As i stated in the chat, on a scale of 1 to 10 i give "The Last Crusade" an 8, i mean yeah i agree with Voice that just about the only good thing about the episode is that we finally find out where Scootaloo's parents have been all this time, and as for Scootaloo's aunts being the first confirmed same sex couple in the FIM series, i for one can live with that in fact i think it's great for shipping and canon.
I actually liked this episode, it was a great closing chapter to the CMCs arc in the show, Scootaloos Aunts and Parents were great ^^ One minor nitpick I had was that Scootaloos parents ignored how Scootaloo was feeling and it took them to the end to realise where her true heart lies and her job as the CMC was important to her, I would improve this part better is that we could have had the aunts and even Rainbow Dash calling them out on how they acted towards Scootaloo even to the point of saying they weren't there when she helped bear the Ponyville flag for the Equestria Games and when she got her cutie mark
I think it was just a lack of perspective on their part. They're explorers, and the job discourages having roots in any one place. Couple that with how badly they want to make up for lost time with their daughter, and you can sort of understand how they missed the signs.
I can agree that taking a small child into potentially dangerous situations would be irresponsible so that it was good to leave Scootaloo in the care of others. However the fact that there's been no mention of them to this point is a huge misstep in the meta. It was lore we needed years ago and without it yeah it just makes them seem like awful parents. For me FiM's biggest failing has _always_ been random relatives out of nowhere. It's not jump the shark levels of bad but it may be jumping the piranha.
For all the missteps made by Scootaloo's parents, I wouldn't call them terrible. A better word might be "desensitized". I believe Snap Shutter and Mare Allgood truly love their daughter, but the nature of their job prevents them from really _getting_ her. As explorers, they're used to frequent travel and packing up at a moment's notice. Maybe they reread Scootaloo's letters because they come so infrequently, and maybe Scootaloo's low self-worth comes from how long it took for their replies to come back. They clearly wanted to reconnect with their daughter, and by bringing her with them, it would've been equally convenient for their work. But with a job that discouraged having roots in any one place, they were desensitized to the roots their daughter had in Ponyville, and genuinely shocked to learn just how deep those roots went. More importantly, they _respected_ those roots. Scootaloo was allowed to stay, and her parents didn't leave until it was clear they understood why that was so important to her, and still loved her all the same.
Kyle Stubbs THANK YOU FOR EXPLAINING THIS CLEARLY!!!! I was looking for anyone who would defend Scootaloo’s parents because it’s because of their job doesn’t mean they are neglectful parents.
@@revaslatts8011 What's better for Scootaloo? Stay in Ponyville with her friends, and them face the dangerous animals that need to be studied, or take her with them and expose her the multiple animals they come across.
The parents' behavior didn't quite bother me and here is why. Because Snap Shudder and Mane All-Good's career keeps them apart from their daughter for so long, they must miss her a whole lot. As such, they must've thought Scootaloo was capable enough to help them out on their exploits. Furthermore, I'm sure Scoots told them about her Crusader group in her notes. But they never quite fully understood the importance of the CMCs, at first. So, it took the ceremony that Ponyville held and everyone's testimonies for Snap and Mane to fully understand Scootaloo's place with her friends
sadlobster1 yet they are still ignorant there parents are beyond terrible yes moving is hard but her parents just tell her that there moving without a notice or give her a choice
@@zaithehedgewolf4587 I agree, they WERE being a touch ignorant in their way of breaking the news to Scoots. But compared to how Diamond Tiara's parents raised her...Snap Shudder and Mane All-Good are the MVPs of parents
sadlobster1 we thought scoots parents were gonna be understanding but no they just grab scoot and don’t listen her choice or what she saying they keep saying “we want you be with us” “we have have a better life for you” that there choice not hers they were thinking about themselves
On the subject of moving, I think the CMC wouldn't have felt as such a big problem if not for the THE TRAIN LEAVES ONCE EVERY MONTH. Of course Scootaloo would take it as bad as she did. Along with the whole "not asking Scootaloo about moving at all" there's the fact that she's being told she can only see her best friends ONCE A MONTH.
