Magic Spaceship-Chinese Treasure Hunting

  • Опубліковано 2 лип 2024
  • 酷宝为完成成年礼,需在地球寻找34个回家路线图碎片。梅朵、达瓦和加洛组成“寻宝四人组”,从西藏出发,游历中国各省,体验不同文化,逐步收集碎片,最终成功完成使命,结束了HY79星球的成年洗礼之旅。
    In order to complete the coming-of-age ceremony, Kubo needs to find 34 fragments of the route map to get back home on Earth. Medo, Dawa and Gallo form the "treasure hunting quartet". They travel from Tibet to various provinces of China and experience different cultures. After gradually collecting fragments,they finally successfully completing the mission to end the adult baptism journey of the planet HY79.