Swarmanoid, the movie

  • Опубліковано 8 вер 2024
  • Swarmanoid is a heterogeneous robot swarm in which different groups of robots have different capabilities: some robots are specialized in manipulating objects and climbing, some in moving on the ground and transporting objects, and some in flying and observing the environment from above. This video presents the Swarmanoid project, a 4 year research project coordinated by Marco Dorigo and funded by the Commission of the European Union.
    This video won the Best Video Award at the AAAI-11 AI Video Competition.
    More information at: www.swarmanoid....
  • Наука та технологія


  • @jofie9582
    @jofie9582 2 роки тому +4

    I always find myself coming back to this video. I remember being in the 5th grade keeping up with the project because it was the coolest implementation of robotics I had ever seen at the time. Even to this day, the Swarmanoid project has a special place in my heart, it inspires me.

  • @Zildjian71
    @Zildjian71 13 років тому +2

    The exercise is not about efficiency, that would be a single purpose built bot. The idea is a parallel distributed network that exicutes a task by discovery and planning like we do.
    Excellent exicution and a lot to learn from.
    Think of what you go through to go from one room to another to retrieve an item and return, now write the code to exicute that task considering that you might not know exactly where the item will be located in the other room.
    We take a lot for grantid.

  • @mikemacmm
    @mikemacmm 13 років тому +3

    3:06 shooting the grapple at the ceiling is awesome!

  • @lasombra787
    @lasombra787 11 років тому +5

    so thats how i can never find my book where i leave it. thank you!

  • @GeekyD00d
    @GeekyD00d 11 років тому +1

    Every time I see this video, I just go: "Wow." I want all of those robots! I think the whole idea is a very clever one, rather than having one large robot that can do everything and isn't highly adaptable, have lots of specialised smaller robots which can group together to finish any task, and the number of each type of robot can be varied for different tasks. I am SO building my own one of these. (Even if it is only two robots working together )

  • @RedZeshinX
    @RedZeshinX 12 років тому +1

    Haha! XD The retrieved book had characters from Dragonball emblazoned on it (Giran and Lunch). No surprise that a robot swarm would seek out Japanese comics.
    Amazing work, bravo!

  • @neoaikon
    @neoaikon 13 років тому

    i must say, i was VERY impressed by the suction cup for grabby, I also like how they used several IR sensors spaced out and then rotated them to take a 360 degree scan much faster than one could alone.

  • @Zildjian71
    @Zildjian71 13 років тому

    The idea of parallel distributed computing has been a theory and desireable goal for years. All experimentation takes the path of uslessness to get to usable. The robots on Mars have a much longer evolution than the infant system in this video. This is bleeding edge experimentation and application. Your PC started out with gears, pulleys and hand cranks and nobody thought it would ever get anywhere.

  • @bongbibo
    @bongbibo 12 років тому

    The video looks quite amazing to whom who don't know robotics. But many questions can be raised regarding the truthfulness as well usefulness of this video:
    1. Computer Vision (CV) problem: how the last EyeBot can recognize the book? If it could find the book using modern image processing algorithms, the EyeBots could have easily mapped the environment and guided the ground bots to the target without needs of other beacon (red) LegBots along the corridor.
    2. to be continued

  • @Soban33
    @Soban33 13 років тому

    Most people obviously have no idea how mutch time and effort it takes to program and build robots like these. I would love to see them make something better themselves

  • @subhumanprimate
    @subhumanprimate 13 років тому

    communication and co-ordination in a real 3D environment - its very cool, the aim / goal /task of getting the book is irrelivant.

  • @caboseisstupid
    @caboseisstupid 12 років тому

    You deploy the eyebots once, they communicate once. The groundbots deploy and take over navigation. If you were only running one composite foot/hand bot for a minute, that might work. If you need 40 composite bots to do 40 repeated tasks, it would seem a design limitation to put a battery large enough to communicate that much on an eye bot.

  • @intellidream
    @intellidream 13 років тому

    Robotics at large... great video.

  • @garnitan
    @garnitan 13 років тому

    When that hand bot shot that grappling hook, i new i needed to have one!

  • @ahoog69
    @ahoog69 13 років тому

    This is one of the most amazing things I have recently seen!

  • @clamchowder138
    @clamchowder138 13 років тому

    Absolutely mindblowing.

  • @Oratemas
    @Oratemas 11 років тому

    Holy crap!, i can't close my mouth. It's impressive!

