution" )!!
Punishable by death!
(When TYRANNY becomes law REBELLION becomes duty!!!)
Thomas Jefferson
Now it's educating the people on what our founding father's wrote to protect ourselves from a TYRANT government!! This administration needs be removed immediately!!! They are ENEMIES OF THE STATE'S!! THEY ARE TYRANTS DESTROYING OUR COUNTRY!!
This is a direct quote from the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence:
That whenever ANY Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends,
(It's the RIGHT of the PEOPLE to ALTER or to ABOLISH it and to institute NEW government )
The definition of treason is what the Bush's, Clinton's, Obama and the Biden administration have done
This is the direct quote from the constitution on treason
" Treason "
( "Any person who levies war against the United States or adheres to it's enemies by giving them aid and comfort has committed TREASON within the meaning of the constitution The term aid and comfort refers to any act that manifests a betrayal of ALLEGIANCE to the United States such as furnishing enemie's with ARMS, TROOPS TRANSPORTATION,
SHELTER, or classified information if a subversive act has any leniency to weaken the power of the United States to attack or resist it's enemies, aid and comfort has been given.
Article lll, Section 3, of the constitution" )!!
Punishable by death!
(When TYRANNY becomes law REBELLION becomes duty!!!)
Thomas Jefferson
She just wants to close it in order to make sure she doesnt spend her final days there. What they don't like you to see...7
Now it's educating the people on what our founding father's wrote to protect ourselves from a TYRANT government!! This administration needs be removed immediately!!! They are ENEMIES OF THE STATE'S!! THEY ARE TYRANTS DESTROYING OUR COUNTRY!!
This is a direct quote from the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence:
That whenever ANY Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends,
(It's the RIGHT of the PEOPLE to ALTER or to ABOLISH it and to institute NEW government )
The definition of treason is what the Bush's, Clinton's, Obama and the Biden administration have done
This is the direct quote from the constitution on treason
" Treason "
( "Any person who levies war against the United States or adheres to it's enemies by giving them aid and comfort has committed TREASON within the meaning of the constitution The term aid and comfort refers to any act that manifests a betrayal of ALLEGIANCE to the United States such as furnishing enemie's with ARMS, TROOPS TRANSPORTATION,
SHELTER, or classified information if a subversive act has any leniency to weaken the power of the United States to attack or resist it's enemies, aid and comfort has been given.
Article lll, Section 3, of the constitution" )!!
Punishable by death!
(When TYRANNY becomes law REBELLION becomes duty!!!)
Thomas Jefferson
Nobody cares what she's spewing... not one damn word... What they don't like you to see...u What they don't like you to see...6
Now it's educating the people on what our founding father's wrote to protect ourselves from a TYRANT government!! This administration needs be removed immediately!!! They are ENEMIES OF THE STATE'S!! THEY ARE TYRANTS DESTROYING OUR COUNTRY!!
This is a direct quote from the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence:
That whenever ANY Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends,
(It's the RIGHT of the PEOPLE to ALTER or to ABOLISH it and to institute NEW government )
The definition of treason is what the Bush's, Clinton's, Obama and the Biden administration have done
This is the direct quote from the constitution on treason
" Treason "
( "Any person who levies war against the United States or adheres to it's enemies by giving them aid and comfort has committed TREASON within the meaning of the constitution The term aid and comfort refers to any act that manifests a betrayal of ALLEGIANCE to the United States such as furnishing enemie's with ARMS, TROOPS TRANSPORTATION,
SHELTER, or classified information if a subversive act has any leniency to weaken the power of the United States to attack or resist it's enemies, aid and comfort has been given.
Article lll, Section 3, of the constitution" )!!
Punishable by death!
(When TYRANNY becomes law REBELLION becomes duty!!!)
Thomas Jefferson
guantanamo will never close, what are these senator thinking.... absolutely ludicrous
It's treason and crimes against humanity
Now it's educating the people on what our founding father's wrote to protect ourselves from a TYRANT government!! This administration needs be removed immediately!!! They are ENEMIES OF THE STATE'S!! THEY ARE TYRANTS DESTROYING OUR COUNTRY!!
