Imagine if some Japanese 20 year olds started running around churches dressed in cowboy outfits leaving bigmacs on cars, playing in the holy water and taking photos with graves.
King Pepe Didn't Ethan just say in the fan-addressed video that he had become obsessed with the UA-cam drama? I'll probably get shit for this but he's beating a dead horse with this one. Bring back the dank memes. Papa bless
The people being harassed by him didn’t even react negatively, if he did that in America he might’ve gotten yelled at or started a fight or something. Japan is really a wonderful country, his behavior really disgusts me.
@@sevengames9112 you realize the comment is a joke, right? Color blind doesn't mean you literally can't see any colors, there are different forms of color blindness.
Stuck in quarantine, reflecting on this video, I’ve come to the conclusion that Logan Paul is the worst thing that’s happened to Asia within the last 10 years
Wish Logan Paul would consider doing gay adult films. Kind of reminds me of Johnny forza. They'd make a hot couple. Logan would fit right in with fraternity x
Back before he drank the liberal Kool aid and went full on left wing. Miss when he'd go after people like Logan Paul and other's that actually deserved it.
My mate married a Japanese girl and was living there, fluent in Japanese, however he broke his back badly, and as having used opiates one the past didn’t want to get hooked etc, they lived in rural town, to kill the pain, he smoke weed, he grew 2 plants at a time so no to have to buy off the gangs. He was arrested after a while, spent a year in prison and was deported with a 10 year ban after he was released, Logan disrespects the whole place, embarrassed the whole country to the world yet no official ban as far as I know
In a different timeline, Logan Paul was the one that got caught stealing a poster and tortured and not some random college kid. We live in the worst timeline.
The day after the Logan Paul video with the body, I was talking about it with my 13yo cousin who watches Logan Paul. His response to my criticism about the video was "You just hating because he's rich." Hes duped kids into blindly supporting him and brushing off any criticism as "hate from haterz"
I'm thirteen years old, so since we'd be in the same grade, I wish he went to my school. I'd just give him a lecture-violence is only the answer to stubborn people.
I tried "talking" with the "logangsters" I lost it in minutes. They use the WE ARE MAVERICS excuse which is just depressing (+ they call him daddy logan and say that its an inside joke) Kill me
he's probably the type to do that, but by his friends so he seems like he's hard shit and so others would be afraid to say or do anything back. but that doesn't mean shit, if his friends are there with him in the halls and u clock him in the jaw, and they come for u to defend him, then EVEN BETTER, go all out and fk em all up! That's it. Nobody. Will. Fuck. With. YOU. Just man up and do it!
Deserved. Bullying also works to fix a dumbass' personality and else. In this case, the shit he likes. Bullying is not bad in all cases. *waiting for that SJW reply*
Too* Dumb bimbo.. Go get yourself an education right now please. *Before* you get knocked up and bring another simpleton into the only world that we get to live in.. Oh wait you're already past the age of 15? Sorry everyone... I'm *too* late.
I feel so bad for his fans who will grow up some day, look at his videos (especially his song videos) and feel completely and utterly ashamed of their childhood.
They'll still remember it but they'll be as dumb and won't feel bad about it. If the Paul brothers are not around, they'll jump on the next dumb hype wagon and the cycle never ends.
During my time in quarantine I'm exploring old YT drama. I remember when this all first happened and having to have a talk with the kids at my church who were 6-12 and all loved Logan and Jake.
You think that’s bad? My brother wore a Logan Paul sweater to school the next day. A family friend who was hanging out that day and I had to explain exactly what happened and why she should’ve made him change to my mom. She was PISSED at him, especially because my high school had had a suicide not even 3 full months before this occurred.
Notice that the apology was written as a response to the video's criticism, not as a recognition of its disrespect and insensitivity. Logan didn't even realize he did something wrong, he just acted on the problem he created. It's akin to a child admitting he is "sorry" for a mistake he made, only because he thinks it will get him out of trouble.
And his other shitty child friends are supporting him and confirming that "he did nothing wrong" (including Jake, Logan's dad, King Bach, his whole crew, and all Logan Paul fans). And they are still convinced of that. Nothing in Logan's mind or behaviour has changed.
Ethan may not be the hero we want but he is the hero we need. He’s the only millionaire youtuber that isn’t completely detached from reality. Probably because he didn’t get his millions at 20 and had to wait and work to get rich.
