Not even a rework, he needs to nuked into the ground and built from there up as a brand new character that doesn’t resemble the previous in any way lmao
@@neontenebrae1918 that's bullshit, they just have to remove the higher points of frustration on his kit, the unbreakable stealth and the taunt on the Decoy and give him enough buffs to compensate the losses, like making the Decoy a more reliable damage source against players, making it a dot would be awesome, and give him another cc.
@@andyfox4484 ok, so no they can't. Don't buff the 2, it's not supposed to be good vs players that's fine. A slow doesn't matter since you can avoid it easily. Don't put a cripple on the 3 since then you probably build tanky and play as a support. Since he'd have a cripple and the stun, build hammer and reapply the cripple for a while. That would be insane lock down but wouldn't help his damage. The thing he lacks. No he just needs a full change
If they nerf Vanish they could buff the Decoy without a problem. There are a LOT of stationary ccs in the game and all of them are useful, a slow on the Decoy would be AWESOME if they make it a dot, especially combined with a cripple on the 3, and that wouldn't even be close to op, I mean HAVE YOU SEEN LITERALLY ANY KIT OF ANY OTHER ASSASSIN IN THIS GAME, most have 2 hard ccs or more and on low cds. Ratatoskr literally have cc in each one of his abilities and everyone is fine with that.
Definitely a rework. His core design makes him insanely unfun to play against. If he's ahead he just insta kills you but if he's behind he's actually useless. I hate how morrigan is a better trickster than loki
Anyone else started getting invaded alot more after this vid got uploaded XD god i played 3 games so far where support or solo invaded me in casual mast see what you did XD
Gotta love it when casuals try to play like SPL. Most of the time they just mess up their farm and give me in the jungle an early lead and an easy clap
Hey Mast. One thing I've seen no youtuber do is watch guard over the speed buff. The tiny rock between speed and back xp keeps you covered from both sides so you can pull of a gank with your mid. I stand there every time I play JG, and have gotten kills from it. Would love to see you teach the masses :) Love your videos!
I see what you mean with the cheese factor given the fact that you have a Kumbah mid but I’m still glad you uploaded a good Loki game. Most people don’t really know how hard his autos hit if your ahead late game
Hey bro :) I watch all of your vids man you put out great content. btw the reason so many people max their 3 over the 1 on loki is because its more bursty than waiting for each tick of the 1 to prock. Also it eliminates half of your damage early from being immuned by sanc :) keep it up m8
Man you dont have to max your Decoy first, trust me, I've been playing a lot of jg Loki this season, if you just combine the bonus damage from your passive plus using your 3 on the big minion you will be clearing just fine with Decoy lvl 1, yes, you will be using 2 skills to clear, but if you start with Hydras or trans mana won't be a problem.
And yet I dont think a complete rework is the way. They should just make his stealth breakable already and give him a lot of buffs in return. The major problem ppl have with him is that stealth, if Hirez take that away no one will can argue against any buffs he receives.
Dont. Just dont. It's too expensive and you're not fully benefiting from the passive and crusher early does about the same damage at a fraction of the cost. Never build that item early
It's just canceling your auto attack chain (the way in which your God basic attacks, r2 on console). Everything loki does resets his hit chain, so doing... Invis, auto attack, press 3, auto attack, decoy, auto attack would be more efficient and you'll get more damage out in a shorter time than just using your 3 and 1 then auto attacking after since everytime your canceling you're procing hydras. Its simple to do, go in jungle practice and practice the Invis, auto attack, 3, auto attack, decoy, auto attack. After you see the white damage numbers for every auto attack that's when you can immediately use your next ability.
Aún no sabes usar las mejoras de habilidades de Loki. Ya hubieses tenido más de 6kill al principio con las mejoras correctas, como el 3 full de segunda habilidad mejorada, ya que el primero es el decoy y por último el Vanish
Basically, half his kit is based off his auto attacks, and since they reduced the damage on the first auto, the auto in which both abilities proc on, that means his damage overall has been heavily reduced.
he basically isn't capable of doing much for the first 10-15 minutes of the game because he's all single target damage and doesn't hit hard until he gets about 4 full items online. Whether you play him solo or jungle, the enemy solo/jungle should have a way higher impact than you during that phase which gives their team a lead into the later stages of the game. Once he gets late game he's actually strong but there are still other assassins like Mercury or Kali which are stronger at that stage anyways and still have a better early game than Loki.
Not sure if I agree, Loki imo has always been strong and extremely well at what he does. He's just hated on by the community because he's... Loki? Where my Loki fan bois at?
