Shakespeares Sonette - Sonnet 66 "Tired with all these, for restful death I cry"

  • Опубліковано 1 жов 2024
  • zdf.kultur 23.06.2011
    Liebe und Hass, Sehnsucht und Überdruss, Leben und Tod - es gibt zahlreiche Assoziationen zu den 154 Sonetten von William Shakespeare. In wenigen Zeilen werden darin ganze Welten ausgebreitet und doch umkreisen sie immer nur die Themen, die die Menschen seit jeher bewegt haben. Dazu führt Shakespeare geheimnisvolle Figuren in seinen Gedichten ein: den "Young Man", die "Black Lady", den "Rival Poet" - sie alle hat der texanische Bühnenmagier Robert Wilson auf der Bühne zum Leben erweckt, sogar Shakespeare selbst, gespielt von der wunderbar charismatischen 86-jährigen Inge Keller. Bei dieser Traumreise durch den Theaterkosmos kann sich Wilson auf die Schauspieler des Berliner Ensembles verlassen, die in den stilisierten Bildertableaus die Gedichte Shakespeares erzählen, sprechen oder singen. Die Musik stammt von Rufus Wainwright, einem der zur Zeit schillerndsten Songschreiber zwischen New York und Berlin. Seine Musik für diesen Abend lässt er gemeinsam von einer klassischen Band, kombiniert mit einem Streichquartett, spielen und zitiert dabei die unterschiedlichsten Stile, vom Pop der 80er bis zu Kurt Weill. Darsteller: Inge Keller Jürgen Holtz Christopher Nell Deutschland, 2009


  • @roxanne4562
    @roxanne4562 9 років тому +216

    I didnt understand anything but i Love it with all my heart

    • @cemtiryaki940
      @cemtiryaki940 8 років тому +5

      +tuba K.
      Merhaba asagida 66 .Sone nin Can Yücel tarafindan yapilmis cevirisi var
      vazgeçtim bu dünyadan tek ölüm paklar beni
      değmez bu yangın yeri avuç açmaya değmez
      değil mi ki çiğnenmiş inancın en seçkini
      değil mi ki yoksullar mutluluktan habersiz
      değil mi ki ayaklar altında insan onuru
      o kızoğlan kız erdem dağlara kaldırılmış
      ezilmiş, horgörülmüş el emeği, göz nuru
      ödlekler geçmiş başa derken mertlik bozulmuş
      değil mi ki korkudan dili bağlı sanatın
      değil mi ki çılgınlık sahip çıkmış düzene
      doğruya doğru derken eğriye çıkmış adın
      değil mi ki kötüler kadı olmuş Yemen’e
      vaz geçtim bu dünyadan, dünyamdan geçtim ama
      seni yalnız komak var, o koyuyor adama

    • @kristianadrianhernandez3523
      @kristianadrianhernandez3523 7 років тому +1

      cem tiryaki f

    • @peripsumetcumipso
      @peripsumetcumipso 5 років тому +5

      Tir'd with all these, for restful death I cry,
      As, to behold desert a beggar born,
      And needy nothing trimm'd in jollity,
      And purest faith unhappily forsworn,
      And guilded honour shamefully misplaced,
      And maiden virtue rudely strumpeted,
      And right perfection wrongfully disgraced,
      And strength by limping sway disabled,
      And art made tongue-tied by authority,
      And folly (doctor-like) controlling skill,
      And simple truth miscall'd simplicity,
      And captive good attending captain ill:
      Tired with all these, from these would I be gone,
      Save that, to die, I leave my love alone.

    • @aytachuseynli7992
      @aytachuseynli7992 4 роки тому +1

      roxanne me to

    • @BetaCummins
      @BetaCummins 4 роки тому +1

      The power of art! It’s Shakespeare’s sonnet #66. So sad and timeless.

