The BEASTS of REVELATION | A MUST-WATCH Interpretation | Revelation 13 | Lesson 29

  • Опубліковано 1 жов 2024
  • Revelation 13, an in-depth Bible Study and interpretation about this chapter. Tom Bradford addresses the topic of the beasts of revelation and the mark of the beast. Tom will also be drawing brilliant comparisons between the Book of Daniel and the Book of Revelation, as they are connected and meant to be understood together.
    Join Torah Class in this Study about Revelation 13.


  • @tobybratcher
    @tobybratcher 4 місяці тому +5

    I’m glad you talked about the martyrdom because nobody else seems to want to. What an honor to give service and perhaps our lives for our King 🙏

  • @evangelion_0.1.
    @evangelion_0.1. 4 місяці тому +7

    Hey I was the biggest fan of Chuck Missler.
    He was my favorite teacher (he's dead now)
    But you are pretty good too.
    I'm not worried about any of this, in fact I'm excited because the kingdom of God is drawing closer and closer.
    We already know what must happen
    We are told not to be surprised

    • @markjackson1702
      @markjackson1702 4 місяці тому +1

      Him and Chuck Missler are the best, they disagree only with the end times and two other points, great teachers!

  • @Danny-BamBam-Cason
    @Danny-BamBam-Cason Місяць тому +2

    I'm so Grateful for Teacher Tom,and the Torah class studies. My eyes and ears are wide open. I pray to find a similar Hebrew roots church in North Louisiana.

  • @rickswineberg
    @rickswineberg 4 місяці тому +3

    The word "anti" in antichrist does not mean someone who is going to be openly anti (against) Christ. That word "anti" in the original Bible language can actually mean "IN PLACE OF". So could the bible antichrist be someone who has actually put himself "in place of" Christ? Well, we have further Bible evidence to support this. In 1 John 2:18-19 it says that there were "many antichrists", who "WENT OUT FROM THE CHURCH". In other words, John is pointing to the fact that those "antichrists" were WITHIN THE CHURCH!! Not only that, but Paul in 2 Thess. 2:3-4 calls the man of sin the "son of perdition". Now there is only one other place in the Bible where the name "son of perdition" is used, and that is in John 17:12 talking about JUDAS! And what was Judas? A professing follower of Christ Jesus. Someone who deceived from WITHIN the "church".
    "The leader of the Catholic church is defined by the faith as the Vicar of Jesus Christ (and is accepted as such by believers). The Pope is considered the man on earth who TAKES THE PLACE of the Second Person of the omnipotent God of the Trinity." (John Paul II, Crossing the Threshold of Hope, p. 3, 1994).
    "ANTI" - Christ = "IN PLACE OF" Christ!

  • @michaelart4878
    @michaelart4878 4 місяці тому +7

    The grace of our LORD JESUS CHRIST be with you all

  • @anewsongpsalm333
    @anewsongpsalm333 4 місяці тому +5

    "I got no love, no love you'd call real. Ain't got nobody, waitin' at home"... Running With the Devil
    Eccl. 3:18 “I said in mine heart concerning the estate of the sons of men, that God might manifest them, and that they might see that they themselves are beasts.”
    Psalms 104:2 “Thou makest darkness, and it is night: wherein all the beasts of the forest do creep forth.”
    Blessings family...

  • @FrankRomine
    @FrankRomine Місяць тому +2

    Wonderful teaching. Thank you.

    • @TorahClass
      @TorahClass  Місяць тому +1

      Glad you enjoyed it! Shalom.

  • @lonecar144
    @lonecar144 4 місяці тому +1

    The falling of a high ranking angel and a third of his angels speaks volumes against the sovereignty of the false God being preached by the world today. Not to mention the hypocrisy of that God creating evil angels in heaven and then telling his beloved creation (Man), 27 And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb's book of life. Rev 21:27 (KJV).
    And what does God say to do with incorrigibles?
    Deut 21:18-21 (KJV)
    Anyone in heaven that rebels and becomes incorrigible is judged immediately and destroyed, according to law, and the law (word) is eternal and spans the three heavens.
    If I lie to you or about you, you or another will suffer from misinformation. If I steal from you, you will suffer from lack or have to put out new effort to regain the loss, and all this while my family, friends and neighbors turn a [blind eye] or encourage my behavior. Now multiply that by the world population, then add in pride, greed, sloth, hate, etc, and you have suffering all around. Then stir the pot with the destructive force of three major wars and you have hell on earth (the pit).
    The evil and suffering in this world his man's doing not some fabled fallen angel. When someone is tempted to do something that they know is wrong they have a little debate in their head and lie to themselves and make excuses to justify the action they want to take. Just like the story of Eve and the talking serpent. A talking serpent is a fable; 2 Tim 4:4 (KJV). A talking serpent symbolic of the lust of the flesh; is truth. The power of those that give into this serpent is what God calls Satan, or to be more specific, the power of those that use and abuse the laws of God “to steal, and to kill, and to destroy” the poor, fatherless, and widows, is what God calls Satan, a principality (a government). And any who support him, through lies or evil plans (mind), or with works (hands) are his angels. Hence the mark of the beast.
    All glory to God. Amen

  • @truthseeker5496
    @truthseeker5496 2 місяці тому +1

    If the rapture is anything like the Galilean wedding then we are taken before.
    That is why we don’t know the day nor hour. If we’re taken when we know who the Antichrist is then we can count down from there and know when the second coming will be. Two different events. First even (harpazo): we don’t know when but know it’s before, second event (2nd coming): people left can know by the signs given in Revelation and other books.

  • @ChrisMusante
    @ChrisMusante 4 місяці тому +2

    By the way... my High School mascot is a RAM. And I witnessed many miracles back then. The horns represent knowledge of 'good' and 'evil'. Pressing west and south... are knowing the other directions - but mainly the north, knowing the scales by which all deeds are weighed and judged. The direction (north) where God's spirit is given 'rest'.

  • @andreadewsbury3958
    @andreadewsbury3958 3 місяці тому +1

    Awesome thank yoy

  • @koreyoneal2623
    @koreyoneal2623 Місяць тому

    Paul's name is short for Pauxililus which means the least , it's possible that Yeshua gave a prophecy about Paul in Matthew 5:17-20 :
    Paul didn't contradict Yeshua ??? Here's over forty times that he in fact did :
    Here's Paul twisting Yeh Ho VaH's words :
    Here's Paul contradicting Yeshua's brother James The Just :

  • @kd-yd5pk
    @kd-yd5pk 2 дні тому

    Countless Christan pastors teaching against the Torah have, and are still, leading millions and millions to destruction. I know, I was one of them but was called out Praise Yah.