The shit, toxicity and bullying I get for being a Loki main is so much haha I just liked loki as a god when I started playing smite, and just stuck with him Obv I learned more assassins like Rat and Pele, but Loki is still my favourite
Your hatred of invades baffles me. If its effective then why shouldnt people try and give themselves a totally gameplay related advantage. Should I not build strong items either? The only reason I see what you mean is it's usually multiqued parties on comms tryharding against casual randoms
@@balthasargerard7246 geez boys, it's a casual game, have fun in normal games, its douchey and tryhard to invade in casual games. In ranked game, whatever, you're trying to win and so you pull out the sweaty strats. These are casual where you're intended to have fun and try weird stuff, like full damage herc mid, or amc jng, etc... That is the point of casual games, not ranked w/o bans
@@jmanredbull1 dude I'm ass at this game. If I do wacky builds I feed. If i think invading is a useful strategy I'll do it. I'll also sneak gold fury under the enemy teams nose once I sentry it. I'll farm a solo laner that picked Zeus "just to mess around" fine that doesn't mean I'm gonna lay back and let y'all farm up any way you want. We are not taking turns killing npc this js a PvP game
@@partydean17 I agree, don't just give the zues solo free reign to do what he wants I'm just saying its casuals and invading is tryhard af and douchey. Especially like in the video, the bellona was very bad at it and ended up just trolling instead of helping her team
So this was just a casual game but I went against a Khumba and Neith in the adc lane as a Loki support with Artemis. I couldn’t attack a single minion cos I was scared of their cc and I’d just die. I ended up winning the match and went 14-0. He may be one of the worst gods in smite but I just love 1 shotting these op Hunters and Mages :,) 👌
for dmg always max loki 1 first not sure why people would think maxing 3 is better, 1 does more dmg btw can you do a loki solo gameplay sometime? thanks
How i would rework Loki, change his passive: instead of flat out giving him more dps instead give him more damage to isolated targets, and rework his kit around baiting people out of position or luring them into a false sense of security(isolation also triggers on buildings and ignores minions) making him a more vaible split pusher.(consider making him passivly cloak while standing still for Xsec.) Loki should be focused around skillfull manipulaion and baiting of enemys making them follow him into the jungle where he can kill them 1v1. Starting with his 1, i feel like they should remove his damage bonus and instead his q should spawn a clone of Loki with low HP that tries to recall. basicly planting a bait. Loki should have a disguise skill. like, rework 2 into a skill that makes loki appear as an enemy god of his chosing. changing his name, HP/mana bar and make him appear on the minimap as that god(ov there now would be 2 of them). the effect last for 25 sec or until loki takes/deals damage. while disguised loki gains acces to the other gods basic attacks and can use one of them for free canceling the disguise (basicly a weaker morrigangs ult). Right now 2 is basicly used for clear, not really necesary for loki to perform and has little to no use when performing his actual task(that being an assassin). But since we're removing his only clear i feel like we can buff his 3 by giving it a paralyzing debuff on jungle camps and a slow on gods(let's say 3 AA's with 3 active stuns a jngl monster/slows a god), alternetivly(and a bit more fitting to his character) the 3 blinds gods on the third AA instead of slowing them. Finally his ult, so i would say his ult is fine. it gives him a hard CC/engage/and damage boost. good for either jumping on somebody or finishing somebody off. If i would rework it i would make it something alike to: Loki isolates a target, removing both him and the target from other peoples sight and reducing the targets vision. while in isolation both loki and the enemy god become untargetable by other gods/structures, ghosts of loki appear(smaller hp pool/no abilities) that deal small amount of AA damage to the target slowing them, Lokis basic attack and movement speed is greatly increased for every ghos alive(up to 8) and his W now spawns a ghost next to his target, the effect last for 5a6 second or till either he or the target dies.(also, while in the shadow realm pings and shout outs are muted and instead mad laughter is played) This ult would work better in combination with his new passive and alows for some counter play while also giving loki some teamfight utility. It would fit his lore way better and gives him a ton of utility making him atleast a bit vaible, it would also raise his skill sealing rewarding good game knowledge while not hughly buffing his damage. And finally it would make Loki a true trickster.
