Level UP your Mandarin skills. Learn to speak Malaysian Mandarin like a PRO.

  • Опубліковано 13 жов 2021
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  • @rongamercc1126
    @rongamercc1126 7 місяців тому +213

    As a Chinese, I like the teh Tarik part and yes we like to singkatkan ayat dan juga cepatkan ayat kita 😂

    • @Cys62
      @Cys62 7 місяців тому +1

      That teh tarik thing... I believe will turn off even the most conservative shy boy, I believe...
      Overall quite fun...

    • @TheBudakSkema
      @TheBudakSkema 7 місяців тому +16

      same like malay suka singkatkan ayat tapi dalam texting lah.. sometimes non malay pun tak faham hahaha

    • @rongamercc1126
      @rongamercc1126 7 місяців тому

      @@TheBudakSkema 😂

  • @VR2UNA
    @VR2UNA 7 місяців тому +73

    I am a Chinese native speaker of Mandarin, Cantonese and also Hakka. I hope Malay friends that are learning Chinese will gain success ! And I myself will spend time to improve my Malay. Now I have a lot of things to take care of but one day I will improve my Malay vocabulary so that I can read local newspaper and talk to Malay people.

    • @samaval9920
      @samaval9920 6 місяців тому

      Hokkien & other dialects borrow zMalay words

    • @VR2UNA
      @VR2UNA 6 місяців тому +1

      @@samaval9920 Well in Malaysia maybe yes. But in the Dialects spoken in China basically no. Maybe one or two words brought back by Malaysian Chinese. Can you give me some examples for knowledge ?

    • @VR2UNA
      @VR2UNA 5 місяців тому

      Mandarin, or Putonghua is already mastered all across China, at least among new generation. Some elderly may still be unfluent or illiterate but it's not a problem anymore. Examples ? Random words ? Wo AI Ni = Saya Cinta Kamu. The biggest difficulty I guess for Malay fellows or other nations is the tones. Chinese languages are tonal languages, like Thai or Vietnamese.

    • @justinlim524
      @justinlim524 2 місяці тому +2

      @@samaval9920yea nah just the locals and Singaporeans.
      Malaysian Hokkien:
      Squid = sotong (sotong)
      Bread = Loti (roti)
      Clever = pan nai (pandai)
      Chinese Hokkien:
      Squid = diu hi/ hu 鱿鱼
      Bread = mi bao/ mi tao 面包
      Clever = kiao 聪明
      Same goes for Malaysian mandarin. I still can’t understand their mandarin but i’m learning it.

  • @victorchew1528
    @victorchew1528 6 місяців тому +9

    Channel kamu sgt lively apa yg kamu ajar sgt practical dlm kehidupan harian,rakyat Malaysia bolih bertutur pelbagai bahasa menjadikan negara kita begitu unik di mata dunia ,bahasa ibunda saya cina,saya belajar bahasa melayu dari darjah satu hingga ke tingkatan lima,tetapi apabila tamat sekolah masuk ke masyarat jarang mengguna bahasa melayu sebagai bahasa pengantar kerana kebanyakan rakan dan pelangan adalah dari kaum cina,demi tidak melupakan bahasa melayu yang begitu lama saya pelajari dulu dan saya anggap sebagai suatu harta kepada saya,setiap kali saya memandu saya mesti tune radio ke channel Bahasa Melaysia agar saya tak lupa bahasa Negara tercinta saya.

  • @abdulhalimabdullah7206
    @abdulhalimabdullah7206 20 днів тому

    Inilah malaysiaku yg indah.....berbilang bangsa n bhsa...harmoni..aman..unik...❤❤❤

  • @alifque
    @alifque 7 місяців тому +99

    As a medical staff. Sukar untuk kami nak communicate dengan Chinese especially warga emas. Sebab diorang ada yang tak faham bahasa melayu. Both of you boleh buat content berkaitan dengan soalan2 medical. Contoh " uncle ada sesak nafas?" " Aunty sakit perut dibahagian mana" " ada rasa sakit dada?" Dan lain-lain.

