TIMESTAMPS Introduction to chess 0:50 The rook 1:40 The “horse” or “knight” 2:25 The bishops 3:03 The king and queen 3:25 Pawns 4:34 How to win at chess 5:29 The strong points of all pieces 7:00 How to make your own rules on the chessboard 9:06 How to make an “en passant” move 10:27 How to do a “pawn promotion.” 11:20 How to make a “castling” move 11:47
I think its a lot more simple once you know the names of the pieces and where they go and where on the board they can move. the difficult thing is once you start playing and the strategies to win. you have to think about what your opponent might do and even think like 2 moves or more ahead.
Thx I just got into chess bc of a friend and I didn’t know what I was doing watched this vid first half of the vid and was satisfied but as soon as it got to strategies o felt like my brain was going to over load but I didn’t just want to not watch and be at a disadvantage but now I know that there’s no rush I can still take I slow big thx man🙏🤝
literally the top comments are "wHoS hErE aFteR wAtcHinG qUeEnS gAmBiT" and im just here like who is that I just wanted to learn so I could brag about it
A friend of mine showed me how to play chess while going against him so that he'll tell me if I make any wrong moves, and it was very helpful. I've downloaded an app to play chess, and then decided to watch some videos on how to play chess. Now I know a little bit of the game, and see if I can get better when I see him this Monday/Tuesday. 😁 Wish me luck!
I have played chess a long time... just started teaching people... Here are a couple of good pointers... 1) Always trade up... if you can't trade for a higher value piece, don't trade. 2) Try to threaten a piece on every move, if it's safe... this prevents them from doing whatever they want and allows you to control the next move. 3) Watch what they do. If they move a piece, figure out WHY before you decide your next move. Most strategies require 3 to 5 moves to pull off. There are more but I'm tired of thinking about chess today.
It’s been 3y and I’m not the only one saying come back 😂 so gone come back….. 4:41 he say pawns are from A1-H1 ?? I’m lost and that’s what brought me to the comments for answers then I found you🎉
@@ktollstam you aren’t too dense for anything. Repetition is key, if one persons way of explaining doesn’t work find another. Everybody is capable of learning anything if they’re taught in a way they can understand
I like the approach to teach the game via animation. 😎 A few useful points to note: 1. Regarding the board orientation...there's a catchy phrase for the corner square, "light on right". 2. Announcing "check" when you give check to your opponent is not a rule. 3. There is one additional rule regarding castling...You cannot "castle through check" (i.e. if black guards f1, white cannot castle to his/her right [kingside])
Also bishops aren't 3.5 officially. Bishops and knights are both 3 points and it's always a debate about whether bishops are better than knights but that's a conversation for another day
Just 1 other rule about castling that wasn't mentioned; you can't castle if there's an enemy piece that can go to the squares in between the king and rook. Love your videos!
1 week ago, My School Will Have A Chess Competition & I'm the One Who's Gonna Play The White Pieces Finally I Found This Video Who Suits From My Game The Moves Are Excact Same! I didn't Expect This Video Is Gonna Be Released! Thank you For Posting This Video It Helps A lot From Me! And I Win! 🎉
I was having dinner with a chess champion the other night at a Italian restaurant, the table that had a checkered tablecloth and it took him 2 hours to pass me the salt 😏
Join the Freemasons, it has everything, witchcraft, and Chess on a global scale!! The 'Conspiracy theorists' love to refer back to the Illuminati card game which I bought a year ago. That is the only card game I'll play that actually uses world secret societies and scumbag political propaganda moves just to conquer the sheeple of society. The theory is that the world elites and organizations are using media, big pharma, etc to control the population in order to rule the world. It's like a 21st-century version of chess but can be played, 2-6 players. Rumor has it the creator of the game is a Freemason.
Same here: I can now name the various pieces; the king must be protected at all time or you will lose. I get a little of the promotion thing and that I like. This should save me until next time!!
So many people here wanting to improve their lifes and working on themselves due to being inspired by Tate. It’s awesome to see. Don’t give up and keep being consistent and disciplined
Well if you learn what kinds of moves each piece can make, that is the beginning stage but then the next step is learning the strategy and that's where the challenge is. it's like me I only know roughly what moves each piece can make, well that is except for the castling move which I know roughly but not quite sure of.
You can only learn chess by playing chess! Find someone to learn/play with, then have a guide nearby to keep referring to. Eventually you'll get the hang of it. That's how I learnt anyway.
@@unhooked25 Conditions: 1) The king and rook used to castle may not have been moved yet. 2)The king is not in check. 3)The square the king would walk over and the square the king lands may not be in check. 4) There are no other pieces between the king and rook Castle: 1) Move your king 2 squares closer to the rook 2) Move your rook over the king Extra: 1) Profit
I just love this game. It´s very exciting. But, one should be warned, when you lose playing this game, it´ll haunt you all through out your day thinking why you lose and planning how to get revenge 😁😁😁. It isn´t easy to recover at all. Yet, playing chess worth your time very well.