Didn't Ethan just say in the fan-addressed video that he had become obsessed with the UA-cam drama? I'll probably get shit for this but he's beating a dead horse with this one. Bring back the dank memes. Papa bless ●سلاير Slayer
I lived in Japan as a member of the U.S. military, and I cannot express how disgusted I am with his actions toward Japanese people. It's hard enough being gaijan in Japan to begin with. Even if they don't like you because of that, they treat you respectfully. The only good this piece of roadkill has done is to convert oxygen into carbon dioxide for the plants to breathe.
Not trying to defend the roadkill but what I can say in his defense is that I don't remember him burninating women and children alive with atomic bombs OR viciously aggravated assault raping Japanese teenage civilian girls as proud black US soldiers REPRESENTIN' US military overseas has done. At least the guy he showed in the video was 1) already dead AND 2) Logan had nothing to do with the guy's decision to kill himself or the method he chose. And we can't say that about the US military. A narcissistic borderline sociopathic a**hole doesn't make an ENTIRE narcissist white supremacist filled neocolonial internationally DIAGNOSED since at least 5 thousand years ago sociopathic institution right!
Logan Paul was super disrespectful in Japan and it teaches his users (mostly kids) that disrespecting and harassment of others is ok. Logan Paul epitomizes why so many other countries hate Americans.
It’s crazy how good of a run you guys had making these videos so great . Such a nice creative streak . It was so entertaining tbh to see what you had coming next back in the day ! It was Good video after good video .
+Andreas Michael Design no that's the sad thing they probs have enough capital to be comfortable for the rest of their lives with some safe investments, i hate to say it its the kids watching them that are gonna be fucked if these are they role_models
Jimmy Panda I wouldn't say that is entirely accurate about their capital. A lot of rich people invest poorly or spend on dumb shit. They end up being broke. I could very well that happening to those douches.
It would be sick if the Yakuza just low key eliminated the Paul turds. Or wait check this thought. Since they’re pretty much like the O’Doyle family in Adam Sandler’s movie that’s how they could go out😂. If they all drove their car off a cliff repping their Merch, it would be a wonderful day. A day deserving of a national or global holiday.
The worst part about this man-child is that he actively calls himself a kid. In his bio he calls himself a kid... a 22 year old man calling himself a kid.
"Hey I'm Fred! I may have 5o' clock shadow and cut myself shaving but I'm a kid just like you!" I really hope I'm not the only one who knows this reference
"Who are you going to stand with? The Jake Paulers or the Logang?" I, for one, choose the more dignified and righteous path of the Hila Kleiners. I'm a Hila Kleiner for life.
love how the cafe worker says "何でしょ" or possibly "難でしょう" because it could either mean "what the fuck" or "you are being difficult you dense fuck." either way, it's great.
It's definitely the first one. I would translate it more like "what is this", because he speaks in normal polite Japanese. But of course he might be thinking something like "what the fuck".
After living in Japan for 2 years. I watched this, and my jaw hit the floor. Japanese love when people come to see their culture. Most Japanese people are super nice, friendly, and helpful. Especially if you look lost. They will approach you and try their hardest to overcome the language barrier just to help. To see this is absolutely maddening because now this validated the impression Americans are rude and obnoxious to those people who may have never met someone from the US.
Ive been living in Japan for over 6 years and its polite racism and a shit culture towards outsiders. As a westerner youre looked down upon right out of the box and if youre black its even worse.
I don’t think it definitively “validates” the stereotype or impression that Americans are ignorant of cultures. I think it validates that there are people, like Logan Paul, who are ignorant and culturally insensitive.
Ok so this is random but I keep seeing all over UA-cam videos & comments that Logan Paul filmed a dead body... Do people still think it was real? It was exposed as fake by Matty Debunks ages ago, so it's not as bad as people think
Random question but do people still actually believe Logan filmed a real dead body? This was exposed as fake a long time ago by Matty Debunks why are people still falling for it? UA-cam knew it was fake and that's why they brought the Thinning back. It was a fake dead body. Wake up
Sammy Beauty // Make-up vlogs 1. How does that make it any better? 2. He lied to people 3. That sort of makes fun of sucide, doesn’t it? 4. The video that you are referring to uses theories and no actual evidence, also it has a 1:2 like:dislike ratio Just look at that video’s comment section... The suicide forest is respected by EMS and they don’t enter in most cases of suicide So yes, most people with any common sense DO believe that Logan filmed a dead body.
Logan Paul: *films a dead body* UA-cam: *removes his UA-cam Red shows for like a couple months* PewDiePie: *says a no no word* UA-cam: I WANT YOU OFF THIS WEBSITE FOR A WHOLE FORTNITE!
@@nathanl5070 Yes of course, saying a racial slur once while very angry in a videogame and then apologizing for it makes you a racist. Makes perfect sense to me. You are a bright one, aren't you?
