The Legend Of Fuxi

  • Опубліковано 3 лип 2024
  • 《伏羲传奇》,水神共工发誓要让所有的陆地变成海洋,而伏羲偶然间发现了火种,唤醒了祝融,得到祝融的指点,在女娲,神农的帮助下,去搜寻上古灵玉(灵玉:五行之说,金灵、木灵、水灵、火灵、土灵),召唤龙马白龟,得到【河图洛书】共同对抗共工。
    Gonggong, the water god, swore to turn all the land into the sea. Fuxi accidentally discovered a spark. He awakened Zhu Rong and received Zhu Rong's guidance. With the help of Nü wa and Shen Nong, he went to search for the ancient spirit jade (Spirit jade: the Five Elements theory, gold spirit, wood spirit, water spirit, fire spirit, and earth spirit). He summoned dragons, horses, and white turtles, and obtained the [River Map Luo Book] to jointly fight against Gong.