  • @alphacentauri1757
    @alphacentauri1757 Місяць тому

    At Minute 28:16 you explain that believers (in God) will not be exempted from tribulation and you quote Jeremiah 15:2 & Revelation 13:8-10. But in both references the punishment (death, captivity, starvation, etc.) refers to those who disobeyed God, not to the righteous. I'm just trying to understand.

  • @ChrisMusante
    @ChrisMusante 4 місяці тому +1

    WHOOO HOOOO!!! JEREMIAH 15:2 & 43:11 !!!
    Egypyt was a desolateplace - dying is living, falling by the sword is succumbing to the word of God, famine are the struggles for lack of the word, and captivity bound to God's law like a SLAVE!!
    You are right sir... the prophets 'know'.

  • @robertcain3426
    @robertcain3426 2 місяці тому

    This is my view for what it's worth.
    Rev 13:18 is not referring to 'a' singular man. There is no 'a' in the Greek text. It should be translated as man/mankind/humankind. The Greek word is anthropou, used for 'Son of Man', which is son of mankind - plural. The Greek word for man is anthropos. Some translations have correctly ascribed it this way, though not many. Likewise, the phrase, 'man of lawlessness' is a personification, and not a literal 'man' - singular. It is a kingdom/empire of man/mankind. It is 'man pre-eminent'. Humankind - a united kingdom of man, himself, as was the rebellion (apostasia) at Babel (Babylon), a united rebellion against God the Creator and his Messiah.
    Of man's rebellion (apostasia) Paul writes in 2 Thess 2:4, 'He (again using the pronoun 'he' as a personification) will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God'. Speaking metaphorically, Paul is to saying that he, man/mankind, will think himself superior to the God who created him. Man's version of what is truth opposes the Word of God.
    These keys are given in Revelation itself using 'type and shadow' of the OT;
    The beast 'out of the sea', Rev 13:1, is; the complete chronological lineage of Gentile kingdoms which were to come (Daniel) and unite the world in rebellion to God, as at Bbel/Bavel/Babylon. It is the complete beast because it has been assigned the number 'seven', the number in scripture which symbolizes complete/completion/whole, as with the seven churches in Rev 1 being the complete church; seven days make a complete week; Jacob worked seven years to complete his servitude to Laban for Rachel, etc. So the beast 'out of the sea'- sea of Gentiles, is the complete chronological lineage of Gentile kingdoms, as described by Daniel, which were to come and unite the world in rebellion to God, as at Babel.
    The little horn (referred to as the antichrist) which grows to displace three others, the displacement of three is a description of it's power since the number three in scripture symbolizes strength, surety and stability, and thereby the little horn/power/kingdom starting as an eleventh horn/kingdom, displacing three, becoming an eighth kingdom; 11 -3 = 8. The number 'eight' symbolizes 'resurrection' and telling the reader that this 'little horn' is a resurrected kingdom.
    It is a kingdom 'which once was (at Babel, Babylon), now is not (at John's time of writing) but will come again (alluding again to its resurrection), Rev 17:11.
    It is the kingdom that is 'an eighth kingdom, which belongs to the seven'. The 'little horn' grows to unite the world in rebellion (apostasia) to God as first attempted at Babel where God said, if they be united like this, as one, nothing will be impossible for them. So, it is the resurrected kingdom of Babel (Babylon), signifed by being assigned the number eight.
    It is the kingdom 'which was wounded by the sword, yet lived', when God went down to Babel and 'wounded' man/mankind's effort to unite, as one, by confusing his language and DISPERSING him over the face of the earth. Mankind, the humanistic spirit of man powered by the dragon, whose wound of dispersion has been healed and is back uniting as one world kingdom under his own headship, just as he first attempted at Babel.
    Man/mankind has his own gospel to preach to the world, which opposes the Word of God; liberty, equality and fraternity, apart from God. His gospel blasphemes the Word of God calling it archaic, barbaric and even unrighteous. The word of man purports to save humankind apart from God and his Christ, Jesus. This is the deception 'which will be 'worshipped' as truth by all those who are perishing, because they loved the darkness instead of the light', 2 Thess 2. Cheers

