Why THE BATMAN was so Brilliant! (Batman Video Essay)

  • Опубліковано 18 вер 2024


  • @GarrettTheViking
    @GarrettTheViking 2 роки тому +94

    As a huge Batman fan, I loved this movie, and I love hearing from people like you who don't know that much about the character talk about how much you enjoyed this movie. I've always criticized previous Batman movies for 2 main reasons: They never include enough detective elements for a character known as the World's Greatest Detective and also Batman usually has a no kill rule but he kills people in nearly every Batman movie. This movie fixed both of those problems and made them important to the story, which I really enjoyed. Robert Pattinson plays the character perfectly and I love that he stays in the Batsuit nearly the entire movie. This movie really understood the character of Batman, showing him learning that Batman isn't just an agent of vengeance to punish the criminals of Gotham but also a symbol of hope for the people. I just love this movie so much.

    • @thegoldman25
      @thegoldman25  2 роки тому +2

      im glad to hear you loved it!

    • @echobase5774
      @echobase5774 2 роки тому +2

      I love it too!!!!

    • @alexandrefrauches132
      @alexandrefrauches132 2 роки тому +13

      Another problem with the previous Batman movies I would add is that, when you look back at them, Batman doesn't have much of a clear arc or development. His villains basically take over most the story while is push aside. In this movie, while other character, including Riddler, have arcs and moments to shine, Batman is the protagonist from beginning to end, with the whole story showing his evolution from a symbol of vengence to a symbol of justice and hope.

    • @redharrison894
      @redharrison894 2 роки тому

      You are not a Batman fan stop lying!!

    • @elfsieben1450
      @elfsieben1450 2 роки тому +3

      Beyond what you mentioned, I also like how this movie portrays Batman as so driven that he burns the candle at both ends, which gets him into a kind of overworked tunnel vision mode, where he loses his professional distance to the case; and instead of doing some profiling work on the Riddler's method of operation and the mindset that drives him, Batman just follows his every clue, almost always running late, being played rather than playing Riddler. Thus he becomes something akin to almost a Robin figure to the villain he created, at least by the time he exposes "the rat". He might be shining bright in tracing down the riddle's meaning, but he is still following Riddler's plan, being led in the dark to what he has planned for his endgame, and Batman is also left in the dark concerning his own role in the Riddler's plan. He takes his mission personally, so the personal motives of his opponent escape his self-absorbed mind. Some parts of the audience mistake that for a "wrong" portrayal of who they deem Batman to BE, but what it really is is the "right" portrayal of Bruce Wayne's motivation to BECOME Batman. "The Batman" is - by extension - an origin story "part 2": The phase during which the trauma at the root of Batman's vigilantism is no longer avoided/denied/overshadowed due to extensive preparation/training work, but acted out due to violent vicarious "payback" in effigy, due to self-punishment by steering into insomniac, self-endangering, self-sacrificial, almost burnt-out territory. No matter how disciplined, "hard", intelligent, skilled or well-trained you are, suppressed trauma will invariably take its toll - until you face it. And "The Batman" shows us the process in which Bruce/Batman reaches a turning point in his attitude towards the trauma that drives him; by finally allowing himself to break the self-adopted "heedless reckless warrior" shell and to pay more heed to the people surrounding him, by beginning to take his empathy into account, even when it comes to criminals. This "return to humanity" and to the "social sphere" is what distinguishes/saves him from the self-absorbed bitterness and self-aggrandizing judgement by arbitrary law that the Riddler and his goons try to execute. Batman always walks a thin line between anti-heroic sociopathy and heroic self-sacrifice; and during the course of this tale he almost falls for the trappings of trauma that might have led him down a path of misanthropic sociopathy had he not met the right people at the right time or been born with a silver spoon in the first place which meant that Alfred instead of Gotham's welfare system could take over after his parents' murder. But at the end of this story he has finally steered clear (at least for the time being) from a paranoid "me (alone) against the (criminal) world" mindset and a pure "vengeance"-driven attitude and embraced his own humanity, empathy and concern for those (even) less unfortunate than himself. Now there is at least some hope for betterment and forgiveness, even though the feeling of "not doing enough" that results from the trauma of being a helpless murder witness still remains. And THAT is exactly what defines the comic-book Batman in his most crucial, most deeply explored moments.