And, if we remember, um... Scootaloo can ride her scooter to *the Crystal Empire* while towing two other fillies. Is it that much further to Shire Lanka?
It's all just a matter of perspective. Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood are frequent travelers, so "once a month" is just business as usual for them. For someone as deep-rooted as Scootaloo, "once a month" can feel like torture. I'm not letting those two off the hook, I just think their confusion was justified.
I think the best way I can describe this episode "The Last Crusade" is definitely okay, but still a good closing for the CMC episodes. I will always prefer "Crusaders of the Lost Mark"
Ya know, Scootaloo's parent, at least Arnold's parents tried to retire after they had a child and only went back for a dire emergency, also they got sick which is why we never saw them in person. Also, MLP writers, there was no reason to keep Scootaloo's personal life a secret until this point because that made her parents look even worse. I'm beginning to think Scootaloo might have been an accident and they weren't expecting or planning to have her. They're not the worst parents ever, but they have no idea how to compromise between job and family
4:20 Imma stop you right there Actually, they do. I was moved around from place to place because my mother got transferred from place to place and Scootaloo was still a child, she would’ve eventually gotten used to being away from her friends, if she just accepted the fact that she was gonna move away from her friends. I wanted to see an episode that tackles the idea that friendships don’t always last forever like the show says. Scootaloo was a minor and her parents wanted her to be close to them. It’s clearly emphasized that Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood is IMPORTANT and it keeps them away for long periods of time. They were prioritizing Scootaloo’s safety above all else. 5:40 Yes, minors don’t have a choice in their living arrangements. Only the parents do, if parents have jobs that take them away from their children, then the best course of action is to leave them in the care of relatives or anyone trustable that can properly care for children. I’m sorry Voice Of Reason, bit you’ve never experienced being moved around from place to place because of one or both parents have jobs that take you away from your friends. 11:20
Now i personally don't like this episode, i mean yes we finally get to see Scootaloo's parents. but seeing as they put their JOB over their KID, says to me that these to rather spend timing doing what're good at (I.E what their cutie marks say) and just stop by the house to show Scootaloo that thy're alive, and they remember she even exist. seriously Scootaloo might as well be an orphan, if her parents spend 90% of their time working in the bush, and not even spend time with their daughter! why do work-acholoic people have kids, if their not even going to be part of their own F***ing kids lives for the majority of the time. also saying you read EVERY letter 20 times, and NOT pick up the accomplishments of what your daughter has done for so many people...........and not even ACKNOWLEDGE it until the very end of the episode. makes me think they read the letter, and that's it. they rad it, and think: Snap Shutter: "Oh good she has friends, and is doing okay." Mare Allgood: "Honey come over quick! there is a 6-headed snake floating in the air.....with no wings!" Snap Shutter: "On my way!" and then he drops the letter, and immediately dives back into his work. plus the fact that these two adults are so, clueless, as to Scootaloo want to stay.....makes me think they are out of touch with social interactions with anything that isn't a wild animal. All in all - 4/10. not a great, but not a bad episode. but there are a lot of things that just, irk me.
I like her parents. I never had to move before and with their jobs they probably can't always write. But not only was the job the reason they wanted her to move, it was because how dangerous equestria had gotten, because of the fact the tree exploded. She probably would've been "better parents" if they were around more often
Nightmare Moon, Discord, Queen Chrysalis, King Sombra, Tirek, Starlight Glimmer messing with Time, Queen Chysalis's Return, The Pony of Shadows, And Cozy Glow taking over the school and draining the magic from Equestria… And yet it's King Sombra returning with the Tree of Harmony being destroyed That makes the Parents say, "Hey, maybe we should be Parents and get our little girl out of harm's way"?! Seriously?!
