Swimisodes - Improve Freestyle Technique - Head Position

  • Опубліковано 5 жов 2024


  • @hacking98
    @hacking98 9 років тому +11

    i would love to train here! And with this wonderfull coach!

  • @Fyrespitter101
    @Fyrespitter101 9 років тому +5

    This is a very helpful and informative video on correct head and body posture for swimming freestyle. I am going to be using these techniques tomorrow at practice.

  • @tonytran8456
    @tonytran8456 8 років тому +1

    wow, i didn't know this before i watch this video. I saw a lot of swimmer with their head moving forward and they're pretty fast so I just follow them

    • @theraceclub
      @theraceclub  7 років тому +1

      Glad to enlighten you on the proper head position!

  • @leesanghwa8175
    @leesanghwa8175 8 років тому +3

    00:00:00,099 --> 00:00:03,619
    So today we're going to go back to fundamentals.
    All right? We're going to --
    오늘은 그래서 기초적인 것들을 다시 점검해보겠습니다.
    00:00:04,780 --> 00:00:11,140
    We're going to pay attention to, and we're going to learn from, the three basic laws that govern every stroke you take.
    여러분이 매번 젓는 스트로크를 지배하는 세가지 기본 법칙에 촛점을 맞추고, 거기에서부터 배우도록하겠습니다.
    00:00:11,200 --> 00:00:13,920
    No matter whether it's fly, back, breast or free.
    접영, 배영, 평영, 자유형... 어느 영법이든지 간에.
    00:00:13,920 --> 00:00:17,060
    The first group of laws are probably the most important ones.
    첫번째 그룹의 법칙들이 아마도 가장 중요한 것입니다.
    00:00:17,720 --> 00:00:20,760
    And those are the ones that I call the number one of the swimmer.
    저는 이 법칙들을 수영선수의 "첫 번째 적"이라 부릅니다.
    00:00:20,760 --> 00:00:22,240
    Those are the laws of drag.
    바로 "저항에 관한 법칙들"입니다.
    00:00:22,250 --> 00:00:25,550
    The forces of drag. They're the ones that slow you down.
    저항력. 이것들은 당신이 느려지게 합니다.
    00:00:25,550 --> 00:00:28,350
    We have to really pay attention to how to minimize those.
    우리는 이 "저항력"들을 어떻게 하면 최소화할 수 있는 지에 진짜로 관심을 기울여야 합니다.
    00:00:28,660 --> 00:00:32,359
    The second group of laws are the ones that allow you to go.
    두번째 그룹의 법칙들은 여러분이 앞으로 나아갈 수 있게 하는 것들입니다.
    00:00:32,359 --> 00:00:34,080
    The laws of motion or propulsion.
    운동 또는 추진력의 법칙들입니다.
    00:00:34,160 --> 00:00:39,440
    And we have to maximize power to the best of our ability to get down to the other end of the pool.
    우리는 수로의 반대편 끝에 다다르기 위해 할 수 있는 최선을 다해 힘을 최대화해야 합니다.
    00:00:39,960 --> 00:00:46,860
    And the third law, which is called the law of inertia, basically says, that a body in motion wants to stay in motion.
    세번째 법칙은 "관성의 법칙"이라고 합니다. "움직이는 물체는 움직이려 한다"는 것이지요.
    00:00:46,860 --> 00:00:49,760
    That means that we want to keep our speed constant.
    즉 우리는 속도를 일정하게 유지하려 한다는 것입니다.
    00:00:49,840 --> 00:00:53,700
    There's really only two strokes that we can do that in, and that's free and back.
    실제로는 두 가지 영법에서만 그렇게 할 수 있습니다. 바로 자유형과 배영입니다.
    00:00:53,700 --> 00:00:58,140
    The fly and breast are stop and go strokes. They don't obey that law.
    접영과 평영은 "멈추었다 진행하는"(stop and go) 영법입니다. 이 둘은 관성의 법칙을 따르지 않습니다.
    00:00:58,160 --> 00:01:02,220
    But in free and back, we can. We can come close to doing that.
    하지만 자유형과 배영에서는, 그럴 수 있습니다. 거의 일정하게 속도를 유지할 수 있습니다.
    00:01:02,220 --> 00:01:05,860
    So we're going to work on some drills for each of those categories.
    이제 말씀드린 각각의 범주를 위한 몇 가지 훈련들을 연습하겠습니다.
    00:01:07,160 --> 00:01:10,340
    Sculling with the head above water while doing flutter kick
    "머리를 물 위에 내밀고 팔랑차기(flutter kick)를 하면서 하는 손젓기(sculling) 훈련"은
    00:01:10,340 --> 00:01:16,400
    is a good way to demonstrate that an elevated head also changes the body's position in the water.
    머리가 들릴 때 물 속 몸뚱아리의 자세 역시 변한다는 사실을 잘 알려줍니다.
    00:01:16,780 --> 00:01:20,380
    Olympic champion and world record holder Roland Schoeman
    올림픽 챔피언이자 세계기록 보유자인 롤랜드 스쿠만이
    00:01:20,380 --> 00:01:26,960
    sculls with his hands extended forward, moving them outward and inward in a continuous motion.
    양손을 앞으로 뻗은 채, 바깥쪽, 안쪽으로 계속되는 동작으로 젓고 있습니다.
    00:01:27,660 --> 00:01:31,780
    While his head is above water, and his feet near the surface,
    머리가 물 밖에 있고, 두 발이 수면 가까이 있게 되면,