Would love to see you play the new loki kit in solo as a brusier man do i miss the old loki kit but ik the new one is better and still enjoyable. Sincerely a 7 star loki
I really can't understand why people say Loki is bad. Once every three matches there's a Loki in a team, and in my experience if something is bad in a videogame gamers will avoid it. He has a super safe minion clear that can stop the wave, he has two of the best escapes in the game, teleport and invisibility, and can use either of them to engage and the other to escape while for other assassins engage and escape are usually the same skill, a damage buff skill which sinergize well with auto-attack. If someone could explain to me why he's considered weak please explain to me with real facts and not only because some pro player has said so. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying he's good, once you learn how to play against him he's not a real problem, the fact is that even if he's bad he forces you to play in a way that no other god do, very cautious and always full health, if it's not strong to force your opponent to play in a very specific way I don't know what it is
If Loki locks in first, a good counter pick is Camazotz. Constant vision as long as you can land the Screech. Pretty much every Warrior beats Loki in a 1v1 trade, but if he's playing back under his tower (like a loser) there isn't much you can do. Just try and force minions under tower to make him lose gold, which can be tricky with decoy. You can also coordinate with your jungler and try to get him to help you invade blue, which could force the Loki into a fight.
literally every character get played in SPL and SML except Loki even Odin get picked often. but they never gonna buff him because he is op vs noobs in other modes.
I met this guy at an apple store and he reminded me if you lol you looked almost the same and he had the same voice as you too he was really chill as well. I don't know if this is relevant but I just wanted to say
Loki needs a rework. He's bad and the only things he does is burst one person and die but he is still great at splitting at least I guess He honestly just needs a lore friendly rework that is actually fun to play against for people who don't wear headphones and for noobs who are trying to have fun with the game.
Loki is such a garbage character overall.. Hirez really needs to do something about it.. It wouldnt even take that much to make him viable honestly.. Heres an Idea, took me literally 5 mins to think it up while sitting on my toilet.. Change his fucking 3 then tweak his other abilities just a little.. His 3 is honestly the main problem with his Kit.. It literally doesnt do Jack shit for him except a tone of burst damage to ONE target, why have that when he already has an ult that sets him up right behind his target allowing him to take full advantage of his passive while granting him a free 3 and auto attack cancel?.. Its stupid.. Its why people rage cause he teleports on you, taking half your fucking health, then takes the other half of your health with an auto attack cancel into his 3. If hes building hydra Its crazy, it doesnt even matter how behind he is.. He can one shot any squishy with that set up.. And now that snowballing got nerfed (thank god) its only going to hurt him more since he literally needed to snowball.. Now a loki can run around and suicide kill the higher level carries to even the playing field.. Its not a fun strategy if and when it even works, and Even his lack of everything except burst makes him useless anyways. Heres my idea, an ability to replace his 3 and a few other tweaks. A Short range Line ability that does not go through minions. Description: Loki throws a Knife at the target, doing some damage, the knife will remain embedded in the enemy (kinda like AMC ult) for a few seconds, applying a bleed, and slowing the enemy, if he hits the target with the first knife, he may throw another knife, which also becomes embedded in the target, dealing half the initial damage dealt, applying another bleed, and applying a cripple effect instead of a slow.. When Loki hits the same target with both knives, the target will be marked for a few seconds, Loki can see the marked target through walls (Similar to Hou Yi mark), if loki lands an auto attack on a marked target it does a bit of damage and applies another bleed.. The knifes embedded in a target will drop onto the floor once their effects subside, staying on the floor for a few seconds, loki can pick up the dropped knives to lower the cooldown of this ability by 20% per knife for a total of 40% cooldown reduction if both knives are picked up.. When Loki picks up a knife, he does damage to enemies an a small area around him. Like a little circle attack kinda like hachiman spin but smaller and without the stun (It would help him with his clear, and not force him to level his 2 if he falls behind, since he can still clear with his 3) The other tweaks to his kit are as follows... The burst damage on his ult can get nerfed just a lil bit, add a slow to gods caught in the radius of his two.. And this is one i really think he needs.. Make the final attack on his auto attack progression (the flip) an AOE, like osiris'.. And there, he would have enough clear early on to jungle with his 2, his 3 and his AOE auto, he can poke with his 3 while in lane and has decent utility with the slows and the cripple, he can combo the slow of his 2 and his 3 making the chance of his 2 actually damaging gods higher, he is still has his invisibility and decoy (abilities which kinda makes loki unique), and his ult wont be as Cancer with all that burst gone.. If your worried about his 3 being too strong, just make it harder to hit.. It already CANT go through minions and it is supposed to be a short range ability.. He would still feel like loki with his 1 and 2, but his burst wouldn't be as cancer, and he would have a little more application in lane if he has a reliable ability that he can poke with. Plus his 2 having a Slow would give him a small team fight presence.. Tell me what yall think..
