If you are a confident person, even if you are carrying a fake bag, people will think it is a genuine bag. Bags are just external decorations, the real decoration is yourself. *regbags* provides you with a platform to decorate your appearance, and the bags above are of good quality and low price.
I bought an LV bag on *regbags* before. I always thought the bag was of very good quality. Until yesterday when I went to my friend's house and she showed me the LV bag she bought for $3,900, I realized that her LV bag was almost exactly the same as the one I bought on *regbags* . It was really surprising.
Aarakshi please post at least twice a week cause I am hooked to your content and literally check everyday if you posted something or not ❤❤. Much love, kudos gurlie.
A few years ago I bought an LV bag at *regbags* . Last week I took it to the LV store in my town to have it repaired. The clerk checked my bag and immediately told me that it was of great quality. She pulled a current bag from stock and compared the tags and I could see no discrepancies.
I think the so-called authentic products cannot explain anything. The real authentic products are what you have in your heart. The bags bought on *regbags* have the same quality as the authentic products, and the prices are cheap and the after-sales service is guaranteed. When you start to become confident, you will care about these external authentic products.
You don't post much on UA-cam. I miss your videos
@@93_silkybose_40 I will certainly try to do moreeee🥺 so sorry
If you are a confident person, even if you are carrying a fake bag, people will think it is a genuine bag. Bags are just external decorations, the real decoration is yourself. *regbags* provides you with a platform to decorate your appearance, and the bags above are of good quality and low price.
Favourite person on youtube and instagram, WE NEED MORE OF YOUR VIDEOS 💗💗💗💗💗
Would love to see the lip blur pot in closeup on lips❤
Omg same here
someone tell me how can she be so calming ...i'm obsessed with u 😍😍 i want ur brush link alsoo
Love the cloudy lip blur on you 😍
Insight concealer 2 shade oxidized hota hai note that before purchase 😅
Thank you 😅
I bought an LV bag on *regbags* before. I always thought the bag was of very good quality. Until yesterday when I went to my friend's house and she showed me the LV bag she bought for $3,900, I realized that her LV bag was almost exactly the same as the one I bought on *regbags* . It was really surprising.
Brushes linkk? ❤
Love the lip blur 😍 can you please review in detail how is the texture and the applicator ??
Lovee thisss❤❤❤❤
Aarakshi please post at least twice a week cause I am hooked to your content and literally check everyday if you posted something or not ❤❤. Much love, kudos gurlie.
Is the skin tint number 2 nude glow or no 4 almond glow mam can you kindly reply mam
@@preetikrish5742 it’s 04 Almond glow
What hair colour you did its amazing make video on shade of your hair colour
Where is your neck piece from ? It's so beautiful can you please do your jewellery haul
What brush did you use to blend the blush??
Which blush brush did you use here?!!!!
she really needs to get viral
@@khushbukhushbu5571 that’s soooo sweet of you 🥺
A few years ago I bought an LV bag at *regbags* . Last week I took it to the LV store in my town to have it repaired. The clerk checked my bag and immediately told me that it was of great quality. She pulled a current bag from stock and compared the tags and I could see no discrepancies.
Cloudy lip blur 😍😍
I love watching you n your videos ❤❤❤ wildly waiting for you 🥰🥰
What brush are you using?
I really like your these types of video . Affordable skincare and makeup .sachii dii .
Review in detail please i really liked the lip blur 🙏
Can you pleaseee review insight's new korean lip tints??
Please post lipsticks videos ... browns, pinks, mauves( affordable version)
Hey! Can you try the skincare brand called underrated. I hope you see this❤
Can you review the Mars new blossom dewy bb cream 👉👈will wait for your review 🌹✨
Make more makeup videos i really like your videos❤
Yea 04 shade is white on you😮
I think the so-called authentic products cannot explain anything. The real authentic products are what you have in your heart. The bags bought on *regbags* have the same quality as the authentic products, and the prices are cheap and the after-sales service is guaranteed. When you start to become confident, you will care about these external authentic products.
Hey ! How are you doing ? Please take care of yourself ❤
Mars has launched a new brush set called "mars penta perfect brush set " which costs ₹999 It is a bit costly, would you like to review it?❤
Not at all undetectable