Diese Frau hat ja eine unglaubliche Stimme! Dermaßene Power, Schönheit und Perfektion!!!! Unglaublich gut!! Wieso kannte ihc diesen Namen nicht? Eine der besten klassischen Sängerinnen der Welt!
I think we would hardly see and hear a better singer in this role, she captivates you from the moment she puts a foot onstage. Another things, she is the nicest person and a great collegue!!! Brava Diana, we all miss you in Frankfurt!
A hair-raising voice and performance specially towards the end!!! How appropriate this took place in Salzburg! Mozart would be proud! How Privileged those who were there in person!
All musical praise put aside for a moment...am I the only one who absolutely LOVES the eye play? One goes up...the other down, and then switch, and then open, and then squint...and then funky looking "WAS HOR ICH?!"
Fantastic singer and actress. Incredible how she has complete control of top notes to the extent of gradating lenght and dynamics of pedal top c" and a", not to mention that amazingly perfect f"!!!
The great thing about her performance is that she actually acts well while she sings, and sings wonderfully. Most others I have seen stand like a statue while singing this aria. Not only that, but if you watch her during her close up during the dialogue, her acting is so good. Her facial expressions show the true manipulative nature of the Queen, not to mention they crack me up :)
Wonder if anyone's ever sung this in divorce court. Wow, she's one great actress. And how wonderful to have a whole slew of arias to compare. A whole night of revenge music. What fun! UA-cam rocks...keep posting these great cultural pieces everyone.
I think what's great about this operetta is that the plot and the drama is simple enough that the audience doesn't have to fight to understand. Whether your "poor, uncultured," or "ignorant". Diana Damrau is a complete force that is amazing to watch and listen to.
Ich kann nur sagen das Diana Damrau eine der besten Königinen ist, ihre stimme ist kraftvoll, und ihre gesten sind sehr glaubwürdig. Sie ist einfach wunderbar! Wir haben das doch schon erlebt das wir in der Zauberflöte waren, viel Geld für die Karte bezahlt haben, und die Königin war zum davonlaufen schlecht war.. Ich gehe nur noch in die Zauberflöte, wenn ich weis wer die Königin gibt, aber wenn Diana Damrau , oder Carol Struder die Königin singen,denn kann es nur perfekt sein!
Mozart is a genius, his music dances in ensemble with each note progression. And I agree with oneworldguy's post. The Covent Garden queen of night aria.....I've been listening to opera for quite some years and I will have to say, Diana Damrau probably sang that aria as good as anyone else in the history of opera, if not better. It is simply breathtaking.
Tragedy has befallen me! I was not there to witness this performance live! I need a beer. Simply fantastic acting and the singing is just amazing. This is probably my favorite soprano aria so, I'm particular about the way it is sung. What a magnificent voice! She did lose breath control there for a sec but, who cares! The rest was just great!
I've played Mozart's Magic Flute many times with many different scene directors and many differents conductors, and many differents queens, and I haven't seen yet some scene director or conductor telling the queen how to sing it. After many years I could say that it's up to the singer at, at least, an 80%. It would be nice to see that we are wellcome in youtube to respect different opinions instead of clicking negative points. Thanks and have a nice day.
Es increíble el nivel de agudos de su coloratura ligera que alcanza Damrau y la orquesta con Mutti más la Filarmónica de Viena, acompaña en forma soberbia, puede ser la mejor versión en dvd
i watched the middle part of the aria again and again ....i don't think that she ran out of air ....you have to look at her mimic ....at the beginning of the phrase she looks like obtaining her daughters confidence,but at the end of the phrase it's like emotional cut and the vengefully queen is back!it'S her art of interpretation
You're absolutely right! I would have guessed it as a scene from "The Little Mermaid". The color of their costmes are just too loud - inconsistent with darkness. Damrau is such a versatile actress. She comes up with different versions passionately executed. BRAVO!!!
I've heard several other Queens. Though Damrau's rendition might not be the most accomplished vocally, her acting greatly surpasses any other soprano I've seen perform that role. Most fearsome Queen ever! Bravo!
Nicht nur dass die Töne kraftvoll getroffen sind, sondern man versteht auch jedes Wort. Eine stimmgewaltige Damrau lässt das Bühnenbild in den Hintergrund treten was es ja auch soll, denn die Handlung an sich ist das hervorhebende. Eine der besten Königinnen der Nacht überhaupt !