  • @agostina940
    @agostina940 6 років тому +36

    Sonnet 66 - William Shakespeare
    Tir’d with all these, for restful death I cry,
    As, to behold desert a beggar born,
    And needy nothing trimm’d in jollity,
    And purest faith unhappily forsworn,
    And guilded honour shamefully misplaced,
    And maiden virtue rudely strumpeted,
    And right perfection wrongfully disgraced,
    And strength by limping sway disabled,
    And art made tongue-tied by authority,
    And folly (doctor-like) controlling skill,
    And simple truth miscall’d simplicity,
    And captive good attending captain ill:
    Tired with all these, from these would I be gone,
    Save that, to die, I leave my love alone.
    Soneto 66
    De todo esto cansado, pido el mortal descanso,
    al ver nacer mendigo aquel de mayor mérito,
    y la enclenque torpeza, ornada alegremente,
    y la fe más sincera, vilmente traicionada
    y el honor refulgente, donado innoblemente,
    y la casta virtud, forzada a ser buscona,
    y recta perfección, afrentada con saña,
    y fuerza mutilada, por el poder corrupto
    y el arte amordazado, con toda autoridad,
    y la docta locura, oprimir al talento,
    y la honradez sencilla, mal llamada simpleza,
    y al Bien que cautivado, sirve al Mal, su Señor.
    Cansado de estas cosas, quiero dejar el mundo,
    salvo que por morir, dejo solo a mi amor.

    • @adrianjames7968
      @adrianjames7968 4 роки тому +3

      Sonetto 66 (Italian)
      Stanco di tanti eventi, pace alla morte invoco.
      Come vedere il Merito viver mendicando
      e amorfa Nullità ornata d'eleganza
      e la più pura Fede iniquamente rinnegata
      e splendidi Onori indegnamente conferiti
      e l'innocente Virtù volgarmente prostituita
      e la retta Perfezione indegnamente diffamata
      e Forza disarmata da Poteri vacillanti
      e Arte al silenzio stretta dalle Autorità
      e Follia, fatta dottore, controllar l'Ingegno
      e pura Verità con Semplicità confusa
      ed il Bene schiavo servir il comandante Male.
      Stanco di tutto questo, vorrei andarmene lontano,
      se non ché morendo, lascerei il mio amore solo.

    • @simonedevlin7710
      @simonedevlin7710 4 роки тому +1

      C'est bien dit car C'est WS.

  • @deannewoodward
    @deannewoodward 7 років тому +26

    From Google translate: Love and hate, longing and weariness, life and death - there are numerous associations with the 154 sonnets of William Shakespeare. In a few lines, whole worlds are spread out in it, but they always only encircle the themes that have always moved people. To this end, Shakespeare introduces mysterious figures in his poems: "Young Man," the "Black Lady," the "Rival Poet" - all of them have been brought to life by the Texanian actor Robert Wilson on stage, even Shakespeare himself Wonderfully charismatic 86-year-old Inge Keller. In this dream journey through the theater cosmos, Wilson can rely on the actors of the Berlin ensemble, who tell, speak, or sing the poems of Shakespeare in the stylized picture tablets. The music comes from Rufus Wainwright, one of the most glaring songwriters between New York and Berlin. His music for this evening he plays together from a classical band, combined with a string quartet, and quotes the most diverse styles, from the Pop of the 80s to Kurt Weill. Cast: Inge Keller Jürgen Holtz Christopher Nell Germany, 200
    PS I absolutely LOVE this and wish I could embed it in to my powerpoint..wish it was spolen in english too...thank you for this post!

  • @lunaire1106
    @lunaire1106 4 роки тому +42

    Christopher Nell has such an amazing voice! Also, let's just appreciate his way of eating that apple for a second. :'D He's marvelous.

    • @alexandravilchez183
      @alexandravilchez183 4 роки тому +1

      Do you know the name of the "boy" of Sonnet 20? The one who was sitting in a... Sofa I think o.O (sorry my english Is not good 😅)

    • @ImmortalChaos
      @ImmortalChaos 3 роки тому +1

      @@alexandravilchez183 Anna Graenzer

  • @sofiaasmr2538
    @sofiaasmr2538 8 років тому +20

    I can never get tired of those extraordinary easthetic and music...