Yeah, no, unless Scootaloo has been legally emancipated from her parents then as long as she is underage, they do have the say in what happens to her, bad parents or not. Sorry, that's how family law works. FWIW, law and morality aren't always the same thing.
That is a good point, but sadly the episode doesn’t own up to that being the case. We can only assume her aunts have the next level of authority given they didn’t know her parents were back cause of the mail mixup. Good on them for finally moving to Ponyville to essentially take over being Scoot’s guardians full time.
@@DaWillstanator Well, the parents did voluntarily give up their authority, so all's well that ends well? Mind you, it would have made for an interesting, if scary look into Equestrian jurisprudence if it had gone to trial.
Yeah, I can definitely see where you both are coming from. I still enjoyed it for what it was, though. But it's nothing like Crusaders of the Lost Mark.
All right. Put it on the list: TV-Y Rated Shows With Same Sex Couples: 1. Sugartime (Postcards From Buster episode from February 2005) 2. The Emergency Plan (Doc McStuffins episode from August 2017) 3. Pete The Cat Christmas special (December 2018) 4. Mr. Ratburn And The Special Someone (Arthur episode from May 2019) 5. The Last Crusade (My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic episode from June 2019)
Hondo Flanks and Cookie Crumbles are Ponyville's Millwright. I want to say it was Hearts and Hooves Day episode where the CMC had a meeting at Sweetie Bell home, and her home was the Ponyville windmill.
I think the main problem with this episode was that everyone including myself was expecting this episode to go a certain route but instead it took a turn that none of us expected. From what I've spoken with from people who saw Dr. Wolf's review first told me that they were pretty split on the ending to this episode. But for me that final scene with the aunts taking guardianship of Scootaloo was a bit of a letdown if you ask me. As for the rest of the episode itself it's definitely amazing. For me it;s an 8.9/10. It barely reaches the point of being amazing just from that ending and the implications of the moral when you think about it.
What I think makes it even worse about it is that Scootaloo’s parents only compromised when other creatures stepped in to convince them to let her stay. Her parents would trust the word of complete strangers, that their daughter made an important enough impact for her to stay in Ponyville, than their own daughter crying and begging them not to leave. There’s neglectful parenting, and then there’s this!
Serena Nguyen Don’t forget Mayor Mare too. The CMC had to get a government official involved too, other than the Princesses, instead of the parents listening to their own flesh and blood.
Yeah you got a good point there. Like why was it until the final season that they decided to include Scootaloo's parents? Rainbow Dash has done a better job taking care of Scootaloo and she's not even related to her.
@@e1iteyoshi998 Given that Scootaloo's family life wasn't even mentioned until a graphic novel released during season 7, it's more due to the show generally addressing things too late (ie Diamond Tiara taking 5 seasons to make a heel face turn).
The fact that this episode featured an actual LGBT+ couple alone gave me mixed feelings. I mean, my local TV news program tweeted about it, I've read angry responses from homophobic parents on Facebook, etc.
I did *not* like this episode. After so many seasons waiting for an explanation about Scootaloo's parents, and we get this?! They're explorers who seek out rare and dangerous animals... fine. That's actually pretty cool. But they just come to Ponyville, greet their daughter, and say, "Alright honey, this life is too dangerous. [Or was it "-we've got new jobs."? Either way.] You're coming with us."? No! Unacceptable. They said they've been reading her letters 20 times. The Mane6's exploits are well known at this point. And they said they knew about the Tree of Harmony. This implies that they are up to date on current events. If anything, they should have come to Ponyville to simply visit! Perhaps praise their daughter for being an influence on so many lives and even the Princess of Friendship, herself. But no. The focus of the episode is on the fear of moving away. Feels like we already had this issue in Castle Sweet Castle. Maybe the writers think it's different because Twilight didn't move out of town? But if the CMC are old enough to stand their ground like this then A) Show it. Show they've grown up! And B) Her parents shouldn't have had such final decision-making power over her. What child has ever said, "I don't wanna go. I have friends and a purpose here.", and has gotten their way? No! Her parents should have said, "You told us how Babs Seed started another Branch of the CMC in Manehattan. You can do the same where you're going. Pack your bags, young lady." But nope! The episode basically said, "Go ahead, kids! Talk back to your parents. You'll have no repercussions what so ever." Granted, they had the whole town behind the CMC, but the parents could have spun that into a "going away" party. So... is she young enough to be ordered around, or is she old enough to stand her ground against her own parents? You can't have in both ways, writers! Pick one!