  • @timhaley3459
    @timhaley3459 4 місяці тому

    First off, it need be understood that the Bible "book" of Revelation is highly symbolic, NOT literal.(Rev 1:1) And here are some critical details in understanding the Bible "book" of Revelation, as for example, "the lake of fire" is NOT "hell", for Revelation 20:13 shows "hell" and death are "thrown into the lake of fire" and destroyed (Rev 20:14)
    Note: "the lake of fire" is called "the second death", so this means everlasting destruction, NOT everlasting torment, for from "the first death" or death caused by being a descendant of Adam (Rom 5:12), a person can receive a resurrection, but NOT from "the second death", so that they are dead forever), so that "hell" here (Greek hades) is NOT a place of fiery torment, but mankind's common grave that ' gives up its dead '.
    And the Bible does NOT show "a man who is referred to as the beast", but rather uses encrypted language, symbolic language in Revelation to describe the world wide political system as "a wild beast" that was created by "the dragon", Satan the Devil.(Rev 13:1, 2) That this is the case, can readily be seen at Daniel 7, whereby it says:
    "I (Daniel) was watching in my visions during the night, and look ! the four winds of the heavens (or from all different directions or different areas of the earth) were stirring up the vast (symbolic) sea. And four huge beasts came out of the (symbolic) sea (the restless, agitated, radical, unstable masses of mankind, seeking to govern themselves apart from God), each different from the others."(Dan 7:2, 3; Note: "the four huge beasts" were Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome, the 3rd through 6th world powers of Bible history)
    Isaiah 17:12 helps sincere people to grasp what the "sea" is, saying: "Listen ! There is a commotion of many peoples, who are as boisterous (or unruly) as the seas (always in a state of agitation, never satisfied with the political status quo) ! There is an uproar of nations (of this nation against that nation, with nationalism rearing its ugly head), whose sound is like the roar of mighty waters (or the sound of political discontent that reaches clear around the earth, especially today with modern technology) !"
    Isaiah 57:20, 21 reaffirms this: "But the wicked are like the restless sea that cannot calm down, and its waters keep tossing up seaweed and mire (or political rhetoric of disagreements that keeps people in a constant state of agitation, angry). There is no peace,” says my God, “for the wicked.”
    So, when a person is "marked on their right hand or on their forehead" at Revelation 13:16, receiving the symbolic number 666, this means that they are either physically or mentally involved in the world of politics, giving it a physical "hand" of support, as in voting (saying "I voted for this person" or "I voted for that person", etc), running for political office, taking any role in the realm of politics, to just being mentally involved as with the "forehead", as in just giving verbal (or even mental) support for this or that political candidate (" I think that he would be a good candidate for president" or vice-versa), or is for or against this political policy or agenda.
    Note: the number "666" means this falls short of the perfect or complete number 7 three times (see Rev 15:1, whereby there were "seven angels with seven plagues. These are the last ones, because by means of them the anger of God is brought to a FINISH."), emphasizing the political system's total incapability to bring world peace, through the 7th world power of Bible history, the Anglo/American world power (Rev 17:9, 10), with the United States taking center stage on the world scene, even through its "image of the wild beast", the United Nations, that has shown itself as "toothless" in resolving political discord and stopping wars, throughout its tenure.(see Rev 13:14, 15)
    For example, at Gen 2:1-3 of the 7th "creative" day (with each "creative" day being some 7,000 years long), God's purpose of a paradise earth will be completed by its end at the close of Jesus Millennial reign (see Rev 22:1-3, in which the "curse" of sin has been completely removed), or at Joshua 6:6-21, whereby God's command was only complete after seven priests with seven trumpets marched around Jericho seven days, and on the 7th day, seven times.
    So, "666" emphasizes shows how deeply flawed the political system is, especially regarding the "wild beast that ascended out the earth" or more stable political elements (as opposed to the "sea"), that it is a puppet of Satan, so that ANY attachment to the political system, a person is worshipping Satan.(Rev 13:1, 2; Note: only those whose names are "written in the scroll of life of the Lamb" are NOT worshipping Satan through his political system, Rev 13:8)
    Thus, at Revelation 14:9, 10, it says: "Another angel, a third, followed them, saying in a loud voice: “If anyone worships the wild beast (or is involved in any way with the political system which shows a person as worshipping the political system, such as pledging allegiance to the flag) and its image (the United Nations, that is a mirror "image" of the political system, see Rev 13:14, 15) and receives a (symbolic) mark on his forehead or on his hand (giving it support by any means),"
    "he will also drink of the wine of the anger of God that is poured out undiluted into the cup of His wrath, and he will be (symbolically) tormented with fire and sulfur (or be destroyed forever) in the sight of the holy angels and in the sight of the Lamb."
    Jesus genuine disciples follow what he told Pontius Pilate: "My Kingdom is NO PART of this world (so that true Christians are "no part" of the world with its "deadly, dirty and divided" politics, see John 15:19). If my Kingdom were part of this world (with its divisive, hate-filled politics), my attendants would have fought (as politics teaches, to "fight for your rights") that I should not be handed over to the Jews. But as it is, my Kingdom is NOT from this source (or NOT from the political realm that is created and run by Satan, see Dan 2:44, 45)."(John 18:36)
    Note: "the wild beast" at Revelation 13:11 is not the same as the "wild beast" at Revelation 13:1, 2 that comes from "the sea" or restless masses of mankind that is constantly changing, but from "the earth", or more politically stable elements and is 7th and last world power of Bible and secular history (or 7th "head"), the Anglo/American world power, that has the power equal to the rest of the political nations combined, in which the United States takes center stage on the world scene, pushing its "weight" around politically and economically.

  • @sarahlynn4790
    @sarahlynn4790 4 місяці тому +8

    Dan. 2 is about the human kings and kingdoms. Dan. 7 is about angelic beings who rule in heavenly places.
    In them collectively you have your beast.
    The events of the first century were a partial fulfillment. The sea beast is a NWO. The land beast is a revived Sanhedrin (2 heads are two sect. (Sadducees and Pharisees) leaders.
    Think about the events of the first century. It’s like that on a worldwide scale.

    • @thebibleinayear.tv_2024
      @thebibleinayear.tv_2024 4 місяці тому +1

      You are absolutely dead wrong and doesn’t even make sense.

    • @sarahlynn4790
      @sarahlynn4790 4 місяці тому +2

      It absolutely makes sense. In Dan. 2 the ten human kings are the ten toes.
      In Den. 7 all the beasts combined (as seen in Rev.) have 7 heads and 10 horns.
      You can ask questions if you have them but beginning a conversation with me by telling me that I’m dead wrong about something that I’m absolutely correct about isn’t the way to approach me.
      There are MULTIPLE beasts is Rev. one comes from the sea, land, pit.
      Sea (human, Dan. 2)
      Land (human, Dan. 8)
      Pit (angelic, Dan. 7)
      All of these are seen in the book of Daniel as well.

    • @ChrisMusante
      @ChrisMusante 4 місяці тому +1

      I like that you have a differing view... care to meetup and discuss? Not in person of course, but I appreciate that you are pulling in a different view as my point is this - there ABSOLUTELY has to be something more and 'hidden' from us... else how could Isaiah 52:15 make any sense. Nice job! 😎

    • @markusandrew777
      @markusandrew777 2 місяці тому

      This is how you will know... by their fruit. I think the fruit He is speaking of is kindness, gentleness, long suffering, those who Love the brethren. Those with out the fruit, Galatians 5:20 (ESV): enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions. All stated
      by Paul to the church in Galatia chapter 5:19-22 Soooo,...let us bear
      fruit in accordance
      to repentance. ,

  • @pbar8439
    @pbar8439 4 місяці тому

    You don't have to go all the way back to Hitler. Neighbors were calling the police if their neighbor had too many people over. A kids birthday party for example.

  • @CovMixMultofIsrael
    @CovMixMultofIsrael 4 місяці тому +2

    Hey Tom (et al), I love your presentations, thanks so much for your work.
    I do wish that you would refrain from using the erroneous 'rapture' term, as I *feel* that you know it is the First Fruits Resurrection, and as you stated in this video, those will be them who teach all the 'befuddled' what is actually happening.
    Much love to you and yours.
    שבת שלום!

    • @thebibleinayear.tv_2024
      @thebibleinayear.tv_2024 4 місяці тому

      Rapture just means to be caught up with Him!! And I agree with you 1 Corinthians 15 tells first Christ on the Feast of Firstfruits in 30 AD at the barley harvest and then true believers - His Bride on Feast of Pentecost - which is June 16th, 2024 this year at the wheat harvest!!!!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻👰‍♀️👰‍♀️👰‍♀️💛💛💛

    • @CovMixMultofIsrael
      @CovMixMultofIsrael 4 місяці тому +1

      @@thebibleinayear.tv_2024But the real problem is the dung heap of false 'doctrine' which are encompassed with that one word.
      Thanks for sharing your thoughts! Peace be unto you and yours.

  • @GraceYow-z5z
    @GraceYow-z5z 4 місяці тому

    17:55 as peter pointed out, paul is misunderstood by many. no, paul said "we uphold the law." please study more prayerfully all of paul's letters and you will understand he did not contradict jesus. even logically speaking, as the sum of the word of god is truth, there cannot be any contradiction in it. this should impel one to re-study the teaching that paul contradicts jesus about the law of god.