  • @diegoayala900
    @diegoayala900 3 роки тому +4

    No entendí una mierda, pero está geniaaal

  • @ruthmorrisson4404
    @ruthmorrisson4404 5 років тому +9

    This sent shivers down my spine -- in a good way. Simply awesome! And that with my high school German being 40 years out of date, and not being all that well versed (pardon the pun) on Shakespeare's sonnets in *English*....
    This was posted as a link on the NaPoWriMo 2019 web blog. And I'll tell everyone here what I told the woman who does that blog: "It’s as if Shakespeare is being reinterpreted by Japanese Now theatre when written by Bertolt Brecht in a retelling of the story of the Garden of Eden and performed by the Globe Shakespeare Company…."

  • @mertmasalci3986
    @mertmasalci3986 8 років тому +25

    Es gibt nur einziges Wort zu sagen: Wunderbar!

  • @Любовь-СПб
    @Любовь-СПб 4 роки тому +17

    Браво! Гениальная постановка и исполнение.

  • @РоманКлоков-щ6х
    @РоманКлоков-щ6х 4 роки тому +3

    Алль дессен мюд, нах Раст им Тод их шрай.
    Их зех эс дох: Фердинст мусс беттельн ген
    Унд райнсте Трой ам Прангер штет дабай
    Унд клайне Нуллен зих им Ауфвинд блен
    Унд Тальми-Эре хебт ман ауф ден Трон
    Унд Тугенд вирд цур Хуре фрех гемахт
    Унд варе Редлихкайт бедект мит Хон
    Унд Крафт дурх ламе Герршафт умгебрахт
    Унд Кунст дас Мауль гестопфт фом Аппарат
    Унд Думхайт им Талар Эрфарунг хект
    Унд шлихте Варайт нент ман Айнфальт глатт
    Унд Гутес Шлехтестен ди Штифель лект.
    Алль дессен мюд, мёхт их гесторбен зайн,
    Блиб нихт майн Либстер, венн их штерб, аллайн.

    @ЭЛИСОГУРИДЗЕ 6 років тому +12


  • @jeremybarnes1068
    @jeremybarnes1068 10 років тому +6

    I love the concept of sonnet 66 and eve. Don't speak German but I watched first then read the sonnet and it clicked genius idea and some grate directing and prop work! :D

  • @sacredheart9053
    @sacredheart9053 3 роки тому +5

    This is terrifying tbh

  • @vhalen1
    @vhalen1 10 років тому +12

    Weird and wonderful, I like this.

  • @mayurshetty5055
    @mayurshetty5055 9 років тому +18

    I don't know what their telling but amazing

    • @nejavizu
      @nejavizu 6 років тому


    • @ichdieLivi
      @ichdieLivi 2 роки тому

      about how everything is exhausting but it's worth staying alive for your loved ones

  • @AyseSahin-xc2sc
    @AyseSahin-xc2sc 5 років тому +16

    66. Sone
    Vazgeçtim bu dünyadan tek ölüm paklar beni,
    Değmez bu yangın yeri, avuç açmaya değmez.
    Değil mi ki çiğnenmiş inancın en seçkini,
    Değil mi ki yoksullar mutluluktan habersiz,
    Değil mi ki ayaklar altında insan onuru,
    O kızoğlan kız erdem dağlara kaldırılmış,
    Ezilmiş, hor görülmüş el emeği, göz nuru,
    Ödlekler geçmiş başa, derken mertlik bozulmuş,
    Değil mi ki korkudan dili bağlı sanatın,
    Değil mi ki çılgınlıklar sahip çıkmış düzene,
    Doğruya doğru derken eğriye çıkmış adın,
    Değil mi ki kötüler kadı olmuş Yemen'e
    Vazgeçtim bu dünyadan, dünyamdan geçtim ama,
    Seni yalnız komak var, o koyuyor adama.
    Çeviri: Can Yücel

    • @bomch4nte
      @bomch4nte 4 роки тому +1

      Doğruya doğru derken eğriye çıkmış adın,
      Değil mi ki kötüler kadı olmuş Yemen'e
      Vazgeçtim bu dünyadan, dünyamdan geçtim ama
      Seni yalnız komak var, o koyuyor adama.
      wow ~ ileride ben de bu hatıraya bakıp bana kazandırdığın için teşekkürler edeceğim.