This is a direct quote from the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence:
That whenever ANY Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends,
(It's the RIGHT of the PEOPLE to ALTER or to ABOLISH it and to institute NEW government )
The definition of treason is what the Bush's, Clinton's, Obama and the Biden administration have done
This is the direct quote from the constitution on treason
" Treason "
( "Any person who levies war against the United States or adheres to it's enemies by giving them aid and comfort has committed TREASON within the meaning of the constitution The term aid and comfort refers to any act that manifests a betrayal of ALLEGIANCE to the United States such as furnishing enemie's with ARMS, TROOPS TRANSPORTATION,
SHELTER, or classified information if a subversive act has any leniency to weaken the power of the United States to attack or resist it's enemies, aid and comfort has been given.
Article lll, Section 3, of the constitution" )!!
Punishable by death!
(When TYRANNY becomes law REBELLION becomes duty!!!)
Thomas Jefferson
Now it's educating the people on what our founding father's wrote to protect ourselves from a TYRANT government!! This administration needs be removed immediately!!! They are ENEMIES OF THE STATE'S!! THEY ARE TYRANTS DESTROYING OUR COUNTRY!!
This is a direct quote from the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence:
That whenever ANY Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends,
(It's the RIGHT of the PEOPLE to ALTER or to ABOLISH it and to institute NEW government )
The definition of treason is what the Bush's, Clinton's, Obama and the Biden administration have done
This is the direct quote from the constitution on treason
" Treason "
( "Any person who levies war against the United States or adheres to it's enemies by giving them aid and comfort has committed TREASON within the meaning of the constitution The term aid and comfort refers to any act that manifests a betrayal of ALLEGIANCE to the United States such as furnishing enemie's with ARMS, TROOPS TRANSPORTATION,
SHELTER, or classified information if a subversive act has any leniency to weaken the power of the United States to attack or resist it's enemies, aid and comfort has been given.
Article lll, Section 3, of the constitution" )!!
Punishable by death!
(When TYRANNY becomes law REBELLION becomes duty!!!)
Thomas Jefferson
Not one word of concern from the Democrats over the plight of Americans still being held by the Taliban in Afghanistan who are undoubtedly being tortured, raped, abused, and murdered, but crocodile tears for the terrorist detainees at Gitmo. Democrats certainly have a sick, twisted sense of priorities.
War criminal are not normal criminals. If you want to close Gitmo then line those war criminal on a wall.
Now it's educating the people on what our founding father's wrote to protect ourselves from a TYRANT government!! This administration needs be removed immediately!!! They are ENEMIES OF THE STATE'S!! THEY ARE TYRANTS DESTROYING OUR COUNTRY!!
This is a direct quote from the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence:
That whenever ANY Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends,
(It's the RIGHT of the PEOPLE to ALTER or to ABOLISH it and to institute NEW government )
The definition of treason is what the Bush's, Clinton's, Obama and the Biden administration have done
This is the direct quote from the constitution on treason
" Treason "
( "Any person who levies war against the United States or adheres to it's enemies by giving them aid and comfort has committed TREASON within the meaning of the constitution The term aid and comfort refers to any act that manifests a betrayal of ALLEGIANCE to the United States such as furnishing enemie's with ARMS, TROOPS TRANSPORTATION,
SHELTER, or classified information if a subversive act has any leniency to weaken the power of the United States to attack or resist it's enemies, aid and comfort has been given.
Article lll, Section 3, of the constitution" )!!
Punishable by death!
(When TYRANNY becomes law REBELLION becomes duty!!!)
Thomas Jefferson
They want it closed down before they all end up there.
Crimes against humanity
@@michaelgallatin5671 so? Hegelian dialect
@@michaelgallatin5671 straw man then, but you go that route because your a simp who falls for HD
Diane looks like she's melting away time to go home or to a home. Let's go Brandon and the rest of the 🤡
She is just another argument for Term Limits for US Congress.
@@dezznutz3743 damn, she's what now 100 like Brandon and piglosi. The Smithsonian needs new blood. What they don't like you to see...7 What they don't like you to see...0
Someone must have thrown a bucket of water on the witch.