  • @thetypingavocado574
    @thetypingavocado574 2 роки тому +36

    i truly love him becoming the hope in a hopeless place, like gotham. just hits so hard

  • @thenewdoc4599
    @thenewdoc4599 2 роки тому +34

    Everything about this film felt right for Batman. I'm so excited for what comes next.

  • @alexandrefrauches132
    @alexandrefrauches132 2 роки тому +40

    The way of the villains were used to challenge Batman and help his development in the movie represent the reason why Batman's rogues gallery is consider by many to the best rogues gallery in pop culture. When analyzed, most of his enemies are victims of tragedy and trauma like Bruce, working as reflection of what he could had become if he had took a different path, as well a representation of his traumas. If Batman represents the potential a person has to overcome tragedy and become a force for good, then his villains are the opposite. When Batman is fighting one of them he is not just catching a criminal, he is fighting one of his inner demons. I'm really looking forward for The Batman sequels and what type of trauma the new villains will represent for Batman.

    • @thegoldman25
      @thegoldman25  2 роки тому +4

      batman really does have the best villains

    • @echobase5774
      @echobase5774 2 роки тому +4

      The dynamic between Batman and the Riddler was so compelling

    • @alexandrefrauches132
      @alexandrefrauches132 2 роки тому +6

      @@echobase5774 Yes and having him being inspired by Batman is a perfect justification for why Batman needs to be a symbol of justice instead of vengence otherwise he is not helping the people and just inspiring others to follow the exemple of his mistakes and become something much worse.

    • @nicobones9608
      @nicobones9608 2 роки тому +3

      I once heard in an interview, "The Joker is Batman's nemesis, which is kind of bizarre if you think about it. There's not a lot of lore behind bats vs. clowns."
      But the reason why they work so well as rivals has more to do with what you mentioned above: response to trauma. Batman is the response to trauma that is somber, serious, but also seeks to do some good in the world. Batman's response to trauma acknowledges the negative feelings inside about what happened, and seeks to make sure that no one else ever has to go through that again. The Joker is also, clearly, responding to trauma. What caused his trauma is a mystery, sure, but trauma is clearly at the core of it. But, unlike Batman's response, he denies the negative feelings inside. He treats it all as funny, and instead of trying to make sure no one suffers as he did, he tries to make sure EVERYONE suffers as he did.
      In that way, he and the version of the Riddler that exists in this movie are very similar. The Riddler pretends like he's trying to fight corruption in Gotham, and to some degree he probably believes that, but in truth he really just wants everyone to suffer the way he did.

    • @alexandrefrauches132
      @alexandrefrauches132 2 роки тому +1

      @@nicobones9608 Good analysis. Another reason why Joker works so well as Batman arch nemisis is because they are complete polar opposites when comes to gimmicks. While Batman is a dark, quiet, logical vigilante, who use fear against criminals, Joker is colorful, loud, insane clown who uses jokes to disrupt order and promote chaos. It's a battle of tragedy vs comedy.

  • @nicobones9608
    @nicobones9608 2 роки тому +2

    I LOVE your analysis! You, sir, are nothing short of genius yourself. You get it. You get that movies aren't about "plot-holes" and "politics," but when done well manage to talk about timeless ideas about humanity and morality. That they acknowledge the controversies and arguments of the times they live in and rather than choosing sides, they find a middle ground. That they're not about simply praising a hero and holding him up as a paragon, but rather showing that the hero has flaws, and that what separates a hero from a villain is ultimately that the hero is willing to admit that he was wrong and has flaws while the villain simply will not let go, and will continue to insist that he is right.
    The arc of Batman realizing that he needs to inspire hope in the people of Gotham is beautiful, and something that's been sorely lacking from Batman films for quite a while. On the channel Overly Sarcastic Productions, Red once said, "If you're version of Batman can't comfort a dying child, you haven't created Batman you just have the Punisher in a funny hat." Batman starts out the movie more like the Punisher, and the version of Batman we've seen these past several years, and finishes the movie more like Red's version of Batman.