    • @stage-abidinyoleri794
      @stage-abidinyoleri794 2 роки тому

      Sone LXVI - Çeviren: Talât Sait Halman
      Bıktım artık dünyadan, bari ölüp kurtulsam:
      Bakın, gönlü ganiler sokakta dileniyor.
      İşte kırtıpillerde bir süs, bir giyim kuşam,
      İşte en temiz inanç kalleşçe çiğneniyor,
      İşte utanmazlıkla post kapmış yaldızlı şan,
      İşte zorla satmışlar kızoğlankız namusu,
      İşte gadre uğradı dört başı mamur olan,
      İşte kuvvet kör-topal, devrilmiş boyu bosu,
      İşte zorba, sanatın ağzına tıkaç tıkmış.
      İşte hüküm sürüyor çılgınlık bilgiçlikle,
      İşte en saf gerçeğin adı saflığa çıkmış,
      İşte kötü bey olmuş, iyi kötüye köle;
      Bıktım artık dünyadan, ben kalıcı değilim,
      Gel gör ki ölüp gitsem yalnız kalır sevgilim.

  • @StSam
    @StSam 3 роки тому +4

    "You have not experienced Shakespeare until you have read him in the original Klingon."

  • @JessicabelliciMa1
    @JessicabelliciMa1 8 років тому +3


  • @ruvizavala3041
    @ruvizavala3041 8 років тому +4

    I wish I knew German, but even still! It's captivating

  • @operundkulturcriticsandmor4953
    @operundkulturcriticsandmor4953 3 роки тому +3

    Hammer! 😂😂😂👏👏👏🌹Die Welt scheint sich nicht verändert zu haben...

  • @magosja13
    @magosja13 8 років тому +8

    Great! I love everything about it!

  • @CptEtgar
    @CptEtgar Рік тому +3

    for me this is simply mind-blowing. i love it

  • @jochenganser2906
    @jochenganser2906 4 роки тому +4

    Nicht weniger als eine Sensation.

  • @sw6041
    @sw6041 5 років тому +3

    I had no freakin idea what was sung. Loved it though!

  • @bahart8316
    @bahart8316 6 років тому +5

    Gerçekten inanılmaz 💜💜

  • @leandromartinpiano7942
    @leandromartinpiano7942 8 років тому +5

    Brecht en estado puro!!!! fascinante,y muy alemán.BRAVO.

    • @ichdieLivi
      @ichdieLivi 2 роки тому +2

      Brecht? Es de Shakespeare y el no era alemán, es de una epoca totalmente diferente tambien.. saludos :)

  • @natashajibladze
    @natashajibladze 11 років тому +5

    meine Lieblingsszene !!!

  • @isisnoreija
    @isisnoreija 4 роки тому +3

    Ich liebe diese Inszenierung! Vor allem das Sonett hier

  • @isabelaloredosanches6311
    @isabelaloredosanches6311 4 роки тому +4

    Bravo, maravilhoso 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  • @КітМуркіт-г2и
    @КітМуркіт-г2и 8 років тому +2

    БравоІ Круто, круто, круто...Зробили мій день.

  • @andreihromania
    @andreihromania 5 років тому +3

    Sonnet LXVI - W. Shakespeare
    A Romanian version:
    " Sătul de tot spre-a morţii tihnă ţip -
    Să nu-l mai văd pe vrednic cerşetor,
    Pe mărginit gătit în falnic chip,
    Credinţa dată relei sorţi de zor

    Şi cinstea-mpodobită ruşinos
    Şi fecioria pîngărită-oricînd
    Şi chiar desăvîrşirea dată jos
    Şi dreptul sub puterea şchioapă stînd

    Şi graiul artei sub căluş închis
    Şi nebunia doctor pe dibaci
    Şi adevărul nerozie zis
    Şi bunul pe cel rău avînd cîrmaci.

    Sătul de tot, să scap de tot aş vrea,
    Ci, mort, stingheră-mi las iubirea mea.
    translated by Nicolae Pintilie

    •  4 роки тому +1

      vă mulțumim pentru această traducere :)

    • @andreihromania
      @andreihromania 4 роки тому +1

      Și eu vă mulțumesc, pentru că e impresionant să vezi că un turc (aparent, după nume) scrie mai corect - cu diacritice - decît mulți români.
      Și drept mulțumire pt respectul pe care îl arătați limbii române, mai pun o variantă, din cele vreo 12 traduceri pe care le am în lb română, ale acestui minunat și celebru sonet.

