I don't know which scenario hurts more... the fact that I won't find a song that's just as haunting as this, or the fact that I can't listen to this the first time ever again.
I don't think just one listen would be enough to fully appreciate it though, I'm grateful for having passed through the process of learning to love this kind of music :)
This is _too_ epic for a final boss. Unless the final boss is Satan himself (or God, if your maltheistic), no final boss could ever be worthy of such immensely sublime levels of "HOLY SHIT"(no pun intended).
Sarthak Bhan Fuckin' Google+ didn't inform me... Thanks for that info, gotta listen now to some stuff of her from Soundcloud. Very far out name. I suppose that's an artist name, no one ever would have a sur name like a poison, right?
I'm devastated that I won't be able to listen to this for the first time again. Discovering Igorrr was one of the greatest things that has ever happened to me
I have often wondered if the realms of melody (classical instrumentation) and breakcore/glitch could ever mix to a high production standard. This is it. The best of both mixed together flawlessly. I know Nostril was close but the production value of this is breath taking. And not to mention self composed rather than sampled orchestral and choral work. Phenomenal masterpiece.
If there was a place where hell and Heaven met, this song would be played there. It makes me feel so crazily high and tormented. It ispires this interior contrast beween good and evil. It...is perfect.
Igorrr's music is honestly the most amazing thing I've ever heard. Usually, other songs feel like they lack something. But his music is so full and rich and it makes it so enticing.
Found this song on my Spotify Weekly Discover playlist. At first, I thought "Oh, ew, look, another fantastic piece of classical music (As I remember, the base is something by Beethoven... am I right?) ruined by that Dubstep-like stuff." But then I put my hearphones on and started listening... fantastic! This song is powerful, gives a mix of feelings like anger, madness and pure pain. Even the album cover gives me such feelings... look at it. It's some kind of David Firth-like stuff. This song has to finish in my really really restricted Favourite songs playlist, lmao!
Top four breakcore tracks 1) Kashiwa Daisuke - Requiem 2) Igorrr - Tout Petit Moineau 3) Foxdye - Chopchopchop Sausage 4) Nero's Day At Disneyland - Oprah Reptile Crawling From The Forest
This track is not even in the top 3 of this album and you put it on the top of all breakcore tracks. I really can't figure out why people so obsessed about this track, damaged wig just blows it away in an instant. Maybe it's about the vocals, which is a handy hack to get affection from normies, all pop music does it after all.
@@xn4pl I wrote this comment 10 years ago. I was young and stupid. Somehow a month ago this comment started to gain activity. Today I am not going to put any of these 4 tracks in top 10 breakcore list. Ты верно заметил, что этот трек подкупает попсовыми приемами. Я несколько лет вёл паблик в ВК об андерграундной музыке, и моей главной идеей было искать грань, где сложная музыка слушается легко и приятно как попса. Вероятно, именно поэтому сейчас я практически перестал слушать брейккор, и теперь слушаю в основном дабстеп. То ли мои прежние кумиры и сам жанр сдулись (последнее, что сильно понравилось, это альбом Винишен Снэрса "My Love is a Bulldozer" и релиз Игоря и Руби Май Дир "Maigre"). То ли жанр дабстеп как-то вырос. В плане насыщенности и интересности музыки дабстеп сейчас стал не хуже брейккора, а вот качать головой под дабстеп намного удобнее, чем под 7/8 Винишен Снэрса, например. А канал у тебя интересный, загляну послушаю.
@@RecklessOne87 если интересен дабстеп послушай у techdiff альбом p.conv по саунд дизайну практически чистый дабстеп, но по структуре чистый брейккор, vaetxh libet tones чуть потяжелее в плане саунд дизайна но тоже близок к дабстепу. Вообще много работ хороших в этом жанре, но из-за того что он не популярен найти хороших артистов в нем задача не тривиальная. А басс музыка за последние 10 лет очень выросла, я согласен, потому что многие артисты стали брать инфлюенсы из IDM. Со стороны басс музыки в сторону экспериментальной очень близко подошел mr. bill, слушается легко, но и не забывает удивлять интересными IDM элементами.
