Christianity the most 'persecuted religion all around the world'

  • Опубліковано 15 жов 2024


  • @lapalad
    @lapalad 2 роки тому +262

    All the anti christianity talk has brought me back to the church and it is the best thing I have ever done. A big thank you to all the detractors of the Chritian faith.

    • @lapalad
      @lapalad Рік тому +5

      @manandhyani8869 What has that got to do with my comment???

    • @lapalad
      @lapalad Рік тому +3

      @manandhyani8869 Once again what has that got to do with my original comment

    • @jascztri1117
      @jascztri1117 Рік тому

      @Manan Dhyani aint no way u that dumb

    • @gerhardtblume7354
      @gerhardtblume7354 Рік тому +1

      Why do leftists attack Christianity?
      Because this social justice ideology is a religion replacing religion. It is also totalitarian.
      There is no aspect of your life or identity that is immune from ‘critical interrogation’.
      Every aspect of your life and identity must be “reimagined”…
      Whenever you hear the word ‘critical’ applied to their agenda, you know, it’s cultural Marxism.
      Critical race theory, critical gender studies and critical legal studies are all toxic elaborations of Marxist “Critical Theory”.
      This a religion without mercy, forgiveness or redemption. You fail to conform or parrot their ideological nonsense and leftists will seek to bring your life to ruin.
      Totalitarian regimes - French Revolutionaries, the Soviet Union, Communist China and yes, Nazi Germany - all tried to extinguish Christianity.
      As with the social justice movement, they want complete faith and compliance. It’s not enough to simply conform. You must “love Big Brother”.
      For those dummies who think Hitler was a Christian, consider this from Heinrich Himmler, Reich leader of Hitler’s SS:
      “We live in an era of the ultimate conflict with Christianity. It is part of the mission of the SS to give the German people in the next century the non-Christian ideological foundations on which to lead and shape their lives.”
      The Nazis were planning on constructing a state religion combining paganism and the Occult…
      I hope you’ll check out my book “Deconstructing Social Justice”. This ideology is cancerous and it’s coming for you and your children…

    • @Blablablue
      @Blablablue Рік тому

      @manandhyani8869your comment doesn’t make sense, Christianity is publicly mocked all around social media, Christians preachers are killed, abused, punched, people spit at them, and police will not do anything. Try to make fun of Islam on the tv, they will cancel you immediately

  • @janetbromhead4115
    @janetbromhead4115 2 роки тому +349

    THANK YOU PAUL!! FINALLY, this gets spoken about in secular media!! When the massacre happened in the Muslim Mosque in Christchurch, 53 people from memory, were killed, but meanwhile in Nigeria, 200 Christians were also massacred, but no news mentioned that 😞😡

    • @Dabhach1
      @Dabhach1 2 роки тому

      That's because, privately, most journalists support the murder of Christians.

    • @geoh7777
      @geoh7777 2 роки тому

      "200 Christians were also massacred, but no news mentioned that"
      To the western leftist news, if it happens in Africa, that is fine with them.
      (All brands of news channels watch what is happening EVERYWHERE in ALL news channels for fear of being scooped on a major event, except for massacres of Christians apparently.)

    • @jimmycricket5366
      @jimmycricket5366 2 роки тому +15


    • @samardern2991
      @samardern2991 2 роки тому +27

      On the same day there was an attack on an Sri Lankan Church

    • @janetbromhead4115
      @janetbromhead4115 2 роки тому +9

      @@samardern2991 thanks Sam, yes, I remember. How awful 😞

  • @mcfallenone696
    @mcfallenone696 2 роки тому +302

    It's a shame what the west has become. I was never particularly religious, but with all this anti-Christian talk I hear, I'm getting interested in learning more about my peoples faith.

    • @patriciagraham222
      @patriciagraham222 2 роки тому +50

      You will be pleasantly surprised! Jesus what a beautiful name!

    • @allanyoung6231
      @allanyoung6231 2 роки тому +8

      Find a Reformed Church and start attending. It will give you a sense of what we believe

    • @gudruns9664
      @gudruns9664 2 роки тому +19

      Learn to knew Jesus and you will never leave Him!

    • @bullshitstomper9417
      @bullshitstomper9417 2 роки тому

      Everything protected are deep state dogs. Amen 🙏

    • @stephenjenkins3510
      @stephenjenkins3510 2 роки тому +7

      Don't wait to long friend. Jesus is waiting but he gives us all free choice, if you wish to spend eternity in Hell, he wont stop you.

  • @georgevega4019
    @georgevega4019 2 роки тому +239

    To the christian this is not news. Jesus warned us about persecution. Matthew 5:10 Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

    • @suzieaguilar397
      @suzieaguilar397 2 роки тому +18

      Amen ❤

    • @iankilkenny6536
      @iankilkenny6536 2 роки тому +1

      According to St Augustine and others, Jesus had clearly authorised forcible conversions: "Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled" (Luke 14:23). Whole countries were won over in this way. The Saxons were forcibly converted at sword point. Charlemagne offered them the choice of adopting Christianity or instant death. In a single day, according to Christian Chronicles, 4,500 Saxons chose to die rather than forsake their own religion.
      Over many centuries Christians killed thousands, perhaps millions, for the crime of not being Christian or sometimes for the crime of not being sufficiently Christian. Some were killed by the sword, some burned alive, some drowned, some buried alive, some garroted, some forced to face wild animals. Traditional Christian history books rarely find room for this side of the story, nor the role of bishops, priests, monks and friars. The biggest genocide in the history of humankind was not perpetrated against Jews, but against native Americans. Over 100 million native Americans were slaughtered by Christians.
      In 1557, Pedro de Santander, an official of the Catholic Church, spelled out the King Philip II of Spain the biblical justification for killing the indigenous peoples of Florida:
      This is the Land of Promise, possessed by idolaters, the Amorite, Amalekite, Moabite, Canaanite. This is the land promised by the Eternal Father to the Faithful, since we are commanded by God in the Holy Scriptures to take it from them, being idolaters, and, by reason of their idolatry and sin, to put them all to the knife, leaving no living thing save maidens and children, their cities robbed and sacked, their walls and houses levelled to the earth.

    • @hakunamatata-w3873
      @hakunamatata-w3873 2 роки тому +25

      @@iankilkenny6536 I'm impressed at how horrible you are at misinterpreting verses. This verse is part of a parable, Read luke 14 15-23. It is a story Jesus told, The parable is titled as "The Parable of the Great Banquet". Context is key. If you want to critique or look at Christianity look at Jesus. He is the greatest example for Christians to follow.

    • @onceamusician5408
      @onceamusician5408 2 роки тому

      @@iankilkenny6536 absolutely not. do you not know what a hyperbole is?
      forcible conversion is not the way of the Holy Spirit after all Jesus said strait is the gate narrow the way and FEW there are who find it.
      all forced conversion produce is pretense and hypocrisy
      the very farthest "compel them to come in" can possibly be taken is by passionate persuasion
      Augustine was a complete hypocrite who forgot his own past. he, as a debauched pagan, was not forcibly converted, yet he had the blasphemous temerity to advocating forcing others.
      what did jesus say? if they persecute you in one town flee to the next he did not say convert them by the sword and conquer their town in MY name
      IN NO WAY are we Christians commanded to take from idolators what God commanded the Israelites to take from the canaanites. after all how is the evil you praise consistent with loving your enemies resisting not evil, and when a kingdom grows by conquest how can this kingdom be not of this world as Christ's is

    • @shellyj7536
      @shellyj7536 2 роки тому +2

      Amen to that 🙏

  • @noweternity3101
    @noweternity3101 2 роки тому +41

    Revelation 1 : 17-18
    And when I saw Him, I fell at His feet as dead. But He laid His right hand on me, saying to me, “Do not be afraid; I AM He who lives, and was dead, and behold, I AM alive forevermore. Amen. And I have the keys of Hades and of Death.”

    • @canadiankewldude
      @canadiankewldude 2 роки тому +9

      *_Mat _**_10:32_**_ Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. - KJB_*

    • @christyjohnson3290
      @christyjohnson3290 6 місяців тому +5

      Holy, Holy, Holy is our Lord God Almighty!

  • @marksargent2440
    @marksargent2440 2 роки тому +106

    We are told to run the race set before us heavens our prize may God protect this guy for standing up for his faith

    • @thesixxx8925
      @thesixxx8925 2 роки тому +2

      Religions like Hinduism and Buddhism were historically persecuted never seen anywhere. Islam and Christianity grew by persecuting other beliefs and acting self righteous.

    • @speshwemmick6225
      @speshwemmick6225 2 роки тому +3

      @@thesixxx8925 Islam grew by the sword. Fact.