@@nathanl5070 You're right. I am a "triggered one", amazing counterargument. If you're trying to get an emotional response from me you are not gonna get one.
Imagine if some Japanese 20 year olds started running around churches dressed in cowboy outfits leaving bigmacs on cars, playing in the holy water and taking photos with graves.
i wish
Lol TrolZ 😂😂😂
Cheesy Poof no doubt they wouldn’t leave alive... which is a testament to the patience of Japanese people lol
I'd hella watch that
I'll buy my tickets to America as soon as the airport opens here in Tokyo lol
"An edgy 12 year old in a 22 year old man's body"
*_I never heard so much perfection in words_*
King Pepe ikr.
King Pepe Didn't Ethan just say in the fan-addressed video that he had become obsessed with the UA-cam drama? I'll probably get shit for this but he's beating a dead horse with this one. Bring back the dank memes. Papa bless
I read this right as he was saying it lmao
As another top comment mentioned, 22-12 = Team 10. Illuminati confirmed
I wish young adults would emphasize the "adult" part more than the "young" part.
he should try vlogging in north korea this year
OMG someone needs to pitch this to 4chan they can make it happen
search '' logan paul plugging merch before puberty''...
thank me later
I went to Japan and it is super disrespectful to be loud almost everywhere.
It's disrespectful in every country.
They are sensible about a lot of stuff; I agree Logan Paul is a bitch though
The people being harassed by him didn’t even react negatively, if he did that in America he might’ve gotten yelled at or started a fight or something. Japan is really a wonderful country, his behavior really disgusts me.
jahva when?
jahva oh so he didn’t literally do the same thing
Logan literally acts like he's in GTA but has no weapons
You came to the wrong house fool!
Don't give him ideas
Thank god he doesn't have weapons
He's literally a GTA5 character that escaped Los Santos
If Logan Paul is color blind, how does he know that the corpse’s fingers were purple
holy shit u rite
I was looking for this, glad im not the only one who noticed
@@sevengames9112 you realize the comment is a joke, right?
Color blind doesn't mean you literally can't see any colors, there are different forms of color blindness.
@@DriscolDevil ow oops my bad i thought he was completely color blind
I don't think "completely color blind" is a thing, or if it is then it is pretty rare.
The kids that support logan paul are the same ones eating tide pods
jack latendresse I hope so ;)
These people do not know da wae.
I guess that's how natural selection works.
Hopefully they graduate to bleach
Thank you nature for taking care of this mess
The image of Ethan twerking to jake Paul saying “buy that merch” will forever be in my brain
I randomly sing "buy that merch" because of this video
its been 2 years and I've never forgotten
thats how they get you
My dad just walked in on me watching Ethan shaking his ass...
I've never felt so helpless, I had no excuses
“Yes dad im gay”
You know you’re killing you’re father right?
Dad I'm a Kleiner for life dab on your dad.
Textbook Fascism what up PEEIMPS!
Ethan is killing 70% of girls with that thiccness boii
Oussama Deraoui Sex robots? Nah, we don't need those when we have Ethan.
70%? more like 100%
rest 30% went in to killing boiiis, currently at 130% bro
Just a reminder that Post Malone is younger than Logan Paul.
Posty is a fucking angel ♡
wtf post is only 23???? hes so young
Road Rabbit Agreed.
Carrot Juice I was surprised too.
*this cant be scientifically true*
Edit: thx for the likes
Stuck in quarantine, reflecting on this video, I’ve come to the conclusion that Logan Paul is the worst thing that’s happened to Asia within the last 10 years
Chest Rockwell I’d say in the last century, including the nukes and the continued existence of the bowl cut
BC (Before corona)
Together with the CCP
Mostly Jake Paul tho
atari why would it?
atari also wow you're here okay love your videos
UA-cam loves logan and every video against him got taken down
atari its been 2 hours and some mins I commented after it was 13 minutes uploaded and its still monetized and up :)
I had a hard time not cringing watching just how disrespectful this kid actually was.
LowSoulGamers irk
I say we put him in Edgeville dungeon and keep him in there until he grows up.
i cant relate...cause i was actively cringing throughout the whole thing
LowSoulGamers i dont like you kid
Buy the merch buy the merch
We monetized bois
Holy heck it's okay for h3h to make money off someone making money off death I guess
Wish Logan Paul would consider doing gay adult films. Kind of reminds me of Johnny forza. They'd make a hot couple. Logan would fit right in with fraternity x
Logan should learn from Trump on handling haters
yes it is. Tom Stambaugh
Tom Stambaugh yes it is......
