The PoE Chronicles: Episode 27: Cass Begins Act 4! Defying The Odds!

  • Опубліковано 8 вер 2024


  • @whypick1_
    @whypick1_ 2 місяці тому +2

    So upgrading that helm:
    *This would've been a good place to use an Essence. Hatred would've given you cold res, Greed some flat life.
    *Think about what your skill setup is going to be /before/ re-coloring items. Chat was right that yes, you want 4Ls, because you want your damage dealers in them. Figure out what 3 supports go with the skill, then go for that.
    *When hitting an item with Chromatic Orbs, the item will tend to roll socket colors based on the amplitude of the stat requirements for the item. So that helm is more likely to roll blues and greens because it's DEX and INT.
    *Removing items from a mod is super duper way beyond where you're at right now (and in most cases it's RNG as to whether you hit the intended mod). Either re-roll or live with the result.
    Also you mentioned earlier about adding sockets to your Spectre. Nope, not gonna happen. 1H items have a max of 3 sockets. Only 2H weapons can have 6 sockets.
    Accuracy and Evasion only deal with attacks. There is Dodge for spells, but it's something you have to spec into and replaces the arguably better form of spell damage defense.

    • @CassKGaming
      @CassKGaming  2 місяці тому

      Aha I see (re the sceptre). I definitely need to plan ahead on what I need. I think I was just hoping for the best without considering the gems 🤦🏻‍♀️ But I know I need to think about that now!
      I am also reconsidering half of my gems cause of moving myself to the left side of the skill tree idea, so I am not totally sure what I want to do now :/
      I will work with what I have for now but keep this all in mind for the future acts. I am sure I will get better gear in act 5 and will be more aware of the colour rolls based on the items! Omg please don’t give me too much crap for my next vid where I am saying ‘eh I have heaps of chromatic orbs and the colours will be good eventually’ 🤣

  • @whypick1_
    @whypick1_ 2 місяці тому +2

    So I get what you're saying about hoarding currency, but there's definitely some that are safe to use now. For example, you mentioned an Essence. Essences have up to 7 tiers, and Whispering is the lowest. It can only roll items that will never have a level restriction higher of 35. Go ahead and use that (if it makes sense), you're not likely to hold on to the resulting item for all that long.
    (Side bar: Essences /can/ be upgraded with a 3:1 vendor recipe, but it's highly unlikely you'll get three of the exact same one during the campaign to be able to make use of that anyway)

    • @CassKGaming
      @CassKGaming  2 місяці тому

      Ahhh that’s good to know!!! So I can basically use what I have now cause as I progress to Act 5, whatever I get will be better!!! It’s awesome to know I can use rather than hoard it… like a dragon… like a firey, firey dragon!

  • @whypick1_
    @whypick1_ 2 місяці тому +1

    Calling/Convening/Convoking Wands are for minion builds. Besides the minion damage implicit, they have minion modifiers that can't be rolled on other wand bases.
    And yes, you're still picking up too much stuff. Case in point, you left an item that would've vendored from a Chromatic in favor of items that you sold un-ID'd for Transmute shards. Guess which one will be more helpful to you in the long run (hint: it's the one that doesn't have shards). Also that this point if you are going to vendor random rares, ID them, because Alterations > Transmutes.

    • @CassKGaming
      @CassKGaming  2 місяці тому

      Hehehe yes I know I am still picking up too much! I can’t resist it so I need to make my filter a little more strict :) I will remember to ID rares though!!!

  • @heronplayer8419
    @heronplayer8419 2 місяці тому +1

    a big win on delve is purity of elements gems since it grants imunity to all elemental ailments but to use need some more mana reservation efficiency.

    • @CassKGaming
      @CassKGaming  2 місяці тому

      I will have to look at that. I have a little fire golem now, so I probably don’t need my Skitterbots now, so I should have a bit more mana available. But I definitely need more efficiency, which I will look into when I stream the last part of act4 :)

  • @whypick1_
    @whypick1_ 2 місяці тому +2

    No, your Skitterbots were not dealing any damage. One of them inflicts Shock (increases damage taken, in this case the default 15%), the other Chill (reduces action speed, in this case default 10%).
    Infernal Legion was the support gem you were looking for (and you briefly moused over it for a second while you were browsing gems A1). That would give them a fire aura without the downside taking fire damage because Skitterbots are immune to damage. It does mean the skill would reserve 20% more mana though.
    IMO, totally not worth it (both the Skitterbots and linking them to Infernal Legion).

