Great performance Kono, I love this song. I like George Benson's version and the Carpenters version too, it has such a nice lounge vibe to it! You showcased the CK61 so well with the different layers - I like the 78 Rhodes and DX mellow sound. Having that slider control for the strings is so effective. It reminds me of George Benson's Breezin' album - Affirmation for example where the strings would fade in and out, I really love that, adds real feeling to the songs. The digital delay sounded nice at the end too, thanks Kono it is fascinating watching you play 🎹😁
This is the tenth video in a row with this wonderful keyboard. How about going back to the "old arsenal" of keyboards with Masataka and his incredible surprises?
Fantastico! Hai un pianismo davvero ottimo che tonalità hai utilizzato? Hai provato la ck 88 con i tasti pesati? Che differenza hai come sensazione tattile rispetto a Casio px s1100? Grazie, un saluto dall ' Italia.
Thank you!☺ CK88, I played it the other day. The CK88's GHS keyboard is comfortable to play, and I really wanted one. I feel that the CK88 has a better response than the PX-S1100🎹
🎼We're lost in this masquerade🎶カレン😇の歌声を思い出しながら拝聴しました。😂
Always a pleasure to watch and enjoy Masataka san performances, especially with two keyboards.
Thanks for your comment! If you say so, I think it was good to play with two keyboards.☺
I'm on my break right now, working nightshift... while listening to this. Suddenly, my dinner became more special.
いつもありがとうございます!!! PSS-A50は単体でもCK61とのコラボでも、これからもアップしていきたいと思っています🎹 PSS-A50は本当に素晴らしい楽器と思います☺
ありがとうございます!!! このシリーズはこれからも続けていきたいと思います☺
いつもありがとうございます!!! まさに、レオン・ラッセルの名曲ですね♪ この曲はいろいろなミュージシャンが取り上げていますが、素晴らしいものがたくさんありますね☺
Great performance Kono, I love this song. I like George Benson's version and the Carpenters version too, it has such a nice lounge vibe to it! You showcased the CK61 so well with the different layers - I like the 78 Rhodes and DX mellow sound. Having that slider control for the strings is so effective. It reminds me of George Benson's Breezin' album - Affirmation for example where the strings would fade in and out, I really love that, adds real feeling to the songs. The digital delay sounded nice at the end too, thanks Kono it is fascinating watching you play 🎹😁
Thanks for your comment!!! I agree with what you wrote. And I also love George Benson's version.☺
こんばんは☆ マスカレードはリクエスト頂いたので、A50と一緒に演奏してみました🎹 いつもありがとうございます☺
Ah hah, clever! You have found the missing drummer for the CK. Excellent performance, as always.
Your comment is interesting!☺ thank you!!!
I was thinking - you could record that drum track to a .WAV file onto a USB card, plug it into the CK, and assign that WAV file to the live set.
oh my God Masataka San, you're so awesome ❤❤❤
Thank you so much !!!☺
@@Tommy_Lee123 そうなんです♪ CKはドラムサウンドもリズムも無いので、これはA50にまかせたらいいのでは?と思いました。これからもこの組み合わせが増えてくると思います。CKのつまみですが、モーグのつまみは丸いイメージがありますが、いかがでしょうか? CKのつまみは六角形なので、操作しやすいですね☺
@@pf_masa ツマミ言われてみればそうですね...
@@Tommy_Lee123 やはりそうですよね。つまみのデザインがモーグ風だったら、思わずアナログシンセを触っているようで嬉しかったですね☺ CK61のつまみは、個人的には小型ギターアンプの”THR5A”と似ているなと思いました♪
just beautiful ! ,Thank You! :)
Thank you so much !!!☺
This is the tenth video in a row with this wonderful keyboard. How about going back to the "old arsenal" of keyboards with Masataka and his incredible surprises?
Thanks for your comment !!!🎹☺
ジョージベンソン 懐かしいですね 私もLPレコード持ってますよ
返信ありがとうございます 私はじいさんですからLPレコードは400枚ぐらい持ってます
アナログレコードも最近人気だそうで 私が死んだらそれを放出してたくさんの人に聞いてもらえればいいな
山下達郎ライドオンタイムとか ゲオルグショルティ春の祭典とかいろいろあります
私も数年間エレクトーン教室に通いましたが全くダメでした 才能なかったんですねw
@@今野悌治 私も最近聴くときはレコードとKT88の真空管アンプですが、レコードは今、30枚くらいしかないです♪
私はラックスのSQ38のパワーアンプ部分の50CA10を使ったアンプで聞いていました ラックスキットですが
ところでEX-1という化け物エレクトーンはご存じですか スティービーワンダーがソングズインザキーオブライフでドリームマシンと言ったものですね
Really excellent ! You master the jazz language well, with finesse.
Thank you for your comment !!☺
コメントありがとうございます😊一つのアイデアですね💡 伴奏WAVデータを自作してCK61の鍵盤トリガーで再生する方法も近日公開予定です🎹
Fantastico! Hai un pianismo davvero ottimo che tonalità hai utilizzato? Hai provato la ck 88 con i tasti pesati? Che differenza hai come sensazione tattile rispetto a Casio px s1100? Grazie, un saluto dall ' Italia.
Thank you!☺ CK88, I played it the other day. The CK88's GHS keyboard is comfortable to play, and I really wanted one. I feel that the CK88 has a better response than the PX-S1100🎹
Thank you so much!!!☺
Gorgeous jazz music 🎶👍 🤗
Thank you for your comment !!☺
Очень красиво 👍
Thank you so much !!!☺