Old Soul There is a special kind of person in our world who finds himself alone and isolated, almost since birth. His solitary existence isn't from a preference or antisocial temperament - he is simply old. Old in heart, old in mind and old in soul. This person is an old soul who finds his outlook on life vastly different and more matured than those around him.
Excellent design and attention to detail - Anyone else notice the cat is breathing :-) Keep up the creative work taking us to calming places to hang out in.
Maybe it's the instinct or unconcious knowledge that nobody would go outside in a storm, so you can lower your guard about potential threats walking around outside your house.
I love that you can see the cat is breathing. More of these please. Just tremendous. My actual cat just loves watching the fireplace and flickering candles. She falls asleep in front of the screen while I’m reading 💜
If you are reading this, I want to tell you that everything will be fine. You are incredible, you are unique you can face anything in your life, you have strength within yourself to overcome any obstacle, loss or situation. You are not alone,you are loved, you have the right to feel bad and good, you have the right to feel. Be blessed by this positive vibes and live your life to the fullest. I’m sending my love to the universe. !!
Very peaceful. Falling asleep to this on a cold winter night.....blessings to all as we enter another world, another realm, all our own, through this mediative bliss.
Currently filing out paperwork, and listening to this. I just meditated and the state of mindfulness has flowed over while I do some work. Thank you for making such amazing videos, and thank you for giving us another venue to stop, relax, and slow down. People need it.
This is one of my top 5 ambient soundscapes. This stuff is keeping me alive in the quarantine. No joke. No matter how big or small your home is, you bump up against the rough edges, and this helps so much to smooth them and make existence tolerable until things are better. You do a good thing, fellow human. Thank you. 🙏❤️
Did I hear a gentle tapping at my chamber door? Can it be a Raven crying, "Nevermore?" As I turn the pages of my imaginings, I think on Poe and what this night can bring. For in this room we can go back in time, and meet all the writers of literature devine. Here all the stories are an open book, here in this room won't you take a look? 📚 Ruby* This Is a beautiful room, thank you for my daydream. It was a lovely visit. Happy Thanksgiving... 🦃
@@holorenSHORTS Always lovely to have fellowship within these walls, perhaps a warm glass of port to chase away this chill? Shall we sit by the fire, and read about the Tell-Tale Heart or would you prefer another story, please will you impart? 📝 Ruby* P.S, I sometimes get carried away with my imagination, lol. Thank you for agreeing and wishing you a joyous week... R*
This room looks so much like my great room in my 83 year-old house in the mountains. Good job on the video. Especially like that the cat is breathing! Adorable. Now back to my novel.
After I replace the cat with my lap dog, lite the candles and logs... Perfection, comfort, and peace. And the darkness comes over my eyes, thank you and good night.
This is the one I come back to most often. The sounds are so soothing. When I need I need a nap, and the cares of the world do not let me rest, I listen to this and it takes me away.
Lately, I've been enjoying a cup of warm tea and a book accompanied by these pleasant sceneries of yours.I literally want to live nowhere, but in these blissful places. You have a wondrous imagination and taste 👏🥰
Looking at this room brings a different feeling. Feeling of warmth and peace. A feeling of home. I imagine this image as the veiwpoint of an old man. Alone at the end of a long day. Enjoying the scilence he calls for his cat but it too is caught by the trance of the warm fire and lays down half way to his old owner. The use of scilence is powerful at times and can help one think. I hope to hoever reads this comment can find a quiet place and reflect.
I'm in the middle of writing a book and I'm believing that GOD will get it published for me, but while I write I put this video on. It relaxes me and helps me to think
Hmmm. Are you sure about that...? I see some things that I wouldn't want to be in the middle of here: ghoul sitting in a chair, a young woman with her hands tied together sitting by the fireplace, a skeleton crawling out of a grave, ghosts in the chandelier, block goblin creatures in the chandelier, a ghost like figure at the window, animated party pumpkins in the picture above the fireplace, and a serpert like head with a long red tongue. I'm sure there's more, but I'm convinced it's not the warm welcoming atmosphere you think it is....Very enjoyable sound effects. My favorite, actually.