    • @chhor5883
      @chhor5883 7 місяців тому +27

      Thanks for your patience as medical staff. Most warga emas did not had proper Malay education. They r at the era before malaysia independence, they r usual English education or they r non educated, to get education during their era is considered fortunate. Like my grand parents time, they had the mentality of only the eldest son gets to have education, the rest have to work at a early age. Because education isn’t free for all.

    • @niamahmah666
      @niamahmah666 6 місяців тому +1

      Problem ah,dah berapa tahun kami merdeka ah

    • @chhor5883
      @chhor5883 6 місяців тому +12

      ​@niamahmah666 as I expected. keyboard warriors will jump up here with lack of sympathy, understanding and tolerance.

    • @sifatmemujizat7848
      @sifatmemujizat7848 6 місяців тому

      nak tanya pesakit tu warga negara..atau sindiket Mykad punya..sampai sepatah haram cakap melayu pun tak tau..warga negara Malaysia apa lagu nie..orang bangla yg baru duduk kat Malaysia pun faham bahasa melayu..

    • @riddleram962
      @riddleram962 6 місяців тому +17

      ​@@sifatmemujizat7848korang kena faham, orang cina terutamanya warga emas mereka langsung tak pernah pergi ke sekolah dan mereka tinggal di kampung cina seumur hidup, bila dah tua kenalah bergantung kepada cucu-cici sendiri atau anak anak muda seperti kita. Hidup di Malaysia ni kenalah belajar semangat compassion tu.

  • @yeewengchiang3295
    @yeewengchiang3295 8 місяців тому +31

    Haha, good point. Thanks for sharing. Baru saje sy fikir isu yg sama, tapi bukan tentang org Melayu speaking mandarin, sebaliknya tentang org cina yg berbahasa melayu. Biasanya org cina sebab dia x ramai kawan Melayu, jadi dia hanya berlajar bahasa Melayu dari sekolah dan dari buku teks. Itu sebabnya org cina bila dia cakap Melayu, ayat2 yg dia guna itu seolah2nya seperti dia sedang tulis karangan, ataupun sedang jawab soalan2 dlm kertas peperiksaan. 我刚刚也在思考同样的问题。很多大马华人也一样,在讲马来话时好像是在造句或写作文。日常中的马来人对话不是这样子的。😁😅

  • @choonhockong8215
    @choonhockong8215 7 місяців тому +60

    It is good to know English, Mandarin, Malay. Open up a person horizon and understand different cultures. We in Asean countries have plenty of benefits learning Mandarin for trade, business, education especially in high technology.
    I regretted not taking Mandarin in my younger days. I took up English language and then bahasa melayu. I am looking forward to learning Mandarin, for travel to many parts of China scenic places.

    • @miketeo4000
      @miketeo4000 7 місяців тому +1

      You are a late comer. But that is good in a way that demage hasn't been done on you. Choosing the right teacher is so important. Mandarin originated in the Northern region of China. Many local Chinese teachers in Malaysia, with their ancestry dialects came from the southern region of China. Almost all of them don't speak Mandarin with correct pronunciations. It is so critical to get it right, otherwise it could easily be misunderstood.
      Many Westerners do speak beautiful Mandarin these days as they study Mandarin in Beijin.
      Many local Chinese, they speak broken Mandarin (local colloquial influenced Mandarin), which is terrible. But they can write excellently well.