I think Loki is still good when your not playing like against mast level bt he is still good in arena. but I am kind of happy because I don't see him all the time now i hate those game with Loki and daji full pen build
Loki aint thrash hes just niche and kinda cucked by smite but if you know how to play him you can still fuck up people D: (plz buff mah boi again so he is descent)
Ooh, tiny Cabrakan gameplay!
ulting the kumbha passive like an absolute bot, love it
Big brain
Bruh, that Bellona didn't even put a point in her 3 until after you got the buff.
You're here as well...
Just Some Guy without a Mustache Ayo where ya brother at?
lol I see you everywhere
oh wow i didn't even realise you're here.
Loki is just a meme at this point.. *he needs a rework or something*
Not even a rework, he needs to nuked into the ground and built from there up as a brand new character that doesn’t resemble the previous in any way lmao
@@neontenebrae1918 that's bullshit, they just have to remove the higher points of frustration on his kit, the unbreakable stealth and the taunt on the Decoy and give him enough buffs to compensate the losses, like making the Decoy a more reliable damage source against players, making it a dot would be awesome, and give him another cc.
They could put the slow on the Decoy and put a cripple on the 3.
@@andyfox4484 ok, so no they can't. Don't buff the 2, it's not supposed to be good vs players that's fine. A slow doesn't matter since you can avoid it easily.
Don't put a cripple on the 3 since then you probably build tanky and play as a support.
Since he'd have a cripple and the stun, build hammer and reapply the cripple for a while. That would be insane lock down but wouldn't help his damage. The thing he lacks.
No he just needs a full change
If they nerf Vanish they could buff the Decoy without a problem. There are a LOT of stationary ccs in the game and all of them are useful, a slow on the Decoy would be AWESOME if they make it a dot, especially combined with a cripple on the 3, and that wouldn't even be close to op, I mean HAVE YOU SEEN LITERALLY ANY KIT OF ANY OTHER ASSASSIN IN THIS GAME, most have 2 hard ccs or more and on low cds. Ratatoskr literally have cc in each one of his abilities and everyone is fine with that.
I would love for them to either BUFF or REWORK loki so bad. It sucks one of my favorite mythological gods are TRASH
Definitely a rework. His core design makes him insanely unfun to play against. If he's ahead he just insta kills you but if he's behind he's actually useless. I hate how morrigan is a better trickster than loki
@@eldritchemissary4718 loki should've had morrigans kit from the beginning, especially the ult and the stealth.
18:45 it's always been like that, your crusher ticks ended too early for you to go in without tower targetting you instead of the decoy
I used to build golden blade and ignore Loki's 2. Maybe I am not best conquest player but I was able to do something in early game. ^^ Good Job Mast
Michał Trandowski you don’t know how many times ppl insulted me for doing this 😂😂
I mean if you're useless early it does allow you to hyper farm but it delays you're spike by a slot
golden blade on loki is good actually
Anyone else started getting invaded alot more after this vid got uploaded XD god i played 3 games so far where support or solo invaded me in casual mast see what you did XD
Its been spl meta for some time now
Gotta love it when casuals try to play like SPL. Most of the time they just mess up their farm and give me in the jungle an early lead and an easy clap
@@seabass9043 they try to steal the buff but i look around before i start n when i find them me n mid just burst them down n get an early game lead
I put a ward and I'm 1-0
Mast - Loki worst god in the game
*Odin has entered the chat*
odin still much more useful in a team than loki
....not even a question...odin is much better lol
*insert mast in ranked playing odin vs loki solo here*
Serabi Ight thAt was a year ago
I'm so skilled I build all the hammers on Loki.
Trent Mason who doesn’t
Hey Mast. One thing I've seen no youtuber do is watch guard over the speed buff. The tiny rock between speed and back xp keeps you covered from both sides so you can pull of a gank with your mid. I stand there every time I play JG, and have gotten kills from it. Would love to see you teach the masses :) Love your videos!
Off to a good start mast is salty at the invade 😂
I see what you mean with the cheese factor given the fact that you have a Kumbah mid but I’m still glad you uploaded a good Loki game. Most people don’t really know how hard his autos hit if your ahead late game
Hey bro :) I watch all of your vids man you put out great content. btw the reason so many people max their 3 over the 1 on loki is because its more bursty than waiting for each tick of the 1 to prock. Also it eliminates half of your damage early from being immuned by sanc :) keep it up m8
Loki in Smite, Shaco in League.
What is it with game companies nerfing backstab ability characters? We need a rework on both of them lmao
Swagalishis Umbreon well in league he got buffed, he’s really strong right now! But I have heard of upcoming nerfs coming soon....