  • @leenie1176
    @leenie1176 4 місяці тому +1

    I love listening to your teachings but all the ads are annoying

  • @hermanehrentraut4956
    @hermanehrentraut4956 4 місяці тому +1

    Shabbat Shalom, Because of the length of this comment I have to break it into two parts
    Pt 1: The Dragon is not Satan, the dragon refers to a ruler of the 4th kingdom spoken of in Daniel. In the OT other rulers are called the dragon the pharoah of Egypt and King Nebuchadnezzar. The fourth kingdom of Daniel is the Roman Empire. So the Dragon is the ruler of the Roman Empire. The sea beast has religious authority but the dragon also gives him political authority making the sea beast an absolute monarch. History shows the Roman emperor did give the pope political authority over Rome by giving him the Lateran palace this happened when Constantine moved the capital of the Roman empire from Rome to the city that would be renamed Constantinople. Even today the Pope is both King of Vatican City and Head of the Catholic Church
    This channel as well as other that teach eschatology love to teach Rev 13 is a future event, this is in large part because they are Nicene Christians and do not want to admit that both Christ and the Apostles warned about Nicene Christianity, this means since a Nicene Christian will not and cannot admit they are following a false Christ, that leaves them little choice but to reinterpret Revelation in any way that does not expose the sins of the Church throughout its history. They do this largely using free association and circular reasoning but most of all by ignoring the historical, cultural, and grammatical context of the writings to its original audience which were first century New Testament saints.
    Nicene Christianity has always claimed to worship the God of Israel but when you closely examine canons and laws of the Church shows they have and continue to act against the covenant, with false teachings like "replacement theology", "rapture theology", eschatologies not to mention it was these "Christian nations" that have throughout its histories have persecuted, enslaved, exiled, killed the Israelites who have always been and still are his chosen people this is why he is called among other titles God of Israel. Also this persecution is cyclical a nation will exile Jews seize their property and enslave those who cannot leave only to later invite the Jews back into the same country or to another country that at first seems friendly towards Jews only to later have the whole thing happen again. In the beginning of Nicene Christianity these Christians who claim to worship God of Israel made it illegal to keep the feasts of YHWH as well as the Sabbath and any Christian who did was declared an anathema and excommunicated, now this meant not just being excommunicated by the church but also by the entire community, meaning being unable to buy or sell unless the person swore allegiance to the Church and their Christ or specifically their version of Christ which Paul called another gospel and John called the antichrist. Even in Revelation Christ identifies this group of false worshipers
    "...I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan"
    Now it must be very clearly understood that just because those with discernment will cause others to understand what is happening does not mean this understanding will cause the others to repent as those with discernment have done in fact the OT prophets had discernment and they gave understanding to people and almost always the people not only ignored the understanding but persecuted the prophets for even giving them that understanding.
    It's also important to realize that despite all churches even today have their foundation in Nicene Christianity over the centuries different denominations have splintered off instituting their own doctrines such as Christian churches who preach Torah keeping, that if even one doctrine of Nicene Christianity is kept and perpetuated by that denomination does not make that denomination right in fact it makes it not only wrong but dangerously wrong. Christ said if the root is bad the fruit from it cannot be good, only if the root is good can the fruit be good, and in this case the believer would have to reject the root of Nicene Christianity and repent and then build on the foundation that Christ and his apostles established.
    Nicene Christians have a hard time with explaining 42 months because in the OT in prophecy day equals a year is clear especially in prophecy of Daniel about 70 weeks, so 42 months becomes 1,260 days which is 1,260 years, well teaching end times will begin after a time of great apostasy and one period will last 1,260 years is not going to get many people to trust your teachings instead they tickle the believer's ear by saying this event will only last 3.5 years, an understanding that the protestants borrowed from the Catholics specifically the Jesuit Francisco Ribera who wrote his views on Revelation which would be the foundation to futurism.
    This video does a neat trick it says many will succumb to the beast but then it also says many will not, now what is the definition of many a majority of in this case people so how can a majority of people both succumb to the beast and not succumb to the beast. Even the Bible makes it clear in Matt 7 Christ says "many will say to me..." now many in Greek is polus and means majority so in Matt 7 Christ says he will deny the majority of those who call him Lord which only Christians would do, and he will do this because these people are workers of iniquity. Iniquity means lawlessness and the only law Christ would speak of like this is Torah.
    Consider all the "miracles" that have said to have happened in the history of Nicene Christianity as well as the ones that continue to happen, since Nicene Christianity is false, this means miracles said to have happened by Nicene Christians or involving Nicene Christians would also be false.
    The genius if you want to call it that of Nicene Christians was to identify themselves as either being apostles or being of the apostles this meant when the apostles warned of a great future in their time apostasy, could not mean Nicene Christianity but would come from within Nicene Christianity, in short the bad declared themselves good, so that any reference to the bad did not point to them but pointed to anyone else, they would take this even further by changing Revelation by adding to it, not only now would the bad not come from within the church but it would not even come from within the Roman empire.
    The land beast is also a religious authority that has the same authority as the sea beast, yet the land beast is not equal with the sea beast but is under him. If the sea beast is the Patriarch of Catholicism that means the land beast is the Patriarch of Orthodox, which would include the Patriarch of Jerusalem.
    The land beast performs a false miracle involving calling fire from heaven, within Nicene Christianity this false miracle has been happening for centuries around Easter in what is known as the fire of the Holy Sepulcher

  • @Wasp121323
    @Wasp121323 4 місяці тому

    Satan will utilize the same motive of operation his used first in Heaven to deceive the 1/3 angels.
    Remember: the great red dragon with the 7 heads and ten horns was first seen in Heaven

  • @ShadySprings1217
    @ShadySprings1217 4 місяці тому +1

    I use to listen to these at night but now I can’t due to the constant commercials

  • @ChrisMusante
    @ChrisMusante 4 місяці тому +1

    WOW!!! Thank you for pointing that out Tommy!! I think I am going to do a commentary on Romans 7. Paulie is sooooo misunderstood here.
    This is more of the teaching of DUALITY. Amd when Paul says that the law is not only binding upon those who honor God and obey it, but also to those who DIE because of it... the law is written as blessings AND curses, and is applicable to ALL of mankind, whether one has knowledge of it or not, as can be seen by reading Romans 2:12-14.
    What Paul says "you died to the law through the body of Christ" he is talking about the horrible sin of killing and innocent man, and even messiah, literally Jesus' body. He gave his life to teach us about BOTH SIDES of the law, the staff AND the rod, the water AND the fire, walking in the light, AND stumbling in darkness.
    These writings are so misunderstood - it's a pity.