Cher Igorrr, Lorsque j'écoute ta composition "tout petit moineau" et ce, à chaque fois, j'ai des vertiges, je pleure, j'enrage et j'ai l'enfant que j'ai été qui me déchire les entrailles pour sortir de mon ventre et hurler jusqu'à ce que tout change, tout. Aucune autre musique ne m'a fait cet effet, j'ai déjà pleuré en écoutant certaines autres compositions musicales, mais pas à chaque fois, et surtout, avant les larmes, il y a d'autres sensations ultra intenses qui me traversent. J'ai médité sur l'effet que me provoquait ta musique, et j'en ai trouvé la cause; c'et comme si, par une méditation quelconque tu avais trouvé le chemin pour accéder à mon esprit et y traverser mes entrailles. Ce que tu as fait là, c'est une traduction musicale de ma sensibilité, sans savoir qui je suis, tu me connais déjà un peu mais plutôt bien. Grâce à toi, j'ai pu mettre des mots sur mon hypersensibilité (c'est ainsi que m'ont diagnostiquée certains médecins qui démentent ma bipolarité) qui m'a causée des dommages entre autre irréversibles, aussi bons que mauvais. Elle est incompréhensible pour beaucoup, parce qu'elle est faite d'une dualité qui semble absurde, entre la délicatesse et la véhémence, avec pour médium l'intensité. Je ne l'ai pas choisie, c'est pour cela que parfois je la déplore parce qu'elle est rarement comprise et de ce fait, peu m'apprennent à la contrôler mieux que je ne le fais déjà. Quand j'écoute ton morceau, je la ressens très fort, comme si tu la déterrais (presque) entièrement. Je peux donc l'analyser, mais jusqu'à un certain point car évidemment, tout n'y est pas non plus. Je t'ai vu en concert à un festival en mai dernier, quand tu l'as jouée je me suis évanouie et je ne tenais plus debout. Heureusement mon meilleur ami était là, il a compris puisque c'est certainement celui qui comprend au mieux ma sensibilité, même s'il n'en perçoit que ce qui lui fait miroir, comme tout à chacun et par conséquent, une parcelle. Et donc, je m'y vois depuis l'enfance, ce dont je ne parle jamais mais qui est bien et de loin, ce qui m'est de plus précieux, moi, tout petit, ma genèse. Celle qui m'a portée aujourd'hui à étudier ce que je considère comme étant l'art complet, pour éviter de m'éparpiller en tant qu'artiste, le cinéma. Je te recontacterai, lorsque j'aurai fait mes preuves, que j'aurai bien fini de tourner mes courts métrages pour ensuite te proposer de tourner un clip vidéo pour ta musique, celle-ci. Je me le dois, car je ne l'ai déjà pas composée. L'image est pour moi bien moins évocatrice que la musique car, une image vaut bien milles mots, mais une musique vaut bien milles images, mais je veux aussi te donner les réminiscences et l'incarnation spectrale de ce que tu as créé. Pour que je sois dans un tel état à l'égard de ta composition, il me paraît évident que quelque part, nous avons dû connecter. Je n'ai pas de prétention, mais j'évoque simplement mon trouble si particulier, si personnel, qui exorcise beaucoup trop de choses pour que nous n'ayons rien à partager, du moins moi, pour ton oeuvre-ci. J'ai encore beaucoup de choses à dire, mais les images qui me sont venues dès la première écoute et qui tournent en boucle à chaque écoute doivent être le signe qu'elles doivent sortir de ma tête et de mon ventre. Elles vaudront bien un plus long message, en espérant que tu m'aies comprise... Si jamais tu lisais ce commentaire. A bientôt, et merci.
TheChzoronzon Ruby My Dear and Igorrr did a collab called Maigre! Check it out, it's beautiful! So is Ruby My Dear in general :D, I'm glad you like 'im, I've been following Igorrr for god knows how long, haha
Dude, I wasn't stoned, I wasn't on acid, I was just in the shower when this song came in. I felt like coming and I wasn't even hard. Those were such hard feelings right there.
as an amateur dj i would NEVER dare to touch something so amazing. its a spherical punch of emotions and feelings. I mean how can someone NOT cry while listening? How can someone not get angry while listening to this piece? Its so amazing
This song is so amazing. I've just discovered it today by spotify and I must say this is the kind of song that's comes so rarely today. I was amazed by the powerfulness of the song. The voice is strong and beautiful, the music is the perfect mix between lot of electro style. Igorrr thanks for this perfect song. And because the title's song (like a lot from Igorrr) is in french. Merci beaucoup de nous offrir une telle chanson c'est un plaisir pourles oreilles et pour le coeur. Cette chanson m'as remué de l'intérieur comme peu de chanson l'ont fait jusqu'à présent!