  • @subhumanprimate
    @subhumanprimate 13 років тому

    communication and co-ordination in a real 3D environment - its very cool, the aim / goal /task of getting the book is irrelinat.

  • @Channel.420
    @Channel.420 13 років тому

    @quaek you can also see the shelves and book spine are colour coded for them.

  • @Trisket
    @Trisket 13 років тому

    Efficiency is relative. Firearms were inefficient, combustion engines were inefficient, computer processing was inefficient, and compared to future advancements they still are. Practicality increases over time. Your position is tantamount to complaining about the Wright Brothers not being able to create an F-22 in 1903. You have to learn to walk before you can run. This is a vast improvement in AI compared to 10 years ago when heavily funded NASA was struggling to do just this.

  • @KingIsulgard
    @KingIsulgard 13 років тому

    I don't think the people over here understand what this movie is about. It's not about how good the robots are, like speed or having a grabber on the flybot or anything, it's about the robots communicating with each other to perform a task they couldn't have done alone.
    Think about the powers of robots doing teamwork when it are superrobots....

  • @superpeople
    @superpeople 13 років тому

    @Trisket Right but when those things you mentioned were created there were no alternatives unless you were to use a bow and arrow instead of a gun, a horse and buggy instead of a car, etc..... meaning however inefficient they were they were better than nothing. There are many alternatives to getting a book off the shelf that are more convenient.

  • @Can0spam
    @Can0spam 13 років тому


  • @badWithComputer
    @badWithComputer 10 років тому +4

    Wonderful video, narrated by Prince William no less, music by my little sister after eating a bath full of skittles.

  • @PositronRobo
    @PositronRobo 13 років тому

    The flying Eye-Bot reminds me so much of the sentry robots from Bioshock.

  • @Bhunt9394
    @Bhunt9394 13 років тому

    It's... beautiful.

  • @MisguidedOracle
    @MisguidedOracle 13 років тому +1

    Hahahah! I love it! There's something oddly cute about those bots.

  • @DecioDenisBernardo
    @DecioDenisBernardo 11 років тому

    That's simply AMAZING.. I'd really like to know more about it..

  • @Alexrose12345678910
    @Alexrose12345678910 12 років тому

    I agree with the sentiment but not at all for the reason you specified.
    It took organic life billions of years to RANDOMLY develop a nucleus. And humans would not be able to assemble a nucleus themselves. It took transistors even longer to develop, because first sentient life had to randomly occur, and only THEN could the robotic cycle even *begin*. It's just much easier to systematically improve robots quickly, which can only be done over large time periods with breeding in organic life.

  • @nihonam
    @nihonam 12 років тому

    reminds me of Bruce Sterling's 'Taklamakan'

  • @misterpers0n
    @misterpers0n 12 років тому

    I am thoroughly terrified.

  • @MsCruiseguy
    @MsCruiseguy 13 років тому

    This is pretty cool!

  • @JulienAmelot
    @JulienAmelot 13 років тому

    Amazing job!

  • @MrSantamelon
    @MrSantamelon 13 років тому

    This is so cool!

  • @FleaMcP
    @FleaMcP 10 років тому

    Goes great with the Mission Impossible theme.

  • @Twisted_Logic
    @Twisted_Logic 13 років тому


  • @BobBX542
    @BobBX542 13 років тому

    I, for one, welcome, and embrace our new robotic overlords...But for realsies, I thought this was awesome. I've always loved robotics and how they operate. But for all of you people worrying about the robotic uprising, we should be good as long as we don't teach them how to build eachother.

  • @kah13176
    @kah13176 12 років тому

    @Soban33 Truth. I don't know if you're familiar with the VEX robotics competitions, but my bot from last year took several hundred lines of code to do simple tasks that pale in comparison to what Swarminoid does. And don't even get me started on the debugging and fine-tuning process.

  • @akithered
    @akithered 13 років тому

    This is amazing at least O_O THIS IS INFUCKINGCREDIBLE!! :D Congratulations to anyone involved in the project.

  • @italbello6t9
    @italbello6t9 13 років тому

    And these are just the robots that they are allowed to show the public, imagine what's behind closed doors.

  • @ManolisPappou
    @ManolisPappou 13 років тому


  • @MrRainandThunderrelaxingsounds
    @MrRainandThunderrelaxingsounds 13 років тому

    This is awesome.

  • @DaDoctorJ
    @DaDoctorJ 13 років тому

    Could put the wheels on the bok instead. If that was the point sure.

