It truly astonishes me that such a small nation (compared to the countries that surround it) such as Paraguay can cause the deadliest war in south-american history.
Paraguay, wanting to reach Uruguayan territory, decided to ask Argentina for passage to reach Uruguay, but since Argentina refused to give him the passage, Paraguay decided to pass by force, which Argentina did not like and that led to the war of the triple alliance, do not try to pass Paraguay off as good just because 3 countries were defending themselves against Paraguay, also in the war, the Paraguayan generals sent children and the elderly to war, literally to die and it should be clarified that after the war, Brazil and Argentina helped Paraguay financially so that it does not end up extinct
The people were victim of the madman. Sadly the country was not extinguished and incorporated in Brazil and Argentina. That would be the solution to remove that land locking.
It should be clarified that if it was up to them, they would have annexed Paraguay, however, the USA prevented that from happening and forced them to help them financially. Stop glorifying Brazil.
En realidad la batalla decisiva fue la de riachuelo . La armada imperial brasileña estaba prácticamente dormida cuándo la armada paraguaya estaba a metros de ella. Sólo tenían que abordar los buques de guerra brasileños y listo. Pero el vice almirante Robles se le ocurrió primero bombardear loa acorazados brasileros dónde las balas prácticamente rebotaban sin causar daño para luego dar vuelta y ahí recién intentar el abordaje . En ese interin los marinos brasileños que estaban en las playas tuvieron tiempo de reaccionar y subir a sus acorazados. La batalla duro horas hasta que el almirante brasileño decidió chocar sus buques contra los buques paraguayos que eran de madera o más débiles que los acorazados brasileños y ahí pudieron ganar la batalla. Fue prácticamente una batalla estilo abordaje de piratas con táctica navales de la época de las guerra médicas.
Paraguay had much more soldiers than all the three countries together, and a interesting fact: Brazil took the leads on this war, and at the end it was mainly the brazilian army who were still fighting Paraguay, but however, this war affected Brazil very much; The debts with England and the rebellion of the army against the empire were fruits of this war and made the empire fall.
And this was about pretty much the same state of affairs in Argentina at the time. The state ad not yet a full grip on internal stability. As this war was strongly opposed by the populace, it would give rise to some of the last provincial warlords, who opposed Buenos Aires' federal government.
Maioria soldados componeses recrutados, não era atoa q tinha mais soldados, os cara mandaram quase toda a populacao pra guerra, sem falar q o exercito brasileiro estava concentrado nas costas brasileiras
It's amazing how so many people still think Solano Lopez is a hero, even more amazing was I to discover that for Paraguayans the Chaco was always theirs, the war against the Bolivians was just to make that situation official
Before War : Francisco Solano López President of Paraguay "I Am South American Napoleon!" After War : He Die in War. Men Population in Paraguay Death 90%
@@Zampierre 90% of male population. 60% of total population. Maybe its a bit exaggerated, but nobody can deny how catastrophic was this war to Paraguay, the war that many call a genocide.
As paraguayan, the map and some battles are actually wrong, the disputed region of Boreal Chaco was on paraguayan own, Some battles like Riachuelo were actually bigger. But anyways, i like your video. 👍 Greetings from Asunción. 🇵🇾 (please stop fighting for a war that happened 200 years ago, peace please 🇵🇾🤝🇧🇷🇦🇷🇺🇾🇧🇴)
Paraguay, the only country in the world that thinks it was right in everything, was the Chaco yours? spare me nationalist nonsense, in the mouths of the Paraguayans their country is almost Jesus Christ
I think Paraguay deserves much more admiration Espicially when considering how depraved lies being spread acros western media about solano Lopez and Paraguay in general VENCER O MORIR! (Victory or Death!)
@@maxi_cat concordo com você, mas o imperador Pedro 2 não era imperialista, olha que piada sem graça, deixou o Paraguai existir como nação independente por que quis.
@@mateus003Ele achou útil ter o Paraguai como um estado tampão entre Brasil e Argentina, assim como o Uruguai. Se Brasil e Argentina tivessem muitas fronteiras compartilhadas poderia explodir uma guerra em algum momento.
@@Sem_Criatividade829 you are mistaken. The us president at the time was only a mediator in the terriotorial agreements betwen Paraguay and Argentina. However, he did help the paraguayans to retain some of its territory; witch would later be the cause of their war against Bolivia.
geography helps. Its part of why it took how long it did for Paraguay to be beaten, big jungle river boundaries in the south and hills and jungles in the north and east. Its why Paraguay was its own thing during colonisation and after the Wars of Independence against Spain, it was a pocket of fertile liveable land surrounded by a hostile environment. It originally joined the Rio de La Plata Alliance/Confederation but was even more remote and capable than Entre Rios and Corrientes at resisting orders from Tucuman and Buenos Aires, and like Uruguay was already having border/independence conflicts against Brazil. Its easy to forget how big even the little American countries are and just how much difficult terrain there is
I would have added the reason why Argentina stopped sending so many troops to the front: The Federal Party. The Federal Party saw the war as another chance to start an uprising after the fall of the Argentine Confederation in favor of the republic. That's why the president from Argentina left some men in the paraguayan front and started to fight against the rebellion, the outcome left Argentina as the winner and the federal uprisings ended
You forgot to look at the troop numbers lmao Anyways Paraguay declared war on Brazil Then they wanted to take Uruguay To do that they needed to enter Argentina Argentina said “no” and then Paraguay declared war on Argentina
@@Eliasrs-iw9hkno. Uruguay estaba en guerra civil. El partido blanco, tenia de aliado a Paraguay. El partido colorado, tenia a Brasil y Argentina como aliados. En la guerra civil, el partido colorado ganó, lo que hizo que Uruguay tambien entre en guerra en contra de Paraguay.
Fun Fact: Paraguay's debt with the war lasted until the 1930s, when the Brazilian president Getúlio Vargas decided to quit Paraguay's debt, now, 92 years later, Paraguay says Brazil and Argentina should give PARAGUAY money for what THEY did
@@Todaywalnuthonestamente eles deveriam somente calar a boca, eles começaram a guerra e no final eles ainda foram perdoados das reparações de guerra, eles não tem direito de pedir nada
"brazil was so evil" okay but uhhh what was the treaty that paraguay kept talking about because we were helping our allies in this uruguayan civil war in specific? by the way, it's pretty sad most of their male population got sent to heaven, but at least god has reinforcements against hell-
Tanto o lado paraguaio quanto o lado brasileiro estão errados nessa questão E ainda esse novo presidente do Paraguai vem e fala que o Brasil fez crimes de guerra na guerra do Paraguai, e que eles eram a vítima da guerra
@@dl0g09 Caxias quis terminar a guerra após a tomada de Assunção, mas dado o fato de que Solano não queria se render, o Imperador recusou o pedido. Tecnicamente ele não estava de todo errado, levando em consideração que ele poderia continuar representando uma ameaça para os territórios fronteiriços e principalmente por ter sido ele quem começou a guerra.
@@realdragao6367 Claro que é Eu sei muito bem que é crime de guerra, mas um grupinho do Paraguai fala que foi Somente o Brasil que fez crime de guerra e que Paraguai e a vitima da guerra...
Paraguay: *"I have a numerical advantage, I'll win easy 😎"* Imperial Brazil: *"SUMMONS 200,000 SOLDIERS IN THE VOLUNTEERS OF THE HOMELAND"* Paraguay: *"I didn't even want to win 😒"*
@@Omnianihilist Only 20.000 of the 200.000 soldiers were slaves, slaves were sent on behalf of the aristocrats who volunteered, so the amount of slaves in the army was limited by the amount of millionaires from a dozen of administrative capitals who volunteered themselves, and all slaves, as soon as they joined the army, were freed.
The dark truth of this war is that Brazil committed terrible Attrocitties against the Paraguayans,they literally committed a genocide that killed half of the whole population,they also burned many civilian areas
Na há honra para o Paraguai nessa guerra. Lutaram até o fim sob o sacrifício de crianças, um verdadeiro absurdo. Como militar brasileiro, não consigo imaginar-me em um campo de batalha matando crianças.
Não lembro bem mais o Brasil também mobilizou adolescentes no campo de batalha, aliás era comum na época, a expectativa de vida era baixa e um rapaz de 14 anos já tinha responsabilidade de um adulto . Não lembro bem o nome mais um senador ou diputado brasileiro da República foi na guerra quando tinha 13 anos . Crianças não eram e sim adolescentes , a guerra foi terrível. Saludos desde Paraguay 🇵🇾
@CHAD VADER se derem a ordem eu vou pra cadeia. Não tenho psicológico para isso, não dá para matar criança. Seria como uma traição, mas a Anistia perdoar-me-á.
Eles não sabiam que eram crianças até a confusão começar porque elas estavam com barbas falsas e coisas do gênero. Vale lembrar que o país foi obrigado a finalizar a guerra pelo acordo que tinha assinado...