Then start playing. Easy soultion. There is a free app on Microsoft computers which I'm going to use. For androids/Iphone's there should be app as well
6:16 In professional tournaments, it's not allowed to say the word "check" out loud as it is regarded as a disturbance to your opponent. Professional players usually notice a check so there'll be no need of saying it, however, if your opponent didn't see the check(which is almost impossible), it's allowed to tell him/her about the check, then your opponent would take back his move and play another move to put his king to safety.
I've played chess for years and this tutorial is boggling my mind. I don't think newer players need to know about the names of ranks and files. That alone is a bit misleading and unnecessarily complicates an already grossly complicated game. Naming the files and ranks is only necessary for theory or introducing rated play which beginners won't be doing for many months if not many years. Also, in one of your slides you suggest guarding the king at all times, which is true, however...you have the king guarded by impossible or illegal pawn positions on the back-rank, which again, is very misleading...since pawns can only move forward, not backwards. The later bit about "winning strategies" is snake oil to me. There isn't such a thing without peeling back literally thousands of layers worth of opening, mid-game and end-game theory if we're to assume both players are at appreciable levels of experience. What you definitely don't want to do to a beginner playing chess is try to overly simplify this game, because that's not how it's played. Moves that can theoretically checkmate in 3-4 only work on the people watching this very tutorial. Chess is one of those games where you can only teach the basics unfortunately. You can teach how pieces move, you can teach how to set the board, you can teach illegal and legal moves but that's essentially it. You can't teach tactics to beginners, you can't teach advanced positioning to beginners, you can't teach openings or very subtle elements that define the very core of this board game. That has to come with experience, preference and with a hands-on-approach.
some tips from a long time chess player 1) use all of your pieces, dont leave a knight or bishope to rott in a corner , try to use them all 2) dont move your king , moving your king out of the 1st / 8th row before late game is a bad idea , simple pawns can put you in check and then all you can do is defend 3) dont just move all pawns forward , keeping a few in their starting position or on your half of the board 4) a personal thing , but try to never lose bishopes , a well placed bishope can take a rook if the oponent doesnt realize he is opening a diagonal path , and another thing , a bishope can prevent pawns from moving since you can keep control over a diagonal row , you can prevent a protection wall ( 1 pawn protecting the other) from being made 5) use knights aggressively and try to fork the enemy , either by going between the enemy king and rook , or if possible king and queen , the oponent has to move the king and you get a 5 / 9 pawn value piece for free ( or at worst , you trade a 3 point knight for it ( and unlike bishopes where the strength lies in having both alive , losing 1 knight for a higher value piece always is worth it 6) if you have 2 bishopes in late game you can always force the enemy king into a corner , simply by moving one bishope at a time diagonally to force the king to move into the only direction ( left / right ) or even put him in checkmate if he gets trapped in a pawn corner / wall 7) for weak oponents , try trading queens , many new players use the queen in late game due to her covering half the board if she stands in the middle , especially if you know how to play well with knights and bishopes 8) with knights its important to think 3-5 steps ahead , if you move it out of your rows , think about where you could make a fork , where to bait pawns to losen the enemy lines of defense ( sometimes i just move both knights around after having a middle opening to prevent the enemy from making a stonewall opening for example ( for example , make the enemy move the d7 Pawn to d5 with a knight , retreat , then move the other one to d4 to force another pawn to move ( if the enemy ignores this you have a knight right in front of their base and will sooner or later get a fork opportunity 9) try to keep both rooks for the end game , rooks are easy for checkmate . you just need to force the king to the last row , block the row in front with 1 rook and then put him in check with the other
Just to add a few things: 1. Don't make too many pawn moves in the opening.
2. You should avoid moving the same piece twice, in the opening. 3. You should have all your pieces developed with your King castled and rooks connected within 10-12 moves.
4. Look for undefended pieces. 5. If you're down material (pieces) avoid trades. 6. If you have a space advantage (meaning your pawns/pieces are further developed) avoid trades. 7. When attacking, an easy way to calculate if you can win that piece is, if attackers = defenders (2 attackers vs 2 defenders) you need another attacker.
A chess rule has an exception. Knowing when to breaking the rule is what separate men from boys. But unless you know what you are doing, as Kasparov told , castle.
If there's a board game that is most rage inducing, it's definitely chess (believe me, I know from experience). But, on the other hand, it's also the most satisfying. The feeling you get when perfectly outplaying and out smarting your opponent is incredible, no other board game can achieve it.
The most powerful piece in chess: The queen. The most loved piece: The queen. The piece I use to deliver most checkmates: The queen. The most useful piece: The queen. BUT.... The piece after which the game ends: The KING
I’m a new new new very new new beginner but I really love the queen, she really be doing whatever she wants lol Could anyone ever win chess without her?
Chess history includes some attempts into introducing new pieces, one of them was the "aeroplane" in the early 1900s, this piece was able to move over your own or rival's pieces (like an airplane); it has all the movement as the Queen. The "aeroplane" piece did not have its own column, you were able to promote one of your pawns when reaching the rank before promoting! The other piece was the minister, it combined all the Queen's movements plus the knight, making it the only piece able to deliver un-assisted check-mates; the "minister" piece sat between the "King and Queen", so adding an extra column to the chess board.