    • @linzoniao
      @linzoniao 7 місяців тому


    • @miketeo4000
      @miketeo4000 6 місяців тому

      @@vjooi5900 I am an MBC (Malaysian Born Chinese). Guess you know what I mean. I do speak Mandarin fluently. You're absolutely right. Our bloody residual environment is the main drawback. Even when someone who spent 10 years working doubly hard to brush up his Mandarin, may still sound like a beginner when comparing to those Europeans who just started one or two years in Beijing. They sounded like a pro.
      不瞒您说,还有许多人完全没有自知之明。这我不怪他们。刚开始我也犯同样的心态,毫不自觉,直到有人及对点破,才如梦初醒,茅塞顿开。庆幸我老爸给了我诸多指导,他是高中老师对语音识別和发音特有研究。当时我环顾四周能说好普通话的人犹如凤毛麟角。 学习通道连上网的机会都没有。就业后所幸有两位从北京调来的同事,才赶紧将他们拽过来当老师,岗上生活中学习。我发现极须提升和改善的空间并不小,但也克服得挺快的。

    • @tashaonly
      @tashaonly 5 місяців тому

      @@vjooi5900 I think the way we speak is special and charming. It's good to know the difference but I don't see any reason to speak properly. Let them learn the local flavor, pffft.

  • @tenangfokus6832
    @tenangfokus6832 2 роки тому +20

    Belajar berbagai bagai Bahasa itu satu kelebihan. Asasnya perlu rajin, berlapang dada, berfikiran terbuka Dan bijak.

  • @antonina0zuzanna
    @antonina0zuzanna 2 роки тому +141

    I'm a Mandarin learner myself and it looks very interesting! Just, please, add English sub so I can understand :D

    • @hanazaikunkwan6054
      @hanazaikunkwan6054  2 роки тому +16

      Thanks for your suggestion, we will work for it on coming. =)

    • @moonsky8736
      @moonsky8736 8 місяців тому


    • @xolang
      @xolang 8 місяців тому

      ​@@hanazaikunkwan6054İ actually you already are doing a great job. Adding English subtitles would make the screen a bit too "crowded" since you already have several lines of texts in different languages.
      But that's just my opinion. 😉

    • @firework8140
      @firework8140 8 місяців тому +2

      ​@@xolanginstead of onscreen sub, having english cc that covers up the malay sub would be the best to prevent crowded screen

    • @VR2UNA
      @VR2UNA 7 місяців тому

      Are you Malay ? I am a native Mandarin speaker. When I have time I will improve my Malay. I have a basic already but I will need to augment my vocab. Learning languages help us meet more interesting people.

  • @urfriendlyneighborhood1249
    @urfriendlyneighborhood1249 7 місяців тому +11

    I love that teh tarik representing Malaysian! ❤

  • @shuyishuyi773
    @shuyishuyi773 2 роки тому +14

    Di negera lain, dengar mandarin macam ini, betul betul dari Malaysia 🤣🤣
    Nice video 👍👍

  • @siapatu4616
    @siapatu4616 Рік тому +20

    Suka channel ni ❤️❤️❤️❤️byk bole belajar..anak lelaki saya umur 8tahun belajar di sekolah rendah cina..dan dia sgt fasih bahasa cina skg...jd channel ni akan bantu saya utk fhm ape anak saya cakap dan dia x dpt nk kutuk saya dalam bahasa cina lagi 🤣🤣

    • @maimunahibrahim7661
      @maimunahibrahim7661 Рік тому +3

      Kena belajar betul2 ni...br sama tahap dgn anak...👍👍👍😀

  • @intanainatasha233
    @intanainatasha233 2 роки тому +4

    Ni yg suka tengok HZK
    sebab ayat or word dia semua berkaitan seharian kita😍

  • @jingrouchen35
    @jingrouchen35 9 місяців тому +9

    你们很活泼,很有趣。saya belajar bahasa melayu, terima kasih。

  • @zaihan410
    @zaihan410 2 роки тому +46

    Make more content like this.. very helping us to communicate with Chinese locally one.

  • @beautifuldream108
    @beautifuldream108 7 місяців тому +9

    Every language is the same, slang, shorten words, shorten sentence, dialect of language, will be different in each country, each area, and different state, or different schools. English, Japanese, Taiwan, USA, Canada, Singapore English, Malaysia English and ect.. so when you learn language always goes with area, slang and country. Spoken Malay language is the not the same to, Kelantan Malay slang and Johor Malay slang is very different. mandarin spoken in Johor and In Penang also has the difference, but is the same meaning.😊my opinion.