I agree. Edda Moser was an awesome Queen of the Night. A true dramatic coloratura as this role demands. Damrau is also a great Queen and did a great job here despite being sick. Brava!
aùn con ese ahogo, es la MAS GRANDE de todas las que hubo , hay ,o habrà. Cada vez que veo cualquiera de sus videos, sin darme cuenta , me encuentro como un estùpido atrapado en su imagen
@bonsherah excellent taste.. this is one of my favourites.. he was so ahead of his time.. politically out there but in a very subversive way... incredible talent and style... just breathtaking..
Mozart is the greatest, I love him! The only sad thing: youtube had a very bad quality in the past. But now: when you load up the video not in youtube-modus but in much bigger file, at the end the video will become very much better. But instead of that this video is suuuuper nice! If you like, look at this example in HD: "Mozart - Zauberflöte - aufgeführt von OPERA CLASSICA" Thanks and nice greatings, Rolf Bormuth
This feels like the most natural, and thus, dramatic, one... I mean, you really don't notice the knife until the end when she places it in her hands, and the exit is wonderful.
I've seen that performance thanks to "oneworldguy" some days ago, and as I said 2 days ago I like that performance VERY MUCH, is so good, I said I like it as much as the performance of Gruberova with Harnoncourt, those are my two favorites queens. But thanks anyway. BTW I have to ask my teacher because maybe he was playing in the performance at the Covent Garden (he would loved her I think)... and thanks for giving your opinion without giving me negative points, that is respect... thank you.
Diana Damrau is not just performing the Queen of the Night: SHE IS the Queen of the Night.
One just believes her anger. Never seen a better performance. Großartig, Frau Damrau. Ich ziehe ehrfürchtig meinen Hut.
Die beste Königin der Nacht auf immer und ewig!
Auch das Schauspiel hat mich sehr beeindruckt.
Simply the best Queen of the Night ever, both in lyrical and dramatic terms.
Diese Frau hat ja eine unglaubliche Stimme! Dermaßene Power, Schönheit und Perfektion!!!! Unglaublich gut!! Wieso kannte ihc diesen Namen nicht?
Eine der besten klassischen Sängerinnen der Welt!
Piano Man Bayern-Power! 😊
I think we would hardly see and hear a better singer in this role, she captivates you from the moment she puts a foot onstage. Another things, she is the nicest person and a great collegue!!! Brava Diana, we all miss you in Frankfurt!
Bravo, bravo, bravissimo!
Eine fabelhafte Königin der Nacht!
Schauspielerisch und sängerisch eine einzigartigartige professionelle Synthese.
A hair-raising voice and performance specially towards the end!!! How appropriate this took place in Salzburg! Mozart would be proud! How Privileged those who were there in person!
All musical praise put aside for a moment...am I the only one who absolutely LOVES the eye play? One goes up...the other down, and then switch, and then open, and then squint...and then funky looking "WAS HOR ICH?!"
Ich bin tief berührt und beeindruckt ❤
Fantastic singer and actress. Incredible how she has complete control of top notes to the extent of gradating lenght and dynamics of pedal top c" and a", not to mention that amazingly perfect f"!!!
i really love diana damrau.... she is an excelent singer...
this is the best performance i've heard....
diana damrau... you rock....
Does anyone ever get tired of hearing Damrau's "Der Holle Rache", cause I sure don't.
I just love the music behind the singer. Mozart was/is a genius.
It's rare to see this much fire and energy in the Queen. What a fantastic actress Damrau is.
imponente lirico di coloratura che unisce sapientemente al perfetto controllo della voce una magnetica presenza scenica...complimenti
Ein perfekter Dialog zwischen einer verwundeten Mutter und einer verliebten Tochter, die ihren Vater nicht töten will.
DIE königin unserer zeit!!
Ms. Damrau knows how to give me the chills. The sheer power in her voice...amazing.
Her costume kind of reminds me of broccoli...
She is perfect though
too 😂
I like listen Diana Damrau!She is Perfect!