Day# 784 Still asking mast to make a compilation of his best kills. Starting to run low on oxygen...
Running low on original comments too.
Man you dont have to max your Decoy first, trust me, I've been playing a lot of jg Loki this season, if you just combine the bonus damage from your passive plus using your 3 on the big minion you will be clearing just fine with Decoy lvl 1, yes, you will be using 2 skills to clear, but if you start with Hydras or trans mana won't be a problem.
hahaha Mast I love your references (this time it's the Oberyn one)
Absolutely wonderful gameplay. The best way to play loki is not like a little p***y. Nicely done
Alright just for you Mast I'll watch a damn Loki game. He's the most boring god to watch but imma do it for you.
Connoisseur Loki here fragging everyone with brand new OP god.
Thank you so much for listining to me and playing him again i love you ❤
18:43 The damage over time from your 3 ticked before you popped 2 under tower?
Okay why can I seriously imagine Mast hella fragging people with Scylla Jungle..?
you don't wanna see my scylla lol
@@MastYT but we do tho
No I want AA Geb jungle, but that's just me.
@@El-Gato69 I was actually just thinking about that
@@MastYT That means that it's so bad it's hilarious or it's good so we want to watch it.
1's burn resets the crusher so the tower still thinks you deal damage and so you become priority target rather than the decoy
Haha Mast telling it how it is. Keep up the great work!
I wish we could detonate the decoy
Either a complete rework or straight up remove Loki from the game. Hi Rez plz fix
Funjazz It’s a tricky situation. He’s the game’s most popular character.
@@carlosmarte3154 NOT EVEN CLOSE. He used to be, now he is barely played.
Andy Fox He’s still pretty popular in Arena, that and I’m probably in ELO Hell. My Conquest matches are quite the spectacle lol.
And yet I dont think a complete rework is the way. They should just make his stealth breakable already and give him a lot of buffs in return. The major problem ppl have with him is that stealth, if Hirez take that away no one will can argue against any buffs he receives.
Andy Fox Are these same people complaining about Jorm and Ao’s stealth?
Did anyone else hear a weird whisper at 4:53
So, just to clarify about the 1 over 3, it does more damage but over time, does that still make it better?
whats your opinion on an early heartseeker on loki Jungle?
Dont. Just dont. It's too expensive and you're not fully benefiting from the passive and crusher early does about the same damage at a fraction of the cost. Never build that item early
I love that skin. This is the best skin in the game for me.
Hey mast love he content man keep it up!
You got aggro'd by the tower cause you used your 1 on Apollo and crusher
In my opinion Loki is OP🔥🙌🏻
Yea I have a 2.31 k/d with him
Loki is fucking terrible. How is he op?
Mast do you think Loki really needed the Nerf he got? I don’t think he deserved close to the nerf he got
What auto attack cancel mean?
It's just canceling your auto attack chain (the way in which your God basic attacks, r2 on console).
Everything loki does resets his hit chain, so doing...
Invis, auto attack, press 3, auto attack, decoy, auto attack would be more efficient and you'll get more damage out in a shorter time than just using your 3 and 1 then auto attacking after since everytime your canceling you're procing hydras.
Its simple to do, go in jungle practice and practice the
Invis, auto attack, 3, auto attack, decoy, auto attack. After you see the white damage numbers for every auto attack that's when you can immediately use your next ability.
Aún no sabes usar las mejoras de habilidades de Loki. Ya hubieses tenido más de 6kill al principio con las mejoras correctas, como el 3 full de segunda habilidad mejorada, ya que el primero es el decoy y por último el Vanish
They need to give his auto attack a 50% movement impairing poison so you can actually hold someone’s back.
Yes another banger!!!
I'm new to smite so just wondering what makes him bad?
His auto attack chain got a huge tweak in season six so now hes kinda horrible to play now
A significant damage nerf to his 1st basic attack in his basic attack chain.
Basically, half his kit is based off his auto attacks, and since they reduced the damage on the first auto, the auto in which both abilities proc on, that means his damage overall has been heavily reduced.
he basically isn't capable of doing much for the first 10-15 minutes of the game because he's all single target damage and doesn't hit hard until he gets about 4 full items online. Whether you play him solo or jungle, the enemy solo/jungle should have a way higher impact than you during that phase which gives their team a lead into the later stages of the game. Once he gets late game he's actually strong but there are still other assassins like Mercury or Kali which are stronger at that stage anyways and still have a better early game than Loki.