    • @blaqued5186
      @blaqued5186 Рік тому +3

      @@thesixxx8925 Have you actually bothered to read Christian teachings? Just because people claim to be doing God's will while performing evil acts does not make them Christians. Christian teachings prohibit conversion that is not from a willing heart. If anyone claims to be a Christian while doing harm to others, then they are a liar.

    • @gerhardtblume7354
      @gerhardtblume7354 Рік тому +1

      Why do leftists attack Christianity?
      Because this social justice ideology is a religion replacing religion. It is also totalitarian.
      There is no aspect of your life or identity that is immune from ‘critical interrogation’.
      Every aspect of your life and identity must be “reimagined”…
      Whenever you hear the word ‘critical’ applied to their agenda, you know, it’s cultural Marxism.
      Critical race theory, critical gender studies and critical legal studies are all toxic elaborations of Marxist “Critical Theory”.
      This a religion without mercy, forgiveness or redemption. You fail to conform or parrot their ideological nonsense and leftists will seek to bring your life to ruin.
      Totalitarian regimes - French Revolutionaries, the Soviet Union, Communist China and yes, Nazi Germany - all tried to extinguish Christianity.
      As with the social justice movement, they want complete faith and compliance. It’s not enough to simply conform. You must “love Big Brother”.
      For those dummies who think Hitler was a Christian, consider this from Heinrich Himmler, Reich leader of Hitler’s SS:
      “We live in an era of the ultimate conflict with Christianity. It is part of the mission of the SS to give the German people in the next century the non-Christian ideological foundations on which to lead and shape their lives.”
      The Nazis were planning on constructing a state religion combining paganism and the Occult…
      I hope you’ll check out my book “Deconstructing Social Justice”. This ideology is cancerous and it’s coming for you and your children…

    • @basem_Samir
      @basem_Samir Рік тому

      ​@@thesixxx8925 Sally Nassim is a new victim. There's a lot of talk and even more rumors. Here you will find the truth. Sally traveled to Cairo and her situation changed. Sally attended Mass and received the sacraments on May 19, 2023, then traveled to Cairo on May 20, 2023. So, she was in the church and participated in its rituals one day before her trip. Sally traveled to Cairo with only a regular travel bag containing supplies for a month, nothing more. That's the duration she planned to stay in Cairo. Sally didn't return to Aswan after her trip on May 20. She stayed to ,obtain her new religious identity card. Therefore the widely circulated image of the card is forged, and there's evidence within the card itself. The picture in the card is clearly photoshopped, which anyone can verify by comparing it to their own photo. Sally didn't advertise her conversion, which means the promotional leaflet is also forged. It's easy to tell because the published leaflet lacks her signature, indicating it was written without her presence. In the photos, you'll find recent posts on Sally's personal page about the church and biblical passages. Moreover, many videos show Christians who willingly converted to another religion but then returned to live in their homes and embrace their church, expressing happiness and peace. This proves one thing: Sally's story
      .is a recurring plot
      Sisi-#Appeal_To_President_Abdel Fattah_El
      #Appeal_To_All_Political Leaders
      #Appeal To All Security Leaders

  • @raymondanselmo141
    @raymondanselmo141 2 роки тому +35

    Its because it is the one true way to God. He came to us in flesh and gave himself up to save us. Real love.

  • @haroldmclean3755
    @haroldmclean3755 2 роки тому +89

    EVIL is Everywhere Nowadays , Be On Guard , Make No Mistake

    • @gerhardtblume7354
      @gerhardtblume7354 Рік тому +1

      Why do leftists attack Christianity?
      Because this social justice ideology is a religion replacing religion. It is also totalitarian.
      There is no aspect of your life or identity that is immune from ‘critical interrogation’.
      Every aspect of your life and identity must be “reimagined”…
      Whenever you hear the word ‘critical’ applied to their agenda, you know, it’s cultural Marxism.
      Critical race theory, critical gender studies and critical legal studies are all toxic elaborations of Marxist “Critical Theory”.
      This a religion without mercy, forgiveness or redemption. You fail to conform or parrot their ideological nonsense and leftists will seek to bring your life to ruin.
      Totalitarian regimes - French Revolutionaries, the Soviet Union, Communist China and yes, Nazi Germany - all tried to extinguish Christianity.
      As with the social justice movement, they want complete faith and compliance. It’s not enough to simply conform. You must “love Big Brother”.
      For those dummies who think Hitler was a Christian, consider this from Heinrich Himmler, Reich leader of Hitler’s SS:
      “We live in an era of the ultimate conflict with Christianity. It is part of the mission of the SS to give the German people in the next century the non-Christian ideological foundations on which to lead and shape their lives.”
      The Nazis were planning on constructing a state religion combining paganism and the Occult…
      I hope you’ll check out my book “Deconstructing Social Justice”. This ideology is cancerous and it’s coming for you and your children…

  • @ramonso3350
    @ramonso3350 2 роки тому +56

    "Christians reside in their own nations, but as resident aliens. They participate in all things as citizens and endure all things as foreigners...they obey the established laws and their way of life surpasses the noble is the position to which God has assigned them that they are not allowed to desert it."--- Ad Diognetum 5, 5 and 10; Patroligia Graeca 2; CCC 2240. ✌
    John 15:18 ~ "If the world hates you, you know that it hated me before it hated you."

    • @calebleung9
      @calebleung9 2 роки тому +1

      Define the world

    • @REXS10
      @REXS10 Рік тому +1

      @@calebleung9 The world is all those who has not accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

    • @KatyYoder-cq1kc
      @KatyYoder-cq1kc 4 місяці тому

      Lord destroy all the works of the Enemy in the World and diabolical plans to destroy nations and people. Cast all Evil spirits trying to keep all people bound to the pit of hell today with malicious AI, fear and oppression. God we cry out that you would deal with all those engaging in evil, sever all ties and bind up evil, returning them to Hell I pray for lost souls, that they would repent and get saved, but if not render them powerless and unable to attack me. Make null and void their assignments against me this very day. I plead the blood of Jesus over myself and the victims of violence, torture and wickedness . Wash us anew in Jesus's holy name. Amen

  • @haroldland5834
    @haroldland5834 2 роки тому +186

    Common sense as always Calvin . Definitely Christianity is persecuted here in the U.K and I’m an atheist.

    • @chefandmusician9170
      @chefandmusician9170 2 роки тому +12

      I'm American, I'll visit St. Paul's as soon as I visit London
      And I heard Canterbury is beautiful too

    • @janetbromhead4115
      @janetbromhead4115 2 роки тому +5

      Wow! Appreciate you saying that! If you can see and acknowledge the persecution, from your position, that gives it even more weight.
      Must put you off becoming a Christian even more, lol 🤭☺️

    • @harryricochet8134
      @harryricochet8134 2 роки тому +7

      100% Agree with that, the same is occurring here Downunder and I too say that as a fellow atheist who was raised in a fundamentalist home but still has the deepest respect for and understanding of people of faith. Indeed given events of the last few days here at Essendon FC, I think that there are in fact a great many atheists of similar view to us both on this issue. Stay safe and well there always.

    • @harryricochet8134
      @harryricochet8134 2 роки тому +18

      @@janetbromhead4115 In all truth, it's making me think a lot about returning to the church again after three and a half decades.

    • @onetiredmamabear9712
      @onetiredmamabear9712 2 роки тому +16

      @@harryricochet8134 I've heard a lot of people who left the faith say they are thinking of coming back because of things going on around the world. It definitely makes you think! Crazy times.

  • @truthseeker9975
    @truthseeker9975 2 роки тому +66

    Reporting and discussions like this are so much about truth, but they are very rare. These two men are excellent in this clip.

  • @tyedubbins2444
    @tyedubbins2444 2 роки тому +72

    Demonic forces are at play in this world.

    • @jommisalami
      @jommisalami Рік тому +1

      They really became active after 2019

    • @KatyYoder-cq1kc
      @KatyYoder-cq1kc 9 місяців тому +1

      Yes, they are! Including inside of the church all over the world.

  • @richardmcleod1930
    @richardmcleod1930 2 роки тому +23

    Giorgia Meloni needs to be heard by every Christian in the World. She quotes one of the greatest Christian minds the World has ever known, G. K. Chesterton! Wonderful!

  • @charlieo3150
    @charlieo3150 2 роки тому +38

    The title of this video is 1,000% true and does not need to have quotation marks around it

  • @kellysouter4381
    @kellysouter4381 2 роки тому +78

    If this keeps up I might return to church.

    • @jeffreybaier5312
      @jeffreybaier5312 2 роки тому +25

      Go to church anyway, it's all we have in the end.

    • @allanyoung6231
      @allanyoung6231 2 роки тому

      Return but ask God which one to return to. Stay away from liberal Heretics , Apostolic Reformation and Charismatic.