    • @brewstercox4714
      @brewstercox4714 4 місяці тому +1

      Romans 8:7 nish, the carnal minded is enmity against the law, nor indeed can be ( until repentance & rebirth) . Mixed multitude was there in Joshua 8, the 2 hills of cursings & blessings and at mount

    • @ChrisMusante
      @ChrisMusante 4 місяці тому

      @@brewstercox4714 - correct sir (ma'am? doesn't matter). God's law CANNOT be broken, nowhere does it say so. Lawlessness is merely rebellion against said 'unbreakable' law.
      The law is administered via a staff, which is followed and results in blessings 'expected'. Whereas the law is also (from the otherside) upheld with an 'iron rod' - in which case 'curses' should 'justly' be 'expected'. This is the 'Truth' that Jesus spoke of and taught about. Grace - which also came through the man Jesus (the Christ) - and 'grace' being justice withheld - is a period where the law, measured by a reed, is bent but never 'broken'. The 'bones' (the law) can never be broken... and will only result in death. In fact, the law results in death upon death as you have to 'break' the law to fulfill it to the 'letter'.
      Jesus wrote 2 things on the ground... first the oldest verse of the law: Exodus 21: 12, and 2nd the younger verse of the law: Leviticus 24: 17.
      In doing so proved that because the law implies actions that require those who keep the law, by the letter must then themselves be put to death for administering the law.
      The law however CAN be the hope that it is intended to be if obeyed by the 'spirit' and where 'evil' (breaking the law) is used for 'good'.
      Those with a carnal mind believe that they are 'outside', not 'under', or even 'apart' from the law and it's judgements - this is delusion. Paul makes it absolutely clear that NOBODY is apart from the law, know it or not (Romans 2: 12-14) as it is ultimately a person's 'nature' - spirit or inclination - that defines there relationship to God, who is the Word, and thus... the 'law'.
      In this way, Jesus taught from the perspective that the law is administered by God Himself and therefore there is no reason to 'judge' another, and that instead, a sinner should be one who has merely found the very same path that ALL are walking, only in the wrong direction. Notice that the thieves and robbers find the path too.
      When John spoke of building a 'highway through the desert' he was referring to this '2-way' road... and repentance being a turning around and heading in the other direction. Most see the desert as a place lacking water and rife with adversity - and this is true - but the dry ground can produce 'something to eat' as well, in effect meaning and so as to say that the stones ARE bread, and they can break the teeth of the 'lion'.
      People believe that God has forgotten those who sin... but this is far from the truth, and people distort the scriptures as if they can be broken - they cannot as Jesus said.
      All are serving the Lord - even right now, as the scriptures ARE the book of life. And if one comes in the name of the Lord... your 'name' is then found 'in them'. If you come in your own name, then you are NOT serving the right master and father.
      This is the double-edge sword of truth, it's 'edges' seen in the following verse which encompasses all of time itself...
      "I form light and I create darkness. I make peace and I create evil: I the Lord do ALL these things."
      ~ Isaiah 45:7
      Thus, there are obedient servants OR suffering servants.
      Numbered amongst the transgressors. (sinner).
      Nobody that should be esteemed. (sinner).
      Considered smitten by God. (sinner).
      And so on...
      It pleases the Lord to crush those who sin, because when they finally break, they will come to Him for 'healing'.
      I see a lot of suffering going on my brother... and I have been sent to help.
      ~ 'nobody'
      (who was found willing to go)

  • @richardrice7147
    @richardrice7147 3 місяці тому +1

    They have, are, and will continue to lavish honor on the papacy.

    • @jesusthesavior-xy5ln
      @jesusthesavior-xy5ln 2 місяці тому +1

      If catholics will align with Islam in idealogy. Ex: Those who chants from the river to the sea, those so called christians, then yes it is

    • @jesusthesavior-xy5ln
      @jesusthesavior-xy5ln 2 місяці тому

      Also non catholics christians

    • @richardrice7147
      @richardrice7147 2 місяці тому

      @@jesusthesavior-xy5ln and of course magna mater, mother Mary. She must be immaculate for the Messiah to be holy, otherwise original sin and Yahusha walking perfectly are inadequate.

    • @richardrice7147
      @richardrice7147 2 місяці тому

      @@jesusthesavior-xy5ln Christ, Greek term for anointed with oil...Jesus, a Latin creation of greek Ieaous, being no J in Greek or Hebrew, are both terms, like gentiles that were brought forth by it appears the roman world. Christian used never once by the Messiah, Yahusha, but only in reference in Epistles that they were called that.

  • @samiannarino7138
    @samiannarino7138 4 місяці тому


  • @rolandorolandorolando6554
    @rolandorolandorolando6554 4 місяці тому

    Soooo your saying Jesus did not break the law of the sabbath even though every Pharisee and scribe said he did? So Jesus did not break it it’s that the Pharisees and scribes didn’t know what they were talking about…. Hmm sounds like a lot of people today. Well I guess I’m back to doing works to save my self.

  • @papajoefortner1817
    @papajoefortner1817 4 місяці тому

    Friends I have videos for you on Bible Prophecy and the End Times. Please go to Papa Joe Fortner or Shockwaves of the End Times or The Watchmen Series with Papa Joe. Thank you and God bless you all 🙏

  • @chericandream
    @chericandream 4 місяці тому

    CommonWeath -- Hebrew= CrossedOver
    sWORD Spirit and Truth -- 7th day sAbbAth's Seal -- Covenant IN Loyalty
    The Most High Ahb Yahu'Ah= Spirit= AbbA Creator Father.
    Yahu'Sha Hebrew Anointed SonShip= sWORD and Head(ROCK) to body(stones) of congregation covenant loyal (be)living IN earth, that adhere TO His voice: (Yashra'Al)
    ...The Most High Ahb Y6ahu'Ah sovereign saves. Emet ❤️
    Love you Ahb Yahu'Ah sovereign of my breath, soul, and the blood IN my veins (DNA).
    (Psalm 90:12-17)
    So teach us TO number our days, That we (may) apply our hearts unTO wisdom. Return, Oh Most High Ahb Yahu'Ah sovereign, how long? And let it repent thee concerning thy servants. Oh satisfy us (early) with thy mercy; That we (may) rejoice and be glad all our days.
    And counting:
    ...1st day/night season of the WorkWeek,
    ...2nd day/night season of the WorkWeek,
    ...3rd day/night season of the WorkWeek
    ...4th day/night season of the WorkWeek,
    ...5th day/night season of the WorkWeek,
    ...6th day/night season of the WorkWeek (double up):
    ...for the morrow’s morning IS the Seventh day/night sAbbAth's season. Emet ❤️
    What was Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob considered before the 12 tribes were born?
    ...And before Yahu'Sha the anointed Hebrew Messiah, rather than the Roman religion's man-made diety with the Greek name that has no power and authority IN the Kingdom's throne.
    ...Go to (Genesis Chapters 15-17) and (Hebrews Chapter 11) to understand the Covenant Loyalty and 'Saving Will' Testimony of the Most High Ahb Yahu'Ah sovereign ❤️
    ...They were all faithful, obedient, and walked with the Most High Sovereign IN UpRightNess, Kingdom MindSet Justice, and were SetApart from embedded pagan world religious conditioning and dogma. Tsion ❤️
    Praise and thanks to the Most High Ahb Yahu'Ah for His 'Saving Will' Testimony IN His anointed Hebrew Son Yahu'Sha Messiah.
    Prayers, blessings, and peace (restoration) of the ❤️, for those that adhere TO His voice, covenant, and commandments.