Ahhhh love every single part of it The calmness, the progressive storm of more fast paced, bold beats, the melodic screaming that connects everything together into a more beautifull piece of art, oh man, claps to this guy For making such unique masterpieces for us to listen to.👏👏👏
That would be so cool man. I just watched end of evangelion last night. Such a better ending to the series would highly recommend watching for any Eva fan
Ten utwór świetnie oddaje jak czułem się będąc w głębokiej depresji, zagoniony do kąta jak szczur przez sytuację życiową. Na szczęście jest to już za mną.
Igorrr si tu passes par ici, sache que le monde est devenu fou, mais pas dans le bon sens malheureusement. Merci de nous gratifier de ces morceaux de génies, cet album frôle la perfection de si près que ça en deviens irréel.
Tout Petit Moineau Lyrics: Ïen cïe ïu folo mi duri Dir luni In ma ïon dor Miseri Milisi Ducin mi on cïun Mea ëan U dlen ue Taleï eïen fata U dur Mi lov Mi lov in U Mi mali sorta li Ma li suit uli Ir in mali Mi oror suit urt
I keep coming back. I think this is the best Igorrr's track. It portrays what they can do, how they can mix between classical music and breakcore. This is beyond beautiful.
Gautier, Merci, un grand merci à toi, à Laure, à Benjamin, vous avez quand même réussis à me tirer des larmes!!! Dieu sait qu'il en faut!! Mais vous....Bordel!!! MERCI!!!
I do love dead can dance. Now I found a mix of not related music styles with self made language that somehow be related to beloved dead can dance- but in insanity within extrem metal opera and classical music. Thanks for existing igorrr 🙏🌹🙏
I've been listening to igorrr since at least 2008. I have his first 3 albums anyway. His music is like no other. Definitely the kind that sends chills down your spine
Ho punaise HO PUNAISE BORDEL DE BORDEL !!! J'ai rarement entendu quelque chose d'aussi perçant !!! C'est magnifique, j'adore, ça donne envie d'exploser en plein vol !!!
La première fois que j'ai entendu Igorrr, c'était un ami qui m'avait fait écouter 'Vegetable Soup', et je me suis dit "bon, un groupe humoristique sympa, bien perché, mais sans plus"... et j'en suis resté là. Quelques temps plus tard, j'y suis revenu, parce que ça m'avait fait rire le délire du poulet... sauf que je n'arrivait plus à me souvenir du titre. Et je suis tombé sur 'Tout Petit Moineau'. Le titre avait l'air d'un genre amusant, éventuellement en rapport avec la volaille, je m'y suis risqué... Et j'ai pris la plus grande baffe musicale de ma vie. J'ai arrêté d'entendre Igorrr, pour commencer à l'écouter. Quelle intensité ! Quelle puissance dramatique contenue dans 5 petites minutes ! J'ai découvert et je peux profiter désormais d'un grand artiste, méconnu mais qui mériterait tellement plus de reconnaissance, qui navigue hors des sentiers battus pour concrétiser sa vision musicale et artistique... Aujourd'hui je remercie mon ami de m'avoir permis de découvrir Igorrr, même si c'était juste pour "rigoler" devant un hallucinant (et peut être halluciné) solo de poule. Et je remercie Igorrr de nous partager ces petits bouts de folie démentiels et intenses, mais d'une si grande et rare beauté.
Can't believe this masterpiece has been around for so long and i've just discovered it only now. As a rock/dnb/tekno head i'm amazed by this completely. Kudos
I don't know which scenario hurts more... the fact that I won't find a song that's just as haunting as this, or the fact that I can't listen to this the first time ever again.
I don't think just one listen would be enough to fully appreciate it though, I'm grateful for having passed through the process of learning to love this kind of music :)
The first eargasm is always the best.
try dulcin corpo mente, a lot of other igorr and corpo mente songs are good too
Listen to Igorrr - Figue Folle, shit's cursed and I love it
Wtf it's terrible
"Art should disturb the comfortable and comfort the disturbed"
What happens when I'm not either of those things and I just start break dancing
Who said this?
reminds me of "everyone that forgot about the vietnam war should remember it and everyone that remembers it should forget it"
this is a nothing comment
All their hands are reaching out to the guy.
Are they adoring him?
Begging from him?
...Or trying to pull him down from his throne?
salamander7125 they moshin'
skeleton lol
Blob The All-Knowing woah calm down happystick
+salamander7125 < adoring him
worshiping him its a saint
This dude released the album with this music the same day earth should vanish (12/21/12)
He was making sure everyone would die with grace
I would have listen to this while running in the chaos , the dead ,the fire ....
