How about hooking the receiver up to a 12v battery on the kitchen table, just to see whether it's working properly? Figure out which pin, on the connector, is providing 12v to the receiver and which pin is Earth, hook a couple of wires from a battery to the corresponding pins on the receiver and then see what happens when you push the button on the keyfob. I'm pretty certain that, when you push the button you should get continuity from Earth to the remaining pin (the trigger) on the receiver. Failing that, you might get 12v on the trigger pin... but I'm 80% certain it'll be continuity to Earth. Pro-tip: you can hook wires up to the pins on the receiver easily by taking a length of wire, heating up the insulation and then pushing the wire onto the pin. I notice that, in early D2s (like yours) the Earth is via a pin on the connector but in later cars the Earth is on a tab for one of the mounting bolts. I wonder if this might've been because the pin on the connector wasn't "beefy" enough for sustained use? If you test the receiver and find you're not getting a solid reading (either to Earth or, possibly, 12v) on the trigger pin it'll explain why the receiver is sort of working but not activating the CL reliably.
Derek got an idea for you. Key bar, you could make one from a flat headed nail, filed to form the cross shape, cut pointiy end off to size required, then drill a hole for key end. Or buy one on line for about £12.
Hi derek,my Land Rover has been sent to the garage today as i do not have enough time to fix the broken rod,they sell steel spindle rods on eBay which are way tougher then the original bread stick ones on these models,let’s just hope that everything works okay after Iam able to enter the eka code,looks like you aren’t having much luck with jugs either…when im back on the road i will drop you a message for some green laning! 👍
Hello! Yes, just spotted those spindle rods too, and ordered one. Better news tonight! Good Luck with yours! Yes, fancied some gentle green-laning. Depends on the finances. Anyway, best of luck!
I ended sending my ecu to a ecu specialist to have the immobilise deleted as there is a chip in the ecu which tells the bcu what to do if the ecu gets oil in the ecu it can damage the immobiliser chip in the ecu if you did the same as I did you would be able to start your car but you would have to install the eka code to register your key but your alarm would be off and you would only be able to open the car by the door
How about hooking the receiver up to a 12v battery on the kitchen table, just to see whether it's working properly?
Figure out which pin, on the connector, is providing 12v to the receiver and which pin is Earth, hook a couple of wires from a battery to the corresponding pins on the receiver and then see what happens when you push the button on the keyfob.
I'm pretty certain that, when you push the button you should get continuity from Earth to the remaining pin (the trigger) on the receiver.
Failing that, you might get 12v on the trigger pin... but I'm 80% certain it'll be continuity to Earth.
Pro-tip: you can hook wires up to the pins on the receiver easily by taking a length of wire, heating up the insulation and then pushing the wire onto the pin.
I notice that, in early D2s (like yours) the Earth is via a pin on the connector but in later cars the Earth is on a tab for one of the mounting bolts.
I wonder if this might've been because the pin on the connector wasn't "beefy" enough for sustained use?
If you test the receiver and find you're not getting a solid reading (either to Earth or, possibly, 12v) on the trigger pin it'll explain why the receiver is sort of working but not activating the CL reliably.
My boss tells me, "you don't get paid to think".
Plus it gives me a head-ache.
It's not good is it? I'm trying to give it up!
Derek got an idea for you. Key bar, you could make one from a flat headed nail, filed to form the cross shape, cut pointiy end off to size required, then drill a hole for key end. Or buy one on line for about £12.
Cheers Martin. You have not seen my drilling! So these things are on line?
Looks like you’re having as much luck with the receiver as I am with the Corsa lol. Hope you get it sorted
Cheers! You too!
Hi derek,my Land Rover has been sent to the garage today as i do not have enough time to fix the broken rod,they sell steel spindle rods on eBay which are way tougher then the original bread stick ones on these models,let’s just hope that everything works okay after Iam able to enter the eka code,looks like you aren’t having much luck with jugs either…when im back on the road i will drop you a message for some green laning! 👍
Hello! Yes, just spotted those spindle rods too, and ordered one. Better news tonight! Good Luck with yours! Yes, fancied some gentle green-laning. Depends on the finances. Anyway, best of luck!
Do a search with these key words disco 2 door key lock stem . You will find under landrover forum pictures to go with fitting amd making key bar.
Thanks Martin, I'll have a look.
I ended sending my ecu to a ecu specialist to have the immobilise deleted as there is a chip in the ecu which tells the bcu what to do if the ecu gets oil in the ecu it can damage the immobiliser chip in the ecu if you did the same as I did you would be able to start your car but you would have to install the eka code to register your key but your alarm would be off and you would only be able to open the car by the door
Cheers Tony. Time to start fixing stuff!