Am I the only one who thinks Scoots behavior from Parental Glideance was even more confusing due to this episode? If Scoots was on such ill terms with her parents, then why was she SOOOOO enthusiastic about her parents coming home? That's just how interpret that at least. I personally enjoyed this episode. I only cringed at the bad Sweetie Belle idea. That was my biggest gripe. Personally I liked Scoots parents, they didn't come off as neglectful to me, just lacking awareness. Certainly preferred their performance here then RD's.
I gave that episode an 8.5/10 Super Mushrooms, I have to agree both of you, Scootaloo's parents are downright horrible parents, taking away Scootaloo is a big no-no, she's going to lose her friends, and they'll no longer be the Cutie Mark Crusaders, I'm now going to be very neutral to Scootaloo's parents
Nicole dubuc isn’t really a good writer she wrote school daze along with mic Vogel which was a average premier she wrote marks for effort which was an okay episode and she wrote a matter of principals which was just terrible and she wrote school raze along with josh haber which was a conserversal finale and she wrote uprooted which was average and then she wrote this episode and I’m conflicted how to feel about this one is this Nicole dubucs last episode or is she going to write one more episode
@@DoraeArtDreams-Aspy Of course she is not a BAD writter. The problem is that _this kind of episodes_ requires a GREAT (if not amazing) one; specially given the "this is the last time" effect.
As i stated in the chat, on a scale of 1 to 10 i give "The Last Crusade" an 8, i mean yeah i agree with Voice that just about the only good thing about the episode is that we finally find out where Scootaloo's parents have been all this time, and as for Scootaloo's aunts being the first confirmed same sex couple in the FIM series, i for one can live with that in fact i think it's great for shipping and canon.
I actually liked this episode, it was a great closing chapter to the CMCs arc in the show, Scootaloos Aunts and Parents were great ^^ One minor nitpick I had was that Scootaloos parents ignored how Scootaloo was feeling and it took them to the end to realise where her true heart lies and her job as the CMC was important to her, I would improve this part better is that we could have had the aunts and even Rainbow Dash calling them out on how they acted towards Scootaloo even to the point of saying they weren't there when she helped bear the Ponyville flag for the Equestria Games and when she got her cutie mark
When Rainbow Dash acts like a better guardian to Scootaloo... that says something about these two.
I think it was just a lack of perspective on their part. They're explorers, and the job discourages having roots in any one place. Couple that with how badly they want to make up for lost time with their daughter, and you can sort of understand how they missed the signs.
@@kylestubbs8867 True well they should've introduced Scoots parents earlier on in the show.
@@kylestubbs8867 Exactly what I was thinking
I can agree that taking a small child into potentially dangerous situations would be irresponsible so that it was good to leave Scootaloo in the care of others.
However the fact that there's been no mention of them to this point is a huge misstep in the meta. It was lore we needed years ago and without it yeah it just makes them seem like awful parents.
For me FiM's biggest failing has _always_ been random relatives out of nowhere. It's not jump the shark levels of bad but it may be jumping the piranha.
Wow, I never would've come up with the Sweetie Belle's parents idea, but upon hearing it, that is genius.
For all the missteps made by Scootaloo's parents, I wouldn't call them terrible. A better word might be "desensitized".