Loki's the God of trolling, aka make him a crappy God to troll the people
Did they nerf him for the newer players? I know my buddy was getting frustrated with loki players and he was level 20 ish.
yeah, he's always done well vs newer players but struggled in competitive and high level ranked
Not sure if I agree, Loki imo has always been strong and extremely well at what he does. He's just hated on by the community because he's... Loki? Where my Loki fan bois at?
10th mastery with Loki over here lmao
what are the other top 5 worst gods in your opinion? counting loki as the worst
>Loki is bad
>I dont know how to play Loki
What is fragging ?
Loki main till I die!
How you liking the new Loki skin ?
Why the hell would you not get blue after speed that’s hella scummy
The shit, toxicity and bullying I get for being a Loki main is so much haha
I just liked loki as a god when I started playing smite, and just stuck with him
Obv I learned more assassins like Rat and Pele, but Loki is still my favourite
Shaun Darmanin booo you
I tried him sucked, tried rat am now much better.
Yeah Rat is my next favourite assassin, I have been playing a bit of support with Ganesha and Khumba, but Loki still love him haha
Keep the uploads coming
Your invis immuned kumbas mez at least twice, still watching. I've taken a break from smite so I'm behind, is that a bug or an update I missed?
Your hatred of invades baffles me. If its effective then why shouldnt people try and give themselves a totally gameplay related advantage. Should I not build strong items either? The only reason I see what you mean is it's usually multiqued parties on comms tryharding against casual randoms
partydean17 so everyone should try hard every game?
Alton Haney
@@balthasargerard7246 geez boys, it's a casual game, have fun in normal games, its douchey and tryhard to invade in casual games. In ranked game, whatever, you're trying to win and so you pull out the sweaty strats. These are casual where you're intended to have fun and try weird stuff, like full damage herc mid, or amc jng, etc... That is the point of casual games, not ranked w/o bans
@@jmanredbull1 dude I'm ass at this game. If I do wacky builds I feed. If i think invading is a useful strategy I'll do it. I'll also sneak gold fury under the enemy teams nose once I sentry it. I'll farm a solo laner that picked Zeus "just to mess around" fine that doesn't mean I'm gonna lay back and let y'all farm up any way you want. We are not taking turns killing npc this js a PvP game
@@partydean17 I agree, don't just give the zues solo free reign to do what he wants I'm just saying its casuals and invading is tryhard af and douchey. Especially like in the video, the bellona was very bad at it and ended up just trolling instead of helping her team
So this was just a casual game but I went against a Khumba and Neith in the adc lane as a Loki support with Artemis. I couldn’t attack a single minion cos I was scared of their cc and I’d just die. I ended up winning the match and went 14-0. He may be one of the worst gods in smite but I just love 1 shotting these op Hunters and Mages :,) 👌
If you were loki support and you got 14 kills I hate to say you played wrong
Silverfang 45 yeah I support my team by killing the enemies
@@xfatoushe-6908 right...
With Loki’s kit as is, I’m perfectly ok with him staying nerfed in the dirt
for dmg always max loki 1 first not sure why people would think maxing 3 is better, 1 does more dmg
btw can you do a loki solo gameplay sometime? thanks
Reworked heartseeker has definitely buffed him up a bit though
He can do a one shot combo even better
How i would rework Loki, change his passive: instead of flat out giving him more dps instead give him more damage to isolated targets, and rework his kit around baiting people out of position or luring them into a false sense of security(isolation also triggers on buildings and ignores minions) making him a more vaible split pusher.(consider making him passivly cloak while standing still for Xsec.)
Loki should be focused around skillfull manipulaion and baiting of enemys making them follow him into the jungle where he can kill them 1v1.
Starting with his 1, i feel like they should remove his damage bonus and instead his q should spawn a clone of Loki with low HP that tries to recall. basicly planting a bait.
Loki should have a disguise skill. like, rework 2 into a skill that makes loki appear as an enemy god of his chosing. changing his name, HP/mana bar and make him appear on the minimap as that god(ov there now would be 2 of them). the effect last for 25 sec or until loki takes/deals damage. while disguised loki gains acces to the other gods basic attacks and can use one of them for free canceling the disguise
(basicly a weaker morrigangs ult).
Right now 2 is basicly used for clear, not really necesary for loki to perform and has little to no use when performing his actual task(that being an assassin).
But since we're removing his only clear i feel like we can buff his 3 by giving it a paralyzing debuff on jungle camps and a slow on gods(let's say 3 AA's with 3 active stuns a jngl monster/slows a god), alternetivly(and a bit more fitting to his character) the 3 blinds gods on the third AA instead of slowing them.