Zeugma = Quiasmo
change my mind
how fuckjing amazing is that. yes. 10/10
i almost got married on that date
It was great listening to this album on that day, waiting for something apocalyptic to happen
This track make me cry almost every single time, & I know why. Thank you very much for this masterpiece.🖤
That moment when your ear's virginity is popped with a new genre.
fantastic statment
Join the club, still listening to this song after two years. Didn't find anything like it quite yet.
Eargasm >.
it's new so it needs a new name:
This. Is. One. Of. The. Best. Songs. In. The. World.
Jussi Aumanen definitely
Feeling you
Noise is life
Igorrr is a masterpiece
Truth has been told my friend.
@@momo14437 but this is not noise :0
In case anyone is wondering, the piece played in the intro is from Beethoven's Piano Trio in E-flat major, Op 1 No 1, 2nd Mvmt.
Thank you good sir !
realy a major key ? sounds so harmonic minor
I guess this small fragment is in a minor key.
but whats that singing in the background in the beginning called
Is it just me or does this song perfectly encompasses the feeling of going berserk. The Beauty yet unstable nature of keeping its composure.
No, it's not just you. It's exactly what it encompasses.
totally. I always say it bring a new emotion to me, only described as intense
To me it feels like loss, like greif. A screaming anguish. An unrestrained lament
Losing my mind rn and this is helping me ease it
You talking about the Manga? The one about that guy “Nuts” or whatever?
This is the kind of music I want to hear during a final boss fight.
This is _too_ epic for a final boss.
Unless the final boss is Satan himself (or God, if your maltheistic), no final boss could ever be worthy of such immensely sublime levels of "HOLY SHIT"(no pun intended).
+43 75 73 74 6f 73 20 50 61 63 69 73 true
Tell me more about your game, Please.
I could see this being the final boss theme for a Fromsoft game, if they made a souls-like game outside of the medieval or Victorian/Lovecraft genre.
The crack at the end of that note at 3:07 has to be one of the most emotionally raw things I have ever heard. It's chilling.
You've worded this so incredibly well
Clean destruction, got chills
edge lord
@@pqiojsqdklnads3861 how is that edgy lmao
@@pqiojsqdklnads3861 I have Brain Rot 💀
I keep coming back...Her voice is to die for.
AFAIK it's a dude who cooperates with Igorrr in the band "Öxxö Xööx".
***** actually the vocals are given by a girl. Her name is Rïcïnn. The guy from Öxxö Xööx has given the vocals in other songs, like Pavor Nocturnus.
Sarthak Bhan
Fuckin' Google+ didn't inform me...
Thanks for that info, gotta listen now to some stuff of her from Soundcloud.
Very far out name. I suppose that's an artist name, no one ever would have a sur name like a poison, right?
yeah, Rïcïnn is actually an alias.
Yeah thanks for the info. I downloaded that va like 1,5 years or so ago but nevertheless thank you. Sorry for grammar, imma tired as fuck...
Beginning of 2020 and still an absolute masterpiece banger
I 100% agree
Fucking agreed
Hell yea
@@yigitcankaragul Sure a lot
happy new core
I'm devastated that I won't be able to listen to this for the first time again. Discovering Igorrr was one of the greatest things that has ever happened to me
I closed my eyes and I see Creation, Destruction and Restoration of the Universe.
That's some interesting eye lids you've got there!
shut up pseud
I love how dark and elegant Igorrr's music is.
Chester G. dark? seriously? stfu kid
TheParadox1010 a kid can't phrase how they feel about something accurately
yikes we got a 200iq individual over here yikies
tell him to go eat shit he probably watch rick and morty
I can never figure out if I like this or not. But I keep coming back for more.
This is going to be me for the next week.
Thus, you are atleast interested.
Same here
How can you not love this on first listen tho
is good
First time listening: "What in the seven hecks is this?"
Second time: "This is kind of cool actually."
I had those 3 thoughts at exactly the same time while watching my first Igorrr video yesterday. These guys are something else.
@Zephyx Gojigorrr
More like:
Riiight so majestic!!!
Tout petit moineau deviendra grand.
2:45 oh my god
3:02 OH MY GOD
Niño Valium this is the most important comment here
+simongamer987 what to heck u listen to this too?
Was my reaction a year ago and i keep coming to these songs, catching those feelings i only get through igorrr
I actually died and resurrected bc of that holy shit
Me at 2:05 reading this: You're telling me this isn't even the worst?
I have often wondered if the realms of melody (classical instrumentation) and breakcore/glitch could ever mix to a high production standard. This is it. The best of both mixed together flawlessly. I know Nostril was close but the production value of this is breath taking. And not to mention self composed rather than sampled orchestral and choral work. Phenomenal masterpiece.