    • @mariahewitt9787
      @mariahewitt9787 2 роки тому +13

      We are living in End times.
      Everything that's happening around the world right now, is written in the Bible.
      Jesus Christ will return very soon.
      I pray for everyone, to receive Jesus Christ into their hearts. Amen.

    • @chotelca
      @chotelca 2 роки тому +7

      Yeap. Lol. Better do it soon 😉

    • @zachtbh
      @zachtbh 2 роки тому +9

      @@mariahewitt9787 it's either Jesus comes back at any time or we meet our maker at any time

  • @ericmorgan204
    @ericmorgan204 2 роки тому +12

    This is what so-called, “Social Justice” looks like in practice.
    “No Justice At All”.

  • @patriciagraham222
    @patriciagraham222 2 роки тому +29

    Jesus, what a beautiful name! Love personified.

  • @herethere8817
    @herethere8817 2 роки тому +45

    thank you for this awareness piece 🙌✝️🕊

  • @romansoldier9949
    @romansoldier9949 2 роки тому +25

    I will pray for Paul to ask God to open his eyes to see what Jesus did for him at Calvary 🙏

  • @sydfreed9818
    @sydfreed9818 2 роки тому +56

    Not hard to believe because the Bible itself says this will happen and because of it the whole world will soon be punished for it and suffer.

    • @patriciagraham222
      @patriciagraham222 2 роки тому +8

      You are right.

    • @pandapalace9003
      @pandapalace9003 2 роки тому

      The bible is hard to believe....Well some parts. Its kind of interesting for the bits that have some historical relevance.

    • @canadiankewldude
      @canadiankewldude 2 роки тому +8

      @@pandapalace9003 Believe as you will, as for myself, family and friends, our faith is deeply routed in the Scriptures as historically accurate.
      Jesus of Nazareth suffered and died on the Cross for Sins of all Humanity and was resurrected on the third day. Belief in him as the Son of God is all it takes to rejoin with Him on Judgment Day.
      Those who do not want him at all in their life are free to reject him.
      As for historical relevance, every piece of evidence ever found has supported the Biblical view of History.
      There has never been anything in recorded History that goes against the recorded Scriptural History.
      Names, dates, events etc.

    • @Demonoicgamer666
      @Demonoicgamer666 7 місяців тому

      Given the opportunity (legal authority) Christians would outlaw gay marriage, abortion, divorce and more based on religious grounds so let’s not pretend Christians are tolerant either

  • @canadiankewldude
    @canadiankewldude 2 роки тому +31

    Like in Canada now days, one cannot use the entire scripture to help anyone who is in conflict between their Faith and their sexual attractions.
    Hate speech is another manner of attacking the Biblical Word of our Lord.
    Thank you for posting this. *_God Bless_*

    • @mariavani8839
      @mariavani8839 2 роки тому

      Yes. Canada is seems to be under judgment

    • @delphiniapickett2934
      @delphiniapickett2934 Рік тому +1

      People in the US don't know what really going on in Canada. Especially this about religion

    • @canadiankewldude
      @canadiankewldude Рік тому +1

      @Manan Dhyani Yes, the Bible talks about the great falling away, it is and has happened.

    • @canadiankewldude
      @canadiankewldude Рік тому

      @Manan Dhyani Islam has written in the Koran to spread by sword.
      The Bible for Christianity says nothing at all like that, Jesus tells Christians to walk away from people who are not interested and leave them alone.
      Yes, Evil people in the past used force to spread a form of Christianity, the Roman Catholic Church. According to the Bible, they had no right to do that, you're correct, they were evil.
      Please note that Biblical Christians, usually protestants, do not do things that way and respect peoples personal rights.

    • @canadiankewldude
      @canadiankewldude Рік тому

      @Manan Dhyani You do believe in people respecting each other peacefully, don't you?

  • @carlsummers2316
    @carlsummers2316 2 роки тому +37

    You've zero chance of seeing a report like this on sky news in the UK 🇬🇧 🤔

  • @TheRealFamespear
    @TheRealFamespear 2 роки тому +32

    Either a country has freedom of religion (ALL religions) or it doesn’t. There should never be a selective freedom for some and not others. That’s not freedom!

    • @tarjan68
      @tarjan68 2 роки тому +4


    • @milka1150
      @milka1150 2 роки тому +3

      Its almost funny tho the faith grows when most persecuted

    • @tarjan68
      @tarjan68 2 роки тому

      @@milka1150 It could be a form of resistance against a despotic regime. I think that's why we get reports about Christianity growing in countries like China and Iran.

    • @KatyYoder-cq1kc
      @KatyYoder-cq1kc 9 місяців тому +1

      Amen, amen, amen!

    • @KatyYoder-cq1kc
      @KatyYoder-cq1kc 4 місяці тому +1

      Nor should the Bible be changed and edited for a certain sect of people.

  • @voxac30withstrat
    @voxac30withstrat 2 роки тому +43

    We Christians have been telling others for some years now but they wont listen. Its just as Gods Word says will happen in the end times. Its not that they hate us but that they hate Jesus

    • @michaelverbakel7632
      @michaelverbakel7632 2 роки тому

      And Jesus himself said there was only one true apostolic faith and that was the Catholic Christian faith. Government authorities tried so hard in all of these countries to keep all of the Christian and Catholic churches closed during Covid-19 for months. At the same time all of these governmental health bureaucrats said fine, stay open to all the Islamic mosques, Jewish synagogues and Hindu or Buddhist temples but not the churches. I really knew then that Covid was a farce. Plus, they kept open during Covid all of the liquor stores, bingo halls, fitness centers, casinos and big box retail stores while closing small businesses down, boy Covid-19 surely was a selective virus. A total travesty. The Catholic churches are the only non governmental organizations that have true power. It was founded by Jesus Christ our Lord with the protection and blessing of our holy mother Mary. That is why there is so much intimidation, harassment and persecution of the church and the Christian faith. They have the protection of God.

    • @gerhardtblume7354
      @gerhardtblume7354 Рік тому

      Why do leftists attack Christianity?
      Because this social justice ideology is a religion replacing religion. It is also totalitarian.
      There is no aspect of your life or identity that is immune from ‘critical interrogation’.
      Every aspect of your life and identity must be “reimagined”…
      Whenever you hear the word ‘critical’ applied to their agenda, you know, it’s cultural Marxism.
      Critical race theory, critical gender studies and critical legal studies are all toxic elaborations of Marxist “Critical Theory”.
      This a religion without mercy, forgiveness or redemption. You fail to conform or parrot their ideological nonsense and leftists will seek to bring your life to ruin.
      Totalitarian regimes - French Revolutionaries, the Soviet Union, Communist China and yes, Nazi Germany - all tried to extinguish Christianity.
      As with the social justice movement, they want complete faith and compliance. It’s not enough to simply conform. You must “love Big Brother”.
      For those dummies who think Hitler was a Christian, consider this from Heinrich Himmler, Reich leader of Hitler’s SS:
      “We live in an era of the ultimate conflict with Christianity. It is part of the mission of the SS to give the German people in the next century the non-Christian ideological foundations on which to lead and shape their lives.”
      The Nazis were planning on constructing a state religion combining paganism and the Occult…
      I hope you’ll check out my book “Deconstructing Social Justice”. This ideology is cancerous and it’s coming for you and your children…

    • @marksargent2440
      @marksargent2440 Рік тому

      And his names slandered ever day on TV or in different countries if you think of it this way Jesus came to pay the price for our sins and he was mocked then and he mocked even to this day yet I would prefer to be a fool for christ jesus then a lost idiot that doesn't realise jesus really loves them yet why thay where sinner christ died for there sins

  • @Sunshine-is_here_to_stay
    @Sunshine-is_here_to_stay 2 роки тому +76

    😥😥😥 We all need to pray 🙏 for our brothers & sisters in Christ, from all over the world. 💗🙏✝️

  • @seandelap8587
    @seandelap8587 2 роки тому +108

    Yes and i think we all know which one is the most protected don't we.

    • @DocBree13
      @DocBree13 2 роки тому +1

      @19 Crimes lol :)

    • @anacc3257
      @anacc3257 2 роки тому +14

      @John Coinyer It depends where you look. In Europe and america, judaism is much more protected, if you will, than islam. It's expected that you don't saying anything bad of the religion. Islam is still controversial to criticize but much more common. Christianity is expected to be denigrated, especially in leftist circles. It didn't use to be like this.