Finally his ult, so i would say his ult is fine. it gives him a hard CC/engage/and damage boost. good for either jumping on somebody or finishing somebody off. If i would rework it i would make it something alike to: Loki isolates a target, removing both him and the target from other peoples sight and reducing the targets vision. while in isolation both loki and the enemy god become untargetable by other gods/structures, ghosts of loki appear(smaller hp pool/no abilities) that deal small amount of AA damage to the target slowing them, Lokis basic attack and movement speed is greatly increased for every ghos alive(up to 8) and his W now spawns a ghost next to his target, the effect last for 5a6 second or till either he or the target dies.(also, while in the shadow realm pings and shout outs are muted and instead mad laughter is played)
This ult would work better in combination with his new passive and alows for some counter play while also giving loki some teamfight utility.
It would fit his lore way better and gives him a ton of utility making him atleast a bit vaible, it would also raise his skill sealing rewarding good game knowledge while not hughly buffing his damage.
And finally it would make Loki a true trickster.
Would love to see you play the new loki kit in solo as a brusier man do i miss the old loki kit but ik the new one is better and still enjoyable. Sincerely a 7 star loki
you hit Apollo with your dot damage brought aggro back to you
Phizzle D Think it was crusher. Lasts longer
They are both 2 seconds
Phizzle D No, you were right the first time. Her 1 lasts 3 seconds while crusher lasts for 2 seconds.
Hella Doodlez oh ok
You got to try the golden blade loki
Your endcard has a little second without the pictures You might want to know :)
I hope mast makes an Amaterasu video because of the buffs.
Ye, the buff on her 2 was no joke. Sad the just no one plays ama cuz now her early is actually pretty good
Love the content
Can we see some Thoth gameplay? Idk if I've ever seen you use him
I'm pretty sure it looked like you had loki dot on him still that's why it targeted you
I really can't understand why people say Loki is bad. Once every three matches there's a Loki in a team, and in my experience if something is bad in a videogame gamers will avoid it. He has a super safe minion clear that can stop the wave, he has two of the best escapes in the game, teleport and invisibility, and can use either of them to engage and the other to escape while for other assassins engage and escape are usually the same skill, a damage buff skill which sinergize well with auto-attack. If someone could explain to me why he's considered weak please explain to me with real facts and not only because some pro player has said so. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying he's good, once you learn how to play against him he's not a real problem, the fact is that even if he's bad he forces you to play in a way that no other god do, very cautious and always full health, if it's not strong to force your opponent to play in a very specific way I don't know what it is
Loki is just the best
I'm In low masters and Loki still gets banned every game for me, it's kinda sad
Honestly I'm happy Loki's where he is. Man fuck invis. God's 🤣
How I beat a loki in ranked solo? I’m sorry I feel ashamed asking lol.
If Loki locks in first, a good counter pick is Camazotz. Constant vision as long as you can land the Screech. Pretty much every Warrior beats Loki in a 1v1 trade, but if he's playing back under his tower (like a loser) there isn't much you can do. Just try and force minions under tower to make him lose gold, which can be tricky with decoy. You can also coordinate with your jungler and try to get him to help you invade blue, which could force the Loki into a fight.
Osiris too
What a shame, when Smite first released he was OP
Ok, imma head out now.
Mast would you ever play anything other than smite?
literally every character get played in SPL and SML except Loki even Odin get picked often. but they never gonna buff him because he is op vs noobs in other modes.
odin is getting a rework season 7
@@yooziinsertname5667 Yeah i know
I met this guy at an apple store and he reminded me if you lol you looked almost the same and he had the same voice as you too he was really chill as well. I don't know if this is relevant but I just wanted to say
Your 1 was ticking the apollo
Loki needs a rework. He's bad and the only things he does is burst one person and die but he is still great at splitting at least I guess
He honestly just needs a lore friendly rework that is actually fun to play against for people who don't wear headphones and for noobs who are trying to have fun with the game.
the reason you max your 3 befor your 1 is that your 1 can be healed/agies while your 3 is all the damage insta... plz Mast use your brain
Day 20 of asking Mast to let me live in his basement.
All Bellona players are like that ^.^. *shade thrown*
Where’s the khepri jungle
Loki is not that trash. He have an awesome burst dmg.
Rework Loki So He Can Be Like Kallari
Hell no, kallari was a tanky high damage high burst busted hero in paragon especially post v42
Lol i was playing bro
Loki is such a garbage character overall.. Hirez really needs to do something about it..
It wouldnt even take that much to make him viable honestly..