Venetian snares - hajnal. Your welcome
2:47 so fucking powerful, favourite Igorrr track he's ever released by far.
Totally agree.
Dixit Dominus though.
Koopa Kart So fucking powerful !
Koopa Kart by farg1ven
Эта песня как выражение внутренней истерики при внешнем спокойствии. Обожаю этих ребят. Лучшее что я слышала в этом году.
Oh that’s why I relate so strongly 😂
Her voice has such intense emotion. The song overall is purely relentless and I love it
If there was a place where hell and Heaven met, this song would be played there. It makes me feel so crazily high and tormented. It ispires this interior contrast beween good and evil. It...is perfect.
It's been 7 years and i still can't get over how good this is
Laures voice is soooo beautiful, masterful vocalist as well
Where can I find more of her work?
shes the vocalist for a group called corpo mente!
This song was released on the day the world was supposed to end. it sounds exactly like apocalypse.
not quite, but it's close enough
I - Meshuggah . That Is the sound of apocalypse.
yo klaufir! good taste in art!
@@jowjjoeksidnwosjxnalwosmbl5476 thats more like the sound of my brain in the morning without coffee
Have you truly felt alive since then?
I love this band I've been listening to them since middle school I LOVE THEM I LOVVEEEE THIS
Igorrr's music is honestly the most amazing thing I've ever heard. Usually, other songs feel like they lack something. But his music is so full and rich and it makes it so enticing.
Found this song on my Spotify Weekly Discover playlist. At first, I thought "Oh, ew, look, another fantastic piece of classical music (As I remember, the base is something by Beethoven... am I right?) ruined by that Dubstep-like stuff." But then I put my hearphones on and started listening... fantastic! This song is powerful, gives a mix of feelings like anger, madness and pure pain. Even the album cover gives me such feelings... look at it. It's some kind of David Firth-like stuff. This song has to finish in my really really restricted Favourite songs playlist, lmao!
***** Yeah, I know Flying Lotus. He is really good.
Top four breakcore tracks
1) Kashiwa Daisuke - Requiem
2) Igorrr - Tout Petit Moineau
3) Foxdye - Chopchopchop Sausage
4) Nero's Day At Disneyland - Oprah Reptile Crawling From The Forest
You have my respect!
Wow thank you
This track is not even in the top 3 of this album and you put it on the top of all breakcore tracks. I really can't figure out why people so obsessed about this track, damaged wig just blows it away in an instant. Maybe it's about the vocals, which is a handy hack to get affection from normies, all pop music does it after all.
@@xn4pl I wrote this comment 10 years ago. I was young and stupid. Somehow a month ago this comment started to gain activity. Today I am not going to put any of these 4 tracks in top 10 breakcore list.
Ты верно заметил, что этот трек подкупает попсовыми приемами. Я несколько лет вёл паблик в ВК об андерграундной музыке, и моей главной идеей было искать грань, где сложная музыка слушается легко и приятно как попса. Вероятно, именно поэтому сейчас я практически перестал слушать брейккор, и теперь слушаю в основном дабстеп. То ли мои прежние кумиры и сам жанр сдулись (последнее, что сильно понравилось, это альбом Винишен Снэрса "My Love is a Bulldozer" и релиз Игоря и Руби Май Дир "Maigre"). То ли жанр дабстеп как-то вырос. В плане насыщенности и интересности музыки дабстеп сейчас стал не хуже брейккора, а вот качать головой под дабстеп намного удобнее, чем под 7/8 Винишен Снэрса, например.
А канал у тебя интересный, загляну послушаю.
@@RecklessOne87 если интересен дабстеп послушай у techdiff альбом p.conv по саунд дизайну практически чистый дабстеп, но по структуре чистый брейккор, vaetxh libet tones чуть потяжелее в плане саунд дизайна но тоже близок к дабстепу. Вообще много работ хороших в этом жанре, но из-за того что он не популярен найти хороших артистов в нем задача не тривиальная. А басс музыка за последние 10 лет очень выросла, я согласен, потому что многие артисты стали брать инфлюенсы из IDM. Со стороны басс музыки в сторону экспериментальной очень близко подошел mr. bill, слушается легко, но и не забывает удивлять интересными IDM элементами.
This song feels like a lament to me, always makes me tear up
I know! This is awesome!