  • @peterpiper4619
    @peterpiper4619 4 місяці тому

    Too many ads..... Can't watch!

    • @TorahClass
      @TorahClass  4 місяці тому +1

      Hello! We do not put ads on our videos and our channel is not monetized. Any ads that you see on the video are put there without our control or consent by UA-cam. We do not see a dime from these ads. If you would like an ad free experience, we would encourage you to watch on our website, Sorry for the inconvenience. Blessings and shalom.

  • @rolandorolandorolando6554
    @rolandorolandorolando6554 4 місяці тому

    God sent Jesus for no reason I just have to obey Torah who needs Jesus…thanks 👍 I’ll just do what the Israel was commanded to do was to obey Torah …hold on how is that working for them? Whatever I’m a Gentile who can do it I Rolando Garcia will be the first Gentile to completely obey The Torah no problem.

    • @jesusthesavior-xy5ln
      @jesusthesavior-xy5ln 2 місяці тому

      Jesus Christ fulfilled the old testament up to the latter days. Being a believer of Yesua is not an easy tasks. So we need to pray and ask forgiveness from Him. He knows that human nature is weak. The salvation after the judgement day is Jesus Christ came for. Or else we will belong to Lucifer. Read the beatitudes in Matthew. He came for the imperfect persons to save. 🙏🏻🙏🏻

  • @DanielvanderKlooster-gv8mj
    @DanielvanderKlooster-gv8mj 3 місяці тому +1

    Absolutely wrong! All the early church fathers tought the pretrib. rapture! This shock will then cause many to turn to The Living and His Son!

  • @pbar8439
    @pbar8439 4 місяці тому

    I neglected to mention during Covid.

  • @michaellallo4437
    @michaellallo4437 4 місяці тому

    Have this pastor ever read Galatians.

  • @leroybroun4106
    @leroybroun4106 3 місяці тому

    In Mat 5:17-19 Jesus makes clear 3 things: 1) that the law will not be abolished but be COMPLETED, 2) that the law will pass away when it is fulfilled/completed, and 3) that what the pharisees are teaching is not the given law. A completed covenant or contract is no longer in effect if it has been satisfied fully. So if Jesus fulfilled the Mosaic covenant, why should anyone teach to fulfill a contract that has been fully satisfied? one does not continue to pay mortgage after the house has been paid off.

    • @7knel464
      @7knel464 3 місяці тому

      I hope my response reaches you with the spirit of love that it is intended in, because I used to have your same viewpoint. After hearing a message that contradicted my own belief, I dug into the scriptures, I suppose to try and prove that "they" were wrong. Fortunately for me, I found out I was and the scales of this world were removed from my eyes. Yeshua was sent as the Tav. If you understand the meanings of the Hebrew language, Yeshua came to strengthen the covenant, as the use of the Tav strengthens the Hebrew words that it is part of. (The letter looks like a cross btw). If covenants went away as soon as man decided they were "completed", we would no longer have the rainbow, by current logic, correct? God himself tells us, that he never why does man insist on arguing with the Creator of the Universe about who He says that He is? In fact, if Yeshua would have taught that the law went away, it would have disqualified him as Messiah. Yeshua said that he "fulfilled" the law, not completed it. In the Hebrew context, the word "fulfill" means to bring to the fullest meaning. He came to show mankind how to live the Torah to the fullest. It was being trampled on by men, who maybe had good intentions, or maybe were corrupted by power, money, and control over the people. Yeshua said that none of the law, not a jot or tittle would go away until Heaven and Earth pass away. Since we are still living on this old planet Earth, I think it is safe to assume that those things are still in effect. Jesus also commanded his followers that the Pharisees sat in the seat of Moses and that they should follow what they teach...just do not do as they do (because they were hypocrites). So, I agree with you that they were not teaching the law as it had been given or He would not have presented that admonition. He actually even went on after those scriptures (Matthew 5:17- remainder of chapter, really) to teach from the Torah. Rather than take away from the Torah, He actually added TO it...or rather, made the understanding more complete. One thing that helped me in my studies (perhaps it will help you too), is to not look at the Bible through Western eyes. Going back to the original language, finding out what words and phrases meant to those people at that time, rather than what they mean in our current Western world (there is a difference), and understanding that the NT is about 86% percent just quotes and restating of things found in the OT helped me immensely and my relationship with God has grown exponentially. In fact, sometimes I wonder why it never occurred to me, that if the law went away...why did Yeshua spend so much time teaching it to people and why did He NEVER teach, nor tell His apostles to teach, that when He is crucified, to stop teaching Torah? I hope my ramblings can be a blessing to you in some way. Sorry it turned into such a TED talk :)

    • @leroybroun4106
      @leroybroun4106 3 місяці тому

      @@7knel464 ur example of the rainbow covenant doesn't work because that was a one-sided promise not a covenant between two parties. if the old is still in effect why the new? bible is clear that if u want the old then u better keep it perfectly or u can take the new which Jesus' perfection is transferred to u. and u can't even keep the old because there is no temple and sacrifices which are required to be able to keep the old. so, for salvation u have to trust in Jesus, and for a holy and fruitful life that pleases God and benefits u here and yields rewards hereafter u have to keep Jesus' commandments. The commandments are not tied to salvation, but to blessings.

    • @7knel464
      @7knel464 3 місяці тому

      @@leroybroun4106 Interesting, because God himself said that the rainbow “will be the covenant between me and the earth”. Also, in Genesis 9:16, he refers to it as an “everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of flesh that is on the earth”. There is no “new and old”…they all build on one another throughout all of history. And Jesus said the the two most important commandments were those at the top of each tablet. On those two commandments hang all the law and all the prophets. Of course the commandments are not for salvation…that is what got the Jews in trouble, but when you are in relationship with God, you want to do what makes him happy. If you remember, it wasn’t until the Israelites were “saved” from Egypt and agreed to follow God, that He gave His instructions. Just like when we come to Christ, our lives and behaviors change, because we have that law in our hearts, which actually frees us from it…which is what Paul was talking about. I guess you and I can just agree to disagree. We both obviously love our Savior and He will work things out the way that He sees fit.

    • @leroybroun4106
      @leroybroun4106 3 місяці тому

      @@7knel464 actually God did say He will make a new covenant, not like the old, see Jeremiah 31:31-34, Heb 8:13. i think ur making things up to align w ur dogmas.