Lies told about this war: 1. "Paraguay was already a regional power, having large industries, eliminating illiteracy in the country and having a perfect economy" There are no reports that say that Paraguay was really a regional power, much less industries, in addition, it was impossible for the government of any Latin American country to end illiteracy. 2. "Paraguay was the Prussia of South America" Yes, they had a good army, but we have no knowledge or proof whether the army was organized, large, trained or anything like that (or maybe we do) 3. "Paraguay lost 90% of its population and had their economy broken" this cannot be said for sure, but I confirm that the Paraguayan economy was completely broken, in terms of the population I believe that it can really be real. 4. "Paraguay was a power" this is a big myth, there is no information about this between 1840's - 1860's, but we know that the Empire of Brazil was an emerging power at that time instead of Paraguay. Extra: "The Brazilian Navy was the 2nd strongest navy in the world" Not really, the Brazilian Imperial Navy was in 6th place in the ranking from 1872, this myth was probably spread as some misinterpretation, or some exaggerated Brazilian nationalist/patriotic lie, But it is true that Brazil had a large and strong navy (second in the Americas, behind the United States). Here is the ranking of nations' navies in 1872: 1. United Kingdom - 44 Battleships, 630 Vapors and 7,903 cannons. 2. United States - 31 battleships, 301 Vapors and 1,378 cannons. 3. France - 50 battleships, 332 vapors and 4,834 cannons. 4. Russian Empire - 31 battleships, 226 vapors and 3,900 cannons. 5. Ottoman Empire - 5 battleships, 91 vapors and 2,370 cannons. 6. Brazil Empire - 16 battleships, 78 vapors and 357 cannons. 7. Spain - "?" battleships, 74 vapors and "?" cannons. 8. Austria Empire - 8 battleships, 53 vapors and "?" cannons. 9. German Empire - 11 battleships, 13 vapors and "?" cannons. I hope I helped, if you have any questions just ask! 🇺🇾🇦🇷🇧🇷🤝🇵🇾
O que ensinam nos livros de história nas escolas brasileiras, é que a Argentina queria dividir o território do Paraguai com o Brasil, mas o Imperador teria recusado.
@@rodel6747 realmente os arrombados invadiram nosso território,causou a maior guerra da América do Sul,e que reparação histórica só pq agente matou quase toda a população dos homens do Paraguai
@@rodel6747 Sim, infelizmente no paraguai (sou paraguaio) tem esses fdp da extrema direita, parece até que nem a ditadura de stroessner e a gente nem pode reclamar das merdas dele (o paraguai e o brasil se davam bem até esse fdp ser eleito)
La gente siempre opina sin saber, tenes que averiguar del lado paraguayo, López 1866 pidió la paz, dijo que saldría del Paraguay fue una charla de 2 horas López quería la paz a toda costa
@@Rappini_ Translate text with your camera Isso é verdade conforme dito por argentinos e paraguaios, mas o Brasil não queria, o Brasil queria que fosse nos termos do tratado de tríplice aliança, López disse que esses termos eram inaceitáveis, um dos termos dizia que o Paraguai deixaria de existir como tal, em um período de 6 anos, López disse que deixaria o Paraguai, mas não com esses termos.
@@Rappini_ Translate text with your camera Vejo que no Brasil eles só veem um lado da moeda, sempre tem que ver os dois, Argentina e Brasil invadiram o Uruguai que tinha um presidente que ganhou através de eleições, o adversário se refugiou na Argentina, de lá organizou um exército de 4 mil homens, em sua maioria mercenários, com o apoio do presidente argentino, de Buenos Aires saíram para dar o golpe de estado, não conseguiram e pediram ajuda ao Brasil e como se fosse um jogo, invadiram-no. , você consegue imaginar esses dois países fazendo isso? O que o futuro reserva para o Paraguai se mesmo um aliado que nos desse acesso ao mar, eles nos isolassem, nos administrassem ao seu capricho. O Paraguai não estava preparado para a guerra, mas tinha que atacar porque tínhamos vantagens em soldados, mas? não em armas. Os fuzis paraguaios tinham alcance efetivo de 100m, os brasileiros 500m. Se tínhamos a intenção de invadir, era óbvio que tínhamos armas melhores, já que López foi estudar no exterior.
@@Rappini_ Translate text with your camera Vejo que no Brasil eles só veem um lado da moeda, sempre tem que ver os dois, Argentina e Brasil invadiram o Uruguai que tinha um presidente que ganhou através de eleições, o adversário se refugiou na Argentina, de lá organizou um exército de 4 mil homens, em sua maioria mercenários, com o apoio do presidente argentino, de Buenos Aires saíram para dar o golpe de estado, não conseguiram e pediram ajuda ao Brasil e como se fosse um jogo, invadiram-no. , você consegue imaginar esses dois países fazendo isso? O que o futuro reserva para o Paraguai se mesmo um aliado que nos desse acesso ao mar, eles nos isolassem, nos administrassem ao seu capricho. O Paraguai não estava preparado para a guerra, mas tinha que atacar porque tínhamos vantagens em soldados, mas? não em armas. Os fuzis paraguaios tinham alcance efetivo de 100m, os brasileiros 500m. Se tínhamos a intenção de invadir, era óbvio que tínhamos armas melhores, já que López foi estudar no exterior.
Parabéns pra quem fez o video! nunca imaginei que teria uma forma tão detalhada pra explicar a história brasileira, mesmo que tivesse algumas coisas supostamente erradas, a ideia poderia ser corrigida por outros youtubers caso descidão imitar este modelo de contar as histórias dos conflitos.
@@miguemakosh6414al final todo fue por los ingleses, ellos vieron potencial en la creciente industrialización paraguaya y vinieron con los dos paises bananeros a anexarlo, si solo Paraguay no hubiera tenido esos paises con tanta influencia inglesa hoy seria mucho mas rica.
The numbers are being displayed incorrectly. The Mato Grosso campaign (North, direct border between Paraguay and Brazil) only mobilized 4000 soldiers, 3000 Paraguayans and 1000 Brazilians. The main front was the Argentine front, and most of the allied soldiers were Brazilian.
Assim...era pra ter rolado isso com o Uruguai pq ele era praticamente um estado nosso ou quase, porém eles ficaram independentes ent meio q a gente ganhou a guerra e n levou o prêmio. N faz falta -3-, oq a gente têm de coisa boa aq tá ótimo
@@ratadeesgoto por mim, queria mesmo era que o Uruguai tivesse tido força nesta época para anexar RS e SC para ele, nos gaúchos, somos praticamente idênticos ao povo Uruguai, em tudo, o que nos falta é ser Uruguai, ou Pampas, como os Farrapos desejavam que fosse, se tivesse vencido o Império!
@@ratadeesgoto a independencia do Uruguai foi quase 50 anos antes da Guerra do Paraguai, foi uma aliança entre Uruguai ( provincia da cisplatina) e a Argentina, que culminou na expulsão dos brasileiros daquela região. Então seguindo esse fato, eles deveriam ter seguido firme e conquistado os estados do Rio Grande do Sul e de Santa Catarina no Brasil e anexado essas regiões, pq acabamos ficando órfãos cultural.
Paraguay had a much smaller portion of the current Argentine province of Formosa and it did not have control of the current Argentine province of Misiones, the towns depended on the city of Corrientes.
As a Uruguayan, I understand that the Uruguayans did what they could with their low numbers And I don't know if it was in this war but one of the defenses against Brazil was in Paysandú, that battle was destined to be lost but the Uruguayans resisted how they could. they were surrounded and They had no contact with the other provinces. I don't remember if it happened during that war. I forgot over time, much respect to the Paraguayans who tried to reach our country. a shame That the war ended that way. but, that thing of the past so, peace 🤝 Fun fact:There are still cannon balls in Paysandú that are buried, my history teacher has one in his house Edit: Yes, it was during this war, Paysandú was a decisive battle during the defense but after long sieges, they surrendered.
@@tiagokt nunca mencioné de que Uruguay haya intentado ayudar demasiado, tampoco se las decisiones que tomaba el gobierno en el pasado, así que ni idea que intentaron conseguir con esta guerra, solo que se resistieron a la invasión brasilera y no pudieron aguantarla. Además, si tan mal estaban no hubieran enviado soldados a pelear en Paraguay, ni tampoco hubieran intentado resistir, solo se hubieran rendido y ya. No me preguntes cosas que no mencioné, solo di un dato sobre una batalla.
@@tiagokt si te refieres a cuando dije que hicieron lo que pudieron, pues si, hicieron lo que pudieron por resistir la ofensiva brasilera, pero hasta creo que ellos sabían que no iban a durar mucho.
The best account of the Paraguayan war was given by Eduardo Galeano in his classic "Open Veins of Latin America". He see it as a tragic example of the destructive impact of colonialism on Latin America. Once a thriving nation, Paraguay was devastated by the war, resulting in the loss of a significant portion of its population. Galeano emphasizes the brutality of the conflict, reflecting his broader critique of the exploitation of that continent by European powers and the US. In particular, England played an "invisible hand" role in manipulating Latin American nations against each other to weaken them in the process....
Brazilian soldiers captured Asunción, the capital of Paraguay, but did not want to annex the region. In the construction of the Itaipu hydroelectric plant (the largest in terms of hydroelectric generation in the world), Paraguay did not give any money to build it together with Brazil. Brazil spent 20 billion dollars, and thus the sale of electricity from Paraguay to Brazil in a subsidized, cheaper way was born, as a way of paying for half of the work. and the Paraguayans think that Brazil steals their energy even though they didn't have half the money needed.
Fato não tão engraçado: O ditador Solano Lopez quando viu que estava ficando sem exercito mandou crianças,mulheres e também as grávidas pro fronte,no final ele foi morto por um soldado brasileiro
Many citizens including women and children voluntarily went to war without needing to be called to battle. Upon hearing stories of what Brazilian soldiers did to civilians (rape, slave-taking, and executions), many civilians decided to die in battle rather than be executed. Something similar happened in Okinawa where Japanese civilians committed suicide to avoid falling into American hands who had previously committed atrocities.
Eso es falso, paraguay estaba mucho mas modernizado que sus enemigos en esa epoca, y tenia una economia industrializada, solo perdio porque brasil es la rusia de sur america.
You’re ignorant, Paraguay was an economic powerhouse at that time. The Brazilians provoked this war by overthrowing Uruguay’s government, who were allies of Paraguay.
Uruguay’s Civil War (1864) led to Brazil intervening in favor of the Colorado faction, which was aligned with Brazil’s interests. This was seen as a threat by Paraguay, which had ties to the opposing Blanco faction. In response, Paraguay declared war on Brazil in late 1864, aiming to protect its influence in Uruguay. Paraguay then sought Argentina’s permission to pass through its territory to reach Uruguay and fight the Brazilian-backed forces. However, Argentina refused, and instead, Argentina declared war on Paraguay as well. Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay then formed the Triple Alliance to defeat Paraguay, and the war began in earnest.