  • @Adriana-nx8zg
    @Adriana-nx8zg 2 роки тому +10

    Tq kakak kakak berdua.
    Sebenarnya saya ni boleh dikatakan sebagai pemula.sebab hati ni baru ja terdetik untuk cuba belajar.walaupun saya belum ada kawan cina,tapi nak cuba juga untuk belajar sebagai persiapan awal.nanti senang la kita nak ajak borak borak dengan mereka😃😊.

  • @sasukatisasa
    @sasukatisasa 7 місяців тому +1

    comelnye dua orang ni

  • @zayancool2351
    @zayancool2351 2 роки тому +6

    Wahh xie xie laoshi saya suka sgt belajar Mandrin dgn video mcm ni sangat mmbantu n yg penting senang faham 😍

  • @amanzamri3201
    @amanzamri3201 2 роки тому +18

    Wah, sukanya video ni! Sangat membantu nak gunakan mandarin local in real life 😁👍

  • @afizza
    @afizza 2 роки тому +2

    Tq for this video. Banyak benda boleh belajar

  • @3rifaiman
    @3rifaiman 2 роки тому +3

    Aaaaaa kak buat banyak2 videooo mcm ni .. byk membantu😭😭 i first time jumpe channel ni trus tgkkk and subscribe

  • @mspearl8002
    @mspearl8002 2 роки тому +25

    Hen hao xiao. This is reality, really help us a lot. Wo yao xue nage tips for beginner to be good at reading Chinese character. Xie2 wo deng nimen de next video 😊

    • @jimmyma4225
      @jimmyma4225 6 місяців тому


  • @sitifaridah4612
    @sitifaridah4612 2 роки тому +3

    Banyak boleh belajar, tq team hzk.. Nice input

  • @sarahannah6238
    @sarahannah6238 2 роки тому +3

    Need more content like this pleaseee thank youu !

  • @amerahbokhari8885
    @amerahbokhari8885 2 роки тому +1

    nice sharing input, blh practice and apply

  • @Firdaus_Sulaiman85
    @Firdaus_Sulaiman85 2 роки тому +46

    Semua bahasa dalam dunia sama kan. Buku text dan kehidupan realiti (bahasa gaul). Tak sama kan. Kalau kita pakai bahasa buku text. Orang akan label kita skema / nerd. Betul tak dik. Ape² channel ni terbaik. Dah subscribe. 😎✌️

    • @ArmadusMalaysia
      @ArmadusMalaysia 7 місяців тому +1

      Bahasa Inggeris je tak cam tu sangat.

    • @TheBudakSkema
      @TheBudakSkema 7 місяців тому

      bahasa inggeris pun mcmtu lagi2 yang ada accent@@ArmadusMalaysia

    • @ArmadusMalaysia
      @ArmadusMalaysia 7 місяців тому

      @@TheBudakSkema boleh bagi contoh?

    • @TheBudakSkema
      @TheBudakSkema 7 місяців тому

      @@ArmadusMalaysia contoh “hai nma sy azlin.. tinggal di KL.. dkt kwsn cheras.. sy kerja dh 3 thun”

    • @ArmadusMalaysia
      @ArmadusMalaysia 7 місяців тому

      @@TheBudakSkema bukan contoh bahasa melayu. contoh bahasa inggerIs.

  • @SitiAisah-eb9yy
    @SitiAisah-eb9yy 2 роки тому +3

    I've been waiting for this episode for so long! xiexie HZK team! ai nime o!

