George Enescu - "Romanian Rhapsody" - Sergiu Celibidache

  • Опубліковано 21 гру 2024


  • @1alexandra12
    @1alexandra12 16 років тому

    Doamne ce as vrea ca mzuica asta sa fie apreciata de toti romanii
    Comparati numarul de vizualizari la orice manea( pe care nu o pot in nici un fel "MUZICA" ) cu muzica aceasta extraordinara-George Enescu sau Ciprian Porumbescu
    Asta e Romania..

  • @sorintecaru
    @sorintecaru 15 років тому

    Multumesc din suflet celui care a putut posta acest clip !!! Mi s-a umplut sufletul de bucurie! Cu astfel de oameni chiar te bucuri ca esti ROMAN!!!

  • @Dayepipes
    @Dayepipes 16 років тому +3

    My family had the recording of this piece by the London Philharmonic conducted by Antal Dorati from the 1960's. It's the last orchestral work I learned before I tacked west back toward my Celtic side with our Scots and Irish traditional music.
    I have no connection to Romanian folk music specifically, but I do connect to other European folk music. I loved this piece when I was a boy and I plan to look for examples of genuine traditional Romanian music in the future.

  • @mitica100
    @mitica100 17 років тому

    Am fost la acest concert! Emotiile pe care le-am trait atunci s-au reinnoit!Multumiri pentru Video.
    I attended this concert! The raw emotions that I experienced then came back to me while watching this. Thanks for posting the Video!

  • @ValentinVasiliu
    @ValentinVasiliu 16 років тому

    Prietene traiesc departe de casa si cand merg cu masina ascult numai posturi de muzica clasica si nu dau volumul prea sus. Totusi cand aud Rapsodia Romana fie ea dirijata si de L. Foster cu Orchestra din Monte Carlo, intorc volumul bine spre dreapta si ma bucur gandindu-ma la obarsii, si cred ca mai sunt multi ca mine. Crede-ma, cultura nu "se exista mult", depinde cat suflet de roman ai. Superba lucrare simfonica iar in particular, Celibidache este magic.

  • @viperblk
    @viperblk 16 років тому

    minunat superb deosebit...sant un trancer inrait dar muzica asta este minunata si merita doar superlative...multumesc ptr ca ai postat-o pacat ca lumea nu mai apreciaza muzica la adevarata sa valoare.

  • @peterlunow
    @peterlunow 11 років тому +2

    16 'unlikes' ????? Thats incomprehensible for me......
    I never heard this piece so much alive and exciting as here!

  • @BettyCope
    @BettyCope 16 років тому +2

    Bravo - love watching the conductor "dancing" to the piece!!

  • @danielmusat8726
    @danielmusat8726 8 років тому

    Regret ca nu l-am vazut niciodata într-un concert pe Maestrul Sergiu Celibidache! Un geniu, un om cu o capacitate nelimitata, cu calitati artistice si umane greu de egalat!!! RESPECT!!!

  • @RumanaMadrid
    @RumanaMadrid 17 років тому

    Dumnezeule ... uitasem cat de frumoasa este muzica noastra romaneasca adevarata ... George Enescu ... Gh. Zamfir, etc

  • @RumanaMadrid
    @RumanaMadrid 17 років тому

    Superba piesa de arta si interpretare. Imi aduce aminte de campurile romanesti, de optimismul romanului de acum cativa ani, de mirosul primaverii in Romania, de folclorul nostru...

  • @simonaemilia
    @simonaemilia 16 років тому

    cand asculti asa o capodopera iti vine sa devii cel mai bun om din lume...

  • @meyend
    @meyend 15 років тому

    Anyone who cherishes music is in awe when witnessing such a performance ... speechless ...
    Thank you for posting!

  • @linuxmaniac2008
    @linuxmaniac2008 15 років тому

    Multumesc pentru postare!
    Ma face sa visez cu ochii deschisi la Romania aceea la cea din jurul meu...

  • @bv979
    @bv979 14 років тому

    Aceasta este unitatea romanilor. In aceste momente esti mandru ca esti roman! Ce magie.

  • @carmelo46able
    @carmelo46able 11 років тому +1

    Un grande direttore per una bellissima composizione di Enescu!

  • @prorish1
    @prorish1 17 років тому +1

    Thank you -I love listening to Romanian Rhapsody any number of times.A complicated composition brilliantly executed- Enescu was a gifted composer!