@@zddxddyddw Argentina and Uruguay slowly started to get out of the war because of the diseases and a bad invirement, and they officialy left the war after all invaded paraguayan territories were destroyed thinking that the war is over, leaving Brazil to fight the war alone, Brazil was even the one who killed the paraguayan dictator
Los soldados brasileños capturaron Asunción, la capital de Paraguay, pero no querían anexar la región. En la construcción de la central hidroeléctrica de Itaipú (la mayor en términos de generación hidroeléctrica del mundo), Paraguay no dio dinero para construirla junto con Brasil. Brasil gastó 20 mil millones de dólares, y así nació la venta de electricidad de Paraguay a Brasil de forma subsidiada y más barata, como forma de pagar la mitad del trabajo. y los paraguayos piensan que Brasil les roba la energía aunque no tenían ni la mitad del dinero necesario.
I am from Brazil but I'm extremely cetic and critic, I do not like all the actions of my country, because I know it's government did shit in the past, especially to black people. Unfortunately it turns out that paraguayans are simply doctrinated at school to believe that their dictator at this time "Solano López" was a hero, and that he was forced to invade Brazil because the British empire (??) ordered Brazil to invade Paraguay because "Paraguay had a great industry" (now I really don't know how the fuck they believe that they had industries at 1864, since at this time all south America was rural and the only machines we had such as trains were made in Europe, Latin America just started to industrialize in 1929). Solano López invaded Brazil without even declaring war, at first he "just" mobilized 2/7 of his population, and we from the triple alliance didn't had soldiers on the borders, so Paraguay got a lot of land and killed a lot of civilians, setting fire in our villages. Brazil mobilized its population and a lot of enslaved blacks were sent and if they come back alive they would be free brazilians. The triple allies captured Paraguay's capital at the south, but Solano refused to surrender, he started fleeing to the swamps at the north and the allied armies were following his track, but meanwhile he was fleeing he was creating divisions made of children from 6 to 14 years old, elder people and women, being those divisions lead by few adult males who would make them fight, and then he sent several of those divisions in the way between him and the allies, the allies killed those armed children who were forced to fight, and the worst of all is that the paraguayans learn in school that "children were proud of their country and started fighting by their own, they made fake beard to pretend to be adults" (?????). Even Germans, whose country has made brutalities in the past are able to say sorry and recognise, but paraguayans don't, they simply won't admite their "holy leader" was a psychopath, in their minds he was a hero. Imagine if Germany was proud of Hitler. I know a lot of paraguayans, they are amazing, but I feel really sorry for them, they were betrayed by a monster, and they still believe him.
Verdade, esta história da barba eu achei até ridícula pra não dizer o minimo! parece até folclore, ta explicado porque muitos no Paraguay ainda mantém ódio dos Brasileiros sendo que foi o Paraguay quem iniciou a guerra. É revoltando também que o governo do paraguay fica cobrando o brasil e argentina pra que nós façamos uma "Reparação histórica" pra eles, querem de volta os objetos de guerra que foram usados pelo paraguay pra matar brasileiros e que hoje esta nos museus do brasil.
*Solano Lopez making every kid and older people go fight agaisnt the Brazillians on the Frontline: 💀* Hello from Brazil! This video is very cool, good job!
Bruuuuuuh Kids didnt fight, that story is fake on a certain way, Kids were just following the paraguayan troops for Food, and brasilian troops came and atacked the remaining small paraguayan forces on the area of acosta ñu so the Kids tried to defend themselves but they died brasilian soldiers had no mercy with those children that want an actual battle and solano didnt send them thats fake asf
No lo sé Rick... Si miras el frente, es Argentina la que invadió más profundo en territorio Paraguayo a pesar de la menor cantidad de soldados, eso importa también. (Y lo dice un Chileno XD) Obvio, sin quitarle mérito a Brasil. Diría que la verdad cada uno contribuyó acorde a sus capacidades.
А ведь сейчас Парагвай мог бы быть одной из ведущей страной в Западном полушарии,а Южная Америка навсегда избавиться от латифундий-одной из основ нынешней полуфеодальной экономической системы!Но плантаторы Южной Америки и стоявшие за ними английские промышленники и банкиры,законсервировали свою полу-колониальную структуру.
Você não sabe nada de história do Brasil, Paraguai ou qualquer outro país das Américas, Solano Lopes era o único latifundiário do Paraguai, uma espécie de Kim Jong un do século 19, se ele tivesse vencido, a população dos territórios que ele conquistou estaria todos escravizados, aquele homem era um ditador sanguinário, ele mandou chicotiar a própria mãe em praça pública, matou vários irmãos e obrigava as viúvas a participar de bailes para deixar a capital alegre, como se elas tivessem comemorando as mortes de seus maridos e filhos, sem contar que eles mandou velhos e crianças para batalhas para ser massacrados quando ele fugia como um covarde, e quando morreu, foi fácil identificar o ditador, ele era o único gordo no meio de soldados magros.
Fato interessante: Essa guerra influenciou a abolição da escravidão no Brasil, visto que como antes da guerra, o Brasil não tinha um exército consolidado, muitos escravos foram convocados em troca de liberdade, e como muitos escravos salvaram capitães e pessoas de grande influência no exército, o exército adotou um tom abolicionista após a guerra, o que ocasionou a proclamação da república logo depois da abolição, o exército que proclamou a república, o império caiu porquê os grandes latifundiários que não gostaram da abolição pararam de apoiar D. Pedro II, e também pelas dívidas, principalmente com o financiamento dos EUA para a guerra, o BR pagou um juros alto. ah, e a Inglaterra também pressionou o fim da escravidão, já vinha há algum tempo, mas não porquê era boazinha, mas porquê escravo não ganha salário, e um país industrial precisa de pessoas com salário pra consumir seus produtos. E outro fato interessante: Os Paraguaios perderam mais de 95% da população masculina, algo que afeta a natalidade do país até hoje, e muitos brasileiros foram viver no Paraguai, até hoje tem muitos brasileiros que vão pra lá pra estudar (mais barato), trabalhar e etc... Chamados Brasiguaios. Enfim, a guerra nunca é bem vinda, Solano López teve uma visão muito ambiciosa, por mais que o BR não tinha um exército melhor que o deles, tinha uma estrutura melhor, uma economia melhor que moldou o desfecho da guerra. Todavia, guerra nunca será bem vinda, estamos todos no mesmo barco: o planeta terra, cada um tem seu cômodo, mas, devemos viver em paz e respeitar a soberania do próximo, 90% das guerras, os 2 afundam junto. Em caso de uma 3° guerra mundial kkkkk, 100% do barco irá afundar...
This war can hardly be represented as controlled territory or front lines like WWII, at least, the amount of territory is not very relevant to understand the main events and the course of the war because the war stagnated for almost 3 years within a radius of 50 kilometers around the fortress of Humaitá and many battles were fought near it, in the current paraguayan department of Ñeembucu.
@@s-ts-4348 In my personal opinion it should be called "the Argentine war." Not only were they the ones who organized the triple alliance, but after the war they wanted to divide the territory between the winning countries. Luckily for us Paraguayans, President Hayes of the US at the time convinced Brazil not to accept the division of Paraguay. I am glad that the country has been occupied by Brazil instead from Argentina until we regained our independence. The Argentines wanted the territory for themselves from the moment they became independent from Spain and were the first to try to occupy Paraguay with an attack that demonstrated the ability that our republic had to defend itself.
@@lakabimo But Brazil had more soldiers and was the first to get attacked and before the war he made an military expedition in uruguay causing Solano Lopez to feel in danger by losing his only allie in the region who could give Paraguay the acces to the rivers and the ocean. And uruguay was the place that started most of it, every country had its importance so the war should be called the triplice alliance war in my opinion
@@s-ts-4348 I will never defend the Mariscal López, especially because his father was much wiser. Carlos López really cared about the growth of Paraguay while Francisco López was a fan of all things military. Mariscal López, for example, stupidly captured a Brazilian ship and invaded the Matto Grosso (which did not even give him access to the sea) when there obviously was a diplomatic solution.
@@s-ts-4348 A historically correct film (perhaps even a trilogy) as a co-production between the 4 countries would be very interesting to better define and understand the chain of historical events Here in Paraguay the story is always told from our point of view as if we were victims when obviously, especially at the beginning, that was not the case. Many of Brazil's war crimes (such as burning down hospitals, women and children) are also frequently talked about and only recently Paraguayan historians are talking about the atrocities and the paranoia of Francisco Solano López
People saying this war was unfair or that Paraguay was fighting 2 titans are absolutely mistaken! Argentina back then had a similar population to Paraguay, Paraguay in 1860: 1.3 million / population of Argentina in 1857: 1.299 million. Paraguay and Argentina were on similar grounds, the map shown in the video is not accurate. The northern part of Argentina, the one that borders western Paraguay, wasn’t incorporated until 1875, it was still indigenous-controlled land. Just like all of Patagonia that wasn’t incorporated until the 1880s. And on top of that, Argentina came from a succession of multiple civil wars. And the Province of Buenos Aires (the largest, wealthiest and most populated region of Argentina) had only rejoined the Argentinian Confederation in 1859. As for Brazil, well… lol they were a much much larger country, both in size and population. But to be fair, they’ve only relatively recently become a wealthier nation. All through out the 20th century Brazil and Argentina were constantly competing for regional dominance (Argentina was a richer country both in per capita and total numbers than Brazil, despite them being several times larger in all ways than Argentina) I hope this clears some of people’s misconceptions about the war. You need to know the historical context to understand it fully. In Argentina we are taught about the war exhaustively during both primary and secondary school, and there’s a a special focus on the horrors of the war, on how the dictator of Paraguay sent kids and the elderly to the front.