Oh hell no, leave it open until the politicians are residents
Now it's educating the people on what our founding father's wrote to protect ourselves from a TYRANT government!! This administration needs be removed immediately!!! They are ENEMIES OF THE STATE'S!! THEY ARE TYRANTS DESTROYING OUR COUNTRY!!
This is a direct quote from the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence:
That whenever ANY Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends,
(It's the RIGHT of the PEOPLE to ALTER or to ABOLISH it and to institute NEW government )
The definition of treason is what the Bush's, Clinton's, Obama and the Biden administration have done
This is the direct quote from the constitution on treason
" Treason "
( "Any person who levies war against the United States or adheres to it's enemies by giving them aid and comfort has committed TREASON within the meaning of the constitution The term aid and comfort refers to any act that manifests a betrayal of ALLEGIANCE to the United States such as furnishing enemie's with ARMS, TROOPS TRANSPORTATION,
SHELTER, or classified information if a subversive act has any leniency to weaken the power of the United States to attack or resist it's enemies, aid and comfort has been given.
Article lll, Section 3, of the constitution" )!!
Punishable by death!
(When TYRANNY becomes law REBELLION becomes duty!!!)
Thomas Jefferson
They want to close it because they know that is where they are going to be very soon.
Go Trump , USA USA USA . Jan. 6 was just another Boston tea party. Might be more to come! Jesus is coming soon. YOU MUST BE BORN AGAIN!
One thing she didn't say is that Guantanamo has been recently updated and expanded upon. It's up-to-date and bigger than it was in order to accommodate the incoming short-stay prisoners as well as room for those serving longer sentences and life. A modern-day Hotel California with a few tweaks and upgrades. That's all it is Diane...That's all it is.
Tell that to the June 6th prisoners... Ms. FIENDSTIEN..
Now it's educating the people on what our founding father's wrote to protect ourselves from a TYRANT government!! This administration needs be removed immediately!!! They are ENEMIES OF THE STATE'S!! THEY ARE TYRANTS DESTROYING OUR COUNTRY!!
This is a direct quote from the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence:
That whenever ANY Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends,
(It's the RIGHT of the PEOPLE to ALTER or to ABOLISH it and to institute NEW government )
The definition of treason is what the Bush's, Clinton's, Obama and the Biden administration have done
This is the direct quote from the constitution on treason
" Treason "
( "Any person who levies war against the United States or adheres to it's enemies by giving them aid and comfort has committed TREASON within the meaning of the constitution The term aid and comfort refers to any act that manifests a betrayal of ALLEGIANCE to the United States such as furnishing enemie's with ARMS, TROOPS TRANSPORTATION,
SHELTER, or classified information if a subversive act has any leniency to weaken the power of the United States to attack or resist it's enemies, aid and comfort has been given.
Article lll, Section 3, of the constitution" )!!
Punishable by death!
(When TYRANNY becomes law REBELLION becomes duty!!!)
Thomas Jefferson
The only thing she thought through was lining her pockets
She was born in 1933? Time to vote her out. She's worried about a 13 million to keep it open? How does she feel about the Trilliondollar BBB Plan?
If the Democrats want to close Guantanamo Bay down they should have to go spend a month with the inmates themselves before setting them loose so that they can really get to know them.
Now it's educating the people on what our founding father's wrote to protect ourselves from a TYRANT government!! This administration needs be removed immediately!!! They are ENEMIES OF THE STATE'S!! THEY ARE TYRANTS DESTROYING OUR COUNTRY!!
This is a direct quote from the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence:
That whenever ANY Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends,
(It's the RIGHT of the PEOPLE to ALTER or to ABOLISH it and to institute NEW government )
The definition of treason is what the Bush's, Clinton's, Obama and the Biden administration have done
This is the direct quote from the constitution on treason
" Treason "
( "Any person who levies war against the United States or adheres to it's enemies by giving them aid and comfort has committed TREASON within the meaning of the constitution The term aid and comfort refers to any act that manifests a betrayal of ALLEGIANCE to the United States such as furnishing enemie's with ARMS, TROOPS TRANSPORTATION,
SHELTER, or classified information if a subversive act has any leniency to weaken the power of the United States to attack or resist it's enemies, aid and comfort has been given.
