I think curd with beaten rice prevent the problem of digestion Curd rice is a rich source of probiotics which helps in the digestion of the food. In a curd, a bacteria called lactobacillus bulgaricus is present. These bacteria act on the inner lining of the intestines and stomach, making digestion easier
यदि तपाईहरुलाई यो दही चिउरा किन र कहिले देखी र कसले खान सुरु गरायो भन्ने थाहा छ भने कुपया कमेंट मा लेखनु होला ॥
I guess people eat yoghurt with flattened rice to gain energy to get rid of tiresome after planting paddy!!
Dammi xa hai video
I think curd with beaten rice prevent the problem of digestion Curd rice is a rich source of probiotics which helps in the digestion of the food. In a curd, a bacteria called lactobacillus bulgaricus is present. These bacteria act on the inner lining of the intestines and stomach, making digestion easier
Peoples are blindly fallow there culture without any knowledge