@@aleelt2937 Study basic history before engaging into discussion. Paraguay started the war by invading the state of Mato Grosso, and this is basic knowledge.
Actually, both countries wanted to divide Paraguay, but then a president from the US wanted Argentina and Brazil to reconsider, after some extra talks both countries agreed and left the country as independent
Not to say paraguay could have won by doing this but the governors of the most north provinces of argentina were opposing the current president of argentina at that time for his ideologies and the fact he let brazilian soldiers cross them in order to attack paraguay and because of this they would have joined paraguay in an instant had lopez sent a letter to them telling them what he was about to do but instead he simply invaded those provinces to try to reach uruguay, logically the people of those provinces were pissed and would have killed their governors for traitors had they sided with paraguay after they raided their ports and destroyed some ships, had the paraguayan leader been more patient and sent a letter to them he would have already reached uruguay in 3 days.
Bom dia. Outra curiosidade desta guerra: no final do conflito a Argentina propôs ao Brasil a divisão do Paraguai entre os vencidores, porém o Imperador Pedro II do Brasil não aceitou fazer isso.
I like that the Paraguayans think they could win a war against the empire of Brazil if they wouldn't allied with Uruguay and Argentina Maybe they want to feel a little upper feeling by making lies and trusting on these lies
No es del todo cierto La vieja intendencia del Paraguay que formaba parte del virreinato del Río de la Plata tenía como frontera natural el río Paraná y Paraguay El gobernación militar de misiones era una local con independencia administrativa Y la zona de Formosa estaba ocupada por los aborígenes nativos! Paraguay intento invadir Misiones con colonos pero fueron expulsadas por la administración local sin la intención de Buenos Aires! Recién en 1890 el ejercicio Argentino llego al río Pilcomayo actual frontera norte con el Paraguay finalizando la denominada conquista del desierto...
Correcto. Y en Chaco, Formosa, norte de santa fe y había apenas algunas reducciones jesuítas que habían pasado a control de nativos o franciscanos (si mal no recuerdo el nombre) luego de ser expulsados los jesuitas. No era territorio paraguayo ni argentino
Just to explain the insanity, of Paraguay leadership at the time: It would be as if Belgium wanted an exit to the Mediterranean through France and annexed Switzerland, but had the brilliant idea of going through Germany They only went this far because this is so insane, that took everyone by surprise
lol i've never even heard of this war suggestion: that one war where a guy with a ton of money from the us tried to conquer nicaragua and i think honduras
He tried to conquer Baja California, failed, but lasted decently long against the Mexicans. He then conquered Nicaragua successfully. Then a ton of Central American countries hanged up on him, Honduras being one.
Fun fact: Most of the war happened in the Argentinian front, but 92% of the allied soldiers were Brazillian
depends of the year
@@VOGS597 actually every year were like this
@@Pedrinho8080 not so fun fact: Paraguay's male population was wiped out by around 90%
@@Reservemercedesdriver thats a myth
@@Pedrinho8080 no, only the last 2 years, the humaita front had a lot of argentinian soldiers, look at the battle of tuyuti, boqueron, curupaty
It truly astonishes me that such a small nation (compared to the countries that surround it) such as Paraguay can cause the deadliest war in south-american history.
because lopez was being goofy as hell and didnt accept peace
basically he wanted to be the napoleon of south america
Well he did mobilize his entire population
Paraguay is bigger then germany,in no means "small"
Well, compared to the countries around Paraguay, they are pretty freaking small.
@@cuberrt well the other countries didn’t mobilize everyone
Paraguay, wanting to reach Uruguayan territory, decided to ask Argentina for passage to reach Uruguay, but since Argentina refused to give him the passage, Paraguay decided to pass by force, which Argentina did not like and that led to the war of the triple alliance, do not try to pass Paraguay off as good just because 3 countries were defending themselves against Paraguay, also in the war, the Paraguayan generals sent children and the elderly to war, literally to die and it should be clarified that after the war, Brazil and Argentina helped Paraguay financially so that it does not end up extinct
Paraguay: surely they won't attack children and elderly people
Brazil: bro who tf set war to easy mode
Most of the times paraguayans act as the victims of this war because of their ruthless dictator they had.
The people were victim of the madman. Sadly the country was not extinguished and incorporated in Brazil and Argentina. That would be the solution to remove that land locking.
@@VeioooOOO Argentina and Brazil kept Paraguay and aided it financially because it acted like a buffer state between them like Uruguay
It should be clarified that if it was up to them, they would have annexed Paraguay, however, the USA prevented that from happening and forced them to help them financially. Stop glorifying Brazil.
En realidad la batalla decisiva fue la de riachuelo . La armada imperial brasileña estaba prácticamente dormida cuándo la armada paraguaya estaba a metros de ella. Sólo tenían que abordar los buques de guerra brasileños y listo. Pero el vice almirante Robles se le ocurrió primero bombardear loa acorazados brasileros dónde las balas prácticamente rebotaban sin causar daño para luego dar vuelta y ahí recién intentar el abordaje . En ese interin los marinos brasileños que estaban en las playas tuvieron tiempo de reaccionar y subir a sus acorazados. La batalla duro horas hasta que el almirante brasileño decidió chocar sus buques contra los buques paraguayos que eran de madera o más débiles que los acorazados brasileños y ahí pudieron ganar la batalla. Fue prácticamente una batalla estilo abordaje de piratas con táctica navales de la época de las guerra médicas.
Informação bem útil, obrigado
Vai querer outra guerra manito?
@@Baldwin-Sx6 Volta pra creche
Mal no? Se me hizo medil raro eso
@@Matiasy. ?????
When a small country thinks they can take on 2 titans
Uruguay being forgotten no cap:
We gonna pretend small countries haven’t won in the past? Like, say, Haiti?
@@haydenmcwhorter6363 Haiti has been ruthlessly punished for generations for their revolution
@haydenmcwhorter6363 Haiti was definitely beaten down by everyone else
And they could. If Caxias didn't rebuilt Brazilian Army on modern standards, Brazil would lose.
Paraguay had much more soldiers than all the three countries together, and a interesting fact: Brazil took the leads on this war, and at the end it was mainly the brazilian army who were still fighting Paraguay, but however, this war affected Brazil very much; The debts with England and the rebellion of the army against the empire were fruits of this war and made the empire fall.
And this was about pretty much the same state of affairs in Argentina at the time. The state ad not yet a full grip on internal stability. As this war was strongly opposed by the populace, it would give rise to some of the last provincial warlords, who opposed Buenos Aires' federal government.
Kids *
Maioria soldados componeses recrutados, não era atoa q tinha mais soldados, os cara mandaram quase toda a populacao pra guerra, sem falar q o exercito brasileiro estava concentrado nas costas brasileiras
made the empire fall all the way in 1889(1 year after slavery was abolished.)
"made the empire fall" that's fake news my friend
It's amazing how so many people still think Solano Lopez is a hero, even more amazing was I to discover that for Paraguayans the Chaco was always theirs, the war against the Bolivians was just to make that situation official
Es y siempre fue nuestro
@@juanravera6502 lol, A Paraguayan Nazi? does not surprise me
@@juliocesarfeitosa8438 nazi? Donde :0
@@juanravera6502 The Nazi swastika is in your nick for a reason and I doubt it's because you like Jews
@@juliocesarfeitosa8438 you lack history, the world did not begin in 1940
Before War : Francisco Solano López President of Paraguay "I Am South American Napoleon!"
After War : He Die in War. Men Population in Paraguay Death 90%
Actually that's a myth, never died 90%
@@Zampierre 90% of male population.
60% of total population.
Maybe its a bit exaggerated, but nobody can deny how catastrophic was this war to Paraguay, the war that many call a genocide.
@@mongolempire4267 was not 90% of the male population, can you prove that?
@@mongolempire4267 this is paraguaian propaganda, no way it was 90%
@@cristianiiv6418 True. 90% of Military Age Men died. Which would be 30-40% of the total population.
As paraguayan, the map and some battles are actually wrong, the disputed region of Boreal Chaco was on paraguayan own,
Some battles like Riachuelo were actually bigger.
But anyways, i like your video. 👍
Greetings from Asunción. 🇵🇾
(please stop fighting for a war that happened 200 years ago, peace please 🇵🇾🤝🇧🇷🇦🇷🇺🇾🇧🇴)
🇱🇹🤝🇵🇾 yall are cool
@@Xəeroh Thank you 🇵🇾🤝🇱🇹🇪🇺
Paraguay, the only country in the world that thinks it was right in everything, was the Chaco yours? spare me nationalist nonsense, in the mouths of the Paraguayans their country is almost Jesus Christ
I think Paraguay deserves much more admiration
Espicially when considering how depraved lies being spread acros western media about solano Lopez and Paraguay in general
VENCER O MORIR! (Victory or Death!)
Aguante Olimpia😎
Crazy to think Paraguai was spared and still exists as a country
Лучше б Парагвай ликвидировали
@@maxi_cat concordo com você, mas o imperador Pedro 2 não era imperialista, olha que piada sem graça, deixou o Paraguai existir como nação independente por que quis.
@@mateus003Ele achou útil ter o Paraguai como um estado tampão entre Brasil e Argentina, assim como o Uruguai. Se Brasil e Argentina tivessem muitas fronteiras compartilhadas poderia explodir uma guerra em algum momento.
@@Sem_Criatividade829 you are mistaken. The us president at the time was only a mediator in the terriotorial agreements betwen Paraguay and Argentina. However, he did help the paraguayans to retain some of its territory; witch would later be the cause of their war against Bolivia.
geography helps. Its part of why it took how long it did for Paraguay to be beaten, big jungle river boundaries in the south and hills and jungles in the north and east.