Article lll, Section 3, of the constitution" )!!
Punishable by death!
(When TYRANNY becomes law REBELLION becomes duty!!!)
Thomas Jefferson
Or years with them. In a cell.
I'm sure alot of them are heading there, sooooo they are trying to close it.
Agreed we should not have detained them we should have gave them the same sentence they gave Christians
Dems accusing others of not thinking. That's rich....
Prison should not be a fun place to to hang out thats the deterrent.
This is absolutely insane thinking. These guys in Guantonmo are the worst of the worst!
I about people QUIT breaking laws to end up there. Every guilty criminal that gets released should be forced to live with Dianne Feinstein.
Do you care about the 85b left in Afghanistan?
Well let them hold them behind your fenced in compound then 🤷♀️❓sounds like a plan 👍
Working til 80 years old or more, really.
What about the political prisoners in DC
We need to keep it open for the current administration.... Lock em all up!!!
I’m sure this is a great video but I can’t listen to these phonies
lmao? court to go to gitmo? didnt this lady read the patriot act? ROFL!!
So get the rest of the world to pitch in on the costs and you can't let terrorists out of jail
Whoso diggeth a pit shall fall therein: and he that rolleth a stone, it will return upon him. Proverbs 26:27 KJV
It seems maybe cavemen may have been uncivilized. I don’t want my feet going backwards.
That is not the only purpose for Gauntanamo Bay military base.
If people are in there. They are there for a reason. How care what's there . These people are in there for doing something they should of not been doing. They have to pay the price for what they did. Keep it open we the taxes payers pay for it
Send FAUCCI Gates
Lifetime politician who has amassed great wealth as she "worked for the people".
This criminal should have to join them! They have small apartments there with tv to let her bull shit you I know my company I work for installed a transformer there and the prisoners are housed better than the workers!!
She should be in Gitmo for her role in Cavanaugh case.
Now it's educating the people on what our founding father's wrote to protect ourselves from a TYRANT government!! This administration needs be removed immediately!!! They are ENEMIES OF THE STATE'S!! THEY ARE TYRANTS DESTROYING OUR COUNTRY!!
This is a direct quote from the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence:
That whenever ANY Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends,
(It's the RIGHT of the PEOPLE to ALTER or to ABOLISH it and to institute NEW government )
The definition of treason is what the Bush's, Clinton's, Obama and the Biden administration have done
This is the direct quote from the constitution on treason
" Treason "
( "Any person who levies war against the United States or adheres to it's enemies by giving them aid and comfort has committed TREASON within the meaning of the constitution The term aid and comfort refers to any act that manifests a betrayal of ALLEGIANCE to the United States such as furnishing enemie's with ARMS, TROOPS TRANSPORTATION,
SHELTER, or classified information if a subversive act has any leniency to weaken the power of the United States to attack or resist it's enemies, aid and comfort has been given.
Article lll, Section 3, of the constitution" )!!
Punishable by death!
(When TYRANNY becomes law REBELLION becomes duty!!!)
Thomas Jefferson
Bake me some cookies, honey! Bwahahahaha!😝🤪😎
Feinstein belongs there!
Its all about MONEY??
Because they know what the soup that they cook they have to eat over there.all together.
We beat the enemy too hard. To continue our war on terror we have to restore Afghanistan and the terrorist there. This is so the Taliban leadership can return to Afghanistan
I support Guantanamo.
Ya abandon entire base and leave billions of dollars worth of military equipment/weapons for the Cuba military like in Afghanistan
Ms. Feinstein, you don't support GITMO --- I wonder why? CCP connection?
Listen dear Americans..upi must open your eyes and ears to the fact that there is a life outside of your country. You dramatise everythin in your have never experienced any other life style..because you think you have perfected your lifestyle. You will go through devasting we all have.its time you woke up and learned a few..grow up!!!!