    • @7knel464
      @7knel464 3 місяці тому

      @@leroybroun4106 hmmm I was thinking the same thing about you 😄. (joking, to lighten the mood a bit). Like I said before, everything God has done in His plan, continues to build all throughout history. If anything, with each covenant that he makes, more is built. Even Christ himself made Torah more full of meaning. God did say that he will make a new covenant, not like the old, where His law would be written on their hearts (not that his law / "instruction" would go away-quite the contrary), where people would align more with the character of God. The problem is not God's law, it is perfect (said too many times throughout both testaments to even list) and not one single disciple taught against it, nor did Christ. The problem was that people were looking at obeying the law and only works as their salvation and forgetting the heart of it...and employing massive amounts of syncretism with other religions, but that is a different topic. I promise you, my "dogmas" as you reference them, are just fine. It is ONLY His word, not mine, that matters. Quite frankly, my even responding to you in the first place was out of love, because I had held those exact same thoughts that you wrote, myself. I was just engaging with a fellow believer and sharing an experience, which I hoped would bless you. It was laid on my heart to comment, that is all. Your response feels a bit less loving, so rather than accuse me of making up things to align with my "dogmas", perhaps look at your own heart.

  • @saritakatz3454
    @saritakatz3454 3 місяці тому

    Thank you 🙏

  • @jrmz7881
    @jrmz7881 4 місяці тому

    The beast from the sea, ( the Vatican calls itself the holy sea )

  • @JoDee-j3y
    @JoDee-j3y 4 місяці тому

    How will reporters know the hour so they set up for covering the second coming?! What globe is this globe-head referring to .. the celestial made in day 2?!

    • @jesusthesavior-xy5ln
      @jesusthesavior-xy5ln 2 місяці тому

      Jesus said that He will come like a thief in the night.

    • @JoDee-j3y
      @JoDee-j3y 2 місяці тому

      @@jesusthesavior-xy5ln exactly, they won’t know…and all will see Him in the clouds… all can see if earth is flat not globe

    • @pretribtruth
      @pretribtruth 2 місяці тому

      2Th 2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

  • @hermanehrentraut4956
    @hermanehrentraut4956 4 місяці тому +1

    Shabbat Shalom this is part 2 of the comment I began in part 1
    Pt2: Earlier I spoke of how false teachers take Revelation out of context "everyone on earth will worship the beast" this comes from "Rev 13:16 and he causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive." and "Rev 13:17 and... no man might buy or sell"
    They teach "all" means "everyone" which in English it could however it could also mean "every kind of" or "all manner of" Now even today we can know which definition was the one John wrote, in the Greek from which was translated to English the word is "pas" and means all manner of, but in order to perpetuate false teaching by saying all means everyone anyone can look at history and say with confidence since this event has not yet happened to "everyone" is clear proof it must still be future.
    Pay close attention again to what teachers say to what Revelation says, teachers say the land beast says to make an image of the sea beast, but the Bible say Rev 13:14 ...they should make an image to the beast. So later in Rev 13:15 ...image of the beast, is not saying the image looks like the beast but is saying this is the image that represents the sea beast. In Daniel it is recorded that Nebuchadnezzar made an image, but despite no description is ever given has not stopped people from saying the image was of Nebuchadnezzar. Also to help make things clearer image in Greek is eikon from where the word icon comes and Nicene Christianity has a history filled with Icons.
    Once again this image speaking and is going to be broadcast is foolish, and can easily be explained in two ways there is a clear history of "miracles" related to iconography of the Church such as bleeding statues, but even more once again pay attention the image whatever the image is will have the ability to speak which means this image will be recorded as speaking to people well once again all one has to do is look throughout Church history at all the recorded accounts of the Nicene Christianity Christ coming to people and speaking to them, this is not limited to Christ but even his mother Mary, so when someone claims to have been visited by Christ the description of the Christ in their vision fits the image of Christ as is found in Nicene Christianity.
    Rev 13:15 ...cause as many would not worship... This is not as some suggest the image is going to kill people but means because of the image there will be cause or reason to kill those who do not worship, in short the the image of the beast is the cause of their death, but he is not the instrument of their death, this also means it will be law.
    As far as getting people to make an image of the Beast and that they should worship the beast just look at the second council of Nicea also known as the 7th ecumenical council. I will provide a sample
    Anathemas concerning holy images
    If anyone does not confess that Christ our God can be represented in his humanity, let him be anathema.
    If anyone does not accept representation in art of evangelical scenes, let him be anathema.
    If anyone does not salute such representations as standing for the Lord and his saints, let him be anathema.
    If anyone rejects any written or unwritten tradition of the church, let him be anathema.
    Never forget that within Christiandom that in 380 AD with the edict of Thessalonika the defacto Christianity became Nicene Christianity outlawing all others including the one that was preached by the apostles, all followers of Nicene Christianity were now called Catholics all others were declared insane and treated accordingly this included forced conversions. The church as it became more involved in civil matters would know who was and who was not Catholic relying on abuse of confessions as well as neighbors spying on each other, that is how they knew who was and who was not a Catholic, we don't hear it too much today but in the recent past a sign of a good person was they attended church, if not the pastor would call them out "we missed you at church last week" now in the early Catholic days twice a year it was important to attend church Christ Mass or Christmas and Easter because that is when one received the eucharist.
    So we are looking for a mark being place on the the right hand or on the forehead of people within the sphere of influence of the beast and this mark will serve as a sign to everyone around that person they count themselves as one who worships the beast. instead of ignoring the past and present for this sign we need to see if it has already happened yes within Nicene Christianity at least once a year Christians receive a mark on their right hand or forehead that shows they are Nicene Christians this mark is given on Ash Wednesday. Now people would be quick to say but it says "all" which as i said earlier means "every kind of" not "everyone" they would also say Ash Wednesday has no bearing on one's ability to buy or sell, and once again it is only to perpetuate false teachings this event is said to happen all at the same time, but when you look at Church history many laws were laid against non-Nicene Christians for rejecting Nicene Christianity such as being declared an anathema. The other reason is the Church while they have not changed these laws can not at this time enforce them because of nations having constitutions such as the US with separation of Church and State, this keeps the Church from forcing its will on me, although after the US Civil War two Nicene Christian holy days were given State support when both Easter and Christmas were made federal holidays, while most Americans enjoy this since they are Christians, it penalizes non-Christians businesses by giving them a choice close for the day and lose the days revenue despite having to pay employees for work they are not even doing. The other option is to pay employees more then their daily wages.