  • @osgoodbad
    @osgoodbad 2 роки тому +7

    Just watched the movie last night. I came out of the theater knowing that it was an incredibly well made movie, but needing to sleep on it and mull it over to really decide how I feel about it. And the more I reflect on it, the more I like it. I think you're exactly right; it's the character work and Batman's arc in particular that set this apart from the others. When Batman takes out the gang of thugs in the beginning of the movie, the victim of the assault begs Batman not to hurt him. He has no reason to believe that he's not just another part of the violent underworld. But the vigilante has learned that he needs to become a heroic beacon of hope if he wants to heal the city.
    Thank you for pulling all of that together into a great video. Well done.

  • @nicobones9608
    @nicobones9608 2 роки тому +3

    When my wife and I left the movie theater, she said, "So THAT"S what it feels like to watch a great movie! I'd almost forgotten."
    My wife has little patience for crazy long movies. She didn't like the Lord of the Rings films because she felt they were too dragged out (and, as much as I love them, they did certainly drag out certain scenes). She said, though, that in The Batman, no scene felt wasted or unnecessary. Everything felt like it belonged there and was absolutely needed.

  • @alexandrefrauches132
    @alexandrefrauches132 2 роки тому +16

    As much I love the final scene between Bruce and Selina, for some reason I thought Batman was going to have this final monologue:
    "Whatever life holds in store for me, I will never forget these words: ‘With great power comes great responsibility.’ This is my gift, my curse. Who am I? I'm Batman"

    • @thegoldman25
      @thegoldman25  2 роки тому +1

      i loved the final scene

    • @handsomeDRAC
      @handsomeDRAC 2 роки тому +2

      Sometimes less is more. The direction, editing, music and acting was enough to convey the final message of the film.

    • @Mecha120
      @Mecha120 2 роки тому

      Lol woosh from the replies

  • @buckeyeguy458
    @buckeyeguy458 2 роки тому +18

    I watched this in imax and the chase scene was one of the most intense things I’ve ever seen

  • @echobase5774
    @echobase5774 2 роки тому +10

    Absolutely loved this, one of the best comic book movies of all time!

    • @thegoldman25
      @thegoldman25  2 роки тому +2

      it was great!

    • @elfsieben1450
      @elfsieben1450 2 роки тому

      It truly is on the same plane as great comicbook films such as Ghost in the Shell, Ghost World, A History of Violence, In This Corner of the World, Joker, Persepolis, Radioactive, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, Tokyo Godfathers, V For Vendetta.

  • @ombelinebran1980
    @ombelinebran1980 2 роки тому +14

    I went to see the movie with a friend who adores the Dark Knight trilogy and he totally hated it😅 And I really enjoyed it. The best thing for me was Zoë Kravitz as Catwoman. She is the best Catwoman so far. 🙌 I find people being harsh about the movie, maybe not the best Batman but it could easily be in second position after the Nolan's Batman. The video essay was great!

    • @thegoldman25
      @thegoldman25  2 роки тому +5

      i thouroughly enjoyed this movie too! thanks for watching!

    • @echobase5774
      @echobase5774 2 роки тому +3

      Yeah, my friend wasn’t too fond of the film, while I absolutely loved it!