Its why Paraguay was its own thing during colonisation and after the Wars of Independence against Spain, it was a pocket of fertile liveable land surrounded by a hostile environment.
It originally joined the Rio de La Plata Alliance/Confederation but was even more remote and capable than Entre Rios and Corrientes at resisting orders from Tucuman and Buenos Aires, and like Uruguay was already having border/independence conflicts against Brazil.
Its easy to forget how big even the little American countries are and just how much difficult terrain there is
I would have added the reason why Argentina stopped sending so many troops to the front: The Federal Party. The Federal Party saw the war as another chance to start an uprising after the fall of the Argentine Confederation in favor of the republic. That's why the president from Argentina left some men in the paraguayan front and started to fight against the rebellion, the outcome left Argentina as the winner and the federal uprisings ended
When your a small country fighting 2 giants💀
You forgot to look at the troop numbers lmao
Anyways Paraguay declared war on Brazil
Then they wanted to take Uruguay
To do that they needed to enter Argentina
Argentina said “no” and then Paraguay declared war on Argentina
@@irenaveksler1935no! Paraguay quiso defender a uruguay de brasil para que uruguay al final lo traicionara.
@@Eliasrs-iw9hk nice
@@Eliasrs-iw9hkno. Uruguay estaba en guerra civil. El partido blanco, tenia de aliado a Paraguay. El partido colorado, tenia a Brasil y Argentina como aliados. En la guerra civil, el partido colorado ganó, lo que hizo que Uruguay tambien entre en guerra en contra de Paraguay.
Quando Solano Lopez quer bancar um Napoleão Bonaparte, lutando contra dois gigantes 💀💀💀.
Fun Fact: Paraguay's debt with the war lasted until the 1930s, when the Brazilian president Getúlio Vargas decided to quit Paraguay's debt, now, 92 years later, Paraguay says Brazil and Argentina should give PARAGUAY money for what THEY did
most sane argentina fan:
@@Tblski i hate argentina bro, im the most sane brazilian fan 💪💪💪💪
It's true. Recently Paraguay said brazillians had to pay reparations for their nation...
@@Todaywalnuthonestamente eles deveriam somente calar a boca, eles começaram a guerra e no final eles ainda foram perdoados das reparações de guerra, eles não tem direito de pedir nada
@@YahgohOG Well Brazil did kinda overthrow Paraguay's ally Uruguay's government.
"brazil was so evil"
okay but uhhh what was the treaty that paraguay kept talking about because we were helping our allies in this uruguayan civil war in specific?
by the way, it's pretty sad most of their male population got sent to heaven, but at least god has reinforcements against hell-
Na batalha de Acosta Ñu, crianças foram para o front contra o exército Argentino-brasileiro e 3.000 crianças acabaram morrendo.
Tanto o lado paraguaio quanto o lado brasileiro estão errados nessa questão
E ainda esse novo presidente do Paraguai vem e fala que o Brasil fez crimes de guerra na guerra do Paraguai, e que eles eram a vítima da guerra
@@dl0g09 Caxias quis terminar a guerra após a tomada de Assunção, mas dado o fato de que Solano não queria se render, o Imperador recusou o pedido. Tecnicamente ele não estava de todo errado, levando em consideração que ele poderia continuar representando uma ameaça para os territórios fronteiriços e principalmente por ter sido ele quem começou a guerra.
a data dessa batalha também é o Dia das Crianças no Paraguai, Guerra do Brasil.doc
@@dl0g09 tenho certeza que matar prisioneiros e não combatentes é crime, mesmo que o brasil oculte a história
@@realdragao6367 Claro que é
Eu sei muito bem que é crime de guerra, mas um grupinho do Paraguai fala que foi Somente o Brasil que fez crime de guerra e que Paraguai e a vitima da guerra...
Welp there goes 90% of the Paraguayan male population
adult male population*
it was 60% of total male population tho
Como diria Nathalia Arcury (uma influenciadora feminista e misândrica aqui do Brasil): "Que bom!"
My great-great-grandfather, named Manduca Teixeira, fought in the Paraguayan war as an ensign, his sword still exists today.
Should be renamed “The Suicide War”
They had balls, unlike you.
@ “they had balls”, no. It was either fight in war or be shot
@@Martin-zg7hxcertamente, as criancinhas paraguaias deviam ter bastante coragem pra "aceitarem" ir pro campo de batalha.
Paraguay: *"I have a numerical advantage, I'll win easy 😎"*
Paraguay: *"I didn't even want to win 😒"*
This is Brazil for you. xd
SUMMONS 200,000 SLAVES (correction ) xd
Eran esclavos la mayoría
@@juanravera6502 it wasn't the majority, but it was a big part of it.
@@Omnianihilist Only 20.000 of the 200.000 soldiers were slaves, slaves were sent on behalf of the aristocrats who volunteered, so the amount of slaves in the army was limited by the amount of millionaires from a dozen of administrative capitals who volunteered themselves, and all slaves, as soon as they joined the army, were freed.
The dark truth of this war is that Brazil committed terrible Attrocitties against the Paraguayans,they literally committed a genocide that killed half of the whole population,they also burned many civilian areas
Alternate title
"The 2 guays vs continental titans"
Actually Paraguay was invading Uruguay. Argentina went to war with paraguay because they forced their way in to conquer uruguay
@@carpii0576 no?? Brazil invaded uruguay which forced paraguay to declare war on brazil, but brazil implemented like vichy france a puppet staye
Wasn’t Paraguay initially fighting against Brazil alongside Uruguay, who then switched sides after being defeated?
@@corneliusmcmuffin3256 its just a meme bruh
@@corneliusmcmuffin3256 Los brasileños derrocaron al gobierno de Uruguay par a poner a otros en el poder
Na há honra para o Paraguai nessa guerra. Lutaram até o fim sob o sacrifício de crianças, um verdadeiro absurdo. Como militar brasileiro, não consigo imaginar-me em um campo de batalha matando crianças.
Não lembro bem mais o Brasil também mobilizou adolescentes no campo de batalha, aliás era comum na época, a expectativa de vida era baixa e um rapaz de 14 anos já tinha responsabilidade de um adulto . Não lembro bem o nome mais um senador ou diputado brasileiro da República foi na guerra quando tinha 13 anos . Crianças não eram e sim adolescentes , a guerra foi terrível. Saludos desde Paraguay 🇵🇾
@CHAD VADER se derem a ordem eu vou pra cadeia. Não tenho psicológico para isso, não dá para matar criança. Seria como uma traição, mas a Anistia perdoar-me-á.
Eles não sabiam que eram crianças até a confusão começar porque elas estavam com barbas falsas e coisas do gênero. Vale lembrar que o país foi obrigado a finalizar a guerra pelo acordo que tinha assinado...
@@davipires5303 Kkkkk doente
@@diamonddd1 Discorra...
Lies told about this war:
1. "Paraguay was already a regional power, having large industries, eliminating illiteracy in the country and having a perfect economy" There are no reports that say that Paraguay was really a regional power, much less industries, in addition, it was impossible for the government of any Latin American country to end illiteracy.
2. "Paraguay was the Prussia of South America" Yes, they had a good army, but we have no knowledge or proof whether the army was organized, large, trained or anything like that (or maybe we do)
3. "Paraguay lost 90% of its population and had their economy broken" this cannot be said for sure, but I confirm that the Paraguayan economy was completely broken, in terms of the population I believe that it can really be real.
4. "Paraguay was a power" this is a big myth, there is no information about this between 1840's - 1860's, but we know that the Empire of Brazil was an emerging power at that time instead of Paraguay.
Extra: "The Brazilian Navy was the 2nd strongest navy in the world" Not really, the Brazilian Imperial Navy was in 6th place in the ranking from 1872, this myth was probably spread as some misinterpretation, or some exaggerated Brazilian nationalist/patriotic lie, But it is true that Brazil had a large and strong navy (second in the Americas, behind the United States).
Here is the ranking of nations' navies in 1872:
1. United Kingdom - 44 Battleships, 630 Vapors and 7,903 cannons.
2. United States - 31 battleships, 301 Vapors and 1,378 cannons.
3. France - 50 battleships, 332 vapors and 4,834 cannons.
4. Russian Empire - 31 battleships, 226 vapors and 3,900 cannons.
5. Ottoman Empire - 5 battleships, 91 vapors and 2,370 cannons.
6. Brazil Empire - 16 battleships, 78 vapors and 357 cannons.
7. Spain - "?" battleships, 74 vapors and "?" cannons.
8. Austria Empire - 8 battleships, 53 vapors and "?" cannons.
9. German Empire - 11 battleships, 13 vapors and "?" cannons.
I hope I helped, if you have any questions just ask! 🇺🇾🇦🇷🇧🇷🤝🇵🇾
Nice text 👏
@@OlíderSuecianoLipy Thanks! / Obrigado!
Deciding to go to war with two giant countries at the same time. Paraguay is lucky it even exists today💀
O que ensinam nos livros de história nas escolas brasileiras, é que a Argentina queria dividir o território do Paraguai com o Brasil, mas o Imperador teria recusado.
"Caros amigos, bem vindos a mais um episódio de Hoje no Mundo Militar"
Vdd kjkj
jaja entendi la referencia
Hoje no mundo pró otan*
"Hoje no mundinho alegre e feliz da América"
imagine being demographically smaller and decide to go against Imperial Brazil while it's under Pedro II.
AND Argentina, Paraguay literally chalenged the two biggest nations of their continent to a war
For fighting 3 nations, at first they did pretty good
Tem tanto "brasileiro" aqui que acha que estávamos errados. Vocês realmente se importam tanto assim com os invasores ?
Brasileiros nunca deram valor à própria história. Talvez se tivéssemos perdido teriam mais interesse e "orgulho".
@@VictorSilva-qf2tu Isso me irrita, não entendo esse tesão que o brasileiro tem em ser vítima de alguma coisa.