I believe Snap Shutter and Mare Allgood truly love their daughter, but the nature of their job prevents them from really _getting_ her. As explorers, they're used to frequent travel and packing up at a moment's notice. Maybe they reread Scootaloo's letters because they come so infrequently, and maybe Scootaloo's low self-worth comes from how long it took for their replies to come back. They clearly wanted to reconnect with their daughter, and by bringing her with them, it would've been equally convenient for their work. But with a job that discouraged having roots in any one place, they were desensitized to the roots their daughter had in Ponyville, and genuinely shocked to learn just how deep those roots went.
More importantly, they _respected_ those roots. Scootaloo was allowed to stay, and her parents didn't leave until it was clear they understood why that was so important to her, and still loved her all the same.
Couldn't have put it better myself
Kyle Stubbs
THANK YOU FOR EXPLAINING THIS CLEARLY!!!! I was looking for anyone who would defend Scootaloo’s parents because it’s because of their job doesn’t mean they are neglectful parents.
Geez, I feel conflicted.
Part of me agrees with them.
Another agrees with you.
Sorry, I need a few minutes.
Yeah, I suppose so!
What's better for Scootaloo? Stay in Ponyville with her friends, and them face the dangerous animals that need to be studied, or take her with them and expose her the multiple animals they come across.
The parents' behavior didn't quite bother me and here is why.
Because Snap Shudder and Mane All-Good's career keeps them apart from their daughter for so long, they must miss her a whole lot. As such, they must've thought Scootaloo was capable enough to help them out on their exploits.
Furthermore, I'm sure Scoots told them about her Crusader group in her notes. But they never quite fully understood the importance of the CMCs, at first. So, it took the ceremony that Ponyville held and everyone's testimonies for Snap and Mane to fully understand Scootaloo's place with her friends
sadlobster1 yet they are still ignorant there parents are beyond terrible yes moving is hard but her parents just tell her that there moving without a notice or give her a choice
@@zaithehedgewolf4587 I agree, they WERE being a touch ignorant in their way of breaking the news to Scoots.
But compared to how Diamond Tiara's parents raised her...Snap Shudder and Mane All-Good are the MVPs of parents
sadlobster1 i just wish the parents we’re written better
@@zaithehedgewolf4587 Sadly, there's only so much you can do in a half hour
sadlobster1 we thought scoots parents were gonna be understanding but no they just grab scoot and don’t listen her choice or what she saying they keep saying “we want you be with us” “we have have a better life for you” that there choice not hers they were thinking about themselves
Scootaloo is Dora from the movie that's coming out soon.
On the subject of moving, I think the CMC wouldn't have felt as such a big problem if not for the THE TRAIN LEAVES ONCE EVERY MONTH.
Of course Scootaloo would take it as bad as she did. Along with the whole "not asking Scootaloo about moving at all" there's the fact that she's being told she can only see her best friends ONCE A MONTH.
And, if we remember, um... Scootaloo can ride her scooter to *the Crystal Empire* while towing two other fillies. Is it that much further to Shire Lanka?
It's all just a matter of perspective. Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood are frequent travelers, so "once a month" is just business as usual for them. For someone as deep-rooted as Scootaloo, "once a month" can feel like torture.
I'm not letting those two off the hook, I just think their confusion was justified.
I think the best way I can describe this episode "The Last Crusade" is definitely okay, but still a good closing for the CMC episodes. I will always prefer "Crusaders of the Lost Mark"
Crusaders of the Lost Mark is shit.
Ya know, Scootaloo's parent, at least Arnold's parents tried to retire after they had a child and only went back for a dire emergency, also they got sick which is why we never saw them in person.
Also, MLP writers, there was no reason to keep Scootaloo's personal life a secret until this point because that made her parents look even worse.