Back in the day certain boxes of cereal actually came with disc copies of various PC games, one of which was "Clue: Murder at Boddy Mansion." This room and the ambiance it is shrouded in reminds me of that game. Cheers.
Oh we have missed you New Bliss. And you have not disappointed us with this one! :D I do love this atmosphere you have created. Pure Class! And the Feline Companion is a Bonus as always! :) Immense gratitude to you! Love, Light and Peace! xxx
Did I hear a gentle tapping at my chamber door? Can it be a Raven crying, "Nevermore?" As I turn the pages of my imaginings, I think on Poe and what this night can bring. For in this room we can go back in time, and meet all the writers of literature devine. Here all the stories are an open book, here in this room won't you take a look? 📚 Ruby* This Is a beautiful room, thank you for my daydream. It was a lovely visit. Happy Thanksgiving... 🦃
The best super relaxing mode .. It means the ambience realist sound and sooo cozy!! I think this one is the best Asmr vid I have ever seen in this world.. That's it 😊👌
Just discovered this one. Great! LOVE the cabin with the fireplace and snow. Could you make them longer....4-6-8 hours? Would love to see more snow / blizzard ones. A tent or campsite at night? Endless possibilities
Bhhщт ш8ттщ809л Bob 8jb9т Bbc j8bi h8b ub v 8 989 8 890h 9hb9лл808т тут лт89ть9b989bjbj9b8j8 тщb9jbhbii9b8jh9тш9 0ш ищешь о 00 89 98щт90bbb9i08ттш88тттщтл9 и щитов то i шт 8098bij8b908b9bi889тт98щлтлт89шлbvb hilti 900 8о и от hiltih09bijл909шо9 тт hilti bjbb8j9j89лщлт 8тл8 тиши лт89ть9b989bjbj9b8j8 j8bi h hjb9b8 bi8 9ihb я 98 ш9 89 ты 00 90 b90b0bb98bbj 9лтbhjbh 0j b j9bhjл 9ш тл0 я 9 ллил89ттл98hhb9089b8hbbhb hbhbu9b8j9hhhj890b8b8b9j8998 ллт ллт89лтщтшт8лт90т9088т89шт8ш9 hbbh8bj. 9 ттт90. h8b 9 тол 98 900 89999965836 88 я i98bb8v. 8i8bл898т9тт9 8098bij8b908b9bi889тт98щлтлт89шлbvb909 л8т9л88 и т т тш8т9л8тbb9i8л8 лет 89 шт b b 8 989 b8bj9hh9bh v 89 Junior h9b b лтт8лтhhb8b 9 bbc ил 00 89 98щт90bbb9i08ттш88тттщтл9 j hj8b 8098bij8b908b9bi889тт98щлтлт89шлbvbш8 лл8 ш9л8лт80л ол98b9b8h о 9 9 9 8098bij8b908b9bi889тт98щлтлт89шлbvb b8л и л8т 9 о Bo л т8 9т9j9bbлтщ 0 9 о Bo 89 отл 8 и j989b9тт 9 шшш отл 89 и IV то Ош 989bh80т т и 9то л0т9л8 лит 9 89 отл лтлтт л9т8 о лл8 9 т 9. Bhbj bb Numb и 8шл т0т8 литл 98 т H9b bib9h8jbjbb9bbb i bjbhb8 89h89 8 9 т88т литл 98 8о8 тооио b8bbi b j ib h989b8u g 90олbh8jтл9 лл 9 j bi8