@@SamuelSousa-1888 Yo tampoco lo entiendo :/
@@SamuelSousa-1888como brasileiro, o Brasil é ruim
@@OlíderSuecianoLipy O de hoje sim, o do Império era melhor.
This guy is basically the Wikipedia of mapping
One of the most brutal wars of South America 😔 Thankfully my country Brazil and Paraguay have peaceful relations nowadays 🇧🇷🤝🏻🇵🇾
O presidente paraguaio estava falando em uma reparação do Brasil por conta da guerra, sendo que eles que começaram a invadir o nosso território.
@@rodel6747 realmente os arrombados invadiram nosso território,causou a maior guerra da América do Sul,e que reparação histórica só pq agente matou quase toda a população dos homens do Paraguai
I love Brazil 🇧🇷
@@rodel6747 Sim, infelizmente no paraguai (sou paraguaio) tem esses fdp da extrema direita, parece até que nem a ditadura de stroessner e a gente nem pode reclamar das merdas dele (o paraguai e o brasil se davam bem até esse fdp ser eleito)
it actually WAS the deadliest war in south america. sadly
Disaster save
alextherambler momen
Quarbit gaming moment.
Fun fact: my great great grandpa fought for the argentinian side in this war .
o que seu tataravo falava sobre o soldados brasileiros?
@@inslink1078 decía que eran más bélicos, y que no tenían tanta piedad por los soldados paraguayos , también decía que eran numerosos
@TnoOmskRosilla obvio:)
Muito, legal, como Brasileiro agradeço pelo serviço do seu tataravô.
Grato pelos serviços/sacrifício do seu avô. São histórias fantásticas em cada lado da fronteira, hermano.
Meu pai tem 3 armas adornadas dessa época.
Fun fact:they lost 90% of their male population in war
💀 fun fact?
@@zombiexdgamer2777 yes epic fact
@@zombiexdgamer2777 win fact*
@@cristianiiv6418 Legendary fact
As Brazilian I need to say, it was they who started
Paraguay on their way to lose 90% of their male population
There are more Paraguayan girls for us
this is just a meme
0:58 30 february?
You never disappoint us ❤
Allies: Surrender,you are basically dead
Paraguay: no
Allies: welp,you asked for it
La gente siempre opina sin saber, tenes que averiguar del lado paraguayo, López 1866 pidió la paz, dijo que saldría del Paraguay fue una charla de 2 horas López quería la paz a toda costa
@@HectorMiranda-dt6th kkkkkkkkkk aham, qualquer coisa vai avisando
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Isso é verdade conforme dito por argentinos e paraguaios, mas o Brasil não queria, o Brasil queria que fosse nos termos do tratado de tríplice aliança, López disse que esses termos eram inaceitáveis, um dos termos dizia que o Paraguai deixaria de existir como tal, em um período de 6 anos, López disse que deixaria o Paraguai, mas não com esses termos.
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Vejo que no Brasil eles só veem um lado da moeda, sempre tem que ver os dois, Argentina e Brasil invadiram o Uruguai que tinha um presidente que ganhou através de eleições, o adversário se refugiou na Argentina, de lá organizou um exército de 4 mil homens, em sua maioria mercenários, com o apoio do presidente argentino, de Buenos Aires saíram para dar o golpe de estado, não conseguiram e pediram ajuda ao Brasil e como se fosse um jogo, invadiram-no. , você consegue imaginar esses dois países fazendo isso? O que o futuro reserva para o Paraguai se mesmo um aliado que nos desse acesso ao mar, eles nos isolassem, nos administrassem ao seu capricho. O Paraguai não estava preparado para a guerra, mas tinha que atacar porque tínhamos vantagens em soldados, mas? não em armas. Os fuzis paraguaios tinham alcance efetivo de 100m, os brasileiros 500m. Se tínhamos a intenção de invadir, era óbvio que tínhamos armas melhores, já que López foi estudar no exterior.
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Vejo que no Brasil eles só veem um lado da moeda, sempre tem que ver os dois, Argentina e Brasil invadiram o Uruguai que tinha um presidente que ganhou através de eleições, o adversário se refugiou na Argentina, de lá organizou um exército de 4 mil homens, em sua maioria mercenários, com o apoio do presidente argentino, de Buenos Aires saíram para dar o golpe de estado, não conseguiram e pediram ajuda ao Brasil e como se fosse um jogo, invadiram-no. , você consegue imaginar esses dois países fazendo isso? O que o futuro reserva para o Paraguai se mesmo um aliado que nos desse acesso ao mar, eles nos isolassem, nos administrassem ao seu capricho. O Paraguai não estava preparado para a guerra, mas tinha que atacar porque tínhamos vantagens em soldados, mas? não em armas. Os fuzis paraguaios tinham alcance efetivo de 100m, os brasileiros 500m. Se tínhamos a intenção de invadir, era óbvio que tínhamos armas melhores, já que López foi estudar no exterior.
Parabéns pra quem fez o video! nunca imaginei que teria uma forma tão detalhada pra explicar a história brasileira, mesmo que tivesse algumas coisas supostamente erradas, a ideia poderia ser corrigida por outros youtubers caso descidão imitar este modelo de contar as histórias dos conflitos.
Alternative title: how to lose 90% of the males in your country
So now we’re blaming the country that fought against 3 nations alone
@@aleelt2937 the country that started the war and invaded a neutral nation. Yes
@@miguemakosh6414al final todo fue por los ingleses, ellos vieron potencial en la creciente industrialización paraguaya y vinieron con los dos paises bananeros a anexarlo, si solo Paraguay no hubiera tenido esos paises con tanta influencia inglesa hoy seria mucho mas rica.
@@aleelt2937yes, they invaded three countries. Not a great plan.
@@miguemakosh6414 is that the history you’re being taught😂 wonderful
The numbers are being displayed incorrectly.
The Mato Grosso campaign (North, direct border between Paraguay and Brazil) only mobilized 4000 soldiers, 3000 Paraguayans and 1000 Brazilians.
The main front was the Argentine front, and most of the allied soldiers were Brazilian.
What program did you use?
Se os países daqui da America do Sul fossem como os Europeus, o Paraguay não existiria hoje, pois teria sido tomado como parte de algum país.
Assim...era pra ter rolado isso com o Uruguai pq ele era praticamente um estado nosso ou quase, porém eles ficaram independentes ent meio q a gente ganhou a guerra e n levou o prêmio. N faz falta -3-, oq a gente têm de coisa boa aq tá ótimo
@@ratadeesgoto por mim, queria mesmo era que o Uruguai tivesse tido força nesta época para anexar RS e SC para ele, nos gaúchos, somos praticamente idênticos ao povo Uruguai, em tudo, o que nos falta é ser Uruguai, ou Pampas, como os Farrapos desejavam que fosse, se tivesse vencido o Império!
@@TheMr.Jacoby Me contaram uma versão diferentekk, falaram-me que os uruguaios aproveitaram e viraram independentes -3-
@@ratadeesgoto a independencia do Uruguai foi quase 50 anos antes da Guerra do Paraguai, foi uma aliança entre Uruguai ( provincia da cisplatina) e a Argentina, que culminou na expulsão dos brasileiros daquela região. Então seguindo esse fato, eles deveriam ter seguido firme e conquistado os estados do Rio Grande do Sul e de Santa Catarina no Brasil e anexado essas regiões, pq acabamos ficando órfãos cultural.
@@TheMr.Jacoby Aaaahhh entendi
As a Brazilian, I'm glad that Paraguay still exists. We can buy things tax-free there. I bought my smartphone there in Ciudad Del Leste. 🙌🏻
Can you next do US invasion of iraq with army sizes?
A decisão dos políticos do Paraguaí naquela época levou a essa triste tragédia. O povo precisa ficar muito esperto com políticos desequilibrados.
Paraguay had a much smaller portion of the current Argentine province of Formosa and it did not have control of the current Argentine province of Misiones, the towns depended on the city of Corrientes.
As a Uruguayan, I understand that the Uruguayans did what they could with their low numbers And I don't know if it was in this war but one of the defenses against Brazil was in Paysandú, that battle was destined to be lost but the Uruguayans resisted how they could. they were surrounded and They had no contact with the other provinces. I don't remember if it happened during that war. I forgot over time, much respect to the Paraguayans who tried to reach our country. a shame That the war ended that way. but, that thing of the past so, peace 🤝
Fun fact:There are still cannon balls in Paysandú that are buried, my history teacher has one in his house
Edit: Yes, it was during this war, Paysandú was a decisive battle during the defense but after long sieges, they surrendered.
Como va a ayudar Uruguay si venia de una guerra civil?? estava en la mierda, por eso de hecho es que empezó todo, por las guerras civiles uruguayas
@@tiagokt nunca mencioné de que Uruguay haya intentado ayudar demasiado, tampoco se las decisiones que tomaba el gobierno en el pasado, así que ni idea que intentaron conseguir con esta guerra, solo que se resistieron a la invasión brasilera y no pudieron aguantarla. Además, si tan mal estaban no hubieran enviado soldados a pelear en Paraguay, ni tampoco hubieran intentado resistir, solo se hubieran rendido y ya. No me preguntes cosas que no mencioné, solo di un dato sobre una batalla.
@@tiagokt si te refieres a cuando dije que hicieron lo que pudieron, pues si, hicieron lo que pudieron por resistir la ofensiva brasilera, pero hasta creo que ellos sabían que no iban a durar mucho.
I love and respect Uruguay 🇺🇾 ❤️ even if they lost this war....still best nation in South America in my opinion
Maioria dos soldados estiverem no Sul do Paraguai, não no norte
A guerra do Paraguai foi o desastre do vencedor e a ruína do vencido
The best account of the Paraguayan war was given by Eduardo Galeano in his classic "Open Veins of Latin America". He see it as a tragic example of the destructive impact of colonialism on Latin America. Once a thriving nation, Paraguay was devastated by the war, resulting in the loss of a significant portion of its population. Galeano emphasizes the brutality of the conflict, reflecting his broader critique of the exploitation of that continent by European powers and the US. In particular, England played an "invisible hand" role in manipulating Latin American nations against each other to weaken them in the process....