    • @AnjanaBSubba
      @AnjanaBSubba 2 роки тому +8

      As along time batman fan who has watched the animated series, animated movies, live action movies, gotham series, and read quite a lot of batman comic books, let me tell you, this is DEFINITELY the best batman movie for me. Bruce is a character who internalizes his feelings, doesn't talk much and most of his thought process is conveyed through visuals or narrations in the comics. To see all that be done in this movie, especially, when most live action movies don't really explore batman's psychology and character much but rather use him as a driving force to focus more on other characters i.e. the rogues, "the batman" basically felt like a movie custom made for me and that's just awesome! Finally, we have a solo batman movie that actually focuses on batman as character LOL And it becomes better and better on rewatches.

    • @elfsieben1450
      @elfsieben1450 2 роки тому +1

      @@AnjanaBSubba EXACTLY that! 🖤🌌🦇

  • @rogueguardian
    @rogueguardian 2 роки тому +6

    I'm not the biggest DC fan either but this movie was an absolute blast. Loved it.

    • @thegoldman25
      @thegoldman25  2 роки тому +1

      im very similar to you!

    • @charlieanderson5490
      @charlieanderson5490 2 роки тому

      I watched it and it didn't feel like a DC movie. I feel like for the previous decade DC has just tried to copy Marvel and now they are being better than marvel.

    • @natorious9091
      @natorious9091 2 роки тому

      @@charlieanderson5490 fun fact: DC existed first, if it weren't for them, Marvel wouldn't have existed for ideas.

    • @rogueguardian
      @rogueguardian 2 роки тому

      @@natorious9091 marvel existed it was just known as Timely comics at the time.

  • @mattj2081
    @mattj2081 2 роки тому +3

    4:18-4:20 Tell that to all the Snyderbots that defend the Martha scene in BVS.

  • @wickdaline8668
    @wickdaline8668 2 роки тому +4

    Already seen this movie twice in the theater!

  • @evantaylor7064
    @evantaylor7064 2 роки тому +1

    I was one of the people who thought the final action scene could have been cut out, but you are absolutely right it was imperative to everyone's character Arc.

  • @thelegendofpipit
    @thelegendofpipit 2 роки тому +4

    The theme song for this movie was awesome

    • @GarrettTheViking
      @GarrettTheViking 2 роки тому +1

      It's been stuck in my head since I saw the movie Friday, but I'm not complaining. 😂

    • @thegoldman25
      @thegoldman25  2 роки тому +1

      i love it

  • @dhrubajyotisahathepuremagn4840
    @dhrubajyotisahathepuremagn4840 2 роки тому +5

    The Batman is my most favorite Superhero movie. I saw it 11 times in cinema hall.

  • @TurfNationYT
    @TurfNationYT 2 роки тому +6

    I'm watching this movie tomorrow, so I'm saving this video for after that, but I'm just here to leave a like and show some support. Keep up the good work!

  • @Siberian_Productions
    @Siberian_Productions 2 роки тому +15

    Great vid, I really liked this movie, and I’m excited for the spin-offs and a sequel. Pattinson is probably my favorite Batman now.

  • @cybersoldierforever
    @cybersoldierforever 2 роки тому +5

    I loved it too. The darkest one ever.

  • @Theleaver5088
    @Theleaver5088 2 роки тому +6

    The one thing i like about this movie is it explores batman becoming a symbol of hope and also actually becoming the worlds greatest detective. In the previous movies, the detective aspect is often ignored. And he just makes people afraid, and that is about it. But this movie shows how him being an agent of vengeance is just inspiring the wrong people to do horrible things. Now he has to learn how to be a symbol of hope to the innocents while making sure the scums of gotham are scared shitless whenever they dare to break the law

  • @Rey20171
    @Rey20171 2 роки тому +6

    I just saw it today and it was absolutely fantastic. It definitely is on par to be as great as The Dark Knight