  • @JonathanKnegtel
    @JonathanKnegtel 13 років тому +1

    Where can I get one?! The things you can do with this is like :O

  • @unimaginablyawesome
    @unimaginablyawesome 11 років тому

    Brilliant :)

  • @Poucave
    @Poucave 13 років тому

    Amazing !

  • @romans4143
    @romans4143 10 років тому +1

    I don't understand. I may agree that "eye" bots that evaluate work environment may and should sacrifice their ability to do anything else except scouting, because they need to be as light and maneuverable as possible. But why detach transporting function from "manipulator" bot? The only logical application to this scheme is a rare situation when that bot could be left in one place to do some repetitive work that doesn't require him to move around, while "transport" bots do some other stuff at the same time elsewhere. However, what would he do if situation suddenly changes and he needs to transport to another place while "transport" bots are nowhere near to be found? And what would he do if first he needs to climb somewhere "transport" bots can't go and only then additionally transport himself somewhere?
    Hazardous environments, especially those that are changing circumstances relatively quickly, usually require characters to be semi-autonomous to survive and continue function. Example of most common hazardous environment which could use some robot help is a collapsing building on fire. You can't just casually plan routes there with robots, with debris falling around and other stuff.

    • @jnevercast
      @jnevercast 9 років тому +3

      I think the intention was to demonstrate co-operation in the swarm as well as modularity. A 'Hand Bot' that is mobile would have better suited the task in this case, hell give it the ability to fly also, but this wasn't the point of the Swarm, it was to demonstrate that the robots, although completely individual, can work as a single unit.
      That is my belief anyway.

  • @graemephi
    @graemephi 13 років тому

    Think about the powers of robots doing teamwork when it are superrobots, indeed

  • @invrunner
    @invrunner 12 років тому

    I could do all that in a matter of seconds and look cool while doing it... YOU FAIL SWARMANOID!

  • @WarzSchoolchild
    @WarzSchoolchild 13 років тому

    The three 'Dislikes' thought the thumbs-down logo meant "Download' and the thumbs-up logo "Upload'.

  • @OGoregen
    @OGoregen 12 років тому

    That is really amazing!

  • @x1NeMeSiS1x
    @x1NeMeSiS1x 12 років тому

    my god, they've taken another step towards skynet!

  • @Pre114
    @Pre114 13 років тому

    I love the creepy background music!!

  • @bongbibo
    @bongbibo 12 років тому

    2. How the HandBot could see and manipulate accurately the book? This action requires a combination of image processing ability of HandBot, 3D localization ability of EyeBot and continuous coordination between HandBot and EyeBot.
    3. The way HandBot attached to the ceiling is very funny. So the HandBot can't climb at all without that supporting cable, can it?? If so, I really doubt about the usefulness of this HandBot in other normal tasks.

  • @ross817
    @ross817 13 років тому

    Boy would I ever like to see their code.

  • @Blargaldalien
    @Blargaldalien 13 років тому

    I wonder, how autonomous they are? Are they given a task, and "decide" which units are needed, or, is this merely a video showing the mechanical abilities of the indivdual units?

  • @Lebrich57
    @Lebrich57 13 років тому

    This needs to run in fast motion.

  • @timbro23
    @timbro23 13 років тому

    The music is from Robot Hell

  • @scapelife
    @scapelife 13 років тому

    And so... It begins.

  • @fallingwater
    @fallingwater 13 років тому

    Why are the footbots so incredibly slow? Processing power limitations of the system, or do they just have slow drivetrains?

  • @MrStevePhi
    @MrStevePhi 13 років тому

    So clever!

  • @Ariche2
    @Ariche2 11 років тому

    Best bank robbing team ever :D all we need now is one that can dig it's way into the vault x3

  • @Boomrick
    @Boomrick 13 років тому

    Add in a docking station for charging their batteries, and I would let these guys clean up my house when I'm on vacation..

  • @hakarumonoka
    @hakarumonoka 13 років тому

    One day when robots take over, we'll look back on this and say that this was the day it all started.

  • @jeligula
    @jeligula 13 років тому

    Now I want the Swarmanoid to read the damned book to me.

  • @oO_ox_O
    @oO_ox_O 11 років тому

    "in hazardous environments"
    like at Black Mesa, no more need for Gordon Freeman pushing crystals into lazers

  • @SaidTheWicked
    @SaidTheWicked 3 роки тому

    how cool!

  • @MichaelGrunder
    @MichaelGrunder 12 років тому

    Welp, we're fucked. It's been nice knowing y'all.