I'm beginning to think Scootaloo might have been an accident and they weren't expecting or planning to have her. They're not the worst parents ever, but they have no idea how to compromise between job and family
Imma stop you right there
Actually, they do. I was moved around from place to place because my mother got transferred from place to place and Scootaloo was still a child, she would’ve eventually gotten used to being away from her friends, if she just accepted the fact that she was gonna move away from her friends. I wanted to see an episode that tackles the idea that friendships don’t always last forever like the show says. Scootaloo was a minor and her parents wanted her to be close to them. It’s clearly emphasized that Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood is IMPORTANT and it keeps them away for long periods of time. They were prioritizing Scootaloo’s safety above all else.
Yes, minors don’t have a choice in their living arrangements. Only the parents do, if parents have jobs that take them away from their children, then the best course of action is to leave them in the care of relatives or anyone trustable that can properly care for children. I’m sorry Voice Of Reason, bit you’ve never experienced being moved around from place to place because of one or both parents have jobs that take you away from your friends.
Now i personally don't like this episode, i mean yes we finally get to see Scootaloo's parents. but seeing as they put their JOB over their KID, says to me that these to rather spend timing doing what're good at (I.E what their cutie marks say) and just stop by the house to show Scootaloo that thy're alive, and they remember she even exist. seriously Scootaloo might as well be an orphan, if her parents spend 90% of their time working in the bush, and not even spend time with their daughter! why do work-acholoic people have kids, if their not even going to be part of their own F***ing kids lives for the majority of the time.
also saying you read EVERY letter 20 times, and NOT pick up the accomplishments of what your daughter has done for so many people...........and not even ACKNOWLEDGE it until the very end of the episode. makes me think they read the letter, and that's it. they rad it, and think:
Snap Shutter: "Oh good she has friends, and is doing okay."
Mare Allgood: "Honey come over quick! there is a 6-headed snake floating in the air.....with no wings!"
Snap Shutter: "On my way!" and then he drops the letter, and immediately dives back into his work.
plus the fact that these two adults are so, clueless, as to Scootaloo want to stay.....makes me think they are out of touch with social interactions with anything that isn't a wild animal.
All in all - 4/10. not a great, but not a bad episode. but there are a lot of things that just, irk me.
I like her parents. I never had to move before and with their jobs they probably can't always write. But not only was the job the reason they wanted her to move, it was because how dangerous equestria had gotten, because of the fact the tree exploded. She probably would've been "better parents" if they were around more often
I dont think the writers didnt think (or were not given enough time due do deadlines) Scootaloo's relationship with her parents well through enough
Nightmare Moon, Discord, Queen Chrysalis, King Sombra, Tirek, Starlight Glimmer messing with Time, Queen Chysalis's Return, The Pony of Shadows, And Cozy Glow taking over the school and draining the magic from Equestria… And yet it's King Sombra returning with the Tree of Harmony being destroyed That makes the Parents say, "Hey, maybe we should be Parents and get our little girl out of harm's way"?! Seriously?!
Yeah, no, unless Scootaloo has been legally emancipated from her parents then as long as she is underage, they do have the say in what happens to her, bad parents or not. Sorry, that's how family law works. FWIW, law and morality aren't always the same thing.
That is a good point, but sadly the episode doesn’t own up to that being the case. We can only assume her aunts have the next level of authority given they didn’t know her parents were back cause of the mail mixup. Good on them for finally moving to Ponyville to essentially take over being Scoot’s guardians full time.
@@DaWillstanator Well, the parents did voluntarily give up their authority, so all's well that ends well? Mind you, it would have made for an interesting, if scary look into Equestrian jurisprudence if it had gone to trial.
i didn't realise it till now but Thespio's glasses aren't layered properly.
angrybrony And it looks like his hair would poke him in his right eye.
Yeah, I can definitely see where you both are coming from. I still enjoyed it for what it was, though. But it's nothing like Crusaders of the Lost Mark.
11:00 Careful Voice, your inner Linkara is showing...