Bj j98b89bb8jb jb hbj 9 bb90jb80h8 98 98h89bbhbvuj b9jhл8тщ т h9b089 8bh 9 9h8bттл8т98л лb9hjтл. J8b80hjb b80 0 b jjтт9bi b98h09b09b0b9jbu90b98h h jbл 88 9 909т8тщ8h 8лтлтттт8jb b JCB ли b. 8лтлтттт8jb b bi9bhhbibл тащит 84959999999 8 лтb 8 b b 8b8b908bbbbiл т я 8 9 98 89999965836 лишь шила 80 0тh то 9т8bbh8ib89hb9b Flow bbjibiт ллbbu88b0 b80 8 j98b89bb8jb b80 8 j98b89bb8jb bi8b9b8b8998hbh 8 от 8 903 968 18 85 b v 89999965836 bim тут и 8тш 89шт8т9т88ibji9b 90 89 тут щитов т штатов 89 9 89 b b8bbbbттл 8 отл 9ш8т я тлщл 8 9 9тл 89 9 89 b0ihi 80 v bi9hbbb0h8 тол 99026694 98 bih80bjb 9т 9 9т л89 и шт 000005 iu bbc 98 89 89 и i 90 щи b b80 9т9оо.тibттттлл98тт8т9 8jbbbiтh8 л щтibb8т8т т 8т9hbh9ibттш88 90тл b hbb jbbhb0b9т98 лш т. Лтт ттщлт bibbbbi9bh jb hbj лт о тih9тщт9ттл09 jb b0bibb0b i8 лтh9bшщл9итттщ9ibib i b bu8bbbh Bo Аня О b8bhbi9bb i 89999965836 0j Bo by литл 900 II i 8 9 Bj biттт9лщил 9тл8тол тш9тллл ш 84959999999 jbj9 я v т 8 лh9i0л9h jhjjj9тт ты 89 9 89 b8bhbi9bb by 00 hilti Оль 89 98 90 8 89999965836 8тт9 098лт8 8тлллтлл8.98ш тл л89 т л0т8т0 ты и тлл0h8b0890hbj8v 89 9 89 л9т 8 903 968 18 85 л89 8тштл л89 8тш 9т b h i8 b buт98тлл9тт9т809штт0т89ттлл89тш900hb II 00 09 шло шbj Bj 8 bbhbibт л 9 v лол 9 то-то от ищи 98 ш Flow b9 0bib9hb9тщ9bbbbщтш9тштj9b9т8889 тищл9т8ттт щ 8. Шо 9т8щj0тт8ттb 9bbbj8b 9hл9b989bb9 8 b 8 IV 89 ил 98 ш 98 о ооbu8bbhvhbi9щл т о 8 9 тттттштjh 89 89 hbhiт8т j898h9jjvih9bu h т 9ш8т тлшт88т9щ8b8b9 89hi 9 09h0т Flow 8 i 89 9 89 тш9тллл b j bbi9b8hbib9 89bhjhbbh bhih jh 9 909т8тщ8h 9 то 9 89 8bbb8b898b89hbh и 9 то 9 89 лол ошибки 8 лот ошибку bi8b9ihh9bu8h98лш 9 9 bb8hт i 89 b9 jb hbjлтлb b98 v 9hтл08т.щтшт88b988л0ттт9ш98j8bj 8bтi bi8b9b8b8998hbh8hjbbh8hbbj80bjbjb 98bijb98hb9b89 h90bb9bb0b99ih 9 89089 8b h8bhbттттт8т89тлл9тщ9тт0т90 09 89 98тл л 8лл9и8лтт8 т тот самый 9 99т л. 8 т л 8т9тл лттллл0bjhb
Peaceful and lovely. I bet that bookcase opens somehow 🤔 and maybe there's another room behind it. Ooo, could be scary. Or maybe there's jewels hidden. Then again maybe not. Lol. Love the video 🎥
I love it. Downstairs we have a fire place (forgot the name) and my mom had it on today so now there's this really good smell all around the house and this video is just perfect for it
Oh we have missed you New Bliss. And you have not disappointed us with this one! :D I do love this atmosphere you have created. Pure Class! And the Feline Companion is a Bonus as always! :) Immense gratitude to you! Love, Light and Peace! xxx
thank you for all this stuff - it's really helping me concentrate to study - especially in the small apartment i live in with my bf where he's loud af. I just put my noise cancelling headphones on and turn this on - bam - peace and concentration.