Heres an Idea, took me literally 5 mins to think it up while sitting on my toilet..
Change his fucking 3 then tweak his other abilities just a little.. His 3 is honestly the main problem with his Kit.. It literally doesnt do Jack shit for him except a tone of burst damage to ONE target, why have that when he already has an ult that sets him up right behind his target allowing him to take full advantage of his passive while granting him a free 3 and auto attack cancel?.. Its stupid.. Its why people rage cause he teleports on you, taking half your fucking health, then takes the other half of your health with an auto attack cancel into his 3. If hes building hydra Its crazy, it doesnt even matter how behind he is.. He can one shot any squishy with that set up.. And now that snowballing got nerfed (thank god) its only going to hurt him more since he literally needed to snowball.. Now a loki can run around and suicide kill the higher level carries to even the playing field.. Its not a fun strategy if and when it even works, and Even his lack of everything except burst makes him useless anyways.
Heres my idea, an ability to replace his 3 and a few other tweaks.
A Short range Line ability that does not go through minions.
Loki throws a Knife at the target, doing some damage, the knife will remain embedded in the enemy (kinda like AMC ult) for a few seconds, applying a bleed, and slowing the enemy, if he hits the target with the first knife, he may throw another knife, which also becomes embedded in the target, dealing half the initial damage dealt, applying another bleed, and applying a cripple effect instead of a slow..
When Loki hits the same target with both knives, the target will be marked for a few seconds, Loki can see the marked target through walls (Similar to Hou Yi mark), if loki lands an auto attack on a marked target it does a bit of damage and applies another bleed..
The knifes embedded in a target will drop onto the floor once their effects subside, staying on the floor for a few seconds, loki can pick up the dropped knives to lower the cooldown of this ability by 20% per knife for a total of 40% cooldown reduction if both knives are picked up.. When Loki picks up a knife, he does damage to enemies an a small area around him. Like a little circle attack kinda like hachiman spin but smaller and without the stun (It would help him with his clear, and not force him to level his 2 if he falls behind, since he can still clear with his 3)
The other tweaks to his kit are as follows...
The burst damage on his ult can get nerfed just a lil bit, add a slow to gods caught in the radius of his two.. And this is one i really think he needs.. Make the final attack on his auto attack progression (the flip) an AOE, like osiris'.. And there, he would have enough clear early on to jungle with his 2, his 3 and his AOE auto, he can poke with his 3 while in lane and has decent utility with the slows and the cripple, he can combo the slow of his 2 and his 3 making the chance of his 2 actually damaging gods higher, he is still has his invisibility and decoy (abilities which kinda makes loki unique), and his ult wont be as Cancer with all that burst gone..
If your worried about his 3 being too strong, just make it harder to hit.. It already CANT go through minions and it is supposed to be a short range ability.. He would still feel like loki with his 1 and 2, but his burst wouldn't be as cancer, and he would have a little more application in lane if he has a reliable ability that he can poke with. Plus his 2 having a Slow would give him a small team fight presence.. Tell me what yall think..
Maybe in conquest Loki is bad but I know I always panic when I see a Loki on the enemy team in Arena....I HATE Loki lol
Hypocrite 😂
Bet you won't buy frostbound on loki
I do just fine with him get at least 15 every game yes the invades mess him up but late game is literally all loki
max loki decoy as loki jungle how disgusting :p
I can still get about 16 to 18 kills with him.
Loki, the best god.
Heu guys... BRUH?
I main the worst gooood yeas
How you liking the new Loki skin ?
Loki was not trash before he got nerfed that’s y he got nerfed because his win ratio in ranked was too fucking high😂
I think Loki is still good when your not playing like against mast level bt he is still good in arena. but I am kind of happy because I don't see him all the time now
i hate those game with Loki and daji full pen build
Ive missed u
Yea never call Loki the worst got ever again
I don't get why people get mad at people who do something in a game (invading)
it's not fun for most people. esoecially on higher levels off play most people hate the invading meta. cause its not fun
@@yooziinsertname5667 but it's fun for the person doing it, and it's also part of the game
@@bapo25gaming23 he said he is fine if it's in ranked
In casual it feels cheap because suddenly the person playing jungle stops having fun
@@silverfang4583 but it's still fun for a the person invading. Also casual is just like rank in smite
@@bapo25gaming23 you can't say it's fun for the person invading as a reason it should be done
When it ruins the game for the invaded
Loki aint thrash hes just niche and kinda cucked by smite but if you know how to play him you can still fuck up people D: (plz buff mah boi again so he is descent)
Loki is bloody amazing, worst god my ass >:(