This video is excellent for anybody who is a beginner in chess and wants to learn all the rules....Thank You Bright Side for this video it helped me learn the basics in a jiffy!
Well, it's a good Information, but you forgot something, *it's a "Draw Tactic", it's happened when you and your enemy move 1 unit to other square, then turn it back again, and re-do it again in the same square for 2 times, then the match will be draw(if there's no moving time/timer for move,whatever is it calls). *And you can't castling if your king is/was in check *After 1 match you should change side (black to white/ white to black) *Sometimes you don't need to checkmate your opponent to win, just wait for your enemy to surrender Sorry for my bad English
rexy alehandro Any decent player won’t resign if they aren’t losing. You can’t just “wait for them to surrender.” Also you don’t always play once as white, once as black against the same opponent (really it only happens in double round Robbins).
Differentvideos Mammu most tournaments have a delay or you don’t have to take notation. So a timeout victory won’t always be possible especially in clearly drawn positions
Bright, I just wanna say thank you for making this video. I have instantly learned how to play chess after watching this video once when I was a kid. You have motivated me to become a stronger chess player, without you, I couldn’t have that motivation if I never knew chess from you. Thank you
Bishops and knights are worth equal btw, it is true that the bishops are generally more powerful than knights but they are considered equal pieces since sometimes a knight in a position is way more efficient than a bishop.
yeah but computers played millions of simulated games and came to a conclusion that bishops are more useful in more games than that of the knights. hence they raise of .5 in value
The perfect way to understand all this is by checking the wikipedia page “rules of chess”....they have explained from head to toe briefly and preciesly.....it also shows diagrams of every rule and move.....you can also take a break while reading and memorize or practice all the rules or moves in your head its the better way to understand for a beginner like me...when you have read every word from that article and played it in your head then its done...congrats you have learned every single thing about chess precisely now its up to you to do a practice with your partner or a computer through an app....but it will only feel real when you have played it with a person....and then you can go on to improve your self.....you cannot be a perfect player...you will learn/improve yourself/build new techniques through time.....be patient.....if you are thinking of buying a chess set....then i recommend go for a marble chess board and chess pieces they are heavy and feels rich....you can order it from aliexpress or your local store/online store.....like amazon as i live in pakistan so i have ordered one from daraz.......Hope it helped you if yes feel free to share it .......take care....and yes i came here from the queen’s gambit :)
Introduction to chess 0:50
The rook 1:40
The “horse” or “knight” 2:25
The bishops 3:03
The king and queen 3:25
Pawns 4:34
How to win at chess 5:29
The strong points of all pieces 7:00
How to make your own rules on the chessboard 9:06
How to make an “en passant” move 10:27
How to do a “pawn promotion.” 11:20
How to make a “castling” move 11:47
I love bright side
Im a chinese pro, and this video is suckish
BRIGHT SIDE Yeah, you messed up and said a1 to h1. It was a2 to h2.
Watched video & learned everything. I still don’t know how to play.
I feel like I’m gonna be like you after watching this.
hahahahaha me too
Protect rhe king
And thats all
instructions unclear
got arrested for planning to assasinate the king
OK that was funny
who’s here after queens gambit? LOL
I’m 77. Haven’t played in 62 years. Life got in the way. Needed this refresher.
Wow your so old
I'm nine
@@TV-gn9liI'm 15 lol
@@mgl2e3 i'm 31...
Im 17 lol@@mgl2e3
Who’s here because they actually WANT to learn. And not from Queens Gambit 😂
me dad wanted to learn pawns in passing o^o
Me lol
me lol
nah i already know how to play chess just wanted to see how a new player would perceive chess
I watched this then queens gambit
I am 75 years young and have only started to learn to play Chess...your guide ...very helpful..thank you.
Sir there are more things for u
So enjoy ur life 🤣
Very youthful
I'm 67 and just started to play chess
I'm a lot younger. I am 73. In pretty much the same situation.
I turned 34 this year but for some odd and random reason I looked up this video lol.
For those trying to learn, it's actually easier if you have someone teach you while you play a game. I learned it for the most part after 1 game.
Pretty sure if we had someone to teach us, we wouldn’t be here lol
I can't even find somebody smart enough to play scrabble with me let alone chess.
@@AstronomyGuru84go to chess clubs near you
I think its a lot more simple once you know the names of the pieces and where they go and where on the board they can move. the difficult thing is once you start playing and the strategies to win. you have to think about what your opponent might do and even think like 2 moves or more ahead.
Thx I just got into chess bc of a friend and I didn’t know what I was doing watched this vid first half of the vid and was satisfied but as soon as it got to strategies o felt like my brain was going to over load but I didn’t just want to not watch and be at a disadvantage but now I know that there’s no rush I can still take I slow big thx man🙏🤝
@@xinKz For real! The other advantage of not rushing is that it gives you time to add basic periods and commas to your writing. 😉👍
I like to state the obvious sometimes
@@gatacelta do you feel superior now? 😂………..………… it’s not that serious in a UA-cam comment section with a bunch of nobodies.
@@gataceltaSeriously? I assure you that you're the only person who cares lol.