I remember one friend from KINDERGARTEN had to move to Tacoma and I NEVER SAW HER AGAIN
All right. Put it on the list:
TV-Y Rated Shows With Same Sex Couples:
1. Sugartime (Postcards From Buster episode from February 2005)
2. The Emergency Plan (Doc McStuffins episode from August 2017)
3. Pete The Cat Christmas special (December 2018)
4. Mr. Ratburn And The Special Someone (Arthur episode from May 2019)
5. The Last Crusade (My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic episode from June 2019)
Hondo Flanks and Cookie Crumbles are Ponyville's Millwright. I want to say it was Hearts and Hooves Day episode where the CMC had a meeting at Sweetie Bell home, and her home was the Ponyville windmill.
5:45 take me. I may not have moved far. But i didnt have a choice. We moved a few streets away. And I had to adapt to a smaller room.
I think the main problem with this episode was that everyone including myself was expecting this episode to go a certain route but instead it took a turn that none of us expected. From what I've spoken with from people who saw Dr. Wolf's review first told me that they were pretty split on the ending to this episode. But for me that final scene with the aunts taking guardianship of Scootaloo was a bit of a letdown if you ask me. As for the rest of the episode itself it's definitely amazing. For me it;s an 8.9/10. It barely reaches the point of being amazing just from that ending and the implications of the moral when you think about it.
What I think makes it even worse about it is that Scootaloo’s parents only compromised when other creatures stepped in to convince them to let her stay.
Her parents would trust the word of complete strangers, that their daughter made an important enough impact for her to stay in Ponyville, than their own daughter crying and begging them not to leave. There’s neglectful parenting, and then there’s this!
Serena Nguyen Don’t forget Mayor Mare too. The CMC had to get a government official involved too, other than the Princesses, instead of the parents listening to their own flesh and blood.
Yeah you got a good point there. Like why was it until the final season that they decided to include Scootaloo's parents? Rainbow Dash has done a better job taking care of Scootaloo and she's not even related to her.
@@e1iteyoshi998 Given that Scootaloo's family life wasn't even mentioned until a graphic novel released during season 7, it's more due to the show generally addressing things too late (ie Diamond Tiara taking 5 seasons to make a heel face turn).
You'd think Scootaloo's letters to her parents would have mentioned at least some of the important stuff she was doing in Ponyville.
10:48 * Fanboying over Gail Simone *. 11:00 Dead! I don't know what noise he made when he fainted, but that was hilarious LMFO!!!
Um they got engaged in the Big Mac question
As for the aunts, I thought/hoped they were merely sisters.
Justin Carawan Aunt Holiday is related by blood to Snap Shutter. Loftie is not
@@henmo24 And... how do you know this? If it was addressed, I completely missed it.
Justin Carawan She says to Loftie, “Stop teasing MY brother” towards the end of the episode. Also Holiday and Snap Shutter both have the same accent.
@@henmo24Scrap! She did say that, didn't she? How did I miss that?!
They may not have been confirmed yet...but just wait until the Big Mac Question, LyraBon fans
The fact that this episode featured an actual LGBT+ couple alone gave me mixed feelings. I mean, my local TV news program tweeted about it, I've read angry responses from homophobic parents on Facebook, etc.
I thought Scootaloo was an orphan.
That’s what the whole Fandom thought
I did *not* like this episode. After so many seasons waiting for an explanation about Scootaloo's parents, and we get this?!
They're explorers who seek out rare and dangerous animals... fine. That's actually pretty cool. But they just come to Ponyville, greet their daughter, and say, "Alright honey, this life is too dangerous. [Or was it "-we've got new jobs."? Either way.] You're coming with us."? No! Unacceptable.
They said they've been reading her letters 20 times. The Mane6's exploits are well known at this point. And they said they knew about the Tree of Harmony. This implies that they are up to date on current events. If anything, they should have come to Ponyville to simply visit! Perhaps praise their daughter for being an influence on so many lives and even the Princess of Friendship, herself.