Viva ao império do Brasil🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷
Viva la República Argentina 👍🇦🇷🇧🇷
viva al gran paraguay
@@kjgoober não
@@para.brazil sim nacionalista imundo
@@gabysegovia5910 você: 🤓
Caros amigos, bem vindos a mais um episódio de Hoje no mundo militar!
Brazilian soldiers captured Asunción, the capital of Paraguay, but did not want to annex the region. In the construction of the Itaipu hydroelectric plant (the largest in terms of hydroelectric generation in the world), Paraguay did not give any money to build it together with Brazil. Brazil spent 20 billion dollars, and thus the sale of electricity from Paraguay to Brazil in a subsidized, cheaper way was born, as a way of paying for half of the work. and the Paraguayans think that Brazil steals their energy even though they didn't have half the money needed.
The outline of southern Brazil and Uruguay seems really suggestive.
Fato não tão engraçado: O ditador Solano Lopez quando viu que estava ficando sem exercito mandou crianças,mulheres e também as grávidas pro fronte,no final ele foi morto por um soldado brasileiro
Many citizens including women and children voluntarily went to war without needing to be called to battle. Upon hearing stories of what Brazilian soldiers did to civilians (rape, slave-taking, and executions), many civilians decided to die in battle rather than be executed. Something similar happened in Okinawa where Japanese civilians committed suicide to avoid falling into American hands who had previously committed atrocities.
This map Is incorrect. Most troops were concentrated in the south, not north
Brazil has taken territory from all its neighbors and has defeated France and UK when they tried to take territory from it.
Turns out fighting against your 3 neighbors all of which who are superior to you numerically, technologically and economically wasn’t the best idea.
Eso es falso, paraguay estaba mucho mas modernizado que sus enemigos en esa epoca, y tenia una economia industrializada, solo perdio porque brasil es la rusia de sur america.
You’re ignorant, Paraguay was an economic powerhouse at that time. The Brazilians provoked this war by overthrowing Uruguay’s government, who were allies of Paraguay.
Uruguay’s Civil War (1864) led to Brazil intervening in favor of the Colorado faction, which was aligned with Brazil’s interests. This was seen as a threat by Paraguay, which had ties to the opposing Blanco faction.
In response, Paraguay declared war on Brazil in late 1864, aiming to protect its influence in Uruguay.
Paraguay then sought Argentina’s permission to pass through its territory to reach Uruguay and fight the Brazilian-backed forces. However, Argentina refused, and instead, Argentina declared war on Paraguay as well.
Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay then formed the Triple Alliance to defeat Paraguay, and the war began in earnest.
btw the invasion from the south of paraguay was all brazillian soldiers
That's false, there were thousands of Argentine and Uruguayan troops too.
@@zddxddyddw Argentina and Uruguay slowly started to get out of the war because of the diseases and a bad invirement, and they officialy left the war after all invaded paraguayan territories were destroyed thinking that the war is over, leaving Brazil to fight the war alone, Brazil was even the one who killed the paraguayan dictator
Los soldados brasileños capturaron Asunción, la capital de Paraguay, pero no querían anexar la región. En la construcción de la central hidroeléctrica de Itaipú (la mayor en términos de generación hidroeléctrica del mundo), Paraguay no dio dinero para construirla junto con Brasil. Brasil gastó 20 mil millones de dólares, y así nació la venta de electricidad de Paraguay a Brasil de forma subsidiada y más barata, como forma de pagar la mitad del trabajo. y los paraguayos piensan que Brasil les roba la energía aunque no tenían ni la mitad del dinero necesario.
Deberíamos a ver repartido paraguay🤦♂️🤦♂️
Estados Unidos asomándose
Para volverlo mediocre económicamente como Argentina? No thx
Why would you invade Corrientes? Those guys are tough, history shows
I am from Brazil but I'm extremely cetic and critic, I do not like all the actions of my country, because I know it's government did shit in the past, especially to black people. Unfortunately it turns out that paraguayans are simply doctrinated at school to believe that their dictator at this time "Solano López" was a hero, and that he was forced to invade Brazil because the British empire (??) ordered Brazil to invade Paraguay because "Paraguay had a great industry" (now I really don't know how the fuck they believe that they had industries at 1864, since at this time all south America was rural and the only machines we had such as trains were made in Europe, Latin America just started to industrialize in 1929). Solano López invaded Brazil without even declaring war, at first he "just" mobilized 2/7 of his population, and we from the triple alliance didn't had soldiers on the borders, so Paraguay got a lot of land and killed a lot of civilians, setting fire in our villages. Brazil mobilized its population and a lot of enslaved blacks were sent and if they come back alive they would be free brazilians. The triple allies captured Paraguay's capital at the south, but Solano refused to surrender, he started fleeing to the swamps at the north and the allied armies were following his track, but meanwhile he was fleeing he was creating divisions made of children from 6 to 14 years old, elder people and women, being those divisions lead by few adult males who would make them fight, and then he sent several of those divisions in the way between him and the allies, the allies killed those armed children who were forced to fight, and the worst of all is that the paraguayans learn in school that "children were proud of their country and started fighting by their own, they made fake beard to pretend to be adults" (?????). Even Germans, whose country has made brutalities in the past are able to say sorry and recognise, but paraguayans don't, they simply won't admite their "holy leader" was a psychopath, in their minds he was a hero. Imagine if Germany was proud of Hitler. I know a lot of paraguayans, they are amazing, but I feel really sorry for them, they were betrayed by a monster, and they still believe him.
Verdade, esta história da barba eu achei até ridícula pra não dizer o minimo! parece até folclore, ta explicado porque muitos no Paraguay ainda mantém ódio dos Brasileiros sendo que foi o Paraguay quem iniciou a guerra. É revoltando também que o governo do paraguay fica cobrando o brasil e argentina pra que nós façamos uma "Reparação histórica" pra eles, querem de volta os objetos de guerra que foram usados pelo paraguay pra matar brasileiros e que hoje esta nos museus do brasil.
questions why was this war fought
why did Uruguay join in to defend Paraguay???? how honorable
why are para and Uruguay names similar????
*Solano Lopez making every kid and older people go fight agaisnt the Brazillians on the Frontline: 💀*
Hello from Brazil! This video is very cool, good job!
Bruuuuuuh Kids didnt fight, that story is fake on a certain way, Kids were just following the paraguayan troops for Food, and brasilian troops came and atacked the remaining small paraguayan forces on the area of acosta ñu so the Kids tried to defend themselves but they died brasilian soldiers had no mercy with those children that want an actual battle and solano didnt send them thats fake asf
@@YorVive I need a good source for that statement.
brazil: how many people would you like to lose?
paraguay: y e s
Gloria a los caídos en la Guerra de la Triple Alianza
Argentina - Brasil - Uruguay hermanos
Respetos a Paraguay por combatir hasta el final
su "presidente vitalicio" llevó a su país a una guerra que no se puede ganar y es por eso que sufre consecuencias hasta el día de hoy
Quem combateu no final foram velhos, mulheres e crianças...
@@chiron8018 Tudo por um ditador extremista que se recusou a rendição, não importanto quem morrese em seu nome.
@@juliocesarfeitosa8438 Exatamente, Julio.
@@juliocesarfeitosa8438 porque ele é um dictador
Facts : Pre War Population In Paraguay Are 500.000 and 300.000 of them are dead. 200.000 Parayguayian With 30.000 Males
Conclusão o Brasil lutou sozinho Argentina e Uruguai ficaram apenas de apoio.
E no final a Argentina ainda queria repartir o Paraguai KKKKKKKKKKK. Forgados
No lo sé Rick...
Si miras el frente, es Argentina la que invadió más profundo en territorio Paraguayo a pesar de la menor cantidad de soldados, eso importa también.
(Y lo dice un Chileno XD)
Obvio, sin quitarle mérito a Brasil.
Diría que la verdad cada uno contribuyó acorde a sus capacidades.
@@Pao234_ a Argentina invadiu porém as tropas eram brasileiras é não Argentinas poucas era de fato Argentinas.
@@Pao234_ o Brasil tinha mais tropas é argentina conseguiu se defender graças a nós.
please make another 15-sec long video to save my time at learning history
А ведь сейчас Парагвай мог бы быть одной из ведущей страной в Западном полушарии,а Южная Америка навсегда избавиться от латифундий-одной из основ нынешней полуфеодальной экономической системы!Но плантаторы Южной Америки и стоявшие за ними английские промышленники и банкиры,законсервировали свою полу-колониальную структуру.
Você não sabe nada de história do Brasil, Paraguai ou qualquer outro país das Américas, Solano Lopes era o único latifundiário do Paraguai, uma espécie de Kim Jong un do século 19, se ele tivesse vencido, a população dos territórios que ele conquistou estaria todos escravizados, aquele homem era um ditador sanguinário, ele mandou chicotiar a própria mãe em praça pública, matou vários irmãos e obrigava as viúvas a participar de bailes para deixar a capital alegre, como se elas tivessem comemorando as mortes de seus maridos e filhos, sem contar que eles mandou velhos e crianças para batalhas para ser massacrados quando ele fugia como um covarde, e quando morreu, foi fácil identificar o ditador, ele era o único gordo no meio de soldados magros.