Anyone else interested because of the chess game that was on your laptop and u always pressed anything
So true 🤣
Uh, NO. I have a Chess set made out of hand-carved wood. Nothing beats playing on it!
@@ricev7071 yeah. me and my friends used to play after school. and it's 12 years since i learn chess. still couldn't beat my dad
Nope, I'm learning so a guy that I'm interested in will have someone to play with 😊.
@@cincybest that's epic
This comment section basically:
1. Queen's gambit amiright
2. Chess hard UwU
right like why can’t everyone just comment on one post😂 they all gotta say the same thing to compete for the most likes
@@savannahb1920 ik like...give it a break 😂
literally the top comments are "wHoS hErE aFteR wAtcHinG qUeEnS gAmBiT"
and im just here like who is that I just wanted to learn so I could brag about it
Ok who’s here because Andrew plays chess . Top G
How did you know😭
Cousin:let’s play chess
Me:ok gimme a sec
Me: *watches intensely*
Lol me too
me 3 😐
Same i got sent a game pigeon game of chess and i was like uhhhhhh
Just happened to me lol
Me 4
Isn't it funny what quarantine makes us learn 😂💔
R EMPIRE lol ikr 😂😂😅 I’m learning to play so I can beat my sister
R EMPIRE I want to practice mine to hone 😂
Yep! i did the same thing when I play😁🙂
Ferrer bruhhh I'm learning sign language like crazy now
When you dont have the privilege of a janitor in the basement of your orphanage..
Thats it😤im gonna find an orphanage that has a Janitor THAT plays Chess and borrow some money and give $5-10 to payback😗👌🏻 and forget about it
And get some Tranquilizer😗 idk how to spell that (jk i ain't drinking that)
A friend of mine showed me how to play chess while going against him so that he'll tell me if I make any wrong moves, and it was very helpful. I've downloaded an app to play chess, and then decided to watch some videos on how to play chess. Now I know a little bit of the game, and see if I can get better when I see him this Monday/Tuesday. 😁 Wish me luck!
How’s it going?
All the best 😂😂
did you beat him ?
C'mon drop an update dude
@@aafishahthey're still playing
Who’s here after watching The Queen’s Gambit?
Me too my intrest in chess peaked
Lol me😂
Me 2
Loved that show so much that I took my dusty chessboard out of the cabinet for the first time😂
I wanted to learn chess because my grandpa passed away yesturday and my dad loved playing chess with him so I want to have a great memory with my dad
Awww that's so sweet 😭 i hope you learn how to play 🤗
And, did you learn to play?
Who cares
@@fargojr.8277 I do
@@fargojr.8277 I care also
I have played chess a long time... just started teaching people...
Here are a couple of good pointers...
1) Always trade up... if you can't trade for a higher value piece, don't trade.
2) Try to threaten a piece on every move, if it's safe... this prevents them from doing whatever they want and allows you to control the next move.
3) Watch what they do. If they move a piece, figure out WHY before you decide your next move. Most strategies require 3 to 5 moves to pull off.
There are more but I'm tired of thinking about chess today.
I’m interested plz
I second that!! Come baaack!!
Bs keep going ! Plz lol I mean yea take a break uk but come back.
It’s been 3y and I’m not the only one saying come back 😂 so gone come back….. 4:41 he say pawns are from A1-H1 ?? I’m lost and that’s what brought me to the comments for answers then I found you🎉
@@jjlivingghustling908 LoL 😂
This is the best chess learning video I have ever seen. Well done I don’t know how you could improve on what you have created.
Not me thinking I’m the next Beth .
Hahahaha not that, Beth must have been a genius because this is taking me forever to learn 😑😂
i thought i was the only one
And am! 😂
Who's here after watching the Queens gambit in Netflix . 😂
me lololol
i legit took a break from the show just to watch a video and now i want to buy a chess board
i just want to understand what's happening with the series
Just trying to understand the rules. I am way too dense to ever learn to play. Queen's Gambit was an unexpectedly great series.
@@ktollstam you aren’t too dense for anything. Repetition is key, if one persons way of explaining doesn’t work find another. Everybody is capable of learning anything if they’re taught in a way they can understand
I like the approach to teach the game via animation. 😎
A few useful points to note:
1. Regarding the board orientation...there's a catchy phrase for the corner square, "light on right".
2. Announcing "check" when you give check to your opponent is not a rule.
3. There is one additional rule regarding castling...You cannot "castle through check" (i.e. if black guards f1, white cannot castle to his/her right [kingside])
ChessNetwork is here !
Also bishops aren't 3.5 officially. Bishops and knights are both 3 points and it's always a debate about whether bishops are better than knights but that's a conversation for another day
@@oenwilson2486 I think Knights are better
@@ankat_ it always depends on the position if we're talking subjectively but objectively speaking you can decide what you think is better ┐(‘~`;)┌
@@oenwilson2486 Strategically, many masters at chess agree on the fact that bishops have more usefulness than knights.
Just 1 other rule about castling that wasn't mentioned; you can't castle if there's an enemy piece that can go to the squares in between the king and rook. Love your videos!
he missed en pesant
@Misa-Aname you cant castle if your opponent has a piece that can go in between the king and rook
@Misa-Aname it would function the same as either checking your king or the piece physically blocking your king and rook
@Misa-Aname np 😁
Welcome your Royal Highnesses 😀
That was a Cool Way to explain "How to Play Chess!"