Don't marry him! Marry someone who likes the peace and quiet like you do. Your entire life will be so much more relaxing. :). Of course do whatever you want....I'm just speaking from experience.
I love this sound and I love the setting. It's just the right balance between the rain, thunder, and lovely crackling fireplace sounds. Thank you so much! I wish someone would add binaural beats or positive affirmations to a recording like this. It would be all I listen to when I'm working.
Every now and then I dream myself a cabin located up in the mountains of Wyoming. It has a Master Bedroom, a Master Bath, Living Room, Kitchen/Dining Area and a Library/Office. The rain is falling softly outside, tapping against the window panes. I've got a cup of hot, black coffee sitting on the nearby table, a fire in the fireplace and some of my favorite music playing. Right now, it's "Riviera Paradise" by the late, great Stevie Ray Vaughan. I'm sitting in my recliner. The computer in the Office is off for once and I'm reading a good, old fashioned book about Hobbits, Elves, Dwarves and Magic. I read until the cobwebs fill my head, I put the book down and fall into a gentle sleep. As sleep comes, a shadow falls over the window. Two curious eyes gaze through the glass. She is a Dryad.
El mejor asmr que he visto en mi vida,buena ambientacion,buen sonido de lluvia y tormenta,buena iluminacion,en fin,el mejor de todo.muy buen trabajo new bliss y muchas gracias.you are te best.un abrazo desde españa
I love this one and would also love it if you did some that look like this but don't have weather sounds. Sometimes I want a louder fireplace sound but don't want the weather to be louder as well. Love your work!
I really like how the noise of rain and thunder isn’t overpowering and nicely balanced with the crackling of the fire - very relaxing
Me too
Wish I was there to read a book. Looks so relaxing 😁
Old Soul
There is a special kind of person in our world who finds himself alone and isolated, almost since birth.
His solitary existence isn't from a preference or antisocial temperament - he is simply old. Old in heart, old in mind and old in soul.
This person is an old soul who finds his outlook on life vastly different and more matured than those around him.
Sounds like me, but not since birth.
Do you have more information about this?My story fits
@@ilhanstyl Likewise, my friend
Yes sir, me you, us
Wow, fit's me now... after a mistake in life.
Excellent design and attention to detail - Anyone else notice the cat is breathing :-) Keep up the creative work taking us to calming places to hang out in.
I just finally noticed that this morning!
Thank you for your comment Jim. Yes, actually the cat was animated with breathing movements. :) Glad you notice
man yer freakin me out.....
@@NewBliss They Say The Same About Me.
x2 I payed attention, and even the cat was breathing... Holly...
I don't know what it is about rain (Storms) that is soothing to me, it's relaxes me & I can sleep like a Rock.. Lol
Me too 😊👍
I concur. 🥰🥰
Maybe it's the instinct or unconcious knowledge that nobody would go outside in a storm, so you can lower your guard about potential threats walking around outside your house.
The only reason I can sleep through the night and not wake up in a panic attack. Thank you ❤️
My Dear, God loves you! I know you can overcome
I offer myself as a bodyguard.
Yeah, waking up before work is rough.
@@Makzim83cute. Talk to me in 40 yrs
I love that you can see the cat is breathing. More of these please. Just tremendous. My actual cat just loves watching the fireplace and flickering candles. She falls asleep in front of the screen while I’m reading 💜
It sounds wonderful
Finally, someone has a kitty snoozing in front of the fire! Purr. purr.
tuber gal another surprise for you😁
Kittehs are always welcome.
Purrrrrrrrrrrrr purrrrrrrrrrrr
Oh shit I didn’t even see it I’m high as hell 😂🍃🤭
@@edwardtracey6143 yep they’re more than welcome
If you are reading this, I want to tell you that everything will be fine. You are incredible, you are unique you can face anything in your life, you have strength within yourself to overcome any obstacle, loss or situation. You are not alone,you are loved, you have the right to feel bad and good, you have the right to feel. Be blessed by this positive vibes and live your life to the fullest. I’m sending my love to the universe. !!