    • @Rizimar
      @Rizimar 2 роки тому +1

      It's antisemitic to notice

    • @Deb.-.
      @Deb.-. 2 роки тому

      @John Coinyer Both

    • @--Traveler--
      @--Traveler-- 2 роки тому

      just friendly reminder that about 50% of mslims didnt condemn 9/11 globally. (data taken from surveys of who condemned the attack)

  • @peekaboopixie
    @peekaboopixie 2 роки тому +37

    That means there is something special about it. Look at the horrifying state of the world without Christianity's powerful influence. It isn't the utopia secularists believed it would be.

    • @voxac30withstrat
      @voxac30withstrat 2 роки тому

      Indeed. Just a brief look at the carnage caused by the Godless such as Pol Pot or Stalin, Mao or Hitler and its is blindingly obvious how that secularist road leads to disaster.

    • @hibiscussunflower5916
      @hibiscussunflower5916 5 місяців тому

      So true in recent years. Migration to the west proves where life is better.

  • @sheilalamothe9936
    @sheilalamothe9936 2 роки тому +72

    Jesus says they hated me first .

    • @nonprogrediestregredi1711
      @nonprogrediestregredi1711 2 роки тому +1

      We do not know what Jesus of Nazareth actually said. The "canonical gospels" are not historically reliable.

    • @tarjan68
      @tarjan68 2 роки тому +4

      @@nonprogrediestregredi1711 So, how do you know that? Quite a big claim. Were you there when it happened?😄

    • @mrniceguy8298
      @mrniceguy8298 Рік тому

      @@tarjan68 no 🤣

    • @billb3673
      @billb3673 5 місяців тому

      ​@@nonprogrediestregredi1711 prove them wrong..

    • @billb3673
      @billb3673 5 місяців тому

      ​@@tarjan68were you?

  • @Sunshine-is_here_to_stay
    @Sunshine-is_here_to_stay 2 роки тому +73

    👉 "Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you." (Matthew 5:10)

    • @ramza1974
      @ramza1974 2 роки тому +8


    • @DarthDickhed
      @DarthDickhed 2 роки тому

      Blessed are my brain washed sheep for they shall do my bidding
      - all religious figures

    • @janetbromhead4115
      @janetbromhead4115 2 роки тому +4

      Amen 🙏 😊

    • @yahawahreuben1159
      @yahawahreuben1159 2 роки тому

      That's talking about the ISRAELITES not everybody.

    • @ramza1974
      @ramza1974 2 роки тому +6

      @@yahawahreuben1159 Then you clearly do not know the scriptures.

  • @dl21633
    @dl21633 2 роки тому +8

    Why is it the most persecuted religion? Because people don't want to hear the truth of sin, and the Lord's incredible, amazing love for them. Instead of rejoicing, they try to silence. What fools.

  • @loveemotion4080
    @loveemotion4080 2 роки тому +15

    In a world where everyone believes in lies coming from all sides, christianity becomes the less tolerated religion and the most persecuted because christianity is actually the Truth. Its the Revelation of the One Living God, Creator of the Universe and everything in it (except evil, He didn’t create it... but He allows it)

    • @canadiankewldude
      @canadiankewldude 2 роки тому +2

      *_Mat _**_10:32_**_ Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. - KJB_*

    • @cokyarpen4980
      @cokyarpen4980 2 роки тому +1


  • @strineys.957
    @strineys.957 2 роки тому +20

    Amazing to see this subject being aired on a secular show! I’m gobsmacked! Thank you for bringing this to light.

    • @basem_Samir
      @basem_Samir Рік тому

      Sally Nassim is a new victim. There's a lot of talk and even more rumors. Here you will find the truth. Sally traveled to Cairo and her situation changed. Sally attended Mass and received the sacraments on May 19, 2023, then traveled to Cairo on May 20, 2023. So, she was in the church and participated in its rituals one day before her trip. Sally traveled to Cairo with only a regular travel bag containing supplies for a month, nothing more. That's the duration she planned to stay in Cairo. Sally didn't return to Aswan after her trip on May 20. She stayed to ,obtain her new religious identity card. Therefore the widely circulated image of the card is forged, and there's evidence within the card itself. The picture in the card is clearly photoshopped, which anyone can verify by comparing it to their own photo. Sally didn't advertise her conversion, which means the promotional leaflet is also forged. It's easy to tell because the published leaflet lacks her signature, indicating it was written without her presence. In the photos, you'll find recent posts on Sally's personal page about the church and biblical passages. Moreover, many videos show Christians who willingly converted to another religion but then returned to live in their homes and embrace their church, expressing happiness and peace. This proves one thing: Sally's story
      .is a recurring plot
      Sisi-#Appeal_To_President_Abdel Fattah_El
      #Appeal_To_All_Political Leaders
      #Appeal To All Security Leaders

  • @brandyburgess4185
    @brandyburgess4185 2 роки тому +15

    Yes here in Oklahoma at the capital building they took down the ten commandments and put up the baphomet!!! It's only going to get worse and we were told all of this Father come save your children 🙏💖

    • @canadiankewldude
      @canadiankewldude 2 роки тому +2

      *_Mat _**_10:32_**_ Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. - KJB_*

    • @gerhardtblume7354
      @gerhardtblume7354 Рік тому +1

      Why do leftists attack Christianity?
      Because this social justice ideology is a religion replacing religion. It is also totalitarian.
      There is no aspect of your life or identity that is immune from ‘critical interrogation’.
      Every aspect of your life and identity must be “reimagined”…
      Whenever you hear the word ‘critical’ applied to their agenda, you know, it’s cultural Marxism.
      Critical race theory, critical gender studies and critical legal studies are all toxic elaborations of Marxist “Critical Theory”.
      This a religion without mercy, forgiveness or redemption. You fail to conform or parrot their ideological nonsense and leftists will seek to bring your life to ruin.
      Totalitarian regimes - French Revolutionaries, the Soviet Union, Communist China and yes, Nazi Germany - all tried to extinguish Christianity.
      As with the social justice movement, they want complete faith and compliance. It’s not enough to simply conform. You must “love Big Brother”.
      For those dummies who think Hitler was a Christian, consider this from Heinrich Himmler, Reich leader of Hitler’s SS:
      “We live in an era of the ultimate conflict with Christianity. It is part of the mission of the SS to give the German people in the next century the non-Christian ideological foundations on which to lead and shape their lives.”
      The Nazis were planning on constructing a state religion combining paganism and the Occult…
      I hope you’ll check out my book “Deconstructing Social Justice”. This ideology is cancerous and it’s coming for you and your children…

  • @annphoenix4565
    @annphoenix4565 2 роки тому +15

    The world is going down hill. But I'm glad there are people who are awake and ready to fight.

    • @canadiankewldude
      @canadiankewldude 2 роки тому +2

      *_Mat _**_10:32_**_ Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. - KJB_*

    • @CrossStreamNL
      @CrossStreamNL 2 роки тому +3

      True but the Lord Jesus Christ is coming soon for His. Keep preaching, sharing, caring, don’t give up. Let’s bring the harvest in with more ferver everyday. Be fearless through Him who strengthens us. Don’t look at your life and what you could lose. Look at Jesus and His promises and what He has prepared for those who love Him. No eye has seen, no ear has heard. No mind has conceived…

    • @KiaraSingsxx
      @KiaraSingsxx Рік тому +1

      @@canadiankewldude amen

  • @Sunshine-is_here_to_stay
    @Sunshine-is_here_to_stay 2 роки тому +12

    👉 "Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution." (2 Timothy 3:12) 💝

    • @canadiankewldude
      @canadiankewldude 2 роки тому +2

      *_Mat _**_10:32_**_ Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. - KJB_*

  • @aquariumdude7829
    @aquariumdude7829 2 роки тому +125

    The fact that Christianity is so persecuted only helps to convince me it is the TRUTH. No other religion is persecuted anywhere near like this which tells me a very powerful, evil spiritual being that hates (and fears) all Christians is behind it.

    • @mikalsweeny3143
      @mikalsweeny3143 2 роки тому +9


    • @Aaronwhatnow
      @Aaronwhatnow 2 роки тому

      You're shiting me right. Islam is way more persecuted

    • @aquariumdude7829
      @aquariumdude7829 2 роки тому +1

      @@ME143-c1d I occasionally watch true stories about real-life hauntings and demonic infestations on the Travel Channel. I notice one common factor is the demonic entities in the stories all seem to flee when the name of Jesus Christ is invoked to drive them away. Nothing else seems to move them or get rid of them. But that sure does. If they are afraid of Him, we should ask ourselves why? The question then answers itself.

    • @welcomeaboard69
      @welcomeaboard69 2 роки тому

      There are no facts in this video, christians are not victims.