    • @andreihromania
      @andreihromania 4 роки тому +1

      " Lehămetit de tot, aş vrea să mor:
      Să nu mai văd netrebnici îmbuibaţi,
      Pe cei cinstiţi, în cerşetori schimbaţi,
      Credinţa, marfă ieftină-n obor,
      Fecioara pură - scoasă la mezat,
      Onoarea - aur fals, înşelător,
      Cel drept, de forţa strîmbă-nfrînt uşor
      Desăvîrşirea luată drept păcat,
      Frumosul - zugrumat de-un zbir mîrşav,
      Cuminţii - bănuiţi de nebunie,
      Curatul adevăr - numit prostie,
      Şi Binele - dat Răului ca sclav…
      De toate scap, de fac ultimul pas,
      Dar, dacă mor - iubirea-mi cui o las?

      Traducere de regretatul prof. George Pruteanu

    •  4 роки тому

      @@andreihromania Locuiesc în România de scurtă vreme. Mă interesează cultura română. Am și prieteni români din Bacău, Iași și București. Românii sunt foarte prietenoși cu mine și cu prietenii mei turci. Vă mulțumim pentru altă traducere.

  • @martineeden
    @martineeden 5 років тому +2

    insani ceken birsey var mukemmel yaaa 👏👏👏👏👏

  • @aspassiaman9081
    @aspassiaman9081 8 років тому +16

    You should add the lyrics ( in german) and we can find a correct translation. it's a pity, these people are saying something, maybe important. They've been to a lot of trouble to produce this work of art.

    • @Niuceke
      @Niuceke 7 років тому +21

      All dessen müd, nach Rast im Tod ich schrei.
      Ich seh es doch: Verdienst muß betteln gehn
      Und reinste Treu am Pranger steht dabei
      Und kleine Nullen sich im Aufwind blähn
      Und Talmi-Ehre hebt man auf den Thron
      Und Tugend wird zur Hure frech gemacht
      Und wahre Redlichkeit bedeckt mit Hohn
      Und Kraft durch lahme Herrschaft umgebracht
      Und Kunst das Maul gestopft vom Apparat
      Und Dummheit im Talar Erfahrung checkt
      Und schlichte Wahrheit nennt man Einfalt glatt
      Und Gutes Schlechtesten die Stiefel leckt.
      All dessen müd, möcht ich gestorben sein,
      Blieb nicht mein Liebster, wenn ich sterb, allein.
      Tired of all these, for rest in death I cry.
      I'm seeing it: merit must go begging
      And purest fidelity stands at the pillory
      And little good-for-nothing sway in impetus
      And sham-honor is lifted on the throne
      And Virtue is made a naughty whore
      And true Righteousness covered with mockery
      And force killed by dull reign
      And art's gaw stuffed by machine
      And stupidity checks experience under a gown
      And simple thruth is plainly judged as naivety
      And the good lick the boots of the bad.
      Tired of all these, I'd want to be dead,
      If only my dearest wouldn't stay alone.
      I did a translation of the german text, though I have to say english isn't my first language. So I'm apologizing in advance for any grammar mistakes :)

    • @aspassiaman9081
      @aspassiaman9081 7 років тому

      Thank you Niuceke.

    • @maj8979
      @maj8979 6 років тому +4

      It's a translation of Shakespeare's Sonnet 66:
      Tired with all these, for restful death I cry,
      As to behold desert a beggar born,
      And needy nothing trimmed in jollity,
      And purest faith unhappily forsworn,
      And gilded honor shamefully misplaced,
      And maiden virtue rudely strumpeted,
      And right perfection wrongfully disgraced,
      And strength by limping sway disablèd,
      And art made tongue-tied by authority,
      And folly, doctor-like, controlling skill,
      And simple truth miscalled simplicity,
      And captive good attending captain ill.
      Tired with all these, from these would I be gone,
      Save that to die, I leave my love alone.