Holy heck I didn’t get an ad...
I genuinely miss h3h3 especially videos like these. They were honestly priceless. I just wish I properly appreciated them four years ago.
Right? I met him at the opening of Avengers end game wish I said more to him lol
yeah shit was lit back then even tho i was battling massive depression, he really helped me he just makes me anxious
Back before he drank the liberal Kool aid and went full on left wing. Miss when he'd go after people like Logan Paul and other's that actually deserved it.
same I started watching em during my junior year in HS sucked they were startin their podcast that year too
@@rc59191 if you watched his podcast, he still goes after people. Whether you think they deserve it or not is subjective.
The thoughts of an entire school being hardcore logan/jake paul fans scares me.
What ever happened to the Pokemon vs Digimon army?
Times have changed.
Pokemon's better
The Pokemon army always won but you always had that small group of Digimon Fans XD
Omg, aznromeo😍😸😸 love your videos
Panda The Executioner call me a double agent then 😂😂
"they're wearing merch like they're crips and bloods" lmfao
Marisol we dont wear merch , its called reppin our set
Asrim its crips
Josh Feeney *Cribs.
Ethan is T H I C C
Iridium yoooo luv ur vids
E x t r a THICC
Too damn thicc
My mate married a Japanese girl and was living there, fluent in Japanese, however he broke his back badly, and as having used opiates one the past didn’t want to get hooked etc, they lived in rural town, to kill the pain, he smoke weed, he grew 2 plants at a time so no to have to buy off the gangs. He was arrested after a while, spent a year in prison and was deported with a 10 year ban after he was released, Logan disrespects the whole place, embarrassed the whole country to the world yet no official ban as far as I know
That fucking sucks. I'm glad your friend was able to ease his pain up until he got arrested. I hope he and he wife are much better these days
Well, disrespecting isn't really a major crime, just scummy
Learn how to spell, good lord man.
Ethan tests my sexuality to its utmost limits
It was really hot I’m converted
pranav moorthi T H I C C
pranav moorthi dude everytime I see him I chub up. No man has ever done that too me...........
damn moorthi
I wish he would go film some edgy content in North Korea... Getting shot down by government officials would make a pretty dope thumbnail
bassinbill96 "We found starving children in a North Korean concentration camp"
"never stood next to a starving north korean child before?"
Ow wow
Yea stolen from keemstars tweet nice try fam
In a different timeline, Logan Paul was the one that got caught stealing a poster and tortured and not some random college kid. We live in the worst timeline.
The day after the Logan Paul video with the body, I was talking about it with my 13yo cousin who watches Logan Paul. His response to my criticism about the video was "You just hating because he's rich." Hes duped kids into blindly supporting him and brushing off any criticism as "hate from haterz"
Pfffffffft, you kids need to get real. I’m 15 and a half.
Maybe he should donate some of his extra chromosomes
I'm thirteen years old, so since we'd be in the same grade, I wish he went to my school. I'd just give him a lecture-violence is only the answer to stubborn people.
I’m 13 and wat Logan did is just not acceptable...
I wonder what his response would be now, two weeks on, after all the backlash?
I love that japanese chef when he throws the pokeball at him. He is basically says "what do you want??"
Is that what he said in Japanese?
15:58 Whoever say they watch h3h3 for the plot they be lying
SkeletalReality I watch it for the "PLOT".
did you watch Santa Diss Track parody? 😂😂
SkeletalReality I watch for that "THICCC PLOT"
Papa thicc
What the hell, I just watched your frozen video...
I’m equally impressed and upset by how much arch Ethan puts in his back when twerking
Dwayne Lindsey oh my god😂
How could that possible upset you?!
Ethan is a babe and you know it.
It is strangely provocative
logans north Korean vlog will break the internet and our planet
i wish he would go to north korea id love to see what would happen
Dick Artist They welcome people and pay for all their stuff because they want to make people think that North Korea is good
Waldo please yes, he will get arrested and we won't hear from this dumbass ever again
DIREwolf I hope that happends, somone please convince him to go to north korea
assuming if Kim doesn't send him to a labor camp
I tried "talking" with the "logangsters" I lost it in minutes.
They use the WE ARE MAVERICS excuse which is just depressing (+ they call him daddy logan and say that its an inside joke)
Kill me
Genocide is fun username checks out
Logan is like that kid in school who would try and bully people and piss them off then pass it off as a joke when you try and fight back
Franco Dupuy yup the kind that would try to mess with me get punched, and cry to the teacher
Angel V. Lol exactly. These are so right. Such a pussyboy
he's probably the type to do that, but by his friends so he seems like he's hard shit and so others would be afraid to say or do anything back. but that doesn't mean shit, if his friends are there with him in the halls and u clock him in the jaw, and they come for u to defend him, then EVEN BETTER, go all out and fk em all up! That's it. Nobody. Will. Fuck. With. YOU. Just man up and do it!