Very peaceful. Falling asleep to this on a cold winter night.....blessings to all as we enter another world, another realm, all our own, through this mediative bliss.
*_The person who is reading this comment , i wish you great success , health, love and happiness_*
The thunder is exquisite! I love the gentleness of it and how it seems to pass over and near as well. What a glorious, calming room. Thank you.❤
Currently filing out paperwork, and listening to this. I just meditated and the state of mindfulness has flowed over while I do some work. Thank you for making such amazing videos, and thank you for giving us another venue to stop, relax, and slow down. People need it.
I Love How The Rain,Thunder and Fireplace is Soft and Gentle and not Jolting us Awake. Ty Dear Heart ♡♡♡
This is one of my top 5 ambient soundscapes. This stuff is keeping me alive in the quarantine. No joke. No matter how big or small your home is, you bump up against the rough edges, and this helps so much to smooth them and make existence tolerable until things are better. You do a good thing, fellow human. Thank you. 🙏❤️
Stay strong girl, this too shall pass.. breathe... you’re not alone in this 🧡
Did I hear a gentle tapping at my chamber door?
Can it be a Raven crying, "Nevermore?"
As I turn the pages of my imaginings, I think on Poe and what this night can bring.
For in this room we can go back in time, and meet all the writers of literature devine.
Here all the stories are an open book, here in this room won't you take a look?
📚 Ruby*
This Is a beautiful room, thank you for my daydream. It was a lovely visit. Happy Thanksgiving... 🦃
Always lovely to have fellowship within these walls, perhaps a warm glass of port to chase away this chill?
Shall we sit by the fire, and read about the Tell-Tale Heart or would you prefer another story, please will you impart?
📝 Ruby*
P.S, I sometimes get carried away with my imagination, lol. Thank you for agreeing and wishing you a joyous week... R*
@@rubysparrow479 Yes.
Ruby Sparrow Beautiful Ruby.
Thank you Lara and wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving...
🌺 Ruby*
This room looks so much like my great room in my 83 year-old house in the mountains. Good job on the video. Especially like that the cat is breathing! Adorable. Now back to my novel.
After I replace the cat with my lap dog, lite the candles and logs...
Perfection, comfort, and peace.
And the darkness comes over my eyes, thank you and good night.
nothing can replace my cat purring....purr,purr :)
This is the one I come back to most often. The sounds are so soothing. When I need I need a nap, and the cares of the world do not let me rest, I listen to this and it takes me away.
I love the mistery!!!!!!Cat sliping and the candles .All is amazing!!!!
Peace and quiet. If i had a room like this, it would be so nice and cozy.
That cat picked out the PURRfect spot to nap!
If you want to find the most comfortable place in the house, look for the cat.
They are good at it...
This is so dramatic and beautiful. I love your work!
Finally, someone has a kitty snoozing in front of the fire! Purr. purr.
Lately, I've been enjoying a cup of warm tea and a book accompanied by these pleasant sceneries of yours.I literally want to live nowhere, but in these blissful places. You have a wondrous imagination and taste
I love the cat 🙀 on the mat cosy and a warm welcoming fire 🔥 yes perfect books 📚 as well and the plant 🌿 love it 😁
Looking at this room brings a different feeling. Feeling of warmth and peace. A feeling of home. I imagine this image as the veiwpoint of an old man. Alone at the end of a long day. Enjoying the scilence he calls for his cat but it too is caught by the trance of the warm fire and lays down half way to his old owner. The use of scilence is powerful at times and can help one think. I hope to hoever reads this comment can find a quiet place and reflect.
Wish I was there to read a book. Looks so relaxing 😁
Soooo cozy
The cat is breathing we can see! Perfect! Thank you for that vitality!
Ears twitching, too!