    • @dmitrii730
      @dmitrii730 6 років тому +1

      Niuceke От души! Danke ;)

    • @ichdieLivi
      @ichdieLivi 2 роки тому +1

      it says it clearly in the title though: sonnet 66 from Shakespeare

    @ЭЛИСОГУРИДЗЕ 6 років тому +1


  • @이지연-j8q
    @이지연-j8q 2 місяці тому +1

    I love it so much ❤❤❤❤❤

  • @fatherandson932
    @fatherandson932 6 років тому +3

    Großartig gemacht.

  • @aliciaseecharan
    @aliciaseecharan 5 років тому +1

    I thought Billie Boy talked proper English 🌹He probably get translated in Chinese too ✨

  • @dianabukuri1684
    @dianabukuri1684 8 років тому +4

    I don't know the language, but I love it with my heart

    • @kartueffel
      @kartueffel 7 років тому

      it's the german language :)

    • @dianabukuri1684
      @dianabukuri1684 7 років тому

      i know that, i meant that I don't know german

  • @yesilgurleyen4182
    @yesilgurleyen4182 2 роки тому

    Vazgeçtim bu dünyadan tek ölüm paklar beni,
    Değmez bu yangın yeri, avuç açmaya değmez.
    Değil mi ki çiğnenmiş inancın en seçkini,
    Değil mi ki yoksullar mutluluktan habersiz,
    Değil mi ki ayaklar altında insan onuru,
    O kızoğlan kız erdem dağlara kaldırılmış,
    Ezilmiş, hor görülmüş el emeği, göz nuru,
    Ödlekler geçmiş başa, derken mertlik bozulmuş,
    Değil mi ki korkudan dili bağlı sanatın,
    Değil mi ki çılgınlık sahip çıkmış düzene,
    Doğruya doğru derken eğriye çıkmış adın,
    Değil mi ki kötüler kadı olmuş Yemen'e
    Vazgeçtim bu dünyadan, dünyamdan geçtim ama,
    Seni yalnız komak var, o koyuyor adama.
    Çeviri: Can Yücel

  • @raphaeldantona1550
    @raphaeldantona1550 8 років тому +1

    Gentlemen, I ask you: where I can get this german translation and know who made it? It's marvelous. !

    • @rafaelvelez3618
      @rafaelvelez3618 7 років тому

      I completely agree with you:

  • @bobinobaker
    @bobinobaker 11 років тому +1

    Die große Inge Keller - in diesem Jahr wird sie ihren 90. Geburtstag begehen....

  • @ИльяАлександров-п2э

    Не знаю, почему всем так нравится, единственное, что мне понравилось - это отдача актеров, но сама постановка нет. Я не понимаю, змея и яблоко - это отсылка к библейскому сюжету, где Ева вкушает запретный плод по совету Люцифера? Ну видимо да, раз там стоит дерево, что означает ,что лир героиня в саду эдема, но к чему это? К тому ,что в христианстве самый запретный и страшный грех самоубийство? Просто в соннете лир герой, как раз, и призывает смерть. Ну или дерево тут не причем и змея уже мертва, и является символом отравленного яблока, а каждое повторение отрвратности самой жизни со стороны этих двух героев по сторонам заставляют есть ее это отравленное яблоко, но в соннете же говорится, что лир герой не может бросить свою(его) любимую(ого) одну(ого), поэтому и не спешит умереть, или же все таки то яблоко, как запретный плод - это выход из этой ситуации, возможно, зная язык я бы понял это, но к чему это все? Я возможно не ценитель искусства, хоть соннет 66 мне очень близок (нет, я не хочу умереть, просто я могу понять лирического героя), но для меня такая постановка является какой-то отсебятиной, если честно, но возможно я просто что-то не читал, возможно я чего-то не знаю, просвятите глупца, если можно))

  • @PentameronSV
    @PentameronSV Рік тому

    3:23 Christopher Nell destroys the apple so hard that this video data-moshed

  • @비버즈-w1u
    @비버즈-w1u 4 роки тому +1

    I am a Korean searched for sonnets 66. Can anyone tell me what this is? I don't know what they're singing, and I don't know anything, but I think it's good. Really good.