Deserved. Bullying also works to fix a dumbass' personality and else. In this case, the shit he likes.
Bullying is not bad in all cases.
*waiting for that SJW reply*
Matthias D'Altrui Bulling is not bad in all cases, but never is the best solution.
Are u sure i am a sjw, m8?
doEsnt givE a fLoP
the bootleg boy hey
the bootleg boy omg you’re here
Logan was born in a stall, PLOP
...and in our darkest hour, when Franku abandoned us, and all hope was lost...a retching cough rung out.
Ethan had returned.
Dereck Gonzalez Make this top comment guys. *PLEASE*
R.I.P Papa Franku
Dereck Gonzalez may Papa Franku R.I.P and Papa Ethan take it from here... 😔
ochin chin :'(
This vid is so old but I’m laughing WAY to hard 😂😂😂
same (laughing emoji)
Dumb bimbo..
Go get yourself an education right now please. *Before* you get knocked up and bring another simpleton into the only world that we get to live in..
Oh wait you're already past the age of 15?
Sorry everyone... I'm *too* late.
Bob Tom okay boomer
Bob Tom Calm down. Its a comment section not a
Fu c king spelling bee.
Idiotic butthurt grammar nazi
got mad? Awwww.
Bob Tom r/niceguys
I feel so bad for his fans who will grow up some day, look at his videos (especially his song videos) and feel completely and utterly ashamed of their childhood.
Bible Illustrated Except, sadly, a lot of them probably won't.
They'll still remember it but they'll be as dumb and won't feel bad about it. If the Paul brothers are not around, they'll jump on the next dumb hype wagon and the cycle never ends.
I remember majority of shows and cartoons I was a fan of as a kid. :-)
Bible Illustrated they'll be like the man in logan pauls vid when they realise
Hah, wouldn't know, I only watched his apology video. :D
no clue how people support these two brothers. always blew my mind.
Mustafa Mamuwala NOT DEMONIZED OH NO
Seems that i don't need pornhub today ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Max Kar 😓😑
U giving me creeps 😧😰
he knows what he meant, son
I cant usee that help
During my time in quarantine I'm exploring old YT drama. I remember when this all first happened and having to have a talk with the kids at my church who were 6-12 and all loved Logan and Jake.
MasterOf4Elements teach those kids not to idolize any celebrity
You think that’s bad? My brother wore a Logan Paul sweater to school the next day. A family friend who was hanging out that day and I had to explain exactly what happened and why she should’ve made him change to my mom. She was PISSED at him, especially because my high school had had a suicide not even 3 full months before this occurred.
Wait tell me more, whats the response from those kids??
I'm also interested in old UA-cam drama like this. Pewdiepie & H3H3 vs Logan Paul & Jake Paul
#2 trending in Canada! Wow Ethan, great move. Keep it up, proud of you.
Sonia Dj 15 in Puerto Rico
5th in Australia
Sonia Dj hell yea based canada
What's a canada?
Distromnia Canada needs a capital
Notice that the apology was written as a response to the video's criticism, not as a recognition of its disrespect and insensitivity. Logan didn't even realize he did something wrong, he just acted on the problem he created. It's akin to a child admitting he is "sorry" for a mistake he made, only because he thinks it will get him out of trouble.
Is that "apology" even real? If so we might be dealing with a sociopath on the scale of Ted Bundy
And his other shitty child friends are supporting him and confirming that "he did nothing wrong" (including Jake, Logan's dad, King Bach, his whole crew, and all Logan Paul fans). And they are still convinced of that. Nothing in Logan's mind or behaviour has changed.
He did nothing wrong
Yeah that's a good analogy.
Well said
When he was screaming Mom, I really wanted Hilla to come take care of him.
Kurukii Käsekuchen ewww that’s his sister duude!
Levi Senz Wife*
Levi Senz hilla is his wife -.-
Feels like some people aren't in on the joke...
Ethan may not be the hero we want but he is the hero we need. He’s the only millionaire youtuber that isn’t completely detached from reality. Probably because he didn’t get his millions at 20 and had to wait and work to get rich.
True. Youngsters won't get it.
Jenna Marbles
Is this sarcastic? Ethan is a massive hypocrite.
Eh they’re pretty detached from reality now
@@zain6008 why?