Loved it :)
notice me senpai
Yo I watch your videos! Ima fan
Sir m ur big fan
I learn more on chess talk
Hi my daughter wants to learn and she is seeing your videos. Till now she learnt chess very nice I hope so you will let her become a chess champion👍👍
Great video, nice job!
:O wow
Oh hi
@@3aboudidahdouh107 8
Ayo what
The most important piece is the King. The Queen is the most powerful.
A bit like life.
popsis “BRUH” MOMENT 😂
Wrong. Queen is weakest in the opening and mid game because you lose tempo moving it away from danger because it’s such a highly valued piece.
@@dvsdberaga yes because it's such a valuable piece that the other player will attack it.
1 week ago, My School Will Have A Chess Competition & I'm the One Who's Gonna Play The White Pieces Finally I Found This Video Who Suits From My Game The Moves Are Excact Same! I didn't Expect This Video Is Gonna Be Released! Thank you For Posting This Video It Helps A lot From Me! And I Win! 🎉
Anyone else here after watching The Queen's Gambit?
Onto Critical Thinking, now👍😉
@@trishhayes5512 yup but I learned to play in jail
I was literally about to comment the same thing 😂
I learned chess at Marquette Manor Christian High School in 1972 👍😉✌
I came here to learn how to play and I'm more confused than ever before.
me too🤣
Im lost
Same here 😅
How about we all get together and not play chess? Well, later on, I mean.
He is saying the basic things on chess
I was having dinner with a chess champion the other night at a Italian restaurant, the table that had a checkered tablecloth and
it took him 2 hours to pass me the salt 😏
Matthew Bulic let me guess, he played e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 and Bc4
Correct! I didn’t dare ask for the pepper 😏
@@HpeSoJA could be e4 c5
@@yasir5422 That would be the Sicilian Defense.
@@rourouxiao0724 saying e4 c5 was quicker and I was lazy
Hello! If you're just coming here, I learned chess 2 years ago and I've been playing it every single day since. It's worth learning!
My crush loves chess
You know the reason why I'm here
Edit: Im straight
Darchii XD Go get her
Bahahah yes same
If it doesn't work out, please introduce us. I love chess
I wanna play chess because of the “check mate” in a intimidating voice
Mood after watching black butler :
Checkmate .... I played 4 moves ahead ... 😎😗
Reach ehehehehhee
Mood after watching no game no life
I’m not even planning on playing chess anytime soon, i just really want to understand at least a bit about this witchcraft
Join the Freemasons, it has everything, witchcraft, and Chess on a global scale!! The 'Conspiracy theorists' love to refer back to the Illuminati card game which I bought a year ago. That is the only card game I'll play that actually uses world secret societies and scumbag political propaganda moves just to conquer the sheeple of society. The theory is that the world elites and organizations are using media, big pharma, etc to control the population in order to rule the world. It's like a 21st-century version of chess but can be played, 2-6 players. Rumor has it the creator of the game is a Freemason.
Same here: I can now name the various pieces; the king must be protected at all time or you will lose. I get a little of the promotion thing and that I like. This should save me until next time!!
I came here to learn how to play and I'm more confused than ever before.
Thanks imma go play chess on cool math games now.
hi, it’s 7 am, i haven’t slept yet, and felt like learning how to play chess 😀
ok but why
@@yunusemreakyurek1495 why not
i didnt know how to play in elementary so im learning now...
Just confused right?and haven't watched the Queen's Gambit
He kinda sounds like the dude from the pacer test 😂
They sound nothing alike they both just to happen to have monotone voices
JDgames_LGH it’s a joke man
wetblockz Down... Up 1 lol
wetblockz he iiiiiiisssss
The fitness gram pacer test is a multistage aerobic capacity test.
am l the only one scrolling comments section instead of watching the video
No i was also scrolling through comments
I im scrolling through the comments too
nope I have the video going while I'm scrolling
Me too
So many people here wanting to improve their lifes and working on themselves due to being inspired by Tate. It’s awesome to see. Don’t give up and keep being consistent and disciplined
Long live the Tate Brothers! Now time to make sons and daughters boys!!
Thx bro
The meat riding is crazy
@@thin.chungus5554 shhh
@@thin.chungus5554 ssshhh
“I was playing chess with my friend and he said, ‘Let’s make this interesting’. So we stopped playing chess.”
Ashley Nunes what
@@sockscav British humour my friend
I say this comment on a other video too
@@shivamj_ds I like to share a joke every so often. Some people took offence which is sad, I love playing chess
You fukcing stole that at CHECK ANIMATE btich
*Finally! It's time to learn how to play chess!* 😃
ας παιξουμε !
they gave really bad advice
Me too
Trap Astronaut I already know how
Me too!! Haha
Thank you so much my dads coming from a bussnis trip and loves chess so i'm planing to play with him when he comes back 😁❤️
*After watching...*
*Well, I still don't understand...*
Well if you learn what kinds of moves each piece can make, that is the beginning stage but then the next step is learning the strategy and that's where the challenge is. it's like me I only know roughly what moves each piece can make, well that is except for the castling move which I know roughly but not quite sure of.