  • @AdmiralisFL
    @AdmiralisFL 16 років тому +1

    Nice Rhapsody!
    Hail from Hungary!

  • @rominas01
    @rominas01 15 років тому +1

    To me this is by far the best version of the Romanian Rhapsody!

  • @hemann7
    @hemann7 17 років тому

    Multumim pentru postare. Excelent moment !

  • @kurzelukdaniel
    @kurzelukdaniel 14 років тому

    Listening to this piece, I'm prouf of being romanian !!! thanks wwhagiuxx to post it, and may God rests George and Sergiu's souls in peace !!! The first, had surprised the romanian's spirit, the second doesn't use only the baguette to conduct, his body is an giant baguette !!! Brava !

  • @FlorinToaderEkE
    @FlorinToaderEkE 15 років тому

    Rapsodia lui Enescu este dezvaluita in adevarata sa valoare de conducerea magistrala a lui Celibidache. Doar un roman putea intelege in cele mai profunde aspecte opera altui roman.

  • @altistepdx
    @altistepdx 17 років тому +1

    Thanks for posting this. GREAT viola solo!!

  • @nadireon
    @nadireon 16 років тому

    foarte inaltator si frumos! bravo pentru postare!

  • @peterlunow
    @peterlunow 13 років тому

    I never "got" this piece of music(always thought thats because I'm not Rumanian ),but with this conductor I DO !!!
    What an elegance ,tenderness,excitement and joy,thank you for posting it !

  • @Diesel9
    @Diesel9 13 років тому +1

    wonderful Celi! Unique.

  • @grazzi67
    @grazzi67 16 років тому

    Magnific! Romanian rhapsody- romanians at their best! And i wish the best to everyone who loves true music,freedom and multiculturalism!

  • @ciortanul
    @ciortanul 17 років тому

    uneori stau si ma intreb cum dumnezeu un popor de urmasi ai lui traian si decebal stau si asculta 24 ore pe zi numai manele si tziganii si in plus se mai si uita la tv la acesti baietzasi cu mult aur la gat si pe maini si cu masini de lux si cu fete pe jumatate dezbracate... dai romanului mintea cea de pe urma....

  • @SigP229R
    @SigP229R 17 років тому

    One of my all time favorite pieces and just great conductor. Just wish Enescu had have written more of this kind of music. Only one word FANTASTIC

  • @lesleyphillips931
    @lesleyphillips931 5 років тому

    The epitome of musical genius. Such a great contributor to the history of music. And such fun to watch. So good to have these wonderful clips.

  • @ira2ina
    @ira2ina 14 років тому +1

    wow, ce mi-ar fi placut sa fiu in sala :)

  • @mickdunn8423
    @mickdunn8423 10 років тому +5

    Genius meets Genius!

  • @felixmoga
    @felixmoga 12 років тому

    Vaaaai ce cuvânt urât ai spus! :)

  • @DORU026
    @DORU026 16 років тому

    superb incantator,dumnezeiesc

  • @loveyouromania
    @loveyouromania 17 років тому

    Great Romanians:
    Sergiu Celibidache(=dirijor, conductor)
    George Enescu(=composer)
    Je tire chapeau et je m'incline devant des genies comme ENESCU ou Celibidache!
    Que du Respect!
    Young Romanians still have models to follow!
    Hope G.Enescu, Ciprian Porumbescu& other great Romanian artists will be taught in all Romanian schools!
    Good Romanian music=ETERNAL!

  • @mihaivitro
    @mihaivitro 14 років тому

    Dumnezeu sa il odihneasca -un diamant greu nascut pe pamiont romanesc.respect

  • @mihaitaza2000
    @mihaitaza2000 15 років тому

    spectacolous......i love ...the music and the violin ........

  • @regelemihai
    @regelemihai 17 років тому

    Absolutely. watching him conducting Betthoven's 9th symphony was probably the best one I've heard in ages.
    Peace ;)

  • @carolinahermelina
    @carolinahermelina 14 років тому

    Doamne! Mandria noastra...viata si spiritualitatea noastra! Ce mandrie!

  • @activator10000
    @activator10000 16 років тому

    A beautiful piece of music performed so imaginatively

  • @costymocanu
    @costymocanu 17 років тому

    Celibidache si Enescu.....combinatie de suflet.

  • @chetski2007
    @chetski2007 16 років тому

    Beautiful rendition! This music energizes my soul every time I hear it!

