WOW! Thats Worship? - Bluefish TV

  • Опубліковано 20 тра 2013
  • For the very first time hear all your favorite worship songs sung by the glorious death metal band Plagues of Xodus. Hear them take the age-old classics and make them new!
    This commercial parody will have you saying: Wow! That's worship?
  • Фільми й анімація


  • @dibackdraft
    @dibackdraft 11 років тому +2

    This is way old! First time we me n my best friend watched this we started moshing at the youth convention. We think its hilarious not insulting. So chill out. My best friend started a christian metal band thx to this video inspired him.

  • @TheKeenTribe
    @TheKeenTribe 6 років тому +1

    I wonder who's older? Bill Hitt, or the Rolling Stones? (lol)

  • @RomerAlcala
    @RomerAlcala 10 років тому

    lol this is awesome

  • @kirasaini4308
    @kirasaini4308 8 років тому

    LOL I wonder if God is laughing as much as I am. If not, please forgive me God.

    • @jaredspoolstra591
      @jaredspoolstra591 4 роки тому

      I would say Kira its all in the heart, Love the Lord with all your heart soul and mind. Were all unique and God gave us all different gifts and talents, this guy is good at doing the scremo voice and people like it, so praise God with it! "And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him."
      You asked I wonder if God is laughing, I have found that all of the questions we have, the answers are waiting right in the Holy Bible (KJV preferred). Many true followers of Jesus (not christians) over look this. Every thing is in the bible as a literal instructional guide to the spirit. How can we walk like Jesus if we do not read his words and follow them?
      To walk like Jesus we must be filled with the Holy Spirit, to be filled with the Holy Spirit we must dwell in the Word of God, which is the Bible, which are the Words of God. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was God. if you do not do this you will stumble and it will be bad. God is like a spouse that never leaves you, its unconditional, we are the ones that turn away its very sad, i am guiltiy of this as well man it sorrows my heart, that is the conviction of the Holy Spirit, turn back to God please be filled with joy and peace.
      but remember as this world hated Jesus so will it hate us. The new age is practicing freedom of religion. Why do all major movements then allow everything and then condemn solely Christians. Many Christians are not really followers of Jesus, they spin a bad rep tbh. - " They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us."
      I say read your bible take it as literal, God designed it not for rocket science brains but for simpletons/plebeians. "For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness."
      It is with great sorrow - the burden of lost souls - that we must spread the Truth. We love those that hate on us because 1. we dont want any one to go to hell its so bad, may God have mercy, the thought of the person suffering in hell, tell them about Jesus and pray to God for there mercy... 2. people will be judged it is up to God who knows and searches all hearts. how can God condemn someone to hell? he knows the heart of every man. well were robots acting out his play? The fact you question the user and its morals. computers do not do this, dont be narrow minded. "avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord." "For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse."
      Finaly as a issue very common in this world, anxiety/worry. this is essentially fear. if you fear anything other than God it is of the devil. if you worry about anything other than fearing God it is of the devil. God created hell, do you fear hell or do you fear God? A hurricane, lightning, car accident, global warming (which is propaganda), sickness, covid 19, if you worry flat out at all, you do not fear God. to fear God is the beginning of wisdom. Prayer is powerful, pray to the Father on behalf of Jesus (please understand that order, Jesus is our high Priest). Pray all of your worries, God will lead you and provide for you. I prayed the other week extremely hard for God to draw my brother in Christ back to him, and he did it, is that not amazing, my brother came back to God it was an amazing thing. "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him." God will give you anything if it follows his will and you obey him, very true. God bless you all, Kira God bless you, may he guide you in your life, Lord please draw Kira closer to you and fill her with your Spirit, help her shine and bring life to those around her and help her find a man who will love her and praise God with her.
      who knows why i felt the need to write this all out, i hope God uses it to touch someones heart!

  • @anthony_vega88
    @anthony_vega88 11 років тому

    I think that's pretty messed up that bluefishtv would produce a video to make fun, bring down and humiliate anyone's preference, and ways to worship God. I'm sure when they started making these videos some seen it as conforming, and diluting the message of God, but they knew it was going to reach an audience that old fashioned, conservative churches couldn't reach, but they believed, just like many bands and solo artist of many genres believed God would use them.

  • @RafaelSilva1981
    @RafaelSilva1981 11 років тому

    Sorry, I have something to say: If this is a parody, it SHOULD say so. We are in strange times, and for many, good is evil, and evil is good. So, what do you say? Let your words be Yes, or No. (Mattew 5:37)

    • @paulportell3748
      @paulportell3748 2 місяці тому

      So Christians aren't allowed to have a sense of humor? Glad I don't attend your legalistic church.