You can only learn chess by playing chess! Find someone to learn/play with, then have a guide nearby to keep referring to. Eventually you'll get the hang of it. That's how I learnt anyway.
1) The king and rook used to castle may not have been moved yet.
2)The king is not in check.
3)The square the king would walk over and the square the king lands may not be in check.
4) There are no other pieces between the king and rook
1) Move your king 2 squares closer to the rook
2) Move your rook over the king
1) Profit
I'm telling you lol
just practice and you will understand!
Who’s here after Netflix Queen Gambit 😂
I 😂
Me too! 😎
Me 😆
me me me!!!
You caught me 😂
People who didnt came from Queen's Gambit: baby im not even here,im a hallucination
the best comment here🤣lol
@@antoinettemadzharova6050 aw ty❤️
No kidding🤣 now I need to tune into this show
Great beginners instructions, I like how your voice is and the speed of your voice. I will still need to watch this a few time for it to sink in 😊
So i guess I’m not the only one here after The Queen’s Gambit I WANT TO PLAY LIKE BETH AND BENNY😭
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣it requires an enormous amount of talent to be a world champion, or us champion, it will take years to play like them.
@@amithmohanan7025 IKR, They were playing from a little age I could never 💀
I just love this game. It´s very exciting. But, one should be warned, when you lose playing this game, it´ll haunt you all through out your day thinking why you lose and planning how to get revenge 😁😁😁. It isn´t easy to recover at all. Yet, playing chess worth your time very well.
Yes. Who is your favorite ranked player? I watched the Wesley So/ Anish Giri matches this week. I like both, but especially Giri.
Loser loser
You’re just being insecure, unless it’s a 2000 or more adult match it doesn’t really matter.
Chess is my favorite sports game
Lancer Shade yes past tense
Lancer Shade yes past tense
This was not sports
Wow! This video is great. Especially for beginners who really want to learn faster. All thanks to bright side. Well done!
*Legends say that after* *watching this video you can* *even beat Magnus Carlsen*
That is a lie
Patrick Dan hahaha
I hope that's true!
Legends are wrong
@@rasmussuonio3014 woosh
You failed to mention 2 additional castling rules: a king can't castle out of check nor can he move thru check.
3 Into check Out of check Thru check
@@maryrecher3758 what does thru a check mean?
@@Joshua-sw1dq he meant that if there’s a piece attacking the space between the king and rook you can’t castle
He did say you can't castle if the King is in check!
4:39 there's a mistake in pawn's formation. They go for A2 to H2.
So, I’m not crazy! 9 months in and only 20 likes….
thought so
I just said this but ill delete it since its been said already
No matter how much I watch this video. I probably won’t remember anything.
Then start playing. Easy soultion. There is a free app on Microsoft computers which I'm going to use. For androids/Iphone's there should be app as well
@@DHworldwide185 Yeah, I’m hoping I get a chess set for Christmas if I do I’ll start playing then.
I’ll stick to Checkers 🤣
Same lol
In professional tournaments, it's not allowed to say the word "check" out loud as it is regarded as a disturbance to your opponent.
Professional players usually notice a check so there'll be no need of saying it, however, if your opponent didn't see the check(which is almost impossible), it's allowed to tell him/her about the check, then your opponent would take back his move and play another move to put his king to safety.
Your Right I'm GM In Chess here in Philippines
I came here after being fascinated by Netflix's The Queen's Gambit
same here lol
@@itsyogirl_mia_8592 as well
I finished the series 2 days ago and watched “Queen of Katwe” saw it as a sighn 😂 so I came here.
I've played chess for years and this tutorial is boggling my mind. I don't think newer players need to know about the names of ranks and files. That alone is a bit misleading and unnecessarily complicates an already grossly complicated game. Naming the files and ranks is only necessary for theory or introducing rated play which beginners won't be doing for many months if not many years. Also, in one of your slides you suggest guarding the king at all times, which is true, however...you have the king guarded by impossible or illegal pawn positions on the back-rank, which again, is very misleading...since pawns can only move forward, not backwards.
The later bit about "winning strategies" is snake oil to me. There isn't such a thing without peeling back literally thousands of layers worth of opening, mid-game and end-game theory if we're to assume both players are at appreciable levels of experience. What you definitely don't want to do to a beginner playing chess is try to overly simplify this game, because that's not how it's played. Moves that can theoretically checkmate in 3-4 only work on the people watching this very tutorial.
Chess is one of those games where you can only teach the basics unfortunately. You can teach how pieces move, you can teach how to set the board, you can teach illegal and legal moves but that's essentially it. You can't teach tactics to beginners, you can't teach advanced positioning to beginners, you can't teach openings or very subtle elements that define the very core of this board game. That has to come with experience, preference and with a hands-on-approach.
cool comment, but nobody starting off will actually take this to mind since they're all in a rush to just play the game
Teach me how to play chess!
And you’re right I found this video very confusing..