    • @CassKGaming
      @CassKGaming  2 місяці тому

      Ahaha okay, I see what you’re saying then! I might replace Merry and Pippin with Mini-Balrog for now (tiny fire golem). But I am not planning on doing any variety of minion build cause I don’t like them. I like a minion as a ‘bonus’ rather than a spec, so I think they will all be replaced eventually. I don’t want to reserve even more mana.
      Omg so much to consider when I start up the end of act 4!

  • @DustinGatliff
    @DustinGatliff 2 місяці тому

    I noticed you're not allocating any masteries on your passive tree, and since you weren't playing back when masteries were introduced, it's easy to understand not knowing exactly what they are or how to use them. For passive clusters that have a mastery in the middle, the mastery acts as a new passive node as long as you've already allocated a notable in that cluster. For example, the life mastery you took near the top of the tree has a +50 flat life node that's very helpful, and some of the fire mastery nodes could be important for you as well.
    Also, the support gem you were looking for to make your Skitterbots do damage is called Infernal Legion Support. You briefly moused over it in act 1.

    • @CassKGaming
      @CassKGaming  2 місяці тому

      Ahhhhh I can’t believe that! Here I was, thinking they automatically applied once you filled in all of the nodes around them 🤦🏻‍♀️ Well, that’s another thing in the list of stuff to do when I log in!

  • @whypick1_
    @whypick1_ 2 місяці тому +1

    Once again writing stuff as I watch, will edit if it becomes irrelevant later in the video:
    *You mentioned sub-optimal pathing in the beginning. Look for any nodes that are giving you just Chance to Ignite (hint: Searing Heat) and spec out of them. Being at over 100% chance to do something does not grant anything extra (related bit of mechanics that might be relevant in the future: "never" beats "always"...always).
    *Later on your Golem will probably spend a lot more time dead than alive. Getting the Liege of the Primordial Ascendancy node will help with that, and Golem Commander will increase the buff effect, but the reward...meh. In order to really get returns on Golems you probably need some unique jewels that only come from Delve.
    *I believe you said you've switched to Wave of Conviction, but just FYI, all Brand skills have a limit of 3 active, and a monster can only have one attached to them at a time, without further passive point investments.

    • @CassKGaming
      @CassKGaming  2 місяці тому

      Aha well that’s good to know that it’s not a benefit to being over 100%! Some games let you go crazy 🤣 I would definitely like to keep the golem, he is a little baller so far! But if he has diminishing returns later I will just hang onto him until I can supersede him with something else. Honestly I am working on the principle that I am working with gems (I THINK) are good, till I find something better. And if you all tell me there is something better I will aim for that instead. I definitely don’t ’need’ the golem, I just like him for now :) I don’t have an intent on speccing into golem/minion, cause I am not a fan of that build type (I did a minion build in D4 and having minions do all of my damage was a huge yawn, I want to PLAY and not set my minions to do everything- aka I DO NOT want an afk build). I hope that makes some sense :)
      Definitely keep writing as you see things. I do the same (it’s more to do with short term memory loss though), but imo it’s helpful.

  • @pedroupaiva
    @pedroupaiva 2 місяці тому +1

    hey Cass! I was the one who suggested you use Infernal Legion so your skitterbots do damage! it will cost you more mana though, so you'll need to focus on getting some mana reservation efficiency points really soon (in fact like 99% of builds use a lot of reservation efficiency so they can use the most auras possible, auras are insanely good, since they're passive permanent buffs)
    also, something for thought: a lot of people see playing minions/traps as "passive playing", but as a minion/totem enjoyer I have to say that's just not true at all! you have to constantly keep track of your life and mana, positioning, and dodging stuff are still extremely necessary! it's as active of a play style as any other build, it's just the focus is different!