OMG!! So great power in her interpretation...i love it! She looks like my mom when scream to me :D
The great thing about her performance is that she actually acts well while she sings, and sings wonderfully. Most others I have seen stand like a statue while singing this aria. Not only that, but if you watch her during her close up during the dialogue, her acting is so good. Her facial expressions show the true manipulative nature of the Queen, not to mention they crack me up :)
hope you know,i t helps that she sings and speaks in her native tongue?
Diana´s performance at Covent Garden is the best performance of the magic flute I have ever seen!
German is such a neat language.
Mozart is truly a gift from God.
probably the best performer, Diana Damrau, is fantastic🎉❤
Wow, such drama, this version literally sent shivers down my spine!
i really love her acting
she fits this character so well
Mozart ist der beste.
Diana Damrau ist für mich die beste aller Königinen der Nacht .!
wow! Goose bumps all over. Outstanding performance!
Wonder if anyone's ever sung this in divorce court. Wow, she's one great actress. And how wonderful to have a whole slew of arias to compare. A whole night of revenge music. What fun! UA-cam rocks...keep posting these great cultural pieces everyone.
Una sola parola : SUBLIME ! Meravigliosa interpretazione. La Vera Regina della Notte. Tutta la mia ammirazione. Un grande applauso 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
Mega geil 👍🏻
How versatile artist she is! Her acting is so different from the famous 2003 version, but very-very good
I like her costume. It looks like something from Hellraiser (the 1987 movie.)
einfach fantastisch
WOW - besser geht's nicht - absolute Spitze. Die Worte sagen uns auch heute noch etwas.
I think what's great about this operetta is that the plot and the drama is simple enough that the audience doesn't have to fight to understand. Whether your "poor, uncultured," or "ignorant".
Diana Damrau is a complete force that is amazing to watch and listen to.
What I like best is your calling this an "operetta." ;o)
Ich kann nur sagen das Diana Damrau eine der besten Königinen ist, ihre stimme ist kraftvoll, und ihre gesten sind sehr glaubwürdig.
Sie ist einfach wunderbar!
Wir haben das doch schon erlebt das wir in der Zauberflöte waren, viel Geld für die Karte bezahlt haben, und die Königin war zum davonlaufen schlecht war..
Ich gehe nur noch in die Zauberflöte, wenn ich weis wer die Königin gibt, aber wenn Diana Damrau , oder Carol Struder die Königin singen,denn kann es nur perfekt sein!
¡¡BRAVO Diana!!, excelsa, espectacular, me pongo de pie, bravo.
Ich liebe ihre Stimme, sie ist toll!!!
Mozart is a genius, his music dances in ensemble with each note progression. And I agree with oneworldguy's post. The Covent Garden queen of night aria.....I've been listening to opera for quite some years and I will have to say, Diana Damrau probably sang that aria as good as anyone else in the history of opera, if not better. It is simply breathtaking.
Mozart and Schikaneder would be absolutely and totally proud of Diana Damrau, THE Queeen of the Night.
You know her larynx was on fire after this....great singing as always
Tragedy has befallen me! I was not there to witness this performance live! I need a beer. Simply fantastic acting and the singing is just amazing. This is probably my favorite soprano aria so, I'm particular about the way it is sung. What a magnificent voice! She did lose breath control there for a sec but, who cares! The rest was just great!
I've played Mozart's Magic Flute many times with many different scene directors and many differents conductors, and many differents queens, and I haven't seen yet some scene director or conductor telling the queen how to sing it. After many years I could say that it's up to the singer at, at least, an 80%. It would be nice to see that we are wellcome in youtube to respect different opinions instead of clicking negative points. Thanks and have a nice day.
La mejor reina de la noche, me encanta como utiliza las dinámicas!
Es increíble el nivel de agudos de su coloratura ligera que alcanza Damrau y la orquesta con Mutti más la Filarmónica de Viena, acompaña en forma soberbia, puede ser la mejor versión en dvd
I agree 💯!
As the Queen of the Night Diana Damrau is perfect with her presence and her outstanding Soprano voice.
Wonderful performance. I think that this is one of the most difficult pieces for soprano ever written. Congratullations.
i watched the middle part of the aria again and again ....i don't think that she ran out of air ....you have to look at her mimic ....at the beginning of the phrase she looks like obtaining her daughters confidence,but at the end of the phrase it's like emotional cut and the vengefully queen is back!it'S her art of interpretation
Er, no
I agree - absolutely fantastic. Thanks for the post! Great acting, great production 99/100 for the singing.