    • @2eretz
      @2eretz 2 роки тому +1

      Lol ha don’t think so

  • @janburn007
    @janburn007 2 роки тому +34

    Yes - these so-called "woke" people will always defend the minority religions in any country (even if people of those religions have recently committed acts of violence) - but they will never stand up to defend Christianity - which is the majority religion (& the traditional/historic religion) in most western democratic countries.
    But even before the western countries withdrew from Afghanistan, Christianity was the most persecuted religion in the world, simply because of all the persecution that was happening to it in so many of the majority Muslim countries around the world. Persecution of Christians in those countries is very widespread & common - almost an everyday occurrence in fact. But unless it's a major event of Islamic terrorism in a western country, we rarely get to hear about (in the mainstream western media) all these incidents of persecution of Christians in majority Muslim countries.
    And whenever a major incident of Islamic terrorism happens in a western country - the media is always very quick to assure us that Islam is a religion of peace (even though they've never read the Quran & hadiths for themselves, to find out), & this act of terrorism was not encouraged by the religion of Islam - but merely the act of a "lone wolf" Muslim (in which case there seem to be many "lone wolves" in the religion of Islam!).
    If only those in the media would take it upon themselves to read the Quran & hadiths for themselves, they would soon find out that Islam in fact DOES encourage violence against non-believers in Islam, & also those who leave the religion of Islam. But apparently none of our media people are smart enough to read those books for themselves.
    I've also never understood why Christianity cannot at least be given the same privileges & support as say Judaism & Islam. People would never dare treat Jews & Muslims the way they treat Christians - or they probably would be labelled as racists & discriminating against them on the basis of their religious beliefs. They would also probably be labelled anti-Semitic & Islamaphobes. And people might also be afraid that they may become the victims of terrorists if they do not treat Muslims favourably.
    But the world over the last 20 years or so, seems to have become very antagonistic towards Christians & has become extremely "Christianophobic" - & people are just expected to accept this discrimination against Christians - when all they really want is to be treated the same as the other religions. And at least practising Christians have not gone around committing acts of physically violent terrorism in the name of Christianity in recent years - so it's hard to understand why Christianity receives such unfavourable treatment. The only conclusion possible is that most people in the west responsible for this treatment of Christianity, are simply hypocrites with double standards.

    • @janburn007
      @janburn007 2 роки тому

      @John Coinyer Believe it or not - some Christians in western countries have even been persecuted in their jobs for wearing a Christian cross around their neck (a sign of their Christianity) - yet they would not dare ask a Muslim woman to remove her hijab - which is a physical sign of her religion. Or they would not dare ask a Jewish man to remove his yarmalka, or a married Jewish woman to remove her own head covering. Yet they readily expect a Christian to remove any sign that they may be a Christian! I'm so glad to hear that you now want to be a more committed Christian - it's time to get out that big fat crucifix once again & place it around your neck! Then if anyone tells you you should not be wearing it - you can tell them you won't remove it until they get that Muslim woman next door, to remove her hijab. It'll be interesting to see the reaction you get! Of course - you may need to pursue the matter in court, to receive the same rights to wear your religious symbols as a Christian, as those of other religions readily receive - but it will be worth it!

    • @kalburgy2114
      @kalburgy2114 2 роки тому

      Christianity stands in the way of the New World Order.

    • @voxac30withstrat
      @voxac30withstrat 2 роки тому

      And every single time there is a terrorist attack it is described as done by 'radicals' as if their beliefs are different to the book they read. If the attack is done by one he's called a 'Lone wolf' with mental issues.
      I recall when that British soldier was stabbed to death on the public street right outside the barracks in Britain by a muslim shouting the usual slogan and yelling why he did it in front of many witnesses and the BBC said they didn't know what his motive was. But even today they still talk about Timothy McVeigh or Anders Behring Breivik as being Christian mass murderers but NEVER mentioning that both disavowed Christianity way before they killed those people.

    • @Gdsryrox
      @Gdsryrox 2 роки тому +5

      It is because the world lies in the hands of the wicked one, Satan the devil and knowing he has little time is fighting against gods people.
      If you read the bible and know about how Satan room Jesus up to a high place and tempted him 3 times with the the last being Saten ‘Showing Jesus all the kingdom of the world’ and asking for worship and it would be his. Then knowing in the Quran a similar thing happened to Muhammad, it’s, it’s not hard to see why the world powers defend Islam.

    • @gerhardtblume7354
      @gerhardtblume7354 Рік тому +1

      Why do leftists attack Christianity?
      Because this social justice ideology is a religion replacing religion. It is also totalitarian.
      There is no aspect of your life or identity that is immune from ‘critical interrogation’.
      Every aspect of your life and identity must be “reimagined”…
      Whenever you hear the word ‘critical’ applied to their agenda, you know, it’s cultural Marxism.
      Critical race theory, critical gender studies and critical legal studies are all toxic elaborations of Marxist “Critical Theory”.
      This a religion without mercy, forgiveness or redemption. You fail to conform or parrot their ideological nonsense and leftists will seek to bring your life to ruin.
      Totalitarian regimes - French Revolutionaries, the Soviet Union, Communist China and yes, Nazi Germany - all tried to extinguish Christianity.
      As with the social justice movement, they want complete faith and compliance. It’s not enough to simply conform. You must “love Big Brother”.
      For those dummies who think Hitler was a Christian, consider this from Heinrich Himmler, Reich leader of Hitler’s SS:
      “We live in an era of the ultimate conflict with Christianity. It is part of the mission of the SS to give the German people in the next century the non-Christian ideological foundations on which to lead and shape their lives.”
      The Nazis were planning on constructing a state religion combining paganism and the Occult…
      I hope you’ll check out my book “Deconstructing Social Justice”. This ideology is cancerous and it’s coming for you and your children…

  • @mikalsweeny3143
    @mikalsweeny3143 2 роки тому +30

    Rejoice- for great will
    Be your reward in heaven.
    Stay strong my brothers and sisters.

    • @ycageLehT
      @ycageLehT 2 роки тому +3


    • @suzieaguilar397
      @suzieaguilar397 2 роки тому +2

      Amen ❤

    • @thissweetlife7250
      @thissweetlife7250 2 роки тому +4

      Thank you for your encouragment we all need this reminder every day. To not faint or grow weary. His yoke is easy and his burden is light.

    • @suzieaguilar397
      @suzieaguilar397 2 роки тому +1

      @@thissweetlife7250 👍❤

    • @canadiankewldude
      @canadiankewldude 2 роки тому +3

      *_Mat _**_10:32_**_ Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. - KJB_*

  • @ant3064
    @ant3064 2 роки тому +21

    Revelation 20:4
    English Standard Version
    4 Then I saw thrones, and seated on them were those to whom the authority to judge was committed. Also I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for the testimony of Jesus and for the word of God, and those who had not worshiped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years.

  • @jonathannixon8652
    @jonathannixon8652 Рік тому +4

    💔 Heartbreaking Reality: Persecution of Christians 💔
    Today, my heart aches as I reflect on the unimaginable suffering endured by our fellow Christians around the world. It is with a heavy heart that I bring attention to the ongoing persecution they face, a reality that often goes unnoticed or ignored.
    In countless regions, our brothers and sisters in Christ are being targeted, discriminated against, and subjected to unspeakable acts of violence, solely because of their unwavering faith. Their lives are filled with constant fear, uncertainty, and unimaginable pain. It is a tragedy that we cannot turn a blind eye to.
    The stories that emerge from these persecuted communities are nothing short of devastating. Families torn apart, churches destroyed, and lives shattered. These brave individuals, who simply seek to live out their faith and spread love, are being silenced and oppressed.
    It is disheartening to witness the lack of attention and support given to these persecuted Christians. Their cries for help often fall on deaf ears, leaving them feeling abandoned and alone. As a global community, we must stand together and raise our voices against this injustice.
    Let us remember that the freedom to practice our faith is a fundamental human right, one that should be protected and cherished. We must advocate for change, urging governments and organizations to take immediate action to protect the lives and rights of Christians worldwide.
    Today, I invite you to join me in prayer for our persecuted brothers and sisters. Pray for their safety, strength, and resilience in the face of adversity. Pray for their oppressors, that their hearts may be touched with compassion and understanding. And let us pray for a world where religious freedom is respected and upheld for all.
    Together, we can make a difference. Let us raise awareness, support organizations working tirelessly to aid persecuted Christians, and never forget those who suffer in silence. May our collective efforts bring hope, healing, and an end to the persecution of Christians.
    #PersecutionOfChristians #StandWithThePersecuted #PrayForReligiousFreedom

  • @mamoruchiba3301
    @mamoruchiba3301 Рік тому +3

    Whenever Christians try to defend their religion from being disrespected, they always got backlash from the modern society

  • @marcusbou-samra5929
    @marcusbou-samra5929 2 роки тому +7

    I am happy to be a christian and follow christ.!