@YetiTooTurnt do you have discord
this video is very confusing for beginers and of course u r not hearing this from a beginner . u r hearing this from a medium rated player
This video Tought me how to play chess in 10 minutes! I highly recommend this video to everyone who wants to learn how to play chess!😃
You must be a genius! This is like Latin to me.
I can't wait for this tutorial is finish, I've been saving up all my pills and dusters to clean.
“I’m not even a beginner I just forgot” gang?
Edit: now I’m back bc of queens gambit 🙂
pink bathtub hi
I learned In 5th grade and now I’m trying to learn agin
some tips from a long time chess player
1) use all of your pieces, dont leave a knight or bishope to rott in a corner , try to use them all
2) dont move your king , moving your king out of the 1st / 8th row before late game is a bad idea , simple pawns can put you in check and then all you can do is defend
3) dont just move all pawns forward , keeping a few in their starting position or on your half of the board
4) a personal thing , but try to never lose bishopes , a well placed bishope can take a rook if the oponent doesnt realize he is opening a diagonal path , and another thing , a bishope can prevent pawns from moving since you can keep control over a diagonal row , you can prevent a protection wall ( 1 pawn protecting the other) from being made
5) use knights aggressively and try to fork the enemy , either by going between the enemy king and rook , or if possible king and queen , the oponent has to move the king and you get a 5 / 9 pawn value piece for free ( or at worst , you trade a 3 point knight for it ( and unlike bishopes where the strength lies in having both alive , losing 1 knight for a higher value piece always is worth it
6) if you have 2 bishopes in late game you can always force the enemy king into a corner , simply by moving one bishope at a time diagonally to force the king to move into the only direction ( left / right ) or even put him in checkmate if he gets trapped in a pawn corner / wall
7) for weak oponents , try trading queens , many new players use the queen in late game due to her covering half the board if she stands in the middle , especially if you know how to play well with knights and bishopes
8) with knights its important to think 3-5 steps ahead , if you move it out of your rows , think about where you could make a fork , where to bait pawns to losen the enemy lines of defense ( sometimes i just move both knights around after having a middle opening to prevent the enemy from making a stonewall opening for example ( for example , make the enemy move the d7 Pawn to d5 with a knight , retreat , then move the other one to d4 to force another pawn to move ( if the enemy ignores this you have a knight right in front of their base and will sooner or later get a fork opportunity
9) try to keep both rooks for the end game , rooks are easy for checkmate . you just need to force the king to the last row , block the row in front with 1 rook and then put him in check with the other
Wow! That’s great advice 😃 thank you 😊
And this masterpiece has 15 likes
"If you don't know how to play chess just move a piece and hope for the best"
There is a couple of mistakes, one is the King can capture the queen, if she stands right beside him, with no guard.
Me after I watch it: This tutorial is so helpful!
Me when I play: umm let me go get my phone
I came here because my family was playing chess and I wanted to know how to play😄
Its easy
so have you learned
@@zakiahammi2451 nope I completely forgot😂
Thank you. You helped a lot and the explanation was excellent.👏👍
Everyone in the coments: ThE QueEnS GaMbIt
You kind of contribute to that you know
@@natalialivshits9439 I haven't even seen the show 'im just meming around the comunity
@@alonzomccann3899 you should watch it, it's great
You've become the very thing you swore to destroy
Just to add a few things:
1. Don't make too many pawn moves in the opening.
2. You should avoid moving the same piece twice, in the opening.
3. You should have all your pieces developed with your King castled and rooks connected within 10-12 moves.
4. Look for undefended pieces.
5. If you're down material (pieces) avoid trades.
6. If you have a space advantage (meaning your pawns/pieces are further developed) avoid trades.
7. When attacking, an easy way to calculate if you can win that piece is, if attackers = defenders (2 attackers vs 2 defenders) you need another attacker.
Nr.1 isnt always correct, same for Nr.2, Nr.3 and Nr.6.
"Your king should be properly protected at all times"
Vassily Ivanchuk: *puts king on d4 in the middlegame*
I see you :))
This vid sux, so i disliked.
A chess rule has an exception. Knowing when to breaking the rule is what separate men from boys. But unless you know what you are doing, as Kasparov told , castle.
I love the thinking part. It helps organize and choose a play that’s not as risky. I need to learn.
I already know how to play chess, just checking for possible tips 😂
Muzammil Ahmed hahahahah 😎😎😎
lol me too
just watching if they make mistakes
Me too 😂😂
Same here..
Bright Side i was just requesting upload a complete guide for all chess players
PlayVerse Gaming thanks for your request
If there's a board game that is most rage inducing, it's definitely chess (believe me, I know from experience). But, on the other hand, it's also the most satisfying. The feeling you get when perfectly outplaying and out smarting your opponent is incredible, no other board game can achieve it.
Who else came here cause chess is becoming popular at school💀
Meeee 😂
Bruh Hide the chess, people gonna complain how "white" pieces get to move first
Twitter boutta cancel chess 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳
That's a spon on! Ppl be whining again 🙄
The most powerful piece in chess: The queen. The most loved piece: The queen. The piece I use to deliver most checkmates: The queen. The most useful piece: The queen. BUT.... The piece after which the game ends: The KING
It be like that
Wow! Ironic isn’t it!