    • @CassKGaming
      @CassKGaming  2 місяці тому

      I am DEFINITELY hyper focused on mana res now! And that’s super interesting that you are saying minions/traps aren’t passive playing! Cause I feel the best when I am playing an active play style. So that is something I will have to consider then! I DO like having a couple of minions/totems but still having active attack skills. I would have to say that my main issue with minion/trap builds is NOT having those active attacks. BUT if I could mix the two… so my flame totem and golem, then a couple of active attacks, that would be my dream build! So I am hoping to get advice from both sides of the spectrum and build something that suits that play style (assuming I have the gem slots) 🤣

    • @pedroupaiva
      @pedroupaiva 2 місяці тому +1

      @@CassKGaming well, it actually is kinda hard to make that style work, because both totems and minions (which are different for many purposes) have different skill nodes and item mods that scale their power, which are also different from elemental power (which is only for self-cast spells, like incinerate and wave of conviction), so using all of those means you'll be doing like less than 50% of potential damage on all of them.... but don't let that stop you, there are no rules and you can always change anything later with enough orbs of regret!!!!
      (oh I just remembered that the most popular minions on POE are the SRS, Summon Raging Spirits, they are temporary and require you to dodge stuff and stop to cast them, it's a REALLY active playstyle)

    • @CassKGaming
      @CassKGaming  2 місяці тому +1

      @pedroupaiva oh well THAT is super interesting (I am sure that’s much later game but the idea is already brewing!). I will probably choose between totem and minion… eventually. But I definitely won’t let ‘typical build’ styles stop me from trying what I feel is most enjoyable now!
      I am getting a lot of advice (from people who like totally different play styles), so I’m trying to listen to everyone, while staying true to what I know I enjoy. I really hope I can make something that is somewhat endgame viable by doing this! First goal is finishing the campaign and stretch goal is max level/end game. So I say roll the dice, hope I get 20s and let’s see what a guide free build can accomplish!

    • @pedroupaiva
      @pedroupaiva 2 місяці тому +1

      @@CassKGaming I even say you'll have to eliminate the totem to give all focus to your self-cast spells! But I believe you can do it, and it's been really nice watching you grow on this journey and having fun!
      (one more thing I forgot: getting to lvl 100 is not that easy.... I never got it, people usually pay for 5-way carries to get to lvl 100, but that's kinda expensive.... so don't get sad if you don't get there now!)

  • @whypick1_
    @whypick1_ 2 місяці тому

    Falconer? I'm pretty sure you were watching a Last Epoch video.

    • @CassKGaming
      @CassKGaming  2 місяці тому

      I’m not 100% sure what it was, but it was definitely a PoE build, falconer could be bs, but there was a pet build. Orrrrrr my memory loss had fully betrayed me!

  • @heronplayer8419
    @heronplayer8419 2 місяці тому +1

    POE depending on your build you'ill need to be a pianist literaly

    • @CassKGaming
      @CassKGaming  2 місяці тому

      Well, I have been known to play a little piano and violin… so I am sure that on my good fine motor function days, I will be playing much better! Good days and bad days unfortunately, the tremor in my left hand is becoming a more constant companion. But I will do my best! Trying to do some crochet every day to help with it.
      The support from the community keeps me going ❤️

  • @viljakainu1548
    @viljakainu1548 2 місяці тому +1

    Okay, so you like being rich -- goes with neutral evil, I suppose. You're doing the opposite of gains. You're gimping your gains by picking up anything that isn't a direct upgrade to your character NOW. NOTHING that drops during the campaign, with the exception of a mirror, div or exalt and maybe like two uniques is worth a damn. And items are worth less than nothing if you don't ID and equip them, because you've lost time and damaged your finger joint by clicking on it like a pigeon in a Skinner box.
    Also. You use incinerate, we don't wish you'd move faster, we wish you'd move at all.

    • @CassKGaming
      @CassKGaming  2 місяці тому

      😭 I’m using Wave and Armageddon Brand much more now that I have them, and my little fire golem friend. I think I acquit myself pretty well against Daresso (tomorrow) in terms of spells and moving about and using flasks. And I did remember to use my quicksilver flasks while running around :( I’m just not mashing them constantly, I don’t think I will ever get used to that concept :/
      I will ID the items I pick up more often though. I should have been doing it for everything and not just items that I could be wearing. I suppose I don’t have to worry about saving the wisdom/portal scrolls now that I have plenty of scraps and whetstones I can trade for them. And hope that I do pick up something better that I can wear since I am seeing a lot more 4+ slot items.

    • @viljakainu1548
      @viljakainu1548 2 місяці тому +1

      @@CassKGaming You witches need to hear brutal truths sometimes ;)
      I keep ridiculing you for it in hopes you'll see how little saving the flask charges does for you when you're blasting packs with one WoC cast!
      But picking things up and IDing is a trap in this game :(

    • @CassKGaming
      @CassKGaming  2 місяці тому

      I know, I know, I am trying :( You have to admit I am using the flasks way more now though!
      And… I will try to resist picking up all of the everything 🤣 I am improving with that too though! I have just been picking up yellows and greys (for the chromatic orbs) and I have started to check out the gem sockets available on items and have EVEN dropped some items or not picked them up at all!
      The teasing reminds me that I can keep getting better at it all, but like I said, it’s like 25 years of behavioural changes I am trying to break 🤣 I am getting there, bit by bit with everyone’s help!