  • @e.r.m8986
    @e.r.m8986 2 роки тому +29

    Just as Jesus said it would be.

    • @aquariumdude7829
      @aquariumdude7829 2 роки тому +2

      Yes, he did. He told us this would happen. I just never thought it would be happening in the formerly Christian countries of the so-called West. :(

    • @katt8536
      @katt8536 2 роки тому +2

      If this is the end times we are in, then negative comments are expected. Non believers will negate reality. You have to have more faith in not believing then to believe.

    • @ME143-c1d
      @ME143-c1d 2 роки тому +1

      The Synagogue of Satan

    • @mariahewitt9787
      @mariahewitt9787 2 роки тому

      @John Coinyer
      Look around you!!!!
      Everything that's happening around the world right now, is written in the Bible.

  • @danielramsey197
    @danielramsey197 2 роки тому +5

    To true believers, this is no surprise...but indeed, it shall continue and increase. Maranatha!

  • @thoughts-words-actions4165
    @thoughts-words-actions4165 2 роки тому +19

    True story, great job.

  • @nydv16
    @nydv16 6 місяців тому +3

    HINDUISM 🕉️ is most persecuted religion in the world. We learnt a lot history,you all also learn some history about India

  • @wondyradasmamaw4866
    @wondyradasmamaw4866 2 роки тому +5

    What a wonderful interview!!! I got really shocked to see how Christianity and christians are viewed and subtly mistreated in the western world let alone in non christian countries. I have stopped telling people I am Christian after realizing and experiencing the invisible descrimination and negative attitude against Christians in New Zealand.

  • @pandalove3056
    @pandalove3056 Рік тому +6

    Because they knew that we are worship the living true God....

    • @Aakashputtur
      @Aakashputtur Рік тому +1

      You are worshiping fary tails g@y man jesus mf

    • @pandalove3056
      @pandalove3056 Рік тому +1

      @@Aakashputtur I'm not here to argue with you.....but the time will come that you will know that JESUS is the way, the Truth and the life...He forgive our sins and died for us on the cross.

    • @Aakashputtur
      @Aakashputtur Рік тому +1

      @@pandalove3056 f that g@y man jesus the great p0rnstar... can't believe people still part of this geeatest scam of the mankind called christianity

  • @deanthechamp5669
    @deanthechamp5669 2 роки тому +8

    Prophecy being fulfilled

  • @chotelca
    @chotelca 2 роки тому +7

    Every show on Netflix (original) has some jab against the faith. In itself is nothing, but if it is constant in every show we are being ridiculed. Well it changes people's minds towards Christians.

    • @thissweetlife7250
      @thissweetlife7250 2 роки тому +1

      Plus if it's on everything we watch it can get in our hearts as well. We all need to be vigilant and guard our hearts. A major way to do that is to be careful what we're watching and listening too. Keep his word hidden in your heart. Notice enter-tainment. Enter..things on TV or Netflix or whatever way you stream shows can enter and get into our hearts. Stay watchful everyone and be courageous :)

  • @nmc9929
    @nmc9929 2 роки тому +15

    John 15:18-19 KJV
    If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you. If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.

    • @canadiankewldude
      @canadiankewldude 2 роки тому

      *_Mat _**_10:32_**_ Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. - KJB_*

  • @thissweetlife7250
    @thissweetlife7250 2 роки тому +17

    This does not at all come as a surprise. Jesus himself said we would have trouble in this world but to take heart bc he has overcame the world. Jesus was persecuted himself so why would we be surprised when we face persecution? Christians, yes let's stand up for our faith in the face of persecution and rejoice in the the Lord. We need to be courageous and fearless relying on God to protect us and help us through the power of the Holy Spirit to relentlessly spread hope, the Gospel. The good news of salvation.

    • @canadiankewldude
      @canadiankewldude 2 роки тому +3

      *_Mat _**_10:28_**_ And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell._*
      *_Mat _**_10:32_**_ Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. - KJB_*

    • @nonprogrediestregredi1711
      @nonprogrediestregredi1711 2 роки тому +1

      @@canadiankewldude In case you are not aware, the word translated as "hell" in Mathew 10:28 is from the word "Gehenna" (transliterated) in Greek. It was a valley just outside of Jerusalem. That verse is not referring to an underworld of some sort.

    • @canadiankewldude
      @canadiankewldude 2 роки тому

      @@nonprogrediestregredi1711 Take your chances with your eternal soul all you wish.

    • @nonprogrediestregredi1711
      @nonprogrediestregredi1711 2 роки тому

      @@canadiankewldude What?? I just mentioned how the translation of "hell" was derived from a location outside of Jerusalem and you respond by referencing an "eternal soul", that which you cannot demonstrate and do not have epistemic justification for belief in. Sure; whatever makes you feel better.

    • @canadiankewldude
      @canadiankewldude 2 роки тому

      @@nonprogrediestregredi1711 It was a metaphor in its day. Yes it does make me feel better, I honestly hope the day will come when you realize the truth in the Gospels.
      The Valley of Hinnom, named Gehenna in Greek, lies just outside the city of Jerusalem. During Jesus' time, it was the city's garbage burner. Its fires were kept continually burning (an everlasting lake of fire!) to fully consume all things dumped there. Brimstone used to be added to fuel the incineration. It ensured total destruction.

  • @schitlipz
    @schitlipz Рік тому +2

    Thank you for addressing this important issue. It's so evident in Western culture, that I don't understand how the hypocrisy is put up with by anybody.

  • @jessmc90
    @jessmc90 2 роки тому +9

    I love Calvin and appreciate him

  • @pkwong1940
    @pkwong1940 2 роки тому +7

    King Charles has professed to be "The Defender of Faiths" with an "s". What does that mean and what will that mean?

    • @janetbromhead4115
      @janetbromhead4115 2 роки тому +1

      It shows King Charles III doesn’t have a living relationship with JC or really understand the Gospel message. Concerning. His mother would be so disappointed, dare I say, aghast.

    • @janetbromhead4115
      @janetbromhead4115 2 роки тому +1

      I noticed that too. It’s concerning. It probably means he’s not a ‘defender of the faith’, because King Charles III doesn’t have a personal knowledge of JC or true understanding of the Gospel message. His mother will be so disappointed- Even aghast!

    • @sandrafinbar
      @sandrafinbar 2 роки тому

      Too scared to say anything else due to offending other religions especially Islam that is taking hold in Britain and they are always complaining that they are persecuted. He shouldn't have said it. He should have said Christian values.

  • @KatyYoder-cq1kc
    @KatyYoder-cq1kc 9 місяців тому +1

    Don't respond to guilt, don't respond to judgment from the government or any organization that is not speaking the word of God! The Bible is complete and should never be changed, edited or revised.

  • @ETERNITY777
    @ETERNITY777 2 роки тому +4


  • @connorhenry2176
    @connorhenry2176 2 роки тому +2

    Please pray for me to be bold in spite of persecution from my Christian family. They have told me that whenever I try to tell my teachers (who believe the prosperity gospel) that they are wrong, I am putting Christianity in a bad light.

    • @cokyarpen4980
      @cokyarpen4980 2 роки тому

      I also get persecuted for trying to spk the truth, stay strong brother and trust in God, praying for you!

  • @malikaabizar8318
    @malikaabizar8318 Рік тому +4

    Algerian christian are also persecuted by the government

  • @aborgeshonorato
    @aborgeshonorato 2 роки тому +2

    That is why I became Christian.

  • @mariavani8839
    @mariavani8839 2 роки тому +3

    We are being persecuted and it is because it is the end times

  • @johnjohnston3203
    @johnjohnston3203 2 роки тому +4

    Jesus foretold this would happen. Why are you surprised?

  • @danielharrison1065
    @danielharrison1065 Рік тому +3

    Ex Christian and Muslim Alhamdulillah 😇☝️
    Jesus Christ is prophet and servant of Allah

  • @cokyarpen4980
    @cokyarpen4980 2 роки тому +2

    "They hated me but they will hate you more" Jesus Christ!

  • @rosemaryhowes8047
    @rosemaryhowes8047 2 роки тому +4

    Yes correct, I have worked in other countries around the world for a good mm any years and I have never had to hide my Christian faith, in fact it was expected that I would have some spirituality . When I finally came back to the UK, I suddenly felt I had to hide it as people were quite rude to my face even when and I never did, mention the subject, although I'm not fundamental and would never push my beliefs on other people! Now I will not hide my faith at all.

    • @Quackzine
      @Quackzine 2 роки тому +1

      Be a lamp on the hill!