I’m a new new new very new new beginner but I really love the queen, she really be doing whatever she wants lol
Could anyone ever win chess without her?
@@Diana72910 yes, chess is simple to win without the queen as long as you know what you are doing.
@@jacobwiley5228 thanks for replying!
Great video overall and outstanding for beginners. Very clear and concise, 10/10 recommend.
I already knew how to play chess, but this video really helped. Thx brightside!
Chess history includes some attempts into introducing new pieces, one of them was the "aeroplane" in the early 1900s, this piece was able to move over your own or rival's pieces (like an airplane); it has all the movement as the Queen. The "aeroplane" piece did not have its own column, you were able to promote one of your pawns when reaching the rank before promoting!
The other piece was the minister, it combined all the Queen's movements plus the knight, making it the only piece able to deliver un-assisted check-mates; the "minister" piece sat between the "King and Queen", so adding an extra column to the chess board.
Is this true?
I like this game because it makes me think deeply about a particular move and this helps me to level up my concentration power.
This video is excellent for anybody who is a beginner in chess and wants to learn all the rules....Thank You Bright Side for this video it helped me learn the basics in a jiffy!
Thank you Sir for you I've learnt cube match now I'm very interested in chess.. Really u r a very appreciatable person
Thank you so much for the video
#love from INDIA
love_purva# you're first
Chess is indian game
Is it only me who got confused?
Chl Mel chess is the easiest game I am playing it from 4th standard and now I am a chess master bcoz I play it daily!
Chl Mel don't worry. Me too 🤔
Well, it's a good Information, but you forgot something,
*it's a "Draw Tactic", it's happened when you and your enemy move 1 unit to other square, then turn it back again, and re-do it again in the same square for 2 times, then the match will be draw(if there's no moving time/timer for move,whatever is it calls).
*And you can't castling if your king is/was in check
*After 1 match you should change side (black to white/ white to black)
*Sometimes you don't need to checkmate your opponent to win, just wait for your enemy to surrender
Sorry for my bad English
rexy alehandro Any decent player won’t resign if they aren’t losing. You can’t just “wait for them to surrender.” Also you don’t always play once as white, once as black against the same opponent (really it only happens in double round Robbins).
Andrew Jones indeed, that's why I say it "sometimes"
And you can also wait until the time runnS out.
rexy alehandro sorry I read over that part.
Differentvideos Mammu most tournaments have a delay or you don’t have to take notation. So a timeout victory won’t always be possible especially in clearly drawn positions
This is so not cool
The Queen's Gambit brought me here.
They forgot to mention the fourth rule of castling. The king can not end his move in check and he may not cross a space that would put him check.
Did anyone else LOVE Queen's Gambit on netflix? Gave me goosebumps and now I really want to play chess
Bright, I just wanna say thank you for making this video. I have instantly learned how to play chess after watching this video once when I was a kid. You have motivated me to become a stronger chess player, without you, I couldn’t have that motivation if I never knew chess from you. Thank you
I want to learn chess just to impress my girlfriend that already pro in chess. R. I. P to myself.
Hahahah! and how is it going???
I have chess board like the game because I play checkers. Wow after listening to this and the rules. I think I will make my own rules for the game.
imagine her beating you with the oldest trick in the book, the scholars mate.
The best way to beat someone is get them to teach you how to play. You will find the hole... in her game
Bishops and knights are worth equal btw, it is true that the bishops are generally more powerful than knights but they are considered equal pieces since sometimes a knight in a position is way more efficient than a bishop.
yeah but computers played millions of simulated games and came to a conclusion that bishops are more useful in more games than that of the knights. hence they raise of .5 in value
i agree but bobby fisher(world chess champion)recommends bishops.that is when the advantage"bishop pair'was born.
You can't castle when there are pieces that is attacking the tiles in between the rook and the king. You forgot to mention that. 12:25
Gonna have to watch this vid a few hundred times to learn this game
No one:
Literally no one:
This comment section:
99% about Queen’s Gambit
1% about something else
Very clear introduction. Well done!
“64 squares”
Minecraft players: no it’s a stack of squares
I learned when I was 5 years old. Amazing game.
The perfect way to understand all this is by checking the wikipedia page “rules of chess”....they have explained from head to toe briefly and preciesly.....it also shows diagrams of every rule and move.....you can also take a break while reading and memorize or practice all the rules or moves in your head its the better way to understand for a beginner like me...when you have read every word from that article and played it in your head then its done...congrats you have learned every single thing about chess precisely now its up to you to do a practice with your partner or a computer through an app....but it will only feel real when you have played it with a person....and then you can go on to improve your self.....you cannot be a perfect player...you will learn/improve yourself/build new techniques through time.....be patient.....if you are thinking of buying a chess set....then i recommend go for a marble chess board and chess pieces they are heavy and feels rich....you can order it from aliexpress or your local store/online store.....like amazon as i live in pakistan so i have ordered one from daraz.......Hope it helped you if yes feel free to share it .......take care....and yes i came here from the queen’s gambit :)
thanks for the recommendation bro