    00:01:31,780 --> 00:01:38,360
    his back is arched and his bum is several inches below the water level creating a curve to his body.
    등허리는 휘고 엉덩이는 수평면 몇 인치 아래 있게 되어, 몸뚱아리는 곡선을 그리게 됩니다.
    00:01:38,720 --> 00:01:41,220
    For any swimmer, tall or short,
    키가 크든 작든, 어떤 신체조건의 선수라도,
    00:01:41,220 --> 00:01:48,260
    deviating from a straight body position will create a lot more frontal drag particularly when swimming fast.
    반듯한 몸 자세에서 벗어나는 것은 훨씬 더 많은 앞방향 저항이 생기게 합니다. 특히 빠르게 헤엄칠 경우에.
    00:01:50,920 --> 00:02:00,280
    Elevating the head in freestyle also contributes to increasing frontal drag by creating more of a bow wave striking against the swimmer's head moving forward.
    자유형에서 머리를 드는 것은 또한, 앞으로 움직여가는 동안 보다 많은 물결(bow wave)이 선수의 머리에 부딪히게 되면서, 앞방향 저항을 더욱 증가시킵니다.
    00:02:00,600 --> 00:02:11,860
    Ultra marathon swimmer Lexie Kelly demonstrates how this overly elevated head causes a huge bow wave colliding against her head, slowing her down with every stroke she takes.
    울트라 마라톤 수영선수인 렉시 켈리가, 매번 팔을 저을 때마다, 커다란 물결(bow wave)이 과도하게 들린 그녀의 머리에 부딪치면서, 속도가 느려지는 것을 보여주고 있습니다.
    00:02:12,480 --> 00:02:18,960
    From underwater, the elevated head position prevents her body from being straighter and more streamlined.
    물속에서 보면, 머리가 들린 자세 때문에, 몸뚱아리가 반듯하게 흐름선 모양이 되지 못하는 것을 확인할 수 있습니다.
    00:02:19,420 --> 00:02:24,150
    So this time, I want you to drop your chin down almost to your chest.
    자 이번에는 턱을 아주 바싹 당기세요. 거의 가슴을 향하도록.
    00:02:24,150 --> 00:02:31,830
    And I want you to scull with your head down in that position, and now notice where your bum is in the water in the body position.
    이런 자세로 머리를 들지 않으면서 손을 저으세요. 그러면서, 엉덩이가 물 아래 어디쯤에, 몸의 다른 부위와 비교해 어느 정도 깊이에 있는 지 느끼십시요.
    00:02:34,720 --> 00:02:44,160
    Once the head is in the down position with the line of sight directed toward the bottom of the pool rather than forward, the body position changes instantly.
    시선이 앞을 향하지 않고 똑바로 아래쪽을 향하면서 머리가 들리지 않게되면, 몸통 자세는 곧 바뀝니다.
    00:02:44,280 --> 00:02:49,820
    The bum comes up to the surface, and from head to toes the body stays in alignment.
    엉덩이는 수면 가까이 올라가게 되고, 머리에서 발가락까지 몸뚱아리는 정렬된 상태가 됩니다.
    00:02:50,000 --> 00:02:53,840
    With his elbows held high in front, arms nearly straight,
    팔꿈치를 앞쪽으로 높게 들고, 팔은 거의 직선으로 만들어,
    00:02:53,840 --> 00:03:01,720
    Roland keeps constant pressure on his hands with the direct sweep outward, then immediately reverses the direction of the hands inward.
    손바닥으로는 꾸준히 압력을 주면서 곧장 밖으로 쓸어가고, 곧바로 손의 방향을 안쪽으로 바꾸어 쓸어옵니다.
    00:03:02,220 --> 00:03:06,350
    With this drill, the sculling hands are helping to lift the front of the body.
    이 훈련에서, 손젓기는 몸의 앞부분을 들어올리는 역할을 하고.
    00:03:06,350 --> 00:03:09,350
    But all the propulsion comes from the legs.
    모든 추진력은 다리에서 나옵니다.
    00:03:09,820 --> 00:03:18,680
    If you're a beginner or don't have enough propulsion from your kick to do this drill well, try doing it with fins and snorkel on to make it easier.
    만약 당신이 수영을 시작한 지 얼마 되지 않아 이 훈련을 하기에는 차기로 발생하는 추진력이 충분하지 않을 경우에는, 물갈퀴와 숨대롱을 이용하여 좀 더 쉽게 하실 수도 있습니다.
    00:03:21,280 --> 00:03:25,720
    Don't do a little breast stroke pull, which causes the body to bounce up and down,
    1. 평영 팔젓기를 하지 마세요, 몸통이 위아래로 흔들리게 되므로,
    00:03:25,820 --> 00:03:29,820
    or allow the hands and elbows to drop too deeply in the water,
    2. 손과 팔을 물 속으로 깊이 떨구지도 마세요,
    00:03:29,880 --> 00:03:32,760
    or allow the elbows to fall back to the ears,
    3. 또한 팔꿈치 위치가 귀 뒤쪽으로 넘어오지 않도록하세요,
    00:03:32,760 --> 00:03:35,820
    all of which will produce more frontal drag.
    위의 세가지는 모두 앞방향 저항을 증가시킵니다.
    00:03:36,420 --> 00:03:41,960
    When the head is positioned correctly in freestyle as shown by Japanese champion Junya Koga,
    일본 챔피언인 준야 코가(古賀淳也, Junya Koga)처럼 머리 자세를 바르게 잡고 자유형을 하면, 보시는 것처럼
    00:03:41,960 --> 00:03:47,940
    the bow wave flows nicely over the top of the head. The body remains a line on the surface.
    물결은(bow wave) (머리에 부딪히지 않고) 머리 위를 부드럽게 넘어가고, 수면 위에 보이는 몸뚱아리는 일직선으로만 남게 되어.
    00:03:48,020 --> 00:03:52,320
    And he moves forward with the least amount of resistance possible.
    실현 가능한 최소한의 저항만을 받으면서 앞으로 움직이게 됩니다.