  • @maimunahibrahim7661
    @maimunahibrahim7661 Рік тому +1

    Seronok dngr & Cuba ikut percakapan tu...tp kena perlahan2 supaya boleh ikuti betul2...👍👍👍

  • @farhanaakhir888
    @farhanaakhir888 2 роки тому +2

    Interesting! boleh guna nanti kalau jumpa aunty uncle 😍

  • @sheenabacsa7438
    @sheenabacsa7438 2 роки тому +1

    Very informative videos! Nice 😊

  • @niaarissa7123
    @niaarissa7123 2 роки тому +3

    wow.. i love your accent. soo good

  • @alsonlim70
    @alsonlim70 7 місяців тому

    Well done ladies .. I like your shortcuts…

  • @jflee9918
    @jflee9918 Рік тому +3

    Ya. Inilah mandarin Versi Malaysia 👍🏻

  • @hockkhiamwong913
    @hockkhiamwong913 6 місяців тому

    Well done, keep it up !

  • @AkiKinabalu
    @AkiKinabalu 7 місяців тому +4

    This channel is great! Very entertaining, very informative. All the success to you all

  • @enghooi2007
    @enghooi2007 10 місяців тому +2

    Quite good !!!

  • @gipmi1667
    @gipmi1667 5 місяців тому

    Seen this video 2 years later after it's uploaded, finally someone actually teach the real "Malaysia mandarin" instead of the China 阴阳怪气 pronunciation

  • @sitiaishahsuadmaji6725
    @sitiaishahsuadmaji6725 2 роки тому +1

    Wow, this episode really good😍

  • @adam86572
    @adam86572 2 роки тому +7

    Make more videos comparing in realife like this!! Useful!

  • @halimatulasyura6831
    @halimatulasyura6831 2 роки тому

    Yeahh can use it with friends

  • @johnlim6030
    @johnlim6030 5 місяців тому

    Funny duo.....all the best

  • @Ahmadsyazwan5355
    @Ahmadsyazwan5355 7 місяців тому

    Bagus kita sepatutnya kuasai mandarin untuk berhubung, very impressed keep its up

  • @basri090909
    @basri090909 Рік тому +3

    It Makes me want to learn more.

  • @jingrouchen35
    @jingrouchen35 9 місяців тому +52

    因为听不懂马来话,又要学习,所以我都是忍着耐心看视频的,直到你们的视频出现,让我一边看一边笑,这样学习就很好坚持下去了。Terima kasih。

    • @who_i_m7218
      @who_i_m7218 7 місяців тому +4

      我和你相反,我是要学马来文和看美女的 哈哈哈哈😂

    • @ShunYuLoong
      @ShunYuLoong 6 місяців тому


    • @who_i_m7218
      @who_i_m7218 6 місяців тому

      @@ShunYuLoong 铣钱铲锂镒镬?😂

    • @jingrouchen35
      @jingrouchen35 6 місяців тому


    • @jingrouchen35
      @jingrouchen35 6 місяців тому

      ​@@who_i_m7218tidak, Sebenarnya kita sama😅

  • @Kimkimkim111
    @Kimkimkim111 2 роки тому +1

    Great video

  • @niymusic4322
    @niymusic4322 2 роки тому +3

    Thanks kakak kakak...😀💗senang faham

  • @loopinlikh7076
    @loopinlikh7076 6 місяців тому

    good presentation....million likes

  • @gkz8888
    @gkz8888 6 місяців тому

    Wah very good content 👏🏻👍🏻

  • @azmi2976
    @azmi2976 2 роки тому +2

    assalamualaikum , sangat membantu Diharapkan lebih banyak content untuk dipelajari . subscribe done !

  • @ManYuanTrading-jm9rg
    @ManYuanTrading-jm9rg 6 місяців тому +2

    Both of you are so creative, I couldn’t stop laughing as I continue to watching your video. You guys are truly, truly creative!

  • @DuaneTanTC
    @DuaneTanTC 8 місяців тому +5

    im surprise and am not surprise lol.... it's normal nowadays how we see more of our malaysians cross languages. 加油!