It took me 12 years to find the masterpiece. Now I can finally listen to it again and again and again.
like panic before the end of everything
VERY good analogy
hello Uboa ;) #YumeNikki
#YumeNikki for life
Then, a beginning
2:47 there's so much pure pain in this scream... Beautiful
But to really appreciate the transition to madness, start at 0:00
Igorrr hat mir heute die schönste Frau die es gibt zum ersten mal gezeigt und WOW. Danke Traumfrau
This music is the junction between humanity and the divine.
This is such a great a tune! Has everything to offer: energy, passion, emotion, anger, happiness and love. Thank you Igorrr, you are Godlike.
Man, I just discovered Igorrr and this song right now and I'll admit it... I like it.
it just keeps on building.. what an atmosphere
3:02 love the Black Metal-- sound alike guitars
the duality between the absolute angelic voice with the absolute devastation in background ... a masterpiece
Cher Igorrr,
Lorsque j'écoute ta composition "tout petit moineau" et ce, à chaque fois, j'ai des vertiges, je pleure, j'enrage et j'ai l'enfant que j'ai été qui me déchire les entrailles pour sortir de mon ventre et hurler jusqu'à ce que tout change, tout. Aucune autre musique ne m'a fait cet effet, j'ai déjà pleuré en écoutant certaines autres compositions musicales, mais pas à chaque fois, et surtout, avant les larmes, il y a d'autres sensations ultra intenses qui me traversent. J'ai médité sur l'effet que me provoquait ta musique, et j'en ai trouvé la cause; c'et comme si, par une méditation quelconque tu avais trouvé le chemin pour accéder à mon esprit et y traverser mes entrailles. Ce que tu as fait là, c'est une traduction musicale de ma sensibilité, sans savoir qui je suis, tu me connais déjà un peu mais plutôt bien. Grâce à toi, j'ai pu mettre des mots sur mon hypersensibilité (c'est ainsi que m'ont diagnostiquée certains médecins qui démentent ma bipolarité) qui m'a causée des dommages entre autre irréversibles, aussi bons que mauvais. Elle est incompréhensible pour beaucoup, parce qu'elle est faite d'une dualité qui semble absurde, entre la délicatesse et la véhémence, avec pour médium l'intensité. Je ne l'ai pas choisie, c'est pour cela que parfois je la déplore parce qu'elle est rarement comprise et de ce fait, peu m'apprennent à la contrôler mieux que je ne le fais déjà. Quand j'écoute ton morceau, je la ressens très fort, comme si tu la déterrais (presque) entièrement. Je peux donc l'analyser, mais jusqu'à un certain point car évidemment, tout n'y est pas non plus.
Je t'ai vu en concert à un festival en mai dernier, quand tu l'as jouée je me suis évanouie et je ne tenais plus debout. Heureusement mon meilleur ami était là, il a compris puisque c'est certainement celui qui comprend au mieux ma sensibilité, même s'il n'en perçoit que ce qui lui fait miroir, comme tout à chacun et par conséquent, une parcelle. Et donc, je m'y vois depuis l'enfance, ce dont je ne parle jamais mais qui est bien et de loin, ce qui m'est de plus précieux, moi, tout petit, ma genèse. Celle qui m'a portée aujourd'hui à étudier ce que je considère comme étant l'art complet, pour éviter de m'éparpiller en tant qu'artiste, le cinéma. Je te recontacterai, lorsque j'aurai fait mes preuves, que j'aurai bien fini de tourner mes courts métrages pour ensuite te proposer de tourner un clip vidéo pour ta musique, celle-ci. Je me le dois, car je ne l'ai déjà pas composée. L'image est pour moi bien moins évocatrice que la musique car, une image vaut bien milles mots, mais une musique vaut bien milles images, mais je veux aussi te donner les réminiscences et l'incarnation spectrale de ce que tu as créé. Pour que je sois dans un tel état à l'égard de ta composition, il me paraît évident que quelque part, nous avons dû connecter. Je n'ai pas de prétention, mais j'évoque simplement mon trouble si particulier, si personnel, qui exorcise beaucoup trop de choses pour que nous n'ayons rien à partager, du moins moi, pour ton oeuvre-ci.
J'ai encore beaucoup de choses à dire, mais les images qui me sont venues dès la première écoute et qui tournent en boucle à chaque écoute doivent être le signe qu'elles doivent sortir de ma tête et de mon ventre. Elles vaudront bien un plus long message, en espérant que tu m'aies comprise... Si jamais tu lisais ce commentaire.
A bientôt, et merci.