  • @echuliatrumpet
    @echuliatrumpet 15 років тому

    Es algo fantástico el fraseo que puede llegar a conseguir este lo mejor que he visto nunca.

  • @ElenaBulik
    @ElenaBulik 16 років тому

    it blows my mind..... it gets to the last cell in my body... amazing!

  • @mastermindsro
    @mastermindsro 15 років тому

    My heart beats with the music.. So unreal!

  • @coacaz
    @coacaz 17 років тому

    Romanian Rhapsody - expressive, serious, passionate, tender, delicate ... yet a like a storm ..sometimes

  • @johantawman
    @johantawman 16 років тому


  • @t3dd18
    @t3dd18 17 років тому

    Cel mai tare cu tot respectu

  • @dragomireduward
    @dragomireduward 14 років тому

    mi se pare cea mai valorasa filmare din videotaca romana

  • @Katiuszkasanda
    @Katiuszkasanda 16 років тому


  • @Starnbergbynight
    @Starnbergbynight 5 років тому


  • @lumynytasds
    @lumynytasds 14 років тому

    Geniala muzica!genial dirijor!

  • @Tadashi0328
    @Tadashi0328 17 років тому

    Genious! I love romanian music.

  • @__donez__
    @__donez__ 17 років тому

    i love this piece

  • @cheaitoh
    @cheaitoh 10 років тому +1


  • @ProAndreenq
    @ProAndreenq 12 років тому

    Superb, magic.

  • @MANDEA1964
    @MANDEA1964 17 років тому

    Dumnezeiesc cu adevarat

  • @DORU026
    @DORU026 17 років тому

    rumania george enescu es muy lindo viva rumania viva los artistas

    @CRISSANCA 16 років тому

    fantastic !!!

  • @dajaSef
    @dajaSef 16 років тому

    I love it.. very nice

  • @CipriPopescu
    @CipriPopescu 15 років тому +1

    stai asa !!! 6:12

  • @Volumep
    @Volumep 15 років тому

    Ne-a dat Enescu cea mai mununata rapsodie !

  • @keepwalkingdragos
    @keepwalkingdragos 17 років тому


  • @amalitta1969
    @amalitta1969 12 років тому

    Wonderful music..Enjoy!

  • @nimenialturo
    @nimenialturo 17 років тому

    i can't wait for this year's George Enescu's Festival in Bucharest :)

  • @ciortanul
    @ciortanul 17 років тому

    pacat ca apreciem valorile romanesti doar atunci cand suntem departe de casa si ne e dor de ai nostrii...
    cat despre folclor traditzii sunt de acord cu tine.... dar cand ma intorc in tzara ca si eu sunt plecat de ceva timp ma inspaimant....

  • @rowdybliss
    @rowdybliss 15 років тому +1

    I like how he shouts at them at 6:12 and 7:18. Awesome.
    What's really unfortunate is that although the conductor's antics are very entertaining, they're SO distracting for anyone listening to this piece live - it's an amazing piece.

  • @AlannahMuriel
    @AlannahMuriel 17 років тому


  • @karlwurtz
    @karlwurtz 17 років тому

    Beautiful, Enescu was just 20 years old when he composed this.

  • @belindalibrarian
    @belindalibrarian 16 років тому

    the guy is damn energetic regardless and he 'gets' his music.

  • @geocos1
    @geocos1 15 років тому


  • @MsFarenait
    @MsFarenait 11 років тому

    commovente inarrivabile.

  • @dragomireduward
    @dragomireduward 14 років тому

    pfoai chiar cat de tare e dirijorul

  • @DanieleDerelli
    @DanieleDerelli 16 років тому

    He was nominated conductor of the Berliner Philarmoniker ad interim after Furtwängler...

  • @migerbera1
    @migerbera1 14 років тому

    Gresesti, desigur! Suntem multi care ascultam muzica adevarata, suntem destui care nu ascultam manele si mult mai multi care nu ne prosternam la judecatile lui Basescu ! Pacat pentru tine daca te invarti intr-un altfel de mediu. Este datoria noastra sa ne educam odraslele in iubire si respect fata de muzica si poate ca lucrurile se vor schimba in bine...

  • @alunantu
    @alunantu 15 років тому

    romaşcan de-al meu... superb...

  • @UltraVioletQA
    @UltraVioletQA 13 років тому

    A paprikash with pork crackling and the gulaks or gulash.. had a hungarian neighbor in childhood and he told me he's going fishing at sea in Hungary "Balaton sea".