    • @yummymellon4058
      @yummymellon4058 7 місяців тому

      It would be better if in schools mandarin or tamil are being made into mandatory subject.
      Like you'll need to take any one of these, that's completely different from your native language. This will surely instill more oneness among us.
      Being someone in their 30s learning a new language is hard.
      But if you have the basic in schools and was able to make use of it from the very start it's beneficial for a long run.

  • @bruceking7358
    @bruceking7358 Рік тому

    Comel ni

  • @yoksanglou7133
    @yoksanglou7133 6 місяців тому


  • @stevenlim9640
    @stevenlim9640 6 місяців тому

    these two malaysia malay girls look so COOL ! i like

  • @masterbettyguitars
    @masterbettyguitars 2 роки тому +9

    good job on this video! very fun and informative and sangat relatable! make more of these pls! (sedut teh ais tu kelakar :p)

  • @poisunstudio2599
    @poisunstudio2599 5 місяців тому

    very interesting n fun for learning😂

  • @nabilahosman923
    @nabilahosman923 2 роки тому

    video kali ni best

  • @melanietan644
    @melanietan644 2 роки тому

    wow, your video zomok zhe yang bang!

  • @lewisaus
    @lewisaus 2 роки тому +1

    Bagus👍🏻Tere 👍🏻

  • @tanjiewei6872
    @tanjiewei6872 6 місяців тому

    Video ni memang kretif haha, kami chinese memang suka cakap dgn cepat untuk jimatkan masa

  • @aimiamira4657
    @aimiamira4657 2 роки тому +3

    Xiexie HZK Hana & Farah for this very informative words 😍

  • @saraswini962
    @saraswini962 2 роки тому

    Wah , Hen hao ✨

  • @sumayyahz2008
    @sumayyahz2008 Рік тому +1

    Nice channel, subscribed!

  • @Fals3Agent
    @Fals3Agent 6 місяців тому

    this is the cutest channel on youtube omg

  • @cpx9707
    @cpx9707 6 місяців тому +2

    很有趣的 local Malaysian Mandarin. 很想去你们的国家玩。
    By the way, your Mandarin is good!

  • @queenpushycat
    @queenpushycat 7 місяців тому

    LOL the sips at the end, so good!

  • @user-rg3ex8qe8o
    @user-rg3ex8qe8o 4 місяці тому

    Kita proud to speak Malaysian mandarin.Its our multiculture heritage lah!

  • @chenin0140
    @chenin0140 2 роки тому +6

    kami tak reti baca huruf ping yin.. boleh tak tambah huruf dngan bunyi dan ejaan yg orng melayu sedang faham cth gege Dieja Keke.. asalkan kami dpat kluarkn bunyi

  • @user-in4lv7vp8y
    @user-in4lv7vp8y 6 місяців тому +3

    I'm Malay but study in Chinese school and I have a lot of Chinese friends so this is extremely relatable. When I wassap them, they always ask me (zuo mo)? But they cut it so short that it turn into just literally ZMK! What?!😂

    • @emts98zree
      @emts98zree 4 місяці тому

      or somok , SMK 😭😭 shortest hahaaha

  • @kingfisher8629
    @kingfisher8629 7 місяців тому

    Best dengar diorg speaking mandarin. Third language mesti diajar di sekolah2 kerajaan.

  • @itslilkyle
    @itslilkyle Рік тому +1

    Part 2 plssssssss c:

  • @muhdzulfahmi4632
    @muhdzulfahmi4632 2 роки тому +7

    Hehehehe kak Hana tak sebut pulak 'ermellow' hihihihi... btw saya nampak classmate saya dlm zoom meeting tu haha

  • @mrarsenalreal
    @mrarsenalreal 2 роки тому +1

    Short form hari khamis tu mcm sebut warna putih (baise). Nice vid by the way..

  • @jiujiu9999
    @jiujiu9999 6 місяців тому

    Hahahaha good !!