Sacré déclaration
Mdr g pa lu
Honnêtement, j'espère que ce projet est toujours en cours et que tu le mèneras à terme, j'aimerais bien voir ce que ça donnera!
Ptdr meuf t'es partie loin
fait le!!! n'abandonne surtout pas!!
I can't believe I missed out on this so many years ago. It sounds so good. Like a mix of everything, kinda reminds me of the video game Remember Me.
Just discovered Igorrr today...and i must say i'm fucking impressed
Welcome! Isn't he marvelous?
Yep. And Corpo-Mente. And Whourkr. And OxxoXoox...man, I'm tripping nuts
TheChzoronzon Ruby My Dear and Igorrr did a collab called Maigre! Check it out, it's beautiful! So is Ruby My Dear in general :D, I'm glad you like 'im, I've been following Igorrr for god knows how long, haha
Did it :) ...sometimes the right bar is useful and all, lol...Ozric Tentacles is nice too, in a somewhat different tone
If you like this check out corpo mente it's his side project with the same singer.
Dude, I wasn't stoned, I wasn't on acid, I was just in the shower when this song came in. I felt like coming and I wasn't even hard.
Those were such hard feelings right there.
Fuck that killed me
That sounds like a good time to find a doctor
interesting reaction.
Strange weirdo ^
Laure le Prunenec & Igorrr FOREVER. 💓💓💓💓💓💓
This is the song of all time
After so many years... I still cry listening to this... Thank you so much for your work.
So emotional :'')
cazzo é ovunque
I still get chills every time I hear this track... hell of a way to start an album!
I lost count of how many times I listened to this song today and it still gives me goosebumps
So I heard this song high as fuck alone in an church and it was the best experience in my life
as an amateur dj i would NEVER dare to touch something so amazing. its a spherical punch of emotions and feelings. I mean how can someone NOT cry while listening? How can someone not get angry while listening to this piece? Its so amazing
The answer is Shadow of intent. Check out Malediction.
This song is so amazing. I've just discovered it today by spotify and I must say this is the kind of song that's comes so rarely today. I was amazed by the powerfulness of the song. The voice is strong and beautiful, the music is the perfect mix between lot of electro style. Igorrr thanks for this perfect song. And because the title's song (like a lot from Igorrr) is in french. Merci beaucoup de nous offrir une telle chanson c'est un plaisir pourles oreilles et pour le coeur. Cette chanson m'as remué de l'intérieur comme peu de chanson l'ont fait jusqu'à présent!
Ahhhh love every single part of it
The calmness, the progressive storm of more fast paced, bold beats, the melodic screaming that connects everything together into a more beautifull piece of art, oh man, claps to this guy For making such unique masterpieces for us to listen to.👏👏👏
I'm sure this song was sort of meant to be a juxtaposition of jarring with pretty. Yet all I can hear is pure, blissful beauty. What a masterpiece.
Its still beyond me why this album and this song is not the most played/liked. This Album > everything Igorrr ever did and likely ever do.
Thats my favorite song to do at karaokes!!!!!!
I sometimes wonder what Evangelion would've been like had Igorrr done the soundtrack
somehow probably better, even tho eva was pretty damn perfect
the music would be just as confusing and trippy as the series itself
That would be so cool man. I just watched end of evangelion last night. Such a better ending to the series would highly recommend watching for any Eva fan
infinitely better.
It WOULD be fitting.
Ten utwór świetnie oddaje jak czułem się będąc w głębokiej depresji, zagoniony do kąta jak szczur przez sytuację życiową. Na szczęście jest to już za mną.
Igorrr si tu passes par ici, sache que le monde est devenu fou, mais pas dans le bon sens malheureusement. Merci de nous gratifier de ces morceaux de génies, cet album frôle la perfection de si près que ça en deviens irréel.
Somebody send help, I cant stop listening to this.
So this is what the frog heard as he sank.
Tout Petit Moineau Lyrics:
Ïen cïe ïu folo mi duri
Dir luni
In ma ïon dor
Ducin mi on cïun
Mea ëan
U dlen ue
Taleï eïen fata
U dur
Mi lov
Mi lov in
Mi mali sorta li
Ma li suit uli
Ir in mali
Mi oror suit urt
didn't think it had lyrics
Omg where did you get this from?
Still one of the best pieces of music ever. Unreal.
Same, I truly think it is the best piece of music I have ever heard
psneaky ahh
@@ghostghostghst Heck yes fellow psneakhead.
Depuis le premier jour que je ecoute cette follie qui me emmene a tant d etats en quelque secondes ...grandes maestros !!!