Thanks babe, I needed this
Cardinal Ftw I am dying from cringe
last year it was dead people, this year its underaged gambling. Omfg I cant wait for 2020 to happen
What a family!
Double-B *I am so proud of this community.*
Double-B I guarantee that it will involve someone pretending to murder someone
2020 be like: Logang escort service, because his fans will be hitting puberty.
Nuking third world countries knowing this place
Ethan is back. Good to have you back Ethan
cries when he sees color laughs when he sees a dead body
like a babayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy B================>~~~~~~~
This is best thing to wake up to. Papa bless.
This is better than Christmas morning.
Ashminko yes queen
nice plug xd it worked
Thank God i'm a Hila Kleiner
Arthur Nordin excuse me... it's hila kleinerS... e, r and S... 😢😢😂😂
Oh sorry
Logan seeing colors for the first time: :'(
Logan seeing a corpse: xD
69 likes nice
@@Manie-z2g i didnt like it because it needed to stay 69
But he saw the hands were purple and he wasnt wearing the glasses?....
When Ethan said "Kobe!" I felt that 😔
@Andy Gygi proof?
@Andy Gygi she never came to testify? Wheres the proof that he payed her?
hes not dead in 2018
How could you feel that? Back in 2018 Kobe was still alive, how could Ethan have known? Dummy
Time stamp?
we'er hitting cringe levels that shouldn't be possible.
سلاير Slayer I loved you
Inb4 we're*
سلاير يا محظووظ 😱
Didn't Ethan just say in the fan-addressed video that he had become obsessed with the UA-cam drama? I'll probably get shit for this but he's beating a dead horse with this one. Bring back the dank memes. Papa bless
●سلاير Slayer
"They're wearing merch like they're Crips and Bloods" - Ethan .. im doneeeee
when he's reading the apology it sounds like a scene from doki doki
*I gently open the door...*
Seiko 😔
"Bai dat merch" -ethan klein cover.
Varinder Bhandal ye boi
Why does he actually have like the biggest ass ever wtf it’s so unexpected
I watch h3 for the plot
Lol 💀💀💀
I watch the anime only for the plot they always say.
I'm glad you didn't just focus on the dead person, and actually talked about the disrespect part.
I'm American and I hate degenerates like Logan. He's a disgrace and I can't believe so many kids and teens watch or look to him as a role model.
Yes! Just shows how disrespectful Logan has done. It has layers.
I lived in Japan as a member of the U.S. military, and I cannot express how disgusted I am with his actions toward Japanese people. It's hard enough being gaijan in Japan to begin with. Even if they don't like you because of that, they treat you respectfully.
The only good this piece of roadkill has done is to convert oxygen into carbon dioxide for the plants to breathe.
Lmao he probably doesn't even breathe he just lives off the views he gets from his degenerate viewers
Not trying to defend the roadkill but what I can say in his defense is that I don't remember him burninating women and children alive with atomic bombs OR viciously aggravated assault raping Japanese teenage civilian girls as proud black US soldiers REPRESENTIN' US military overseas has done.
At least the guy he showed in the video was 1) already dead AND 2) Logan had nothing to do with the guy's decision to kill himself or the method he chose.
And we can't say that about the US military.
A narcissistic borderline sociopathic a**hole doesn't make an ENTIRE narcissist white supremacist filled neocolonial internationally DIAGNOSED since at least 5 thousand years ago sociopathic institution right!
Ethan’s twerking is in a different level
I missed ethan
the old ethan, the straight from israel ethan
I mean, it's not my video so, why ask me lmao
Logan Paul was super disrespectful in Japan and it teaches his users (mostly kids) that disrespecting and harassment of others is ok. Logan Paul epitomizes why so many other countries hate Americans.
The Daddy thing is just disturbing.
These kids are being toxic thanks to the paul assheads
@@sluggle7694 true but nowehre else shit like this gets so much hype
@@sluggle7694 i mean US youtube kinda is the same shit that runs in american TV but with lower budget + no fucks given at all
Couldn't have said it better.
It’s crazy how good of a run you guys had making these videos so great . Such a nice creative streak . It was so entertaining tbh to see what you had coming next back in the day ! It was Good video after good video .
*papa bless
The change has been made. papa bless you
Ethan's getting kinda good a twerking now.
xD pretty sure this may not be good thing
The Paul Brothers will face no difficulties. It's the people watching them who will grow up being less human. That's what worries me the most.
Old Soul you're not wrong, but hundred bucks says one/both of these goons get arrested on cocaine charges in the next couple years
Dude they're youtube vloggers. Life's going to hit em hard soon.