  • @ovinel
    @ovinel 16 років тому

    At first the orchestra seemed a bit unorganized, but slowly it became congruent, it's a bit fantastic. I really enjoy watching Celibidache doing his magic with one of my favorite classical pieces.

  • @budmiami
    @budmiami 15 років тому

    ce pacat ca multi dintre noi nu apreciaza folclorul romanesc si uita de unde au plecat...

  • @criseluka
    @criseluka 15 років тому

    Beautiful! 5*

  • @sof13th
    @sof13th 16 років тому

    Sergiu Celibidache was a ROMANIAN CONDUCTOR who was principal conductor of the Muncher Philharmonic. (not berlin) He was a great musician.

  • @marcelbanu
    @marcelbanu 17 років тому

    Dinamica, saltareata, in viteza si totodata linistitoare ca apele noastre de munte... Muresul si Oltul la un loc !

  • @edtskyline
    @edtskyline 15 років тому

    No hay como el concierto en el cual la Filarmonica de Berlin lo tocó en 1994 con el super director Mariss Jansons, está super=D!!!!

  • @generalcircle
    @generalcircle 15 років тому +1

    Look how extreme and exhausted he gets at 6:10

  • @roxane292002
    @roxane292002 17 років тому

    mie-mi place :)

  • @brouvi
    @brouvi 17 років тому

    some times i am proud to be romanian , now it's one of those times

  • @dragomireduward
    @dragomireduward 14 років тому +1

    3:15 ce ffrumos face:D

  • @mynahouse
    @mynahouse 13 років тому

    Grand Enescoooooooo

  • @vladviolin
    @vladviolin 17 років тому

    this rapshody of ENESCU is just great, unfortunately hir why are not capable to se it from the begining but still great. CELIBIDACHE the greatest conductor of all times. Listen the bolero with him-magnificent

  • @totalmassretain
    @totalmassretain 15 років тому

    Just think about this as "better PR" ;) ...
    IMO, Enescu is one of the most underrated composers and the rhapsodies aren't by far his greatest achievements, just the most popular because they're so overtly Romanian.
    If you take the time to listen to his orchestral suites, symphonies, intermezzos and much of his chamber music, you'll be amazed.

  • @chempanillo
    @chempanillo 13 років тому

    Maaaaaadre mía, vaya joya...

  • @Laurentiu909
    @Laurentiu909 15 років тому

    Wow, asta am zis cand am auzit 1º oara aceasta musica, ce frumoasa....Mai un lucru, multi romani nu ar trebui sa se planga atat si sa se devalorizeze pe ei si pe noi , spunand ca in tara noastra sun numai hoti, coruptie(nu zic ca nu sant).dar mai bine si-ar "pierde" timpul luptand pentru evolutia si imbunatatirea tari.Stiu ca este foarte usor de vorbit dar oricum nu mai avem mare lucru de pierdut. Imi cer scuze daca am scris cu greseli dar de traiesc in alta tara de mult timp.

  • @nefersakhmet9
    @nefersakhmet9 16 років тому

    Excelent. Nu cred ca e alta piesa muzicala ce descrie 'casa'. Am ascultat pe un post strain muzica classical si am avut un moment de deja vu pana cand mi-am dat seama despre ce e vorba :P lol. Voi ce credeti? Mie mi se pare ca are momente cand seamana cu Carmen la compozitie.

  • @zynjams
    @zynjams 17 років тому

    first rock song in the history of music

  • @Plumber1909
    @Plumber1909 17 років тому

    in sfarsit l-am gasit! Auziti cum canta pasarile in crang? O vedeti pe frumoasa satului aducand apa de la izvor? Eu da.
    Ii multumesc lui Dumnezeu ca m-am nascut in sanul acestui popor.

  • @jeanpierrefillon
    @jeanpierrefillon 13 років тому

    excellent, il danse en dirigeant , tout en étant d'une très grande exigeance envers l'orhestre.

  • @naly202
    @naly202 17 років тому


  • @dragomireduward
    @dragomireduward 14 років тому

    @KnX6 sergiu a fost si sticluta mare si esenta tare

  • @hercutsuzz
    @hercutsuzz 16 років тому

    Interesanta interpretare moodyline4ever :)

  • @florinis24
    @florinis24 17 років тому

    Inca un motiv pentru care sunt mandru ca sunt Roman! parca mai era nevoie de inca un motiv in plus!