  • @siewchoolee2622
    @siewchoolee2622 6 місяців тому

    great ❤

  • @escapeminute
    @escapeminute 6 місяців тому

    Omagoddd so funnn 🤣 loveitloveit ! support !

  • @ItsNotWEIKING5202
    @ItsNotWEIKING5202 6 місяців тому

    Absolutely right

  • @winsonlim1695
    @winsonlim1695 7 місяців тому +1

    hahaha!!!! kelakah betul you 2, betul betul Malaysian memang cakap macam tu, shortcut!!!! anyway, keep it up, jiayu!!!, jiayu!!!

  • @siewchoolee2622
    @siewchoolee2622 6 місяців тому

    Sayang both speak very well ❤❤❤

  • @Ayienzx
    @Ayienzx 2 роки тому

    wahh baguss ni

  • @user-nt7rq1po9r
    @user-nt7rq1po9r 2 роки тому +13

    看到马来同胞学习中文让我感到很欣慰。Nampak Bangsa Melayu Belajar Bahasa Cina Bagi Saya Rasa Ketawa.

    • @yeyonghe
      @yeyonghe 2 роки тому +10

      the malay translation for 欣慰 is not "ketawa", it's "gembira".

    • @legendff4971
      @legendff4971 Рік тому +1


  • @akuindomiemedunia448
    @akuindomiemedunia448 2 роки тому +2

    Sama la belajar bahasa Melayu di sekolah.kalau di luar kan lain.. contoh kalau di sekolah di sebut saya kalau di luar saye ..itu loghat

  • @FrankiePo89
    @FrankiePo89 7 місяців тому


  • @mrbenladen_
    @mrbenladen_ 2 місяці тому

    Hana ❤

  • @smarif1418
    @smarif1418 7 місяців тому

    thank you 😊

    • @BraynraynB-xe3ue
      @BraynraynB-xe3ue 6 місяців тому

      Wellcome to..
      Maaf sy tak de maksud spt tak suke ke ape.
      Sy dah memang macam ni.
      Harap fahami sy.
      Sy tak nak timbul fitnah dari org yg tak bertanggungjawap

  • @suhaimi1258
    @suhaimi1258 8 місяців тому

    Sedap ni

  • @nununainizzatyyusaini751
    @nununainizzatyyusaini751 2 роки тому +3

    Suka dgn video ni! Boleh guna utk try communicate dgn malaysian Chinese 👍

  • @nursafriani2275
    @nursafriani2275 2 роки тому +2

    Can speak with chinese friends after this 🤩

  • @zindex5
    @zindex5 6 місяців тому

    lol sangat kelakar lah!

  • @user-ei9cg5kn8e
    @user-ei9cg5kn8e 5 місяців тому


  • @frankyuanzx
    @frankyuanzx 7 місяців тому

    Anyway, I can understand both as a northner Chinese. Diifferent expressions for one meaning is normal.

  • @amirulakmal9602
    @amirulakmal9602 Рік тому

    So funny la u guys

  • @user-og7rs2sq8u
    @user-og7rs2sq8u 7 місяців тому +2

    I laughing non stop ❤❤❤

  • @cherenzvlog34
    @cherenzvlog34 Рік тому +1

    More videos please

  • @ahmadsps6343
    @ahmadsps6343 6 місяців тому

    Yang paling penting kekalkan trade mark .... Sedut air mesti dikekalkan sampai bila-bila. Tak kira bila-bila. Asalkan buat demo, mesti ada ok ya..😊

  • @allchineselearnenglish7622
    @allchineselearnenglish7622 5 місяців тому

    Wow~!You girls are funny and creative , greetings from the translation boy in Perak.

  • @catherineliau7198
    @catherineliau7198 7 місяців тому

    You guys so funny la

  • @truezyf
    @truezyf 7 місяців тому


  • @zackywacky1621
    @zackywacky1621 7 місяців тому

    ❤❤❤baru jumpa kau orang😂😂😂