1 room is so warm, I wish I could be here once to sit down and look at the fire with so many thoughts, thank you for this 👍
With this song, sitting and sipping a cup of coffee with my favorite book next to me, how peaceful and relaxing will I feel ☕💖💖
It’s not too loud. Very calm. I sorted through many to find this. Thank you.
Whoever reads this should have a successful, healthy and wonderful life. Believe in your dreams.
Just getting through life in one piece is enough! Sod dreams!
I'm in the middle of writing a book and I'm believing that GOD will get it published for me, but while I write I put this video on. It relaxes me and helps me to think
Wow! This is so beautiful and the colors are so rich. I wish these places were real.
i literally want to jump in that image and live there also this kind of style makes me think that this is something the gremorys would own
I'd at least want a bean bag chair thrown in with some blankets
Zilyanna AGREE
When you do, adopt me please.
Thank you! I'm glad you like it :)
Hmmm. Are you sure about that...? I see some things that I wouldn't want to be in the middle of here: ghoul sitting in a chair, a young woman with her hands tied together sitting by the fireplace, a skeleton crawling out of a grave, ghosts in the chandelier, block goblin creatures in the chandelier, a ghost like figure at the window, animated party pumpkins in the picture above the fireplace, and a serpert like head with a long red tongue. I'm sure there's more, but I'm convinced it's not the warm welcoming
atmosphere you think it is....Very enjoyable sound effects. My favorite, actually.
This reminds me of the old murder mystery movies!Thank you!
Luci K
What’s the name of these?
your right Watson ......!!!!!
i'm your hundreth like :)
Very beautiful fireplace
I wished I owned a place like this in the mountains overlooking a river. A cat, some internet, a nice computer and a pickup truck and I'm all good.
You can make it happen if you make it your goal!
@@oneofthosecreativetypes24 You are absolutely right. Thanks.
Millard Iverson make it a goal and own that shit🙏🏻
In a place like this ,I wouldn't need internet
@@Србомбоница86 Life would be quite lonely without the internet.
Beautiful room, rich colours, warm and welcoming......
Not too loud or intrusive, just right, thank you 💙
I really love the harmony between the sounds of rain, thunder, and the crackling of wood in the fireplace ❤
......just noticed...the cats breathing! Fantastic!
Back in the day certain boxes of cereal actually came with disc copies of various PC games, one of which was "Clue: Murder at Boddy Mansion." This room and the ambiance it is shrouded in reminds me of that game. Cheers.
Remember when Pizza Hut used to give out free Play Station demo disks that had like 5-6 game demos? Those were the good days.
What a majestic looking room interior. It feels so royal!
Relaxing and enjoying it soothing just took a shower and laying down and watching this thank you for sharing your video ❤️ 💜💙 ❤️
I love rain ⛈ Wishing everyone who is watching this rainy video peace and good luck to your family ❤
Very Comfortable And Cozy💫💫
I love that there’s a kitty there and they breathe awwh
The night when everything changes and imagination takes over. Warmth caresses the body and mind, the sphere of coziness
Oh we have missed you New Bliss. And you have not disappointed us with this one! :D I do love this atmosphere you have created. Pure Class! And the Feline Companion is a Bonus as always! :) Immense gratitude to you! Love, Light and Peace! xxx
Did I hear a gentle tapping at my chamber door?
Can it be a Raven crying, "Nevermore?"
As I turn the pages of my imaginings, I think on Poe and what this night can bring.
For in this room we can go back in time, and meet all the writers of literature devine.
Here all the stories are an open book, here in this room won't you take a look?
📚 Ruby*
This Is a beautiful room, thank you for my daydream. It was a lovely visit. Happy Thanksgiving... 🦃
임신 때 불면증으로 잠을 못이룰 때 asmr 정말 도움이 많이 됐어요. 감사합니다👍
I just love it. Not dark screen but is low light. I love the cat.
Holy crap, 6 minutes in and I can't keep my eyes open. This is a keeper. Thank you!