    • @HotaruDS
      @HotaruDS 8 місяців тому

      Never do it. Always be proud and keep your head up! We have to face them now and don't be intimidated by them. Because there will come a time when we'll have to fight them... Hold your ground. You're not alone. ❤

  • @bobbyscott8024
    @bobbyscott8024 2 роки тому +2

    Jesus said ''If they(the world) hated me they will hate you as well''! The difference between ''religion'' and Christianity is simple for anybody wanting to know..........Religion ( regardless of what kind) is man's effort to reach God (works) Christianity, however, is God ( in the form of Jesus Christ) coming down to man! Pure and simple. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved! Jesus is the only way to Heaven! John 3:16

  • @iankilkenny6536
    @iankilkenny6536 2 роки тому +3

    Jesus arrives at a non Christian's house
    Jesus: Let me in.
    Non Christian: Why?
    Jesus: So I can save you.
    Non Christian: from what?
    Jesus: From what I am going to do to you, if you do not let me in!

  • @marciaadamson7032
    @marciaadamson7032 2 роки тому +2

    I’m sorry you have no faith!! Find JESUS SOON! I can’t imagine what life would be like without my faith!!✝️🙏🏻

  • @FuzDoesStuff
    @FuzDoesStuff Рік тому +4

    This is barely true. Also, if it were to be true, IT'S PAYBACK!

    • @Corpoise0974
      @Corpoise0974 Рік тому

      What did Assyrians and Copts do to you?

  • @AL_YZ
    @AL_YZ Рік тому +1

    A Catholic priest was burnt to death on 15 January 2023 in Nigeria.
    Rev. Fr. Isaac Achi, the Parish Priest of St Peter and Paul Church, Kafin-Koro in Paikoro Local Government Area of Niger State was killed after surviving a number of attacks over the years.

  • @Alex-sd6io
    @Alex-sd6io 2 роки тому +11

    Thx Calvin for telling the Truth

  • @Reptanimalposts
    @Reptanimalposts Рік тому +1

    The devil knows his time is running out.

  • @j.bergland6887
    @j.bergland6887 2 роки тому +7

    So true.

  • @leebennett1821
    @leebennett1821 2 роки тому +2

    Criticism is not persecution

    • @Quackzine
      @Quackzine 2 роки тому +1

      Christians are killed in Muslim countries

  • @holfiderrsimanjuntak275
    @holfiderrsimanjuntak275 2 роки тому +6

    it's all have been written 🙂

  • @eoghainoneill7195
    @eoghainoneill7195 2 роки тому +2

    Exactly right ,thankyou Calvin.

  • @howard4510
    @howard4510 2 роки тому +3

    Shout out for Calvin Robinson , Yaaay

  • @ant3064
    @ant3064 2 роки тому +1

    2 Timothy 3:12
    English Standard Version
    '12 Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted,"

  • @brokengirl8619
    @brokengirl8619 Рік тому +2

    Just remember, salvation is a free gift, we cannot earn it by obeying God, or lose it by disobeying God, Yesua(jesus) is God. Believe and trust in him, he is the only savior. Not us. And don't be discouraged. Don't let anyone turn you're heart away from his love.

  • @matthewgeary4318
    @matthewgeary4318 2 роки тому +2

    The trendy left like to be critics of the christian view on gay rights and abortion. I invite these PEOPLE to attend the world cup soccer in Qatar, and express their view point on gay rights, in the same way they treat christians here, and let's see where it takes them.

  • @MydogTobes
    @MydogTobes Рік тому +1

    Haters going to hate. I am not a Christian by faith. But I do not think Christians should be persecuted or prosecuted for being Christian. I do not see the justification for being allowed to target people based on their religion. The law should step in and eliminate the discrimination of Christians.

  • @oldtimerlee8820
    @oldtimerlee8820 2 роки тому +7

    That has been a truth for a long time. Goes all the way back to the Romans in the 1st century AD.
    In the US, what religious group of people established laws giving people the freedom to worship as they choose? For example, 52 of the 55 signers of the Declaration of Independence were "deeply committed Christians". (Oakland Press)

    • @rahimi4762
      @rahimi4762 2 роки тому

      Those Christians were different. These same Christian’s killed off the true ones. This is BAAL WORSHIP

    • @chadmeidl1140
      @chadmeidl1140 2 роки тому

      The Declaration of Independence did not grant religious liberty to all. The colonies tried to implement state churches according to their denominational beliefs. Baptist preachers in Virginia were imprisoned, fined and whipped for preaching the gospel "without a license" after the Declaration. Patrick Henry defended the Baptists in court, and both James Madison and Thomas Jefferson held personal correspondences with many Baptists. Thomas Jefferson led a committee in producing the first draft of legislation known as the "Virginia Statute of Religious Liberty." It was not until December 15, 1791 that the Bill of Rights granted true religious liberty of which John Locke wrote "The Baptists were the first and only proponents of absolute liberty."
      "Who does not see that the same authority which can establish Christianity in exclusion of all other religions may establish, with the same ease, any particular sect of Christians, in exclusion of all other sects?"

  • @sioux6365
    @sioux6365 2 роки тому +2

    Because the Return of Christ is getting nearer, and we know Time is going backwards to a Time like the Days of Noah. These are the Days of Revelation and the Apostle John on Patmos.

  • @viola647
    @viola647 2 роки тому +13

    I belive Christianity is being mocked because most churches agree in same sex marriage even though its written in the bible to be wrong soo who's going to have respect for a faith that doesn't respect their own beliefs 🤦🏾‍♀️.

    • @janburn007
      @janburn007 2 роки тому

      In reality, I think many churches these days are just allowing themselves to be led by the popular societal & politically correct beliefs of the time & just "going with the flow" as it were - rather than sticking with their genuine Bible-based beliefs & setting an example for the rest of society. So instead of Christians leading the society & setting the example - they are allowing themselves to be led by the rest of society.

    • @allanyoung6231
      @allanyoung6231 2 роки тому +3

      A few might agree with homosexual marriage but the majority do not !

    • @epicchad7539
      @epicchad7539 2 роки тому

      Contradictions plague the bible. Its not something new.

    • @allanyoung6231
      @allanyoung6231 2 роки тому +4

      @@epicchad7539 Their are no contradictions in scripture. If you think you have found one then you have misunderstood or misread it

    • @suzieaguilar397
      @suzieaguilar397 2 роки тому +4

      @@allanyoung6231 The atheists are very much pushing the 'contradiction' fallacy. Psalm 14 and 17 proclaim, "The fool hath said in his heart there is no God. "

  • @alexiscalanthia823
    @alexiscalanthia823 Рік тому +2

    You all do realize this is just an opinion. You have no way of proving thus.

  • @samuelwilliams6171
    @samuelwilliams6171 Рік тому +2

    Ex Christian and Muslim Alhamdulillah ☝️😇

  • @brigitteschultz1552
    @brigitteschultz1552 2 роки тому +1

    What about when small children are criticized for wanting to go to church or Sunday school. They can't fight back, they don't know what to say

    • @chrismurphy3124
      @chrismurphy3124 2 роки тому

      LOL small children are taken to church by their parents, what child asks to go to church willingly?

    • @brigitteschultz1552
      @brigitteschultz1552 2 роки тому +1

      @@chrismurphy3124 the are the grandchildren and yes she asked to go

    • @Quackzine
      @Quackzine 2 роки тому +2

      @@chrismurphy3124 Lots of kids love going to Church. Many churches are loving welcoming communities that share eachother's difficulties and joys. Sounds like you may have had a bad experience. Don't judge everything by your own experience, especially if if you bit the bad apple in the barrel.

    • @brigitteschultz1552
      @brigitteschultz1552 2 роки тому

      @@Quackzine Thank you

    • @EloraSelah
      @EloraSelah Рік тому

      @@chrismurphy3124 they are many godly children too. If children can watch porn then you guys don't ask whether parents encouraged that.

  • @lllmmm5751
    @lllmmm5751 2 роки тому +4

    Being a Christian is like having a light in you .but don't take that as meek or weak,I don't know if this is a American thing ,but if u mess with my family or anyone one of my loved ones ,I will hurt
    You.the lord can forgive me or not ,

  • @orionvant
    @orionvant 2 роки тому +1

    Don't think the Italian people will agree with that

  • @jillphilips3788
    @jillphilips3788 2 роки тому +8

    Keep Sharing Spreading
    Love Truth Discernments And Good Common Sense.
    Psalms 33:12
    In Our Holy Lord God Yeshua Christ Jesus And Holy Spirit And Holy LORD GOD Father.
    Each New Day Never The Less.
    Love His Righteousness’s.
    All The Facts First And All The New Facts Too For Truth Discernments And Good Common Sense.