    • @totm2001
      @totm2001 4 роки тому

      William Shakespeare, the English playwright also wrote 154 sonnets, or poems. Google 'Shakespeare's Sonnets' and you will find them all. Good luck.

    • @boxva1396
      @boxva1396 2 роки тому

      It's German

  • @컁무지
    @컁무지 4 місяці тому

    It's disgusting

  • @ioanaion5346
    @ioanaion5346 4 роки тому +1

    staggering !

  • @StealthRaider01
    @StealthRaider01 7 років тому +1


  • @efeakay5699
    @efeakay5699 5 років тому +1

    İt is Shakespears sonnet dear roxanne read it

    • @roxanne4562
      @roxanne4562 5 років тому

      Efe Akay soneden haberdarım sevgili efe, demek istediğim, almanca olmasına rağmen bana bir şeyler hissettirebilmesiydi. tiyatronun gücü. biraz ritim, dekor ve mimik. ne güzel değil mi? teşekkür ederim yorumunu ancak şimdi görebildim.

  • @muharremdemirdis7622
    @muharremdemirdis7622 6 років тому +1


  • @onexite
    @onexite 4 роки тому

    مافهمت والو , لاكن عرض وموسيقا رائعة

  • @gabrielarouge2657
    @gabrielarouge2657 6 місяців тому

    I suffer this with looooooooove

  • @simonedevlin7710
    @simonedevlin7710 4 роки тому

    La Cage aux Folles peut importe la langue !

  • @gabrielarouge2657
    @gabrielarouge2657 6 місяців тому

    I looooooove this with all my heart

  • @juanjosecameansantos6259
    @juanjosecameansantos6259 Рік тому

    Salud física y mental

  • @myozzio5025
    @myozzio5025 5 років тому

    Was Bob Wilson a student of Lindsey Kemp? A lot of LKs imagery, imo. No bad though.

    • @ioloindeseo
      @ioloindeseo 5 років тому

      interesting observation, but Kemp was far more classical and european influenced, though english; while wilson is much more modern and distinctly an american international style, if i might coin a term that don't exist. they are contemporaries, Kemp doing far more performing before he began directing, and Wilson directing only, and giving fantastic lectures.
      Kemps images are very much of the french school, which Genet, his mentor, was received into - do more research if you are more interested - lots of folks think Mozart was influenced by the Beatles, so you got to be careful what you bellieve, or not

  • @giltorres124
    @giltorres124 2 роки тому

    How the tree protects her /:

  • @zuradugladze3626
    @zuradugladze3626 Рік тому

    ბრავო !

  • @guellrich
    @guellrich 12 років тому +1


  • @vanessamontes7916
    @vanessamontes7916 2 роки тому

    Tqm omar

  • @nandaarah
    @nandaarah 2 роки тому

    soooo GOOOOOOD 😣

  • @martingarcia3299
    @martingarcia3299 Рік тому


  • @rongermanotta309
    @rongermanotta309 8 років тому +1

    I'm sorry what language are they speaking

  • @erenkur3832
    @erenkur3832 8 місяців тому

    Am besten Video ❤

  • @Richiili
    @Richiili 5 місяців тому

    Wunderbar ❤

  • @ankitmehra620
    @ankitmehra620 4 роки тому

    really very interesting

  • @ceciliajimenez4145
    @ceciliajimenez4145 6 років тому

    someone can give me the lyrics please

  • @passionballettopfru
    @passionballettopfru 10 років тому

    Brecht lässt grüßen.

  • @gtgreenfewge7979
    @gtgreenfewge7979 8 років тому

    I don't know German so I can't understand the contents, but it is so splendid and unique to me.

    • @kartueffel
      @kartueffel 7 років тому

      the text ist freaking crazy..

  • @avtogurabanidze2306
    @avtogurabanidze2306 5 років тому


  • @jennifercastilloactresss
    @jennifercastilloactresss 7 років тому

    Hi I have to make an essay commenting about this clip. I would like to know if those 3 character are male or the main one is a female singer? also if you have any other information or links with comments or critics it would be really usefull. thanks!

    • @CoreyT97
      @CoreyT97 7 років тому

      Left and middle people are male and the right person is female!