  • @rottensquid
    @rottensquid 2 роки тому +1

    One of the biggest drawbacks to all these comic films, especially Batman, is how much people think they know the character because they've seen other versions. It's a two-edged sword, taking advantage of a popular IP. On the one hand, you have a built-in audience. On the other, you have the albatross of audience expectations. This means every new actor playing the character will be initially rejected. Every attempt at a fresh, different approach will be met with confusion. It's like going to a new restaurant and orders your favorite dish, and getting angry that it's not how mom made it. If that's what you're looking for, you're going to be disappointed, even if your meal is being made by Julia Child.
    So it's refreshing for a critic to come in with no attachment to any of this stuff, and just critiques the movie in front of them. Not in comparison to other Batman movies, or the animated series, or the landmark comics, or whatever particular Batman moment made you a fan. Just this movie, only as itself.
    My only big critique of this movie was that the final act turns on the Riddler's final message video to his followers. So much exposition was heaped on that video. It marked the shift from act 2 to act 3, reframing the entire film's stakes. It needed to introduce the Riddler's followers out of nowhere, and present his real end game. It did all that, but so sloppily, it undercut the power of the final sequence. The entire film struggles to convey clear motivation, and this scene was one of the worst offenders in that regard. It just wasn't clear why Riddler wanted to kill Bella Real. He told us, but didn't actually show us. His motivations for hating all his previous victims, especially Bruce, were plain to see. But I wanted to see why he couldn't believe in the future Bella offered. I can put it together, I guess, but a movie needs to do more work than that, especially for a motivation this crucial, especially if Riddler wanted to motivate his followers. As it was, his motivation felt contrived and rushed, like that of a bad, tooth-gnashing villain in a cheeseball action flick, who's only there to give the suave hero someone to defeat. The film was better than that.
    So because his motive felt thin, the final act felt tacked on, like just an excuse for a setpiece. And so the all-important thematic change for Batman at the end lost some impact. The ideas in this film are so good, and the direction, is so well done, it felt like this and some of the other moments of undercooked storytelling were a result of the disastrously chaotic shooting schedule. Given the circumstances, I'm amazed it works as well as it does. It may not be the Dark Knight, but it's head and shoulders better than Batman Begins. And it may not be the best movie about Batman, but it's definitely the best Batman movie. I'm optimistic that the sequel will reach the heady heights this one was shooting for. And I look forward to spending a great deal of time in this new version of Gotham.

  • @brian-ck3bt
    @brian-ck3bt 2 роки тому +4

    Great film, great video

  • @carlcuthrell377
    @carlcuthrell377 2 роки тому +1

    I loved this movie. That last act made a lot of sense. If you lesion the riddle told Batman unmasking the city wasn't enough. To me that was one of the best acts in the movie. I don't understand why people are saying this act does no fit. People are complaining that the Riddler changed his plan about just going after the currupt but that was not enough

    • @thegoldman25
      @thegoldman25  2 роки тому

      I loved it too, i need to see it again

  • @scottcolorado6779
    @scottcolorado6779 2 роки тому +8

    Matt reeves did a great job

  • @zbh9268
    @zbh9268 2 роки тому +7

    Glad to see you branch out into reviewing other things. Loved this movie.

    • @thegoldman25
      @thegoldman25  2 роки тому +1

      you'll see that from me here and there

  • @Mizanthrobe
    @Mizanthrobe 2 роки тому +1

    The best thing about The Batman is that if it weren’t a Superhero/Batman film, it could make it on its own without the name. It’s not nostalgia baiting neither is it an overblown CGI fest!

  • @CancelHappiness
    @CancelHappiness 2 роки тому +1

    easily my favorite live action Batman film of all time and it isn't even particularly close tbh

  • @trekgreenwood6743
    @trekgreenwood6743 2 роки тому +2

    This was a great video. I’d really love it if you or someone did a video on the events of what happens on each night/morning. Sometimes it hard to track, but the entire movie obviously takes place in seven days.

    • @thegoldman25
      @thegoldman25  2 роки тому

      thanks for watching! I probably wont make any more batman videos so you wont get that from me

  • @shawnoleary6031
    @shawnoleary6031 2 роки тому

    Spot on review.