  • @satyam380
    @satyam380 8 років тому

    great video much helpful

  • @howardsladen3065
    @howardsladen3065 9 років тому +3

    Interesting video, as what I thought was the common option that you shouldn't hold breath during stroke but trickle breathe as to stop the build up of co2.
    Low head position I find is quite hard when swimming in lanes with other swimmers as you cannot judge distances very well. But guess this gets better with experience

    • @theraceclub
      @theraceclub  9 років тому +2

      Howard Sladen From a physics standpoint (frontal drag), keeping air in the lungs as long as possible is a better option. You cannot tell where you are going when your head is down in the correct position. So lead the lane, or go 10 seconds behind the swimmer in front of you, keep to the right and pray a lot.

  • @robohippy
    @robohippy 5 років тому

    A question i have about head position, is what is best? For sure, you want to be looking down, and not up. It seems that many say to have your head at about 30 degrees or so which has the top of your head just above water, which creates a small bow wave. I always swim looking straight down at the bottom of the pool so the water flows over my head, and the only bow wave I create is from rolling my shoulders. This seems to be the most efficient/stream lined position. I am careful to not tuck my chin down too far. The down side to this for me is when I am doing my kicking laps with the snorkel, I tend to get water in it, but if I have my head at 30 degrees or so, then that isn't a problem...

    • @theraceclub
      @theraceclub  5 років тому

      We agree with you. With a snorkel, it is hard to get the head completely down without taking in water. We try to achieve about one inch of snorkel out of the water with arms in hyperstreamline.

  • @eduardsokoli1404
    @eduardsokoli1404 9 років тому +6

    man i would love to train here ..but i live in Italy...

    • @theraceclub
      @theraceclub  9 років тому +1

      +eduard sokoli We welcome people from all around the world!

    • @billybob6604
      @billybob6604 6 років тому

      theraceclub Would you go chin to chest on backstroke? Or would you keep your head laying back

    • @ricefarmer9183
      @ricefarmer9183 4 роки тому +1

      @@billybob6604 thats gonna slow you down a ton if you have chin to chest.

    • @billybob6604
      @billybob6604 4 роки тому

      Rice Farmer true I learned that from personal experience last year at a meet

  • @rng1160
    @rng1160 9 років тому

    Dear Mr. Hall, Thank you for the informative and detailed videos. I note that the Japanese swimmer looked straight down at the bottom of the pool. When I do the same I always have difficulty breathing. My coach asked me to look slightly ahead while still keeping my head down. I can breath but I feel I cannot get enough air.
    I wonder if looking straight down is suitable and do-able for every swimmer, and if so, how should the breathing timing be adjusted? Many thanks. Revan

    • @theraceclub
      @theraceclub  9 років тому +4

      Revan Ng Hold the air in the lungs until just before the head is turned for the next breath. Then exhale in a burst. Learn to breath with one goggle lens out and one goggle lens in the water. Turn the head back and to the side to breath and lift the mouth to the side of the breath. In this manner you can get a good breath without slowing the stroke rate and keep maximum buoyancy.