Fato interessante: Essa guerra influenciou a abolição da escravidão no Brasil, visto que como antes da guerra, o Brasil não tinha um exército consolidado, muitos escravos foram convocados em troca de liberdade, e como muitos escravos salvaram capitães e pessoas de grande influência no exército, o exército adotou um tom abolicionista após a guerra, o que ocasionou a proclamação da república logo depois da abolição, o exército que proclamou a república, o império caiu porquê os grandes latifundiários que não gostaram da abolição pararam de apoiar D. Pedro II, e também pelas dívidas, principalmente com o financiamento dos EUA para a guerra, o BR pagou um juros alto. ah, e a Inglaterra também pressionou o fim da escravidão, já vinha há algum tempo, mas não porquê era boazinha, mas porquê escravo não ganha salário, e um país industrial precisa de pessoas com salário pra consumir seus produtos. E outro fato interessante: Os Paraguaios perderam mais de 95% da população masculina, algo que afeta a natalidade do país até hoje, e muitos brasileiros foram viver no Paraguai, até hoje tem muitos brasileiros que vão pra lá pra estudar (mais barato), trabalhar e etc... Chamados Brasiguaios. Enfim, a guerra nunca é bem vinda, Solano López teve uma visão muito ambiciosa, por mais que o BR não tinha um exército melhor que o deles, tinha uma estrutura melhor, uma economia melhor que moldou o desfecho da guerra. Todavia, guerra nunca será bem vinda, estamos todos no mesmo barco: o planeta terra, cada um tem seu cômodo, mas, devemos viver em paz e respeitar a soberania do próximo, 90% das guerras, os 2 afundam junto. Em caso de uma 3° guerra mundial kkkkk, 100% do barco irá afundar...
> Uruguay exits war
> "OK, I know what to do"
> Declares war on yet another country
it was invaded
@@idkbtw9834 Noup
@@Emersonunes yes
Fun fact: the war is starting over in the coments section, but everyone is arguing in english. 🤷♂
Levamos essa brincadeira muito a sério
What’s the music called I want to know?
In the description
Brazil shoudl've annexed Paraguay.
As a brazilian, it shouldn't. Paraguay is a sorveign nation that has the right to exist.
@@Science_Atrium lmao ok
@@Science_AtriumEssa não é a razão real, seria um fardo
@@joaofrancisco42 Sendo um fardo ou não, Paraguai é uma nação soberana e tem o direito de existir como tal.
@@Science_Atrium Conceito fake iluminista
This war can hardly be represented as controlled territory or front lines like WWII, at least, the amount of territory is not very relevant to understand the main events and the course of the war because the war stagnated for almost 3 years within a radius of 50 kilometers around the fortress of Humaitá and many battles were fought near it, in the current paraguayan department of Ñeembucu.
By the way, we Paraguayans call it "the war of the triple alliance" but I suppose that the losing side cannot choose the name of the wars
In Brazil we call the war that way simetimes too, but we usually call it The Paraguayan War (A guerra do paraguai)
@@s-ts-4348 In my personal opinion it should be called "the Argentine war." Not only were they the ones who organized the triple alliance, but after the war they wanted to divide the territory between the winning countries. Luckily for us Paraguayans, President Hayes of the US at the time convinced Brazil not to accept the division of Paraguay. I am glad that the country has been occupied by Brazil instead from Argentina until we regained our independence.
The Argentines wanted the territory for themselves from the moment they became independent from Spain and were the first to try to occupy Paraguay with an attack that demonstrated the ability that our republic had to defend itself.
@@lakabimo But Brazil had more soldiers and was the first to get attacked and before the war he made an military expedition in uruguay causing Solano Lopez to feel in danger by losing his only allie in the region who could give Paraguay the acces to the rivers and the ocean. And uruguay was the place that started most of it, every country had its importance so the war should be called the triplice alliance war in my opinion
@@s-ts-4348 I will never defend the Mariscal López, especially because his father was much wiser. Carlos López really cared about the growth of Paraguay while Francisco López was a fan of all things military. Mariscal López, for example, stupidly captured a Brazilian ship and invaded the Matto Grosso (which did not even give him access to the sea) when there obviously was a diplomatic solution.
@@s-ts-4348 A historically correct film (perhaps even a trilogy) as a co-production between the 4 countries would be very interesting to better define and understand the chain of historical events
Here in Paraguay the story is always told from our point of view as if we were victims when obviously, especially at the beginning, that was not the case.
Many of Brazil's war crimes (such as burning down hospitals, women and children) are also frequently talked about and only recently Paraguayan historians are talking about the atrocities and the paranoia of Francisco Solano López
I still don't understand how paraguay fielded an army of over 100k men when they only had over 400k population.
And so they lost 90% of their male population.
Saludos Amigo.
Te agradezco por éste buen video, aunque con unos pocos errores.
Podría usarlo para hacer un edit?
Paraguay invading Brazil looked a lot like Operation Barbarosa
In Brazil we "learn" that like "good Brazil was just chilling when bad Paraguay decided to invade" lmao
school history textbooks cannot be trusted, I was convinced of this when I checked the information
It's the opposite
@@germanballmapping9188 no, in the schools we learn this
Brazil when history forgets they genocided the fuck out of Paraguay:
it's not wrong
People saying this war was unfair or that Paraguay was fighting 2 titans are absolutely mistaken! Argentina back then had a similar population to Paraguay, Paraguay in 1860: 1.3 million / population of Argentina in 1857: 1.299 million.
Paraguay and Argentina were on similar grounds, the map shown in the video is not accurate. The northern part of Argentina, the one that borders western Paraguay, wasn’t incorporated until 1875, it was still indigenous-controlled land. Just like all of Patagonia that wasn’t incorporated until the 1880s. And on top of that, Argentina came from a succession of multiple civil wars. And the Province of Buenos Aires (the largest, wealthiest and most populated region of Argentina) had only rejoined the Argentinian Confederation in 1859.
As for Brazil, well… lol they were a much much larger country, both in size and population. But to be fair, they’ve only relatively recently become a wealthier nation. All through out the 20th century Brazil and Argentina were constantly competing for regional dominance (Argentina was a richer country both in per capita and total numbers than Brazil, despite them being several times larger in all ways than Argentina)
I hope this clears some of people’s misconceptions about the war. You need to know the historical context to understand it fully.
In Argentina we are taught about the war exhaustively during both primary and secondary school, and there’s a a special focus on the horrors of the war, on how the dictator of Paraguay sent kids and the elderly to the front.
Fun Fact: Brazilian soldiers literally killed everything moving they found on Paraguay
After they invaded Brazil.
@@Science_Atriumthey never did
@@aleelt2937 Study basic history before engaging into discussion. Paraguay started the war by invading the state of Mato Grosso, and this is basic knowledge.
There is some guy called earthinanutshell stealing your vids
Can you give the link to the channel?
o paraguai deu uma de doido nesse dia
Enlocou mesmo... só que naquela época se fosse um contra um, acho que a coisa teria mudado bastante pro brazil.
No final da guerra a Argentina queria dividir o território com Brasil, é apagar o Paraguay do mapa. Mas o Brasil foi contra...
O Brasil não concordou com a Argentina mantendo o território porque Brasil queria tenerlo tudo kkkkkkk
Actually, both countries wanted to divide Paraguay, but then a president from the US wanted Argentina and Brazil to reconsider, after some extra talks both countries agreed and left the country as independent
Not to say paraguay could have won by doing this but the governors of the most north provinces of argentina were opposing the current president of argentina at that time for his ideologies and the fact he let brazilian soldiers cross them in order to attack paraguay and because of this they would have joined paraguay in an instant had lopez sent a letter to them telling them what he was about to do but instead he simply invaded those provinces to try to reach uruguay, logically the people of those provinces were pissed and would have killed their governors for traitors had they sided with paraguay after they raided their ports and destroyed some ships, had the paraguayan leader been more patient and sent a letter to them he would have already reached uruguay in 3 days.
Bom dia. Outra curiosidade desta guerra: no final do conflito a Argentina propôs ao Brasil a divisão do Paraguai entre os vencidores, porém o Imperador Pedro II do Brasil não aceitou fazer isso.
Please make a tutorial on how to make such an animation, I think many people will like this video
He wont
Yesss doo
I like that the Paraguayans think they could win a war against the empire of Brazil if they wouldn't allied with Uruguay and Argentina
Maybe they want to feel a little upper feeling by making lies and trusting on these lies
I ain’t seeing no lies there tho
No es del todo cierto
La vieja intendencia del Paraguay que formaba parte del virreinato del Río de la Plata tenía como frontera natural el río Paraná y Paraguay
El gobernación militar de misiones era una local con independencia administrativa
Y la zona de Formosa estaba ocupada por los aborígenes nativos!
Paraguay intento invadir Misiones con colonos pero fueron expulsadas por la administración local sin la intención de Buenos Aires!
Recién en 1890 el ejercicio Argentino llego al río Pilcomayo actual frontera norte con el Paraguay finalizando la denominada conquista del desierto...
Correcto. Y en Chaco, Formosa, norte de santa fe y había apenas algunas reducciones jesuítas que habían pasado a control de nativos o franciscanos (si mal no recuerdo el nombre) luego de ser expulsados los jesuitas. No era territorio paraguayo ni argentino
The speed keeps changing so this is kinda misleading
Just to explain the insanity, of Paraguay leadership at the time:
It would be as if Belgium wanted an exit to the Mediterranean through France and annexed Switzerland, but had the brilliant idea of going through Germany
They only went this far because this is so insane, that took everyone by surprise
lol i've never even heard of this war
suggestion: that one war where a guy with a ton of money from the us tried to conquer nicaragua and i think honduras
William Walker
@@FederationMapping yesss thats the guy
I'm Brazilian, this war happened when an agent invaded Uruguay, which was an ally of the Paraguayans, and then Paraguay invaded Brazil
He tried to conquer Baja California, failed, but lasted decently long against the Mexicans. He then conquered Nicaragua successfully. Then a ton of Central American countries hanged up on him, Honduras being one.
Bro, imagine polony going up against Germany and Soviet Union at the same time , Paraguai was crazy like that