  • @goldjedi5038
    @goldjedi5038 2 роки тому +5

    I loved this movie

  • @itsmytoast666
    @itsmytoast666 Рік тому

    I think the final battle, with the flooding comes from Scott Snyder & Greg Capullo's Batman run. I swear the dude with the "melted head" mask robbing the gas station comes from that run.

  • @peeweeherman6573
    @peeweeherman6573 2 роки тому

    Great video essay! Very underated imo.

  • @NickGold25
    @NickGold25 2 роки тому +3


  • @BigBadBalrog
    @BigBadBalrog 2 роки тому

    One of the most salient criticisms of Batman as a character is that he could probably do a lot more good by using his billions to fund change in Gotham rather than funding his crusade. The fact that, in this film, if Bruce hadn't neglected the Wayne fortune he could have directed the Restoration Fund and prevented Riddler from ever rising, is a refreshing acknowledgment of that.

  • @harrypotterfan2536
    @harrypotterfan2536 2 роки тому +2

    I really enjoyed your movie synopsis of ‘The Batman’. It shows that you actually understood the plot and the character arc that Batman went through. I've heard a lot of people misunderstand the plot and just give their own opinions -- rather than objective facts. Very well done!

  • @user-ik4kh9lt6d
    @user-ik4kh9lt6d 2 роки тому +1

    Excellent video.

  • @nicobones9608
    @nicobones9608 2 роки тому +1

    The criticism that the Riddler's plan to flood the city and shoot the people when they were gathered doesn't make any sense is just plain ridiculous. Frankly, I think anyone who makes this argument either wasn't paying attention, or is bending over backwards to hate this movie because they think it makes them "cool."
    When the Riddler tried to kill Bruce Wayne, he showed that he's not just targeting corrupt people, but people who may have been even passively complicit in corruption. It's not Bruce Wayne's fault that when he was orphaned all people could talk about was him while the orphans where the Riddler grew up were ignored. Even so, he has become the subject of the Riddler's hate for things that he could not control.
    If the Riddler can hate and want to kill Bruce Wayne for stealing everyone's attention and not suffering as much as he did, why is it such a stretch to think that he'd hate the people who paid more attention to Bruce Wayne than to him? Why is it such a stretch to think that he'd hate the teeming masses who cared more about their own individual lives than they did about the destitute orphans?
    People who hate legitimate corruption and people who are just hateful about the world are not at all mutually exclusive.

    • @HiBoBeaux
      @HiBoBeaux 2 роки тому

      That's not what the film portrayed though

  • @RideTheGamer
    @RideTheGamer 2 роки тому +1

    *you earned a sub my g*

  • @TurfNationYT
    @TurfNationYT 2 роки тому +3

    Alright I watched the movie, and this video perfectly encapsulated my thoughts about it. Great stuff man!

  • @ThreeProphets
    @ThreeProphets 2 роки тому +1

    Concentrating all of Gotham's social classes into a single space made a lot of sense to me, but I couldn't figure out why he attacked them there. He talks a lot about revealing the truth and letting the citizens of Gotham decide their subjective reality for themselves, so trying to kill everyone really goes against that. They had the perfect setup for the idealogical conflict to come to a head, so making it purely physical was very jarring to me

  • @ILikebread70
    @ILikebread70 Рік тому

    I loved this movie, the only thing I thought was a bit off though was that the ending felt a little tacked on in my opinion, but I think I would be an easy fix. They could have had one of riddlers decoys get arrested and then the end of the movie is Batman simultaneously fighting riddlers minions and also trying to find which one is riddler, or something like that

  • @vipahxxx7640
    @vipahxxx7640 2 роки тому

    I love this movie and loved it since the first scene.

  • @3Rayfire
    @3Rayfire 2 роки тому

    I mean...you're doing yourself a disservice not watching Batman The Animated Series, but excellent breakdown.