I totally agree Damrau is the BEST Queen. She's spot-on with the role.
Absolutely AMAZING!!
Ihr nimmt man am ehesten die Rolle der königin der Nacht ab, sowohl vom schauspielerischen Können, sowie vor allem vom Gesang her...einfach genial!!
GIGANTISCH! Kann nicht genug davon kriegen!
I love watchin her act... she is the queen of the night... sooooooooooo beautiful
best performence on youtube of this song
You're absolutely right! I would have guessed it as a scene from "The Little Mermaid". The color of their costmes are just too loud - inconsistent with darkness.
Damrau is such a versatile actress. She comes up with different versions passionately executed. BRAVO!!!
Eight-octave is enchanting.
It conveys me to another dimension.
Einfach Wunderschön
I love Mosser´s Queen and Damrau´s Queen!!! Both are the best!!!!!
Oh yeah, she is the greatest! She is not even a great singer, she acts and performs the music so great!!! OMG, I wanna see her live!!!
I've heard several other Queens. Though Damrau's rendition might not be the most accomplished vocally, her acting greatly surpasses any other soprano I've seen perform that role.
Most fearsome Queen ever! Bravo!
Nicht nur dass die Töne kraftvoll getroffen sind, sondern man versteht auch jedes Wort. Eine stimmgewaltige Damrau lässt das Bühnenbild in den Hintergrund treten was es ja auch soll, denn die Handlung an sich ist das hervorhebende.
Eine der besten Königinnen der Nacht überhaupt !
ROFL....Apt description! And I agree with you, her voice in fantastic, such delicacy and grace within that power!
LOVE her costume!
What an accomplishment: She sings so well while being dressed like "sparkly Lizard Queen".
That's the best performance as Queen of the night
amazingly act!!!
even she is not in her good day ; she is the ultimate, the greatest !
Wow! Unglaublich! Sprachlos!
Diana is one of the best singing this aria; that's quite obvious!
Extraordinary Queen of the Night. The best ever!!!!!
Einfach toll!!!
Huunnn i feel like now i need to learn a new language and this one i always thought i wouldnt need. No i know why i need it!!!💓💓💓
i think that this is fantastic. but i also think that dessays is phenomenal. her drama and clarity are both impeccable.
that is awesome.
I agree. Edda Moser was an awesome Queen of the Night. A true dramatic coloratura as this role demands. Damrau is also a great Queen and did a great job here despite being sick. Brava!
aùn con ese ahogo, es la MAS GRANDE de todas las que hubo , hay ,o habrà. Cada vez que veo cualquiera de sus videos, sin darme cuenta , me encuentro como un estùpido atrapado en su imagen
@bonsherah excellent taste.. this is one of my favourites.. he was so ahead of his time.. politically out there but in a very subversive way... incredible talent and style... just breathtaking..
Grande. Magnifica!
Bravo, Bravo! Congratulatios!
Mozart is the greatest, I love him!
The only sad thing: youtube had a very bad quality in the past. But now: when you load up the video not in youtube-modus but in much bigger file, at the end the video will become very much better.
But instead of that this video is suuuuper nice!
If you like, look at this example in HD: "Mozart - Zauberflöte - aufgeführt von OPERA CLASSICA"
Thanks and nice greatings,
Rolf Bormuth
I don't speak the language, but man that broccoli seems to be PISSED at that carrot.
This feels like the most natural, and thus, dramatic, one...
I mean, you really don't notice the knife until the end when she places it in her hands, and the exit is wonderful.
I've seen that performance thanks to "oneworldguy" some days ago, and as I said 2 days ago I like that performance VERY MUCH, is so good, I said I like it as much as the performance of Gruberova with Harnoncourt, those are my two favorites queens. But thanks anyway. BTW I have to ask my teacher because maybe he was playing in the performance at the Covent Garden (he would loved her I think)... and thanks for giving your opinion without giving me negative points, that is respect... thank you.
reminds me of my mom
Poor you!
diana rocks !!!!!
i would wear that outfit everyday!
Thanks for the info...
love the stuff on her head!