    • @rocdajacable
      @rocdajacable 4 місяці тому

      You should read the book and forget 90% of what you said

    • @hermanehrentraut4956
      @hermanehrentraut4956 4 місяці тому +1

      @@rocdajacableShabbat Shalom, Instead of doing what you said I decided to give more proof of what I said as being true.
      Edict of Thessalonica 380 A.D.
      Issued by Theodosius I, Gratian, and Valentinian II
      It is our desire that all the various nations which are subject to our Clemency and Moderation should continue to profess that religion which was delivered to the Romans by the divine Apostle Peter as it has been preserved by faithful tradition and which is now professed by the Pontiff Damasus [Bishop of Rome] and by Peter, Bishop of
      Alexandria, a man of apostolic holiness. According to the apostolic teaching and the doctrine of the Gospel, let us believe in the one deity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit in equal majesty and in a holy Trinity.
      We authorize the followers of this law to assume the title of Catholic Christians; but as for the others, since in our judgement they are foolish madmen, we decree that they shall be branded with the ignominious name of heretics and shall not presume to give to their conventicles the name of churches.
      They will suffer in the first place the chastisement of the divine condemnation and in the second the punishment
      of our authority that in accordance with the will of Heaven we shall decide to inflict.

    • @rocdajacable
      @rocdajacable 4 місяці тому

      @@hermanehrentraut4956 nonsense

    • @hermanehrentraut4956
      @hermanehrentraut4956 4 місяці тому +3

      @@rocdajacable "Council of Laodicea 4th Century Canon 29 Christians must not judaize by resting on the Sabbath, but must work on that day, rather honoring the Lord's Day; and, if they can, resting then as Christians. But if any be found to be judaizers, let them be anathema from Christ"
      "Exo 20:8 Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.
      Exo 20:9 Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:
      Exo 20:10 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:
      Exo 20:11 For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it."
      What the Church calls the Lord's Day was and is not not the 7th day of the week but was the 1st day of the week. The Church forced people to ignore the commands of the God of Israel whom they claim to follow and instead follow their own doctrines and traditions.

    • @brewstercox4714
      @brewstercox4714 4 місяці тому

      Proverbs 29:18/ Deuteronomy 32:36 & Rev.13:16

  • @Christopherurich33
    @Christopherurich33 4 місяці тому

    Read all of Luke first then read all of Mathew then go too Exodus study the 10 commandments you will see the contradictory

  • @Christopherurich33
    @Christopherurich33 4 місяці тому

    Funny how 35:45 into this video this man says it's in his view I don't know who this guy is preaching at this point I'll be done listening to him

  • @Christopherurich33
    @Christopherurich33 4 місяці тому

    23 minutes in too this video people should really eat what they say one who calls the kettle black as they say I'll leave it at that

  • @Christopherurich33
    @Christopherurich33 4 місяці тому

    What Paul contradicts in Matthew and Luke go against each other you must hate your brother your mother your father sister in order too be a deciple of Christ what about the 2nd commandment honor thy mother and father I suggest read Luke first then Mathew then the 10 commandments tell me again with the truth of God that those two Gospels don't contradict each other if you believe otherwise good luck the path is narrow and few will find it do Christian theology math 144,000 + 12,000 of each tribe of the 12 tribes did you do the math I'll tell you one thing it ain't the gentiles the Jewish tribes of Judea Benjamin and the rest will show you that it is under God's commandment to follow the laws of Moses through the children of Israel which is the Jews no one else,,,, yes some of my grammar is off you can fill in the blanks if you have common sense

    • @shannonhawkins3296
      @shannonhawkins3296 4 місяці тому +3

      That’s NOT what it means! It means to love God more than your mother, father, spouse, children or anyone. It doesn’t mean you have to hate them.

    • @Christopherurich33
      @Christopherurich33 4 місяці тому

      @@shannonhawkins3296 go read Luke then Mathew both of them it clearly says in one of the Gospels I won't say cause I want you too read them,,, Luke 14:26 read that first then read Mathew

    • @Christopherurich33
      @Christopherurich33 4 місяці тому

      Learn more…Opens in new tab

      Luke 14:26 in the Bible says, "If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters-yes, even their own life-may not be a disciple of mine

  • @jessicabrock8667
    @jessicabrock8667 4 місяці тому

    Why are we still speaking of the past ?

    • @shabbatsongs4801
      @shabbatsongs4801 4 місяці тому +2

      Because, those who do not study history/past are doomed to repeat it…🙏

    • @rocdajacable
      @rocdajacable 4 місяці тому

      Did you forget it's your future

    • @jessicabrock8667
      @jessicabrock8667 4 місяці тому

      @@rocdajacable unfortunately it's not. And unfortunately you don't even know or understand what time it is. No that's not the future.

    • @rocdajacable
      @rocdajacable 4 місяці тому

      @jessicabrock8667 you must have just started walking with YHVH then because you have no idea what you are talking about when you say what you say, compared to what He God YHVH says

  • @Christopherurich33
    @Christopherurich33 4 місяці тому

    What Paul contradicts in Matthew and Luke go against each other you must hate your brother your mother your father sister in order too be a deciple of Christ what about the 2nd commandment honor thy mother and father I suggest read Luke first then Mathew then the 10 commandments tell me again with the truth of God that those two Gospels don't contradict each other if you believe otherwise good luck the path is narrow and few will find it do Christian theology math 144,000 + 12,000 of each tribe of the 12 tribes did you do the math I'll tell you one thing it ain't the gentiles the Jewish tribes of Judea Benjamin and the rest will show you that it is under God's commandment to follow the laws of Moses through the children of Israel which is the Jews no one else

    • @tempelhoferfeld7727
      @tempelhoferfeld7727 4 місяці тому +5

      You walk in flesh my friend, Not in spirit!if you follow CHRIST you will have presecution,even from your own mother or Father,so Yeshua sad if your mother is against him,but you will follow him....who is more importent in this case?!
      Look in other Religions,if they will follow Yeshua,what happens to them?!
      Think about it!There is no contradiction,if you love and accept the truth!
      YAH bless

    • @Christopherurich33
      @Christopherurich33 4 місяці тому

      @@tempelhoferfeld7727 I feel wrong if I say no man is important above God,,, that's how I feel yet I love mankind and sacrifice everything I have or can too help thy needs thy being his not mine needs and this helps me accept the good and the bad too endure nothing seems bliss

      @THEROOTMATTERS 4 місяці тому +3


    • @Christopherurich33
      @Christopherurich33 4 місяці тому

      @@THEROOTMATTERS for you that like scripture I'm referring too Luke 14:26

    • @Christopherurich33
      @Christopherurich33 4 місяці тому

      @@THEROOTMATTERS your attitude is very Christian like I bet you get a lot of respect from people

  • @Christopherurich33
    @Christopherurich33 4 місяці тому

    I know too Christianity I'm considered the anti Christ in Judaism it's the Messiah it's your choice now as a people again too make a decision am I IAM or the devil perhaps I'm both you will never know like the day of the coming of the Lord for I come quickly and swiftly