  • @GrahamFoxDelta
    @GrahamFoxDelta 11 років тому

    How do you get the handbot hook thing to stick to the ceiling?

  • @FinDeluxe
    @FinDeluxe 12 років тому

    It's amazing, but why do you need so many legbots, and theese flying things? Wouldn't 1 of each be enough with some radio/bluetooth etc. connection?
    They just have to make it quicker :D!

  • @Lamoni
    @Lamoni 13 років тому

    I for one welcome our new Swarmanoid overlords.

  • @thebob01
    @thebob01 13 років тому

    Precursor to Terminator's SkyNet?

  • @top2percent
    @top2percent 13 років тому

    I, for one, welcome our new robot overlords.

  • @railgap
    @railgap 3 роки тому

    Just think: the swarms of robots which ultimately destroy us all will be born with these skills, they won't have to learn them at all!

  • @TheStein100
    @TheStein100 10 років тому

    Can you make a video/tutorial in which you show how the communikation works and which parts are used?

    • @thexavier666
      @thexavier666 9 років тому

      TheStein100 The communication is based on LEDs. It's a type of implicit communication

  • @jerelmani
    @jerelmani 13 років тому

    Umm. you wouldn't want the swarmanoid to make you and fetch a cup of tea. I think it would be ice cold by the time they deliver it!

  • @hoangnamld
    @hoangnamld 11 років тому

    you should check their website

  • @dch3nier
    @dch3nier 13 років тому

    Today Swarmanoid,
    tomorrow Skynet!!!

  • @MxArgent
    @MxArgent 12 років тому

    So, when can i buy some, and how much would they cost?

  • @cryohellinc
    @cryohellinc 13 років тому

    listen to what they say at the end

  • @bindia103
    @bindia103 13 років тому

    1:11 R2D2 and 3CPO!

  • @OMNIBOTAutopiaMotors
    @OMNIBOTAutopiaMotors 8 років тому


  • @MrAntimonty
    @MrAntimonty 12 років тому

    fits perfectly :D

  • @richepworth
    @richepworth 13 років тому

    @adhdkoen sarcasm obviously doesn't travel well in the written word! anyway, how many books are radioactive or explode?

  • @DanKaz92
    @DanKaz92 13 років тому

    *halfway through phase 3* oh fuck it i'll get the fucking book myself

  • @Zildjian71
    @Zildjian71 13 років тому

    Continuation from comment: The head of IBM once said that he didn't think there would ever be a need for more than 10 of their Main Frame computers in the entire world! As you play games on your mobile device aren't you glad for all the "wasted experiments" that followed?

  • @DaDoctorJ
    @DaDoctorJ 12 років тому

    Yeah, they will dominate till the battery charge holds.

  • @hex4393
    @hex4393 13 років тому

    @allexcosta then it would be far too cumbersome and big for a indoor enviroment

  • @Xxherx
    @Xxherx 7 років тому

    cool !!!

  • @Maverickx89
    @Maverickx89 13 років тому

    I had to think about skynet :D

  • @derdasdiedas
    @derdasdiedas 13 років тому

    @superpeople do you scale?

  • @KingIsulgard
    @KingIsulgard 13 років тому

    @rea1high Then there would be no need to communicate with each other to perform tasks... And that's what this entire experiment is about.
    It's NOT about the task man, it's about how they can solve it.
    Think about it, if millions of nanobots could work together and morph into any shape needed to solve a certain problem. That's what they are working too. It's not about getting the stupid book.

  • @Dthai92
    @Dthai92 13 років тому

    But will it blend?

  • @Sunflowrrunner
    @Sunflowrrunner 12 років тому

    With developments in AI and using programming that uses random "mutations" and selecting developments with the best outcome robots will soon be able to write their own programming, design their own hardware, and control their own manufacturing. From this point we will have rapidly evolving robotic life We may be able to control at first, but I don't see any reason to expect that we'll maintain control, and they will eventually out compete us for resources.

  • @lonesoldier33
    @lonesoldier33 13 років тому

    It could certainly be made faster with more multitasking

  • @Stuchetz
    @Stuchetz 13 років тому

    That's the future...

  • @playmakerg11
    @playmakerg11 11 років тому

    1 word, skynet!

  • @YoManSan
    @YoManSan 13 років тому

    @zashima well said! :))

  • @Otterrat
    @Otterrat 13 років тому

    now, insect bots, Tomorrow, VOLTRON!

  • @Th3James
    @Th3James 13 років тому

    Can I arm them and have them guard my home?