    • @canadiankewldude
      @canadiankewldude 2 роки тому +1

      *_Mat _**_10:32_**_ Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. - KJB_*

  • @archimedesscrew3710
    @archimedesscrew3710 2 роки тому +2

    Thank you Sky Australia 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  • @aheat3036
    @aheat3036 2 роки тому +5

    If you’re not a person of faith, then you are a non believer and a person who rejects faith!… You are the wrong person to do this story.

    • @nicoledeberry1155
      @nicoledeberry1155 2 роки тому +4

      And that hateful comment shows you are a non believer as well cause if you believe and treat people like that you need to go look in the mirror and have a talk with yourself before you talk to God. Just saying hate has no room here

    • @katt8536
      @katt8536 2 роки тому

      You’re right that hate should not be here. I didn’t read the comment as being hateful. Jesus doesn’t hate but he spoke the truth about people who did not believe at the same time he was reaching out to them.

    • @oldtimerlee8820
      @oldtimerlee8820 2 роки тому +2

      When TRUTH is told, it doesn't matter who is doing the telling. Freedom of religion (or lack thereof goes) hand in hand with freedom of speech. In my world he has the freedom to chose his belief system and to express his opinion of others choices.

    • @nicoledeberry1155
      @nicoledeberry1155 2 роки тому +1

      @@oldtimerlee8820 exactly and if you believe and sit there saying hateful things and making judgements well my friend then you are not a believer either. Lol

    • @nicoledeberry1155
      @nicoledeberry1155 2 роки тому +1

      @@katt8536 hateful is someone saying their a believer and then saying that the guy that stated he wasn’t but was doing the broadcast and the comment implied he shouldn’t be doing this piece cause he does not believe. I just see hate in all that. But hey that is just my opinion

  • @jesusislordeverlastinggod4295
    @jesusislordeverlastinggod4295 Рік тому +1

    I am a disciple of Jesus i walk alone with Jesus and I'm a single mom and I'm very suffer persecution from Buddhists everywhere God send me Buddhists always persecute me and my son
    because of persecution i and my son we have to move house very often and now I'm very tired of moving house so many times it's seems endless.
    I really need to stop to stop moving house as I'm getting older and need own place and peaceful land to live in.
    Please pray for me

    • @Aakashputtur
      @Aakashputtur Рік тому

      Budhism is the way of life... christianity just brainwash people accept budhism read budhist text you gain peace in your life..

  • @OzVeteran1969
    @OzVeteran1969 2 роки тому +3

    A true believer follows the Doctrine of Christ. We observe the 8 feasts ordained in Scripture, not the occult days the churches tell you about.
    None of us belong to a brick and mortar church because they aren't required and they're also full of pagan Idolatry.

    • @sisterspooky
      @sisterspooky 2 роки тому +1

      @שומר על הקיר
      - Hold up… no, if you go by your own Christian Bible it makes plainly that you’re not supposed to be telling others which ‘days’ to celebrate, or have you forgotten that little nugget?
      Let me remind you…
      Romans 14:2-13
      One man’s faith allows him to eat everything, but another man, whose faith is weak, eats only vegetables. The man who eats everything must not look down on him who does not, and the man who does not eat everything must not condemn the man who does, for God has accepted him. Who are you to judge someone else’s servant? To his own master he stands or falls. And he will stand, for the Lord is able to make him stand.
      One man considers one day more sacred than another; another man considers every day alike. Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind. He who regards one day as special, does so to the Lord. He who eats meat, eats to the Lord, for he gives thanks to God; and he who abstains, does so to the Lord and gives thanks to God. For none of us lives to himself alone and none of us dies to himself alone. If we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.
      For this very reason, Christ died and returned to life so that he might be the Lord of both the dead and the living. You, then, why do you judge your brother? Or why do you look down on your brother? For we will all stand before God’s judgment seat. It is written:
      “ ‘As surely as I live,’ says the Lord,
      ‘every knee will bow before me;
      every tongue will confess to God.’ ”
      So then, each of us will give an account of himself to God.
      Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in your brother’s way.
      Ease up on that judgement, man… you’re in violation of the very Bible you’re supposed to be minding.
      Edit: Formatting correction.

    • @janicem9225
      @janicem9225 2 роки тому +2

      The Bible states...." Neglect not the assembling of yourselves together"
      Yes. It can mean a house Church, etc, but many people feel the desire to be in a building consecrated for the purpose of worshipping God, so that isn't pagan, as long as there's no worshipping of images, etc.
      What about the Jewish temple?
      Was THAT pagan?
      Of course not, because God instructed it to be built, in order to worship him.
      The new testament also states that Churches were being built as more people came to faith.
      Same thing with Churches that are built by Christians now.
      They are a reminder of the worshipping in a place consecrated for that purpose.
      It sounds as though you are very bigoted against those Gentiles who love the Lord, and you would have them doubt their faith.
      That's of satan....he always loves to cause us doubt and confusion, because he preys on those things, in order to try to pull us away from God.
      You would have people enslaved, all over again, though Christ has freed us from slavery to the law, and sin.
      And you calling the holidays "occult days" is as absurd as some of the other things you stated.
      You're actually persecuting Christians yourself, or do you not realize that?
      Then again, maybe you do, which is very concerning.
      My Papaw was a Baptist Minister, and it's as he always said.... it's how you celebrate certain holidays that matter, because if you do it to bring glory to the Lord, then you're doing well, but only if you do it for that purpose.
      He didn't like Halloween, or the Easter Bunny on Resurrection Sunday, but because it was the Resurrection of Christ, that's how it was the Resurrection of Christ.... and Christmas was of course, an estimation of Jesus birth, and was celebrated as such..... and in that manner only.
      So, if you're simply referring to those two holidays, then you're so far off base, that it's laughable.
      THEN, we celebrated our national holidays, like Thanksgiving, Memorial day, etc, in the spirit they were meant to be celebrated on.
      And another thing.... Gentile Christians don't have to celebrate Jewish feast days, UNLESS we feel led to, because it isn't mandatory for us to do so, because we've been given freedom to decide.
      You remind me of the early Jewish converts who tried to tie down the new Gentile converts with the old Jewish customs of circumcision, feasts and fasts, etc, ..... and Paul had to come in and set his Jewish brothers and sisters straight on their bigotry against their Gentile brothers and sisters.
      I think maybe you needed the same setting straight. 😉

    • @RoseSharon7777
      @RoseSharon7777 2 роки тому

      Psalm 146:3, Isaiah 43:10-12. Unfortunately most believers don't know their Bible. They cry persecution when people try to point out their deception. The same deception that Jesus warned about. Worshipping a man as God is the deception Jesus warned would come using his name.

    • @canadiankewldude
      @canadiankewldude 2 роки тому

      @@RoseSharon7777 Cool, mind you Psalm and Isaiah are old Testament, are you aware of anything in the New Testament showing Jesus warning us about the man as a God thing?

    • @RoseSharon7777
      @RoseSharon7777 2 роки тому

      @@canadiankewldude LOL. Not one jot or tittle will pass from law until heaven and earth pass away. I dont know who told you the OT was completely void but Clearly you've never read the OT for yourself. If you had you'd have known that God himself said if anyone ever came teaching a different message in the future, they were liars. That includes the catholic and protestant church. The mother and daughter harlot. Jeremiah 16:19-21 kjv or hebrew, was written for deceived gentiles like yourself.

  • @greenlach7398
    @greenlach7398 6 місяців тому

    People aren’t immune of being prosecuted for crimes because they have a faith of any faith

  • @monstermachine1601
    @monstermachine1601 Рік тому +1

    I'm not a Christian, I don't follow the religion and for the most part seek to avoid Christians. But the thing I do believe in is fairness and Christians deserve protection of the law just as any other religion does.

    • @brokengirl8619
      @brokengirl8619 Рік тому

      The noahide laws want to call for the beheading of christians. How is this even allowed by people.

  • @alexahleen8293
    @alexahleen8293 2 роки тому +2

    This is the paycheck for all those fucking crusades

    @HAILYAHALMIGHTY777 Рік тому +1

    Sadly, this is what happened to the jews during WWII. It started with simple persecution. Then it escalated and only got worse.

  • @fredriksundberg4624
    @fredriksundberg4624 6 місяців тому +1

    Of course it's being the most persecuted religion because it's being the biggest religion currently in the world with around 2,3 billions of followers devoted to it but that's not making it being special in any other way of being persecuted compared with other religions no more than it's having the most followers.
    But compared with the world population being around 8,5 billions the majority of the world population isn't christians.

  • @RVMTube
    @RVMTube Рік тому +1

    Imagine being given a framework that allows you to build the most free and tolerant system to live in, and then using that freedom to destroy the framework that provided said freedoms to you... while protecting other frameworks that openly seek your destruction and subjugation and have no problem imposing their will on you through the use of force.