Monteverdi: Hor che'l ciel e la terra - Concerto Italiano

  • Опубліковано 4 жов 2024
  • Claudio Monteverdi (1567-1643)
    Hor che'l ciel e la terra
    (Madrigali guerrieri, et amorosi ... Libro ottavo, 1638)
    Concerto Italiano
    Rinaldo Alessandrini
    Score: (Peter Rottländer)
    Hor che ’l ciel et la terra e ’l vento tace,
    Et le fere e gli augelli il sono affrena,
    Notte ’l carro stellato in giro mena,
    Et nel suo letto il mar senz’onda giace,
    Veggio, penso, ardo, piango, e chi mi sface
    Sempre m’è inanzi per mia dolce pena.
    Guerra è ’l mio stato, d’ira e di duol piena,
    Et sol di lei pensando ho qualche pace.
    Così sol d’una chiara fonte viva
    Move ’l dolce e l’amaro ond’io mi pasco:
    Una man sola mi risana e punge,
    Et perche ’l mio martir non giunga a riva,
    Mille volte il dì moro, e mille nasco,
    Tanto da la salute mia son lunge.
    (Petrarca, Canzoniere 164)
    === ENGLISH ===
    Now that the heavens and the earth and the wind are silent
    and sleep reins in the beasts and the birds,
    Night drives her starry car about,
    and in his bed the sea lies without a wave,
    I wake, I think, I burn, I weep; and she who destroys me
    is always before me, to my sweet pain.
    War is my state, full of wrath and suffering,
    and only thinking of her do I have any peace.
    Thus from one clear living fountain alone
    springs the sweet and the bitter on which I feed:
    one hand alone heals me and pierces me,
    and so that my suffering may not reach its end,
    a thousand times a day I die and a thousand am born,
    so far am I from my health.
    === MAGYAR ===
    Mikor az ég, a föld, a szél már néma,
    vadat, madarat mély álom nyűgöz le,
    az éj csillag-kocsin halad körözve,
    s a tenger ágyában pihen alélva
    -látok, vagyok, égek, sírok : s a béna
    kín őt idézi ; háborút hörögve
    harag és fájdalom csap bennem össze ;
    s csak rágondolva jő a béke néha.
    Egy élő, tiszta forrásból fakadnak
    édes és keserű, amelyből élek ;
    egy kéz, amely gyógyít s amely sebet tép.
    S gyötrelmeim soha meg nem szakadnak,
    ezerszer hal s ujul bennem a lélek ;
    üdvösségétől messze, messze van még.


  • @marinatomage1690
    @marinatomage1690 3 роки тому +8

    Ma quanto è moderna questa melodia?? sviluppa in modo così " fuori dal tempo"...La adoro..😍

  • @JohnCollis
    @JohnCollis 10 місяців тому +2

    This is such an amazingly extraordinary piece of music. It's long been one of my absolute favourites. Having Conerto Italiano singing it is pure bliss. Thank you for sharing.

  • @richardmartin7685
    @richardmartin7685 4 роки тому +13

    Perfect evocation of the funereal, the dormant, the latent to-be-born-again, to rise triumphant: the seed, the quavering seedling, the shoot, the leafing out uncertainly but with powerful inevitability in store-guided upward by the musical sunlight of Monteverdi to a perfecting fulfillment. Mission accomplished!

  • @jladdyost
    @jladdyost 2 роки тому +6

    Spectacular text painting! None better. One can almost smell the salt of the calm sea at the beginning with the deliberately closed position chords in first inversion. Text reiteration for many cumulative effects. Obscuring "pena" with interjections of "veglio", "penso", "ardo"--then gushing forth with "piango". The dissonances in "dolce" of "mia dolce pena" are exquisite and exquisitely appropriate, not just for their own sake.

  • @vanbaarm
    @vanbaarm 3 місяці тому

    This piece is truly amasing ! Gorgeous redition brava tutti

  • @miguelangelandrescubel1380
    @miguelangelandrescubel1380 8 місяців тому +1

    A la hora en la que el cielo y la tierra y el viento enmudecen, y las fieras y los pájaros descansan atrapados por el sueño, el carro estrellado de la noche empieza a girar y en su lecho el mar sin olas reposa, yo miro, pienso, sufro, lloro y aquel ser que siempre está frente a mí es también la causa de mi dulce pena. Guerra es mi estado, de ira y de duelo llena, y solo pensando en ella consigo un poco de paz. Así, de una sola fuente clara y viva,surgen la dulzura y la amargura que son el alimento MÍO. Es la misma mano la que me cura y me HIERE. Y como mi sufrimiento no llega a su FIN, mil veces por día muero y mil veces NAZCO, tan grande es la distancia que me aleja de mi salvación.

    • @pannonia77
      @pannonia77  8 місяців тому

      La palabra italiana "hor" (en italiano moderno ora, sinónimo de adesso) no significa "a la hora en la" sino "ahora". "Ahora que el cielo y la tierra ..."

  • @dion1949
    @dion1949 Рік тому +2

    There is only one other composer who can pack this much drama into such a short time, and that is Schubert in some of his Lieder.

  • @elenalagaisse669
    @elenalagaisse669 Рік тому +1

    How beautiful! ❤ We sing it with our choir

  • @belablackrose2967
    @belablackrose2967 10 місяців тому +1

    My phone went nuts (it has water damage) and when I was trying to type something in the UA-cam search bar it decided I was trying to search this and auto completed... The weird part is I actually love Montiverdi, and looking at the translation it's very similar to what I'm feeling at the moment. Adding to my favorites!

  • @TheSjohnson84
    @TheSjohnson84 7 місяців тому


  • @Kklg702
    @Kklg702 8 місяців тому +2

    That day Monteverdi finished the piece.
    I Wonder if he realized what he had just left to human kind😶

    • @pannonia77
      @pannonia77  8 місяців тому

      I think he had a rather accurate idea of how good he was, and this is certainly not his only piece which is so exceptional.

    • @Kklg702
      @Kklg702 8 місяців тому

      @@pannonia77 Even for him, I guess it was something. I cannot say I know 100% of his works but at least on the madrigals, I don't think he reached that level, or maybe on 1 or 2 other occasions. But maybe that's a question of tastes.

  • @lukepitfield
    @lukepitfield Місяць тому


  • @yejilee2476
    @yejilee2476 Рік тому +2

    3:56 stile concitato

  • @rafaeleandrade7566
    @rafaeleandrade7566 3 роки тому

    Eu achei muito romântica

  • @vfrfoxtrott6430
    @vfrfoxtrott6430 4 роки тому


  • @ellebi415
    @ellebi415 Рік тому

    Troppi momenti "particolari", non c'è misura, in questo modo, non c'è un momento che colpisce veramente.
    Inutile: i primi ad aver affrontato questo genere di musica in tempi moderni, gli inglesi, rappresentano ancora le versioni migliori.