+Andreas Michael Design no that's the sad thing they probs have enough capital to be comfortable for the rest of their lives with some safe investments, i hate to say it its the kids watching them that are gonna be fucked if these are they role_models
Jimmy Panda I wouldn't say that is entirely accurate about their capital. A lot of rich people invest poorly or spend on dumb shit. They end up being broke. I could very well that happening to those douches.
Old Soul
We're all doomed.
I’m surprised he didn’t put **gone sexual** in the title
imagine how this makes americans look to the japanese
Doesnt change much to be honest
Two atomic bombs, and now this, they must hate America.
Yeah exactly
Japanese people don’t hate Americans, they don’t like stupid people just like everyone else in the world.
I feel ashamed just being a white male after seeing this. I'm not even American.
Where're the Yakuza when you need them?
Probably in a dope video game like Yakuza 0
Livin' the Maverick life...
Rural Jefferson Laughing
It would be sick if the Yakuza just low key eliminated the Paul turds. Or wait check this thought. Since they’re pretty much like the O’Doyle family in Adam Sandler’s movie that’s how they could go out😂. If they all drove their car off a cliff repping their Merch, it would be a wonderful day. A day deserving of a national or global holiday.
Halkeye or Ronin got em
At my funeral
Friends:He was a good person
Logan Paul:What's up UA-cam-
Haptic Wolf old meme, stolen meme
Family: would u like to drop a rose on his casket
Logan paul: I would be honored .......... *KOBE*
0:10 that “oh” is so hilarious
Tbh that was the fastest 17 mins of my life... Good to have you back thicc boy!!!! Papa bless
''They're wearing merch like they're crips and bloods'' - H3H3
LMAO that sht had me weak
I was gonna comment this quote just like this 😂😂😂😂
preach brutha
It's honestly scary how accurate that is tho
The worst part about this man-child is that he actively calls himself a kid. In his bio he calls himself a kid... a 22 year old man calling himself a kid.
22 means you're 3 years away from being an old man in Japan lol
"Hey I'm Fred! I may have 5o' clock shadow and cut myself shaving but I'm a kid just like you!"
I really hope I'm not the only one who knows this reference
Dank memes Luke
Solid reference
He’s had at least 4 years of adulthood. He’s not 15 anymore. It seems like he should know that he’s responsible for his actions.
"call me daddy"
I wish Ethan would go back to doing these types of videos on the Paul brothers in 2022-2024
For real this is better than anything he has released in like 5 years
I’ve just come back to these videos for nostalgia and I 100% agree. H3H3 at its peak was around these times imo
ethan my fav thicc boi
Jam Jam_ haha nice
*He’s back*
No he nottty
Eh.. not really
The legend never dies...
Back again
Ethan's back, tell a friend..
The man behind the mask!
15:56 this is how Ethan stole Hila's heart
Nah it was 16:50
No 16:56 ;)
He thicc tho
Mating call. Thats how you get all the girls
Oh, this was such a simpler time. The good old days, I miss when this was our biggest problem
As a fellow Anna, I agree
my name isn't Anna but i agree
It wasn’t lol
You are getting disturbingly good at twerking dude, haha, good shit.
Well hila has no ass so she cant
"Who are you going to stand with? The Jake Paulers or the Logang?"
I, for one, choose the more dignified and righteous path of the Hila Kleiners. I'm a Hila Kleiner for life.
5 life
Papa bless, Hila Kleiner's unite
6 life
Ima Chris longer
The Paul's should go to North Korea and see if this shit flies there
Graysen Montgomery I will take him with me to China. He will be put into prison.
I'd pay for his ticket. Would love to see them get mortar'd
If he had visited our country Nepal instead , he would be in a hospital and I'm serious. We would not accept that and go easy on them.
Ѧ Mortar'd HAHAHA I think you mean *HYDROGEN BOMBED*
Graysen Montgomery hahah. I would love to see those vlogs
the fact that you can portray like that in a video and still be the voice of reason.. its baffeling
love how the cafe worker says "何でしょ" or possibly "難でしょう" because it could either mean "what the fuck" or "you are being difficult you dense fuck." either way, it's great.
It's definitely the first one. I would translate it more like "what is this", because he speaks in normal polite Japanese. But of course he might be thinking something like "what the fuck".
Nanda deso
Hahahha thanks for explaining that part
「なんでしょう?」/'Nan-deshou?'/"Excuse me?"
Sees colors for the first time
Sees dead body
The answer to your question is no
@@Nimbus3690 hi o
Topnog LT hi?