When the boss engulfs the entire stage in fire and starts bowing
Her vocals cutting out slightly when the breakcore begins really got me...
greetings from finland and thumbs up for the most unique composition with the electronics like a decade while, very well played good sir
2:45 when she starts screaming its so beautiful
I keep coming back. I think this is the best Igorrr's track. It portrays what they can do, how they can mix between classical music and breakcore. This is beyond beautiful.
Gautier, Merci, un grand merci à toi, à Laure, à Benjamin, vous avez quand même réussis à me tirer des larmes!!! Dieu sait qu'il en faut!! Mais vous....Bordel!!! MERCI!!!
The song is linked to the death of my mother in terrible circumstances, between sadness and rage.
It's like fifth element but more angry......and I love it!!!!!
A chaque fois que j'écoute cette chanson je pense toujours à la Diva dans le film le V élément! J'adore !!!
Envy Smiths c pas faux
Ce crie a 2mn49,j'adore cet artiste.Il rend un bordel pas possible harmonieux.
ainda esperando por isso no Brasil...
Alô Paulinho!! Traz logo pf!!!!
A storytelling turtle sent me here in return for hearing his tale. What great taste might I add.
I do love dead can dance. Now I found a mix of not related music styles with self made language that somehow be related to beloved dead can dance- but in insanity within extrem metal opera and classical music. Thanks for existing igorrr 🙏🌹🙏
Dead can dance are enthralling
For some odd reason this reminds me of Diva Plavalaguna's aria from The Fifth Element. So so good.
Sheri R Funny enough, Luc Besson and Igorrr are both French
You know, I got that vibe too for some reason. Huh
except one of them is a keyboard, the other is an actual opera singer. Fake vs real.
This is probably the best song I have ever heard in my life.
I've been listening to igorrr since at least 2008. I have his first 3 albums anyway. His music is like no other. Definitely the kind that sends chills down your spine
words cannot accurately describe the magnificance that is igorrr 💞
Beautiful and chilling. Thanks Exurb1a. Oh it's got EDM vibes too noice
Yep, he sent me as well.
Introduced me to breakcore, 4 years later and it’s still one of my top genres and my own music is breakcore thank you igorrr lmao
I have goosebumps everywhere
Igorrr, merci à vous d'exister. vraiment. merci.
This song punched me and my dog
These are the comments I come for.
I really enjoy the song me and my dog by boygenius
Honestly sounds like an igorrr track title
Well now that's just rude. >:^(
My god! This is one of the most amazing things i ever heard
They played this live yesterday. Aphrodite made like a whole club full of people cry with her performance of this song.
Ho punaise HO PUNAISE BORDEL DE BORDEL !!! J'ai rarement entendu quelque chose d'aussi perçant !!! C'est magnifique, j'adore, ça donne envie d'exploser en plein vol !!!
La première fois que j'ai entendu Igorrr, c'était un ami qui m'avait fait écouter 'Vegetable Soup', et je me suis dit "bon, un groupe humoristique sympa, bien perché, mais sans plus"... et j'en suis resté là.
Quelques temps plus tard, j'y suis revenu, parce que ça m'avait fait rire le délire du poulet... sauf que je n'arrivait plus à me souvenir du titre. Et je suis tombé sur 'Tout Petit Moineau'. Le titre avait l'air d'un genre amusant, éventuellement en rapport avec la volaille, je m'y suis risqué...
Et j'ai pris la plus grande baffe musicale de ma vie.
J'ai arrêté d'entendre Igorrr, pour commencer à l'écouter.
Quelle intensité ! Quelle puissance dramatique contenue dans 5 petites minutes !
J'ai découvert et je peux profiter désormais d'un grand artiste, méconnu mais qui mériterait tellement plus de reconnaissance, qui navigue hors des sentiers battus pour concrétiser sa vision musicale et artistique...
Aujourd'hui je remercie mon ami de m'avoir permis de découvrir Igorrr, même si c'était juste pour "rigoler" devant un hallucinant (et peut être halluciné) solo de poule.
Et je remercie Igorrr de nous partager ces petits bouts de folie démentiels et intenses, mais d'une si grande et rare beauté.
it's in my nature the scorpion said
The most epic song I've ever heared.
Definitely one of my favorites!
Can't believe this masterpiece has been around for so long and i've just discovered it only now. As a rock/dnb/tekno head i'm amazed by this completely. Kudos
That last minute still brings tears to my eyes. Simply beautiful. It’s a beautiful chaos that somehow finds peace at the end......
bro this song made me cry i went through alot from this ;(