The sound of the thunder is perfect 😻. Love ❤️ the pretty kitty.
Oh, nice and warm here!☕️
It has allowed me space to take some healing breaths and quieten my mind. Bless everyone with peace and love ❤️❤️❤️
One of your best videos!! It is a perfect location and the sounds are amazing as always!!! Thank you very much for this!
Looks lovely...nice place to read 'Amityville Horror' or 'The Shining, love those deep wingback chairs..ahh..bliss!!
The best super relaxing mode .. It means the ambience realist sound and sooo cozy!! I think this one is the best Asmr vid I have ever seen in this world.. That's it 😊👌
Some videos have such over powering thunder. This is the perfect roll of thunder and rain mixed. I love this video
Currently listening during a thunderstorm whilst sitting in my study with my cat-crackling fire a goin’. Thank you!🤸🏻♂️
At 240p this looks like a pre-rendered background from a PS1 game. I love it!
A person can get some real thinking done on a night like this in a room like this.
Brings me peace. So perfect & love the cat. Thank you 😌
Just discovered this one. Great! LOVE the cabin with the fireplace and snow. Could you make them longer....4-6-8 hours? Would love to see more snow / blizzard ones. A tent or campsite at night? Endless possibilities
So glad to have the fire on a night like this
I'm supposed to be drawing, but I keep just staring at this scene, mesmerized and so relaxed. Thank you for making these
Bhhщт ш8ттщ809л Bob 8jb9т Bbc j8bi h8b ub v 8 989 8 890h 9hb9лл808т тут лт89ть9b989bjbj9b8j8 тщb9jbhbii9b8jh9тш9 0ш ищешь о 00 89 98щт90bbb9i08ттш88тттщтл9 и щитов то i шт 8098bij8b908b9bi889тт98щлтлт89шлbvb hilti 900 8о и от hiltih09bijл909шо9 тт hilti bjbb8j9j89лщлт 8тл8 тиши лт89ть9b989bjbj9b8j8 j8bi h hjb9b8 bi8 9ihb я 98 ш9 89 ты 00 90 b90b0bb98bbj 9лтbhjbh 0j b j9bhjл 9ш тл0 я 9 ллил89ттл98hhb9089b8hbbhb hbhbu9b8j9hhhj890b8b8b9j8998 ллт ллт89лтщтшт8лт90т9088т89шт8ш9 hbbh8bj. 9 ттт90. h8b 9 тол 98 900 89999965836 88 я i98bb8v. 8i8bл898т9тт9 8098bij8b908b9bi889тт98щлтлт89шлbvb909 л8т9л88 и т т тш8т9л8тbb9i8л8 лет 89 шт b b 8 989 b8bj9hh9bh v 89 Junior h9b b лтт8лтhhb8b 9 bbc ил 00 89 98щт90bbb9i08ттш88тттщтл9 j hj8b 8098bij8b908b9bi889тт98щлтлт89шлbvbш8 лл8 ш9л8лт80л ол98b9b8h о 9 9 9 8098bij8b908b9bi889тт98щлтлт89шлbvb b8л и л8т 9 о Bo л т8 9т9j9bbлтщ 0 9 о Bo 89 отл 8 и j989b9тт 9 шшш отл 89 и IV то Ош 989bh80т т и 9то л0т9л8 лит 9 89 отл лтлтт л9т8 о лл8 9 т 9. Bhbj bb Numb и 8шл т0т8 литл 98 т H9b bib9h8jbjbb9bbb i bjbhb8 89h89 8 9 т88т литл 98 8о8 тооио b8bbi b j ib h989b8u g 90олbh8jтл9 лл 9 j bi8
9лтbhjbh 9
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Jiivbj How 908тлтлтт
Peaceful and lovely. I bet that bookcase opens somehow 🤔 and maybe there's another room behind it. Ooo, could be scary. Or maybe there's jewels hidden. Then again maybe not. Lol. Love the video 🎥
The sound of raindrops hitting different surfaces is so soothing
I would spent all my time in that room. Good job
Just found this again … still the very best one - by far. Thank you.