  • @espoexpo
    @espoexpo 2 роки тому

    I like how in the Madison square garden scene there is a police car inside the building and the police car is flashing blue and red. At that moment I have a theory that Batman makes a decision about being blue pill or red pill. He chooses to be red pill and ultimately decide to let Selina Kyle do her thang in order to accomplish his work in Gotham. His decision is announced when he pulls out the red flares and leads the people of Gotham out of the building.

  • @gavinmyatt5589
    @gavinmyatt5589 2 роки тому +5

    What did you think of The Joker movie from 2019?

    @JEREMCEE 2 роки тому +3

    Great movie 🦇

  • @hopekeeley2122
    @hopekeeley2122 Рік тому

    The movie would be almost perfect (in my eyes, at least) if the action set peice was different. Instead of blowing up the sea wall, I wanted the riddler to try to blow up all the government buildings in Gotham. It could still feature the stadium fight, Still develop bruces character, still cause a ton of innocent collateral damage, but it would feel more focused to riddlers goals and motivations.

  • @akeminierhex5759
    @akeminierhex5759 2 роки тому

    Best batman and Bruce Wayne for me .. I like his style

  • @frkk6933
    @frkk6933 2 роки тому

    Maybe you should watch the older batman movies😉

  • @somedorkydude6483
    @somedorkydude6483 Рік тому

    No offense
    How tf is the riddlers goons comparable to toxic fandom.
    Like the starwars fandom having like one side shouting and the other shouting back
    riddlers goons who are just vengeance not against crime but the world batman beleives despite him being vengeance he beleives it must be done by a system not by injustice where riddler isn't a vigilante for the sake of justice he is one because it's all to make those who wronged him suffer.
    How the hell are those comparable at all.

  • @user-sk1kq3rm3b
    @user-sk1kq3rm3b 2 роки тому

    damn this video got much more views than what you normally get

  • @philippeterson9512
    @philippeterson9512 Рік тому

    Why is my UA-cam page flooded with all these videos about The Batman being groundbreaking, brilliant, etc. etc. etc? Yes, it was a good movie, but I get the feeling Warner Brothers paid a bunch of people to do these reviews and is paying UA-cam to force them down my throat.

    • @thegoldman25
      @thegoldman25  Рік тому +1

      I made this like 10 months ago

    • @philippeterson9512
      @philippeterson9512 Рік тому

      @@thegoldman25 I’m not necessarily accusing you, but all of a sudden I’m getting videos like this, from content creators I don’t know, extolling how great this movie is. You had a good review, now I’m wondering if Warner Brothers is paying for the algorithm to push these. Just like if I watch a conservative video, it’s ALWAYS followed by a video from Fox News. That can’t be a coincidence.

  • @supme7558
    @supme7558 Рік тому

    It wasnt that wasnt catwoman

  • @braunhausmedia
    @braunhausmedia 2 роки тому

    Theme. Ugh. The movie's excellent, but talk of theme is sooo literature class.

    • @thegoldman25
      @thegoldman25  2 роки тому

      that's what makes a good movie though

  • @pabloalomoto5967
    @pabloalomoto5967 2 роки тому

    As a huge Batman fan I can say that only to the awful Batman and Robin, this is the worst Batman, it was pretentious, horribly acted and extremely boring. Robert was so one note bruiting all the time, there was no Bruce Wayne at all like Bale. The plot was a rip off 7, only 7 was engaging and exiting where as this movie had no mystery at all. I did like the commissioner Gordon though.

  • @randykrus9562
    @randykrus9562 2 роки тому

    If its brilliant......why was I so bored?