    • @viljakainu1548
      @viljakainu1548 2 місяці тому +1

      @@CassKGaming Humans have amazing potential for change -- you can learn the mechanics of a new game! :)
      On feeling like dropped items matter in this game: I feel for you, girl, I really wish they were worth a damn, and I still pick up too many rares, too.
      One thing you might want to experiment is: now that all hits ignite, you can unspec from alllll mana (take mana reservation efficiency wheel with sovereignty instead, ignite lasts 4 seconds so you're not going to be chaincasting), crit and chance to ignite and take more fire damage over time multi and generic dot multi (there's a juicy small dot multi wheel just next to elemental overload)
      What's that? Not enough regrets?
      Just goes to show that not enough currency drops in the campaign to make looting in acts 4+ worth your while. (Also, I really, really, REALLY recommend you path left from witch start picking int nodes, ignoring the spell damage nodes, spell damage does nothing for ignite but helps Righteous Fire, but you didn't want a walking simulator build then go left towards Mind over Matter, then to outer rim, go both clockwise and counterclockwise to get the big fire wheel on top side and the fire plus elemental wheels on top left and upper left side -- oh, Sovereignty wheel is in the neighbourhood? What luck!)
      And then you use either a fireball with multiple projectiles (lesser or greater) or wave of conviction plus frostblink plus quicksilver flask to do the following:
      1. move towards a pack of mobs with your quicksilver flask ACTIVATED 2. at right distance from pack, cast your clearing spell ONE time 3. frostblink into the pack, the combined damage from the ignite and frostblink will kill many 4. keep running to the next zone -- a strict enough loot filter means you'll hear a sound only if something worth looking at dropped
      5. and absolutely avoid the temptation to turn around and finish the stragglers, you're already overleveled so you don't need the xp :)

    • @CassKGaming
      @CassKGaming  2 місяці тому +1

      @viljakainu1548 hehe I know I can learn it properly. I wish I had started this before my brain decided to break and rewire itself in a funky way (I even have the MRIs to prove it, rofl). I have to use a lot of repetition and notes EVERYWHERE to learn new skills/memories, unfortunately the short term memory loss is a bitch, but I have methods to try and work with it! I even have a notepad on my phone of silly things my friends say, so I can pull it out and tease them about it later 🤣 But on a more serious note, I do struggle a lot with memory now and I appreciate you all for reminding me with the same things all the time, even though I know it probably gets just as frustrating for you as it does for me ❤️
      But I am determined and I feel like it’s achievable with all of the help here and from Twitch (and yes, the tough love too!). I like your explanation of how you would play. It gives me an idea of what I would like to do (maybe not the same but you have explained a similar play style to what I like… not cleaning the stragglers will be tough though cause I am a completionist at heart- oh btw, full clear of the Library zone from act 3 done off stream today and an achievement for doing it AND SHIELD CHARGE gem!!! I was checking the vendors to find the darn thing and noticed an area I hadn’t explored, then I basically had ‘streamer/YT privilege’: which is whining about something not happening and then it happens almost immediately afterwards, by finding the NPC in THAT unexplored area!). I am not tooo far overlevelled anymore- not as much as I WAS, so I hope you see that as some progress :)
      And I was redoing my D4 skills today and may have clicked into the option to do a fresh PoE tree (no guides, just the points) and I may have looked it over and given myself a basic guide of what I would like to do. Now based on your advice here, I will likely need to change some stuff (I specced HARD left), but I will pop a screencap into the discord tomorrow if you’re a) interested and b) @ me to remind me 🤣
      Also- I REALLY am trying to only pick up what I think I could use now. I am a sceptre girl all the way too, they are badass! I would ONLY pick up a wand if I was about to head to town and there was JUST enough space for it… so I could vendor it 🤣🤣🤣 Seriously though, I am making a more conscious effort to only pick up 4+ gem slot items that I could potentially use. Yes, I made more effort today cause you reminded me, but that’s the beauty of it… reminders make it habit and habit becomes ingrained in my brain better, so really, you’re helping form the new neural pathways!