    • @rafaelvelez3618
      @rafaelvelez3618 7 років тому +1

      This link could be useful for your essay:

    • @CoreyT97
      @CoreyT97 7 років тому

      Dude, that is an incredible link thank you!

    • @jessicabyson2857
      @jessicabyson2857 7 років тому


    • @merfwriter
      @merfwriter 6 років тому

      Their doing it in the style of Shakespearean theater where men had to dress up as women to play famle roles in the plays because back in Elizabethan era women were not allowed to act in theater. But in this version they the are doing the same with the female actresses by making them play the male role.

  • @toeknee1965
    @toeknee1965 7 років тому


  • @sundungnyang
    @sundungnyang 7 років тому

    who got lyrics

  • @turkanfeyzullayeva9720
    @turkanfeyzullayeva9720 5 років тому


  • @页客
    @页客 Рік тому

    weird but beautiful.

    • @页客
      @页客 Рік тому

      I love the song

  • @mariia_babii
    @mariia_babii 7 років тому


  • @song2292
    @song2292 5 років тому

    I love it!

  • @dmitrii730
    @dmitrii730 6 років тому

    Это что то нечто :)

  • @katherinemyhre9481
    @katherinemyhre9481 8 років тому +1

    This is NOT the text of this Sonette!!

    • @MovieMelli112
      @MovieMelli112 6 років тому +2

      no but the german translation of it

  • @lilyplinks6223
    @lilyplinks6223 5 років тому

    Is this a lyrical poem?

  • @maximemuster5118
    @maximemuster5118 9 років тому

    Weiss jemand wer das singt? Name?

    • @Mellchan93
      @Mellchan93 9 років тому

      Maxime Muster Christopher Nell

    • @lamando1194
      @lamando1194 8 років тому

      +Maxime Muster Christopher Nell

  • @anthonydixon8967
    @anthonydixon8967 3 роки тому +1

    if Shakespeare's corpse, after a year of rotting in the ground, could write plays, he would have written something similar.I vomited while watching this.

  • @6sixxx
    @6sixxx 9 років тому +5

    My favorite of all!

  • @wrongosal3892
    @wrongosal3892 2 місяці тому

    Finalmente Teatro!!

  • @ioannispapaioannou7889
    @ioannispapaioannou7889 6 років тому +1

    Το Σονέτο
    σε μετάφραση του Βασίλη Ρώτα
    M' όλα αυτά απόκαμα,ζητάω ν''αναπαυτώ στο μνήμα:
    να βλέπω, λέω, την αρετή ζητιάνα γεννημένη
    το κούφιο Τίποτα φαιδρό με κορδωμένο βήμα,
    την πίστη την αγνότερη χυδαία απαρνημένη,
    την τιμημένη Υπεροχήν αισχρά παραριγμένη,
    την χάρη την παρθενικήν ωμά ξεπορνεμένη,
    την τέλεια Ωραιότητα κακά εξευτελισμένη,
    την Αξίαν από ανάπηρην κυβέρνια αχρηστεμένη,
    την Τέχνη από την κρατική εξουσία γλωσσοδεμένη,
    την Γνώση από τη σχολαστική Μωρία περιορισμένη,
    την πιο απλήν Αλήθεια ηλίθια παρονομασμένη,
    την Καλοσύνη στην κυρά-Κακία υποταγμένη.
    Μ' όλα αυτά απόκαμα, δε θέλω πια να ζήσω,
    μόνο που την αγάπη μου πεθαίνοντας θ' αφήσω.
    Στο πρωτότυπο
    Tired with all these, for restful death I cry,
    As, to behold desert a beggar born,
    And needy nothing trimm'd in jollity,
    And purest faith unhappily forsworn,
    And guilded honour shamefully misplaced,
    And maiden virtue rudely strumpeted,
    And right perfection wrongfully disgraced,
    And strength by limping sway disabled,
    And art made tongue-tied by authority,
    And folly doctor-like controlling skill,
    And simple truth miscall'd simplicity,
    And captive good attending captain ill:
    Tired with all these, from these would I be gone,
    Save that, to die, I leave my love alone.