  • @jamesturpin9091
    @jamesturpin9091 2 роки тому

    Why was the batman brilliant? Easy answer. It wasn't

  • @friedrichnietzsche7376
    @friedrichnietzsche7376 2 роки тому +3

    It was boring. The action was nice and it is probably the best Batman movie after Dark knight and Joker (if you consider it a batman movie) but as a movie it is not all that good. Pepole were literally walking out of the theaters when they saw the Ridler become a twitch streamer I front of there eyes. The emo Batman was annoying and I didn't relate to him much. Gotham loked like it was shot in someone's asshole, Joker 2019 proved that a scene doesnt need to be dark in order to be dark. The only good scenes were the action ones and a goddamn delited scene with the Joker. They could have made a really good film. I liked the Ridler at the end tho he was very unhinged. Sorry for my bad english

    • @thegoldman25
      @thegoldman25  2 роки тому +2

      don't apologize for your english. I'm sorry you didn't love the movie

    • @Vaglas
      @Vaglas 2 роки тому +4

      I totally disagree.The Riddler being a twitch streamer only adds to the story as it is supposed to be a realistic,modern day Batman story.Batman wasnt emo people need to learn the difference between emo and sad.And why wouldnt he be sad with what has happened to him.The people who say these things dont know much about Batman or they didnt actually understand the movie and the characters. The cinematography,soundtrack and even Gotham complement the style of the movie.The scenes dont need to be dark but its not a problem if they are.I appreciate the change because if every movie had the same style it would get repetitive and boring

    • @nicobones9608
      @nicobones9608 2 роки тому

      @@Vaglas The Riddler being not only a streamer but a fairly boyish, soft-faced character made him even scarier than when he had the mask on, in my opinion. The idea that someone so dangerous could be someone who looked so unassuming was terrifying. I don't know if this is what they were going for, but Riddler without his mask looked like someone who had been emasculated for a long time, and never truly grew up. Exactly the sort of person you might expect to become a mass shooter or domestic terrorist.
      Him having a following online is exactly the sort of thing that we're afraid of today. UA-cam often shuts down channels on the mere SUSPICION that the UA-camr might be stirring up people toward violence. While I'm not big on censorship, I understand this fear. Someone can say something in a video like, "These people need to be punished," and then an act of violence occurs linked to that video shortly thereafter. Internet influencers can be quite dangerous, and the fact that he's a sort of internet celebrity explains why he feels the need to hold so true to his gimmick: it's for the fans.

    • @friedrichnietzsche7376
      @friedrichnietzsche7376 2 роки тому

      @@Vaglas Well maybe it's time to leave the Batman thing as a whole because it really does not work

    • @jacobfilasky2729
      @jacobfilasky2729 Рік тому

      Complain about your picture if you’re going to complain about anything

  • @DavidWilliams-mm9ti
    @DavidWilliams-mm9ti 2 роки тому

    Good but a well overrated film

  • @waynehuff8071
    @waynehuff8071 2 роки тому +1

    This movie is bad and you people need to stop pretending its not. This movie is right up there or should I say right down there with Ww 1984.Birds of prey.justice league.joker etc. All these are overrated and you movie reviewers should stop destroying your credibility to support DC's disrespect of yours and our movie IQ. Oh and Robert Pattinson's Bruce Wayne looked liked a sleepy crack head.

  • @MEBoisv
    @MEBoisv 2 роки тому +1

    I found it beautiful but boring, less than the sum of its parts. The cinematography, score, and performances were all terrific. The script and the editing were lousy. I've never been so bored watching a Batman movie.

  • @vittoriacolona
    @vittoriacolona 2 роки тому +2

    Very good points. But I didn't like the film at all. Too long and rambling. And sorry that's not Batman. Pattison's Batman shouldn't be able to last on the streets two weeks much less two years. To borrow from Grant Morisson, guys who have an attitude like Pattison's Bruce Wayne (and his money) spend their money hiring hookers and doing drugs. They are too lazy and filled with self pity to go out and fight crime. Loved Zoe Kravitz, she reminded me of Tokyo in Money Heist.

    • @thegoldman25
      @thegoldman25  2 роки тому +6

      I'm sorry you didn't like it, but thanks for watching!

  • @xenophonBC
    @xenophonBC 2 роки тому +2

    it provides the 9/11 like hero turn.