i understand this may be an awkward question to ask, but i'm looking to improve my sanyaa play, since I don't have great gear I'm trying to make up for it in skill. How do you so consistently do so much damage? What should i be practicing, besides learning boss patterns (which I am practicing alongside)
This character is simple when it comes to outputting high damage. He frequently uses the 3-hit smash (double kick) and the counterattack (TAB) technique.
이 캐릭터로 저패턴 처음봤는데 못피할거란 생각이 전혀 안들었음
이건 회피캐인척 하는 가드캐임 ^0^/
and i love it
쓰라고 요청하니 진짜 써주는 친절한 친구...
i understand this may be an awkward question to ask, but i'm looking to improve my sanyaa play, since I don't have great gear I'm trying to make up for it in skill. How do you so consistently do so much damage? What should i be practicing, besides learning boss patterns (which I am practicing alongside)
This character is simple when it comes to outputting high damage. He frequently uses the 3-hit smash (double kick) and the counterattack (TAB) technique.
All the skilled Sanyas I know attack like that.
@@BTANK is there a cool down for that counter? also are you spamming tab at 1:30 ??
you tab key have change other key setting?
I don't know because I haven't done Sanya recently. Usually, this kind of technique can't be changed.
크로스플레이가 활성화된 PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo 콘솔에서 이 게임을 출시해야 합니다.
에메트 도라람이 진짜 말이안됨 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
아 근데 너프먹고 쿨타임생기거나하면 또 노잼될거같은데...ㅋㅋㅋ
저건 래서도 가능한데
얘는 도라람이 문제가아니라 모든패턴에서
저러고 있는게 문제가 되고있어요
How are you liking this character so far?
Other than it being too strong, I am satisfied. However, this character's DPS cycle is simple. We need to use more smashes.
literally female grimden but with out handicap of only clones and looks like her tab aka counter can be repeated
회스스 하실때 관통, 비관통 중에 주로 어떤 걸 쓰시나요?
저는 본섭은 안하는데 친구 지인들이
비관통만 쓴다고하네요
이제 사냐 시작한 늅늅인데 ㅜ콤보좀 알려주세요 슨생님
현재 정형화된게 아닌거같아요
어제 패치로 탭이 버그성으로 사기가 되었는데
현재로선 탭만 쓰는게 제일세서
일단 평상시엔 3스스+탭 섞는게 제일 세요
tank님 캐릭터 잘 뽑힌 것 같나요??? 사냐 출시 기간에 복귀 해보고 싶은데...........
현재로서는 아닙니다. 너무 강하고 단조로워요
하지만 정제하지않은 보석느낌? 본섭와서 다듬어서
더 많은 기술을 사용하게하면 잘만든 캐릭터일거같아요
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 탭회피 광클하면 되는건가요
아뇨 살짝 리듬감있게 회 탭 회 탭 회 탭 이래야 중간에 안맞더라구요 ㅋㅋㅋ