Man how I missed Michelle Obama saying to keep it up
Rewatching these as an adult hurts my soul
same bruh im rewatching as an adult
After living in Japan for 2 years. I watched this, and my jaw hit the floor. Japanese love when people come to see their culture. Most Japanese people are super nice, friendly, and helpful. Especially if you look lost. They will approach you and try their hardest to overcome the language barrier just to help.
To see this is absolutely maddening because now this validated the impression Americans are rude and obnoxious to those people who may have never met someone from the US.
I completely agree I would *never* do something as ignorant as that. I don’t think anyone would.
Ive been living in Japan for over 6 years and its polite racism and a shit culture towards outsiders. As a westerner youre looked down upon right out of the box and if youre black its even worse.
I don’t think it definitively “validates” the stereotype or impression that Americans are ignorant of cultures. I think it validates that there are people, like Logan Paul, who are ignorant and culturally insensitive.
You know I'm actually ashamed that I'm an American because of this but I'm one of the few Americans who still have some manners.
Nasty Nate right?
That apology from Logan was worse than Kevin Spacey's.
it was even worse than Mario Batali's
James Vignale II oof
That's because Kevin Spacey is a good actor while Logan Paul is not.
Worse than tmartn's......
Dudes born on April 1. Ain't that a surprise
Sohan Haridas lol
Just a prank bro
Sohan Haridas looool
This is one of my favorite h3h3 vids.
Your twerking inspires me
Ethan twerking to "Buy that Merch" is my aesthetic
Ok so this is random but I keep seeing all over UA-cam videos & comments that Logan Paul filmed a dead body... Do people still think it was real? It was exposed as fake by Matty Debunks ages ago, so it's not as bad as people think
Logan Paul is what happens when God takes a nap...
Random question but do people still actually believe Logan filmed a real dead body? This was exposed as fake a long time ago by Matty Debunks why are people still falling for it? UA-cam knew it was fake and that's why they brought the Thinning back. It was a fake dead body. Wake up
Sammy Beauty // Make-up vlogs
1. How does that make it any better?
2. He lied to people
3. That sort of makes fun of sucide, doesn’t it?
4. The video that you are referring to uses theories and no actual evidence, also it has a 1:2 like:dislike ratio
Just look at that video’s comment section...
The suicide forest is respected by EMS and they don’t enter in most cases of suicide
So yes, most people with any common sense DO believe that Logan filmed a dead body.
@@sammybeautymake-upvlogs3640 How weak minded are you to think the body was fake?
Dont go to sleep again
Hi Jesus
Revisiting to remember the good content of h3h3
Why didnt Greg pull out
Off of his children or his wife?
It's not effective to pull out
@@user-hg9kj3zz3y it is.
Roman Entertainment then your pull out game is weak
@@BeruCampos wait
apology merch lmao
Haha, maybe listen to my song "How it really is" (on my channel). Sums it all up :-D
Logan Paul: *films a dead body*
UA-cam: *removes his UA-cam Red shows for like a couple months*
PewDiePie: *says a no no word*
That's what pewdiepie gets for being a racist
@Isaac Woolley racists when they try to justify saying the n word
@@nathanl5070 Yes of course, saying a racial slur once while very angry in a videogame and then apologizing for it makes you a racist. Makes perfect sense to me. You are a bright one, aren't you?
@@tonygordon7571 you're a triggered one "oh no someone called my favorite youtuber a racist!!!!!"
@@nathanl5070 You're right. I am a "triggered one", amazing counterargument. If you're trying to get an emotional response from me you are not gonna get one.
How could he tell the hands were purple if he didn’t have his colorblind glasses.
BOOM! excellent point!
KanDgaming it’s not tho. I’d like to see where you found it first. One of my friends said it and it made me laugh so hard.
SolidPigeon so, technically it’s still a stolen comment.
Anthony Avila not off youtube, therefore your point is irrelevant, end of story.
How’s it irrelevant if it’s still true? This is an overused joke and comment if seen atleast 4 other times with hundreds more lieks
back with the quality content Ethan!!!!!
Dang Ethan, back at it again with the quality content
"His hands are purple"
>not wearing colour blindness corrective glasses.
Sir William as he said "he can only see red and green" 🙄 or so he says
kasper gregersen take a joke
Maverick brand colour blinds contacts.
Honestly man, your videos are the funniest videos I've seen. Every single one, the editing, your reactions, it's done to perfection..keep doing you!
How did he know the dead guys hands were purple if he didn't have his colorblind glasses?
so , the video when he using glasses absolutely fake
Bs. Was totally real. There must be a clear explanation 😂
Jone Malone underrated comment
4arc frost, and there is.
Logan daddy is a certain kind of colour blind.
Jone Malone He obviously had colorblind contacts