But no. The focus of the episode is on the fear of moving away. Feels like we already had this issue in Castle Sweet Castle. Maybe the writers think it's different because Twilight didn't move out of town?
But if the CMC are old enough to stand their ground like this then A) Show it. Show they've grown up! And B) Her parents shouldn't have had such final decision-making power over her. What child has ever said, "I don't wanna go. I have friends and a purpose here.", and has gotten their way? No! Her parents should have said, "You told us how Babs Seed started another Branch of the CMC in Manehattan. You can do the same where you're going. Pack your bags, young lady." But nope! The episode basically said, "Go ahead, kids! Talk back to your parents. You'll have no repercussions what so ever." Granted, they had the whole town behind the CMC, but the parents could have spun that into a "going away" party.
So... is she young enough to be ordered around, or is she old enough to stand her ground against her own parents? You can't have in both ways, writers! Pick one!
Love this episode.
I feel like this would have been perfect three or four seasons ago. Once before the CMC got their marks, and once the season after.
I can’t believe it took us 9 seasons, to finally get Scoots parents and 7 seasons to get Applejacks parents!
Am I the only one who thinks Scoots behavior from Parental Glideance was even more confusing due to this episode? If Scoots was on such ill terms with her parents, then why was she SOOOOO enthusiastic about her parents coming home? That's just how interpret that at least. I personally enjoyed this episode. I only cringed at the bad Sweetie Belle idea. That was my biggest gripe. Personally I liked Scoots parents, they didn't come off as neglectful to me, just lacking awareness. Certainly preferred their performance here then RD's.
Great review!
Sincerely Littlepip from Stable 2
Continuity error; Babs was stated to have her mark in season 5, but here she doesn’t
I'd say that's more an animation error.
Wandering Huntress she does have it but it’s different. They said it was a pair of scissors but it’s actually 3 seeds
10:27 they should’ve met rainbow dashesC
I couldn't watch the full episode
i recomend you compare scoots parents to dora's parents from dora and the lost city of gold
Scootaloo isn’t an orphan!!!! I WAS RIGHT!!!!! 😄😄😄💙💖
You guys could’ve given it a hooves neutral win win
To me Lyrabon will always be considered as canon. They were the OG first same sex couple in MLP and always will be.
Huh. Same sex couple. That went over my head. Didn't know that. This is why I watch these. Good vid guys.
I gave that episode an 8.5/10 Super Mushrooms, I have to agree both of you, Scootaloo's parents are downright horrible parents, taking away Scootaloo is a big no-no, she's going to lose her friends, and they'll no longer be the Cutie Mark Crusaders, I'm now going to be very neutral to Scootaloo's parents
pretty aunt holiday
Nicole dubuc isn’t really a good writer she wrote school daze along with mic Vogel which was a average premier she wrote marks for effort which was an okay episode and she wrote a matter of principals which was just terrible and she wrote school raze along with josh haber which was a conserversal finale and she wrote uprooted which was average and then she wrote this episode and I’m conflicted how to feel about this one is this Nicole dubucs last episode or is she going to write one more episode
They obviously have not watched the episodes she write for EMH and YJ.
@@DoraeArtDreams-Aspy Of course she is not a BAD writter. The problem is that _this kind of episodes_ requires a GREAT (if not amazing) one; specially given the "this is the last time" effect.
That episode was good, the only reason it got so much hate was literally because it wasn't action oriented like the other premieres.
@Tolani Ejiwunmi Celestial Advice was loved because it was a Celestia focused episode.
Also speaking of Nicole dubuc why was she hired as the new story editor for this season along with josh haber
Am I the only one getting a steve Irwin vibe from Scoot's dad
Think that was the inspiration.
...someone call Novella
@@SEGASister voice is down!
funny voice of reason
Central message from the parents, jobs mean more than family. Way to go Hasbro, way to go.