3 hours being afraid of a dark silhouette passing through that window, very relaxing stuff.
So calming and beautiful. I listen to this when I go to bed. I appreciate it. Thank you.
Real Cozy Sound Perfect
I love it. Downstairs we have a fire place (forgot the name) and my mom had it on today so now there's this really good smell all around the house and this video is just perfect for it
Love ❤️❤️❤️ this. So authentic. No white noise. Thank you so much.
Oh we have missed you New Bliss. And you have not disappointed us with this one! :D I do love this atmosphere you have created. Pure Class! And the Feline Companion is a Bonus as always! :) Immense gratitude to you! Love, Light and Peace! xxx
Thank you very much for your kind words! Much apreciated! Many blessings! :)
thank you for all this stuff - it's really helping me concentrate to study - especially in the small apartment i live in with my bf where he's loud af. I just put my noise cancelling headphones on and turn this on - bam - peace and concentration.
Don't marry him! Marry someone who likes the peace and quiet like you do. Your entire life will be so much more relaxing. :). Of course do whatever you want....I'm just speaking from experience.
I love the image of the study. The bookcase, chairs, and lighting are great!
This is so dramatic and beautiful. I love your work!
I dont see drama
Hi this Really old comment can you see this at all?
I don't know what it is about rain (Storms) that is soothing to me, it's relaxes me & I can sleep like a Rock.. Lol
Finally, someone has a kitty snoozing in front of the fire! Purr. purr.
What a wonderful room...I can stay here for days! Thank you very very much!👍💞💟
perfect for when I'm doing school supper relaxing 10000/10 recommend!!
I love this. I would also love if you did this same thing but with an oil lamp, no fireplace. This is wonderful. Thank you.
Gorgeous Scenery !!! This Helps Me Escape From COVID 19
I love this sound and I love the setting. It's just the right balance between the rain, thunder, and lovely crackling fireplace sounds. Thank you so much!
I wish someone would add binaural beats or positive affirmations to a recording like this. It would be all I listen to when I'm working.
Me too! Working with this is so relaxing ... and allows me to focus ❤
I love this. it is so calming after a very stressful day.
Every now and then I dream myself a cabin located up in the mountains of Wyoming. It has a Master Bedroom, a Master Bath, Living Room, Kitchen/Dining Area and a Library/Office. The rain is falling softly outside, tapping against the window panes. I've got a cup of hot, black coffee sitting on the nearby table, a fire in the fireplace and some of my favorite music playing. Right now, it's "Riviera Paradise" by the late, great Stevie Ray Vaughan. I'm sitting in my recliner. The computer in the Office is off for once and I'm reading a good, old fashioned book about Hobbits, Elves, Dwarves and Magic. I read until the cobwebs fill my head, I put the book down and fall into a gentle sleep.
As sleep comes, a shadow falls over the window. Two curious eyes gaze through the glass. She is a Dryad.
your video is so good for sleep. thanks you!
Not forgetting the candles love 😍 candles and chandeliers
This is now one of my favorites!
This is fantastic. Draws you in to a blissful escape.
Finally I've found the background sound I'm looking for
El mejor asmr que he visto en mi vida,buena ambientacion,buen sonido de lluvia y tormenta,buena iluminacion,en fin,el mejor de todo.muy buen trabajo new bliss y muchas gracias.you are te best.un abrazo desde españa
I love this one and would also love it if you did some that look like this but don't have weather sounds. Sometimes I want a louder fireplace sound but don't want the weather to be louder as well. Love your work!
nicely done..I love the cat.. can see the breathing..the sounds are so authentic.
better than any music in the world
You make the best fireplaces! In some videos the flames look like they're in slow motion.
Calming, mellow, relaxing video, I’m also going to sketch this scene, it’s beautifully done ✅
Wonderful. I can smell the wood smoke!
it soothes my mind and heart ....amazing creativity work ...thanks for sharing with us .