  • @afara2000
    @afara2000 5 років тому

    Does this apply to sprint freestyle also? Van den Hoogenband had most of his head above the water when winning 50 and 100 free.

    • @theraceclub
      @theraceclub  5 років тому +2

      I think it does. Hoogie, Thorpe, Pellegrini and others swam (or swim) really fast with the heads looking forward. More drag and more propulsion. Nearly all of the sprinters of today keep the head down.

  • @Alexander-xl3zj
    @Alexander-xl3zj 8 років тому +1

    head down or head forward. Please I need this to be answered. I have a competition tom. My time in 50m free is 26.84 and im 13 yr old. I want to shave 1 second or just half of a second. I just got this time after training. Im on a taper thing

    • @theraceclub
      @theraceclub  8 років тому

      I like head down at the 'take your mark", then snapping the head forward during the push off of the block, then tucking it back down to the chest for entry. The head lift on the dive is one of the three important coupling motions to get out further.

    • @Alexander-xl3zj
      @Alexander-xl3zj 8 років тому

      +theraceclub Thanks. my time goes up 😭😭. Well, im talking about when your swimming in the pool. (sprint time) like 50's. head down or head up? I dont know. 26.84 to 26.89, gosh hahaha its fine i did a wrong thing, when im about to touch i glided well its about half of a second in your time. Head down or head up. look forward or not? BTW great video 😂!!!

  • @louisnguyen9305
    @louisnguyen9305 Рік тому

    I have a question. What is the perfect head position? 1 completely submerged or half-head submerged?

    • @theraceclub
      @theraceclub  Рік тому

      Most elite athletes are closer to the half-head submerged option - though some successful sprinters like Pernille Blume have been successful with their heads deeper/further submerged! Hope this helps!

    • @louisnguyen9305
      @louisnguyen9305 Рік тому

      ​ @theraceclub It is extremely beneficial. Thank you incredibly much. before my head is fully submerged (I was videoing it, so I knew that I did it). However, I recently attempted to do half my head submerged. My neck is tired.

    • @theraceclub
      @theraceclub  Рік тому

      @@louisnguyen9305 We love to hear it Louis! Keep up the good work 👍

    • @louisnguyen9305
      @louisnguyen9305 Рік тому

      @@theraceclub anyway could you give me a tip of butterfly stroke with lower foot. my feet are a little bit high than i expected.

    • @theraceclub
      @theraceclub  Рік тому

      @@louisnguyen9305 Feet being high shouldn't be a problem unless you're catching a lot of air with your kick. Maybe try bending your knees less!

  • @swiminlovelyplace5203
    @swiminlovelyplace5203 8 років тому

    Sun Yang does it very well

    • @brucealcoriza1606
      @brucealcoriza1606 8 років тому

      +Swim In Lovely Place Yeah you're right about that, but remember Sun Yang is a distance swimmer not a sprinter. He doesn't compete in 50m and 100m freestyle because he knows his capabilities...This swim club, I believe trains to compete in 50m and 100m free...and remember also Gary Hall, Sr. and the Jr. both competed in Olympics in both 50m and 100m freestyle events and gotten gold medals, and so is the name of this training camp, RACECLUB...that tells everybody that they already proved their point, technique over power will make you a winner, even better if you combine both..!

    • @afara2000
      @afara2000 5 років тому

      @@brucealcoriza1606 I thought Popov beat Gary Hall Jr in Olympics 100 free races couple of times.

    • @theraceclub
      @theraceclub  4 місяці тому

      Yes..his head was under water after each breath.

  • @jdflorian95
    @jdflorian95 9 років тому

    So what about in open water swimming in a triathlon? You sometimes have to look up to make sure you are going the right way.. Is there a good way to do this without slowing down?

    • @theraceclub
      @theraceclub  9 років тому +2

      Jordan Florian No. Sighting is key to great OW swimming. The best OW swimmers lift the head often to make sure they are on course.

    • @jdflorian95
      @jdflorian95 9 років тому +1

      theraceclub alright cool, thanks!

  • @gigbra
    @gigbra 3 роки тому

    I have the problem that during my freestyle, very often the beard irritates my deltoids and i haven't understood how to solve this.

  • @richardcobbs7264
    @richardcobbs7264 7 років тому +1

    wow is their that big of a deference when you swim free

  • @billybob6604
    @billybob6604 6 років тому +1

    I wouldn’t be swimming with my head this low???